Calculation and graphic work, design of formulas. Assignment for calculation and graphic work

17.02.2015 17:29

Calculation and graphic work is independent research, which was created to substantiate theoretical material on the main topics of the course and develop practical skills performing technical and economic calculations.

Essence calculation and graphic work consists of doing the most typical calculations which are carried out by the manager during the feasibility study of the decisions he makes.

When organizing work, you must adhere to the following regulations:

1. Presentation of material from each calculation and graphic work tasks should be carried out in the following frequency:

Theoretical justification of the issue being considered;

Mathematical calculations;

Analysis and summary of the results obtained, conclusions.

2. Calculation part of the work do according to options. The choice of option is carried out according to the final number of the grade book;

3. All data is tabulated;

4. Initial data and calculation results are given indicating units of measurement;

5. Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of one tenth;

6. The amount of explanatory note is 30-50 pages of handwritten text (or 15-25 pages of computer printing) in A4 format;

7. Design calculation and graphic work occurs in relation to the current rules for writing scientific, methodological and technical documentation (DSTU 3008-95: System of standards for information, library and publishing).

IN conclusions of the RGR the results of all the issues covered are summed up, and the main problems and ways of their possible solution are identified.

Target calculation and graphic work- consolidation of theoretical knowledge in the discipline, formation of practical skills in determining the optimal option for organizing interaction.

An individual task for each student is calculation and graphic work.

Calculation and graphic work (CGR) is student's personal research. Carrying out RGR, student enriches the knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the subject, namely: defining a goal, highlighting tasks, formulating problems and finding ways to solve them.

Student working on RGR forms skills and abilities that will be important in the future when solving more complex problems (thesis, dissertation, scientific research, etc.).

Students working on the topic of individual work under the guidance of a teacher. Every student gets a separate option calculation and graphic control work, which contains one task from each topic. Total RGR contains 12 practical problems from various sections of the program.

Option number RGR tasks corresponds to the student’s serial number in the group list.

For example, the first student on the list completes option No. 1, the second - option No. 2, etc. Execution option RGR, which does not correspond to the student’s serial number in the group is not allowed.

Assessment for independent (individual) work is given at the end of all practical classes. The number of points that a student can receive ranges from 0 to 12 points, depending on the volume and quality of the work performed. This grade is taken into account when determining the final grade for the entire course.

The purpose of writing the RGR are:

Systematization, consolidation and expansion of the student’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills;

Gaining experience in working with literature and other sources of information, the ability to summarize and analyze scientific information, and develop one’s own attitude to the problem;

Developing the ability to use information and computer technologies to solve applied medical problems;

Development of skills in mastering specialized software;

Conducting a detailed analysis of the results of your own research and forming meaningful conclusions regarding the quality of the results obtained.

Submitted only in electronic form. Files with the electronic version and presentation in MS Office 2003 or MS Office 2007 format are supplied on a USB flash drive.

Volume of work - 10-15 pages of text (including the list of information sources and applications).

To defense calculation and graphic work A presentation is being prepared for a three-minute presentation of the work.

There are two options calculation and graphic work:


Search engine.

In the first option, the task is performed according to the standard methodology, which is set out in these Guidelines.

Topic calculation and graphic work (CGR) determined by its leader. When determining RGR topics wishes can be taken into account student.

When defining a topic student must be guided by these Methodological Instructions, take into account their theoretical knowledge and experience, and methods of collecting information material. For students, having excellent success, ability for scientific work and showing initiative, topics of work with scientific research or methodological inclinations may be proposed.

After defining the topic, the leader RGR issues the student an assignment of the established form.

Becoming to implementation of RGR, The student is obliged to assimilate these Methodological Instructions and discuss any problems that arise with the teacher.

Throughout the semester, the teacher holds meetings and discussions on decision of the RGR.

The student must go to counseling. During which the teacher corrects the work, names the amount and depth of the material performed.

With stroke control method execution of RGR 4 current control dates are established from the moment the teacher issues the assignment for practical work.

Labor intensity RGR for students is 6-8 hours per week for 8-10 weeks. After the end of the specified period RGR must be fully completed and submitted to the manager for review.

It is done by the student personally, during independent preparation, outside the academic schedule. The student has personal responsibility for deciding on a specific work schedule, the quality and completeness of the development of the issue, the validity of the decisions made, compliance with DSTU in the design, and for the timely protection of the RGR.

Completed in full RGR must have:

An explanatory note (EP) of up to 40 pages in A4 format, including sketches, explanatory calculations and illustrations;

Applications in the form of graphic material, made on a PC using graphics packages;

Drawings of technological equipment for the manufacture of skins and elements of the power set of the forward section of the fuselage;

Drawings of devices for assembling the forward fuselage.

On individual instructions from the manager RGR The list of graphic material may be changed.

Mechanical copying and (or) copying of texts from educational, scientific, technical and flight technical documentation into an explanatory note is unacceptable.

So, as we see calculation and graphic form The work is very popular today, especially in mathematics universities.

