Greenhouse gases contribute to retention. Climate deterioration: gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect

Data scientific research provide information that without reducing mass greenhouse gases V earth's atmosphere Humanity cannot avoid the deterioration of the planet's climate.

Where did they come from?

Greenhouse gases, being in the atmospheres of planets, contribute to some dangerous effects. It is named accordingly - greenhouse. On the one hand, without this phenomenon our planet would never have been able to warm up enough for life to arise on it. On the other hand, everything is good in moderation and up to a certain point. Therefore, we will talk about the problems of civilization associated with the phenomenon of greenhouse gases, which, having played its role positive role, over time changed its quality and became a topic for discussion, research and general concern.

Many millions of years ago, the Sun, heating the Earth, gradually turned it into a source of energy. Some of her warmth went into space. In addition, it was reflected by gases in the atmosphere and warmed the layers of air close to the ground. Scientists gave this process, similar to heat conservation under a transparent film in greenhouses, a name. And they also named the gases that provoke it simply. Their name is “greenhouse gases”.

At the dawn of the establishment of the Earth's climate, the emergence of this effect was facilitated by active work volcanoes. Emissions in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide lingered in huge quantities in the atmosphere. The result was a hypergreenhouse effect that heated the World Ocean almost to the boiling point. And only with the advent of the green biosphere, which absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, temperature regime The planet gradually returned to normal.

However, general industrialization constant growth production capacities were changed not only chemical composition greenhouse gases, but also the essence of this phenomenon.

They are known firsthand

A greenhouse gas is a compound that lingers in the Earth's atmosphere and becomes a barrier to its thermal radiation on its way to space. The heat given off by the planet comes back again. As a result, average temperatures are steadily rising, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Excessive heating of the planet occurs due to differences in the transparency of the layers of the atmosphere. The sun's rays pass through them easily. The atmosphere is transparent to ultraviolet light. It is difficult for thermal infrared radiation to penetrate its lower layers, where greenhouse gases accumulate. The point is that they create a seal.

The Kyoto Protocol contains a clear list of greenhouse gases, the presence of which in the Earth's atmosphere should be combated. These include:

  • water vapor;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • methane;
  • nitrous oxide;
  • freons;
  • ozone;
  • perfluorocarbons;
  • sulfur hexafluoride.

Dangerous Potential

Water vapor is referred to as natural gases, however, its participation in the formation of the greenhouse effect is quite large. He should not be underestimated.

Carbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors influencing the planet's climate. Its share in the atmosphere is about 64%, and its role in global warming is exactly that great. The main sources of its release into the atmosphere are:

  • volcanic eruptions;
  • metabolic process of the biosphere;
  • burning biomass and fossil fuels;
  • deforestation;
  • production processes.

Methane does not decay in the atmosphere for 10 years and poses a serious threat to the Earth's climate. Its greenhouse effect is 28 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, and in the next 20 years, if its emissions are not stopped, this superiority will reach 84. Its main sources are anthropogenic in nature. This:

  • agricultural production, in particular rice cultivation;
  • cattle breeding (increase in livestock and, as a consequence, sewage);
  • burning of forest.

Some of the greenhouse methane comes from leakage during mining. coal. It is also released during natural gas production.

Freons pose a particular danger to the environment. They are mainly used in aerosols and refrigeration applications.

Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas, which is one of the leading places in terms of quantity in the atmosphere and influence on global warming. Sources of its origin and application:

  • production of mineral fertilizers in chemical industry;
  • the food industry uses it as a propellant;
  • in the mechanical and rocket engineering industries it is used in engines.

Ozone, or rather the part of it that is classified as harmful gases that create the greenhouse effect, is located in the lower layers of the troposphere. When increasing near the ground, its amount can be harmful green spaces, damaging their leaves and reducing their ability to photosynthesize. It is mainly formed as a result of the interaction of carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides with water vapor, sunlight and volatile organic compounds in the presence of oxygen. The main sources of these substances in the atmosphere are greenhouse gas emissions industrial facilities, vehicles and chemical solvents.

Perfluorocarbons are a result of the production of aluminum, solvents and electronics. They are used in dielectrics, heat carriers, coolants, lubricating oils and even as artificial blood. They can only be obtained through chemical synthesis. Like most fluorinated gases, they are hazardous to environment. Their greenhouse potential is estimated to be hundreds of times higher than that of carbon dioxide.

