Names of speech development programs. Methodological development of a program for speech development

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Apastovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

MBDOU "Apastovsky kindergarten of general developmental type "Rainbow" of the Apastovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


on speech development

"Development of lexical grammatical side speeches of preschoolers

during use didactic games»

Gainutdinova R.R., teacher

MBDOU "Apastovsky kindergarten"

general developmental form "Rainbow"

Apastovsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

urban village Apastovo 2015

Explanatory note.

Good speech - the most important condition comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is.

Speech development is considered in psychology and pedagogy as general basis training and education.

One of the main tasks of speech development is the formation of its lexical and grammatical categories. The formation of lexical and grammatical categories is a long and labor-intensive process. But if you skillfully interest children and think through the structure of activities, then you can achieve significant results. Already at preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary sufficient to understand the speech of adults and peers.

Violation of lexical and grammatical categories leads to the fact that the child incorrectly masters his own speech and incorrectly formulates his own speech statements. Incorrect assimilation of the laws of language leads to violations of the morphological structure of the word and the syntactic structure of the sentence. These disorders have a negative impact on the formation and development of other aspects of speech, complicate the process of schooling for children, and reduce its effectiveness.

The urgent point is to solve the problem described above through a didactic game as the main activity of an older preschooler. A didactic game has two goals: one of them is educational, and the other is playful, for the sake of which the child acts. These two goals complement each other and help ensure high performance in the formation of lexical and grammatical categories. The solution to this problem is directly related to the child’s successful education at school.

Preschool education is determined by a variety of variable programs, each of which has its own priority aspects in the speech development of children. All of them are based on the ideas of humane, personality-oriented pedagogy and the creation of a favorable speech environment around them. At the same time, in our opinion, there is a need to create a program with more specific conceptual content, namely a program aimed at developing the lexical and grammatical side of preschoolers’ speech in the process of using didactic games.

The program is designed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. The goal of the program: to promote the formation of the ability of preschool children to use speech as a special object of knowledge of the world around them, using the sound and meaning of the word, its sound form, combination and coordination of words in speech during didactic games.


Vocabulary development:

1) learn to correctly and accurately use words in speech that denote objects, phenomena, actions; their properties, qualities, material and its features;

2) to form a conscious use in speech of words denoting specific and generic generalizations;

3) learn to use means of expression in speech.

Development grammatical correctness speeches:

1) learn to correctly use grammatical forms of speech to clearly express your thoughts;

2) develop the ability to use all parts of speech in a speech utterance and consolidate the skill of their coordination.

Development of coherent speech:

1) learn to enter into verbal contacts with others, participate in collective conversations;

2) teach to reasonably correct erroneous judgments of peers;

3) learn to ask and answer questions;

4) develop coherent speech, spreading sentences by introducing secondary and homogeneous members; introduction into speech of complex and complex sentences with and without conjunctions, through didactic games using signs of time, appearance, actions, places;

5) learn to select antonyms, synonyms, homonyms;

6) learn to write short stories.

General developmental tasks:

    develop imaginative and logical thinking through didactic games;

    develop the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions; develop Creative skills.

Educational tasks:

1) cultivate artistic taste;

2) introduce to fiction and oral folk art;

3) cultivate interest in independent writing.

Areas of work:

Stage 1

Stage 2







Stage 3

Assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical work on the development of the lexical and grammatical aspect of speech in children of senior preschool age.

Didactic game as a means formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children of senior preschool age

In didactic play, the child is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections and circumstances. While playing, the child independently solves various mental problems, describes objects, identifies their characteristic features, finds similarities and differences, guesses them from the description, and groups objects according to various properties.

Didactic games promote:

Sensory and mental development (development of visual perception, figurative representations, teaching analysis, comparison of objects, their classification);

Mastering lexical and grammatical categories native language, and also help to consolidate and enrich the acquired knowledge, on the basis of which the child’s speech abilities develop;

Perform important methodological tasks: psychologically prepare children for verbal communication;

Provide multiple repetitions speech material;

They train children in choosing the right speech option, which is preparation for situational spontaneous speech at all.

Didactic games are used to solve all problems of speech development. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech.

In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in the words and actions of the players. “A game is a fantastic world, freed from despotism and suppression of adults, a world of discovery of repressed desires, a world of realization of the unrealizable” (A. S. Spivakovskaya).

Didactic games are an effective means of consolidating grammatical skills, since due to the emotionality of the game and the interest of children, they make it possible to practice the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms.

Didactic games can be carried out in classes with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually with each child. Games are planned in advance. The program task is determined, the equipment of the game is thought through (handouts, vocabulary work is thought through (reminded, clarified, reinforced). The organization of the game is also thought through (at the table, on the carpet, on the street, depending on what material is used, with which of the children plant (strong with weak).

The game should be played at ease, in game form without using complex grammatical terminology.

The grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age will be successfully formed using games if:

Games will be selected in accordance with the grammatical structure of the language;

The games will correspond to the interests of older preschoolers;

The management of games with grammatical content must correspond to the laws of children’s acquisition of the grammatical structure of the language.

You can use the following games and exercises with lexical and grammatical content:

- “One-many”, “We are a few wizards - there was one, but there are many”, “Catch and call”, “Word - words - many words” (formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases);

- “Call it affectionately”, “Big - small”, “Think and name” (formation of diminutive nouns);

- “What for what? "(formation of nouns using the suffix -nits - work on cards).

- “Who has whom?” ", "Name the cub", "Name the cubs" (formation of the names of the cubs in the singular and plural).

- “Dad, mom, me”, “Name the family” (children specify the names of domestic animals and their cubs: they name dad, mom and cub).

- “Whose tail? ", "Whose trace? ", "Whose paws? ", "Whose head? ", "Find your clothes", "An unprecedented beast" (formation of possessive adjectives).

- “What juice? ", "What soup? ", "What compote? "; game "Porridge"; “Name the branch (leaf)”, “Delicious jam”, “Cheerful cook”, “Tell me which one? "(formation of relative adjectives).

Comic game “We drove and drove. "(differentiation of verbs with prefixes).

- “What from what? ", "Guess whose things these are? "(fixing the genitive case form of nouns);

- “Who will we give what to? ", "Who needs these things? ", "Gifts" (fixing the form dative case nouns) ;

- "Who lives where? ", "Help the animals find their home" (consolidating the form of the prepositional case of nouns);

- “Two and five” (fixing the form of genitive singular and plural nouns);

- “Let's count”, “Count to 5” (coordination of numerals with nouns);

- “My, my, mine, mine”, “Greedy” (coordination possessive pronouns with nouns) ;

- "What colour? "(agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number);

- “Sweet tooth Carlson” (coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender and number);

- “Say the opposite” (formation of antonym words);

- “Kitten and chair”, “Rearrange the furniture”, “Find a place”, etc. (consolidation and differentiation of prepositions: IN, ON, UNDER, FOR)

It is good to use the element of competition in games in older preschool age, which increases children’s interest in completing tasks and ensures better assimilation of program material, helps children complete tasks clearly and correctly, without making mistakes.

Games are one of the most important means of developing independent speech activity, and one should remember their importance in general as a means of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education in children.

Didactic games develop children's speech; The vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. Some games require children to actively use generic and species concepts.

Thus, the use of didactic games, the creation of various gaming techniques They arouse great interest, excitement, joy in children, and maintain a positive emotional mood. Children make fewer mistakes in the use of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Application gaming facilities in direct educational activities for a long time allows you to maintain performance at high level even in children with unstable attention. Creating a game in direct educational activities ensures easy and quick assimilation of program material, making it more lively, interesting, and effective.

The use of special didactic games and exercises makes it possible to most successfully solve issues related to the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Stage 1

Diagnosis of the state of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech in children of senior preschool age.

Diagnosis of the state of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech

To diagnose the state of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech, T.B.’s methods are used. Filicheva and E.A. Strebeleva.

The purpose of diagnostics: to study the state of vocabulary in preschool children. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, clarity is used during the examination (didactic manual by T.B. Filicheva and N.V. Soboleva)

To study vocabulary, children are offered the following types tasks:

1. Survey of subject vocabulary.

Goal: Examination of active and passive vocabulary based on pictures.

Procedure: the child is presented with object pictures: book, notebook, pen, ruler; vegetable garden, cabbage, radishes, zucchini, parsley, etc. vegetables; dishes - plate, cup, coffee pot, ladle. In addition, rarely used specific vocabulary is presented: elbow, eyelashes, knee, eyebrows; windows, window sill, frame, glass.

Instructions: “Tell me what it is?”

Along with the objects, plot pictures are presented: “In the library”, “At the station”, “In the pharmacy”, etc., allowing one to examine a wide range of lexical means. Children are asked questions like: “What is this?”, “What is it for?”, “Who is in the picture?”, “Who else works there?”, “What are they doing there?” etc. (depending on the situation depicted in the picture and the child’s life experience).

Score in points:

2. Naming an object according to its description.

Goal: Semantics survey.

Procedure: the experimenter describes a specific object. The child must say what object is being discussed. It is more difficult for a child to name an object by its description when the object is missing.

Instructions: “What is this?”

Fluffy with sharp claws, meows, (cat)

Covered with feathers flies (bird)

Cushioned furniture, used for sitting relaxation (chair)

A building where people watch plays (theater)

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

3. General concepts.

Goal: Formation of generalizing concepts.

Procedure: the child is asked to complete next tasks:

1. Name the pictures and correlate them with the species concept

a) the child is presented with pictures: eggplant, lemon, cucumber, apple, tomato, beetroot, banana, currant, cherry, pear.

Instructions: “Name the vegetables and fruits”

b) Pictures are presented: deer, wolf, camel, cow, sheep, bear, badger.

Instructions: “Name domestic animals and wild animals.”

2. List a number of names of objects related to the general concept given by the teacher.

Instructions: a) “List what pieces of furniture you know?”

b) “List what items of clothing you know?”

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

3. Name a generalizing word.

Instructions: “Continue the series of objects and name them with one general word: plate, cup...”

4. What are they doing?

Purpose: Examination of the verb dictionary.

Procedure: the child is offered pictures depicting people of various professions: builder, doctor, teacher, cleaner, salesman, hairdresser, dressmaker, violinist, ballerina.

Instructions: “What are the people in the pictures doing?”

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

5. Selection of adjectives for nouns.

Goal: Examination of the dictionary of signs.

Procedure: the experimenter shows the child a picture and asks him to answer the question. List of pictures: apple, fox, ball. The child must select as many adjectives as possible for the noun. Instructions: “Which apple? etc."

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

6. “Explanation of the meaning of words.”

Procedure: the child is offered the words: airplane, hammer, book, raincoat, friend, beat, prickly.

Instructions: “What does the word airplane mean?”

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

7. Name of animals and their young.

Purpose: examination of word formation skills.

Procedure: the experimenter names and places on a flannelgraph pictures with images of adult animals: cat, hare, pig, wolf. Pictures of the babies of these animals are on the table in front of the child. The child must find, name and place the baby animals next to the adult animals on the flannelgraph accordingly.

Instructions: “Different animals came out into the clearing. Find the cubs, name them and place each one with its mother.”

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

8. Formation of adjectives from nouns.

Purpose: Examination of word formation skills.

The experimenter pronounces a sample speech: “A glass is made of glass - it’s glass.”

Instructions: “A wooden chair – what is it? Chocolate candy - what is it? Oak table - what is it? Milk soup – what is it?”

Score in points:

5 points – independently copes with all assigned tasks

4 points – makes 2-3 mistakes, which he corrects independently

3 points – the child does not know 50% of the presented material

2 points – makes many mistakes, inaccuracies, does not use the experimenter’s help

1 point – no result or all answers are incorrect.

Stage 2

Development of the lexical and grammatical aspect of speech of older preschoolers in the process of using didactic games

Chapter I

Didactic games aimed at developing observation, verbal and non-verbal memory in children of senior preschool age

Goal: to teach children to name observed actions, remember their sequence and reproduce from memory.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Remember and Show.” Look and remember what I will do.”

Children are shown several actions, asked to name them and repeat them in the same sequence.

Then the children themselves name the actions. For this, a driver is selected. He is given a task in a whisper. The driver performs it, the children carefully watch his actions, and then talk about them in strict sequence.

The following sequence of actions is suggested:

He got up from his chair and went to the board.

He walked up to the table, took a book, and sat down on a chair.

He went to the window, took a watering can, watered the flower, and put the watering can in place.

He went to the table, took the book, took it to the closet, and put the book on the top shelf.

He got up from the chair, went to the closet, took a toy from the bottom shelf, took it to the window, and put it on the windowsill.

Chapter II

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to analyze the subject content of situational pictures and establish predicative relationships

Goal: to teach to analyze the subject content of situational pictures, to establish predicative relationships.

Children are offered situational pictures with the following content:

The plane is flying.

The girl is coming.

The children are singing.

The boy washes himself.

Mom sews.

Grandfather is reading a newspaper.

