What does a speech therapy notebook look like? Consultation on the topic: Speech therapist’s homework notebook for parents

Modern special education, like the general one, should be not only effective, but also comfortable. To optimize the learning process and increase its effectiveness, we have developed special means. One of these is workbooks. They are used on almost all items. Speech therapy in kindergarten and school also includes work with notebooks.

Features of speech therapy workbooks

Special notebooks for speech therapy, like all others, have two goals:

  • optimization of the task completion process (the number of tasks and the minimum time required to solve them are taken into account);
  • thematic assessment. With regard to speech therapy, effective results come first. Completed tasks are important diagnostic value. They indicate corrective dynamics and are assessed primarily not in numerical equivalent.

Each speech therapy notebook, which you can buy in the Shopmatic online store, has a proven structure. For her, specialists in the field of speech therapy selected necessary exercises and tasks to be solved jointly with the teacher and independently.

How to use the notebook?

A speech therapy notebook, unlike a classic subject notebook, does not relate directly to a specific textbook and does not guide work with it. It is an additional practical guide. You can buy such a notebook inexpensively, but it will bring a lot of benefits.

The use of a practical printed tool in conjunction with other remedial teaching tools allows not only to optimize educational process and speed up getting results. The speech therapy workbook serves as a kind of simulator for a child with a speech disorder. It ensures consistency of practice, which increases the effectiveness of correctional education as a whole.

A wide range of speech therapy notebooks are available to order from Shopmatic. They are intended for students of different ages. You can also order speech therapy workbooks aimed at correcting various disorders. Thematic materials will provide quick and sustainable learning results.

All special correction aids at Shopmatic are offered with delivery. The method is chosen by the buyer. The deadlines are set by the service provider (courier service).

The atmosphere of the Federal State Educational Standards school, high requirements currently, entering new team produces an inevitable fracture even in a healthy and prosperous child. Children with speech impairments are frightened by the variety of different loads at school. Not assimilation school curriculum leads to the fact that children often lose faith in their abilities and become isolated from their classmates. Sometimes this leads to a reluctance to learn and a loss of cognitive interest.

Preventive work to prevent writing in children with special needs is carried out, as a rule, from middle age. preschool age. The work is carried out on material accessible to preschoolers - drawings. Being convinced that any children's activity, including visual arts, is very beneficial for the development of speech, and especially for children with systemic disorders. Therefore, speech therapists use drawings in speech therapy interventions on children’s speech. Another problem is preparing the hand for writing.

In speech work conditions preschool institutions this task becomes more complicated, since in children with OHP, along with general motor insufficiency, immaturity is also detected fine motor skills, insufficient hand-eye coordination. Children have an inability to correctly navigate in space and on a plane, i.e. on a sheet of notebook. All this leads to a mixture of optically similar letters.

In everyday work with children with speech disorders. it is necessary to include games and tasks for the development of gross and fine motor skills, spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention and auditory and visual memory. The work should be carried out systematically and systematically by both the speech therapist and parents and educators.

Then, by the time the children graduate to school, speech pathists will have the necessary skills in working with notebooks.

Speech therapists have developed speech therapy notebooks in which children work with pencils or markers. In the process of learning to work with a speech therapy notebook, logopaths learn to listen carefully to the verbal instructions of an adult when drawing a sample, and visually remembers the order of the stages of work. Learns to accurately count cells in a given figure, alternating in coloring and shading. Logopaths learn to actively act independently. These activities develop the eye, improve shape and color discrimination, and help clarify spatial concepts.

Below are materials from speech therapists: speech therapy notebooks, projects and programs, as well as links to pages that do not yet have a section.

Speech therapy notebooks, programs, miscellaneous

Distinguish the consonants “V-F” Distinguish between the consonants “B-P”
Distinguish the consonants “D-T” Distinguish between the consonants “G-K”
Distinguish the consonants “Z-S” Distinguish the consonants “Zh-Sh”

