State and municipal government universities budget places. Further education programs

To protect you, we let's share 2 key secrets when choosing an institute:

If you have chosen for myself remote form training, look for institutes, which specialize STRICTLY in it. An institution that receives its main profit from full-time education, economic will not pay as much attention to the quality of distance education. Key business activities take up key resources and attention - fact!

When choosing an institute, look for a balance between the number of real hours that will be given to you and their profitability for the institute. You don’t expect anything from a smartphone for 3 thousand rubles. top filling. You can evaluate the quality of education through the cost of the course in just 3 steps.

Let’s say Institute “A” sells you a six-month course of 512 hours for 10 thousand rubles.

Step 1. Subtract minimum 50% for profit and overhead costs, leaving 5 tr. at cost, most of which will go to salaries for teachers conducting webinars!

Step 2. Find out from the sales manager how many webinars will there be and how long will they be?. Let’s say in 6 months there will be 12 webinars of 1 hour each. In total, the institute will spend 12*1=12 hours on you! from, for example, 512h. programs.

Step 3.1. Compare courses at different institutions based on the ratio of actual webinar hours to total program hours. Those. 12*1/512. Where that attitude is more, they will personally pay attention to your training more attention!

Step 3.2. Compare the profitability of an hour of webinar based on the fact that on average there are 10 listeners. 5 tr.*10 people/12 hours = 4.2 tr. The teacher will earn per hour. Average market cost of an hour Ph.D. in Moscow is about 1,500 rubles, but not 3 times more (4.2 thousand rubles).

Conclusion - Institute “A”, dumping on price, receives excess profits from students who were attracted by the low price, providing them with a minimum amount of real teaching time. Do you need this? Don't be fooled! Choose the institute that will provide you with MORE real teaching hours at an adequate market price.

Speciality "State and municipal administration"(or, as they also say in everyday life - GMU) - one of the youngest in modern Russia, officially created in 1992. In February 2015, a new federal state educational standard for higher education was introduced towardspreparation 38.03.04 "State and municipal management" ("Bachelor"), which assumes maximum orientation of the educational process to the needs of the labor market. To date state and municipal administration universities identified as one of the most popular areas of training.

From the very name of this specialty it is clear that the professional activity of graduates in the future is connected, first of all, with work in civil public service positions in government and management bodies at the federal, regional or municipal levels. But not only.

During their studies, graduates receive extensive knowledge from a variety of fields from economics to law, which gives them the opportunity to work with no less success in state and municipal institutions, enterprises and budgetary organizations, in public and non-profit organizations, international organizations and international governing bodies.

They often find application in research and educational organizations and institutions. There is a great demand for young and educated managers in commercial structures.

Anyway, specialty of State Medical University gives the young man a good impetus for his future career. And although it is still too early to rule out protectionism in the civil service, the trend of recent years clearly shows: there are more and more people who are climbing the career ladder precisely because of the successful mastery of the specialty of state and municipal administration and their own perseverance.

Our university has accumulated extensive experience in teaching state and municipal administration. Its graduates (just ask about this in the “News” section of one of the most popular search engines) today occupy leadership positions in a variety of departments and regions. There are also many who, having received a specialty from State Medical University in Moscow, have made a career in the capital. In general, today in our university state and municipal administration These are bachelor's and master's degrees.

This year, taking into account the growing interest in state and municipal management, the institute has prepared an original course of lectures “Technologies of social design”. Moreover, they can visit it not only Bachelors of State and Municipal Administration, but even those who are just planning to enter MIGUP to study at State Medical University.

The main idea of ​​the course is the development of management skills of young people, the ability to solve assigned problems systematically and using software methods. After all, it is precisely these qualities of a modern and future leader that make it possible to achieve success in public administration and economics, business, reforms in spheres of life, industries and public institutions.

Bachelor's degree at State Medical University – it's coming to us!

