Sergey Petrovich Rozov control of the subconscious read online. Sergey Rozov - Bioconsciousness

Sergey Rozov. Bioenergy Textbook

The book is written on a current topic, written in a timely manner, because... It is now that the approach to the patient outlined in the book has become widespread...

While reading the book, I had to note more than once that many of the provisions put forward by the author coincide with the conclusions of experimental studies.

From a review by Valery Borisovich Slezin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of neuro- and psychophysiology of the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva

Sergey Petrovich Rozov- one of the most experienced and authoritative bioenergy researchers in our country, head of the “BIOSNESS” center.

You have opened a book containing the only proven program for the development of bioenergy to date - the fruit of the author’s 30 years of research and experience in training hundreds of people. Now you have in your hands a reliable tool to discover new abilities in yourself and take to a new evolutionary stage!

Mastering bioenergy opens up incredible possibilities for a person, because it is the cause of many “miraculous” events, fatal accidents, magical healings...

Sergey Petrovich Rozov has been researching bioenergy (information and energy fields) for many years and has achieved impressive results. He believes that mastering bioenergy does not require any extraordinary abilities. Everyone can learn this. The author offers a simple and accessible path to mastering bioenergy - a path that he and his many students have traveled.

The purpose of the program to which this book is dedicated is to help you protect yourself from diseases, acquire unusual abilities, and learn to influence your destiny through the skills of using the bioenergy contained in each of us.

Books by S.P. Rozov - a program for mastering the most powerful energy of health and good luck!

From the editor

Bioenergy is a reality today. It exists in our everyday lives and is the cause of many “miraculous” events, fatal accidents, and magical healings. The scientific world has long recognized that, in addition to mechanical, magnetic and electrical, there is some kind of biological energy. True, scientists to this day cannot decide on its nature and how it can be purposefully used.

The West has long understood what incredible opportunities mastery of this power provides. Research on the practical development of bioenergy interactions there is funded by government programs. Huge amounts of money are spent on this, entire research institutes are created. And I must say, great success has been achieved. For example, the intelligence services of many countries employ people who have extraordinary abilities - they can influence others, objects, read thoughts at a distance, etc.

We also conducted similar studies at one time. But mostly by single enthusiasts. They had neither expensive equipment nor financial support from the state. The only tool is the person himself, the only incentive is the irresistible desire to penetrate beyond the boundaries of the known. Moreover, if you remember, for a long time in our country the study of psychoenergetic phenomena was considered ideologically harmful, anti-scientific, and those who did this were persecuted, put in psychiatric hospitals and expelled from the country. But even in such difficult conditions, people achieved results that American institutions with their ultra-modern equipment could not even dream of. Sergei Petrovich Rozov is one of these people. He has been researching information and energy fields since the times of stagnation, is fluent in bioenergy and successfully teaches this to others.

The current surge of interest in the “miraculous” is not accidental. At the turn of the millennium, all contradictions intensify and familiar stereotypes are destroyed. Astrologers predict the end of the world. Former Komsomol leaders create religious sects. A new generation of psychics, healers, magicians, gurus and shamans teaches from the stage and from television screens how we can survive in difficult times, how to recover from illnesses, how to become happy. They promise complete healing in one session... And they ask for a lot of money for it!

Sergei Petrovich Rozov believes that mastering bioenergy does not require any extraordinary abilities. Everyone can learn this. There is even a school where almost all students discover bioenergetic capabilities in themselves, learn clairvoyance, self-healing and healing. S.P. Rozov created a unique program of psychophysical training, which is an integral part of the system of spiritually developed BIOCONSCIOUSNESS. The purpose of this program is to help you protect yourself from diseases, acquire unusual abilities, and learn to influence your destiny through the skills of using the bioenergy contained in each of us.

Our technocratic civilization has invented many perfect prosthetics: we travel in cars and trains, instead of being in the place we need in an instant; we talk on the phone, send faxes, although we could exchange thoughts directly, without any technical devices; we swallow tons of pills, perform complex surgical operations using lasers, not realizing that a person’s disease is within himself and can only be cured by his own internal means. If all the efforts of mankind were directed to developing their internal abilities and the ability to manage bioenergy, and not to improving technical devices, then our world would become much more humane and comfortable. After all, comfort is not about soft pillows and heated tiled floors. Comfort is the maximum convenience for existence and development. For man, as a biological being living on planet Earth, what is most suitable, of course, is biological energy, and not the energy of a split atom.