Mom is making soup.

The girl draws a flower.

Grandma knits socks.

A girl catches a butterfly.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Who is the most attentive?” I will show pictures and ask questions, and you will answer. The one who answers correctly will receive a mushroom. The one with the most mushrooms in the basket wins.”

Children are shown pictures and asked questions about their content (Who is shown in the picture? What is he doing?).

Chapter III

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to analyze the visual content of situational pictures.

Goal: to teach to analyze the visual content of situational pictures, to compare pictures that differ in the objects depicted on them, the actions performed, and the subjects.

Children are offered pairs of situational pictures with the following content:

The bird is flying. - The plane is flying.

The girl washes herself. - The boy is washing his face.

The boat is sailing. - The duck is swimming.

The girl is standing. - The girl is coming.

The duck is standing. - The duck is swimming.

The girl is sleeping. - The girl is sitting.

The girl draws a bunny. – The girl is drawing a house.

The bunny eats a carrot. - The bunny eats cabbage.

The hedgehog carries pears. - The hedgehog carries mushrooms.

Mom cuts sausage. - Mom is cutting fish.

Grandmother washes an apple. - Grandma washes a pear

The girl collects berries. – The girl collects mushrooms.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Find the Differences.” Look carefully at who is doing what in the pictures. Tell me how they differ."

Chapter IY

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to establish the sequence of events

Goal: to learn to establish the sequence of development of an event depicted in a series of pictures.

On the table in front of each child is a series of three pictures: a growing flower, a shrinking apple, a burning candle, a flying dandelion, a bird flying away from a nest.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “What first, what then?” The pictures depict some event. Look at them carefully, think about how it all began, what happened next, and how it ended. Put all the pictures from left to right in order.”

After finishing the work, the children are asked to check with each other whether they completed the task correctly.

Chapter V

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to compare objects according to various signs and reflect them in speech

1. “Choose an object of the desired shape”

Goal: to teach children to select vegetables by shape and reflect their name and characteristic in speech.

Equipment: on the teacher’s table there are cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, zucchini, and beets.

Children are asked to come to the table and name the vegetables. Then they are shown a card with an outline image of a circle and an oval, the name of the geometric shapes is specified, and the card is placed on the board.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Choose an object of the desired shape.” Let's split into two teams. Your team will choose round-shaped vegetables and fruits, and yours will oval shape(the teacher points to the image of the corresponding figure on the card). The team that chooses the correct items will win.”

Children from different teams are asked to take turns approaching the table, select objects of a given shape, name the object and its shape (“Round Tomato,” etc.).

2. “Choose a subject desired color»

Goal: to teach children to select fruits by shape and reflect their name and characteristic in speech.

Equipment: each child has one fruit on the table (apple, pear, lemon, orange, tangerine, plum); on the floor in the play corner there are 6 hoops containing colored strokes of cardboard (yellow, orange, red, blue, green).

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Find your house.” Take the fruits that are on your tables. Look what color they are. Find a suitable house for them.”

Then the children are asked to name the fruit and its color.

3. “Compare and name”

Goal: to teach children to compare vegetables according to various characteristics and reflect them in speech.

Equipment: tomato and carrot.

Children are asked to look at vegetables, name them and determine whether they are the same or different based on the following questions:

Are they the same shape or different? What is the shape of a tomato? What shape is a carrot?

Similarly, objects are compared by color, texture, taste, place of growth, group affiliation.

4. “Guess what it is?”

Goal: guessing an object based on its characteristics based on object pictures.

Equipment: pictures of vegetables and fruits are placed in a chaotic order on the board.

Children are told various signs of vegetables and fruits (shape, color, texture, taste, place of growth, group affiliation) until the object is guessed.

Instructions: “Guess what this is? Round, red, hard, sweet, grows on a tree, fruit.” Etc.

5. “Who knows, let him answer”

Goal: highlighting the main signs of autumn based on pictures-symbols natural phenomena; selection of words denoting actions and signs on the topic “Autumn”.

Equipment: pictures-symbols of natural phenomena with contour images of the sun, wind, snowflakes and raindrops, trees, bears, birds, people; painting “Autumn”; mushroom chips, cardboard baskets with a pocket for mushrooms for each child.

Instructions: Let's play the game “Who knows, let him answer?” I will ask questions and you will answer. The one who answers correctly will receive a mushroom. The one with the most mushrooms in the basket wins.”

The teacher places the picture “Autumn” on the board and invites the children to look at it.

Instructions: “What time of year is shown in the picture? (Autumn) Why do you think so? (Children’s guesses).”

The teacher lays out pictures-symbols on the typesetting canvas and asks the children questions:

The sun (what is it doing?)… hides, does not shine…

the wind (what is it doing?)… blows, howls, whistles, tears off clothes…

wind (what?)… cold, strong…

rain (what is it doing?)… it’s coming, it’s pouring, it’s drizzling, it’s hitting the roof, it’s getting wet…

leaves (what are they doing?)… turn yellow, fall off, lie on the paths, dry up…

leaves (what?)… yellow, red, beautiful, dried out…

animals (what are they doing?)… making provisions for the winter, preparing for hibernation, changing their coats…

birds (what are they doing?)… fly away to warm countries…

people (what are they doing?)... harvesting, preparing supplies for the winter...

Chapter VI

Didactic games aimed at strengthening the ability to coordinate words in a sentence.

1. “Say the word”

Goal: select any words to match the given one.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Say the Word.” I will name the words, and in response you name the first word that you remember (or whatever comes to mind).”

List of words:

Table, dishes, wood, butterfly, dog, hare, courage, color.

It stands, speaks, illuminates, grows, sings, laughs, falls, climbs down.

Yellow, big, tall, fat, good, angry, fox, wooden.

Fast, high, fun, two, flying.

2. “Who can do what?”

Goal: selection of action words to words denoting the names of objects.

Equipment: pictures used in the previous exercise.

Children are asked to look at the pictures, determine who is depicted in them, and what he can do.

3. “Finish the sentence.”

Goal: selection of words to adequately complete the meaning of the statement (development of proactive synthesis).

Grandfather is reading... (newspaper, book...).

The boy catches... (butterfly, fish...).

The girl draws... (bunny, house...).

The bunny eats... (carrots, cabbage...).

The hedgehog carries on thorns... (apples, mushrooms...).

Grandma bought (milk, soap...).

Mom cuts... (sausage, fish...).

Grandmother washes... (dishes, apple...).

The guys went into the forest... (for what?)... (for mushrooms, for berries...).

Masha went into the forest... (with whom?)... (with her friends, with her mother...).

Lena often helps her mother... (what to do?).

Yesterday Petya went... (to the store, to the zoo...).

Mom gives an apple... (to her daughter, grandmother...).


Didactic games aimed at developing observation, verbal and non-verbal memory in children of senior preschool age


Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to analyze the subject content of situational pictures and establish predicative relationships




Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to analyze the visual content of situational pictures.



Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to establish the sequence of events



Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to compare objects according to various criteria and reflect them in speech


Didactic games aimed at strengthening the ability to coordinate words in a sentence.



Educational and thematic plan

Didactic games aimed at developing observation, verbal and non-verbal memory in children of senior preschool age

Goal: to teach children to name observed actions, remember their sequence and reproduce from memory

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to analyze the subject content of situational pictures and establish predicative relationships

Goal: learn to analyze the subject content of situational pictures, establish predicative relationships


Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to analyze the visual content of situational pictures

Goal: to teach to analyze the visual content of situational pictures, to compare pictures that differ in the objects depicted on them, the actions performed, the subjects

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to establish the sequence of events

Goal: to learn to establish the sequence of development of an event depicted in a series of pictures

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to compare objects according to various criteria and reflect them in speech

Goal: to teach children to select vegetables by shape and reflect their name and characteristic in speech

Goal: to teach children to select fruits by shape and reflect their name and characteristic in speech

Goal: to teach children to compare vegetables according to various characteristics and reflect them in speech

Goal: guessing an object based on its characteristics based on object pictures

Goal: highlighting the main signs of autumn based on pictures-symbols of natural phenomena; selection of words denoting actions and signs on the topic “Autumn”

Didactic games aimed at strengthening the ability to coordinate words in a sentence

Goal: select any words to match the given one

Goal: selection of action words for words denoting the names of objects

Goal: selection of words to adequately complete the meaning of the statement (development of proactive synthesis)


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    Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech. Psyche, consciousness, unconscious. (Collected works.) Textual commentary by I.V. Peshkova. Publishing house "Labyrinth", M., 2001. - 368 p.

    Zimnyaya I.A. Linguistic psychology of speech activity. – M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, Voronezh: NPO “MODEK”, 2001. – 432 p.

    Zhinkin N.I. Mechanisms of speech. – M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR, 1958. – 371 p.

    Loseva L.M. How the text is structured: A manual for teachers / Ed. G.Ya. Solganika. –

    M.: Education, 1980. – 94 p.

    Luria A.R. Language and consciousness / Ed. E.D. Chomsky. 2nd
    ed. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1998. – 336 p.

    Methods for examining children's speech: A manual for the diagnosis of speech disorders / Ed. ed. prof. G.V. Chirkina. – 3rd ed., add. – M.: ARKTI, 2003. – 240 p.

    Nechaeva O.A. Functional and semantic types of speech (Description, narration, reasoning). Ulan Ude, Buryat. book publishing house, 1974. – 261 p.

    Reader on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children: Textbook. aid for students higher and Wednesday ped. schools, institutions / Comp. MM. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2000. – 560 p.

    Tseytlin S.N. Language and the child: Linguistics of children's speech: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. – 240 p.


Lesson notes on the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in the process of using didactic games

Subject. Compiling a story based on a series plot paintings"We found a hedgehog"

Goal: developing skills in constructing a detailed speech statement based on a series of plot pictures.


1) to develop the skills of purposeful perception of the visual content of a series of plot pictures;

2) learn to analyze their subject content, establish and convey the depicted actions in speech;

3) practice constructing simple common sentences with adverbs of place, additions and definitions;

4) develop attention to the speech of others and your own speech.


A typesetting canvas in the form of a train with carriages;

Mushroom chips made of cardboard;

A series of 3 story pictures with the following content:

1. A girl and a boy found a hedgehog in the forest under a bush.

2. The guys are carrying a hedgehog in a hat.

3. The hedgehog drinks milk from a bowl. A girl and a boy are standing next to each other.

Lesson 1.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

    Have you been on a walk in the forest?

    Did you like it in the forest? (What did you like in the forest?)

    Who did you go to the forest with?

Who (what) did you see in the forest?

II. Communicating the purpose of the lesson

Educator: “A locomotive from Romashkov came to visit us and brought magic pictures. A story is drawn on them, about one incident with the guys in the forest. We will make up a story based on the pictures and find out what happened to them.”

III. Analysis of the content of a series of pictures

On the typesetting canvas (train) there are plot pictures with the side opposite to the image.

The teacher opens the pictures one by one, invites the children to look at them and answer the questions.

Questions for the 1st picture:

    Who are we going to talk about? (About a boy and a girl)

    What are the names of the boy and girl?

    Who else will we talk about? (About the hedgehog)

    Where did the guys go? (The guys came to the forest)

- What kind of hedgehog? (Small, prickly)

    Where was the hedgehog sitting? (The hedgehog was sitting under a bush)

Questions for the 2nd picture:

    What did the guys do? (The guys took the hedgehog)

    Where did they put the hedgehog? (They put the hedgehog in the hat)

    Why did they put a hedgehog in the hat? (Children's guesses)

    Where did the guys take the hedgehog? (Children's guesses)

Questions for the 3rd picture:

    Where did the guys bring the hedgehog? (The guys brought the hedgehog home)

What did the guys do? (They gave the hedgehog milk)

What kind of milk? (White, tasty, warm)

IV. Lexico-grammatical exercises

1. Selection of words denoting the character’s actions in accordance with their sequence.

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Who is the most attentive.” I will point to the picture and ask questions. You need to answer in one word. The one who answers correctly will receive a mushroom. The one with the most mushrooms in the basket wins.

Suggested questions: What did you do? - We've arrived. What did you do? - Found it. What did you do? - They put it down. What did you do? - They carried it. What did you do? “They gave me something to drink.”

2. Reproduction of various syntactic structures (simple common sentences with adverbs of place, addition and definition).

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Who remembered more?”

The teacher removes the pictures and invites the children to answer the questions:

Where did the guys go? (The guys came to the forest)

Who did they find in the forest? (They found a hedgehog in the forest)

Where was the hedgehog sitting? (The hedgehog was sitting under a bush)

Where did the guys put the hedgehog? (The guys put the hedgehog in the hat)

Where did they take him? (They carried him home)

What did the guys give the hedgehog to drink? (The guys gave the hedgehog milk)

V. Summary

Educator: “Who did we learn to talk about in class? (About the guys and the hedgehog).

Lesson 2.

I. Organizational stage

Instructions: “Who did we learn to talk about in class? (About the guys and the hedgehog).

