Helps limit carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas

Greenhouse gases that are found in the atmosphere different planets, lead to the formation of quite dangerous phenomenon. We are talking specifically about the greenhouse effect. In fact, the situation can be called paradoxical. After all, it was greenhouse gases that warmed our planet, as a result of which the first living organisms appeared on it. But on the other hand, today these gases cause many environmental problems.

Over the course of many millions of years, the Sun heated planet Earth, slowly turning it into a source of energy. Some of this heat went into space, and part of it was reflected by gases in the atmosphere and heated the air around the planet. Scientists called a similar process, similar to heat conservation under a transparent film in a greenhouse, the “greenhouse effect.” And the gases that lead to this phenomenon are called greenhouse gases.
In the era of the formation of the earth's climate, Greenhouse effect arose as a result of active volcanic activity. Enormous volumes of water vapor emissions and carbon dioxide lingered in the atmosphere. Thus, a hypergreenhouse effect was observed, which heated the waters of the World Ocean almost to the boiling point. And only green vegetation, feeding on atmospheric carbon dioxide, helped stabilize temperature regime of our planet.
But global industrialization and increased production capacity have changed not only chemical composition greenhouse gases, but also the very meaning of this process.

Main greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases are gaseous components of the atmosphere of natural or anthropogenic origin. Scientists have long been interested in the question: what radiation do greenhouse gases absorb? As a result of painstaking research, they found that these gases absorb and re-emit infrared radiation. They absorb and emit radiation in the same infrared range, as the Earth's surface, atmosphere and clouds.
The main greenhouse gases on Earth include:

  • water vapor
  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • halogenated hydrocarbons
  • nitrogen oxides.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has the most powerful influence on our planet's climate. At the very beginning of industrialization, which is 1750, its average global concentration in the atmosphere reached 280 ± 10 ppm. In general, the concentration remained at a constant level for 10,000 years. However, research results indicate that already in 2005, CO2 concentration increased by 35% and reached 379 ppm, and this was in just 250 years.
Methane (CH4) is in second place. Its concentration increased from 715 ppb in the pre-industrial period to 1774 ppb in 2005. The volume of methane in the atmosphere has gradually increased over 10,000 years from 580 ppb to 730 ppb. And over the past 250 years it has increased by 1000 ppb.
Nitrous oxide (N2O). The volume of atmospheric nitrous oxide in 2005 reached 319 ppb and increased by 18% compared to the pre-industrial period (270 ppb). Studies of ice cores indicate that over 10,000 years, the volume of N2O from natural sources changed by less than 3%. In the 21st century, nearly 40% of N2O released into the atmosphere comes from human activities because the compound is the basis of fertilizers. However, it is worth noting that N2O performs important role in atmospheric chemistry, because it acts as a source of NO2, which destroys stratospheric ozone. In the troposphere, NO2 is responsible for the formation of ozone and significantly affects the chemical balance.
Tropospheric ozone, a greenhouse gas, directly affects climate through the absorption of long-wave radiation from the Earth and short-wave radiation from the Sun, as well as through chemical reactions that change the volume of other greenhouse gases, such as methane. Tropospheric ozone is responsible for the formation of an important oxidizer of greenhouse gases - the radical - OH.
The main reason for the increase in tropospheric O3 volumes lies in the increase in anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursors - chemical substances that are needed for its formation - primarily hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. The lifetime of tropospheric ozone is several months, which is significantly lower than that of other greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O).
Water vapor is also a very important natural greenhouse gas that has a significant impact on the greenhouse effect. An increase in air temperature leads to an increase in the moisture content in the atmosphere while the relative humidity remains approximately the same, as a result of which the greenhouse effect intensifies and the air temperature continues to rise. Water vapor contributes to increased cloudiness and changes in precipitation. Economic activity human influence on the emission of water vapor is no more than 1%. Water vapor, along with the ability to absorb radiation in almost the entire infrared range, also contributes to the formation of OH radicals.
It is worth mentioning freons, whose greenhouse activity is 1300-8500 times higher than that of carbon dioxide. Sources of freons are various refrigerators and all kinds of aerosols from antiperspirants to mosquito sprays.