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Engineering students, starting from the first year, receive from teachers a complex and important assignment for calculation and graphic work. Carrying out PGR requires certain knowledge and skills, attentiveness and perseverance, as well as a sufficient amount of time, which a modern student does not have much of.

Calculation and graphic work

If a teacher can forgive a student for not completing a routine test, the failure to solve a problem can have a negative impact on academic performance and significantly spoil the impression of the student. That is why performing calculation and graphic work is mandatory and very important for absolutely everyone. Some people painstakingly, spending nights with textbooks and notebooks, do everything themselves - right or wrong - they find out after the fact. Someone turns to senior students for help, which, by the way, is also risky, because there is no guarantee that the solution to the calculation and graphic work will be provided correctly, without any shortcomings. And someone chooses a safer and most profitable way to solve this issue - they order work from professionals.

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Settlement and graphic work is drawn up in accordance with the ESKD, introduced on July 1, 1996, and is performed on standard white A4 paper on one side in one of the following ways:

    handwritten - in drawing font according to GOST 2.304 with the height of letters and numbers not less than 2.5 mm. Numbers and letters must be written clearly with a blue or black ballpoint (gel) pen;

    using printing and graphic computer output devices, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.004.

Each sheet of RGR is decorated with a frame (on the left - 20 mm, on the other three sides - 5 mm), made using one of the above recommended methods.

The text of the RGR must be placed in accordance with the following requirements:

    the distance from the form frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of the lines must be at least 3 mm;

    the distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm;

    paragraphs in the text begin with an indent equal to 5 typewriter strokes (15–17 mm);

    the distance between headings and text when formatting text material by machine should be equal to 3 or 4 intervals, and when formatting by hand - 15 mm;

    the distance between section and subsection headings (if there is no text) should be the same as between lines of text - 2 spaces, and when handwritten - 8 mm;

    the distance between the text and the subsequent heading should be 3–5 intervals (15–30 mm).

The text of the explanatory note on the computer must be written in Times New Roman font size 14 pt.

Indices present in the symbol designation must be written in a 10 pt font.

Typos, clerical errors and graphic inaccuracies discovered during the execution of the document may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint (corrector) and applying the corrected text in the same place in blue or black ink, handwritten. Their number can be no more than 5% of the amount of information on the sheet.

The RGR should include:

    title page;

    task to complete the work (drawn up in accordance with the code);

    sections representing tasks in accordance with the assignment;

    list of references used;

Title page is the first sheet of the document - an explanatory note. It is performed on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301, the form of which is given in Appendix A.

Exercise on the RGR is compiled on an A4 sheet in accordance with the received code.

When preparing the RGR, we must not forget that the title page, task and content are included in the total number of its sheets. Sheet numbers are not indicated on the title page and assignment sheets. Numbering begins on the contents sheet. The final number of sheets of the RGR is entered in column 5 of the main inscription located on the first sheet of contents, made in accordance with GOST 2.104-68, while the numbering of the pages of the note must be continuous (numbering of the title page and assignment is implied).

IN list literature All sources used are included in alphabetical order. In accordance with GOST 7.1-84, the list contains: source number (Arabic numeral), its full name and output data.

The explanatory note must be bound together.

The text of the work is written in the third person in the indicative mood or in an indefinite form, for example, “the chains are counting.” In the explanatory note of the RGR it is not allowed to use:

– abbreviations of words, except those established by spelling rules, relevant state standards, and also in this document;

– abbreviation of the designations of SI units, if they are used without numbers, with the exception of SI units in the rows and columns of tables, and in the decoding of letter designations included in formulas and figures.


When calculating an electrical circuit in formulas, the designations established by the relevant state standards and the International System of Units (SI), including the dimensions of quantities, should be used as symbols. When preparing the RGR, it is necessary to substitute numerical values ​​of quantities into the formulas. The final result is given with an indication of the dimension without intermediate calculations.

Calculations that follow one another and are not separated by text are separated by a semicolon. For example:

Numerical values ​​of quantities in calculations should be indicated with an accuracy level of up to thousandths.


The text part of the calculation and graphic work is supplemented with diagrams sufficient for explanation. The diagrams are located at the beginning of each new electrical circuit calculation. The construction of diagrams is carried out using drawing accessories, in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Schemes should be numbered with Arabic numerals and continuous numbering. For example, Figure 1 – Design diagram of an electrical circuit.

The diagrams in the text are placed in such a way that they can be viewed without turning the sheet or turning it clockwise.

Diagrams are constructed on graph paper using drawing supplies.

The values ​​of variables in the diagrams are shown in the form of scales on an arbitrary scale accepted for construction and are distinguished by dividing strokes on the axes or coordinate grid. In this case, the dimension is indicated between the last and penultimate values ​​of the quantity.

It is rational to choose the scales along the coordinate axes of the graphs so that the curves depicted on them sufficiently fill the graph field.

Inscriptions and designations on diagrams, diagrams, title pages of calculation and graphic works are carried out in drawing font in accordance with GOST 2.304-81.

The forms of the main inscriptions are developed on the basis of GOST 2.104-68 and GOST 21.103-78. Only those graphs that are never executed are removed. The inscriptions of individual columns have been slightly changed.