S.P. Rozov is sure that all people have powerful forces hidden under the concept of “bioenergy”; they are programmed genetically. Every person can master bioenergy, feel energy fields and learn to transform them in the direction they need. The textbook on bioenergy that you hold in your hands contains the foundation necessary to master the powerful forces inherent in each of us. Literally in the first exercise you will learn to perceive energy fields, accept their influence and change them. How can you explain to someone who is blind from birth what color the Sun is?.. Words are powerless here. But a blind person is able to feel the warmth emanating from it, bask in its rays, and be imbued with its energy. In the same way, we, who have never seen this mythical bioenergy, will be able to feel, experience something that cannot be described in words. Start reading, doing the exercises - and you will understand everything yourself.

The author offers a simple and accessible way for everyone to master bioenergy - a path that he himself and many, many of his students have traveled. You have opened a book containing the only proven bioenergy program to date - the fruit of 30 years of research and experience training hundreds of people. Now you have in your hands a reliable tool to discover new abilities in yourself and take to a new evolutionary stage!

The book is written on a current topic, written in a timely manner, because... It is now that the approach to the patient outlined in the book has become widespread...

While reading the book, I had to note more than once that many of the provisions put forward by the author coincide with the conclusions of experimental studies.

From a review by Valery Borisovich Slezin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of neuro- and psychophysiology of the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva

Sergey Petrovich Rozov- one of the most experienced and authoritative bioenergy researchers in our country, head of the “BIOSNESS” center.

You have opened a book containing the only proven program for the development of bioenergy to date - the fruit of the author’s 30 years of research and experience in training hundreds of people. Now you have in your hands a reliable tool to discover new abilities in yourself and take to a new evolutionary stage!

Mastering bioenergy opens up incredible possibilities for a person, because it is the cause of many “miraculous” events, fatal accidents, magical healings...

Sergey Petrovich Rozov has been researching bioenergy (information and energy fields) for many years and has achieved impressive results. He believes that mastering bioenergy does not require any extraordinary abilities. Everyone can learn this. The author offers a simple and accessible path to mastering bioenergy - a path that he and his many students have traveled.

The purpose of the program to which this book is dedicated is to help you protect yourself from diseases, acquire unusual abilities, and learn to influence your destiny through the skills of using the bioenergy contained in each of us.

Books by S.P. Rozov - a program for mastering the most powerful energy of health and good luck!

From the editor

Bioenergy is a reality today. It exists in our everyday lives and is the cause of many “miraculous” events, fatal accidents, and magical healings. The scientific world has long recognized that, in addition to mechanical, magnetic and electrical, there is some kind of biological energy. True, scientists to this day cannot decide on its nature and how it can be purposefully used.

The West has long understood what incredible opportunities mastery of this power provides. Research on the practical development of bioenergy interactions there is funded by government programs. Huge amounts of money are spent on this, entire research institutes are created. And I must say, great success has been achieved. For example, the intelligence services of many countries employ people who have extraordinary abilities - they can influence others, objects, read thoughts at a distance, etc.

We also conducted similar studies at one time. But mostly by single enthusiasts. They had neither expensive equipment nor financial support from the state. The only tool is the person himself, the only incentive is the irresistible desire to penetrate beyond the boundaries of the known. Moreover, if you remember, for a long time in our country the study of psychoenergetic phenomena was considered ideologically harmful, anti-scientific, and those who did this were persecuted, put in psychiatric hospitals and expelled from the country. But even in such difficult conditions, people achieved results that American institutions with their ultra-modern equipment could not even dream of. Sergei Petrovich Rozov is one of these people. He has been researching information and energy fields since the times of stagnation, is fluent in bioenergy and successfully teaches this to others.