Sources of greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gas emissions come from two categories of sources:

  • natural sources. In the era of absence of industry, the main sources of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were the phenomena of evaporation of water from the World Ocean, volcanoes and Forest fires. However, today volcanoes emit only about 0.15-0.26 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year into the atmosphere. The volume of water vapor over the same period can be expressed in the evaporation of 355 thousand cubic kilometers of water
  • anthropogenic sources. Due to intensive industrial activity, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere during the combustion of fossil fuels (carbon dioxide), during development oil fields(methane), due to leakage of refrigerants and the use of aerosols (freon), rocket launches (nitrogen oxides), as well as the operation of automobile engines (ozone). Besides, industrial activity people contributes to the reduction of forests, which are the main sinks of carbon dioxide on the continents.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases

Over the past hundred years, humanity has been actively developing unified program actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The most significant component of environmental policy can be called the introduction of standards for emissions of fuel combustion products and the reduction of fuel use through the transition of the automobile industry to the creation of electric vehicles.
Activity nuclear power plants, which do not require coal or petroleum products, indirectly reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are calculated using a special formula or special programs, which analyze the activities of enterprises.
Significantly reducing or completely banning deforestation is also a very effective method in the fight against greenhouse gases. During their life, trees absorb enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. In the process of cutting down trees, they release this gas. Reducing the areas of deforestation for arable land in tropical countries has already yielded tangible results in optimizing global greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmentalists are very pleased with the fashionable trend today to invest in the development of various types of renewable energy. Volumes of its use in on a global scale slowly but constantly growing. It is called "green energy" because it is formed in natural regular processes occurring in nature.
Man today cannot see or feel Negative influence greenhouse gases. But our children may well face this problem. If you think not only about yourself, then you can join in solving this problem today. You just need to plant a tree near your house, put out a fire in the forest in a timely manner, or at the first opportunity, exchange your car for one “filled” with electricity.

Fugitive Emission Source Categories

Sector name


Oil and natural gas

Covers fugitive emissions from all oil and gas related activities. Primary sources of these emissions may include fugitive equipment leaks, evaporation losses, venting, flaring and accidental releases.

Covers emissions from ventilation, combustion and other fugitive sources associated with the exploration, production, transmission, refining and refining of crude oil and the distribution of crude oil products.

Gas removal

Emissions from removal of associated gases and waste gas/evaporation to oil facilities.


Emissions from unproductive flaring of associated gas at oil facilities.

All others

Fugitive emissions from oil facilities from equipment leaks, storage losses, pipeline failures, wall failures, above-ground storage facilities, gas migration to the surface, to vents, biogenic gas formation in waste impoundments, and other types of gases or vapors released unintentionally for non-combustion purposes in flares and removal.

Intelligence service

Fugitive emissions (excluding gas removal and flaring) from oil drilling, drill string testing, and well completions.

Extraction and quality improvement

Fugitive emissions from oil production (excluding gas removal and flaring) originate from oil wellheads, oil sands, or oil shale during startup of the oil transportation system. This includes fugitive emissions associated with servicing wells, oil sands or oil shale, transporting crude oil products (i.e., well flow gases and liquids, emulsions, oil shale and oil sands) to treatment plants for extraction and quality improvement, associated gas re-injection systems and water disposal systems. Fugitive emissions from enrichment plants are grouped with emissions from production, which is preferable to grouping with emissions from distillation because enrichment plants are often integrated with extraction plants and their relative contribution to emissions is difficult to ascertain. However, enrichment plants can also be integrated with purification plants, cogeneration units or other industrial facilities, and their relative contributions to emissions in these cases are difficult to determine.


