Wishes for graduating from primary school in your own words. Parting words for elementary school graduates from their parents

Congratulations, children, on your graduation. Elementary school is behind you and now you have to walk along a more difficult road. But you will definitely cope, because you are great fellows, you are a friendly and cheerful class, you are purposeful and brave children. We wish you guys to live an interesting and healthy life, fulfilling your dreams, supporting your comrades, loving your loved ones and achieving great victories along the way. High marks you and easy study further.

Dear children, you have passed First stage school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, and achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. Wish you correct knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Dear children, today you are graduates. And even though 11th grade is still a long way off, you have already successfully completed the first important stage study. Fifth grade is ahead, which means many new subjects await you, interesting lessons, exciting activities and cheerful, sonorous changes. I wish you to remain a friendly class, help each other to overcome any problems and certainly achieve great success in your studies.

Primary school is left behind and the second, no less important stage of school life awaits you - 5th grade! Four years have flown by in an instant, but everything interesting is just knocking on your door! Today, on your first serious graduation, I would like to wish you more diligence, perseverance, excellent grades and loyal school friends!

Dear children, I congratulate you on your first significant achievement in your school life, on completing four grades. Now you move on to next stage, now the doors to new subjects and knowledge will open for you. I wish you not to lose confidence and interest in studying, to brighten your days with bright colors and emotions of happiness.

Dear children, dear 4th grade graduates, you are great! You have managed to overcome the first significant barrier on the path to education. I would like to wish you all to come to 5th grade confident and ready for new things. big discoveries guys. Let loving parents and understanding teachers help you cope with any obstacles that arise on the road of school life.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates junior school! With which we sincerely congratulate you! Now new subjects and teachers await you, you will have to work harder and try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

Dear graduates, today you are leaving class. primary school. Now new adventures await you in the land of objects real science, now you will make serious discoveries and often take independent decisions. Don’t forget your first teacher, don’t be afraid to open the door to new knowledge, always remain a friendly class and certainly achieve great success.

Dear children, now it’s time to congratulate you on your first school graduation. And even if this is just a small victory, and not the end of the battle, I wish you strength and optimism in further path knowledge. I wish you health, perseverance, striving for light and many joyful moments. I wish you to accumulate a supply of strong and necessary knowledge, which will help fulfill all your desires.

Our dear graduates! Now you can read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully completed. Rise higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you manage to climb, the easier it will be to adult life. Remember, we love you and look forward to your new successes.

Dear guys, I have been with you from the first school days, I remember your sweet smiles and first victories in school. Today you are completely grown up and are already saying goodbye to school. I congratulate you with all my heart and want to wish you, despite all the storms of emotions and difficulties of life, to remain kind, open, cheerful, interesting people. Listen to your heart, trust your inner call, do not be afraid of change and boldly conquer your intended peaks. Good luck to you, children, love from loved ones and true happiness.

I remember you as children
Such kind, wonderful kids,
We learned letters with you,
We often shared our dreams.

Now you have grown up so much,
They quickly became graduates
I wish you happiness, goodness,
And so that they don’t forget me!

I wish you to study well,
Achieve everything you wanted
So that everything comes easy,
May your dreams come true!

My dear and beloved children, I remember you as very small, and today you stand as adults and brave on the path of new discoveries in life. I want to wish you health and love. May each of you find your own happiness on Earth and realize the most cherished dream. I wish you success, children, in your further studies and work, prosperity and optimism. IN bon voyage!

I remember the bows of cute little girls
And the briefcases of cheerful boys.
And now from simple laughter
And such funny naughty girls

Interesting ladies have grown up
And very respectable guys,
For me, you are still children,
What did the smart books read here?

As your first teacher, I wish
Lots of happiness, fun, good luck.
Congratulations on your graduation from the bottom of my heart,
Be the first, and not otherwise!

I remember you as unintelligent kids,
When they came with surprised eyes.
Today everyone is beautiful, big,
And you have become family to the school.

I wish you to move forward cheerfully,
May you certainly be lucky in life,
Fate will turn out great
I wish you success and goodness.

My dear children, when I first saw you, when you entered my class and sat down at your desks, I realized that these students must certainly achieve their goal, conquer more than one peak of success and glory. I congratulate you on your graduation and sincerely wish you to fly with a confident arrow towards your dreams, soar around the world as free birds and always remain good people.

My first-graders have grown up,
Now I can’t take my eyes off you.
The school years did not go by, but flashed by,
First-graders became graduates.

I wish you a happy journey,
May fate not be too harsh on you,
May good luck be with you in life,
I wish everyone to be happy.

