Command voice. How to develop a voice and make it stronger

Among the St. Petersburg businessmen who worked on their voice,- General Director of the Bukvoed network Denis Kotov, author of the game DoZoR Ales Zhuk, creator of the School of Business Yuri Moroz, writes the Next supplement of the Delovoy Petersburg newspaper.

Until recently, experts believed that the characteristics of sound depend mainly on the vibrations of the vocal cords, the state of the larynx and the production of the voice. But physiologists from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia have established that the voice's announcer capabilities, its pitch and timbre are influenced by the volume of the lungs and the patency of the trachea.

Participants in the experiment conducted by physiologists did not master the art of proper breathing. Using special instruments, they determined the vital capacity of the lungs, the patency of the tracheobronchial tree, the frequency characteristics of the voice, the maximum time during which they are able to produce certain vowel sounds, and some other parameters. As experiments by Moscow scientists have shown, the voice spectrum depends on the volume of the lungs, that is, on the volume of air that a person can exhale, and on the total patency of the trachea and bronchi. The higher these indicators, the more fundamental tone is contained in the overall spectrum. And the share of high frequencies, which give the voice pleasantness and expressiveness, is naturally smaller. According to the researchers, it is the assessment of the patency of the trachea and bronchi that will make it possible to determine the possibility of voice training both for professional training and, if desired, to learn how to redistribute the frequency spectrum of the voice, achieving increased expressiveness of speech.

By the way, as for high frequencies, for example, Margaret Thatcher, on the contrary, she specially trained to lower her voice, which gave her speech greater authoritarianism. Research by English sociologist Anna Karpf shows that between 1945 and 1993, the frequency of voice vibrations of 18-25 year old women decreased by an average of 23 hertz. A deep voice is traditionally associated with strength, self-confidence, sexuality and the ability to persuade other people. Interestingly, successful women politicians have lower votes on average than others. The sociologist notes that consultants to businesswomen, as a rule, work to make the timbre lower, “chest.”

To help those who want to become bosses Several years ago, a special voice processing system was developed at Tokyo's Hosei University with the assistance of a so-called genetic algorithm. The algorithm analyzes speech patterns of a person uttering certain phrases and determines how it needs to be transformed to obtain the desired effect - calm, masculine or cheerful. To do this, a sequence of so-called voice chromosomes is created, representing ways of possible modification of the voice. In this way, the system's developer, Yuji Sato, turns expressionless bleats into clear, rich, and indisputable speech. It’s a pity that the voice processing system cannot yet work in real time, but research is moving in this direction. And the existing version of the system can provide invaluable services when recording TV shows, as well as for “revitalizing” computer games, the developer says.

There is a whole set of exercises to develop if not a commanding voice, then clear and expressive speech. One of the most effective: read some text loudly for 5–10 minutes a day, but without consonant sounds. So, the phrase “Five exercises to love your voice” will sound like “I-u-a-e-i-o-y-o-yu-i-o-o-o.” Consonants act as a springboard, causing vowel sounds to vibrate. Re-read the same passage of text, this time marking the consonants. The voice will gain intensity of vibration and sound, while you will not get tired, and you will be understood better.

Ever wondered how you speak? In this case, the point is not at all about how you express yourself, but about the quality of your voice. Tell me if you have ever lost it, for example, speaking in front of a large audience or standing in front of a person who causes you a lot of emotions. Yes, this has happened to almost all of us more than once. An undeveloped voice in itself. For this reason, he can simply disappear at the most inopportune moment. How to develop a voice? There are many exercises that can help you learn not only to speak correctly, but also to sing confidently. The process of voice formation is very, very complex. It must be influenced, because otherwise there will be no positive result. A weak voice can prevent you from achieving certain important life values, miss good opportunities, and so on? Do you want to be in charge? Develop your voice. Do you want to speak in such a way that people really listen to you? We recommend that you think seriously about how to develop your voice. Let's look at some tricks, techniques and tools.

Let's start with the fact that the result will not appear soon, but only after a long course of training. It should also be noted that the training should be comprehensive. The point is that the quality of the voice is influenced by breathing, posture, articulation, and much, much more. Let's talk about how to speak correctly in general.

The Importance of Breathing

Your voice will never sound right if you don't learn how to inhale correctly. Remember that you need to breathe with your stomach, not your lungs. Otherwise, you will be out of breath during a conversation. The importance of proper breathing is great. Surely no one will argue with this.

Watch your posture

To make your voice sound beautiful, you need to keep your back straight. If you are in an upright position, the air will come out of you unhindered, that is, clearly through a vertical pipe, and tightness and stiffness prevent us from speaking correctly and beautifully.


Don't be afraid to open your mouth. Remember that air, and with it sounds, need to leave the body.

There are plenty of them. The simplest and most beloved are tongue twisters. There are a huge variety of them. They are all diverse and very entertaining. Each tongue twister teaches you how to pronounce certain sounds.

sounds or groups of sounds. After a good workout, you will immediately notice at least some results. Complex poems will also help develop your voice. It is good to read aloud any works like the Iliad or the poems of the futurists. In general, any reading aloud helps strengthen the speech apparatus. The power of your voice is important. Try never to mumble. Why do the soldiers shout songs so loudly? This is how they develop a commanding voice. Of course, no one will understand you if you scream at the top of your lungs at home, but within reason, you can still make some noise. You can also make your voice rough. Just speak in lowercase as much as possible.

