People's heroes are defenders of the Russian land. Synopsis of the node "bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land"

Matsneva I.N. MBOU "Ozerskaya Secondary School"

Topic: Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land.

(Tcreative playground “I amRussian citizen")


    To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people Ancient Rus', great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land.

    To introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

    To consolidate knowledge about the names of armor and weapons of the Russian hero, to expand and enrich lexicon students.

    Cultivate interest in Russian history and pride in one’s ancestors.

Excerpt from the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”

Teacher --- In ancient times, even in Ancient Rus', they stood guard over our Motherland at the outpost (border) strong people, heroes. They rode tirelessly on mighty horses, vigilantly peering into the distance to see if they could see enemy fires or hear the tramp of other people's horses.

- Guys, tell us what kind of work you did to find out who the heroes are?

There are dictionaries on the children's tables, they work with them.

1st group:

- According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, a “hero” is a person who is very great strength, perseverance and courage.

And according to Dahl’s dictionary, a “hero” is a tall, portly, stalwart and prominent person, an extraordinary strongman.

Etymological dictionary- “Bogatyr” is a brave, valiant warrior.

encyclopedic Dictionary- “bogatyrs” are strong people, heroes of folk tales, songs, and epics.

The second group looks for information on phones and tablets.

Replies @mail. ru- the word "hero" - Old Russian word, means strongman, brave man.

Yandex dictionaries - the word “hero” is a warrior who is different unusual strength, courage, daring and intelligence.

From Wikipedia: “bogatyr” is a hero of Russian epics who performs military feats.

Group 3: did a survey among elementary school students.

Slide 1 Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”

    The famous painting “Bogatyrs” was created in the village of Abramtsevo near Moscow. This painting is often called “Three Heroes” today. Vasnetsov gave a description of the picture in a short but succinct remark: “The heroes Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich are on a heroic outing - they are noticing in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, whether they are offending anyone.”

    Work on the great canvas took the artist almost seventeen years, and it began with a pencil sketch in distant Paris. The artist had barely made the final touch when Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov bought the canvas for his collection. This is how this painting by Vasnetsov found its place in the Tretyakov Gallery. Three heroes still look at us from the wall of the famous gallery.

Teacher --- For days and months, years and decades, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich protected their native land - all of them carried out military service in the steppe and in the open field. Occasionally they gathered in Prince Vladimir's courtyard to relax - to listen to the guslars, to talk with each other.

Teacher --- What can you tell us about the glorious Russian heroes?

1 student - “Like one red sun in the sky,

And there is only one in Rus', Ilya – Muromets.”

He sat in jail for thirty years, and passers-by cured him - they gave him some water to drink. Most of all, people loved and still respect this hero Ilya Muromets. He was even canonized as a Russian Saint, and his birthday remained in history - January 1. On the day when we celebrate the New Year, remember also that this is the birthday of Ilya Ivanovich, the great defender of the Russian land.

In 1988, the Interdepartmental Commission conducted a study of the relics of St. Ilya of Muromets in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

To obtain objective data, the most modern technique and ultra-precise Japanese equipment. The results stunned scientists.

He was a powerful man, slanting fathoms in the shoulders, who died at the age of 45-55 years, 177 cm tall. In the 12th century, when Ilya lived, such a man was considered tall (the average height of a man at that time was 165 cm).

Traces of battles were found on Ilya’s bones - multiple fractures of the collarbones, broken ribs, marks from a blow from a spear, saber, and sword.

This confirmed the information that Ilya was a mighty warrior who took part in fierce battles.

In addition, researchers believe that, in full agreement with the works of oral folk art, Ilya really for a long time I couldn't walk because I suffered serious disease– bone tuberculosis or polio, which caused paralysis of the legs.

2 student - Dobrynya Nikitich bore the nickname “Quiet.” He was a good diplomat, knew how to approach each person in a special way. No wonder Prince Vladimir appointed him ambassador. From the age of 12, Dobrynya Nikitich played the harp, composed songs himself and played chess.

Dobrynya - from the Russian language - from kind. He does good - and this is one of the characteristic features mighty epic hero. Dobrynya fights with the Serpent Gorynych and frees the niece of Prince Vladimir, Zabava Putyatichna.

3 student - son of the Rostov priest Leonty. The birth of Alyosha Popovich is accompanied by thunder; Alyosha the baby asks to be swaddled not with swaddling clothes, but with chain mail; then he immediately asks his mother for a blessing to walk around the world: it turns out that he can already sit on a horse and wield it, use a spear and saber, etc. , pressure, sharpness, resourcefulness, .

Physical education minute

They stood up together - one, two, three -

We are now heroes.

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.

Leaned left, right

It turns out great!

Teacher--- How do you distinguish a hero from other people?ENVELOPES

(work in groups) - collect those pictures that relate to heroes, glue them onto cardboard, hang them on the board

Slide 2 - guslars

Teacher - The exploits of Russian heroes are described in epics.

4 student - We once lived in Rus' Great people- songwriters-storytellers. They composed and sang and told epics - different stories about the Prince of Kyiv Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, about battles with fierce enemies, about kingdoms-states foreign, overseas, about unprecedented miracles. And these epics were composed and circulated throughout Rus' - an uncountable number. The most famous singer-storyteller, whose name has come down to our time, of course, was Bayan.

Teacher - Monuments to heroes have been erected in many cities of Russia...







Centuries have passed. There are no such heroes

But the spirit of freedom in our souls is eternal.

And the heroic courageous light -

Unshakable, free, endless.

In the taiga, in the mountains, in the ice, among the seas,

At all posts of peace and freedom,

You can’t count – O Rus'! – your heroes,

And their army is not destroyed year after year

Teacher - Russia has long been famous for its heroes. And not only the epic ones - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, but also the real ones - princes, generals, soldiers, athletes. Among the most famous classic wrestlers are the names

    Slide 9 - loader Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny -

"champion of champions"He spent 45 years of his life on the wrestling mat and was defeated only once.

    Slide 10 - Alexander Znamensky, performed record strength numbers,lifted the orchestra, carried the carousel, carried the piano with the person playing.

    Slide 11,12 - Valentin Ivanovich DiKul (born 1947) - outstanding athlete of our time. He performed two unique strength acts in the circus arena: holding a metal “pyramid” weighing one ton on his body, and holding a Volga car on his back (the load was 1570 kilograms). The uniqueness of these numbers is also in the fact that the athlete performed them after a spinal injury. For almost seven years he could not move. With the help of exercise equipment of his own design, he managed to restore his previous form. Now V.I. Dikul heads the Center for Rehabilitation of Patients with Spinal Injury and Consequences of Cerebral Palsy.

Teacher - Our native land can do anything!

Slide 13 - He can feed you warm and tasty bread,

Slide 14 - drink spring water,

Slide 15 - surprise with its beauty.

Slide 16 - And she just can’t protect herself...

Therefore, protecting the Fatherland and native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty!

Reflection Guys, on your tables there are illustrations depicting heroes. Discuss with the whole group, if you liked the lesson, place a color illustration on the board, if not, put a black and white one.