II. Explanation of the purpose of the lesson

Instructions: “Today in class we will continue to learn how to compose a story using pictures.”

III. Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings

1. Children placing a series of pictures on a typesetting canvas

Instructions: “Arrange the pictures in the trailers in order.”

2. Writing a story together

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Complete the sentence.” I’ll start telling the story using the pictures, and you’ll complete the sentences with the words that make sense.”

One day a boy and a girl went... (to the forest). Under a bush they found a small... (hedgehog). The guys put the hedgehog... (in the hat). They carried him... (home). At home, the guys gave the hedgehog warm... (milk).

3. Compiling a story based on a series of pictures as a whole

In the course of the work, children's stories are analyzed, stories compiled by other children are supplemented according to the questions of the speech therapist: “Did you like the story? Did you tell it in order? What mistakes did you notice in the story? What can you add?

IV. Bottom line

Educator: “Who did we learn to talk about in class? (About the guys and the hedgehog).”

Children's work in class is assessed in general and individually.

Subject. Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings “How Tanya cured the bird”

Goal: teaching children to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Objectives: 1) learn to analyze the depicted visual situation, establish the cause-and-effect relationship of events, and arrange semantic links in a certain sequence;

2) teach the definition of the subject of the statement and its main idea;

3) develop skills in correct lexical and grammatical formatting of individual statements;

4) learn to identify contextual synonyms from a sample story;

5) develop skills to control the construction of statements.

Equipment: - type-setting canvas in the form of a train with carriages;

Mushroom chips made of cardboard;

Cardboard baskets with a pocket for mushrooms for each child;

A series of 4 story pictures with the following content:

1. The girl found a wounded bird in the bushes.

2. A girl sits on a bed in a room and bandages a bird’s wing.

3. A girl feeds a bird from a bowl

4. The girl released the bird out the window and sees it off.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

The teacher asks the children to answer the questions:

    Do you love animals, birds?

    Have you ever helped an animal in trouble?

There is a knock on the door.

The teacher goes out to see who came and returns with a toy - a kitten.

Kitten (in a sad voice): “Hello, guys.”

Teacher: “Hello, Kitten. Why are you so sad?”

Kitten: “I lived with the boy Petya. He offended me all the time, pulled my tail. And now my ponytail hurts all the time. What should I do?".

Educator: “I know one girl, Tanya, who really loves animals and helps them.”

Kitten: “Please tell me about this girl.”

Teacher: “Stay in our class and listen.”

II. Communicating the purpose of the lesson

Educator: “Today the guys and I will talk about how the girl Tanya cured a bird. And the little train from Romashkov and its helper pictures will help us.”

III. Working on the content of the future story (working with a visual plan)

    Children placing a series of pictures on a typesetting canvas.

The plot pictures of the series are located on the board out of order.

Instructions: “Look at the help pictures. Arrange the pictures in the trailers in order.”

The teacher invites one of the children to arrange a series of pictures in the desired sequence. Then the children are asked to evaluate the correctness of the task and, if necessary, correct errors.

2. Analysis of the visual content of pictures

The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and answer the questions:

Questions for the 1st picture:

    Who are we going to talk about? (About a girl)

    What's the girl's name? (Tanya)

    Who else will we talk about? (About the bird)

- Where did Tanya walk? (Tanya was walking in the forest)

- What happened to her in the forest? (She found the bird)

-Where did she find the bird? (In the bushes)

- What kind of bird was it? (Wounded)

Questions for the 2nd picture:

- What happened next? (Where did the girl bring the bird? What did she do next?) - The girl brought the bird home and bandaged the wing.

Questions for the 3rd picture:

- What did the girl do then? – The girl began to feed the bird.

Questions for the 4th picture:

- What happened to the bird next? (The bird recovered)

- What happened then? (What did Tanya do then?) - Tanya released the bird into the wild.

When asking questions, the teacher points to the corresponding pictures.

3. Exercise in selecting words denoting the actions of characters

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “What does it do?” I will point to the picture and ask questions. The one who answers correctly will receive a mushroom. The one with the most mushrooms in the basket wins. You need to answer in one word: What did you do? - I was walking. What did you do? - Found it. What did you do? - I brought it. What did you do? - I bandaged it. What did you start doing? - Feed. What did you do? - Recovered. What did you do? “I let you go.”

IV. Compiling a story according to a visual plan

1. Writing a story together

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Complete the sentence.” I’ll start telling you, and you’ll complete the sentences with suitable words.”

Once Tanya... (walked in the forest). In the bushes she... (found a wounded bird). Girl... (brought her home and bandaged her wing). The bird will soon... (recovered). Then Tanya... (let her go free).

2. Isolating contextual synonyms from the story

Instructions: “In the story, the girl is called by different words. Remember which ones? (Tanya. She. Girl) This is necessary so that the words are not repeated, and the story is beautiful.”

If necessary, the speech therapist reads out the appropriate sentences.

3. Coming up with a title for the story.

4. Writing a story for children

Instructions: “Tell the kitten... (title of the story).”

In the course of the work, children's stories are analyzed using the questions: “Did you like the story? What mistakes did you notice in the story? What can you add?

Kitten: “Thank you, guys, for your stories. I realized that this is a very kind girl. I'll go to Tanya. She will take pity on me and cure me.”

He says goodbye to the guys and leaves.

V. Summary

Educator: “Who did we talk about in class? (About the girl Tanya and the bird). What did we call the story?

Children's work in class is assessed in general and individually.

VI. Homework: “Tell it to your mom (grandmother, dad, friend).”

Subject. Compiling a story based on the plot picture “How crows protected their chicks”

Goal: learning to compose a story based on a plot picture with the reconstruction and reproduction of events preceding and subsequent to those depicted in the picture.


1) learn to analyze the depicted visual situation, recreate and reproduce previous and subsequent events;

2) develop skills in planning a detailed statement;

3) improve the ability to determine the subject of a statement and its main idea;

4) practice selecting contextual synonyms and using them as means of interphrase communication;

5) develop the ability to evaluate the results of speech activity.


- a plot picture with the following content: the boys climbed a birch tree, on which there is a crow’s nest with chicks; two crows fly far from the tree;

- light chips (orange cardboard circles);

- a cardboard flashlight for each child;

Lesson 1.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational part

The teacher asks the children to answer the questions:

    Guys, what is the name of the house where the birds live?

    Who do the birds hatch in the nest?

    Is it possible to touch bird nests? Why?

    Would you like it if someone else broke into your house?

II. Communicating the purpose of the lesson

Educator: “Today in class we will learn and learn to talk about one incident that happened to the boys in the forest.”

III. Working on the content of the future story

The teacher invites the children to look at the story picture and answer the questions:

-Who do you see in the picture? (Boys)

- Who else do you see in the picture? (Raven, chicks)

- What is the name of this tree? (Birch)

Instructions: “Now, let’s play the game “What comes first, and what then?” and let’s figure out where it all began, what happened next and how it all ended. The one who answers the questions correctly will receive the light. The one with the brightest flashlight will win.”

-Where did this incident happen? (In the forest)

- What were the boys doing in the forest? (The boys were walking, picking mushrooms, berries...)

- What did they see on the birch tree? (They saw a nest on a birch tree)

- Who was in the nest? (There were chicks in the nest)

- What did the boys do? (The boys climbed the tree)

- What did the boys want to do? (The boys wanted to take out the chicks...)

- Why did they want to take out the chicks? (They wanted to play with the chicks...)

- Who arrived suddenly? (Suddenly the crows flew in)

- What did the crows do? (The crows began to peck at the boys and beat them with their wings...)

- What did the boys do? (The boys climbed down from the tree and ran away...)

- Why did the crows begin to peck the boys? (They wanted to save their chicks...)

IV. Selection of contextual synonyms

The teacher invites the children to choose words that can be used to call boys (they, guys, are friends).

V. Summary

Educator: “Who did we learn to talk about in class?”

Children's work in class is assessed in general and individually.

Lesson 2.

I. Organizational part

Checking children's readiness for class.

II. Explanation of the purpose of the lesson

Instructions: “Remember who we talked about in the last lesson? Today in class we will continue to learn how to write a story based on a picture.”

III. Writing a story

1. Compiling a story in a chain

The teacher invites one of the children to tell about where the boys came and what they did, to the other - what happened next, to the third - about who arrived and what they did, to the fourth - how this story ended. He invites the rest of the children to listen carefully to the children and, if necessary, correct their mistakes.

If you have any difficulties while composing a story, help is provided in the form of guiding questions, pointing out the corresponding detail of the picture, and hints. initial word phrases.

2. Coming up with a story title

3. Compiling the story as a whole according to the preliminary plan

Story outline:

1. Where did the boys come and what did they do?

2. What happened then?

3. Who arrived and what did they do?

4. How did this story end?

Sample story: “The boys were walking in the forest. They saw a nest on a birch tree. There were chicks in the nest. The boys climbed the tree. They wanted to take out the chicks and play with them. Suddenly the crows flew in. They began to peck at the boys and beat them with their wings. The guys got scared, climbed down from the tree and ran away. This is how the crows saved their chicks.”

In the course of the work, children's stories are analyzed, stories compiled by other children are supplemented by the questions: “Did you like the story? Did you tell it in order? What mistakes did you notice in the story? What can you add?

IV. Bottom line

Educator: “Who did we learn to talk about in class? What did we call the story?

Children's work in class is assessed in general and individually.

Subject. Writing a story describing a tomato

Goal: developing construction skills descriptive story based on the pictorial-symbolic plan.

Objectives: 1) practice identifying the main features of an object based on a visual plan and conveying them in speech in a given sequence;

2) practice sentence construction skills with homogeneous definitions;

3) learn to change interphrase connections using personal pronouns;

4) develop skills to control the construction of statements.

Equipment: - a picture-symbolic plan for a story-description of vegetables (fruits, berries), an object picture with a picture of a tomato, a toy - Dunno.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

Educator: “Today Dunno came to visit us.”

Dunno greets the children and invites them to answer the questions:

- Have you been to the grocery store?

- Who did you go there with?

- What did you buy there?

Dunno: “Today I went to the store and bought a blue square sweet tomato.”

Educator: “Dunno, you’re probably mistaken. Guys, can a tomato be blue and square? (No)"

II. Communicating the purpose of the lesson

Educator: “Guys, let’s tell Dunno what a tomato is like to help him correct his mistake. And the hint pictures will help us with this.”

III. Working on the content of the future statement (working with a visual plan)

In the plan there is a picture of a tomato on the board. Picture symbols are located on the opposite side to the image.

The teacher opens the pictures one by one, invites the children to look at them and answer the questions:

-What are we going to talk about? (About tomato)

- What is the shape of a tomato? (Round tomato)

- What color is the tomato? (Tomato red)

- What does a tomato feel like? (Tomato soft)

- What does a tomato taste like? (The tomato is sour)

-Where does tomato grow? (A tomato grows in a garden bed)

- What is a tomato? (A tomato is a vegetable)

During the conversation, the speech therapist points to the corresponding picture-symbol of shape, color, texture, taste, place of growth, group affiliation, and then an object picture.

Educator: “Dunno, do you understand what your mistakes are?”

Dunno (sad): “Yes, I told you wrong about the tomato. It can’t be blue and square.”

Educator: “Don’t be upset, Dunno, study with us and learn how to correctly talk about your purchase.”

VI. Writing a story based on a visual plan

1. Compiling a story “in a chain”

Instructions: “Let’s play the game “Who knows, let him continue.” We will look at the clue pictures and talk about the tomato. The one I name will start talking until I say stop. The one I name will continue the story.”

The teacher reminds that you need to immediately say which tomato is by color and shape, by touch and taste.

Children make up a story, for example: “This is a tomato. The tomato is round and red. The tomato is soft and sour. A tomato grows in a garden bed. A tomato is a vegetable."

2. Changing the means of interphrase communication

Instructions: “What word is repeated in the story (if necessary, the speech therapist pronounces two sentences, highlighting the repeated word with his voice)? (Tomato). To prevent this word from being repeated, it can be replaced with the word “he”. Listen to what happens: “This is a tomato. It's round and red." Repeat. And in order not to forget about this, repeat after me and remember the hint poem: “In order not to repeat words, we will replace them.”

3. Compiling the story as a whole.

Instructions: “Now you will tell Dunno about the tomato, and he will choose the story that he likes best.”

In the course of the work, children's stories are analyzed using the questions: “Did you like the story? Did you tell it in order? What mistakes did you notice in the story? What can you add?

Dunno: “Thank you guys for your stories. I really liked them. Now I won’t make mistakes.” He says goodbye to the children and leaves.

V. Summary

Educator: “What did we learn to talk about in class? (We learned to talk about a tomato).”

The teacher evaluates the children’s work in class in general and individually.

The tasks of speech development are implemented in a program that determines the scope of speech skills and abilities, the requirements for the speech of children in different age groups.