In the section on the question How to develop a commanding voice? Are there any methods or techniques??? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is there is probably one of the public people whose way of behaving and speaking you like...
take a closer look)))
and also - you can attend a military parade...
that's where they command, that's how they command)))
Not only a person’s professional, but also social well-being largely depends on a well-trained voice, on clear and correct speech. Most people evaluate a well-produced voice as a leader and give preference to it.
There is a whole set of exercises to develop, if not a commanding voice, then clear and expressive speech. One of the most effective: read some text loudly for 5–10 minutes a day, but without consonant sounds. So, the phrase “Five exercises to love your voice” will sound like “I-u-a-e-i-o-y-o-yu-i-o-o-o.” Consonants act as a springboard, causing vowel sounds to vibrate. Re-read the same passage of text, this time marking the consonants. The voice will gain intensity of vibration and sound, while you will not get tired, and you will be understood better.
Yogis have developed a form of breathing specifically for the development of the voice. They are generally known for their amazing voices, which are always strong, clear and sonorous and have a remarkable ability to be heard over vast distances. Yogis practice a special form of breathing exercises that makes their voices soft, deep and has the amazing ability to reach much further than their voices.
an ordinary person, without at the same time becoming rude or harsh.
The exercise described below will, over time, give a person's voice these properties, or, in short, will give him the voice of yogis. It is necessary to understand, of course, that this form of breathing is used only as an additional exercise in certain cases and that it cannot be considered as a regular form of breathing.
1. Inhale a full breath very slowly but forcefully through the nostrils, trying to inhale as long as possible.
2. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
3. Exhale very forcefully in one breath through a wide open mouth.
4. Calm your lungs with cleansing breathing.
Here's an interesting experiment to try: stand in front of a mirror and make a whistle with your mouth and whistle. Notice the shape of your mouth and the overall expression of your face. Then, try singing or speaking as you naturally do and notice the difference; then start whistling again for a few seconds and then, without changing the position of your mouth or face, sing a few notes and notice what vibrating sounds and strong tone you get.

As you know, the power of the voice is an excellent help for people who earn their living by using their voice in their work. However, strength and confidence in the voice can serve well not only people, so to speak, creative, but also completely ordinary people engaged in ordinary mundane affairs, developing their own business, advancing in their career, and simply those who are used to and love interacting with other people .

It's no secret that through proper placement of accents in the voice, setting stress and other similar manipulations, you can achieve a truly amazing effect, for example, to provide what is necessary during negotiations, create a first-class impression of yourself, or influence a person so that he does what you need.

How to make your voice stronger?

Firstly, it should be said that the method of increasing voice strength consists of three important components:

  • The first and most important thing is to train the parts of the body that take part in the process of voice formation: vocal cords, muscles of the larynx, chest, etc.
  • The second component can be called the work of training competent and correct pronunciation of the strongest sounds found in human speech
  • And the third factor is adherence to a special diet, i.e. eating certain foods

Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Muscle training to strengthen your voice

Exercise No. 1

You need to go to the mirror, open your mouth wide and try to see your larynx and tonsils. If you try to tense your throat or say something, you will see that the throat muscles go into a tense state and then relax again. Try to feel these muscles. This will not require a lot of time.

As soon as this result is achieved, begin to purposefully tense and relax the muscles of the larynx. Try to do this procedure without exerting much effort and controlling the pace of contraction.

After a certain amount of training, you will be able to perform these exercises without using a mirror, because you will already have acquired the skill of controlling the tension in your throat.

Exercise No. 2

In the same way, it is necessary to train other components of the voice-forming system. These include resonators that control the sounds you speak. These resonators are sources of sound and there are three types - chest, throat and nasal resonators.

Approach resonator training like this: stand in front of the mirror again and start making long sounds “i”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”, trying to change their sound. Try changing the tone from low to high and vice versa.

Keep in mind that the presented sequence of sounds was not chosen randomly, because each of them affects the body in a certain way: the sound “i” improves blood circulation, the sound “e” activates the muscles of the throat and neck, the sound “a” has a positive effect on the chest area, the sound “o” increases blood supply to the middle, and the sound “u” makes the voice deeper and lower.

We should not forget about several important components of the second exercise:

  • When pronouncing the most powerful sounds, the facial muscles must be relaxed as much as possible, because this makes voice control much easier;
  • Breathing must be correct, i.e. measured and even. Constricted and erratic breathing will prevent your voice from being strong and firm. In addition, when you inhale through your nose, you activate the nasal resonator;
  • You need to control your posture - a straight and even position of the spine affects the timbre and quality of your voice. Strive to ensure that your spine is not tight and that you feel comfortable when you stand or walk - it will be much easier to develop the correct pronunciation.

In conclusion of this section, it can be noted that it is not only individual muscles that need to be trained, but the entire body in general. Only in this case can you achieve a good result in voice production.