Dear graduates! It seems like just yesterday that our hospitable school welcomed you into its friendly family. Having crossed the school threshold for the first time, you were full of timid hopes and unclear expectations. Now you are leaving with slight sadness these walls that have become forever dear. Let your innermost plans be realized one hundred percent. Boldly to victory!

No longer first graders -
Certificate received.
May life be kind to you,
And let your eyes sparkle.

Now in difficult ways
You have to go:
Look for wise solutions,
Make your hopes come true!

Ten years have flown by
Like one moment,
You are now graduates
There's no doubt about it
I remember how they came to me
They entered the class timidly,
I taught you everything
And I cared for everyone,
I want you at graduation
Wish you good luck,
Try to resolve
There are all the tasks in life!

Everyone is looking forward to the graduation party: mothers, fathers, teachers and especially graduates. The farewell dance will be a waltz of memories of the best carefree years of life. The first teacher always sounds especially exciting. After all, it was he who took the tiny and timid first-graders from their mother’s hands and led them to school life. He got the most difficult task- teach to recognize good and evil, truth and lies, love school, respect teachers, help elders, not offend younger ones, value friendship. It was the first teacher who introduced us to the basics of wisdom and played the role of a guide along the corridors of knowledge. And today, together with everyone else, she’s seeing her off to adulthood.

What words to choose for congratulations from the first teacher to graduates so that they touch their hearts? Put all the love, warmth and tenderness into them. On such an evening, all spoken words are perceived by the soul, and not by the ears. The main thing is that congratulations are said from the heart.

Last call

The long-awaited last call takes away carefree years. School adventures, endless lessons and educational moments are behind us. But today all the words of teachers are perceived differently. The congratulations of the first teacher on last call graduates.

Graduates of 11th grade will have to say goodbye to school twice. The first time the last one will sound for them at the festive line-up of beautiful adult children school bell. There are still exams ahead and a final determination with a difficult choice of profession. This is exactly what will be the most pressing wishes from teachers and parents.

The Last School Waltz

How long has everyone been waiting? prom! All school exams rented, dresses bought, hairstyles done. The hassle of shopping and preparing for the holiday is behind us. There are so many unknowns ahead!

Often congratulations to graduates from the first teacher sound like how to choose the right path in life, formulate priorities correctly, be faithful human values. There will still be many warm words, but the speech of the first teacher is always perceived as a pleasant wake-up call from childhood.

Original congratulations in verse

An excellent option for congratulating graduates from the first teacher would be poems written about themselves, taking into account their characters and temperament, aptitude for knowledge and active participation in the life of the school. It is important not to forget anyone, to find out about each of the graduates nice words. After all, every student is a personality, even if not fully formed, but sincere and open.

Poems can be written by the teacher himself, because no one knows his students better than him. Or order from professionals. The Internet offers a sea of ​​training opportunities solemn speeches and even entire scripts. Comic personalized poems are always easily perceived, taking into account the personal characteristics of each student. The main thing is not to forget anyone.

An example from the first teacher.

Now childhood is a thing of the past.

School bells rang.

Think positive

And it will always be with you.

Behind elastic bands and bows

Broken knees, bruises.

I wish you romance in life

And wisdom from the school board.

Today you say goodbye to childhood

You are parting with the school and with us.

Here you can always warm up,

And meet the teachers.

Simple, but from the heart

Sometimes the first teacher’s congratulations to 11th grade graduates, said in simple words, can be much nicer than beautiful poems copied from the Internet. The main thing is that it feels warm. And there is enough love and space in the huge hearts of teachers for everyone.

“My dear adult children. It seems like just yesterday I met you on the threshold of school as little boys and girls. So funny, clumsy and capricious. 11 flew by quickly for long years. Today, on such a joyful and sad day, you stand on the threshold of adulthood. What it will be depends only on you. For 11 long years we have tried to put the best into your hearts. All life is a choice, and only you can decide what it will be. Listen wise advice, take all the lessons from life, adopt other people’s experiences and share yours. Remember the main rule taken from the Bible: “Always treat people the way you want to be treated.” Good luck, my dear adult children!”

“Dear graduates. All these difficult 11 years, I watched you as you grew, matured, and became wiser. Many events took place before my eyes. From clumsy little children you have become elegant ladies and courageous young men. You have to pass the main exam in life - to remain human. There will be many temptations, injustice and difficulties. But you will overcome everything, I believe in you, just as I believed in little naive girls and boys 11 years ago. Don't let me down. May the Lord bless your paths and send you angels to guide you. And the walls home school always open to you."