Quiz for 4th grade on the topic

"Russian bogatyrs"

1. What is the meaning of the word “hero”?

a) a very smart person

b) the person is very clever

c) the person is very strong

d) a very rich man

2. What are Russians called? folk songs about the exploits of heroes?

a) story

b) chronicle

c) epic

d) story

3. What was the hero’s weapon?

a) gun

b) sword

c) spear

d) arquebus

4. Name the huge hero, whom “even the earth cannot support.”

a) Svyatogor

b) Ilya Muromets

c) Mikula Selyaninovich

d) Alyosha Popovich

5. From whom is Ilya Muromets saving the Russian land?

a) from Svyatogor

b) from the Nightingale the Robber

c) from Suhan

d) from Tugarin

6. Who had the fight with Tugarin?

a) at Ilya Muromets

b) from Volga Svyatoslavovich

c) at Alyosha Popovich's

d) at Dobrynya Nikitich's

7. Who did Dobrynya Nikitich fight with?

a) with Alyosha Popovich

b) with Zmey Gorynych

c) with Koshchei the Immortal

d) with the Nightingale the Robber

8. Which of the heroes of the Novgorod epics played the harp and visited the sea king?

a) Vasily Buslaev

b) Sadko

c) Svyatogor

d) Mikula Selyaninovich

9. Which of the heroes was a plowman?

a) Ilya Muromets

b) Svyatogor

c) Mikula Selyaninovich

d) Sadko

10. Who is the author of the painting “Bogatyrs”?

a) Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov

b) Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel

c) Vasily Ivanovich Surikov

d) Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi

Annex 1.

(texts research work)


(1 group)

1. The meaning of the word Bogatyr according to Efremova’s dictionary: Bogatyr - 1. Russian epics and fairy tales.

2. The meaning of the word Bogatyr according to Ozhegov’s dictionary: Bogatyr perseverance, courage

3. The meaning of the word Bogatyr in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
Bogatyr - the largest in the world
around the city In Kazakhstan.

4. The meaning of the word Bogatyr according to Ushakov’s dictionary

Bogatyr - Russian epics, mainly performing military exploits.

5. The meaning of the word Bogatyr according to Dahl’s dictionary: Bogatyr - m. and prominent; strongman; And And


(2nd group)

To the question “Who is a hero?” received the following answers:

Bogatyrs and defenders of the Russian land
(conversation game for 3rd graders for Russian Independence Day)
The purpose of the lesson is to use the example of epics and books about heroes to instill a sense of pride about the heroic past of our country, to introduce new publications on the topic.

Heroic epics have long been written about the defenders and guardians of the Russian land and the Russian state - song-stories about folk heroes-heroes. These songs were composed many centuries ago, even at a time when Kyiv was the capital of our homeland, and some of them were composed even more distant from us (more than a thousand years ago). In the old days, epics were sung to the sound of gusli, they sang solemnly, in front of a large crowd of people.

The epic got its name from the word “byl”, which is close in meaning. This means that the epic tells about what once really happened, although not everything in the epics is true. In the epic, as in folk tale, a lot of fiction. Bogatyrs are people of extraordinary strength, they gallop on mighty horses through rivers and forests, and lift weights on their shoulders that no man can bear.

Many Russian epics talk about heroic deeds people's heroes. Everything in their actions is majestic, large, amazing. The hero is distinguished by enormous physical strength: he eats and drinks like an extraordinary creature - he drinks with one spirit Chara in one and a half buckets. The heroes fight with their enemies - they fight “for twelve days, without drinking or eating,” wielding a heavy club left and right in battle, so that the enemies fall like cut grass.

Hyperbolic, i.e. with exaggeration, the enemies of Rus' are depicted - Tugarin Zmeevich, Idolishche Poganoe, Nightingale the Robber and others. This is how the people showed their attitude towards foreign invaders.

Researchers distinguish the Kyiv and Novgorod cycles of epics. In Kiev, the capital city of Kyiv is depicted - the center of the Russian state, led by Prince Vladimir (? - 1015), whom the people nicknamed Red Sun. Not a single ruler of Ancient Rus' is sung in epics and legends as much as this prince. Heroes from the most powerful gather around Vladimir different areas- Murom, Rostov, Ryazan, to protect Rus' from enemies. It is believed that epics were composed in Kyiv, and from there they were distributed throughout Rus'. (over time, some ancient epics changed, they were supplemented with new stories, which is why Prince Vladimir appears in epics that describe events from completely different eras.)

The Novgorod epic cycle is closely connected with the life and history of this city. Novgorod - rich, with high culture city, he lives independent life, wanted to have and had everything of his own - and even epics. The most famous epics of the Novgorod cycle are “Sadko”, “Vasily Buslaev”, “Stavr Godinovich”.
But there are epics that cannot be attributed to either one or the other cycle. They older than Kyiv and Novgorod and were created even before the formation of Rus'. These are, for example, epics about the hunter Volkh, about the hero Svyatogor.
Epics that depict heroic warriors fighting enemies for Holy Rus' are called heroic.
On the borders of the Russian land heroic outpost There are three main heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich.
-Who knows where they come from?

(Ilya Muromets - from the village of Karacharovo near Murom.

Dobrynya Nikitich - from Ryazan.

Alyosha Popovich - from Rostov the Great.)

What “dark forces” were they fighting?

(Ilya Muromets - with Nightingale the Robber, Foul Idol, Kalin - the Tatar king.

Dobrynya Nikitich - with the Serpent Gorynych of three heads and twelve tails, the giantess Polyanitsa, freed the full Russian.

Alyosha Popovich - with Tugarin Zmeevich, with the Busurman army.)

- And in which prince’s squad did these heroes serve? Which of the Russian princes is most sung in epics?

Prince Vladimir Red Sun.

- Which of these heroes is the most famous?

(Ilya Muromets.)

Let's watch a fragment cartoon "Ilya Muromets".
And now we will spend quiz " Epic heroes» and check whether you read carefully and what you remember about these heroes.

(magazine “Chitayka”, No. 8 2008, pp. 18–19):

What mistakes did grandfather Chitailo-Zabyvaylo make in his story about the heroes?

(we read out the fragments and clarify errors).

The winner can be awarded the game “Tales of Russian Heroes” from the magazine “Chitayka” No. 8, 2008.
Guys, everyone knows these heroes. Have you heard about such a hero as Nikita Kozhemyaka?

Children's answers or a story about him. (Almanac Klepa in Ancient Rus'. No. 40, 1997. P. 22-27)

My dear readers! We talked about epic heroes, and who will call Russian princes– defenders of the Russian land? Who defended their native land and became famous throughout the centuries so that we remember their names, although hundreds of years have passed?

Alexander Nevskiy– the Novgorod prince was one of the most glorious defenders of Ancient Rus'. The people loved him for his majestic beauty, wisdom, strength and courage.
-Who knows why he received such a nickname - Nevsky?

(children tell about the battle with the Swedes on the Neva)

-What other victory did Prince Alexander Nevsky win?

(children’s answers: “ Battle on the Ice"Teutonic knights on Lake Peipus)

He rendered an important service to the Russian land with his victories. Neva Victory and the Battle of the Ice for a long time they discouraged both the Swedes and the Germans from trying to take possession of the northern Russian lands. The Western enemies of the Russian land were convinced that Russians, even enslaved by the Tatars, could still stand up for themselves.

Alexander Nevsky was not only outstanding commander, but also an intelligent politician, a subtle diplomat, whose main concern was to maintain peace in Rus' at any cost, especially since many of its lands were devastated by Batu.

-And how many of you know where Alexander Nevsky is from?
(The history of the city is connected with the name of Alexander Nevsky Pereslavl. It was in this city in 1220 near the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral that legendary commander. This is where he spent his childhood. At 16 he becomes Novgorod prince. It is known that after the victory over the Swedes in 1240, he again came to Pereslavl, restored the fortress walls, towers, and city buildings; built mansions on high mountain, where he lived until 1241. And the mountain is still called Alexandrova.