The form of the main inscription presented in Figure 1 shows the form of the inscription for the first sheet of the explanatory note, and in Figure 2 - for the second and subsequent sheets of the note.

In the columns of the main inscriptions indicate:

    in column 1 – name of the product or document. In the title block of the first sheet, in column 1, you should write the title of the work. For example: RGR in the discipline "Electrical engineering and fundamentals of electronics".

    in column 2 - designation of the document. In the title block of the first sheet in column 2 you should write “ MV - 21 111 RGR No. 1" This designation contains the following information: MV - 21 – training group; 111 – student assignment code; RGR – type of work performed (RGR – calculation and graphic work); No. 1 – number of calculation and graphic work;

    in column 3 - designation of the design stage: U– educational work (calculation and graphic).

    in column 4 - the serial number of the sheet;

    in column 5 - the total number of sheets (the column is filled out only on the first sheet);

    in column 6 – abbreviated name of the organization (university and department);

    in the lines of column 7 indicate: completed, checked;

    in the lines of column 8 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

    in the lines of column 9 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 8;

Figure 1 – Sample 40 mm frame.

Figure 2 – Sample 15 mm frame.

Figure 3 – Sample title page design

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational institution



Department of Electrical Engineering


by discipline

"Electrical engineering and power supply"

Completed Checked

student of group SP-21 assistant

Ivanov I.I. Gatalskaya I. A.

Initial data.

general diagram of a closed theodolite traverse, which shows the measured right-hand angles along the traverse and horizontal lines (Fig. 30);

– initial directional angle of the line from pt. 103 – Fri. 102 is calculated individually for each person using formula (17) in accordance with the serial number in the teacher’s journal and the student’s group number., and the coordinates of the starting point are pt. 103 is calculated using formula (16) in accordance only with the group number.

Planned justification in the form of a closed theodolite traverse, including point 102 and survey justification points 1-2-3 (Fig. 30).

X 103 = 135,61 + 100,00 (Ngr10) ,
Y 103 = 933,70 + 100,00 ( Ngr10). (1 6 )
The directional angle for side 103 – 102 is calculated by the formula:

= 334 0 06 + N 0 var + Ngr, (17 )

Work order

1. Calculation of the coordinates of the points of the planned survey surveyOvaniya (theodolite traverse).

Write down the horizontal angles and lengths of the sides of the theodolite traverse in the coordinate calculation sheet from the diagram (Fig. 30). Calculate the values ​​of the coordinates of the starting point and the directional angle of the starting side according to the data given in formulas (16) and (17), respectively. For the zero option, the value of the directional angle is 334°06′.

1.1. Link the measured angles, to do this, calculate the angular discrepancy and distribute the angular error over the corners of the closed polygon:

b) determine the theoretical sum of the angles of a closed polygon using the formula

theor =180 0 (n-2) (18)
where n number of theodolite traverse angles;

c) find the angular discrepancy using the formula

f = etc theory (19)

d) calculate the permissible angular discrepancy using the formula

f add = 1 n (20)
where 1′ = 2 t, t = 30 accuracy of theodolite 2T30;

e) if the discrepancy in the corners does not exceed the permissible value, you

numerically according to the formula, distribute it with the opposite sign equally to all corners of the polygon. Write out the corrections with their signs above the values ​​of the corresponding measured angles. The sum of the corrections should be equal to the residual with the opposite sign. Taking into account the corrections, calculate the corrected angles. Their sum must be equal

theoretical sum of angles:

correct = theory

1.2. Calculate directional angles and bearings of a closed theodolite traverse. Using the initial directional angle 103-102 and the corrected internal angles, find the directional angles of all other sides of the stroke. The calculation is carried out sequentially, including all corrected stroke angles according to the formula

last = prev + 180 0 – right (21)

Directional angle of the following line after, equal to direTotion-new corner of the previous one before plus 180° and minus insidenniya, right

along the way angle right. If pre + 180 0 is less than the angle, then 360° is added to this amount.

Controlling the correctness of the calculation of directional angles is to obtain the initial (initial) directional angle.

1.3. Using the found directional angles, find the bearings of the sides of the closed polygon.

Between the points r, located in different quarters, and di-
There is a relationship between the directional angles of the lines, which is shown in Figures 3a, 3b and given in Table 9 (see page 17).

The initial data for the reference stroke are: the directional angle of the side 103-102, its length - 250.00 m and the measured left angle between the original and the side of the polygon 102 -1 - 124 0 50 1. For izmecorrect left cornersdirectional angle of the subsequent line pAveins:

after = before 180 0 + left. (22)

In our zero variant we get:

102-1 = 103 -102 180 0 + left 103 -102 – 1 ,

102-1 = 334 0 06 1 – 180 0 +124 0 50 1 = 278 0 56 1 .

1.4. Calculate coordinate increments. Coordinate increments X and Y find using the formulas:

X = d * cos r; (2 3 )

Y=d * sin r, (2 4 )

Where d– horizontal position of the theodolite traverse side;

r rhumb side.

Record the calculation results in the coordinate sheet (Table 18), rounding to 0.01 m. Set the signs of coordinate increments according to the name r, depending on which quarter it is in.