Modern speech development programs have their own history of development. Their origins are in the first program documents kindergarten. The content and structure of the programs evolved gradually. In the first programs, the tasks of speech development were of a general nature; the need to connect the content of speech with modern reality was emphasized. The main emphasis in the programs of the 30s. was done at work with a book and a picture. With the development of pedagogical science and practice, new tasks appeared in the programs, the scope of speech skills was clarified and supplemented, and the structure was improved.

In 1962, the “Kindergarten Education Program” was created for the first time, which defined the tasks of speech development of children from two months to seven years. Unlike the previously published “Guides for Kindergarten Teachers” software requirements separated from methodological instructions, the repertoire of works of fiction for reading and telling to children has been significantly revised. In the preparatory group for school (distinguished for the first time in the program), preparation of children for learning to read and write is provided.” Model program of education and training in kindergarten" (1983 - 1984) is essentially the basis for the development of modern educational content. In this regard, we will give a description of this particular program.

It takes into account the unique nature of speech activity, which “serves” all types of activity and, thus, is connected with the entire life activity of the child. In this regard, the speech development program is built on the basis of an activity approach: the requirements for speech skills and abilities are reflected in all sections and chapters of the program. The nature of speech skills is determined by the characteristics of the content and organization of each type of activity.

For example, in the “Game” section, the need is pointed out for teaching children the rules and norms of verbal communication, developing the ability to use speech when agreeing on the theme of the game, distributing roles, developing role-playing interaction, in theatrical games - acting out scenes based on familiar fairy tales, poems, and improving performing skills. In the “Labor Education” section, attention is paid to the ability to name objects, their characteristics, qualities, and labor actions. In teaching the beginnings of mathematics, it is impossible to do without mastering the names of shape, size, spatial arrangement of objects, cardinal and ordinal numbers.

The requirements for communication skills and culture of verbal communication are set out in the section “Organization of life and raising children.” Similarly, you can highlight the content of speech work in other chapters of the program.

The independent chapter “Speech Development” is highlighted in the “Learning in the Classroom” section, and in the senior and preparatory school groups in the “Organization of Life and Raising Children” section. In the preparatory group for school, the requirements for the speech development of children are reflected in the chapter “Native Language”, since it is at this age that some linguistic knowledge is imparted and children’s awareness of the phenomena of language and speech deepens.

It should be noted that in the program documents of the kindergarten up to 1983–1984. the tasks of speech development were indicated along with the tasks of familiarization with the surrounding life. For the first time in the “Standard Program” they are given separately from each other, “taking into account the fact that the formation of the majority of actual language skills and abilities (choosing a word from a synonymous series, using expressive means, comparisons, definitions, mastering the elements of word formation and inflection, development phonemic hearing etc.) cannot be ensured along the way when introducing children to their surroundings, which requires organization special forms training (verbal didactic games, creative tasks, dramatizations, dramatizations, etc.) (Standard program of education and training in kindergarten / Edited by R. A. Kurbatova, N. N. Poddyakov. - M., 1984. - P. 5).

The kindergarten program was developed taking into account scientific data on the patterns of speech development of preschool children and the experience of preschool institutions. Requirements for different aspects of speech reflect age-related indicators of speech development. The tasks of vocabulary development have been significantly clarified and specified (here more attention is paid to revealing the semantic side of the word); the tasks of forming the grammatical structure of speech are more clearly formulated; For the first time, the tasks of developing skills and abilities of word formation and the formation of the syntactic structure of speech are highlighted. The program for teaching storytelling has been clarified, the sequence of using different types of storytelling and their relationship has been determined, the task of developing coherent speech is introduced starting from the second junior group. The content of artistic and speech activity of children is determined.

In general, we can say that this program makes an attempt to reflect the level of correct speech and the level of good speech in the requirements for children's speech. The latter is most pronounced in older groups.

The program has a close connection with the program of work on familiarization with the environment (although they are presented separately). This is especially true for the size of the dictionary. The dictionary reflects the content of knowledge about the world around us. It is known that they are based on the sensory experience of children. In this regard, the program clearly shows the idea of ​​the unity of sensory, mental and speech development.

Most speech development tasks are set in all age groups, but their content has its own specifics, which is determined by the age characteristics of children. Thus, in younger groups the main task is to accumulate vocabulary and form the pronunciation side of speech. Starting from the middle group, the leading tasks are the development of coherent speech and the education of all parties sound culture speech. In older groups, the main thing is to teach children how to construct coherent statements of different types and work on the semantic side of speech. In the senior and pre-school groups, a new section of work is being introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy training.

Continuity in content is established speech education in age groups. It manifests itself in the gradual complication of the tasks of speech development and learning the native language. Thus, when working on a word, tasks become more complicated from mastering the names of objects, signs, actions, mastering generalization, which is expressed in in different words, to distinguishing the meanings of polysemantic words, synonyms and consciously choosing the word most suitable for a particular case. In the development of coherent speech - from retelling short stories and fairy tales to composing coherent statements of various types, first on a visual basis, and then without relying on visualization. The program is based on taking into account “end-to-end” trends in the development of vocabulary, grammatical structure, phonetic aspects of speech, and connected speech.

Continuity is also manifested in the repetition of individual requirements in adjacent groups in order to develop strong and sustainable skills and abilities (the use of forms of speech etiquette, consistent and logical construction of coherent statements, etc.).

Along with continuity, the program also shows promise for the development of children’s speech. This means that at each stage of learning the foundations are laid for what will be developed at the next stage.

The kindergarten program creates prospects for the development of children in school. It has continuity with the Russian language program in primary school. In kindergarten, such qualities of oral speech are formed that are further developed in the first grade of school. A rich vocabulary, the ability to clearly and accurately express one’s thoughts, and selectively and consciously use language means are prerequisites for successful learning of the Russian language and mastery of all academic subjects.

Within each task, the core points underlying the formation of communicative and speech skills are identified. In the development of a dictionary, this is work on the semantic side of a word; in monologue speech, it is the selection of the content of a statement, mastering ways of connecting words and sentences; in the development of dialogical speech - the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, interact with others, and participate in a general conversation.

A special feature of the program is the brevity of the presentation of tasks and requirements. The teacher must be able to specify general requirement taking into account individual characteristics children.

Based on the standard program, education and training programs were created in the Union republics (now the CIS countries). The Russian Federation also developed a “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” (1985), approved by the Ministry of Education. It preserved the fundamental approaches to the speech development of children, the main content program tasks and the sequence of their complication, structure. At the same time, the specific cultural and national conditions of Russia were taken into account. The explanatory note to the program drew attention to the fact that “in national preschool institutions, where work is carried out in their native language, children from the first nursery group are taught oral native speech according to a program developed in an autonomous republic, region, region, and from the senior group - Russian colloquial speech (2 lessons per week). In those preschool institutions where work with children of non-Russian nationality is carried out in Russian, from the senior group, teaching the native language is introduced (2 hours per week) according to a program developed locally" (Program of education and training in kindergarten / Responsible editor M A. Vasilyeva. – M., 1985. – P.6).

Currently, so-called variable programs are used in preschool institutions of various types. Among them, the most famous are “Rainbow” (edited by T. N. Doronova), “Development” (scientific supervisor L. A. Wenger), “Childhood. Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten" (V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva and others), "Program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten" (O. S. Ushakova).

The Rainbow program, recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia, takes into account modern requirements for the speech development of children, highlighting generally accepted sections of work on speech development: sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, fiction. One of the most important means of development of preschool children is the creation of a developmental speech environment. Much attention is given to the development of dialogical speech through communication between the teacher and children, children with each other in all areas of joint activities and special classes. A carefully selected literary repertoire for reading, telling to children and memorizing.

The Development program is focused on development mental abilities and creativity of children. Classes on speech development and familiarization with fiction include three main areas: 1) familiarization with fiction (reading poetry, fairy tales, stories, conversations about what you read, play improvisations based on the plots of the works you read); 2) development special means literary and speech activity (means of artistic expression, development of the sound side of speech); 3) development of cognitive abilities based on familiarization with children's fiction. Mastery different sides speech occurs in the context of familiarization with works of art. The idea of ​​the unity of sensory, mental and speech development is clearly expressed and implemented. In the middle group, preparation for learning to read and write is set as an independent task, and in the senior and preparatory groups - learning to read (Development Program. (Basic provisions). - M., 1994.)

The “Childhood” program contains special sections devoted to the tasks and content of children’s speech development and familiarization with fiction: “Developing children’s speech” and “Child and the book.” These sections contain for each group a description of the traditionally distinguished tasks: the development of coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure, and the education of a sound culture of speech. The program is distinguished by the fact that at the end of the sections, criteria are proposed for assessing the level of speech development. It is especially important that it clearly identifies (in the form of separate chapters) and meaningfully defines speech skills in different types of activities.

“The program for the development of speech for preschool children in kindergarten” was prepared on the basis of many years of research conducted in the speech development laboratory of the Institute preschool education under the leadership of F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova. It reveals the theoretical foundations and directions of work on the development of children's speech skills. The program is based on an integrated approach to speech development in the classroom, the relationship of different speech tasks with the leading role of the development of coherent speech. Within each task, priority lines are identified that are important for the development of coherent speech and verbal communication. Particular emphasis is placed on the formation in children of ideas about the structure of a coherent utterance, about the methods of connection between individual phrases and its parts. The content of the tasks is presented by age group. This material is preceded by a description of the speech development of children. The program significantly deepens, complements and clarifies the standard program developed earlier in the same laboratory (See: Ushakova O. S. Program for the development of speech for preschool children in kindergarten. - M., 1994.)

Given the opportunity to choose different programs Of key importance is the teacher’s knowledge of the age-related capabilities of children and the patterns of speech development, the tasks of speech education, as well as the teacher’s ability to analyze and evaluate programs from the point of view of their impact on the full development of children’s speech. Particular attention should be paid to how the development of all aspects of speech is ensured, whether the requirements for children’s speech correspond to age standards, whether the general goals and objectives of speech development, teaching the native language and personality education are achieved.







2. Explanatory note.

“Childhood is a daily discovery of the world and

so we need to do this

so that it becomes, first of all,

knowledge of man and the Fatherland,

their beauty and grandeur."

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Modern society today places new demands on social status each person, requires from him the expediency and usefulness of the application of forces and the most complete personal development.

It is believed that by contributing to the formation of a personality striving for a high quality of life, which is understood as a certain level of mental, physical, social and moral health, we thereby help the child to easily adapt to the rapidly changing modern world and realize his place in it.

Modern society needs an active personality capable of cognitive and active self-realization. The fundamental foundations of such a personality must be laid already in preschool childhood (A. N. Poddyakov, A. G. Gogoberidze, Z. A. Mikhailova, L. M. Klarina, E. N. Gerasimova, N. B. Shumakova, I. E. Kulikovskaya).

Preschool education is designed to ensure the self-development and self-realization of the child, to promote the development of cognitive skills and initiative of the preschooler (N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Poddyakov, O. V. Dybina, O. L. Knyazeva).

It is in preschool age that each child begins to develop his own picture of the world around him. The success of its development depends on how organically the child is assisted in the process of “trying on” the ever-expanding world to his small life experience, and on how much the child is able to express what interests or puzzles him. In order to correctly state the essence of the question, or give the answer to the question himself, the child needs to master the necessary level of speech development.

Currently, the problem of speech development is becoming especially significant. The main and distinctive feature of modern society is the replacement of living human communication computer addiction. The lack of communication between parents and their children and ignoring speech difficulties only increases the number of preschoolers with speech impediments: children lack speech culture skills, they find it difficult to use intonation, regulate voice volume and speech rate, etc.

2.2. Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency.

In connection with the introduction of new Federal State Standards for preschool education, it has become relevant for teachers to rethink the content and forms of work with children.

To date, various programs have been developed for the development of cognitive and speech skills of preschool children, which, as a rule, introduce only a certain method of cognitive or speech activity - observation, design, analysis of oral text.

This program is aimed at integrating the cognitive and speech development of children of senior preschool age, which creates the urgency of introducing this program.

Integration is one of the most important and promising methodological areas of development modern education. Actually, “integration” means combining several academic subjects into one, in which scientific concepts connected by a common meaning and teaching methods. Thus, integration is one of the most favorable forms of development of preschool children. It is known that the integrated approach meets one of the main requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume and capacious.

2.3. Goal and tasks.

The purpose of the elective “Why” is to develop children’s ideas about a person’s place in the history of their country, its culture, traditions and customs through knowledge of their homeland; development of speech culture and enrichment of vocabulary.

To develop cognitive interest in Russian traditions and crafts, to form spiritual and moral feelings for the cultural heritage of their people;

Develop speech using means of linguistic expressiveness: poems, proverbs, sayings, etc., replenish lexicon.

Develop a caring attitude towards nature native land and feelings of belonging to it;

To cultivate in children love and affection for their family, kindergarten, street, town, city, homeland;

To cultivate love and respect for one’s nation, to understand one’s national characteristics, feelings self-esteem, as a representative of his people and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities (peers and their parents, neighbors and other people.)

2.4. Distinctive features.

For a long time, the main guidelines and criteria for the success of working with a child were the level of development of children, the degree to which they possess knowledge, skills, and abilities that should be useful later. However, the social processes taking place in modern society, create the prerequisites for new goals of education, the center of which becomes the individual and his inner world. The foundations that determine the success of personal formation and development are laid in preschool age. This important stage life makes children full-fledged individuals and gives rise to such qualities that help a person make a decision in life and find his worthy place in it.

Base for cognitive-speech development is a preschool institution. It is in kindergarten that a special environment is created that promotes the fullest possible development of the cognitive and speech capabilities of pupils. Considering that at this time children are oversaturated with information, it is necessary that the learning process be interesting, entertaining, and developmental for them.

2.5. Children from the school preparatory group (6-7 years old) participate in the implementation of the “Pochemuchka” additional education program.

2.6. The duration of the additional educational program “Pochemuchka” is one academic year: from September to May.

2.7. Classes are held once a week, lasting 30 minutes. in the form of dialogue and practical training.

2.8. Expected results.

As a result of mastering this program, positive dynamics of cognitive and speech activity are visible: children have the knowledge of:

about education Russian state; about the heroic past of Russia, its historical figures about military specialties, transport about housing, clothing, utensils in Rus'; holidays and traditions in Rus'; about your small homeland; famous poets, artists and their works;

know how to express words of greeting, gratitude, and wishes in speech; know how to find Russia and its capital on a map.

2.9. Monitoring the implementation of the “Pochemuchka” additional education program

children of the preparatory school group for 2013-2014.

Knowledge about education Ross. state Knowledge about the heroic past of Russia, its historical figures

Knows about military specialties, transport

Life and traditions Finds Russia and its capital on the map Knowledge about your small homeland Knows famous poets, artists and their works Points

Able to reflect words of greeting and gratitude in speech Knowledge about housing, clothing, dishes in Rus' Knowledge of holidays and traditions in Rus'

2.10. Diagnostics of the state of cognitive and speech activity of children 6-7 years old (in the appendix)

Based on the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation”, the works of T. N. Doronova, on the research of S. N. Nikolaeva; T. S. Komarova, S. A. Kozlova and T. A. Kulikova developed a work plan for the “Why” elective.

The additional educational program is aimed at developing children’s ideas about a person’s place in the history of their country, its culture, traditions and customs; development of speech culture and enrichment of vocabulary.

The activities of the additional educational program “Pochemuchka” for preparatory age are designed for 36 lessons. In specially organized activities The additional educational program reflects work with children on thematic planning; it is also possible to trace the connection with other activities conducted in kindergarten, such as drawing - painting a nesting doll, lexical topic“Games and toys”, the first section - “Life and traditions”, September - lesson No. 2 “Wooden and clay toys. Traditional crafts." Drawing with children focuses on different types of painting of nesting dolls. Speech development – ​​introduction to Russian poetry, poems about winter by famous Russian poets, lexical topic “Hello Winter”, third section – “I see a wonderful expanse...”, December - lesson No. 1 “Hello Winter! "

The work of the elective is structured in such a way that it allows children to develop cognitive interest, spiritual and moral sense, and significantly expands preschoolers’ knowledge about home country and her heroic past, enriches and develops the speech of preschoolers.

Biysk 2013

Explanatory note

This work program is a comprehensive program for the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old). Work on this topic was carried out over the course of one year, during direct educational activities on speech development in the first half of the day, as well as during educational activities at special times in the afternoon.

Year after year, the number of kindergarten graduates with poorly developed coherent speech is growing. The problem of mastery of words is relevant today for all ages. Not every child can construct a detailed story or come up with his own fairy tale.

Not everyone can understand the author’s idea and answer questions about the content of the text they read, much less ask a question. Familiarizing children with the plants of their native land will contribute not only to the development of coherent speech, but also to enriching the vocabulary with the names of plants of the Alai region.

When developing the work program, the following regulatory documents were used:

  1. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 23, 2012 No. 273-FZ;
  2. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program preschool education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655;
  3. Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education dated July 20, 2011 No. 2151.

Goal: development of coherent speech of older preschoolers through familiarization with the plants of the Altai region.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

Develop the ability to compose a story using diagrams and reference pictures;

Create conditions for familiarization with the diversity of plants in the Altai Territory;

Maintain a desire to take part in plant protection;

Improve retelling skills;

Encourage children to want to take part in the conversation.

Direction and content of the work.

Observing how the plant develops, how it feeds, and what care is needed.

Examination of photographs and pictures depicting plants of the Altai Territory.

Cards with supporting diagrams for writing a descriptive story about a plant.

Verbal methods.

The teacher’s story is about the diversity of plants and growth conditions.

A conversation during which the knowledge gained during excursions and observations is clarified and generalized.

Reading fiction in the course of which there is an impact not only on the child’s consciousness, but also on his feelings.

Using artistic expression – reading poems, guessing riddles about plants.

Practical methods.

Modeling – creating observation diaries, sketching description schemes.

Labor activity in nature (watering, loosening, washing, planting).

Game activity. These are various board and printed games, role-playing, didactic, and outdoor games, which are, one way or another, related to environmental education.

Expected results of mastering the program

During the implementation of this program, the following were organized in the kindergarten: 1) an exhibition of drawings of plants of the Altai Territory; 2) creation of a linden alley; 3) organizing an excursion to the arboretum of the village. Altai, and organization of a thematic photo exhibition.

After mastering this program, children: 1) correctly pronounce the names of plants of the Altai region; 2) describe plants, draw conclusions based on comparison; 4) talk about their impressions of what they saw; 5) freely comment on their actions; 6) come up with short tales about plants of the Altai region; 8) make up a story using supporting diagrams and pictures.

Parents actively participate in the creation and opening of the linden alley and help organize excursions to the arboretum.

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities on the topic “Development of coherent speech of older preschoolers through familiarization with the plants of the Altai Territory”


*Hours are not included in the program

2. Learning through play.

3. Maximum activity of children at all stages of the lesson.

4. Cooperation of children with each other and with adults.

Fine art

Fine creativity is a specific children's activity aimed at aesthetic exploration of the world through visual arts. The creation of artistic images by children in the classroom is a source for the development of cognitive, aesthetic, emotional and social spheres of life. The formation of their artistic image occurs on the basis of practical interest in developmental activities.

This area includes the following activities:


Educational games (didactic, role-playing, board games, theatrical games).

Develop specific skills in different types of visual arts;

Support and encourage children’s desire to see beautiful objects and phenomena in the world around them;

Initiate children's independent choice of artistic images, plots, and compositions.

Visual activity is not only an excellent training for fine and gross motor skills, it is also the development of memory, attention, and logical thinking. Drawing develops a sense of beauty, the child gets an idea of ​​the beauty and diversity of the surrounding world, objects and phenomena. And the use of unconventional drawing techniques (finger painting, plasticine, wax crayons, etc.) makes the process very exciting.

Classes develop students’ ability to depict objects from life, convey shape and color, using a variety of techniques; be able to navigate the album sheet. Children learn to observe, compare objects and plot compositions, and get acquainted with the work of artists and visual genres.

Classes manual labor involve the production of crafts and plot compositions from various materials: plasticine, paper, cardboard, fabric, wire, foil, natural and other available materials; introduce children to the properties of these materials and how to use them in their work.

Development and learning takes place through the use of various types of games, the purpose of which is to develop in children independence, initiative, organizational and creative abilities, and to cultivate a sense of collectivism.

The world around us

This direction involves two main types of activity: the development of spoken language and the formation cognitive activity students.

To develop clear pronunciation skills, enrich and activate children’s vocabulary; - activate perception to understand the surrounding world and phenomena.

Speech development of children occurs in the process of active cognition of the surrounding reality, its objects and phenomena, and human activities. In addition, improving the skills of oral coherent speech is carried out through familiarization with works of fiction, which helps enrich children's speech, expand their vocabulary, and their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development.

The program provides for various types of speech activities - listening, speaking, asking questions and answering them verbally, retelling texts, working on thematic and plot pictures, illustrations, learning poetry, guessing riddles, and developing speech games.

During the period of preschool childhood, the child develops his first ideas about the world around him, develops the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of life around him, as well as independently apply the acquired knowledge in accessible practical reality.

This direction includes the following sections:

Me and nature;

Time and its units of measurement;

The world of objects. For each section, a certain amount of knowledge is offered, taking into account the age of the children and relying on their personal experience. Classes are based on observation methods (examination, research, identification of properties); conversations and stories, during which not only the acquired knowledge is consolidated, but also a positive emotional attitude to the content is formed.

Didactic games and exercises that develop children’s thinking, attention, and imagination are of great importance. They help children to be more confident and teach them to communicate with each other.

Basics of life safety

The need to introduce this direction into the program is due to the fact that before school age is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to the occurrence of traumatic situations.

Instilling knowledge of the basics of personal safety;

Introduce to a healthy lifestyle.

The direction includes several sections:


Program for the development of coherent speech for preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment

The principle of developmental education (formation of the “zone of proximal development”);

An activity principle that determines the leading activity that stimulates the development of a child with speech disorders.

The program is intended for preschoolers in the preschool group.

The work is aimed at maintaining the conditions for children to master perfect forms coherent speech. The work requires fluent mastery of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language, the ability to establish logical connections, the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, juxtapose, and analyze.

The program traces the system of work of a teacher-speech therapist with other kindergarten specialists.

There is also a long-term plan for the entire academic year indicating preliminary work spent with children.

This program is modified and is not copyrighted.

An indispensable condition for the comprehensive development of a child and for his successful education at school is the ability to communicate with adults and peers.. Successful reproduction of textual educational materials, the ability to give detailed answers to questions, independently express your opinions - all these and other educational activities require a sufficient level of development of coherent speech.

According to the literature and our own observations, the majority of children entering school experience significant difficulties and do not have sufficient coherent speech skills for this age. These difficulties are especially observed in children of older preschool age who have ODD.

Connected speech- not just a sequence of words and sentences, it is a sequence of interconnected thoughts that are expressed in precise words in correctly constructed sentences.

The formation of coherent, oral speech is necessary for the most complete overcoming of speech underdevelopment and preparing children for school. In linguistic and methodological literature coherent speech is considered as the main functional-semantic type of speech of all language system. The communicative task of a coherent utterance is to create a verbal image of an object. Main characteristics of a coherent extended statement:

Thematic and structural unity;

Adequacy of the content to the communicative task;

Arbitrariness, planning and conciseness of presentation;

Logical completeness;

Grammatical coherence.

Speech therapy practice shows that children of the sixth year of life, who have a general underdevelopment of speech, have significant difficulties in mastering the skills of coherent speech, which is due to the underdevelopment of the language system - the phonetic-phonemic, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

The statements of children with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by:

Violations of the logical sequence of the narrative;

Violation of coherence, omission of semantic links;

Incompleteness of microthemes;

Return to what was said earlier;

Long pauses at phrase boundaries;

Lexical difficulties are clearly expressed - poor vocabulary, shortcomings in the grammatical design of sentences - incorrect word connections, omissions of words, duplication of phrase elements, errors in the formation of verb forms, etc.

Additional difficulties in mastering coherent speech are associated with the presence in children with general speech underdevelopment of secondary deviations in the development of mental processes of perception, attention, memory, constructive activity skills and the emotional-volitional sphere.

There are a number of methods, methodological developments, scientific works, articles on the development of speech of preschoolers (A. M. Borodich, L. N. Efimenkova, V. I. Seleverstova, G. M. Lyamina, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, E. I. Tikheyeva, etc. .) . But still, the issues of the formation of coherent speech in children with general speech underdevelopment are not sufficiently covered in the literature. Only a few works provide specific forms and techniques for teaching coherent speech to preschoolers and six-year-olds with general speech underdevelopment.

The purpose of this program: improvement of methods and techniques for the formation and development of coherent speech in correctional and speech therapy work with children with special needs development disorders.


1. Use innovative technologies in correctional and speech therapy work on the formation of coherent speech in children with ODD.

2. Create a subject-based developmental environment for the formation and development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age with ODD.

3. Develop a system of working with parents on the development of coherent speech.

This program is modified and compiled on the basis of the program by Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. “Correctional education and upbringing of children with general speech underdevelopment” and the program for the development and upbringing of children in kindergarten “Childhood”.

According to the requirements of the new federal state educational standards speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; development of speech creativity; acquaintance with book culture, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of literature.

The program is designed taking into account age-related development and speech impairment.

By the age of 6–7 years, children need to be prepared for the transition from using colloquial speech to descriptive language.

IN preparatory group It is necessary to prepare children from using colloquial speech to the possible use of a descriptive-narrative style of speech. Training in this style of speech is divided quarterly and proceeds according to three main directions:

1. Drawing up complete sentences, first simple and then complex structures.

2. Games, exercises in dialogical speech, inclusion of detailed, detailed phrases in the conversation.

3. Exercises in coherent descriptive-narrative speech.

All classes on teaching children descriptive-narrative speech are built with gradual complication:

Children's stories based on a ready-made sample;

Stories by perception;

Educational program for additional education of children: Development of coherent speech

Demonstration material is widely used: plot paintings and series of plot paintings, subject pictures, supporting picture and drawing plans, schematic drawings.

Purpose of the program:

During the training, ideas about the basic principles of constructing a coherent message are formed: a sequential presentation of events, reflection of cause-and-effect relationships, determination of the main idea and the appropriate choice of linguistic means necessary for successful and effective learning in a mass secondary school.

Program objectives:

  • Teaching children to compose a coherent, sequential story based on clarity;
  • To form in children active visual and auditory control over the preparation of an independent statement;
  • To form and improve children’s ability to use various types of sentences in speech;
  • Teaching children techniques for planning their own story;
  • Development of a dialogical form of speech;
  • Improving the acquisition of language norms, development of lexical and grammatical categories;
  • Strengthen children's word formation and inflection skills;
  • Activation of active and passive dictionary children.

Age of children participating in the educational program

This program is intended for children 6–7 years old.

Implementation period of the educational program

Work on the development of coherent speech begins from October, after completion of the examination, to May.

Forms and mode of classes

The form of classes is subgroup. Classes are held twice a week. The duration of one lesson, including a dynamic pause and ventilation, is 40 minutes.

As a result of speech therapy work, children develop a sense of language and gradually the child masters the necessary speech skills and abilities, on the basis of which he later becomes possible compilation monologue statement.

Today, a large number of different methods are offered, the purpose of which is to develop coherent speech in preschoolers. The main and most effective are:

  • Retelling- the simplest of methods, it will teach the child to highlight the main parts of the text he heard, connect them with each other, and then, following the main storyline, tell what he had previously heard.
  • Story based on a plot picture– will teach the child to identify the main characters, follow their actions and talk about the interaction of the characters with each other, and also promotes the development of imagination.
  • Story– description of a landscape painting. Description landscape paintings requires the child to be able to talk about the nature he sees, as well as the phenomena captured on it by the artist. For the beauty and dynamism of the story, it is recommended to introduce living characters and invite the child to show his imagination and talk about the actions of these characters.
  • Speech therapy riddle. This method helps to learn the logarithm of pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations, as well as their correct application in words.
  • Comparative description of items. The method promotes development analytical skills in a preschooler and makes it possible to compare similar and different features of objects.
  • Creative story. Enables preschoolers to overcome the fear of formulating and expressing their own thoughts and feelings. It teaches the child not to be afraid of the audience and public speaking.

Types of speech development classes:

  • drawing up and distributing simple sentences based on subject and plot pictures;
  • teaching children to “read” and guess riddles about objects using cards with symbols and subject pictures;
  • compiling a linear retelling of the text using reference pictures;
  • compiling a retelling of the text based on supporting pictures;
  • compiling a retelling based on the text and a series of plot pictures;
  • compiling a story based on reference pictures;
  • compiling a story based on a plot picture;
  • compiling a story using a schematic drawing plan;
  • compiling stories-descriptions of objects based on subject pictures and a schematic drawing plan.

The structure of a lesson on speech development is determined by the principle of interconnection between various sections of speech work.

  1. Enrichment and activation of vocabulary.
  2. Work on the semantic side of speech.
  3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.
  4. Development of elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena.
  5. Development of coherent monologue speech.
  6. Development of general and fine motor skills.

It is the interrelation of different speech tasks in the classroom that creates the prerequisites for the most effective absorption speech skills and abilities. Therefore, an integrated approach is advisable, where different speech tasks are combined, often on the same content.

The structure of the lesson includes three basic parts:

I.? Org moment.

II.? The main part of the lesson.

  1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
  2. Familiarization with the text of the story or the content of the plot pictures. Teaching children the ability to correctly answer questions about the content of the text.
  3. Physical education / finger gymnastics.
  4. Compiling a retelling of a text or story using reference pictures or drawings.

III.? Summing up the lesson.

The described methods allow you to quickly and efficiently correct errors in a child’s speech, as well as develop the child’s speech, which will greatly facilitate his communication with peers, as well as older people. Having mastered and strengthened the skills of coherent speech, the child overcomes the fear of communication, goes through the school adaptation period much faster, and schooling is easier for him.

Calendar and thematic planning for the 2014 – 2015 academic year (Appendix 1)

More details on the website

Work program for speech development (senior group) on the topic: Work program for additional education in the speech therapy group “How much I want to tell you”

Development of the cognitive sphere and teaching descriptive speech to preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment

using simulation games

The program is intended for children from 5 to 7 years old

Explanatory note.

The additional education program “How Much I Want to Tell You” is based on a comprehensive speech development program by Volkova Yu. This program is aimed at developing the skills necessary to construct a descriptive text

The system of work of the circle is designed for two years with children of senior preschool age; the basis for the long-term plan is a long-term thematic plan developed together with a speech therapist teacher.

In the speech therapy group “Govorushechki” there are children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment. Preschoolers have not developed all components of the language system, phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. This, in turn, is reflected in the coherent speech of preschoolers.

The stories are inconsistent, not sufficiently detailed, consist mainly of simple sentences, are poor in epithets, contain phonetic and grammatical errors. Therefore, the development of coherent speech in children speech therapy group it is necessary to pay great attention and look for new techniques that will help improve the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

The practice of my work has shown that, as an effective correctional tool, it is useful to use the method of visual modeling and to use didactic games when teaching descriptive speech to preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

In pedagogical science, the concept of Modeling is defined as a method of studying certain objects by reproducing their characteristics on another object, a model, which is an analogue of one or another fragment of reality - the original model.

Modeling consists of the following stages:

1. assimilation and analysis of sensory material;

2. translating it into sign-symbolic language;

3. work with the model.

The visual modeling method is based on the use of a substitute (model), which can be diagrams, drawings, plans, symbols, stylized and silhouette images, pictograms, and other objects.

From my practice I know that using visual method significantly reduces the time of learning speech material. When a child feels that he is able to pronounce something that he could not, then he wants to try his hand again and again on different, interesting speech material.

For children, the modeling process is clear, since they encounter symbols and diagrams quite early: signs in stores, transport, road signs, color design of services (ambulance, fire service, traffic signals), etc. All this attracts the child, he quickly and easily remembers these symbols and understands their meaning.

In their drawings, children independently reflect reality on different languages– symbolic, graphic, etc. This is the first stage in the formation of sign-symbolic activity.

Club work is aimed at developing speech using games and simulations. All educational games are based on simulation. While performing a game task, children get carried away and do not notice that the learning process is underway.

With the help of didactic games in the process of communicating with children, I develop their speech, mental processes, teach children to play in a group and independently, strictly follow the rules of the game, anticipate their positive results, and be able to cope with failures with dignity.

The series of didactic games “How Much I Want to Tell You” (see appendix) contains goals: development of skills necessary to construct a descriptive text:

The ability to isolate and name the characteristics of the object of description;

The ability to list characteristics in a certain sequence (in the logic of the descriptive structure);

The ability to connect words, phrases and periods into a complete text.

To compose descriptive stories with children, as demonstration material, I use the reference diagrams-symbols of Yu. S. Volkova. The elements of the descriptive story model are symbols that stand for the qualitative characteristics of the object. (see Attachment) .

From simple to complex,

"Program for the development of speech for preschool children"

Additional general education program by Ushakova O. S. “Program for the development of speech for preschoolers”

The speech development of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out in all types of activities: in direct educational activities on speech development and in integration with all educational areas, as well as in joint and independent play activities and in everyday life. However, on purpose organized classes in the educational field “Communication”, the development of children’s speech becomes the main task.

O. S. Ushakova’s program “Program for the development of speech for preschoolers” complements the main educational program “Childhood” in sections on improving communicative abilities in children through the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and development figurative speech preschoolers. As methodological support We use the program by O. S. Ushakova, E. M. Strunina “Speech development for children 3 - 7 years old.” This program contains methodological recommendations, lesson notes on speech development and familiarization with fiction, as well as games and exercises. This program, in its objectives, completely coincides with the program of O. S. Ushakova. The “Childhood” program proposes to introduce children to fiction as part of classes on the social world (as part of the lesson).

the main objective speech development of a child - mastery of the native language and development of language abilities in preschool children.

Main goals children's speech development:

1. Development of coherent speech, the ability to construct simple and complex syntactic structures and use them in speech.

2. Development of the lexical side of speech

3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to use all grammatical forms in speech.

4. Development of the sound side of speech

5. Development of figurative speech.

The program involves the use of a variety of methods and techniques:

Linguistic method: the study of connections, relationships and oppositions within the language system.

Visual: the use of illustrative printed material (paintings, albums, cards, subject and plot pictures), diagrams for composing stories.

Verbal: speech sample, repeated pronunciation, teacher’s story, conversation, search questions, artistic word, reading fiction, word games, dialogue, monologue, retelling, telling from a picture, story - description, telling from personal experience.

The program by Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. “Speech development of children 3-7 years old” is designed for 4 years of study.

1 year of study – children 3-4 years old, junior group

2nd year of study – children 4-5 years old, middle group

3rd year of study – children 5-6 years old, senior group

4th year of study – children 6 – 7 years old, preparatory group.

Classes for all periods of study are held once a week. The duration of the lesson in the first year of study is up to 15 minutes, in the second year of study – up to 20 minutes, in the third year of study – up to 25 minutes, in the fourth year of study – up to 30 minutes.

Expected Result

The first year of education (children 3-4 years old) is of particular importance for the child’s speech development. During this period, the child moves on to actual verbal communication.

Language becomes the main means of establishing contacts with others, expressing thoughts and experiences, and non-speech forms play a supporting role. Qualitative changes in the speech development of children are associated with the expansion of their contacts with the surrounding world of people, things and natural phenomena.

The need to reflect these relationships and connections in speech encourages children to actively master grammatical forms (endings, suffixes, prefixes). Expanding social contacts makes us perceive words correctly and strive to pronounce them more accurately. To be understandable to listeners.

In the second year of education (children 4-5 years old), the cognitive and speech capabilities of children increase significantly. The central direction of work on the development of speech in children of the fifth year of life is nurturing their initiative and independence in verbal communication with adults and peers, teaching children forms of monologue. Children acquire coherent speech skills. Their vocabulary expands, and their speech gradually becomes grammatical.

In the third and fourth years of study (senior preschool age), children are quite fluent in their native language. This is due to the extensive experience of children, the development of their intellectual abilities, the ability to establish various connections, and easily operate with existing knowledge.

Children of this age are characterized by a critical, evaluative attitude towards the speech of others and the development of control over the accuracy of their statements. Children of senior preschool age actively experiment with words, modify them, and invent new words.

At this age, the child uses speech intonation means, is able to master the typical means of expression for the language - epithets, comparisons, metaphors. The main directions in the development of speech in children of senior preschool age are the content and coherence of speech, the development of expressiveness of speech, and preparation for learning to read.


Working curriculum "Speech development" on the implementation of the public organization “Communication” in the process of direct educational activities with children 3-7 years old

Implementation period: 4 years
1. Explanatory note...................................................3
2. Educational and thematic plan...................................6
2.1. II junior group (2nd year of study)............................7
2.2. Middle group (3rd year of study) ...................................9
2.3. Senior group (4th year of study) ...........................11
2.4. Preparatory group (5th year of study)...................13
3. Calendar-thematic plan....................................16
3.1. II junior group...................................33
3.2. Middle group........................................59
3.3. Senior group........................................90
3.4. Preparatory group...................................119
4. Requirements for the level of training of students..................150
5. Criteria and methods for assessing knowledge and skills, perceptions of the level of students’ mastery of the program content.................................................. ............152
6. List of references used...................................166
7. List of teaching aids...................................167
7.1. II junior group...................................172
7.2. Middle group........................................179
7.3. Senior group.........................................184
7.4. Preparatory group...................................190

1. Explanatory note
This working curriculum for the development of speech for children aged 3-7 years was developed for the conditions of a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils, working according to the comprehensive program “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova and others.

Main goal of the program : familiarization and introduction of children aged 3 to 7 years to the development of speech in a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.

Main goals:
promote development cognitive activity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection, development of mental abilities and speech
awaken children's creative activity, stimulate imagination, and the desire to engage in creative activities.
Duration of the program 4 years:
second year of study - 2nd junior group (3-4 years)
third year of study - middle group (4-5 years)

Fourth year of study – senior group (5-6 years old)
fifth year of study - school preparatory group (6-7 years old).

The number of classes from the 2nd junior group to the preparatory group is 36.

Duration direct educational activities in accordance with the age of the children: 2 min., middle gr.-20 min., senior gr.-25 min., min.
Organization of children's speech development activities is carried out through classes, entertainment, and mini quizzes.
The national-regional component is implemented in classes, starting from the 2nd junior group (in accordance with the topic of classes) through the use of Komi folklore, fairy tales, and drawing illustrations.
Speech development occurs through reciting individual sounds, learning nursery rhymes, chants, poems, reciting tongue twisters, retelling fairy tales and short stories.