It is believed that Alexander also visited Yaroslavl - he came to the funeral of his relative - Yaroslavl prince Vasily Vsevolodovich in 1249. The name of Alexander Nevsky is also associated with the Yaroslavl uprising of 1262, when the townspeople were killed and thrown out city ​​wall Horde Baskak Zosima, who extorted huge extortions and brought the Yaroslavl people to despair.)

It was necessary to have a great mind in order to understand that it is not necessary to fight a weakened Rus' with a horde, but to accumulate strength in order to then jointly rid Rus' of Tatar-Mongol yoke. And Alexander goes to the Tatar khan, lives for a long time in a foreign country and has long conversations with the khan. This is how he saved the lives of many Russian people. He brought peace and tranquility to Rus', because the khan allowed him to rule Russia himself until the khan’s treasury suffered any damage.

Prince Alexander returned sick from the Horde. On the night of November 14, 1263, he died at the age of 43. The grief of all the Russian people was inexpressible when they learned about the death of Alexander. The sun of the Russian land has set. The chronicle records: “There was a scream and a cry, and a groan such as had never happened before - so that the earth shook.”

The bright and glorious name of Alexander was always remembered by descendants in hard times enemy invasions. With his name on their lips, Russian soldiers went into battle. When Tsar Peter began Northern War, he issued a decree so that all soldiers knew about the exploits of Alexander, the conqueror of the Swedes. By another decree, Peter introduced the Order of Alexander Nevsky. And, having conquered the ancient Russian lands from the Swedes, Tsar Peter ordered the tomb with the ashes of Alexander Nevsky to be moved to St. Petersburg.

During the Great Patriotic War, in 1942, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was also established to reward particularly distinguished generals and officers. The clergy and all of Russia canonized him as a saint and established the day of his memory as November 23.

Time has not preserved for us any accurate portrait of this man, but the good memory of the man makes descendants imagine him as beautiful. The glory of Alexander Nevsky is so great that icon painters and painters, knowing nothing about his real appearance, from century to century created the image of a mighty warrior with perfect facial features. (For example, “Alexander Nevsky” by Pavel Korin from the triptych “Departing Rus'”).
Here's what great glory Prince Alexander Nevsky left behind. He defeated the Swedes and the Teutons, and kept the Tatars from committing atrocities on Russian soil.

A little more than 100 years passed, and the descendant of Alexander Nevsky, Moscow Prince Dmitry, defeated the Horde on the Kulikovo Field. Alexander Nevsky's dreams came true: Rus' won a victory over its most fierce enemy.

Who will tell you how this battle took place? And why the prince Dmitry nicknamed Donskoy after this battle?
(the prince gathered an army from all Russian lands and went to the abbot of the Trinity Monastery, Sergius of Radonezh, to ask for advice and blessings. Sergius blessed the army. And the prince led his army against the enemy. And with him - two monks from the Trinity Monastery, two brothers - Oslyabya and Peresvet .

Near the Nepryadva River, which flows into the Don, two armies met in a field. First - the duel of BOGATYRS. Whoever wins will have luck on his side. But the forces of the Tatar hero and the Russian monk Peresvet turned out to be equal. They hit each other - and both collapsed dead.

And the brutal battle began! The Horde fought for booty, and the Russians fought for their native land. The battle on the Kulikovo field.
- Who knows the names Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky?

( they gathered Russian people against the Polish-Lithuanian conquerors and liberated Moscow from the enemy during the “Time of Troubles”).
Did you know that on the way from Nizhny Novgorod, where the militia of Minin and Pozharsky came from, it stopped in Yaroslavl, to strengthen your strength? And for several months here was the temporary capital of the Russian state. This is where the government was located mint- a coin was minted, and from here decrees and letters were sent throughout Rus'.
Russian soldiers have always fought heroically and defended their land. Listen to this epic written by your peer Anna Chekasheva about Ivan the hero, protector of the whole Earth years of the Great Patriotic War wars, in which her great-grandfather took part, defending his hometown of Volgograd.

The girl says: I bow my head low to everyone who defended our Motherland. I dedicate my epic to them, the defenders of the Russian Land:

It was during the terrible years,

During the fierce war years...

How I went to our Russian Land

An evil German is an evil Hitlerite

And he gained strength in black and black

Ay, black and black, like a black crow.

And how did that villainous enemy become

Our dear Rus', our mother,

To trample and trample with a boot.

The Russian Land cried for a long time...

Not one day and not one year.
And the evil German is an evil Hitlerite -

He took all her sons and daughters,

He was rotted in the camps and shot.

And the Russian people suffered,

And the earth was burning with flames,

And I couldn’t pull myself together

Our soldier Ivan is the son of the people...

He was kind, honest, brave,

He loved his people, he loved the Russian Land.
An evil enemy, a fierce villain, angered him.

With a right fight, with a great battle,

Having collected the people's strength,

Ivan began to beat the sworn enemy,

An evil German - a fierce villain,

Drive him away from our mother Volga.

For a long time he was driven from the land of Stalingrad...

The German stumbled, ran and died, the abomination.

And Ivanushka liberated the Volga land,

And then all the Russians from the enemy.

And to this day our people celebrate the Victory,

Glorifies the Battle of Stalingrad,

Russian land, Orthodox!
Be worthy of the memory of our heroes, heroes. Love the Russian land.
Today they answered all the questions very well.....

We present them with small prizes - IMAGES OF ARMOR AND WEAPONS OF ANCIENT RUSSIAN WARRIORS; game "Tales of Russian heroes."

1. Dobrynya Nikitich. Alesha Popovich. Retold by E. Grigorieva. M.: White City. 1997.

2. Ilya Muromets. Retold by N. Nadezhdin. M.: White City. 2003

3. Istomin S. Minin and Pozharsky. M. 2006.

4. Lubchenkov Yu. Russian commanders. M.: White City. 2002.

5.Lupoyadova L.Yu., Lupoyadov V.N. Visiting history. M.:Rusich.2000.

6. Orlova N. Heroes of Russian epics. M.: White City. 2004.

7.Russian commanders. Ed. B.A. Almazova. SPb.: “Golden Age”. "Diamond". 1999.

8. Tikhomirov O. Epic heroes // Reader. 2008. No. 8. P. 18-19.

9. Tikhomirov O. Alexander Nevsky. M.: Publishing House"Rural news" 1997.

10. Tolstoy L. Epics. M.: Children's literature. 1984.

11. Yakhnin L. Myths and heroes of Ancient Rus'. M.: “Dragonfly Press” 2005.
1. Tikhomirov O. Epic heroes.// Reader. 2008.No. 8. P.18-19.

2.Chekasheva A. Bylina about the Russian land. //Oh Russian land. 2008. No. 3. P. 24.

3.Prize - “Tales of Russian heroes.” Rules of the game and the game.//Reader. 2008. No. 8. pp. 30 – 31.

4.Prize - “Images of weapons and armor of ancient Russian warriors.”

5. The origin of the word “hero”.
Compiled by: Head of Department of Branch No. 10

Fesenko Marina Leonidovna

At Titov Stream

(historical and poetic hour).

Give students an idea of ​​a national holiday;

Introduce us to the pages of our history;

Bring children to understand the meaning of the holiday;

Bring up careful attitude to the people around you;

Present the history of the Yaroslavl region during the period of Polish intervention;

Preparatory work:


Book exhibition “Do not fall into oblivion”

Quote: “As long as we are united, we are invincible!”


"Day of National Unity"

"Field of Russian Glory"

"Yaroslavl region and Polish intervention"

Historical information about persons participating in the events of the Time of Troubles.