1.5. Linking coordinate increments.

Theoretical sum of increments of closed motion coordinates separately for each axes X And Y equal to zero:

Xtheory= 0; (25)

Y theory= 0.

However, due to inevitable errors in measuring angles and line lengths during field surveys, the sum of coordinate increments is not equal to zero, but to some valuesf XAndf Y errors (discrepancies) in the increment of coordinates:

Xetc= fX ;

Yetc= fY . (26)

Due to errors f XAndf Y a closed polygon constructed in a coordinate system turns out to be open by the amount fabs , called
determined by the absolute linear error in the perimeter of the polygon,
calculated by the formula

fabs= ( f 2 X + f 2 Y) (27 )

To assess the accuracy of linear and angular measurements using theodolite traverse, the relative error should be calculated:

frel= fabs / P = 1/(P/ fabs) (28)

It is necessary to compare the resulting relative error with the permissible one.

frel 1/2000.

If there is an acceptable error, correct (link) the calculated coordinate increments. In this case, find corrections to the coordinate increments along the axes X, Y. Introduce corrections into the calculated increments in proportion to the lengths of the sides with the opposite sign. Write corrections above the corresponding increments. The values ​​of the calculated corrections should be rounded to the nearest centimeter. The sum of corrections in increments along each axis must be equal to the discrepancy along the corresponding axis, taken with the opposite sign. To calculate the corrections, use the formulas:

X = – f X di / P; X = – f Y di / P; (29)

Where X , X corrections to coordinate increments; f X , f Y– discrepancies along the axes X, Y; R landfill perimeter; di– horizontal alignment of the line.

Add the found corrections to the calculated coordinate increments with the opposite sign of the discrepancy, and obtain corrected increments.

Xcorrected = Xi + Xi ; Y corrected = Yi + Yi . (30)
The sum of corrected coordinate increments in a closed poly-
gone should be equal to 0:

Xcorrected = 0 ; Y corrected = 0 ;

1.6. Having the coordinate pt. 102, sequentially find the coordinates of the remaining points of the polygon.

As a result of sequential calculation of the coordinates of all points of a closed polygon, the coordinates of pt should be obtained. 102 according to the formulas:

Xafter = Xbefore+ Xcorrected; Yafter= Ybefore+ Ycorrected (31)

Calculation control– obtaining the X and Y coordinates of the starting point pt. 102.

An example of calculating the coordinates of survey justification points is given in the coordinate calculation sheet (Table 18).

2. Creation of a height justification.

The high-altitude survey justification was created by laying out the technical leveling course along the points of the theodolite traverse.

Technical leveling was carried out using the method from the middle; the measurement results on the red and black sides of the slats were recorded in the leveling log (Table 19), in which all subsequent calculations of the heights of the planned justification points are made.

The height of the starting point is calculated individually by each student, taking into account the serial number in the teacher’s journal using the formula:

Hpt.102 = 100,000*(Ngr – 10) + Nvar + Ngr, (32)

Where Nvar option number according to the teacher’s journal, m; Ngr– group number 11, 12, 13, …, mm.

For example (group 12, journal number 5):

Hpt.102 = 100,000*2 + 5 +12 = 20 5 ,017 m

Table 19

Magazine technical leveling

Station no. No. of points Countdown by staff Sample difference Average excess h, mm Corrected excess h, mm Height N,m
Rear Front
102 2958 205,017
1 7818 +2717 -1
1 0241 +2719 +2718 +2717
5099 207,734
1 1940
2 .6800 +1821 -2
2 0119 +1825 +1823 +1821
4975 209,555
2 0682
3 ^ 5546 -2261 -2
3 2943 -2257 -2259 -2261
7803 207,294
3 0131
4 4987 -2273 -2
2404 -2277 -2275 -2277
102 7264 205,017
z 30862 p 30848 14 h pr = + 7 h rev = 0
h theoretical = 0
h – n = 14mm f h = +7
f h extra = 50 1.2 = 55mm

When performing technical leveling, the permissible misalignment can be calculated using the formula f h extra = 50 L, Where L stroke length, km.

3. Making a plan.

3.1. Construction of a coordinate grid.

Make a plan on a scale of 1:2000. On a sheet of Whatman paper in AZ format, construct a coordinate grid with sides of squares of 10 cm so that the polygon is located symmetrically relative to the edges of the sheet of paper. Monitoring the correctness of the construction of the coordinate grid is carried out by measuring the sides and diagonals of the squares and comparing the results with the true ones. Discrepancies within 0.2 mm are allowed. Draw the grid with thin lines with a sharpened pencil. Sign the output of the grid lines in multiples of 200m.

3.2. Drawing of survey justification points on the plan.

All traverse points are plotted sequentially in coordinates using a scale ruler and a meter. Control overAvigilancepoints are plotted according to coordinatesatthere are a hundred comparisonsron on the plan with the corresponding lengths of horizontal pavementsny(Table 18). Discrepancies should not exceed 0.3 mm. Make the marked points with a pin and a circle around it with a diameter of 2 mm, sign the number of the point in the numerator, and the height in the denominator, rounded to 0.01 m.