Select a distance course - Administrative and economic support of activities Anti-corruption measures in the implementation of the educational process Anti-terrorism activities in an educational organization Anti-terrorist security Anti-terrorist and anti-extremist activities Audit / Internal audit of the Belarusian Railways. Theory and methods of teaching BJJ Librarian. Library science. Library, reference, bibliographic and information services Biology and chemistry. Theory and teaching methods Biology. Theory and teaching methods Accounting Budget policy Budget system Budget accounting / Economics, budgeting, accounting (budget) accounting and control Otorhinolaryngologist State and municipal administration State and municipal finance State defense order Civil defense and emergency situations After-school groups. Design and implementation of educational activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard Defectology and special psychology Diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children Dietetics Protection of information, personal data and ensuring information security Fine and decorative arts. Pedagogy and teaching methods Investment management / Investment director Inclusive (integrated) education for children with disabilities Foreign language. Theory and teaching methods Information and communication technologies in the electronic information and educational environment HR records management / HR inspector Clinical psychology Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs / Management Corrective pedagogy and psychology Laboratory assistant. Laboratory analyses, tests, measurements during training sessions in chemistry and biology Speech therapist. Psychological and pedagogical support for children with speech pathology Marketing and sales management Master of Business Administration Master of Sports Administration / Sports Management Mathematics and computer science. Teaching mathematics and computer science in educational institutions Emergency medical care Medical massage Management in education Methods of teaching political science Methods of teaching economic and management disciplines Methodology of scientific research. Innovative approaches to teaching Musical psychology and pedagogy. Technologies for planning and implementing music education taking into account the requirements of F Training of responsible persons for the safe operation and maintenance of pressure vessels (steam sterilization Oligophrenopedagogy and oligophrenopsikhologiya. Education and development of children with intellectual disabilities in the context of the implementation of CSF Organization of procurement of goods, work, services by certain types of legal entities Organization of healthcare and public health Organization of preventive measures and work to counter extremism and terrorism Fundamentals of office work and secretarial work Fundamentals of engineering Domestic history and social studies . Design and implementation of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Occupational safety / Labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations, members of committees (commissions) on labor protection / Palliative care Educator (educator, methodologist, psychologist) of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool educational institution Educator (teacher, methodologist, psychologist) of primary education according to the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO Teacher of additional education / Teacher of additional education Teacher of additional professional education Pedagogy and methodology of higher education according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education Pedagogy and methodology of teaching physical education / Physical education instructor in preschool educational institutions, NOO Pedagogy and methodology of vocational education Pedagogy and psychology. Organization and content of activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard First medical aid. Training workers in first aid skills First aid First aid. Training workers in first aid skills Cook Fire safety / Fire-technical minimum for managers and those responsible for fire safety in an institution Applied pedagogy and psychology Programming Industrial safety Anti-corruption in the system of state and municipal government Radiation safety Rehabilitation work in the social sphere Russian language and literature. Pedagogy and teaching methods in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Nursing Social pedagogy and psychology Social work Anti-doping specialist Internal control specialist (internal controller) Specialist in the maintenance and repair of sports equipment and equipment Specialist in working with families Specialist in the operation of water intake facilities Theory and methodology teaching BJD Theory and methods of teaching mathematics Theory and methods of teaching technology │Labor instructor Theory and methods of teaching choreography Technosphere safety Management of state and municipal property Management of state, municipal and corporate procurement Management of land resources Personnel management Personnel management and personnel records management Project management / Project management Physics. Theory and methods of teaching physics. Physical culture and life safety Financial management / Financial director Environmental safety / Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general economic systems Economics and tourism and hotel management Economics and finance Economic safety Excursion activities Expert in procurement Electrical safety Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in organizations and institutions Jurisprudence - I need academic hours - - I have academic hours - I don’t have them I’m counting on a discount From 40 to 71 ac. hours From 72 to 119 ac. hours From 120 to 250 ac. hours Over 250 ac. hours - Number of students - 1 2 3 4 5 and more - Assign qualification -