(Participants prepare together with a librarian)

“Glory” from M. Glinka’s opera “Ivan Susanin” - text;

National anthem Russian Federation- text;

Glossary of terms;

Crossword “Coat of arms and flag”
Recording a soundtrack of musical fragments for the event.
Decoration of the hall.

LeadingI: By presidential decree in 2005 it was adopted new law"About the days military glory And memorable dates Russia." One of these days is “National Unity Day”
The phonogram of the overture to the opera by M.I. Glinka “Life for the Tsar” “Glory to...”
LeadingI: Guys, a chorus of jubilant “Glory!..” sounded, and there was a riotous ringing of bells from the opera “A Life for the Tsar” by the great Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. His opera expresses the tragedy of the freedom-loving peasant and at the same time the tragedy of the strength of the Russian people. The people - liberator.

It is no coincidence that the Russian proverb “As long as we are united, we are invincible” was chosen as a quote for the exhibition “Do not consign to oblivion.”

Today we will take you on an excursion into the history of our Motherland. The events that will be discussed took place several centuries ago, but the unity of the people, their power and strength in the fight for a just cause is always relevant.
LeadingII: So, let's mentally transport ourselves to the beginning of the 17th century. After the death of Ivan the Terrible, the Moscow throne began to shake. The king had three sons. The eldest died. The middle one, frail and weak, did not reign for long. What happened to the youngest, Dmitry, is not known. Either he died of illness or due to an accident. And there was a rumor among the people: of course, they killed the royal child! And the murderer is the one who became king instead of Dmitry: Boris Fedorovich Godunov! Boris Godunov did a lot of good for the country, and planned even more. But the people never forgave him for the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. And then there’s crop failure and famine. Who's to blame? Of course, the murderer king: God is punishing him! And it began in the Russian state scary time, which was called the Troubles.
LeadingI: It began with the fact that a fugitive monk suddenly showed up in Lithuania and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, who miraculously escaped! Marked in history as False Dmitry I.
Historical information No. 1 (False Dmitry I)
LeadingII: The Polish king Sigismund III decided “It’s time to overthrow Boris and install his own man as king in Moscow.” The Poles understood how beneficial it would be for them to support False Dmitry I. But it’s not a sin to have “their” person next to him,” Marina Mnishek became such a person.
Historical information No. 2 (Marina Mnishek)
LeadingI: And who is False Dmitry II?
Historical information No. 3 (False Dmitry II)
LeadingI: False Dmitry was finished, but ruined Russian state was on the verge of death. On July 19, 1610, Tsar Vasily Shuisky was overthrown from the throne by traitor boyars and was forcibly tonsured a monk. The country was invaded by Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The most difficult time of interregnum in Rus' began, popular uprisings, the ground began to burn under the feet of the invaders. Ryazan resident Prokopiy Lyapunov gathered the first militia and moved towards Moscow.

The Poles and traitor boyars were frightened and drew up a letter with the order to disband the militia. And they went to Patriarch Hermogenes: “You are the most important in the Russian Church. People will listen to you. Sign the letter!” The patriarch refused and called on the Russian people to oppose the invaders. Lyapunov's militia was small and could not take Moscow. But the patriarch’s call spread throughout all Russian cities. They also heard it in Nizhny Novgorod. The local merchant Kozma Minin gave a fiery speech at the gathering. Minin told his fellow citizens:

Folk song: “Leave your homes...”
LeadingI: Nizhny Novgorod townspeople instructed Minin to lead the new militia. In history, this is considered the second militia. An experienced military commander was also needed. This was Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.
Historical information No. 4 (Kozma Minin)

Historical information No. 5 (Dmitry Pozharsky)
LeadingII: The militia moved to Moscow along a long route: Nizhny Novgorod– Yaroslavl – Moscow. Along the way, the militia grew, people flocked from everywhere.
Let's look at the history of our city during this period.

LeadingII: Yaroslavl was one of the richest trading Russian cities, that's why it attracted invaders so much. The second impostor even sent a letter: “Take all kinds of goods from the Yaroslavl residents for the king.”

The Poles defeated Rostov. The news of this frightened the Yaroslavl governor Baryatinsky, and he decided to surrender the city without a fight. The invaders plundered and destroyed the city and rural population, imposed heavy taxes on him. An attempt at resistance by the Yaroslavl residents led to brutal reprisals against them.

In February-April 1609, uprisings took place in Vologda, Galich, Kostroma, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Romanov, Mologa, and Rybnaya Sloboda. In April, the Vologda militia under the leadership of governor Nikita Vysheslavtsev approached Yaroslavl.
The phonogram “Blagovest” (Ringing of bells) sounds

Historical information No. 6 (Nikita Vysheslavtsev)
LeadingI: TO historical information Let's add some facts. (Excerpt from a book

Genkina L.B. from pp. 110-111)

LeadingII: Embittered by failures, the enemy approached Rublennoye Gorod and Spasskaya

monasteries and firmly held these points under siege, smashing the walls. But stuck in

in the monastery, the army bravely repelled all attacks, and the efforts of Northern Rus'

retreated from our city. Voivodes Nikita Vysheslavtsev and Sila Gagarin,

the clergy and all Yaroslavl residents decided to commemorate the deliverance from enemies

erect a temple, dedicating it to Kazan Mother of God and put it in

Everyone has heard about the epic hero Ilya Muromets. But few know that he rested in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where his incorruptible relics rest in the caves, among a quarter of all saints glorified in Russian Orthodox Church for a thousand years.

The very name “epic” means a song about what happened, that is, took place in life. The word “hero” appeared in Russian chronicles in the 12th century. It replaced the synonym “horobr”, that is, “daring man”.

At that time, Russian soldiers had to constantly fight for the freedom of the fatherland with hordes of nomads on the eastern borders Kievan Rus. The people called them heroes.

Their main features are loyalty to duty, selfless love for the Motherland, readiness to always stand up for the offended and disadvantaged, and the ability to stand up for their dignity and honor.

These are the features that the epics give to Ilya Muromets:

"I'm simple peasant son, he says. “I didn’t save you out of self-interest, and I don’t need either silver or gold.” I saved Russian people, red girls, small children, old mothers. I will not come to you as a commander to live in wealth. My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend it from enemies.”

Its numerous feats of arms are described in epics in a fairy-tale form. But the nicknames of the hero’s enemies (“Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Ilya Muromets and the Poganous Idol”) meant very specific nomadic peoples: Pechenegs, Polovtsians, with whom Kievan Rus fought. In the old days, these epics were a kind of “military chronicles” that did not require deciphering who they were talking about.

But the biography of Ilya Muromets in epics is presented very sparingly. Historians were able to establish details about the hero’s life as a result of lengthy, painstaking research.

Presumably Ilya was born on September 5, 1143 in the family of the peasant Ivan son Timofeev, who lived in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in Vladimir region(hence the name “Muromets”). From birth he was weak - “he had no use of his legs” - and until the age of thirty he could not walk.

One day, when his parents were working in the field, “walking men” came into the house. At that time, pilgrims to holy places were called kalikas. It was believed that they were not only not inferior to the heroes, but also superior to them in strength of spirit, and their “propaganda” feat was equated to a military one.

The Kaliki ask Ilya to get up and bring them water. To this he replied: “I have neither arms nor legs, but I have been sitting on a seat for thirty years.” They repeatedly ask him to get up and bring them water.

Years of illness cultivated in him great patience and an amazingly strong character. “Weak” Ilya sincerely wants to fulfill the will of the elders. You can imagine his amazement when, having lowered his legs from the bench to the floor, he tries to stand on them and suddenly feels that they are holding him! An unknown force sent from above takes possession of a helpless cripple...