3.3. Determination of distances and elevations in trianglesbnick when making an angular intersection from the base line.

The distances S 2 – 4 and S 3 – 4 are determined from the aspect ratios and sines of opposite angles:

sin (111 0) / S 2-3 = sin (26 0) / S 2-4, hence S 2-4 = S 2-3 * sin (26 0) / sin (111 0),

similarly for S 3-4 = S 2-3 * sin (43 0) / sin (111 0). In the zero version, the sides are respectively equal: S 2 – 4 = 152.59, S 3 – 4 = 237.38

The measured angle at point 2 is determined for each stagenaccording to the formula43 0 + 10 * N, WhereN– serial number in the teacher’s journal.

Excesses h 2-4 and h 3-4 (Fig. 31) are determined by the formula:

because measurements here on the “ground” (Table 20), and for points of the water’s edge, where observations were made along a staff to the level of the height of the instrument

For direction 2-4 in this example h 2-4 = -1.93 m, and for direction 3-4 h 3-4 = + 0.36 m.

The calculation control will be the permissible discrepancy (10 cm) of the marks (heights) of point 4, obtained separately from reference points 2 and 3. In this example, H 4 = 101.61 m on side 2-4 and H 4 = 101.64 m on side 3-4.

The control for calculating lake edge marks is also the permissible discrepancy in the values ​​of their heights, because marks

The (heights) of the water edge near the lake should theoretically be equal.

3.4. Application of sieveAtions per plan.

The method of constructing contours on the plan corresponds to the method of photographing them on the ground (Fig. 32, 33, 34, 35). When plotting a situation using the polar method, use a geodetic protractor to plot an angle, for example, from the reference direction 102-1, and a scale ruler and meter to plot a line d from station 102 to picket 2. Draw up the plan in pencil, following the “Conventional signs for issuing plans at a scale of 1:2000” when drawing, observing their sizes and outline.

STATION 102 TableAndtsa20

Altitude guidanceatment 1.35 m

Laying corners from reference lines 2-1 And 3-2 We obtain the location of the shooting object at the intersection of deferred directions.

Tabfaces 21

Tool heighti . Aiming at the basedmeta.

Dotstandingnki ThathkanAVed. Cornerhoriz Dotstandingnki ThathkanAVedas Cornerhoriz Corner
Art. 1i = 1.45 Art.2 0°00′ Art.2i =1.40 Art.3 0°00′
Derein 14 ° ZO’ SQ 43 ° ZO’ 1 ° 15
Art. 2i = 1.35 Art.1 0°00′ Art. 3i =1.40 Art.2 0°00′
Derein 31 7 °00′ SQ 334 °00 1 5'

3.5 . Interpolation gOhorizontals.

Connect the points of the plan-elevation justification, point 4 and the points of the water's edge using a ruler and a simple pencil on the plan according to the diagram (Fig. 36), and according to the obtained directions, interpolate the contours using the graphical method. To do this, build a palette on tracing paper (Fig. 37), drawing 5-7 parallel lines every 2 cm. It is necessary to correctly digitize the lines of the palette from bottom to top; for this, the minimum height value is selected from the leveling log (in this example, the water edge is 99.8). Consequently, the digitization of the palette from below will begin at 99.00, then 100.00; then 101.00 and so on with an increasing total after 1.00 m.

The palette is placed on the plan so that the point (in the example, the point of the edge of the lake) takes a position on the palette corresponding to its height of 99.8, and in this position the palette is held at this point with a measuring needle. Then the palette is rotated around the point of the lake so that the shooting justification point 1 takes a position on the palette that corresponds to its height - 102.7. By cutting the points of intersection of the line “1 – lake” on the plan with the lines on the palette, we obtain points through which the corresponding horizontal lines 100, 101, 102 must pass. This is done along all interpolation lines. Then you need to draw horizontal lines, connecting adjacent points with the same heights with smooth lines. Contour lines that are multiples of 5 m must be thickened and digitized. Use berg strokes to show the direction of the slopes.

3.6 . Calculation of areas of land contours analytically

spoyourself and planTrum

Determine the total area of ​​the landfill using mathematical formulas and take it as the theoretical area.

2 P = yk (xk -1 xk +1 ) (33)

The doubled area of ​​the polygon is equal to the sum of the productionknowledge kaandordinate by the difference between the abscissa of the previous one andsubsequent tOcheckor equivalently can be calculated using another formatle:

2 P = xk (yk + 1 yk -1 ) (34)

Uthe double area of ​​the polygon is equal to the sum of the products of eachabscissa for the difference in ordinates of the next and previous points. There are as many products as there are vertices in the polygon.

Measure the practical area of ​​the landfill with a planimeter, determining the area of ​​land located inside the landfill, compare the practical area with the theoretical one and determine the discrepancy, estimate the discrepancy, i.e. compare it with the acceptable one. If the discrepancy turns out to be acceptable, distribute it over the area of ​​land and link them. The results are summarized in table. 22.