Sulfur hexafluoride is also one of those greenhouse gases that are listed as potentially hazardous in the Kyoto Protocol. It is used in fire fighting, electronics and metallurgical industries as technological environment, its role as a refrigerant is known, etc. Its emissions remain in the atmosphere for a long time and actively accumulate infrared radiation.

Ways to solve the problem

The international community is making a lot of efforts to develop unified program actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the serious components of environmental policy is the approval of standards for emissions of fuel combustion products and the reduction of fuel use due to the transition of the auto industry to the production of electric vehicles.

Job nuclear power plants, which do not use coal and petroleum products, already indirectly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by several times.

Transnational gas and oil processing companies coordinate their activities with international environmental organizations and governments to combat methane emissions. They have already been joined by many large oil and gas producing states, such as Nigeria, Mexico, Norway, the USA, and Russia.

A significant reduction or ban on deforestation can also have a significant impact on improving the environment. As trees grow, they absorb enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. During cutting they release it. Decrease in percentage of arable land in tropical countries has already made a significant contribution to optimizing global greenhouse gas emissions.

Part of the global environmental program are new European restrictions on the technological characteristics of boilers and water heaters. All developments of such household appliances must henceforth comply with the requirements of controlling the carbon dioxide emissions during their use. It is expected that, subject to the introduction of new technologies, this greenhouse gas will reduce its presence in the atmosphere by 136 million tons over six years.

Renewable energy – a challenge to greenhouse gases

IN Lately appeared fashion trend invest in the development of renewable energy industries. The percentage of its use in global consumption is slowly but steadily growing. It is called “green energy” because it originates in natural regular processes that occur in nature.

Resources such as water flows, wind, sunlight, tides, man has now learned to use for technical needs. The percentage of global energy consumption from renewable sources had already reached 20 by 2014. Every year, 30% more wind energy is used worldwide. Production is increasing photovoltaic panels. Solar power plants are growing in popularity in Spain and Germany.

Running car engines emit greenhouse gases in huge quantities. Proof of this fact has become an incentive to search for “green” types of gasoline. Recent studies have shown that bioethanol can be considered as an alternative to petroleum-derived motor fuel. As part of an environmental program, Brazil has been producing ethanol from sugarcane for several years. It is produced in large quantities from US grains, rice and corn pulp. Biofuel is already beginning to partially replace gasoline in many countries around the world.

Everyone's contribution

Greenhouse gases and their destructive work cannot be seen or felt. It’s still hard for us to imagine all this. However this problem may affect the next generation. By thinking beyond themselves, people can take part in solving this problem today. If each of us plants a tree, puts out a fire in the forest in time, and switches to a car powered by electricity at the first opportunity, he will definitely leave his mark in the future.

Greenhouse gases- gaseous components of the atmosphere of natural or anthropogenic origin that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.

The anthropogenic increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to an increase in surface temperatures and climate change.
The list of greenhouse gases subject to limitation under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) is defined in Appendix A to the Kyoto Protocol (signed in Kyoto (Japan) in December 1997 by 159 states) and includes carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane ( CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

water vapor- the most widespread greenhouse gas - is excluded from this consideration, since there is no data on the increase in its concentration in the atmosphere (that is, the danger associated with it is not visible).

Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) (CO2)- the most important source of climate change, accounting for an estimated 64% global warming.

The main sources of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere are the production, transportation, processing and consumption of fossil fuels (86%), tropical forests and other biomass combustion (12%), and remaining sources (2%), such as cement production and carbon monoxide oxidation. Once released, the carbon dioxide molecule cycles through the atmosphere and biota and is finally absorbed by oceanic processes or through long-term accumulation in terrestrial biological stores (i.e., taken up by plants). The amount of time at which approximately 63% of the gas is removed from the atmosphere is called the effective residence period. The estimated effective residence period for carbon dioxide ranges from 50 to 200 years.
Methane (CH4) has both natural and anthropogenic origin. IN the latter case it is formed as a result of fuel production, digestive fermentation (for example, in livestock), rice growing, and deforestation (mainly due to the combustion of biomass and the breakdown of excess organic matter). Methane is estimated to account for approximately 20% of global warming. Methane emissions are a significant source of greenhouse gases.

Nitrous oxide (N2O)- the third most important greenhouse gas under the Kyoto Protocol. It is released in the production and use of mineral fertilizers, in the chemical industry, in agriculture, etc. It accounts for about 6% of global warming.