The current surge of interest in the “miraculous” is not accidental. At the turn of the millennium, all contradictions intensify and familiar stereotypes are destroyed. Astrologers predict the end of the world. Former Komsomol leaders create religious sects. A new generation of psychics, healers, magicians, gurus and shamans teaches from the stage and from television screens how we can survive in difficult times, how to recover from illnesses, how to become happy. They promise complete healing in one session... And they ask for a lot of money for it!

Sergei Petrovich Rozov believes that mastering bioenergy does not require any extraordinary abilities. Everyone can learn this. There is even a school where almost all students discover bioenergetic capabilities in themselves, learn clairvoyance, self-healing and healing. S.P. Rozov created a unique program of psychophysical training, which is an integral part of the system of spiritually developed BIOCONSCIOUSNESS. The purpose of this program is to help you protect yourself from diseases, acquire unusual abilities, and learn to influence your destiny through the skills of using the bioenergy contained in each of us.

Our technocratic civilization has invented many perfect prosthetics: we travel in cars and trains, instead of being in the place we need in an instant; we talk on the phone, send faxes, although we could exchange thoughts directly, without any technical devices; we swallow tons of pills, perform complex surgical operations using lasers, not realizing that a person’s disease is within himself and can only be cured by his own internal means. If all the efforts of mankind were directed to developing their internal abilities and the ability to manage bioenergy, and not to improving technical devices, then our world would become much more humane and comfortable. After all, comfort is not about soft pillows and heated tiled floors. Comfort is the maximum convenience for existence and development. For man, as a biological being living on planet Earth, what is most suitable, of course, is biological energy, and not the energy of a split atom.

S.P. Rozov is sure that all people have powerful forces hidden under the concept of “bioenergy”; they are programmed genetically. Every person can master bioenergy, feel energy fields and learn to transform them in the direction they need. The textbook on bioenergy that you hold in your hands contains the foundation necessary to master the powerful forces inherent in each of us. Literally in the first exercise you will learn to perceive energy fields, accept their influence and change them. How can you explain to someone who is blind from birth what color the Sun is?.. Words are powerless here. But a blind person is able to feel the warmth emanating from it, bask in its rays, and be imbued with its energy. In the same way, we, who have never seen this mythical bioenergy, will be able to feel, experience something that cannot be described in words. Start reading, doing the exercises - and you will understand everything yourself.

The author offers a simple and accessible way for everyone to master bioenergy - a path that he himself and many, many of his students have traveled. You have opened a book containing the only proven bioenergy program to date - the fruit of 30 years of research and experience training hundreds of people. Now you have in your hands a reliable tool to discover new abilities in yourself and take to a new evolutionary stage!

© Rozov S., 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

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The Observer Position exercise can help school teachers relieve mental and emotional stress.

Dalnichenko V. N.

Reading, like breathing, has depth and intensity. Inhale and exhale. Reading several lines in a row, and for some even pages, is a breath. But to feel something move inside while reading is an exhalation. Who said this book is difficult to read? Those who tried to read page after page without stopping or pausing, like in school. It seems to me that, as you get acquainted with the material, it will be easier to understand something by shifting your attention from the printed text to the sensations, pictures, sounds that arise within yourself or somewhere in space on each completed passage.

Why? Because there is a difference from fiction, in which images, replacing each other, create a plot and do not let the reader get bored, as a result, movement along the plot line occurs like clockwork.

This book describes the plot from different angles, and therefore, out of five proposed exercises in a row, one may be enough for personal results. Moreover, the other four may not only be incomprehensible, but also cause unpleasant sensations that stop the movement through the book.

People are very different, and everyone will find something of their own here, expecting to enjoy reading and learning something new, unexplored.

It’s difficult for me to sit down and thoroughly start reading a book “from cover to cover,” I get distracted, my attention “runs away” somewhere, it becomes boring and tedious. But this book is something special; it somehow “hooked” me. I wanted to buy it and at least try to read it.

I didn’t read the book sequentially, but in chunks - I jumped through the content and chose the current issues that I needed to solve, and did the suggested exercises, the results were amazing in the speed of appearance, the stable improvement of the situation and, most importantly, the wide scope of manifestation!!!