In Fig. 38 shows a sample design of a plan, on which, in any free space, it is necessary to depict an explication of the land in the form of a table, on it display the name of the contours on the plan, the area of ​​​​all available land and the symbols that show the land on the plan.

Table 22

Sheet for calculating areas.

Planimeter division value 0.00098

Circuit No. Circuit name Countdown by main mechanism Sample difference Average sample difference Area, ha Amendment Linked area Area of ​​the interspersed contour Land area, ha
1 Deforested forest 7215 711713
7926 712 0,71 – 0,01 0,70 0,70
2 Meadow 0516 368370
0884 369 0,37 0,37 0,37
3 Lake 2584 193195
2777 194 0,19 0,19 0,19
4 Pasture is expensive 5761 18311829
7592 1830 1.83. – 0,01, 1.82 0,18 1,64
9421 _ .
5 Arable land with field 2711 53455334 .
8056 5334 5,34 -0,02 5,32 0,02 5,30
theor = 8,40
practical = 8.44
f prak = 0.04
f additional =P/200 f additional =0.042

4. Solving engineering problems based on topographic plan.

4 . 1 Construction of a longitudinal profile.

As a result of the actions described above, on a sheet of Whatman paper we will receive a plan on a scale of 1:2000, on which we need to design the axis of the water pipeline, laying it from triangulation point 102 in the direction of point 2 with one angle of rotation at the point A, as shown in fig. 38.

On A4 graph paper, construct a longitudinal profile in the following scales: horizontal - 1:2000, vertical -1:200, as shown in Fig. 39. An enlarged figure 39 is given in Appendix No. 1.

Rice. 38 . Sample plan design and design channel axis line

– draw a profile grid (Fig. 39), where to provide columns for entering field and design data into them;

– on a given scale, set aside pickets located at a distance of 100 m from each other. Fill in the columns of pickets and distances. The distances between adjacent points are recorded;

– are removed from the plan and written down in the “ground elevations” column: point heights 2 and pt. 102, the heights of the pickets located between the horizontal lines are determined, as shown in Fig. 38, and horizontal marks;

– from the conventional horizon line in a given vertical scale, plot the heights of all points and connect them to each other.

Determining the picket height between horizontal lines.

Let the heights of two adjacent horizontal lines be equal ANDA And Nn. It is necessary to determine the height NR points R, lying between these horizontal lines (see Fig. 11 p. 24).

Rice. 39 . Sample design of a longitudinal profile.

Through the point R draw a straight line approximately perpendicular to these horizontal lines until they intersect with them at points A And V. Measure segments on a plan aw, aP, BP ( see Figure 11 on page 24 ).

Point height R found by formula (9).

4.2. Channel design.

Drawing the design water supply line onto the profile. When designing, it is recommended to adhere to the proposed sequence of work and specified parameters:

  • the depth of the water supply should be in the range of 0.40-1.50 m;
  • water pipe width a = 1.0 m;
  • Maintain slopes along the bottom of the water supply within the range of 0.01-0.005.

Determine the design heights of the ends of the section using the profile. Using them, calculate the design slope using the formula

i = (Ncon– Nbeginning) D (35)

Where Ncon - design end point elevation; Nbeginning design elevation of the starting point; D distance between points. In this example:

i = ( 102,1 – 98,8) 387,4 = 0,0085.

Information on slopes is entered in the slope column (Fig. 39).

Calculate the design elevations of all profile points. For the beginning
count the heights of points on the design line to take its design elevation
started and continued with increasing results. Design marks calculated
are calculated according to the formula

NN +1 = NN + i * d, (36)

Where NN +1 – mark of the next point; NN– mark of the starting point of the design line ; i – the slope of this line; d– the cumulative distance from the beginning to the point whose elevation is determined. For example, the design mark NPC1 of the first picket is equal to:

NPC1 = 98,80 + 0,0085 * 100 = 99.65 m

Work i * d there is an excess h between corresponding points. The sign of the elevation is equal to the sign of the slope. Enter the calculated design heights in red in the column of design marks (Fig. 39), write down the values ​​to hundredths of a meter.

Then calculate the working marks h i according to the formula

h i = Nfact– Netc (37)

Where Netc design point elevation; Nfact– actual point elevation. So for picket PC1 we get h PC 1 = 100,30 – 99,65 = 0,65 m.

Write down their values ​​in the “working marks” column (Fig. 39) to hundredths of a meter.

4.3. Calculation of volumes of earthworks.

In the table for calculating the volume of excavation work (Fig. 39), write out in the appropriate columns: picketing; rectangle base

c = a + b, Where A - water pipeline width equal to 1 m; V= 2 h , distance between adjacent cross sections; volume of excavation work for each section and total according to the formula:

V = P jSR *d j , (38)

Where P jSR– average cross section of the section j excavation;

d j length j sections.

Draw up the profile according to the sample, draw the design line and design heights in red.

4.4 . Calculation of geodetic data for angle calculation

turning the route and setting out the water axiswires

by polar coo methodRdinat.

It is necessary to prepare geodetic data for exporting:

  • corner for takeout lines 102-A, which is equal to the difference between the directional angles of the directions of lines 102–A and 102-1;
  • track turning angle POV, which is equal to the difference between the directional angles of the lines A -2 and 102–A;
  • Line lengths 102 – A and A 2 .