After this, Ilya goes to the water carrier and brings water. The elders tell him to drink it himself. Ilya obeyed unquestioningly, drank and completely recovered. Moreover, after drinking the water a second time, he feels an exorbitant strength within himself, and then he is ordered to drink it a third time in order to reduce it.

Then the elders tell Ilya that, in gratitude for the healing sent down, he must go into the service of Prince Vladimir in order to protect Rus' from enemies. “You, Elijah, will be a great hero, and death in battle is not written for you,” they predict.

Scientific background

Now let's look at the miraculous healing of Ilya Muromets from the point of view modern science. In 1926, when the Kiev Pechersk Lavra was closed by the Bolsheviks and a museum was organized in its place, the incorruptible relics of the saints were opened and studied to explain the phenomenon of the preservation of their bodies in caves. A medical examination was also carried out on the remains of St. Ilya Muromets, which were dated to the 12th century.
Anatomists identified pronounced processes on the vertebrae in the lumbar region of his body, which caused pinched nerves spinal cord. And the doctors diagnosed him with polyarthritis suffered in his youth, which hindered his movements, from which he later recovered. So modern medicine confirmed the evidence of the epics that “Elijah sat in a seat and could not walk in his legs.”

Obviously, the “passing Kaliki” who healed the “infirm” Ilya were not just wanderers, but psychic healers who cured him with the help of energetically charged water. In ancient recipes, in addition to various herbal infusions, there are also instructions on how to prepare and use “healing water.”

Research also showed that Ilya Muromets was head and shoulders taller than a man of average height at that time - 177 centimeters, but in the 12th century such a warrior was considered a giant. In addition, he had a very powerful physique and obviously possessed enormous physical strength.

"Heroic leap." Victor Vasnetsov. 1914.In the princely service

But let's return to the epic. The Kaliki tell Ilya that on the way to Kyiv there is a heavy stone with an inscription, at which he must stop.

Having said goodbye to his family, Ilya goes “to the capital city of Kyiv” and comes “to that motionless stone” on which it was written that he should move the stone from its place. There he will find a heroic horse, weapons and armor. Ilya moved the stone and found everything that was written there. And after that he rode to Kyiv.

There he finds himself at a princely feast at the Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125), who gathers around him the most courageous and nice people Rus'. This is not an ordinary feast, but above all, spiritual communication, fraternal meeting.

The heroes gathered at the table are not lovers of having fun, but defenders of the Orthodox faith and the Russian land from enemies. It is not for nothing that in Rus' such a feast was called a brotherhood, since it marks the spiritual unity of its participants.

Judging by the epics and chronicles, at the fraternal table of Prince Vladimir sat heroes from different cities who guarded the borders of Rus': Ilya Muromets - a peasant’s son, Alyosha Popovich - the son of a priest from Rostov, Dobrynya Nikitich - a princely family, Stavr - a boyar, Ivan - a merchant’s son .

Ilya Muromets is the only Russian knight who is a peasant by birth. But it was he who was granted the greatest strength - both spiritual and physical. Therefore, a native of the distant Murom lands is honored not by class, but by deeds and exploits. He quickly learned to master a mace, club, sword and spear. Combined with enormous physical strength, this made him an invincible fighter.

While in the service of Prince Vladimir, Ilya Muromets participated in countless “battles” that constantly took place on the borders of Kievan Rus. He was not defeated in any of them, but he never exalted himself and released his defeated enemies in peace. Even before the battle with the Polovtsian Kalin, he spends a long time persuading him to leave voluntarily, without shedding blood in vain. And only having encountered the stubbornness and anger of the enemy, the Russian hero entered into mortal combat.

But Russian professional warriors, led by Ilya Muromets, not only successfully guarded the borders of Rus' from numerous enemies. Through their efforts, the struggle was transferred to enemy territory. The chronicles tell that the valiant squads drove the troops of Khan Otrok Sharukanovich “beyond the iron gates” in the Caucasus, “drank the Don with golden helmets, taking all their land.”

Russian heroes reached Sea of ​​Azov, conquered Polovtsian camps on the Northern Donets, forced enemies to migrate beyond the Don and beyond the Volga, into the steppes of the Northern Caucasus and Southern Urals.

There is no doubt that Ilya Muromets invariably took part in all these glorious campaigns, and he was always ahead during the bloody battles, invariably defeating the enemy knights.

Ilya Muromets. Reconstruction of the appearance based on the relics. Sculptor S.A. Nikitininok of the Pechersk Monastery

In 1988, the Interdepartmental Commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine conducted an examination of his incorruptible relics. To obtain accurate data, the most modern techniques and ultra-precise equipment were used.

As a result of research, it was possible to establish that Ilya Muromets died at the age of no younger than 40-45 years. At that time, this was an age that few civilians, and almost never professional warriors, lived to see.

But the Murom hero survived. If we take into account that he took up military affairs after 30 years, and stayed in the Pechersk Monastery after monastic tonsure not too long, it turns out that his “military service” was more than 10 years. For the 12th century this was simply unthinkable.

Moreover, as a medical examination of the incorruptible relics established, Ilya Muromets received seriously injured in the area of ​​the heart, which subsequently affected throughout life. He also had other wounds, for example on his left hand, received in battles.

Wounded and feeling that he was physical strength At the end, Ilya Muromets took monastic vows and became a monk. But before that, the hero had a family, and after him there were sons, from whom the line of Kyiv nobles, the Chebotkovs, descended. And they got this surname from their father’s nickname.

The fact is that in a short life St. Elijah his nickname is indicated - “Chebotok”, that is, a boot. It appeared in Muromets after one memorable incident. Soon after his tonsure, a gang of robbers (probably Polovtsians) broke into the monastery. At that moment, in his cave cell, Elijah was putting on his shoes and only had time to put on one boot.

But, taken by surprise, the monk was not taken aback: straightening up to his full height, he began to hit the attackers with such force and fury with his second boot that he put them to flight.

In the Pechersky Monastery, Ilya Muromets went into seclusion, hardly slept, spending almost all day and night in prayer. Thus ended his military service to the Fatherland in earthly battles and began his prayer service to the Church and Holy Rus'.

Ilya Muromets departed to the Kingdom of Heaven on January 1, 1188. He was canonized in 1643, and his incorruptible relics rest in the Anthony Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

In the caves you can approach his tomb, which is noticeably larger than others, but the height of the deceased does not seem enormous. The fingers of Ilya Muromets’s right hand are folded in the same way as Orthodox Christians cross themselves: three fingers together, and two pressed to the palm.

His left hand retains the trace of a wound inflicted by a spear. It seems to testify to military service, and the right one - to the spiritual feat of an Orthodox monk.

Every New Year Orthodox Christians begin under the sign folk hero- Reverend warrior Elijah of Muromets. The Russian Church celebrates his memory on January 1.

PI "SRCN "Harmony"

"Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land"

Educator: Chebanenko. O. A.

Goal: Introducing children to the spiritual, moral and patriotic values ​​of society.

Progress of the event.

Organized activities of children are carried out in the music hall, the windows are curtained, the hall is decorated in the spirit of Ancient Rus', the walls are “wooden”, icons in the Red Corner, a spinning wheel, embroidered towels, etc... On the walls are hung images - symbols of the heroic era - a sword , shield, bow and arrows in a quiver, mace, club, elements of clothing and equipment of heroes.

The group includes a teacher in Russian national costume.

Educator: Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls!

Children say hello.