For example, the exercise “Pulling out the negative energy of the body” not only saved me from the often tormenting cramps and pain in my stomach, but also improved my relationship with my boss. The constraint in conversations with the boss disappeared: I was able not only to ask for a salary increase, but also received this increase, and the boss even apologized for paying me “unfairly little” for so long (as he himself said)…

And after I started doing the “Energy Circle”, everything in life began to somehow miraculously improve: it was easy at home with my family, new promising projects appeared at work, and I met a guy... I had long dreamed of...

I read the book: it was written intelligibly, without “abstruseness,” no pomposity, no mystification, everything was clear and visual.

I started doing exercises: they are all simple and really work.

Sergei Petrovich’s book “yielded” with great difficulty, was put aside several times, but attracted again.

My efforts were not in vain: this turned out to be the only book out of all the literature I have read that provides answers to many of the questions that I have asked myself since childhood. For example, why do I sometimes need to come up and stroke a tree (and not just any tree, but a birch or pine tree). Or why it is so necessary for me when talking to stand not next to another person, but at a certain distance.

This book gives you an awareness of how the world really works, and if you understand the laws by which this world works, you gain self-confidence and understand that you can act actively and get results.

Thank you very much for the book!

The book gave me, first of all, clear step-by-step instructions for recovery. When I feel unwell, I always open a book and do the exercises - I know for sure that this will help. Moreover, I noticed that a healing effect occurs even with ordinary attentive reading.

What else particularly distinguishes this book from many others is its clear description of the variety of processes occurring in the body. Thanks to this, further reading of S.P. Rozov’s books and studying at the “Bioconsciousness” school has a basis of knowledge and understanding. Everything that S.P. Rozov teaches is based on the principles described in the book.

Panov Kirill

All the exercises and techniques given in the book are very simple and understandable. And at the same time effective. It turns out that you don’t need to be a guru of extrasensory perception, you don’t need to engage in all sorts of “energy pumping” practices and other mystical nonsense for many years in order to achieve quick and sustainable results.

The book, however, gives practical skills for working with my biofield, the biofield of loved ones, and the energy of space. There is no need to run to “magicians” and “sorcerers”, but you can clearly and consciously help yourself and your loved ones: remove pain, improve your mood and energy tone, and even significantly improve your relationships with people.

Author's technique of S. P. Rozov

The book is written on a topical topic, written in a timely manner, since right now the approach to the patient outlined in the book has become widespread and advertised. In addition, there is significant criticism of this approach from representatives of official medicine.

What is the point of this criticism? Firstly, the method does not have sufficient scientific justification: it is not clear what instrument to use to measure the “energy fields”, “bioenergetics” of an object and an individual, how the connection with the “higher mind” and “cosmos” occurs, etc. All this cannot do not irritate the researcher. Moreover, there is a completely academic science called “bioenergetics” (muscle energy, energy accumulation in macroergic bonds of molecules).

However, the physiological mechanisms of acupuncture are also unclear, but this method of treatment is accepted by healthcare under the name “reflexology”. It is hardly worth being indignant about the borrowing of the term: for example, physicists adopted the biological term “plasma”, and nothing terrible happened.

The main question that a doctor should face when adopting a new treatment method is its safety for the patient, and then its effectiveness in treating diseases. It is known that A. Kashpirovsky’s speeches on television in some cases provoked psychosis. In this case, such episodes are excluded, since any influence on the patient of someone else's will is excluded. This method can be called autopsychotherapy, since the role of the doctor is reduced to teaching how to use the method, and the effect of the treatment itself will depend on the diligence and desire of the patient.

While reading the book, I had to note more than once that many of the provisions put forward by the author coincide with the conclusions of experimental studies. Thus, in experiments on stimulation of brain formations in animals associated with the formation of positive and negative emotions, it was shown that negative emotions cause various psychosomatic diseases (baldness, skin ulcers, etc.) and reduce immunity; the opposite phenomena were observed when stimulating brain structures that cause positive emotions. According to the method of S.P. Rozov, before starting treatment, the patient creates a good mood, which promotes healing. A negative focus in the brain, which causes various diseases in experiments, in ordinary life, as noted in the book by S.P. Rozov, arises as a result of negative information, that is, “due to sins” a person gets sick. Awareness of one’s bad deed torments a person, lowers his mood, and contributes to the onset of illness. The repression of this negativity can occur during confession, during psychoanalytic catharsis, but the author offers his own method, where the repression is carried out by the patient himself.