Tender congratulations from the first teacher to the graduates, coming from the very depths of the soul, will not leave either the graduates or their parents indifferent. As a rule, in such exciting moments, graduates (and their mothers) have difficulty holding back tears.

So this holiday has come with tears in our eyes. Graduation is the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another! And I would really like to wish you to pass this stage with dignity. So that in the morning there is something to remember, and also, importantly, what! And let in future life Everything will work out well and successfully for you!

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Graduation wishes for a girl

It opens up completely before you new road. What it will be like: winding or straight, thorny or strewn with flowers depends almost entirely on you. And a little bit of luck. I only wish you the right steps And confident decisions. And may luck be with you!

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Wishes for primary school graduates

Today, when you are finishing fourth grade, I would like to wish you to gain strength, health and a thirst for knowledge, because these are the qualities that you will need most in secondary and especially high school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose a profession to which you would like to devote your life, and devote Special attention studying the sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck to you and strong teeth with which you will gnaw the granite of science!

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Wish for school

Dear school! You are ours home harbor, and we are your ships. Which came out of you into the expanses of the ocean of life. But we will never forget your desks, corridors and dear teachers. And I would really like for our school to do well and for a long time to release new ships on the long voyage!

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Poem wishes to teachers from graduates

You gave us without reserve
Your strength of heart and knowledge.
You had a hard time with us,
And today “Goodbye” to you
We want to say with gratitude.
We will never forget you.
And will always be in our memory
Patient, kind people.
Let fate scatter it like candy wrappers
Us, but life has a measured time
We will remember like grammar
The most important lesson given to us.
Not history, and not physics,
And not even literature.
Kindness, love, optimism
This lesson is the most important.

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Wishes to graduates

Shakespeare said, “the whole world is a stage,” but I can say that our whole life is one big study. Today you are a graduate, but essentially you are just moving on to the next class of life. And I sincerely want to wish that you graduate from these “universities” with just 5 marks and achieve success in your field of activity.

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Poem wishes to graduates

Today childhood is gone forever
And there is no escape from this.
Today adult life is hectic
It takes you to itself forever.
All paths are open to you
And choose which way to go
The task is very important for you
Make no mistake! And once again
We remind you that the most important thing is
Don't ever disgrace him
Who gave you everything without sparing
And knowledge, and strength and love -
Teachers and school, home.
Well, have a great graduation celebration!

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Kindergarten graduation wishes

Dear baby! Today is your graduation day and tomorrow you will become older and more responsible. You are still very young, but you are already making progress in your studies and making your parents happy good behavior. I wish you to remain as cheerful, inquisitive, sociable and a little playful! Don't forget to smile openly and strive to learn new things!

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Wish for graduation album

A graduation album is like an island of memory of past childhood. It stores frozen moments of joyful events and meetings. Time will pass, and yesterday's classmates may get lost in huge world, but on the pages of the album they will be together, and maybe, once looking at it, old friends will feel that it’s time to meet those with whom they spent their youth years together. Or maybe a photo will help you remember moments that will make your heart warmer. So let the graduation album be a treasure for best memories on long years!

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Graduation wishes for teachers in elementary school

Today, yesterday's students are ready to leave school like chicks leaving their parent's nest. They will have to study further, they will have to become more mature, more serious, forge their own happiness, and, undoubtedly, the knowledge acquired in elementary school will greatly help them. You can hardly learn well just by reading a textbook from cover to cover. A lot of knowledge will only be possible when there are teachers nearby who are ready to support and guide you in the right direction. Therefore, on this solemn day we want to wish our teachers all the best, good health and success in their work, into which they invest not only their minds, but also their souls.

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Teacher's wishes to 4th grade graduates

Another school year, with his anxiety before tests, the joy of getting straight A's and overcoming difficulties was left behind. Each of you has grown older, learned new things, and probably looks at past worries with a smile and is a little worried about how to study further? But don't doubt that everything will be fine. I want to wish you success in your studies, or rather attentiveness, to be diligent and inquisitive and not to be upset if the problem is not solved the first time, because you guys are capable and you can do anything!

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Wishes from teachers for kindergarten graduation

Kindergarten is the first team for little man. Graduates today kindergarten they are no longer kids at all, they will soon go to school, they, of course, have become more mature, have learned a lot and left behind funny Games and noisy matinees. We would like to wish all graduates joy and courage to look into the future, where they still have a lot to do. We want to wish them success in their studies, good friends, and we also wish them to be naughty in moderation and obey their mothers and fathers!