Educator: Now you will listen to the song and try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

The teacher sings a song to the tune of Three White Horses “Bogatyrs”

To the tune of three white horses

Cars are parked and honking loudly,

And don't get anywhere

there's a traffic jam in the city today

There's a traffic jam in every city today

oh trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble.

But the girth is jingling

And driving in the oncoming lane

Home to any region 2 times

Three strong horses

no three sharp horses

Dobrynya, Alyosha, Ilya.

What kind of transport is our bird troika?

Despite all traffic lights

The troika is rushing, try to move

She rushes merrily and is somewhat

No roads, no fear, no fools

And in the middle of night and day it’s hotter than fire

Flying over a huge country

Three fast horses, 2 times

Oh three stylish horses

Bay, black, breeding.

And for us any end of the world

Getting there brothers is not a question

We have no competitors in the market

We are not dependent on oil prices

But only for oats, oats, oats.

And it takes you away, and it takes you away,

Will dispel melancholy and sadness,

Such fate, oh such fate,

Throw hooves into the distance

And the ringing and fairy tale horses remain faithful

Friends rushing around

Three glorious horses, 2 times

three most important horses

Dobrynya, Alyosha, Ilya.

Now we will take a journey into the past, when foreign invaders attacked Russian lands, and our brave, courageous heroes became defenders.

Life is good in Mother Rus', our country is great and powerful, spread widely across fields and forests. There is a lot of wealth here, a lot of red fish, valuable fur, a lot of berries and mushrooms... It just became restless in the kingdom - our state. Dark forces and all sorts of evil spirits have gotten into the habit of attacking us...

The light goes out, the sounds of howling, whistling, and the trampling of horses are heard, Baba Yaga, the Nightingale the Robber, the Serpent-Gorynych and the Tatar-Mongol horsemen appear.


Oh guys! What a disaster! Evil spirits have attacked us, they will chop down our fellows and impose tribute on us. Guys, did you find out who this is? Let me help you:

Nightingale whistle

Eagle's gaze

Not a beast, not a hunter

A ( nightingale the robber)

Because of the hills and fields

A certain beast appeared

He breathed fire into his nostrils

Night became like day

He stole the fun

Dragged into the oak grove

(Dragon )


What do we do? Who will help us now?

A bell rings (musical accompaniment).

Let's ring the alarm now, we'll call the heroes. The bell has been helping people for a long time; when something bad happens, it immediately rings and calls everyone for help...

Bogatyrs appear in the hall, the evil spirits leave, and the heroes, together with the children, sing the song “Our Bogatyr Power”

“Our heroic strength”

It’s not the menacing sky that’s frowning,

Blades do not sparkle in the steppe, -

These are the priests of Ilya Muromets

The students came out to fight!

The winds pray for their victory,

Thorns and crowns await them.

Good fellows had a blast,

Well done guys had fun!..


Oh, yes, you need to live beautifully,

Oh, yes, we need to live separately!

Our heroic strength -

Strength of spirit and willpower.

Our heroic rule -

We need to help a friend in need,

To defend a just cause in the struggle,

Overcome the strong man with force.


The soul blossomed from the vastness

And my fields, and love...

The power of courage, the power of tenderness

Let's celebrate the beauty of the earth!



And here are our defenders! Guys, do you know who this is?

Children: heroes...


Who are the heroes?


These are the people who protect our Motherland from enemies.

Three heroes come out (three children in suits, bow low, introduce themselves:

Ilya Muromets: – I am Ilya, a Russian hero from the city of Murom. That’s why my name is Ilya Muromets. For thirty years I sat on the stove, I lived without grieving. When I heard that filthy infidels had come to our land, I hastened to help you

Nikitich:- And I – Dobrynya Nikitich – am smart, stocky and strong. We won’t let you offend us, we’ll show them that... .

Alesha Popovich: - I, Alyosha Popovich, the priest’s son, am ready to faithfully protect and protect from foreign invaders...


That's right, guys. Bogatyrs are people of enormous strength, perseverance, and courage who perform feats. The heroes have always protected our Motherland from enemies, even a bird will not fly past them, an animal will not pass by... and the enemy will not even get past them... Guys, in kindergarten we read a lot of fairy tales and epics about warriors and defenders of the Russian land. Let's remember what these works are called?


- “Tugarin the Serpent”, “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, “Nightingale the Robber”...


What other heroes do you know?


Mikhailo Potyk, Stavr Godinovich, Peresvet, Mikula Selyanovich, Volga Vseslavovich….


Let's do a warm-up together with the heroes. (Children repeat the movements after the heroes) The music “Bogatyrskaya” plays (Appendix 3)

This is what a hero he is...

He is strong, he is healthy...

He shot from a bow...

He threw his club accurately...

On the border stood...

Watched vigilantly...

We'll grow up and look

Let's become like heroes!


Well, it’s time to test our heroic strength! Let's play the game "Who can roll the car faster"

An outdoor game “Who can roll the car faster?”: children are divided into two teams and, at the teacher’s signal, begin to compete in speed and dexterity.


Oh, guys, how strong and brave you are... Thank you everyone, take your seats.


Ilyusha, hero, tell us what kind of clothes you are wearing so unusual.

Bogatyr Ilya - Murometsdescribes his clothes and explains their purpose

This is a shirt - it is pleasant to the body, warms in cold weather, cools in hot weather.

This is iron chain mail - it protects the chest and back from enemy arrows

These are armor - they protect the body from the enemy’s sword and ax

This is a helmet - it protects our heads


Alyosha Popovich, what kind of weapon are you holding?

(The hero talks about the types of weapons and their purpose.)

Alesha Popovich:

This is a sword - to cut down the enemies of the Russian land.

This is a shield to repel enemy attacks

This is a thorny club - to cut off the heads of the infidels

This is a merciless brush - the enemy cannot escape unharmed...

And this is a bow and arrows. Beware, infidel! You can’t hide either in the forest or under the mountain!


You tell it so well! The guys are very interested!

Tell us, Dobrynyushka, hero, how do you choose your horses?


And we choose horses to match ourselves... strong and restive, hardy and brave. And if the horses were skinny and weak, how would they withstand us?


Thank you for your story! Guys, let's help the hero get ready for his journey.

Didactic game “Assemble the hero for the journey” Cards are distributed with images: a heroic helmet, a hat with earflaps, a Roman helmet, a German helmet, chain mail, a jacket, a tie, a shirt, iron armor and weapons: a saber, a sword, a mace, a flail, scissors , pistol, machine gun, dagger, etc. And children are asked to choose the correct option.


Thank you guys! With such equipment, the enemy will never defeat us!

The heroes read poetry:

Three defenders, three brothers, three heroes

It’s not in vain that Rus' is rich in warriors!

There is no return from the battlefield, Rus' is behind us

Mother - earth, native huts

Hey, bravely go into battle guys!

Sword and bow, spear, mace,

Shield and faithful horse,

Enemy, do not touch your native state!

Protects Rus' by right

Bogatyrsky Russian glory

Combat fire!

The lights go out, the sounds of howling, whistling, stomping horses, screams are heard (musical accompaniment - Appendix 1, Baba Yaga, Nightingale the Robber, Serpent-Gorynych and Tatar-Mongol horsemen appear.


Again, various evil spirits attacked the Russian land. Help us out, heroes!

A battle scene is played out between heroes and evil spirits. As a result, the heroes drive away the evil spirits outside the Russian land (the evil spirits leave the hall).


Oh, you goys, Svyatorusich-heroes, you saddled the faithful horses, and you stood for the faith and the Fatherland. Low bow to you from all of Rus'!