Fugitive emissions (excluding gas venting and flaring) are associated with the transportation of marketable crude oil (including standard, heavy and synthetic oil and bitumen) to improve quality and distillation. Transportation systems may include pipelines, tanker ships, tank trucks, and rail tankers. Evaporative losses during storage, filling and unloading, as well as fugitive leaks from this equipment, are the primary sources of these emissions.


Fugitive emissions (excluding gas removal and flaring) from oil refineries. Refineries process crude oil, gas condensates, and synthetic oils and produce refined end products (such as, and primarily different types fuel and lubricants). Where treatment plants are integrated with other facilities (eg enrichment plants or cogeneration plants) their relative contributions to emissions may be difficult to determine.

Distribution of petroleum products

This includes fugitive emissions (excluding gas removal and flaring) from the transportation and distribution of refined petroleum products, including pipeline terminals and distribution stations. Evaporative losses during storage, filling and unloading, and fugitive leaks from equipment are the primary sources of these emissions.

Fugitive emissions from petroleum systems (excluding gas venting and flaring not included in the above categories. Includes fugitive emissions from spills and other accidental releases, waste oil treatment facilities, and petroleum waste disposal facilities.

Natural gas

Covers emissions from venting, flaring and other fugitive sources associated with exploration, production, transmission, storage and distribution natural gas(including both associated and natural gas).

Gas removal

Emissions from the removal of natural gas and waste gas/evaporation at gas facilities.


Emissions from flaring of natural gas and waste gas/evaporation at gas facilities.

All others

Fugitive emissions at gas facilities from equipment leaks, storage losses, pipeline failures, destruction of walls, above-ground storage facilities, gas migration to the surface, to vents, the formation of biogenic gas in waste storage tanks and other types of gases or vapors released unintentionally, without the purpose of combustion in flares or removal.

Intelligence service

Fugitive emissions (excluding gas removal and flaring) from gas well drilling, drill string testing, and well completion.

Fugitive emissions (excluding venting and flaring) from gas wells through inlets at gas processing facilities or, if no treatment is required, at interconnection points of gas transmission systems. Includes fugitive emissions associated with well servicing, gas gathering, processing, and associated water and acid gas disposal activities.


Fugitive emissions (excluding venting and flaring) from gas processing facilities.

Transportation and storage

Fugitive emissions from systems used to transport processed natural gas to customers (eg, industrial customers and natural gas distribution systems). Fugitive emissions from natural gas storage facilities should also be included in this category. Emissions from natural gas liquid removal facilities in natural gas distribution systems should be accounted for as part of natural gas processing (sector 1.B.2.b.iii.3). Fugitive emissions related to the transportation of natural gas liquids should be reported in category 1.B.2.a.iii.3.


Fugitive emissions (excluding gas removal and flaring) from gas distribution to end users.

Fugitive emissions from natural gas supply systems (excluding gas removal and flaring) not included in the above categories. This may include emissions from well blowouts, pipeline damage, or ditching.

From the above, it becomes clear that a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is urgent task, the solution of which is necessary for sustainable development human civilization. Therefore, now there is a need to develop theoretical approaches And environmental programs, ensuring a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

World practice has developed possible ways to solve this problem.

1. Traditional directions:

· development of technologies that ensure a reduction in the specific consumption of primary energy carriers per unit of clean energy produced;

· development of energy-saving technologies in energy transmission and use of energy units.

2. Non-traditional directions:

· development of technologies for carbon dioxide utilization through chemical transformations to obtain organic chemical products;

· development of CO 2 absorption (“binding”) technologies using various types adsorbents.

3. Alternative directions:

· diversification of the fuel and energy balance of interested countries;

· increasing the share of hydropower, wind energy, biomass and other non-traditional sources.

However, in addition to the listed technical, technological and organizational measures to reduce the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, there are fundamentally new approaches.

1. The idea of ​​conserving generated greenhouse gases in underground storage facilities.

The essence of the idea is that as mineral reserves are depleted, we will be able to effectively use underground space to solve environmental issues.