And also the auxiliary data necessary for this: bearings of lines 102–A and A -2, directional angles of lines 102–A, A -2 and 102-1 ( r 102- A , .102 –A, .102 –1 ) , lines A -2 and 102–A (r 102- A , r 2- A, .102 –A, 2-A, .102 –1 ) . R Solve the inverse geodetic problem on side 102–A and side A-2. To do this, remove the coordinates of point A graphically from the plan. In the example, the coordinates of point A are:

X A = 467.5 m; Y A = 622.5 m.

Solve the problem using the formulas:

X = X K – X N, for the first line 102-A:

X A-102 = X A – X 102 = 107.0 m,

for A-2 of the second line X 2-A = X 2 – X A = 159.54,

similarly along the ordinate:

Y = Y K – Y N, for the first Y A-102 = Y A – Y 102 = -202.0 m,

for the second Y 2-A = Y 2 – Y A = – 41.69 m.

Points of reference are calculated based on the values ​​of coordinate increments:

arctg = Y / X, arctg 102- A -202.0 /107 = 62 0 05.3 1,

where, taking into account the signs of the increments of the rhumbs r 102- A = NW62 0 05,3 1 ;

arctg A -2 – 41.69 /159.54 = 14 0 38.7 1, rhumb r 2- A= NW14 0 38,7 1 .

The horizontal distance is calculated using the formula:

d = (X 2 + Y 2), respectively, for lines d 102-A and d 2-A we obtain:

d102-A = (X102-A 2 + Y102-A 2 ) = 228.59 m,

d2-A = (X2-A 2 + Y2-A 2 ) = 164.90 m.

Since the inclination angles of the design lines do not exceed 2 0, therefore, the line lengths measured on the ground will be practically equal to their horizontal locations.

The directional angle of direction 102-A is equal to:

102-A = 360 0 62 0 05,3 1 = 297 0 54,7 1 ,

the angle for setting out line 102-A is equal to the difference in the directions of lines 102-A and 102-1 (the latter is taken from table 18, see page 59) is equal to:

= 102 – A .102 1 = 297 0 54,7 1 – 278 0 56 1 = 18 0 58,7 1 .

For this example, we obtain the angle of rotation of the route as the difference between the directional angles of directions A-2 and 102-A:

2-A= 360 0 14 0 38,7 1 = 345 0 21,3 1 , then the angle of rotation of the POV route is equal to:

TO = A -2 .102 -A= 345 0 21,3 1 297 0 54,7 1 = 47 0 26,6 1

On a sheet of A4 paper, draw up a layout drawing on which to enter the necessary geodetic data to locate point A (the angle of rotation of the water supply route).

4.5. Definition of main elements and detailed breakdown

mountainsAndzontal circular curve.

The initial data for calculating the task is the value of the radius of the circular curve R, the angle of rotation of the route TO and the chainage value of the apex of the route turning angle. These initial data are given individually for each student: the value of the curve radius for each student is determined in meters using the formula R = 100 . (5 . (Ngr-10) + Nvar , and the rotation angle

TO determined analytically (see paragraph 4.4 above).

The guidelines consider the specific case of calculating and laying out a circular curve at R = 120 m;

TO = 47 0 26,6 1 ; VU =PC3 + 28,59 .

4. 5.1. Basic Curve Elementsand paschet picketing

valueeof the main points of the curves

The main elements of the curve are: angle of rotation

TO , curve radiusR, tangentT– distance from the top yGla povOVU company to the points of the beginning of the NK or the end of the CC curve, curve length –KAnddomerD– linear difference between the sum of two tangents and the length of the curve, which are determined by the following formulas (39, 40, 41, 42):

T = R . tg( TO 2), (39 )

where the value of the curve radius for each student is determined in meters using the formula R = 100 . (5 . (Ngr-10) + Nvar , and the rotation angle TO determined analytically (see page). Curve values K and bisectors B and domera D will be determined by the following formulas:

K = R . k . 180; (40 )

B =R(1 cos( TO 2) – 1); (41 )

D = 2TR. (42 )

The main points of the circular curve are the beginning points of the NK curve, its middle SC and the end of the KK curve (see Fig. 40).

The chainage values ​​of the main points of the curves are calculated using the formulas:

NK = VU – T, (43)

where VU is the chainage value of the apex of the rotation angle;

KK = NK + K; (44)

SC = NK + K/2. (45)

To control calculations, the chainage values ​​of SK and KK are additionally found using the formulas:

KK = VU + T – D; (46)

SC = VU – D/2. (47)

The permissible discrepancy between the chainage values ​​of the end point of a circular curve and the middle of the curve, calculated using both formulas, should not exceed 2 cm (due to rounding).

The calculation of the chainage values ​​of the main points of the first curve is given below. When making calculations, it is necessary to highlight hundreds of meters (if any) in the values ​​of the main elements of the curves. For example, instead of VU = 228.59 m, you should write PC2 + 28.59 m.