The heroes bow and leave.


Tell me guys, which famous artists, famous artists, glorified the exploits of Russian heroes in their paintings?


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov in the film “Bogatyrs”.

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich in the film: “Fight with the Serpent”

and other answers... (the teacher accompanies the children’s answers by showing reproductions of paintings)


And now I invite you to play.

The game “Say and Explain” is played. Children are divided into two teams: one team chooses a heroic proverb and explains its meaning, then the second team explains its meaning.

Think with your head, but fight with your strength.

Life is given for good deeds.

Die yourself - but help your comrade

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Not the hero who expects a reward, but the one who goes for the people!

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

It is not the armor that makes the hero, but his deeds.


Well done! They know everything, they can explain everything... Take a seat at the tables, a very exciting task awaits you.

You need to mold the weapon of heroes from plasticine, the one you like best.


Well, our fascinating journey into the past has come to an end. Today we learned a lot about the life of our ancestors - the Slavs, we played - we managed to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles and even helped the heroes cope with by evil spirits. Everyone was great, they performed all the tasks well, they were attentive, smart, dexterous and brave.

And at the end of our lesson, our heroes will perform another song “Four heroes”

Lyrics of the song "Four Heroes"

Words and music by Sergei Yarushin

I just love history books -

Distant times, Kievan Rus...

Sometimes I fly in a time machine,

There I boldly fight for the Russian land.

Pechenegs and Polovtsians are prowling along the border,

Greedy hunters for other people's goods,

But a heroic force stands at the borders,

The four of us can do it easily:

Chorus. Dobrynya Nikitich, Muromets Ilya

Alyosha Popovich, and the fourth is me.

Following the Pechenegs and the formidable Khazars

Our cities are besieged by clouds.

Oh, you, epic Rus', serious times,

You have never lived in peace.

The horses beat their hooves, sensing a fierce battle.

Basurmans, where are you? Well, come on, be bold!

We will not spare our lives for the Russian land

Beware, uninvited guest, heroes!


The nomads will remember this battle forever,

How the club walked across thin bodies.

And Kyiv-grad greeted us with the ringing of a chime,

And the domes shone with gold.

Robber nightingales, ashes from a fire...

We will find good and evil power,

Well, it will be dashing for us, let’s call a comrade,

Let's call Zarubin Sasha.


Dobrynya, Alyosha, Muromets Ilya

And Zarubin Sashka. And Sashka is me.


And in conclusion for Good work I want to give you gifts - photographs of you dressed in hero costumes. I hope you will remember today's lesson for a long time. And I hope that in the future you will act like our defenders - heroes. Thank you for your attention.

I'll tell you about old things,
Yes, about the old ones, about the experienced ones,
Yes about battles, yes about battles,
Yes, about heroic deeds!

Me as a teacher preparatory group, decided to devote one of her projects to the formation of patriotic feelings in children and, as part of the long-term project “Epic Bogatyrs - the First Defenders of the Russian Land,” to introduce preschoolers to the life of ancient Rus', its heroes, commanders, heroic events that took place in Russia. The formation of a person as a citizen, in my opinion, should begin with his small homeland. Love for big things must be instilled from small things. The feeling of homeland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not yet deeply understood by him, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a young patriot. Raising patriotic feelings in children preschool age- one of the tasks moral education. It includes the cultivation of love for neighbors and home, To kindergarten And hometown, to your country. This work cannot be fully realized without involving oral folk art into it.

Currently, life dictates the need to return to the priorities of love for the Fatherland. However, analysis current situation shows that children, starting from preschool age, suffer from a lack of knowledge about the outstanding defenders of the Fatherland, about the events military history our country, about the achievements and greatness of Russia’s historical past.

It is important to convey the message to children: after many, many years, people remember historical events, about the terrible war years, they honor the memory of those who died, and surround with attention and love the people who defended our Motherland.

And I tried not only to introduce the children to epics, but also to play with them.

We'll start amazing trip, which I am sure the children will remember forever. Years will pass, children will become adults, but the heroes we will meet on our travels will accompany them throughout their lives.

So, I want to go on a journey through Russian epics. Epics are an echo of the past, the very one that we study and treat with care. The future is built on the basis of the past. This is a fairy tale and a true story at the same time, and a song, and a poem, and just a story.

Epic stories do not have one author. They were composed by the Russian people. He composed in those ancient times when our Motherland - Russia - was called Russia. It was a long time ago. There was no writing then, people could not write down what they wrote or saw, so epic stories were learned by heart and passed on from grandfather to father, from father to son, from son to grandson. The storytellers tried to convey what they heard word for word, so the epics have reached us through many, many times, almost unchanged. Through epics we learn how people lived in Ancient Rus', what events took place there.

Previously, epics were also called “old times,” that is, a story about what happened in the old days. People believed that these events were not fictitious, but real, only very long ago.

Epics appeared even when there were no books. Therefore, epics, or antiquities, were not read, but told and sung. While singing, they played along with themselves on the harp.

The performers of epics were called storytellers. Few knew how to tell epics. Storytellers were revered and given every respect. They walked from village to village and spoke in a sing-song voice (like a song) about heroic heroes and their exploits. They talked about how it “was”. About the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness.

This is how the epic was composed. Among the Russian people for many centuries, epics about mighty heroes. The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'. The heroes worked a lot and that is why they were powerful and strong. Epics told about the exploits of heroes - mighty and fearless warriors possessing enormous power. They ride around in an open field on heroic horses. The horses of the heroes are also not simple: they can sense danger and talk. If two heroes meet, they measure their strength with each other: this is their heroic fun. And then the earth shakes, as if two mountains collided.

But when native land danger threatens, the heroes go to battle with the enemy. No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how countless hordes he brings with him, heroes invariably win in battle.

Thus, introducing children to epics is a means of forming their patriotic feelings and developing spirituality. As D.S. Likhachev noted, “we must not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, painting: National differences remain in the 21st century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just with the transfer of knowledge.” That is why the native culture, like father and mother, must become integral part the soul of a child, the beginning that gives rise to personality.

Epic "How Ilya from Murom became a hero"

In ancient times, the peasant Ivan Timofeevich lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo, with his wife Efrosinya Yakovlevna.
They had one son, Ilya.

His father and mother loved him, but they only cried, looking at him: for thirty years Ilya had been lying on the stove, not moving his arm or leg. And the hero Ilya is tall, and bright in mind, and sharp-eyed, but his legs do not move, as if they were lying on logs, they do not move.

Lying on the stove, Ilya hears his mother crying, his father sighing, the Russian people complaining: enemies are attacking Rus', fields are being trampled, people are being killed, children are being orphaned. Robbers prowl along the roads, they do not allow people either passage or passage. The Serpent Gorynych flies into Rus' and drags the girls into his lair.
Gorky Ilya, hearing about all this, complains about his fate:

Oh, you, my weak legs, oh, my weak hands! If I were healthy, the days would not go like this, the months would roll by...

One day, father and mother went into the forest to uproot stumps, pull out roots, and prepare the field for plowing. And Ilya lies alone on the stove, looking out the window.

Suddenly he sees three beggar wanderers approaching his hut.

They stood at the gate and knocked iron ring and say:

Get up, Ilya, open the gate.

You, wanderers, joke evil jokes: I’ve been sitting on the stove for thirty years, I can’t get up.

Stand up, Ilyushenka.

Ilya rushed and jumped off the stove, stood on the floor and couldn’t believe his luck.

Come on, take a walk, Ilya.