For each age, the program provides its own parameters of knowledge and skills.

Tasks of education and development of children of the younger group :
1. Stimulate emotional meaningful communication between the child and adults
2. Develop the ability to understand spoken speech with and without support from visual aids.
3. Stimulate the desire to come into contact with others, express your thoughts, feelings, impressions using verbal means.
4. Develop the ability to answer questions using the form of a simple sentence or statement of 2-3 simple phrases.
5. Enrich children's vocabulary by expanding their understanding of people, objects, natural objects in the immediate environment, their actions, pronounced properties and qualities.
6. Develop the ability to reproduce the rhythm of speech, the sound image of a word, and correctly use speech breathing.
7. Develop the ability to use the correct combination of adjectives and nouns in gender and case in speech.
8. Learn to use verbal forms of polite communication: greeting, saying goodbye, thanking, expressing a request, getting to know each other.

Tasks of education and development of children of the middle group:
1. 1. Stimulate the development of initiative and independence of the child in verbal communication with adults and peers, the use of elements of descriptive monologues and explanatory speech in communication practice.
2. Develop situational business communication with peers in all types of activities.
3. Develop coherent monologue and dialogical speech.
4. Develop children's vocabulary by introducing children to the properties and qualities of objects, objects and materials and performing research activities.
5. Develop clear pronunciation skills complex sounds native language, correct pronunciation.
6. Develop children's vocabulary by introducing children to the properties and qualities of objects, objects and materials and performing research activities.
7. Develop the ability to use variable forms of greeting, farewell, gratitude, making a request; the ability to use polite forms of address to strangers: children and adults.

Tasks of education and development of children of the senior group :
1. Develop coherent monologue speech: teach children to compose narrative stories from toys, paintings, from personal and collective experience.
2. Stimulate and develop children's speech creativity.
3. Develop the ability to participate in collective conversations.
4. Develop children’s vocabulary by expanding their understanding of phenomena social life, relationships and characters of people.
5. Develop the ability to notice mistakes in the speech of peers and kindly correct them.
6. Stimulate the desire to independently follow the basic rules of speech etiquette.

Objectives of the upbringing and development of children in the preparatory group:
1. Develop the ability to build communication with different people: adults and peers, younger and older children, acquaintances and strangers.
2. Develop the ability to use antonyms, synonyms, polysemantic words; understand when perceiving fiction and use means of linguistic expressiveness in one’s own speech - metaphors, figurative comparisons, personifications.
3. Develop independent speech creativity, taking into account the individual abilities and capabilities of children.
4. Expand children’s understanding of the content of etiquette of people of different nationalities.
5. Develop the ability to consciously choose an etiquette form depending on the communication situation, the age of the interlocutor, and the purpose of interaction.

This the program provides software solution educational objectives in joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also when conducting regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

Educational field "Communication" allows the teacher to integrate educational content when solving educational problems with other areas. The integrative approach makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child’s personality.

Efficiency Children’s mastery of the program is determined in accordance with the intermediate and final results of children’s mastery of the content of the OO “Communication” section “Developing speech and communicative abilities of children.”

Diagnostic tools development by children of the OO “Communication” was developed on the basis methodological recommendations N.B. Vershinin “Complex diagnostics of the levels of mastery of the “Childhood” program, edited by V. I. Loginova.” Diagnosis is carried out from the 2nd junior group (at the end school year) for the preparatory group (at the beginning and end of the school year).

1. G.Ya. Zatulina “Lesson notes on speech development. First junior group. Tutorial. – M., Center teacher education, 2008. – 160 p.
2. G. Ya. Zatulina. Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development. Middle group. Moscow: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2007. – 144 p.
3. G. Ya. Zatulina Notes of complex classes on speech development. Senior group". Tutorial. M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007 – 167 p.
4. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the second junior group of kindergarten. Book for a kindergarten teacher garden – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 1989. – 111 p.
5. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Education, 1983. – 144 p.
6. Lesson notes on teaching retelling by L. Lebedeva (preparatory group)
7. Lebedeva L.V. - Lesson notes on teaching children retelling using support diagrams. Senior group. M., Center for Teacher Education, 2009.
8. Petrova T.I., Petrova E.S. Games and activities for the development of speech in preschoolers. Junior and group average. M.: School Press, 2004. – 128 p.
9. Development of speech and creativity in preschool children: games, exercises, lesson notes / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. – M.: TC SPHERE, 2007. – 144 p.
10. Speech development. Thematic planning of lessons. Auto. comp. V. Yu. Dyachenko and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007 - 238 p. (preparatory group)
11. T. M. Bondarenko - Complex classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten: A practical guide for teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions - Voronezh: TC "Teacher" 2005 - 666 p.
12. Amazing stories L.B. Belousova. Childhood-press. Year of manufacture: 2003
13. DM No. 3.1 “Children’s fun”
14. DM No. 19

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Baltasinskaya gymnasium"

« Approved» pedagogical council Protocol No. _____ dated ____ _________ 2012

Introduced by Order No. ______

dated ____ ________________ 2012

Head teacher

___________________ Shakirov V.G.

signature full name

Working programm

by subject speech development for 2 A class

Compiled by:Kuzmina Ilmira Gadnanovna, primary school teacher, 1st qualification category

village Baltasi

Explanatory note

In connection with the introduction into the educational process of primary schools of the new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of the second generation with the priority of primary general education, the main priority tasks are also changing. The main objectives of education are to develop the ability to learn in younger schoolchildren, to create conditions conducive to the realization of the potential capabilities of students, ensuring their personal growth. And the main mechanisms of systemic renewal in education are: updating the content, creating universal educational activities, modern technologies training, new system evaluation of results.

Work program on the subject Speech development compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009, registration number 17785);

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 No. 69 “On amendments to the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general secondary (complete) general education”;

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions" (approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 3, 2011, registration number 19993 );

Collection of work programs. System of textbooks “Perspective”. 1 – 4 grades, Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”, 2011;

curriculum for schools with in-depth study of the Russian language and culture;

Charter and main educational program of the MBOU Baltasinskaya Gymnasium.

In grades 2–4, a system has been developed and operates to strengthen the gymnasium component of education through the introduction into the curriculum of the course “Informatics in Games and Tasks,” the courses “Rhetoric” and “Speech Development” at the expense of the school component.

The courses “Rhetoric” and “Speech Development” were introduced into the system with the aim of preparing primary school students for testing and final certification in primary general education programs.

The program is developed based on Sample programs in the Russian language and literary reading of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the course program of the educational educational complex “Perspective”.

Work program provided educational and methodological set"Perspective": "Russian language". 2nd grade. Tutorial for educational institutions. In 2 parts. Authors L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina. Russian Academy Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2011; L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina. Russian language. Workbook. 2nd grade. M. "Enlightenment", 2012; " Literary reading" 2nd grade. In 2 parts. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky. ; L.F. Klimanova, T.Yu. Kochi. "Literary reading". Creative notebook. 2nd grade. Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2012; Klimanova L.F. and etc. on speech development. 2nd grade. Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2012.

The program involves the teacher’s independent selection of speech and literary material, creativity to organizing classes in order to maximize the development of students’ speech activity.

The selection of material for speech development lessons in the program corresponds to the topic subject area“Philology” is a close relationship between Russian language lessons and literary reading. Consequently, speech development lessons are conducted with the aim of generalizing the knowledge acquired in these lessons.

This developed program allows you to use textbooks on the Russian language and literary reading of the educational complex “Perspective”, which ensure the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

On the subject Speech development According to the curriculum for the 2012/2013 academic year, 1 hour per week is allocated, 34 academic weeks - 34 hours.

General characteristics of the subject

The new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of the second generation provide the main directions of work on speech development and the program directly states that “areas of work on speech development include, as mandatory component, work to prevent and eliminate speech errors." In this regard, the work of familiarizing students with the conditions for using lexical and grammatical means of a language in a specific context is of particular importance. speech situation.

The culture of speech - both oral and written - in our gymnasium, unfortunately, remains low. This is evidenced by a wide variety of stylistic errors, which are found in students’ everyday oral and written speech. Therefore, the main task of the teacher is to develop the speech of a primary school student - a complex, creative process that is impossible without emotions, without passion.

Speech development- is consistent, constant academic work which needs to be planned for each lesson.

The main means of communication is speech. It helps the child not only communicate with other people, but also explore the world. Mastering speech is a way of understanding reality. The richness, accuracy, and meaningfulness of speech depend on the enrichment of the child’s consciousness with various ideas and concepts, on the student’s life experience, on the volume and dynamism of his knowledge. In other words, speech, while developing, needs not only linguistic, but also factual material. The student will tell or write well only about what he knows well: he must have a stock of knowledge, material on the topic of the story, then he will be able to highlight the main, essential. The material must be significant (socially or personally significant). This is also a necessary condition for the speech development of students.

So the lessons speech development become an integral part of an integral system of legal education. This is especially important in elementary school, since psychologists have found that primary school age is characterized by susceptibility to external influences, belief in the truth of everything that is taught, what is said, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards; children at this age are characterized by uncompromising moral demands on others , spontaneity in behavior. These features are the key to the learning and educational ability of younger schoolchildren.

The selection of material for speech development lessons, presentation texts, and essay topics are aimed at developing humanistic orientations in schoolchildren and contributing to their moral education. Consequently, speech development lessons create conditions for the gradual formation of life orientations of younger schoolchildren, manifested in an emotionally experienced attitude towards life phenomena and in a conscious moral choice lines of your behavior, methods of action, actions.

The main task speech development lessons is to teach children to freely and correctly express their thoughts orally and in writing. Specific solution This task is carried out by developing in students a set of speech skills that allow them to perceive a statement, convey its content and create their own.

Work on speech development requires a variety of techniques and means. When conducting speech development lessons, much attention should be paid to various forms of working with text: developing the ability to compose oral or written text, edit it, and check spelling. Predominance at the initial stage oral exercises is achieved through the ability to retell what has been read, compose stories based on observations, dramatization, improvisation, verbal drawing, etc.

Children must master various linguistic means. Choosing words, figures of speech and sentences, thinking about the composition of a story, selecting material, establishing logical connections, checking spelling - this whole complex set of actions requires a high voltage from the child with all his creative powers. But it is creative work that requires the student’s independence, activity, passion, and bringing something of his own, personal into the text. It contributes to the development of the student’s personality.

Content values

Communicative-cognitive orientation The programs and the system-activity approach implemented in it aim primary schoolchildren to jointly study the language system and understand the ways in which these functions function. linguistic units oral and written speech, in different situations communication and various texts.

Cognitive orientation The program ensures the assimilation of language as the most important tool of human cognitive activity, as a means of understanding the world around us and the development of verbal thinking.

Aesthetic and spiritual-moral activities The program is aimed at the development of artistic and aesthetic activity, the formation of moral and ethical ideas and the activation of students’ creative activity through the means of fiction.

Culture verbal communication The program is focused on improving all types of communicative and speech activities: the skills of reading and writing, listening and speaking, using various types of speech activities in different communication situations.

Training in speech development based on this Program has a personal referenceovated character, since it is built taking into account the level of development of the child’s interests and his cognitive capabilities.

Appeal to the semantic side of language creates conditions for the harmonious development of figurative and logical thinking. At the same time, children’s speech activity and functional literacy increase, interest arises and a caring attitude toward the Russian language, its richness and expressiveness appears, and students’ verbal thinking develops.

Course results

Personal results

realize the role of speech in people's lives;

evaluate some statements of people from the point of view of their appropriateness, tactfulness in a given situation;

explain some rules of polite, appropriate behavior of people when communicating (rules when talking, greeting, apologizing, etc.).


observe some rules of polite communication in class and extracurricular activities;

implement a simple statement on a given topic;

navigate in your knowledge system: give examples of successful and unsuccessful communication in your life and the lives of others;

work independently with some textbook tasks, realize the lack of information, use school explanatory dictionaries;

- study agree about the distribution of roles in the game, work in joint activities;

draw simple conclusions And generalizations as a result collaboration class.

Subject results

distinguish oral and written communication;

distinguish verbal and non-verbal communication, realize the role of non-verbal communication in the interaction of people, the appropriateness of using different tempos, volume, certain gestures and facial expressions in different situations;

- appropriate use some non-verbal means in your speech;

analyze the appropriateness and effectiveness of the implementation of speech genres of greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology in various communication situations;

produce appropriate, effective etiquette genres of greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology in relation to different situations communication;

recognize And lead etiquette dialogue;

differ text from a set of sentences written as text;

find by paragraph indentations the semantic parts of the text;

choose a suitable title from the suggested options, come up with titles for small texts;

realize role keywords in the text, highlight them;

highlight initial and final sentences in the text, understand their role as important components of the text;

compose not complicated fairy tales based on initial sentences, drawings, reference words;

compose And perform counting rhymes, pick up simple rhymes in poetic text;

evaluate the degree of politeness (one's own and other people's) in certain communication situations.