Perfluorocarbons- PFCs (Perfluorocarbons - PFCs). Hydrocarbon compounds in which fluorine partially replaces carbon. The main sources of emissions of these gases are the production of aluminum, electronics and solvents. During aluminum smelting, PFC emissions occur in electric arc or with the so-called “anode effects”.

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)- hydrocarbon compounds in which halogens partially replace hydrogen. Gases created to replace ozone-depleting substances have exceptionally high GWPs (140 11700).

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)- greenhouse gas used as an electrical insulating material in the electric power industry. Emissions occur during its production and use. Remains in the atmosphere for an extremely long time and is an active absorber infrared radiation. Therefore, this compound, even with relatively small emissions, has the potential to influence climate for a long time in the future.

Greenhouse effect from different gases can lead to common denominator, expressing how much more effective 1 ton of a particular gas is than 1 ton of CO2. For methane the conversion factor is 21, for nitrous oxide it is 310, and for some fluorinated gases it is several thousand.

1. Increasing the efficiency of energy use in relevant sectors of the national economy;
2. Protection and improvement of the quality of sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases, taking into account their obligations under the relevant international environmental agreements; assistance rational methods sustainable forestry, afforestation and reforestation;
3. Encouraging sustainable forms Agriculture in light of climate change considerations;
4. Promoting implementation, conducting research work, development and more wide use new and renewable types of energy, carbon dioxide absorption technologies and innovative environmentally friendly technologies;
5. Gradual reduction or elimination of market imbalances, fiscal incentives, exemptions from taxes and duties, and subsidies, contrary to the purpose Conventions, in all sectors that produce greenhouse gas emissions, and the use of market-based instruments;
6. Encouraging appropriate reforms in relevant sectors to facilitate the implementation of policies and measures that limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
7. Measures to limit and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transport;
Limit and/or reduce methane emissions through recovery and use in waste disposal, as well as in energy production, transportation and distribution.

These provisions of the Protocol are of a general nature and provide the Parties with the opportunity to independently choose and implement the set of policies and measures that will be maximum degree appropriate to national circumstances and priorities.
The main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is the energy sector, which accounts for more than 1/3 of total emissions. The second place is occupied by the extraction of coal, oil and gas (16%), the third - industry and construction (about 13%).

Thus, the greatest contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Russia can be made by realizing the enormous energy saving potential. Currently, the energy intensity of the Russian economy exceeds the world average by 2.3 times, and average for EU countries - 3.2 times. The potential for energy saving in Russia is estimated at 39-47% of current energy consumption, and it mainly falls on electricity production, transmission and distribution of thermal energy, industrial sectors and unproductive energy losses in buildings.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

When fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) are burned, carbon dioxide and other gases are released into the atmosphere. These emissions contribute to rising temperatures on Earth (the “greenhouse effect”). Rising temperatures lead to rising sea levels, powerful hurricanes and other problems associated with climate change. If everyone on the planet drove less cars, conserved energy, and created less waste, humanity would reduce its carbon footprint, which would help combat global warming.


Carbon footprint

    Calculate your carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere due to life activities a certain person. If your life is based on large quantities burned fuel, then your “footprint” is very large. For example, the footprint of a person using a bicycle is smaller than the footprint of a person driving a car.

    If you're concerned about reducing your greenhouse gas emissions, change your habits. Focus on those aspects of your life that you can change (preferably permanently). Even minor changes lifestyle may have important for the environment.

    Remember that lifestyle changes are only the first step. If you want to combat greenhouse gas emissions by global level, action must be taken to force multinational corporations to reduce emissions. Research shows that just 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions. Look for ways to globally combat the greenhouse effect.

A greenhouse gas is a gas that is transparent, making it invisible, and high degree absorption in infrared range. The release of such substances into the environment causes the greenhouse effect.

Where do greenhouse gases come from?

Greenhouse gases are present in the atmospheres of all planets solar system. A high concentration of these substances causes the phenomenon of the same name to occur. We are talking about the greenhouse effect. To begin with, it is worth talking about his on the positive side. It is thanks to this phenomenon that the Earth maintains the optimal temperature for the formation and maintenance of various forms life. However, when the concentration of greenhouse gases is too high, we can talk about a serious environmental problem.

Initially, greenhouse gases were caused by natural processes. So, the first of them were formed as a result of heating the Earth by the sun's rays. Thus, part of the thermal energy did not escape into outer space, but was reflected by gases. The result was a heating effect similar to what occurs in greenhouses.