As a result of the research work it was concluded that the following main types of underground facilities can be used as carbon dioxide storage facilities:

b waste oil and gas fields;

b natural traps with the necessary collector and screening properties;

b underground workings of a number of depleted mineral deposits;

b identified but unused natural gas reserve storage facilities.

The considered idea of ​​preserving carbon dioxide in underground space has a certain number of important environmental, technological and economic advantages.

The most significant of them are the following.

Firstly, it becomes possible to reduce the flow of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, regardless of changes in the volume of its production, which is especially valuable in the context of growing industrial production and energy consumption.

Secondly, the risk of adverse events is reduced environmental consequences production of carbon dioxide, since its conservation in underground reservoirs is not associated with any negative consequences for the environment, in particular for groundwater.

Thirdly, this is the secondary use of engineering and mining structures, which practically does not require additional investment.

To date Russian Federation has big amount underground facilities that can be used as carbon dioxide storage tanks. This potential opens up wide opportunities for finding and implementing the most effective solutions.

The greatest economic effect can be obtained by using waste natural gas deposits as these reservoirs, as well as unproductive geological objects identified during oil and gas exploration that have the necessary shielding properties.

Thus, as the country's mineral resource base depletes, the carbon dioxide conservation program may become an alternative direction integrated use subsoil and support in strategic readiness sustainable development mining industry of Russia.

2. Carbon removed from the atmosphere can be stored in the soil.

In order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists propose plant residues generated as waste from the forestry industry and Agriculture, do not burn, but turn into charcoal, which can then be applied to the soil. Being very stable, it will remain there for centuries. The point of this operation is to remove carbon removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis for a long time from the normal cycle.

The combustion of fossil fuels inevitably leads to an increase in carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the atmosphere, and this in turn is fraught further development global warming and rising sea levels.

Increasingly, there are works that talk about the need for large-scale sequestration of atmospheric carbon (CO 2) and its removal from global circulation for a time measured in at least centuries and millennia.

Environmentalists are looking for simple ways binding atmospheric carbon and, as long as possible, retaining it in a form that, due to natural processes, would not turn back into CO 2. Growing forests and generally restoring natural vegetation cover certainly contributes to the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the accumulation of carbon in plant tissue and soil organic matter. However, as soon as forests and other plant communities reach their maturity, the absorption of CO 2 during photosynthesis is balanced by the release of this gas as a result of respiration - both by the plants themselves and, most importantly, by decomposer organisms (fungi and bacteria) that decompose dead plant debris . Accordingly, in order to prevent CO 2 from returning to the atmosphere, it is necessary to make carbon organic matter inaccessible to decomposers. The resulting organic plant matter is heated under conditions of oxygen deficiency (pyrolysis process) and charcoal is obtained. The carbon content in charcoal is approximately twice as high as that directly in the mass of plant residues, but bacteria and fungi cannot use it for their needs. Therefore, when introduced into the soil, charcoal can remain there for quite a long time - centuries, and possibly millennia (at least, naturally formed charcoal is known to be of this age).

Opportunities similar shape carbon burial is the subject of a recent article in the journal Science by Johannes Lehmann from the Faculty of Grain and Agriculture Cornell University(Ithaca, USA). The diagram of the proposed technology is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3.

During the normal cycle of substances in natural ecosystems carbon CO 2 is bound during photosynthesis, after which approximately half of it is spent on the respiration of the plants themselves, and half in the form of organic matter of plant residues reaches the soil surface, where it is decomposed by fungi and bacteria to simple components. All CO 2 released during the respiration of both plants and decomposers returns to the atmosphere. You can, of course, collect plant residues and put them into processing, obtaining “biofuel” from it. This is generally not bad, since fossil fuels are saved, but in relation to carbon in the atmosphere in the form of CO 2, this technology is neutral: when biofuels are burned, all CO 2 that was once bound during photosynthesis is returned to the atmosphere again .