▫ - Do you feel it? Spring is all around, A green thrill of expectation And incomprehensible desires She poured into the air. - Listen, this is all a hoax, funny inventions of poets. What does this ultimately mean to us? It makes no difference between spring and summer - You understand, in the spring I breathe as if differently I wander around the house in excitement, And I wonder what’s wrong with me! - Probably vitamin deficiency. Eat fruit, wake up later, or maybe it’s from mimosas, be careful with allergies. - I really enjoy spring and feel its whirling, the warmth of the rays, the movement of the planets, both during the day and at night in my dreams. - Don’t bother yourself, think better about your salary, or drink beer out of boredom. And that’s enough talking about it. We don’t understand the alien world - Everyone has their own mentality. But the air is filled with spring And this is the main reality! Petr Davydov 6056349-a1238795 Good evening, Ninochka! This is the first Moscow primrose, and we still have snowdrifts and sub-zero temperatures! Thank you for visiting my page, my faithful friend!
▫ Politics, of course! For example, state policy in the field of education. There is so much there - you will hear it and your head will shake. From new and from introductions. From flying, so to speak, someone’s thoughts and making someone’s dreams come true. Through the prism, again so to speak, objective reality. Why not a topic for a pedagogical portal? For example: liquidation educational institutions in Karelia. There is no need to complain here - here the “deeds” should be made public! Online publicity sometimes confuses some drivers so much, it confuses them so much that they even begin to hide from reports. So it works! Online publicity is in effect! Or take, for example, religion. Why not discuss the themes of her and her adherents’ coexistence in the world around us? There is no reason not to discuss it. And reasons not to make public (if anyone doesn’t remember, then in Russia there is freedom of speech. A constitutionally enshrined right, yes)) - reasons not to make public the essence and essence of what whose “fundamentals” are studied in schools and beyond. And even more: some really want it to be studied for a long time... Throughout their school life! - Why? - That’s why! - But... How can this be?! - And like this! Why not discuss the correspondence of the stated goals - and the actual implementation of these “statements,” eh? This is interesting! This is right on the edge of the basic law of the Russian Federation! This, I would say, is the civic duty of all of us - to evaluate our existence through the prism of laws... right? What about complaints about life? This is completely natural: people want to live normally, but for them, take it out in the style of “Well, we wanted the best... But for someone it turned out, as always....” Any reason to complain? Why not?! So they share the painful issues among the citizens of our society. So it’s absolutely wonderful that there is where, there is something and there is someone to say.

Notebooks with speech therapist homework for parents

How to prepare notebooks for a speech therapist’s homework? Each child should have his own notebook where the content is recorded speech therapy work. Parents are explained how to design this notebook and are given examples of homework (sketching objects, sticking decals, writing down poems, stories, etc.).

The speech therapist’s tasks for parents include the main sections: Articulatory gymnastics, which includes exercises that prepare the articulatory structure for producing missing sounds. IN further work automation exercises are added ( correct pronunciation delivered sounds in syllables, words, phrasal and independent speech child). These exercises should be performed at home daily 3 to 5 times a day. Exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can control himself). It is necessary to achieve clear, precise, smooth execution of movements.

Development task phonemic awareness and education of the fundamentals of sound - syllabic analysis and synthesis. A series of lexical and grammatical tasks aimed at enriching passive dictionary, and most importantly, to stimulate and use in active speech the child’s acquired knowledge through exercises on word formation, changes in gender, number and cases, and agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns; inflection using prefixes, suffixes, combining stems; selection of related, generalizing and clarifying words. Tasks for the development of coherent speech: this is the construction of simple and complex common sentences with and without prepositions (according to the scheme); These are descriptive stories according to plan and scheme; by series story pictures and one at a time plot picture, based on subject pictures and presentation, using support words; retellings and independent creative stories children; memorizing poems selected for the child. Tasks for the development of fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing: tracing along the contour, completing the drawing of elements, shading in various directions different ways according to the model; working with stencils and templates; cutting and pasting pictures; drawings, applications, graphic dictations; typing letters, syllables, words and sentences and small connected texts.

To parents on inside the first cover provides recommendations on homework with baby. For example: “It is better to perform each task in 2-3 steps lasting no more than 15 – 20 minutes in the proposed sequence.”

Memo from a speech therapist to parents (rules for studying with a child at home).

Work with your child at home every day. Conduct classes in a calm, friendly environment. Class time is 10-15 minutes. Praise the child for every achievement, even a small one. Articulation exercises perform in front of a mirror so that the child can control himself. All tasks (except graphic ones) are completed orally, and the adult enters the child’s answer. Graphic tasks The child performs independently under the mandatory supervision of an adult. It is very important to ensure that tasks are completed accurately. Do only what is required in the task.

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