At the time when the Earth's climate was just forming, a significant proportion of greenhouse gases were produced by volcanoes. At that time, water vapor and carbon dioxide in huge quantities entered the atmosphere and concentrated in it. Then the greenhouse effect was so strong that the world's oceans literally boiled. And only with the appearance of a green biosphere (plants) on the planet did the situation stabilize.

Today the problem of the greenhouse effect is especially relevant. It is largely due to the development of industry, as well as an irresponsible attitude towards natural resources. Oddly enough, not only industrial production causes environmental degradation. Even such a seemingly harmless industry as agriculture also poses a danger. The most destructive is livestock farming (namely livestock waste products), as well as the use of chemical fertilizers. Growing rice also has an adverse effect on the atmosphere.

water vapor

Water vapor is a greenhouse gas natural origin. Although it looks harmless, it accounts for 60% of the greenhouse effect that causes global warming. Considering that the air temperature is continuously increasing, the concentration of water vapor in the air is becoming higher and higher, and therefore there is reason to talk about a closed circuit.

The positive side of water evaporation is the so-called anti-greenhouse effect. This phenomenon consists in the formation of a significant mass of clouds. They, in turn, to some extent protect the atmosphere from overheating by entering sun rays. Some balance is maintained.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is one of the most abundant in the atmosphere. Its source can be volcanic emissions, as well as the life processes of the biosphere (and especially humans). Of course, some carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants. However, due to the process of decay, they release a similar amount of this substance. Scientists argue that a subsequent increase in gas concentration in the atmosphere can lead to catastrophic consequences, and therefore they are constantly exploring ways to purify the air.


Methane is a greenhouse gas that lives in the atmosphere for about 10 years. Given that this period is relatively short, this substance has the greatest potential to reverse the effects of global warming. Despite this, the greenhouse potential of methane is more than 25 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.

Source of greenhouse gases (if we're talking about about methane) are waste products of livestock, rice cultivation, and the combustion process. Highest concentration of this substance was observed in the first millennium, when agriculture and cattle breeding were the main activities. By 1700 this figure had dropped significantly. Over the course of several last centuries methane concentration began to increase again, which is associated with big amount burning fuel, as well as the development of coal deposits. On this moment There is a record level of methane in the atmosphere. However, over the past decade the growth rate this indicator slowed down a bit.


Without a gas such as ozone, life on Earth would be impossible, because it acts as a barrier against aggressive solar rays. But protective function performed only by stratospheric gas. If we talk about the tropospheric one, then it is toxic. If we take into account this greenhouse gas in terms of carbon dioxide, then it accounts for 25% of the effect of global warming.

Lifetime harmful ozone is about 22 days. It is removed from the atmosphere by binding in the soil and subsequent decomposition under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is noted that ozone levels can vary significantly geographically.

Nitrous oxide

About 40% of nitrous oxide enters the atmosphere due to the use of fertilizers and the development of the chemical industry. Largest quantity This gas is produced in tropical areas. Up to 70% of the substance is emitted here.

New gas?

Recently, Canadian scientists announced that they had discovered a new greenhouse gas. Its name is perfluorotributylamine. Since the mid-twentieth century it has been used in the field of electrical engineering. This substance does not occur in nature. Scientists have found that PFTBA warms the atmosphere 7,000 times more than carbon dioxide. However, at the moment the concentration of this substance is negligible and does not pose an environmental threat.

At the moment, the task of researchers is to control the amount of this gas in the atmosphere. If an increase in the indicator is noted, this could lead to a significant change climatic conditions And background radiation. At the moment, there is no reason to take any measures to reorganize the production process.

A little about the greenhouse effect

In order to fully appreciate destructive force greenhouse effect, it is worth paying attention to the planet Venus. Due to the fact that its atmosphere consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide, the air temperature at the surface reaches 500 degrees. Considering the emissions of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere, scientists do not exclude similar developments in the future. At the moment, the planet is largely saved by the oceans, which contribute to partial purification of the air.

Greenhouse gases form a kind of barrier that disrupts the circulation of heat in the atmosphere. This is what causes the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is accompanied by a significant increase in average annual air temperature, as well as an increase in natural disasters(especially in coastal areas). This is fraught with the extinction of many species of animals and plants. At the moment, the situation is so serious that it is no longer possible to completely solve the problem of the greenhouse effect. Nevertheless, it is still possible to control this process and mitigate its consequences.