The author’s view on the transition state he described, which he called the “activation state,” is interesting. This is an extremely interesting observation. The author believes that at this moment “a person begins to actively work with information and energy fields.”

Back in the 19th century, the famous physiologist Claude Bernard showed the close connection of the body with the external environment, and the internal environment of the body under the influence of external influences is periodically disrupted and restored through protective mechanisms that are activated from time to time, and if the mechanisms do not work, illness or death occurs.

Walter Cannon used the concept of “homeostasis,” which required a tension response (stress) to restore it. It can be assumed that it was this state that S.P. Rozov called “activation” in his book. S.P. Rozov teaches how to manage these restorative stress reactions. Naturally, restorative reactions can be aimed at stabilizing both mental and somatic health.

Paracelsus once wrote: “Man is subject to fantasies, which, being invisible and intangible, nevertheless have the same “physical” effect on the substance, as if they themselves were it.” These “fantasies” may be the basis of the disease, or they may also be healing. It is this second feature of fantasies that autopsychotherapy uses. Every science begins with faith, with an assumption, a working hypothesis. Without imagination, flight of thought, there is no science, and what was fantasy becomes theory over time.

The author’s position that you cannot work with the activation reaction for more than 15 minutes is very interesting and justified. Stress should not last long as it can lead to exhaustion. Professor I.P. Lapin, in his book on the psychology of pharmacology, talks about the importance of a person’s attitude towards taking medications; single-profile medications can act differently on different people. S.P. Rozov solves this problem with his own method: the patient learns to select the right drug for himself.

Konrad Lorenz in his book “On Aggression” points out the role of memories in balancing a person’s emotional pendulum. Positive memories harmonize a person’s emotional sphere. Memories are facilitated by memorable places and familiar people. K. Lorenz explains the increased aggressiveness of emigrants by isolation from the Motherland, from their people and memorable places. The place that S.P. Rozov devotes to memories in his method is quite natural.

Of course, not everything in the author’s method can be scientifically substantiated. For example, the effect of different plants on humans (although everyone experienced it on themselves). But do all the psychotherapeutic techniques described in the Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, published by Professor B. D. Karvasarsky, have a strict physiological basis? As Carl Jung wrote, “The separation of faith and knowledge is a symptom of the split consciousness characteristic of the disturbed spirit of the New Age. It looks like this: two different persons talk about the same thing, but in two different states of mind they paint a picture of their experience. If we imagine modern society in the place of such a person, it will turn out that it suffers from spiritual dissociation, that is, one of the types of nervous disorder.”

In the end I would like to express some wishes. Probably, the author should beware of working with psychotic patients, since self-hypnosis can lead to a distorted perception of reality in them; all this needs to be investigated. In general, it is advisable to write a small appendix to the book describing specific cases of healing, as is usually done in medical literature.

Once again, the book is timely and should lead to a discussion that will ultimately lead to a realistic and balanced assessment of such treatments.

Slezin Valery Borisovich,

Head of the Laboratory of Neuro- and Psychophysiology, St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva, Doctor of Biological Sciences

Introduction. Superpowers are just a step away

Unknown forces lie dormant in each of us.

At all times, there have been people naturally endowed with amazing abilities. Remember Vanga, who could read a person’s fate from a piece of sugar. And Juna - how many people she cured, practically without touching them, and without any medicine! Ninel Kulagina at one time served to create a whole cohort of followers who, with one effort of will, moved matches, pencils and even glasses from place to place. In ancient times, such people were called magicians, sorcerers, wizards, they were either extolled to the skies or burned at the stake. Most of us, hearing about such things, are sure that these “miraculous” abilities are some kind of God’s gift, available only to a select few. This book invites you to experience for yourself that these “gifts” are available to everyone.

Unknown powers and abilities lie dormant in each of us. Sometimes they break through, and we observe their spontaneous manifestation in quite ordinary people. And then the sick person, not being a doctor, suddenly accurately names a remedy unknown to him before, which saves him, and the alarmed mother wakes up at the very moment when her child is in danger of trouble hundreds of kilometers from home. As a rule, the manifestation of superhuman capabilities occurs uncontrollably. But is it possible to release these fantastic forces at will, without expecting extreme situations?