Much better, according to the author of the article, is the technology of converting plant residues into charcoal (which is also shown in the diagram), especially if the gases released during the pyrolysis process are captured and used as biofuel. The resulting charcoal is applied to the soil, for example, mixed with manure or mineral fertilizers.

Based on his calculations, Lehman believes that the technology for sequestering atmospheric carbon in charcoal can be widely used in three cases. Firstly, this is the pyrolysis of tree residues during industrial logging. Secondly, pyrolysis of rapidly growing vegetation on abandoned agricultural land. Thirdly, pyrolysis of crop residues.

In all cases, it is assumed that the charcoal is applied to the soil and not burned. Obviously, the carbon sequestration strategy in charcoal is only justified where there is large quantities reserves of cheap biomass. Implementation this method in practice is determined by how much more profitable it will be to store charcoal in the soil compared to burning it.

Since the early 1990s, solving the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions has become one of the priorities of the world community. First practical step The Kyoto Protocol, signed in December 1997, is considered to solve it. Its goal is for developed countries to reduce total carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by 5.2% by 2008-2012 compared to 1990 emissions.

The Kyoto Protocol is the first joint effort by Earth's nations to regulate climate change. The binding nature of the Protocol makes it necessary to take development seriously alternative sources energy, such as solar, thermonuclear and other types. The Kyoto Protocol obliges the transition to energy-saving technologies and requires developed countries to transfer these technologies to developing countries.

Reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is an urgent task. Therefore, there is a need to develop theoretical approaches and environmental programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, which include traditional, non-traditional and alternative directions.

Of course, no less important is the use of fundamentally new approaches to reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For example, the idea of ​​conserving generated greenhouse gases in underground storage facilities. The essence of which is that as mineral reserves are depleted, we will be able to effectively use underground space to solve environmental problems. Or, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists propose that plant residues generated as waste from the forestry industry and agriculture should not be burned, but converted into charcoal, which can then be applied to the soil.

Greenhouse gas is a gas characterized by transparency, which ensures invisibility, and a high degree of absorption in the infrared range. The release of such substances into environment causes the greenhouse effect.

Where do greenhouse gases come from?

Greenhouse gases are present in the atmospheres of all planets solar system. A high concentration of these substances causes the phenomenon of the same name to occur. We are talking about the greenhouse effect. To begin with, it is worth talking about his on the positive side. It is thanks to this phenomenon that the Earth maintains the optimal temperature for the formation and maintenance of various forms life. However, when the concentration of greenhouse gases is too high, we can talk about a serious environmental problem.

Greenhouse gases were originally caused by natural natural processes. So, the first of them were formed as a result of heating the Earth by the sun's rays. Thus, part of the thermal energy did not escape into outer space, but was reflected by gases. The result was a heating effect similar to what occurs in greenhouses.

At the time when the Earth's climate was just forming, a significant proportion of greenhouse gases were produced by volcanoes. At that time, water vapor and carbon dioxide in huge quantities entered the atmosphere and concentrated in it. Then the greenhouse effect was so strong that the world's oceans literally boiled. And only with the appearance of a green biosphere (plants) on the planet did the situation stabilize.

Today the problem of the greenhouse effect is especially relevant. It is largely due to the development of industry, as well as an irresponsible attitude towards natural resources. Oddly enough, not only industrial production causes environmental degradation. Even such a seemingly harmless industry as agriculture also poses a danger. The most destructive is livestock farming (namely livestock waste products), as well as the use of chemical fertilizers. Growing rice also has an adverse effect on the atmosphere.

water vapor

Water vapor is a greenhouse gas natural origin. Although it looks harmless, it accounts for 60% of the greenhouse effect that causes global warming. Considering that the air temperature is continuously increasing, the concentration of water vapor in the air is becoming higher and higher, and therefore there is reason to talk about a closed circuit.