Possible consequences

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the main cause of climate change towards warming. The consequences may be as follows:

  • Increasing climate humidity due to increased precipitation. However, this is only true for those regions that are already constantly suffering from abnormal rainfall and snowfall. And in dry areas the situation will become even more dire, leading to shortages. drinking water.
  • Rising sea levels. This could lead to flooding of parts of the territories of island and coastal states.
  • Disappearance of up to 40% of plant and animal species. This direct consequence changes in habitat and growth.
  • Reducing the area of ​​glaciers, as well as melting snow on mountain peaks. This is dangerous not only in terms of the disappearance of species of flora and fauna, but also in terms of avalanches, mudflows and landslides.
  • Declining agricultural productivity in dry climate countries. Where conditions can be considered moderate, there is a possibility of increased yields, but this will not save the population from hunger.
  • Lack of drinking water, which is associated with the drying up of underground sources. This phenomenon may be associated not only with overheating of the Earth, but also with the melting of glaciers.
  • Deterioration of a person's health. This is due not only to deteriorating air quality and increased radiation, but also to a decrease in the amount of food available.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

It is no secret that the state of the Earth's ecology is deteriorating every year. The calculation of greenhouse gases leads to disappointing conclusions, and therefore it becomes urgent to take measures to reduce the amount of emissions. This can be achieved as follows:

  • increasing production efficiency in order to reduce the amount of energy resources used;
  • protection and increase in the number of plants that act as greenhouse gas sinks (rationalization of forestry management);
  • encouraging and supporting the development of forms of agriculture that do not harm the environment;
  • development of financial incentives, as well as tax reductions for enterprises that operate in accordance with the concept of environmental responsibility;
  • taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles;
  • increase in penalties for environmental pollution.

Greenhouse gas calculation

All business entities are required to regularly calculate damage caused to the environment and submit reporting documentation to the relevant authorities. So, quantitation greenhouse gas emissions are carried out as follows:

  • identifying the amount of fuel that is burned during the year;
  • multiplying the resulting indicator by the emission factor for each type of gas;
  • The volume of emissions of each substance is recalculated in carbon dioxide equivalent.

Sources of emissions associated with fuel combustion

Development scientific and technological progress, of course, makes life easier for humans, but causes irreparable harm to the environment. This is largely due to the combustion of fuel. In this regard, sources of greenhouse gases may be as follows:

  • Energy industry. This includes power plants that supply resources industrial enterprises and residential properties.
  • Industry and construction. This category includes enterprises from all industries. Accounting is carried out for fuel used in the production process, as well as for auxiliary needs.
  • Transport. Harmful substances Not only cars emit into the atmosphere, but also air assets travel, trains, water transport and pipelines. Only fuel used for the direct movement of goods or passengers is taken into account. Energy costs for internal economic transportation are not included here.
  • Utilities sector. This is the service sector and housing and communal services. What matters is the volume of fuel that was spent to ensure final energy consumption.

The problem of greenhouse gases in Russia

The volume of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is increasing every year. If we consider the structure of pollution by sector, the picture will be as follows:

  • energy industry - 71%;
  • fuel extraction - 16%;
  • industrial production and construction - 13%.

Thus, priority direction The energy sector is responsible for reducing emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The indicator of resource use by domestic consumers is more than 2 times higher than the global indicator and 3 times higher than the European indicator. The potential for reducing energy consumption reaches 47%.


Greenhouse gas pollution is global problem and is considered at the highest international level. However, it concerns every single person. Thus, there must be a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment. The minimum contribution of each person is planting green spaces, observing fire safety rules in forests, and using safe products and goods in everyday life. If we talk about future prospects, we can talk about the transition to electric vehicles and safe heating of residential buildings. Propaganda and educational activities are called upon to make a huge contribution to the preservation of the environment.

The Soviet climatologist and meteorologist Mikhail Ivanovich Budyko, back in 1962, was the first to publish ideas that the burning of a huge amount of various fuels by humanity, which especially increased in the second half of the 20th century, will inevitably lead to an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And it, as is known, delays the release of solar and deep heat from the Earth’s surface into space, which leads to the effect that we observe in glass greenhouses. Due to this greenhouse effect average temperature the surface layer of the atmosphere should gradually increase. The conclusions of M. I. Budyko interested American meteorologists. They checked his calculations, made numerous observations themselves, and by the end of the sixties they came to the firm conviction that the greenhouse effect in the Earth’s atmosphere exists and is growing.