The calculation is made according to the following scheme:

Basic formula


VU PC 2 + 28.59

– T – 52.73

NK PC 1 + 75.86

+ K + 99.37

CC PC 2 + 75.23

Rice. 40 Sample work design

Control formula

VU PC 2 + 28.59

+ T + 52.73

– D – 6.09

CC PC 2 + 75.23

The discrepancy between the chainage values ​​of the end of a circular curve, calculated using the main and control formulas, should not exceed 2 cm.

Let's calculate the chainage value of the middle of the curve twice:

NK PC 1 + 75.86 VU PC 2 + 28.59

+ K2 + 49,68 – D2 – 3,05

SK PK 2 + 25.54 SK PK 2 + 25.54

4.5.2. Calculate coordinates for detailed stakeouts


A detailed breakdown of the curve aims to obtain points on the ground located at equal intervals l along the length of the curve. The value of the curve division interval is assumed to be 10 m - with a curve radius from 100 to 500 m.

In the task, a detailed breakdown of the curve is provided for using the method of rectangular coordinates. In this method, the X axis is taken to be the direction from the points of the beginning or end of the curve (NC or CC) to the apex of the angle of rotation of the device, and the Y axis is the direction perpendicular to the X axis towards the internal angle of the route conjugation.

Coordinates X N And Y N calculated using formulas

XN= R . sin(N . i); (48 )

YN= R(1 – cos(N . i )); (49 )

i = 180 . l i . R; (50 )

Where R– radius of the curve being split;

N– serial number of the point, see figure.

Here i– central angle enclosing an arc l i .

Since the detailed breakdown of curves is carried out from both tangents, the calculation of coordinates should be limited to the linear value of the tangent of the curve. For our example: R = 120 m, l =10 m, T = 52.73 m, so we limit the choice of coordinates for N l = 40 m, since the stakeout point at T = 50 m will be almost next to the end of the bisector.

The calculated coordinates of the points of detailed division of the curve for the case under consideration are presented in Table. 23. Table 23

Circular Curve Detail Coordinates

rectangular coordinate method

On a sheet of Whatman paper in A4 format (Fig. 40 Sample of work design) construct the angle of rotation, the value of which was determined earlier. Plot tangents on a scale of 1:500. It is recommended to draw the first tangent parallel to the left edge of the sheet. The remaining elements are drawn in accordance with the calculated data.

Constructing a drawing of a detailed breakdown of a circular curve using the rectangular coordinate method. Using the calculated X and Y values, a detailed breakdown of the curve is constructed as follows. From the starting points of the NK and the end of the CC curve, the abscissa values ​​are successively plotted on tangents towards the top of the rotation angle XN on a scale of 1:500. At the obtained points, perpendiculars are constructed, along which the corresponding ordinates are plotted sequentially YN to scale. The ends of the ordinates are marked with dots that will outline the position of the curve. Wherein distances between pointsAmi for dlAndno curves must be equal to the spacing interval(for the case under consideration 10 m), what is production controlddetailed breakdown. The breakdown of the curve is shown in Figure 36. An alternative way to design the work can be done using computer technology in Microsoft Word. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the construction of the curve strictly on a scale of 1:500 in A4 format. To do this, all values ​​are converted to mm plan m 1:500.

Oh, that’s not what the student was thinking about when he was choosing a university. Who wanted for themselves such a share as writing RGR? In the meantime, the work will still have to be done, and according to all the rules. Don’t panic, dear friends, may we be with you! We read and absorb.

So, here are the basic rules for preparing calculation and graphic work according to GOST:

  1. The RGR must be completed and passed in stages.
  2. The RGR is completed and submitted on white A4 sheets. In some cases, it is possible to use checkered sheets.
  3. Each sheet should have clearly defined margins 2-3 cm wide.
  4. All calculations, text and graphics must be done manually. Any information is provided only on one side of the sheet.
  5. Each new RGR must be performed on a new sheet on top of each sheet there must be a “header”. Each worksheet should have its own task attached to it.
  6. The numbering of the RGR must correspond to the sample that can be taken from the department in the methodological literature or according to GOST.
  7. Any graphics, any drawings are made only on graph paper. If you do not have small graph paper (smaller than A4), it should be pasted onto standard white A4 paper. In the coordinate axis area, you need to indicate arrows, names of functions and variables, and scale units.

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Useful little things: additions to the rules for registering RGR

Each section must be numbered. Numbering must be in Arabic numerals.

Formulas and equations should only be used on separate lines. A blank line should be used at the top or bottom of each formula used to visually highlight the information.

All new symbols and numerical coefficients should be entered on a new line in the order in which they appear in the formula. In this case, the first line of explanations should begin with the words: “Where” without a colon after the word.

Numbering and tables

It should be remembered that all formulas must also be numbered. Numbering occurs in Arabic numerals and within each specific section.

When using tables in the RGR, you must briefly indicate the name of each table. The table name is written at the top.

Now you know how to prepare calculation and graphic work (CGW) with examples. In general, performing computational and graphic work is too difficult for most students. Not only is there often not enough time for this, but knowledge often fails.

So, if you want to save time, just ask for help in writing the RGR from specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently.