How to conduct interesting lessons. How to teach an interesting lesson? Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

Do you want students to rush to your lessons and be ready to study your subject for days on end?

Then it’s worth taking into account the wonderful statement of Anatole France: “ Knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed".

Now let's talk about how to put this advice into action.

Of course, the best way is to conduct non-standard lessons. But this method does not always work. Agree, it is difficult to find non-standard ways of explanation and reinforcement for absolutely every topic. And the methodology does not recommend getting carried away with non-standard lessons.

But there are several components that will help you diversify any lesson.

1. A spectacular start is the key to success. Always start the lesson in an unusual and interesting way. This is the moment when you can use non-standard methods "to the fullest." For example, instead of a boring homework survey, hold a blitz tournament, mini-test, organize a contest, competition. If the topic is new, then you can start the lesson with some intriguing messages, interesting facts on the topic.

2. Be sure to plan the lesson based on the individual characteristics of the students. Any task should be planned in such a way as to take into account different difficulty options. This way you will involve not only activists, but also lagging students who often simply yawn in class. Find something for everyone!

3. Use technology! Believe me, a presentation telling, for example, the biography of a writer or the properties of iron, will be remembered much better than a monotonous explanation.

4. Include game elements. Always and in any class! Even high school students enjoy joining the game.

5. Break stereotypes! Do not force lessons into the usual framework: lecture - survey. Try constructing the lesson differently. Students' lack of interest is often due to the fact that they know all the stages of the lesson in advance. Don't follow patterns.

6. Involve students in explaining a new topic. Searching for information on your own reinforces knowledge more than listening to a ready-made explanation. Let them work hard! This can be done at the preliminary stage by giving the task to find some information on a future new topic. Or during the lesson, turning to the life experience of the students themselves.

7. Behave outside the box! Are you used to explaining a topic while standing at the blackboard? Try giving a lecture while sitting on a chair in front of the class. If you always wear a business suit, try wearing a bright sweater next time.

You can give an example of one of the brightest teachers, a teacher of literature. For example, when there was a lecture on the works of Mayakovsky, the teacher came to class in a yellow jacket. By the end of the lesson, all the students remembered that the futurists loved shocking things. And this teacher came to a lesson on the biography of Gogol in a Ukrainian shirt. The effect was amazing. Such lessons are remembered for a lifetime!

8. Keep a few unusual, even shocking questions, comments, and riddles in stock. If you notice that during the lesson students are starting to get bored and distracted, it’s time to change the topic and take a break. An unexpected question will always help to activate attention.

And finally - replenish your methodological piggy bank. You can learn interesting techniques and methods from your colleagues. And the World Wide Web offers a lot of material for every subject, for every year of study. Believe me, the search for non-trivial solutions and methods is a fascinating thing.

We are used to thinking about how to make a lesson useful: how to plan it so that everything is done in time? How to clearly explain a new topic? How to work it out effectively? But no less attention should be paid to making the lesson interesting. No matter how much useful material we prepare, the student will learn it much faster and better if he is involved.
Here are some strategies you can use to make any lesson and any topic interesting.

1) Warm-up

The beginning usually sets the tone for the entire lesson. So if you want your lesson to immediately engage your student, start with an interesting warm-up, such as a game.

2) Games

This is the most effective way to interest the student, and at the same time practice new material. Games on any lexical or grammatical topic can be found on ESL sites and in various collections, such as Grammar Games and Activities And Vocabulary games and activities. By the way, adult students love games no less than children.
A practical and interesting task that does not require additional materials - role-playing game. This task is more complex than just discussing the topic. It requires active participation, acting and creativity from the student, and therefore full attention.

3) Songs

Music is great for language learning. Words set to a rhythm are remembered faster. In addition, the song usually uses the same grammatical tense. Find out from the student what musical styles and groups he likes. By singing phrases from his favorite songs, he will quietly learn new vocabulary and master the necessary grammatical forms.

4) Stories

Present new grammar or vocabulary to the student in story form. For example, if you are studying the topic “Past Continuous/Past Simple”, you could start: “Yesterday, while I was going to work by the underground, a man came into the carriage and sat down opposite me. He had a monkey in his lap. The monkey was wearing jeans and a yellow jacket”(by the way, this is a true story). Such a presentation of the topic will be much more interesting for the student than: “Right, today we are going to study the difference between Past Continuous and Past Simple.”

5) Communication

In any task, include an element of Speaking, because for most students this is the most interesting aspect of learning a language. Even if you need to do an exercise like fill in the gaps, discuss with the student the photo that goes with the exercise or the most interesting sentence in it. Any task can always be “diluted” with the help of communication.

6) Changing tasks

Never turn a lesson into a lecture. Even students with good concentration will find it difficult to listen to a monologue in a foreign language for 20 minutes. In addition, modern students are accustomed to quickly changing from one type of activity to another and to an interactive form of learning. Therefore, to keep it interesting, alternate the type and duration of tasks. Also, always prepare tasks that involve communication and active participation of the student. It is better to leave written exercises for homework.

7) Creative homework

By the way, about homework. Of course, it also has to be “useful,” but that doesn’t stop it from being interesting. Give your student creative homework assignments that he or she will want to do. For example, if you are studying the past simple, ask him to prepare a summary of an episode of his favorite TV series. If you are studying the topic “Food”, ask him to create a menu for his own restaurant. Creative and interesting homework can be created for any grammar or vocabulary topic.

8) Flexible lesson plan

A plan is a necessary part of the lesson, and structure is the key to good results in your studies. At the same time, the lesson is much more interesting if the teacher knows how to adapt the plan to its course. Sometimes there comes a time when you need to deviate from the plan, for example, if a student has asked a really interesting question about grammar or the text you are working with has affected him and requires discussion.

9) Personalization

Any topic can be made interesting if you connect to it the student’s personal experience, opinion or preferences. For example, if you are studying the Present Perfect topic, ask the student about his or her travel or work experience (e.g. Which cities have you visited? Where have you worked?). The same can be done with any lexical topic.

10) Update

At this point we will talk about how to make the lesson interesting for the teacher. Your lesson can only be interesting for your student if it is interesting for you yourself. With the help of new activities, strategies and methods, the same topic can be taught differently each time.

Interesting lesson = full attention of your student = quick and effective learning of the material = progress and pleasure from learning the language.

Good luck and interesting lessons!

Non-standard forms of education in primary school

or how to make the lesson interesting.

At all times, teachers have constantly looked for ways to enliven the lesson, trying to diversify the forms of explanation and feedback.

Non-standard forms must be used correctly and skillfully. The effectiveness of the educational process at school primarily depends on the correct choice of forms of organizing teaching in the subject.

When choosing forms of work, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the educational process unfolds. The presence of a variety of didactic material and special equipment allows you to individualize the learning process. The content of the educational material also influences a lot, which may have different difficulties and different novelty. It is important to consider how the form contributes to the manifestation of the active position of each student, which is expressed in defending their opinion, the ability to prove, argue the relevant position, defend their point of view, and show a sense of collectivism.

I believe that non-standard lessons are one of the important means of teaching, since they form in students a stable interest in learning, relieve tension and constraint, which are characteristic of many children, and help to develop skills in academic work and educational activity itself. Non-standard lessons have a deep emotional impact on children, thanks to which they develop stronger, deeper knowledge. Non-standard forms of lessons that I used in my practice: lesson-game “Magic Ball”, lesson “brain ring”, lesson – travel, lesson – research, lesson – creative workshop, lesson – unusual plants, lesson – fairy tale “Whirlwind” , lesson - game, lesson - meeting, lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson with theatrical elements, lesson - excursion to the store, lesson - building a new house, lesson - winter holiday.

Each teacher has his own “proprietary” methods and techniques in his “methodological box”. “Active teaching methods and techniques” contribute to solving the problems I set in the lessons.

In my work I use these methods:

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities of students.

Methods of verbal transmission of information and auditory perception of information.

Topic “Sentence, phrase, word”

Fabulous guests came to visit us with questions. The cockerel is very concerned about what our speech consists of? Answer, children.

Methods of visual transmission of information and visual perception of information.

For example, a lesson on visual geometry, 3rd grade.

Topic: “Area of ​​a Right Triangle”

Children examine a right triangle and make assumptions about finding its area. After which they conduct an experiment and prove that a triangle can be completed into a rectangle. (See Attachment)

Methods of transmitting information through practical activities.

For example, Russian language lesson, 3rd grade.

Topic “Spelling of suffixes –ik, -ek”

Look at this object and tell me what fairy tale we find ourselves in? (“The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

Write down the phrase golden key in your notebook.

What spellings are found in the words?

The word key sort by composition.

Why is the suffix -ik written in it?

Make up a sentence with this word.

Methods of stimulating and motivating students.

Emotional methods

For example, in mathematics lessons, children solve multi-level problems. In Russian language lessons, they choose from the proposed tasks the one they like best.

Cognitive methods.

For example, Russian language lesson, 3rd grade.

Topic “Adjective”

After learning new material, children select vocabulary words with the same root adjectives and come up with a story using these words.

Writing fairy tales, stories, poems on a given topic.

Creating a problematic situation. For example, lesson about the world around us, 3rd grade.

Topic: “Living and inanimate nature”

At the beginning of the lesson, children are asked problematic questions:

Can we say that living and inanimate nature and the world around us are one and the same?

Is a pot with a flower an object of nature or an object of the world around us?

Social methods.

When working in a group, a consultant is selected who exercises control. This form of work leads to the creation of a situation of mutual assistance.

Methods of control and self-control.


For example, a Russian language lesson 2nd grade.

Topic: “Consolidating knowledge about verifiable and unverifiable vowels in the root of a word”

When repeating theoretical material, I use frontal questioning.

Explain what an unstressed vowel means?

Why do unstressed vowels need checking?

How to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

Is it always possible to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root? What should you do in this case?

Methodical techniques:raising problematic questions,problematic situations,work with cards, communicative attack, game moment, gift for work in the lesson, telegram, letter, telephone conversation, relay race, photo eye, selective reading, reading proverbs “in reverse”, crossword puzzles, unconventional beginning of the lesson, beginning of the lesson with elements of theatricalization and others .

Also in my practice I use not only non-standard forms of training, but also new information technologies (NIT). I know that new information technologies are the future. The use of NIT can transform the teaching of traditional academic subjects, rationalizing child labor, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing educational material, and most importantly, raising children’s interest in learning to an immeasurably higher level.

I especially enjoy teaching lessons using computer presentation. In such lessons, time is saved significantly; the material is presented with greater clarity. Children participate in the learning process with interest. Moreover, greater interest develops if the children themselves participate in preparing presentations for lessons.

In 2006, my children and I participated in a city competition of student projects. Topic of the research project: “Three pillars of economics” (the world around us, 3rd grade).

It is aimed at educating and respecting working people through getting to know the city’s enterprises and parents’ professions. The project took place over three weeks. The goal of this project is not only to gain practical knowledge on this topic, but also to instill skills in working with information and working in a team.

In addition, the children learned to use new computer programs and briefly express their thoughts. The guys were asked the question: “What is required to produce goods and services?” The whole class was divided into three groups: journalists, tour guides, and ecologists. Each group researched a specific topic. You see them on the screen. The results of the children's work were:

Booklet “What does work mean for a person?”;

Multimedia presentation about the enterprises of our city;

Magazine: “All kinds of professions are important, all kinds of professions are needed”;

Posters on the protection of natural resources.

In the process of work, students gained experience working with computer equipment, experience working in computer programs, and research activities.

As a result, the children learned about large enterprises in our city, such as Kronostar LLC, Sharya DOK LLC, the railway, electrical networks, post office, and bank. And also about the activities of private entrepreneurs.

The guys did a lot of work: collecting material about the city’s enterprises, interviews with parents, publishing the magazine “All sorts of professions are important, all kinds of professions are needed,” creating the booklet “Labor” and the presentation “What is capital?” The defense of the project was successful. The “Three Pillars of Economics” project took first place.

Conclusion. The essence of all of the above methods, forms and methods of teaching is to get a high result in the lesson with the least amount of effort and time, so that the lesson raises children to the next level in their mental growth, development and education.


Whether the lesson will be interesting to children and whether they will want to take an active part in it depends on how well the teacher thought through every detail of the lesson. When organizing a lesson, it is necessary to rely on its purpose. Clearly define what the student should take away from the lesson, what task the lesson will solve: will it be learning new material or a lesson in repetition, generalization and systematization of knowledge, a test lesson.

Achieving the goal will directly depend on the motivation of the students. Therefore, make every effort to make them want to know what you are telling them about. Actively use your creativity, a variety of methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Choose a lesson format. It is determined in accordance with its goals and the age of the students.
The forms of the lesson are very diverse, each teacher brings something different. Lessons on learning new material can be in the form of an adventure, a lesson, a surprise lesson, etc. For older children, this could be something prepared by the students themselves. A lesson in consolidating the material can be conducted in the form of a competition or tournament. This can be either within one class or several parallel classes. You can also organize an excursion or hike. This will contribute not only to students’ interest in the lesson, but also to unite the class. A test lesson can be conducted in the form of an Olympiad or a quiz. A lesson in applying knowledge can be organized as a report lesson, a trial lesson, an auction, or a research lesson. For a combined lesson, it is suitable to conduct it in the form of a workshop, seminar, or consultation. Seminars and lessons on multi-age collaboration are also useful. But it should be remembered that such lessons should be conducted in the system, but not every day. Students, firstly, will have to prepare, and secondly, they will know that not just an interesting lesson, but a holiday awaits them again. This also raises the teacher’s authority in the eyes of students. Computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, tables, illustrations - the correct and appropriate use of this will only decorate your lesson.

Based on the goals and form of the lesson, choose teaching methods and techniques. They are classified on various grounds and can be: verbal, visual, practical, explanatory and illustrative method, reproductive method, problem presentation method, partial search or heuristic method, research method, etc. Methods of problem-based learning are of great importance for the development of cognitive interest of schoolchildren, since they are more capable of activating students in the classroom. Problematic question, problematic task, problematic situation, etc. - all this allows you to make any lesson interesting, thanks to the fact that children themselves take part in finding the answer. With the partial search method, students’ independent search is given greater importance than with the problem method. The teacher only guides the students in their actions. The research method is more difficult for the teacher to organize and for the students to carry out. The teacher only creates a problematic situation, and students, in order to resolve it, must see the problem, determine ways to solve it and find the answer.

The use of various teaching methods helps to increase the cognitive interest of students, and this is inextricably linked with better assimilation of the material being studied, the development of their creative abilities, attention, memory, and thinking. The student will be happy to attend your lessons, knowing that they are always interesting.

Video on the topic


Be sure to tap into the students' experiences, this will help them feel like they are part of the material being studied, and not just a listener.

Let the student express his opinion. This means that he reflects on the material and assimilates it.

Not all children are in a hurry to answer in class. Perhaps they are just shy. Find out what these students are interested in and try to connect with them through their hobbies. They will trust you, which means they will begin to speak up in class. You can also give such children individual tasks more often.

How to teach an interesting lesson

You must strive to make lessons interesting. After all, a lesson is a road to the heights of knowledge, a process of improvement and intellectual growth of a student. On each of themthoughts and incredible discoveries that excite the child's consciousness or hopeless boredom and dangerous idleness are born. How valuable and interesting the seconds, minutes, hours and years spent at a school desk will be depends on the efforts of the teacher.

Anatole France very subtly noticed the importance of an extraordinary presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the children would be afraid to be late for it, and after the bell would not rush to leave the class.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, every lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, exactly everyone. In this case, the effectiveness of school education increases, and new material is easily absorbed. I will try to tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and enjoyable lessons.

It is necessary to plan a lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional mood, and their inclination to work individually or to study in a group. The concept of every interesting activity should have a creative beginning.

Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of your imagination - and there will definitely be non-standard solutions. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will allow you to conduct the prepared lesson in an interesting way. You should always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! You should start the lesson actively (maybe with a small surprise), clearly formulate the tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work.

An interesting lesson is always divided into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, you should not dump a portion of new knowledge on students, but move smoothly and logically from one stage of the lesson to another. Each individual part of the lesson should not be lengthy (on average up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explanations of new material).

Use a variety of techniques to create a fun lesson. Using a computer or electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both an open and traditional lesson in any discipline interesting.

You should be flexible in the classroom! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which the teacher must quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve tension in the classroom, you need to have simple and fun tasks (preferably in a playful form).

How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? It’s very simple - don’t be afraid to break stereotypes. Not doing work for students to “help” them. Stimulate constant activity of schoolchildren. Give simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Make the most of every activity. I like to use such a technique as working in groups: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions and develop a sense of partnership. I often use this form of work to conduct open lessons.

To teach interesting lessons, I constantly search and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. I surprise my students and never cease to amaze them together!

I have created and am constantly replenishing my own methodological piggy bank, where the most successful, interesting and exciting forms of work accumulate.

Thematic games will make lessons interesting in any classroom. The game creates a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, in which new knowledge is well absorbed.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop an interest in a subject thanks to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

Fatigue, troubles, worries should be left outside the school door! It is necessary to open up to communicate with students! Children really appreciate appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom and dialogue on equal terms. You should behave unconventionally, sometimes going beyond the usual boundaries, because the personality of the teacher and his behavior are extremely important. I try to give more examples from personal experience, because a teacher is a creative person and an extraordinary person, and children remember vivid life examples much better than fictitious ones.

I hope that these recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new, non-boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional improvement is the basis of successful teaching activities, the guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.