The positive side of water evaporation is the so-called anti-greenhouse effect. This phenomenon consists in the formation of a significant mass of clouds. They, in turn, to some extent protect the atmosphere from overheating by entering sun rays. Some balance is maintained.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is one of the most abundant in the atmosphere. Its source can be volcanic emissions, as well as the life processes of the biosphere (and especially humans). Of course, some carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants. However, due to the process of decay, they release a similar amount of this substance. Scientists argue that a subsequent increase in gas concentration in the atmosphere can lead to catastrophic consequences, and therefore they are constantly exploring ways to purify the air.


Methane is a greenhouse gas that lives in the atmosphere for about 10 years. Given that this period is relatively short, this substance has the greatest potential to reverse the effects of global warming. Despite this, the greenhouse potential of methane is more than 25 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.

Source of greenhouse gases (if we're talking about about methane) are waste products of livestock, rice cultivation, and the combustion process. Highest concentration of this substance was observed in the first millennium, when agriculture and cattle breeding were the main activities. By 1700 this figure had dropped significantly. Over the course of several last centuries Methane concentration began to increase again, which is associated with a large amount of fuel burned, as well as the development of coal deposits. On this moment There is a record level of methane in the atmosphere. However, over the past decade the growth rate this indicator slowed down a bit.


Without a gas such as ozone, life on Earth would be impossible, because it acts as a barrier against aggressive solar rays. But protective function performed only by stratospheric gas. If we talk about the tropospheric one, then it is toxic. If we take into account this greenhouse gas in terms of carbon dioxide, then it accounts for 25% of the effect of global warming.

Lifetime harmful ozone is about 22 days. It is removed from the atmosphere by binding in the soil and subsequent decomposition under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is noted that ozone levels can vary significantly geographically.

Nitrous oxide

About 40% of nitrous oxide enters the atmosphere due to fertilizer use and development chemical industry. Largest quantity This gas is produced in tropical areas. Up to 70% of the substance is emitted here.

New gas?

Recently, Canadian scientists announced that they had discovered a new greenhouse gas. Its name is perfluorotributylamine. Since the mid-twentieth century it has been used in the field of electrical engineering. This substance does not occur in nature. Scientists have found that PFTBA warms the atmosphere 7,000 times more than carbon dioxide. However, at the moment the concentration of this substance is negligible and does not pose an environmental threat.

At the moment, the task of researchers is to control the amount of this gas in the atmosphere. If an increase in the indicator is noted, this could lead to a significant change climatic conditions And background radiation. At the moment, there is no reason to take any measures to reorganize the production process.

A little about the greenhouse effect

In order to fully appreciate destructive force greenhouse effect, it is worth paying attention to the planet Venus. Due to the fact that its atmosphere consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide, the air temperature at the surface reaches 500 degrees. Considering the emissions of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere, scientists do not exclude similar developments in the future. At the moment, the planet is largely saved by the oceans, which contribute to partial purification of the air.

Greenhouse gases form a kind of barrier that disrupts the circulation of heat in the atmosphere. This is what causes the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is accompanied by a significant increase in average annual air temperature, as well as an increase in natural disasters(especially in coastal areas). This is fraught with the extinction of many species of animals and plants. At the moment, the situation is so serious that it is no longer possible to completely solve the problem of the greenhouse effect. Nevertheless, it is still possible to control this process and mitigate its consequences.