Ilya stepped once, stepped again - his legs held him tightly, his legs carried him easily.

Ilya was overjoyed; he couldn’t say a word with joy. And the Kaliki passers-by say to him:

Bring me some cold water, Ilyusha.

Ilya brought a bucket of cold water.

The wanderer poured water into the ladle.

Drink, Ilya. This bucket contains the water of all the rivers, all the lakes of Mother Rus'.

Ilya drank and sensed heroic strength within himself. And the Kaliki ask him:

Do you feel a lot of strength in yourself?

A lot, wanderers. If only I had a shovel, I could plow all the land.

Drink, Ilya, the rest. In that remnant of the whole earth there is dew, from green meadows, from high forests, from grain fields. Drink.

Ilya drank the rest.

Do you have a lot of strength in you now?

Oh, you walking Kaliki, I have so much strength that if there were a ring in the sky, I would grab onto it and turn the whole earth over.

There is too much strength in you, you need to reduce it, otherwise the earth will not carry you. Bring some more water.

Ilya walked on the water, but the earth really couldn’t carry him: his foot was stuck in the ground, in the swamp, he grabbed an oak tree - the oak tree was uprooted, the chain from the well, like a thread, tore into pieces.

Ilya steps quietly, and the floorboards break under him. Ilya speaks in a whisper, and the doors are ripped off their hinges.

Ilya brought water, and the wanderers poured another ladle.

Drink, Ilya!

Ilya drank well water.

How much power do you have now?

I'm half strong.

Well, that will be yours, well done. You, Ilya, will be a great hero, fight and fight with the enemies of your native land, with robbers and monsters. Protect widows, orphans, little children. Just never, Ilya, argue with Svyatogor, the land carries him through force. Don't quarrel with Mikula Selyaninovich, his mother loves him - the earth is damp. Don’t go against Volga Vseslavyevich yet, he won’t take him by force, but by cunning and wisdom. And now goodbye, Ilya.

Ilya bowed to the passers-by, and they left for the outskirts.

And Ilya took an ax and went to his father and mother to reap the harvest. He sees that a small place has been cleared of tree stumps, and his father and mother, tired from hard work, are sleeping soundly: the people are old, and the work is hard.

Ilya began to clear the forest - only chips flew. Old oaks are felled with one blow, young ones are torn from the ground by their roots. In three hours he cleared as much field as the entire village could not clear in three days. He destroyed a great field, lowered the trees into deep river, stuck an ax into an oak stump, grabbed a shovel and a rake and dug up and leveled the wide field - just know, sow the grain!

Father and mother woke up, were surprised, delighted, kind words remembered the old wanderers.

And Ilya went to look for a horse.

He went outside the outskirts and saw: a peasant was leading a red, shaggy, mangy foal. The entire price of the foal is a penny, and the man demands exorbitant money for him: fifty rubles and a half.

Ilya bought a foal, brought it home, put it in the stable, fattened it with white wheat, fed it with spring water, cleaned it, groomed it, and added fresh straw.

Three months later, Ilya Burushka began to take Burushka out to the meadows at dawn. The foal rolled around in the dawn dew and became a heroic horse.

Ilya led him to a high tyn. The horse began to play, dance, turn its head, shake its mane. He began to jump over the tine back and forth. He jumped over ten times without hitting him with his hoof. Ilya laid a heroic hand on Burushka - the horse did not stagger, did not move.

“Good horse,” says Ilya. - He will be my faithful comrade.

Ilya began looking for his sword in his hand. As soon as he clenches the hilt of a sword in his fist, the hilt will crush and crumble. There is no sword in Ilya's hand. Ilya threw the swords to the women to pinch the splinters. He went to the forge himself, forged three arrows for himself, each arrow weighing a whole pound. He made himself a tight bow, took a long spear and also a damask club.

Ilya got ready and went to his father and mother:

Let me go, father and mother, to the capital Kyiv-grad to Prince Vladimir. I will serve Rus' with my native faith and truth, and protect the Russian land from enemy enemies.

Old Ivan Timofeevich says:

I bless you for good deeds, but I don’t bless you for bad deeds. Defend our Russian land not for gold, not out of self-interest, but for honor, for heroic glory. Don’t shed human blood in vain, don’t shed your mother’s tears, and don’t forget that you come from a black, peasant family.

Ilya bowed to his father and mother to the damp ground and went to saddle Burushka-Kosmatushka. He put felt on the horse, and on the felt - sweatshirts, and then a Cherkassy saddle with twelve silk girths, and an iron girth on the thirteenth, not for beauty, but for strength.

Ilya wanted to try his strength.

He drove up to the Oka River, rested his shoulder on high mountain that was on the shore, and dumped it into the Oka River. The mountain blocked the riverbed and the river began to flow in a new way.

Ilya took a crust of rye bread, dropped it into the Oka River, and the Oke River himself said:

And thank you, Mother Oka River, for giving water and feeding Ilya of Muromets.

As a farewell, he took a small handful of his native land with him, sat on his horse, waved his whip...

People saw Ilya jump on his horse, but they didn’t see where he rode. Only dust rose across the field in a column.

Assignments for the epic “How Ilya from Murom became a hero”

Exercise “Who can guess?”

(Children answer questions about the epic they read, “How Ilya from Murom became a hero”)

  1. What was the name of the hero in the epic you read? (Ilya);
  2. How many years did it sit on the stove? (Thirty years);
  3. Who helped Ilya get up from the stove? (Three beggar wanderers);
  4. What kind of medicine helped the hero get stronger? (Icy water from a well);
  5. What was the name of Ilya Muromets's horse? (Buran-Burushka);
  6. What kind of weapon did the hero forge for himself? (three arrows, a tight bow, a spear, a damask club);
  7. Where was Ilya Muromets born, in what city? (city of Murom);
  8. What city did Ilya Muromets go to? (Kyiv-grad);
  9. Which prince did the hero go to serve? (to Vladimir)

Dynamic pause “We are now heroes”

Let's stand together one - two - three(children walk in place)
We are now heroes!
(arms bent at the elbows, showing strength)
We will imagine a palm to the eyes, ( right hand bring the visor to the eyes)
Let's spread our strong legs,
Turning to the right, let's look around majestically.

And we also need to look majestically to the left.
Leaned left - right
(hands on the belt, tilt left - right)
It turns out great!

Exercise “Pack the hero for the road”

Exercise “Who is who?”

(Bogatyrs: Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor, Mikula Selyanovich, Volga Vseslavevich )

Exercise: “What is a hero like?”

(Children stand in a circle, the leader throws the ball, the children return it (the ball) naming the character trait of the hero)

  • wise,
  • cunning,
  • noble,
  • strong,
  • fair,
  • fearless,
  • brave,
  • brave…

Exercise-game “Yes - no”

(Children answer YES or NO questions)

Our homeland is strong (yeah)
And we have one (yes)
There are heroes in Rus' (yes)
They are always praised and honored (yeah)
Ilya Muromets is a hero (yes)
He was the youngest (no)
He defeated the nightingale (yes)
Shot from a machine gun (no)
Alyosha Popovich is also a hero (yes)
He's strong, brave, young (yeah)
Karabas won in battle (yes)
The heroes fought the enemy on tanks (no)
They fought with sword and spear (yeah)
Dobrynya Nikitich was weak and frail (no)
He managed to defeat the snake with his strength (yes)
We are proud of our heroes (yes)
Do we want to be the same ourselves (yes)

Exercise “The Hero and the Faithful Horse”

(Children are divided into two teams and assemble a hero and a horse from the cut pieces).

Maze exercise “Defeat the dragon”