The main greenhouse gases, in order of their estimated impact on the Earth's heat balance, are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone, and nitrous oxide.

Rice. 3. Structure of greenhouse gas emissions by countries

Water vapor is the most important natural greenhouse gas and makes a significant contribution to the greenhouse effect with a strong positive feedback. An increase in air temperature causes an increase in the moisture content of the atmosphere while maintaining relative humidity, which causes an increase in the greenhouse effect and thereby contributes to a further increase in air temperature. The influence of water vapor can also manifest itself through increased cloudiness and changes in precipitation. Economic activity Humans contribute less than 1% to water vapor emissions.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) . In addition to water vapor, carbon dioxide plays the most important role in creating the greenhouse effect. Planetary carbon cycle represents complex system, its functioning on various characteristic times determined by different processes that correspond to different rates of the CO2 cycle. Carbon dioxide, like nitrogen and water vapor, entered and continues to enter the atmosphere from the deep layers of the planet during degassing of the upper mantle and the earth's crust. These components of atmospheric air are among the gases released into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions, released from deep cracks in earth's crust and from hot springs.

Rice. 4. Structure of carbon dioxide emissions by region of the planet in the 1990s

Methane (CH4). Methane is greenhouse gas . If the degree of impact of carbon dioxide on climate is conventionally taken as one, then the greenhouse activity of methane will be 23 units. Methane levels in the atmosphere have increased very rapidly over the past two centuries. Now the average content of methane CH 4 in the modern atmosphere is estimated as 1.8 ppm ( parts per million, parts per million). Its contribution to the dissipation and retention of heat emitted by the sun-heated Earth is significantly higher than that from CO 2. In addition, methane absorbs the Earth's radiation in those “windows” of the spectrum that are transparent to other greenhouse gases. Without greenhouse gases - CO 2, water vapor, methane and some other impurities, the average temperature on the Earth's surface would be only –23°C, but now it is about +15°C. Methane seeps out at the bottom of the ocean through cracks in the earth's crust and is released in considerable quantities during mining and when forests are burned. Recently, a new, completely unexpected source of methane was discovered - higher plants, but the mechanisms of formation and significance this process for the plants themselves have not yet been clarified.

Nitric oxide (N2O) is the third most important greenhouse gas under the Kyoto Protocol. It is released in the production and use of mineral fertilizers, in the chemical industry, in agriculture, etc. It accounts for about 6% of global warming.

Tropospheric ozone, i Being a greenhouse gas, tropospheric ozone (trop. O 3) has both a direct effect on climate through the absorption of long-wave radiation from the Earth and short-wave radiation from the Sun, and through chemical reactions, which change the concentrations of other greenhouse gases, for example, methane (trop. O 3 is necessary for the formation of an important oxidizer of greenhouse gases - the radical - OH). Increasing concentration of trails. About 3 s mid-18th century century is the third largest positive radiation impact on the Earth's atmosphere after CO 2 and CH 4. In general, the content of the trails. O 3 in the troposphere is determined by the processes of its formation and destruction during chemical reactions involving ozone precursors, which have both natural and anthropogenic origin, as well as the processes of ozone transfer from the stratosphere (where its content is much higher) and the absorption of ozone by the earth's surface. Lifetime of the trail. O 3 - up to several months, which is significantly less than other greenhouse gases (CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O). Concentration of trails. O3 varies significantly over time, space and altitude, and its monitoring is much more difficult than monitoring well-mixed greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Scientists have made a clear conclusion that emissions into the atmosphere caused by human activity, lead to a significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Based on calculations using computer models, it was shown that if the current rate of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere continues, then in just 30 years the average temperature To the globe will increase by approximately 1°. This is an unusually large increase in temperature based on paleoclimate data. It should be noted that expert estimates are apparently somewhat underestimated. Warming is likely to increase as a result of a series of natural processes. Warming greater than predicted may be due to the inability of a warming ocean to absorb the estimated amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The results of numerical modeling also show that the average global temperature in the next century will increase at a rate of 0.3°C per 10 years. As a result, by 2050 it may increase (compared to pre-industrial times) by 2°C, and by 2100 - by 4°C. Global warming should be accompanied by increased precipitation (by several percent by 2030), as well as a rise in sea levels (by 2030 by 20 cm, and by the end of the century by 65 cm).