Possible consequences

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the main cause of climate change towards warming. The consequences may be as follows:

  • Increasing climate humidity due to increased precipitation. However, this is only true for those regions that are already constantly suffering from abnormal rainfall and snowfall. And in dry areas the situation will become even more dire, leading to shortages. drinking water.
  • Rising sea levels. This could lead to flooding of parts of the territories of island and coastal states.
  • Disappearance of up to 40% of plant and animal species. This direct consequence changes in habitat and growth.
  • Reducing the area of ​​glaciers, as well as melting snow on mountain peaks. This is dangerous not only in terms of the disappearance of species of flora and fauna, but also in terms of avalanches, mudflows and landslides.
  • Declining agricultural productivity in dry climate countries. Where conditions can be considered moderate, there is a possibility of increased yields, but this will not save the population from hunger.
  • Lack of drinking water, which is associated with the drying up of underground sources. This phenomenon may be associated not only with overheating of the Earth, but also with the melting of glaciers.
  • Deterioration of a person's health. This is due not only to deteriorating air quality and increased radiation, but also to a decrease in the amount of food available.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

It is no secret that the state of the Earth's ecology is deteriorating every year. The calculation of greenhouse gases leads to disappointing conclusions, and therefore it becomes urgent to take measures to reduce the amount of emissions. This can be achieved as follows:

  • increasing production efficiency in order to reduce the amount of energy resources used;
  • protection and increase in the number of plants that act as greenhouse gas sinks (rationalization of forestry management);
  • encouraging and supporting the development of forms of agriculture that do not harm the environment;
  • development of financial incentives, as well as tax reductions for enterprises that operate in accordance with the concept of environmental responsibility;
  • taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles;
  • increase in penalties for environmental pollution.

Greenhouse gas calculation

All business entities are required to regularly calculate damage caused to the environment and submit reporting documentation to the relevant authorities. So, quantitation greenhouse gas emissions are carried out as follows:

  • identifying the amount of fuel that is burned during the year;
  • multiplying the resulting indicator by the emission factor for each type of gas;
  • The volume of emissions of each substance is recalculated in carbon dioxide equivalent.

Sources of emissions associated with fuel combustion

Development scientific and technological progress, of course, makes life easier for humans, but causes irreparable harm to the environment. This is largely due to the combustion of fuel. In this regard, sources of greenhouse gases may be as follows:

  • Energy industry. This includes power plants that supply resources industrial enterprises and residential properties.
  • Industry and construction. This category includes enterprises from all industries. Accounting is carried out for fuel used in the production process, as well as for auxiliary needs.
  • Transport. Harmful substances Not only cars emit into the atmosphere, but also air assets travel, trains, water transport and pipelines. Only fuel used for the direct movement of goods or passengers is taken into account. Energy costs for internal economic transportation are not included here.
  • Utilities sector. This is the service sector and housing and communal services. What matters is the volume of fuel that was spent to ensure final energy consumption.

The problem of greenhouse gases in Russia

The volume of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is increasing every year. If we consider the structure of pollution by sector, the picture will be as follows:

  • energy industry - 71%;
  • fuel extraction - 16%;
  • industrial production and construction - 13%.

Thus, priority direction The energy sector is responsible for reducing emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The indicator of resource use by domestic consumers is more than 2 times higher than the global indicator and 3 times higher than the European indicator. The potential for reducing energy consumption reaches 47%.


Greenhouse gas pollution is a global problem and is addressed at the highest international level. However, it concerns every single person. Thus, there must be a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment. The minimum contribution of each person is planting green spaces, observing fire safety rules in forests, and using safe products and goods in everyday life. If we talk about future prospects, we can talk about the transition to electric vehicles and safe heating of residential buildings. Propaganda and educational activities are called upon to make a huge contribution to the preservation of the environment.

When fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) are burned, carbon dioxide and other gases are released into the atmosphere. These emissions contribute to rising temperatures on Earth (the “greenhouse effect”). Rising temperatures lead to rising sea levels, powerful hurricanes and other problems associated with climate change. If everyone on the planet drove less cars, conserved energy, and created less waste, humanity would reduce its carbon footprint, which would help combat global warming.


Carbon footprint

    Calculate your carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere due to life activities a certain person. If your livelihood is based on a large amount of fuel burned, then your “footprint” is quite large. For example, the footprint of a person using a bicycle is smaller than the footprint of a person driving a car.