Once upon a time I was deeply struck by a story about an American pianist. The pianist had a severe form of arthritis; he was so crippled by his illness that he could barely move. They led him by the arms to the piano, sat him down, and he began to make the first sounds with his clumsy fingers. And then a miracle happened before the eyes of the audience! This disabled person was transformed - his back straightened, his head fell back, a sparkle appeared in his eyes, and his fingers began to run freely and flexibly across the keys. Music was playing. But then the game ended, and in a matter of minutes the brilliant genius turned into a crippled cripple who was led away by the arms.

The author of the story was shocked by the transformation that was happening to the musician. He thought that strength of spirit, will and talent helped him overcome joint pain while playing. What struck me was something completely different. All the details of the story showed me that the pianist did not overcome his illness while playing. His health was really changing! This pianist every day had the experience of using the amazing powers and capabilities hidden in every person, he had everything in his hands to be a healthy person, but he never understood this and for many years dragged out the life of a cripple. It always seems to me like some kind of misunderstanding, absurdity - to be so close to solving a problem and not suspect it. After all, you just need to take one step...

The key to developing unusual abilities has been found!

To help people take this step, I created the “BIOSAWARENESS” training system, and then the training center and its branches in Estonia and Finland, where I show my students their real-life mental, spiritual, energetic capabilities and develop them. This is the peculiarity of the system and its effectiveness - I develop what people already have from the beginning. Therefore, the speed with which students master new thinking and capabilities is astounding. But in ancient times people had to devote their entire lives to this. Remember, for example, yogis.

When a person feels bad, you can’t teach him for long! Results are needed immediately.

I believe that I have found the key to developing abilities for healing, magic, extrasensory perception, various systems of fortune telling, martial arts techniques, and esoteric practices. The most important thing is that this is not a theoretical system, but a practical one. I really teach all these “miracles”. This is also confirmed by the fact that my classes are attended by professional psychologists, doctors, and teachers, who then use the acquired knowledge in their work.

Where it all started

Even as a child, I discovered unusual states that lasted from fifteen minutes to an hour. These were states during which superpowers manifested themselves. If at that moment I picked up pencils or a brush, then the drawing turned out such that it ended up in an exhibition. If there was a serious scientific book nearby, then without professional training I understood a lot of what was written there. Moreover, I knew or felt what would be discussed further, on the next page.

The example with the pianist provides, one might say, a classic description of this state. But when I came out of it, I became an ordinary person, with modest abilities (just like a pianist who returned back to his sick state).

Trying to understand what was happening to me, I began to study whether such states could be organized consciously and the results obtained could be left at my disposal for further use. It turned out that it is possible. And, moreover, this can be taught to other people.

But this understanding came later, many years later. And at first there was a huge disappointment from reading psychological and esoteric literature. I collected information bit by bit.

Now, after many years of following the path of my development, I offer you what I so lacked at the beginning of my life: the knowledge, techniques, exercises, those outlooks on life that are necessary to take the initial steps in esotericism, bioenergy, healing .

The learning system outlined in this book is based on using our own internal states

The principle of training is based on the discovery that all people, at certain points in time, many times during the day, automatically experience a state of activation of internal forces. During these periods of time, all information and energy structures of the body are united, which gives the body the opportunity for instant mobilization. A person, in fact, becomes, in a certain sense, a superman. Then unusual abilities appear. But most people are unaware of this and, moreover, do not know how to take advantage of the state of activation of internal forces.

It is very important to use states of mobilization purposefully, otherwise the released energy is uselessly dissipated and, moreover, disrupts the vital processes of the body. The use of this energy is one of the keys to human health. My task is to teach a person to detect moments of internal mobilization in himself, to develop the ability to induce this state at will and purposefully use its energy and capabilities. According to my statistics, nine out of ten people succeed in this immediately. It is especially easy to discover healing abilities. After all, for humans, as well as for any living creature, they are natural.

In the first stages, for a student to believe in himself, it is very important to get real and demonstrable results. And then, based on the skills acquired, a person develops other abilities.