Main content

The main content lines of the Program include:

Mastering the literary language;

Mastery of reading and writing;

Improving students' speech, increasing its culture.

Types of speech. Speech can be external and internal.

External speech is divided into oral (sounding) and written (graphically recorded). There are also dialogic and monologue speech.

Inner speech - This is mental speech, flowing without distinct external manifestations. It's like talking to yourself. It is fragmentary and lacks clear grammatical forms.

Plays a particularly important role inner speech in preparation for a written essay, presentation or recording of individual sentences. The student composes sentences and entire fragments of text initially in his mind, i.e. at the level of internal speech. It is important that the student, when starting to write a sentence, prepares it in its entirety in his mind and knows how he will finish it.

If internal speech is speech for oneself, then external speech is for others. It is designed for perception, for the speaker to be understood by his interlocutors or listeners. Therefore, the requirements for it are high.

Types of speech activity include all types both in the study of the Russian language and in the study of literary reading: With peeling;speaking; hshading both out loud andAbout myself; working with different types of text;Rworking with a work of art;work with educational, popular science and other texts;culture of writing;literary propaedeutics; creative activity.

The goal of the first lessons in the program is to expose children to the basic functions of speech. Students realize that speech is the most important means of communication, the exchange of thoughts and feelings between people, and a means of transmitting certain information.

Students become familiar with the forms of speech: oral and written, learn to distinguish oral speech from voiced written speech, oral (written) from internal; determine the tempo of an oral statement, the volume of speech; assess the correspondence of the tempo and volume of speech to a specific communication situation; evaluate the behavior of the interlocutor during a conversation, the use of facial expressions and gestures. Children learn the ability to listen to their interlocutor, the ability to behave during a conversation.

From the first days of education, work begins on the culture of speech: children learn how to speak at school, in class, begin to understand that not every expression of thought will be correct, that thoughts should be expressed clearly, clearly, understandably for others, they are accustomed to self-control and Observing the speech of other children, they learn to correct shortcomings in other people’s speech. From the first days of a child’s stay at school, he needs to be taught to pay attention to words and to search for the most expressive words. Students get acquainted with explanatory dictionary, learn to explain unclear words, to use words in exact accordance with their meaning.

Students get acquainted with the varieties of speech that seem to serve one or another sphere of activity, communication between people: the sphere of everyday communication - colloquial speech, the sphere of science - scientific speech, the sphere of official business relations - official business, the sphere of the art of words - artistic.

The following types of work are offered to students: drawing up proposals based on pictures (about plants, about animals, about the rules of caring for animals, stories on questions from the teacher on the topic “Treasures of the Spiritual folk wisdom"; "Autumn in works of art and works of painting"; “Epithets and comparisons”; “Find out a fairy tale”; writing stories from pictures V. Polenova. A. Kuindzhi, plot pictures “Hare Hut”; compiling stories based on this principle about behavior on the street; stories based on memories creative imagination, based on materials from an excursion to the park; memorizing poems on the themes “Golden Autumn” and “Meeting Winter”; working with proverbs and sayings about friendship, camaraderie, health, learning tongue twisters; telling fairy tales about animals: “Ide”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, dramatization of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”.

By retelling what they read, children enrich their vocabulary using the sample vocabulary, maintain the sequence of the text, imitate the syntactic structure of the original source, convey emotional content and ideological meaning story.

The story being compiled or its presentation is constantly corrected, the most suitable words, their meaning and the appropriateness of their choice in a given situation are explained, work is underway on the proposal, details and details are introduced, the sequence of presentation of events is clarified, and the simplest causal justifications are introduced.

While studying a topic, students become familiar with such basic features of a text as thematic unity, title, and main idea of ​​the text. Students develop the ability to distinguish a text from a group of sentences, the ability to formulate the topic of a text, the ability to title it, and compose an answer to a teacher’s question.

The following types of work are offered: restoration of deformed text, restoration of text with missing words, presentation of the text based on questions for each sentence, compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures and questions, compilation of a story based on a watched video or cartoon.

Texts by such writers and poets as D. Karme, K. Chukovsky, E. Uspensky, A. Gaidar, illustrations for works, paintings by artists for the types of work proposed above correspond to the topics of the lessons, which allows the teacher to solve important educational tasks: upbringing good relations towards the people who surround you, the desire to observe the rules of politeness, instilling respect for everything that is created by labor, instilling diligence; the desire to observe the rules of behavior in society that help people live together, communicate, and act.

It is important, when discussing what you have read with children, to introduce work on proverbs, riddles, sayings, and phraseological units. They teach children to speak brightly, figuratively and simply, help to understand the accuracy of the Russian word, enrich children's memory with the pearls of their native language, develop thinking and intelligence. Proverbs are used in lessons to teach students to value the word and treat it with care.

When teaching students how to write summaries, it is necessary to develop the ability to divide the text into parts, construct sentences depending on the context, determine the main idea of ​​the text and reflect it in the title, highlight parts of the text when writing, present the text coherently, and write the text in accordance with the plan. When analyzing work, it is necessary to correct errors in the content of the text and in its speech format, and to accurately determine the words in the text.

The following types of work are offered: presentation on generalized questions, presentation of the text on key words, presentation on questions and on key words, restoration of deformed text using a series of pictures, presentation on a collectively drawn up plan and on key words.

The topics of presentation texts, the selection of visual aids and electronic educational resources make it possible to create a situation of empathy in the lesson and, on the basis of this, to more deeply solve the following tasks: instilling in students love for their home country and city, the desire to live in peace and friendship with people of other nations and countries, education feelings of deep respect for people of different nationalities, the desire to maintain public order, and preserve the beauty of their hometown. Highly artistic texts written by outstanding masters of words contribute to the formation of correct speech in students, instill artistic taste, and develop a sense of language.

Basic requirements for students' knowledge and skills by the end of 2nd grade

By the end of the second grade, students should know the types of speech: colloquial, scientific, official business and artistic speech, the characteristics of a text and its difference from a set of sentences.

Students should be able to make sentences based on plot pictures, a story based on the teacher’s questions on a specific topic, orally compose a story based on the given beginning, choose a title for this text, write a statement under the guidance of a teacher (30-40 words). Under the guidance of the teacher, compose and write short stories about your games, work, friends, family.

Literature and teaching aids, including electronic educational resources

    Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Speech.Speech.Speech. - M., 2000.

    Shukeylo V.A. Russian language in primary school. A combination of traditional and non-traditional forms of education. - St. Petersburg: 1998.

    Lvov M.R. Methods of speech development for junior schoolchildren. - M.: 1985.

    Shchegoleva G.S. Lessons in the development of coherent speech in elementary school. - St. Petersburg: 1996.

    Maksimuk N.N. Collection of presentations on the Russian language: grades 2-4. - M.: VAKO.2009.

    Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V. Reference Guide In Russian. Russian language lessons, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade. - M.: 2006.

    “Learning to think about ourselves and others” St. Petersburg, “ Special literature", 1997.

    Collection of programs of the textbook system "Perspective". M.: Prosveshchenie, 2011.

    "Literary reading". 2nd grade. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2 parts. Authors L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky. Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2012;

    L.F. Klimanova, T.Yu. Kochi. "Literary reading". Creative notebook. 2nd grade. Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2012.

    Klimanova L.F. and etc. The magical power of words. Workbookon speech development. 2nd grade. Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2012.

    "Russian language". 2nd grade. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2 parts. Authors L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina; Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Academic Education, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2011;

    L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina. Russian language. Workbook. 2nd grade. In 2 parts. M. "Enlightenment", 2012

    L.Yu. Komissarova “Didactic material on the Russian language” Moscow “BALASS”, 2011

15. Fairytale house: folk tales. Electronic collection of fairy tales of the peoples of the world (

16. Russian proverbs: interactive test (test for knowledge of Russian proverbs, tasks various levels difficulties for different age groups of schoolchildren) (

17. Electronic libraries (;

18. Russian virtual library. www. rvb. ru

19. Twice five: children's library.

(Digital library for children: a collection of children's fairy tales, stories and poems.)

20. “General text” (www. text. net. ru.)

Calendar-thematic plan for speech development for grade 2A

Kuzmina Ilmira Gadnanovna teachersprimary classes for the 2012/2013 academic year


Section being studied

topic of educational material

Number of hours.


Universal learning activities




Functions of speech. Types of speech. (10 hours)

Treasures of spiritual folk wisdom.

Yu. Moritz. Hardworking old lady.

Proverbs and sayings about goodness.

the main idea poems.




Formulate your own opinion and position.

Work in pairs, listening to each other's opinions.

Explain the meaning of proverbs about books. Consider illustrations famous artists for children's books.

Correlate illustration and content.

Autumn in works of art and paintings.

V. Polenova. A. Kuindzhi.

WITH. Samples. Glass pond.

Comparative analysis

Draw your own picture for the poem

Epithets and comparisons.

I.Nikitin. Meeting winter.

I. Bunin. Leaf fall

A. Maikov. Summer rain

Find out the fairy tale

Rus. adv. fairy tale. Hare hut.

Restoration of a fairy tale based on drawings.


Work with information presented in different formats (drawing, diagram).


Build the ability for self-esteem.


Construct a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of speech.

Speak out about his attitude towards folk tales.

Restore fairy tale events based on drawings. Tell a fairy tale using supporting words.

Compare heroes, fairy tale events.

independently evaluate your achievements.

Make up your own fairy tale.

Draw illustrations for fairy tales.

Independent reading.

Khanty fairy tale. Ide.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale.

Family reading.

Russian folktale.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Analysis of the fairy tale by questions.

Our theater.

Staging a fairy tale. Fox and crane.

Text. Signs of the text (9 hours)

B. Kustodiev. Maslenitsa.

Oral essay on a painting


Carry out a concept based on object recognition.


Construct reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its properties and connections.

Use verbal means to solve communication tasks.


Accept and maintain the learning situation.

Focus on understanding the reasons for success in a learning situation.


To form a motivational basis for educational activities.

Establish analogies.

Summarize, highlight essential features.

Evaluate the correctness of the action.

Find questions to be answered while reading the section.

Distinguish concepts: nickname, fable..

Check yourself and yourself evaluate your achievements.

Discuss Explain the meaning of proverbs about friendship. Discuss problems in class

"How to find friends." “Did the heroes of A. Gaidar’s story do the right thing?”

Compose retelling plan; compare the invented plan with the plan in the textbook.

Independent reading.

D. Karme. Cheerful old man.


Family reading.

K. Chukovsky. Confusion.

A tall tale.

Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Create your own story based on situational drawings.

Independent reading.

E. Uspensky. Crocodile Gena and his friends.

Discussion of the problem “How to find friends”

Family reading.

A. Gaidar. Chuk and Gek.

Presentation of the text and its editing (15 hours)

Feast of the Nativity of Christ.

Sasha Cherny. Rozhdestvenskoe.

K. Fofanov. Those stars haven't gone out yet...

A story about a holiday.


Work with information presented in different formats (text, drawing, diagram).


Installation on healthy image life.



Work with information.


Accept and save learning task.


Use speech means to solve a variety of communication problems.

Ask questions necessary to organize your own activities.


Use speech means. Construct a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of speech.


To form the student’s internal position, the ability to navigate the moral content and meaning of the actions of both one’s own and those around them.


Plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.


Construct a speech utterance in oral form.

Find in the text of the poem there are means of artistic expression: epithets, comparisons, personifications. invent your comparisons, pick up epithets, personifications; try to write your own poem. Solve riddles, correlate a riddle with a solution.

invent your comparisons, pick up epithets, personifications.

Work in a group, distribute tasks in a group, negotiate with each other.

Check yourself and yourself evaluate your achievements.

Be able to orally compose a story on behalf of one of the characters given plan, selectively retell.

Be able to describe the hero’s homes and speeches.

Be able to compose a story based on a painting by artists.

Compose retelling plan;

compare a made-up plan with the plan in the textbook.

Discuss with a friend the meaning of the concepts: goodwill, patience, respect.

Mysteries of winter.

I am a poet.

Attempt at writing.

My favorite writers.

Tales of A.S. Pushkin

Tales of C. Perrault. Cinderella

Discussion of miraculous transformation.

Independent reading. K. Chukovsky. From the book “The Adventures of Bibigon”.

Family reading. L. Tolstoy. Two brothers.

Spring in a work of painting A. Kuindzhi.

Comparison through poems about spring.

Oral essay based on the painting by I. Levitan “Early Spring”.

Family reading.

A. Maikov. Christ is risen

K. Kryzhitsky. Early spring.

A story about spring based on a painting.

Harmony and harmony in the family

Family reading.

L. Tolstoy. Father and sons.

old grandfather and granddaughters.

Independent reading.

Little stories N. Sladkova.

Discussion on the topic “What does it mean to act according to conscience”