Training the correct pronunciation of sounds

Training the correct pronunciation of sounds also involves performing a number of exercises.

Exercise No. 1

First, you should start mastering the sound “r”. To work on the sound “r”, it is recommended to do the exercise in three stages:

  • At the first stage, we pronounce “r” very quietly
  • At the second stage, we pronounce “r” with medium volume
  • At the third stage, we pronounce “r” as loudly as possible

Try to make the sound you pronounce as correct, sonorous and clear as possible - this will allow you to make your voice stronger by adding a somewhat “metallic” sound to it.

But before practicing the sweeping pronunciation of the sound “r”, you need to prepare the muscles for work using the methods that we discussed above, as well as by pulling the tip of the tongue towards the upper palate in the area of ​​​​the upper teeth. Having given your tongue this position, pronounce any words where the letter “r” is present, or make a loud growl, imagining yourself, for example, as a ferocious tiger.

Exercise No. 2

The second exercise is a rather original technique for increasing the strength of your voice through unusual behavior. It sounds a little unusual, but you should start acting like Tarzan from the famous movie.

To do this, stand up straight, clench your hands tightly into fists and begin to pronounce in turn all those sounds that we talked about earlier, or some others.

But remember that you need to pronounce sounds as loudly as possible and while exhaling, and with your hands you should beat yourself in the chest from time to time, imitating the behavior of the above-mentioned hero. If you don’t associate Tarzan with this image, you can imagine yourself as a gorilla - then you’ll definitely succeed.

The "Tarzan" or "monkey" exercise will not only help you strengthen your voice, but will also clear out impurities, mucus and moisture from your diaphragm. So, don't be surprised. And after you clear your throat, be “Tarzan” a little longer to consolidate the result.

It is also interesting that voice training experts advise doing this exercise in the morning, indicating that it will benefit the body as a whole. And given that, this can bring you double results.

Diet to strengthen your voice

In addition to what can be found today that has a beneficial effect on physical and even mental health, there is also a special diet that has a targeted effect on the strength of the voice. But if you thought that now you will need to radically change your diet, then we hasten to reassure you: you won’t have to change much.

Today it is known for certain that egg yolk, if consumed raw, has an excellent effect on the surface of the vocal cords and throat, making them softer and more elastic. For this reason, nutritionists for professional artists insist that you must eat one raw egg every morning.

Besides eggs, there are other foods that can help strengthen your voice. First of all, speaking about such products, we need to talk about milk - it, like eggs, makes the vocal cords elastic and soft. But milk should not be consumed cold, but not hot either. It should be warm, i.e. its temperature should be lower than the temperature of the milk that many of us drink for colds, otherwise you will simply burn your ligaments.

If you don’t like milk or, God forbid, you are allergic to it, you can replace this product with sweet warm tea. It is no coincidence that sugar is mentioned here, because it contains glucose, which also affects the elasticity of ligaments.

That's all, actually. Do the exercises we presented at least once a day, and within a week your voice will become stronger and more velvety. And having introduced these exercises into the system, after a while you will no longer remember that your voice was once weak, because... the body adapts and gets used to new stress.

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120 emergency messages and more than two thousand front-line reports over 4 years.

It seems like the same words, but they sound completely different. Even the most diligent could not come close to the persuasiveness of Levitan's bass-baritone. It has been proven that it is not what we say that is more important, but how we say it.

Evgeny Khoroshevtsev, announcer of protocol events of the President of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Russia:

A low voice is very clearly perceived by listeners as something important. And then Levitan had in his voice such an important amazing thing as to interest the radio listener. You need to give a piece of yourself to each message, give your soul and head. And if there is neither one nor the other, you have to leave.

People's Artist Evgeny Khoroshevtsev announces every appearance of the president of our country. The first voice of Russia, together with Yuri Levitan, once led festive demonstrations on Red Square. Today he passes on the secrets of mastery to the younger generation.

Everyone can make their voice beautiful and make it sound important and impressive. The main thing is training. Clarity of pronunciation, correct breathing... This is how a commanding, and not only, voice is developed. The secret to the success of a persuasive speech is clear pronunciation and proper breathing.

Lidiya Zaselskaya, psychologist, teacher of speech techniques:

Typically, people breathe through their chest and speak through their cords. It turns out that we do not use the entire volume of our voice. If I breathe correctly and speak correctly, my voice becomes much fuller.

A low, hoarse voice can sound intriguing and mysterious, or maybe disgusting. Experts are sure that it is impossible to listen to a hoarse voice for a long time. The wheezing becomes annoying after just a few minutes. In addition, a healthy person’s speech does not sound like that.

Galina Ulezko, phoniatrist:

Hoarseness, hoarseness in sound without high frequency, vocal tremors and vocal flicker are a sign of diseases of the nervous system, general diseases and voice disorders.

A beautiful voice is a clear voice. A phoniatrist can make it this way. This is an ENT doctor, but with a musical education. Resonators, tone, formant, harmonics... A specialist “tunes” the voice like a musical instrument. The main thing is to apply on time.

Evgenia Budrite, Dmitry Zhukov, Vladimir Machekhin, "Mood"