    If you're concerned about reducing your greenhouse gas emissions, change your habits. Focus on those aspects of your life that you can change (preferably permanently). Even minor changes lifestyle may have important for the environment.

    Remember that lifestyle changes are only the first step. If you want to combat greenhouse gas emissions globally, you need to take action to force multinational corporations to reduce their emissions. Research shows that just 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions. Look for ways to globally combat the greenhouse effect.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions while promoting economic development

Addressing the central environmental challenge—reducing greenhouse gas emissions while promoting economic development—is important goal politicians around the world. For the most part, the American manufacturing sector welcomes the idea of ​​doing its part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2002, the Bush administration committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions intensity (the amount of energy needed to produce one dollar of GDP) by 18 percent between 2002 and 2012, and the United States is already on track to exceed that target.

However, to accelerate the pace of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, joint efforts between industry, energy companies, communities and governments are needed. Implementing strategies to reduce the cost of capital for investments in clean energy, research and development, and demand management can help achieve this goal. Such a strategy could help the U.S. economy grow faster and reduce energy intensity without slowing down the economy or causing higher unemployment.

The Impact of Compulsory Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs

Most of today's legislation is based on cap-and-trade policies, while several proposals call for a carbon tax. If these legislative initiatives are approved, the US is likely to see slower GDP growth and higher unemployment. As noted in the report Budget Office US Congress 2007 “Climate Change Issues”, “purchasing a quota or taking measures to reduce emissions so that there is no need to buy it is what will make up the production costs of companies that emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the future. However similar companies They are unlikely to pay for quotas from their own pockets and will try to shift most this burden on the shoulders of their clients (and their clients’ clients) by raising prices.”

Most political observers believe that the American economy is on the verge of a recession or is already in a recession. As policymakers try to revive the American economy this difficult period Perhaps an incentive system should be created that encourages companies to invest greenly in plant, equipment, and research and development - which will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also increase productivity and economic growth.

The role of economic development and technological progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Most politicians underestimate the role of positive impact, which economic development may have an impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For example, in 2006, the US economy grew by 3.3 percent, while carbon dioxide emissions fell by 1.3 percent. In addition, the energy consumption factor alone fell 0.9 percent, clear evidence that the American economy is producing less carbon dioxide even without emissions caps.

The development of technologies and their implementation makes it possible to very effectively address the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and a stable economy can quickly attract the capital necessary for this. Currently, there are only two ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels: use less fossil fuels or develop technologies for more effective use energy and emissions capture using . The economic literature of the past contains many examples confirming the connection between energy use and economic development and pointing out the negative consequences of limiting energy consumption. As part of long-term development, new technologies represent the most promising means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing their concentration in the atmosphere. Therefore, it would make sense if American tax laws favored scientific research and developments in this direction and, for example, provided tax benefits for such activities on an ongoing basis. This will contribute to the emergence of new long-term projects and subsequent technological breakthroughs.

Introduce a quota or tax carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon fiscal responsibility will help realize significant climate change potential across all industries. Most estimates suggest that a carbon penalty ($20 to $50 per tonne of carbon dioxide), maintained at the same level or increased over the years, could result in the energy sector significantly reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 . Penalties can do various options decrease negative impact on the environment in a cost-effective manner in end-consumer oriented industries. Therefore, governments should set company-specific limits on greenhouse gas emissions, auction emissions permits, and impose a carbon tax.

The Earth Atmospheric Fund proposes that governments of all countries introduce global limits on emissions, conduct auctions of emission permits, and distribute the received dividends among all inhabitants of the Earth in order to reduce poverty in the world. Another project, Option 13, proposes a global carbon tax. Both ideas are worth considering.

On next stage to combat emissions, governments around the world should declare a moratorium on the construction of coal-fired power plants and oil sands development until carbon capture and storage technologies are successfully developed and tested.

Materials used from articles by Margot Thorning and Bob Willard published on the website of the Bureau of International information programs State Department USA