An ordinary person, standing under a tree or pressing his forehead against cold glass, holding a cat in his hands or eating a piece of bread, can get fleeting relief. People who have completed a course of training according to my system, by doing the same, can seriously change their condition and cure themselves. They can, without swallowing the pill, hold it at a certain point in space next to them, and thus get rid of pain. They can use the simplest work (washing clothes, washing dishes, windows, floors, hammering nails, sawing wood) to change their emotional state and correct their health. They know how to make an apartment a place of strength and health. They know what and how to do so that a glass of vodka or a cigarette becomes an impetus for the awakening of abilities, and not the beginning of self-destruction. They have the magical ability to “eat” a dish in a cafe or a product in a store window with their eyes alone and at the same time get satiated and get a real energy boost. Having mastered the skills of self-healing, they can then teach the simplest techniques to their family and friends.

The main principle of my training system: “Man, help yourself”

You may have a question: why learn to help yourself if you can turn to a psychic or healer. Of course, you can contact us. However, there is one serious problem here: most psychics influence a person energetically, without trying to help him understand his problems, without trying to activate his own powers, and such interference in the energy and fate of people is often undesirable.

When a person receives healing from the outside, sooner or later it will have negative consequences. A person must correct his destiny, his health through his own efforts. And everyone has the opportunities necessary for this. A psychic, healer, clairvoyant differs from an ordinary person only in that they know about these abilities and know how to use them.

You can, for example, help a gambling person and pay off his debts, but, most likely, such help will do harm rather than good. It is necessary to help a person cope with his passion for the game, and not push him back into the abyss of passion. In the same way, an alcoholic does not need coding and other violent methods that prevent him from drinking, but help in overcoming the problems that push him to drink alcohol.

Here is another example related to the treatment of diseases. All methods of modern medicine are based on working with the physical and physiological causes of illness. The treatment process is based on the idea that when the physical or physiological cause of the disease is removed, the disease will also pass. However, this calculation is not always justified. The fact is that many diseases of modern man are associated with disturbances in self-regulation processes. For example, if a person has low blood pressure, then he is given medications that increase the pressure, but if the pressure is high, then they lower it. Of course, if the pressure has changed so much that it really threatens death, then its medicinal adjustment is absolutely necessary. But this treatment method is designed to ensure that after compensation for the changes, certain internal mechanisms will turn on and the body will begin to regulate itself. These calculations are often justified, and the person actually recovers. But what is quite natural for young people living in a natural environment quite often does not happen for residents of a modern city. The body does not respond to the drug, and self-regulation mechanisms are not activated. Then a chronic disease occurs, and a person’s life is determined by the continuous use of medications.

Sergey Rozov Textbook on bioenergy
Sergey Petrovich Rozov is one of the most experienced and authoritative bioenergy researchers in our country, head of the “BIOSNESS” center.
You have opened a book containing the only proven program for the development of bioenergy to date - the fruit of the author’s 30 years of research and experience in training hundreds of people. Now you have in your hands a reliable tool to discover new abilities in yourself and take to a new evolutionary stage!
Mastering bioenergy opens up incredible possibilities for a person, because it is the cause of many “miraculous” events, fatal accidents, magical healings...
Sergey Petrovich Rozov has been researching bioenergy (information and energy fields) for many years and has achieved impressive results. He believes that mastering bioenergy does not require any extraordinary abilities. Everyone can learn this. The author offers a simple and accessible path to mastering bioenergy - a path that he and his many students have traveled.
The purpose of the program to which this book is dedicated is to help you protect yourself from diseases, acquire unusual abilities, and learn to influence your destiny through the skills of using the bioenergy contained in each of us.
Books by S.P. Rozov - a program for mastering the most powerful energy of health and good luck!

This book offers a program for the practical development of a powerful yet mysterious energy - bioenergy. The program is based on a major discovery that will largely determine the view of 21st century science on human capabilities. The author of this book, a research scientist, tested his program on hundreds of listeners in St. Petersburg, the Baltic states, and Finland. The program works! Unknown powers, abilities and possibilities are awakened in the listeners.
This book sums up the many years of work of a scientist-researcher in the field of energy-information fields.

What will the reader receive as a result of mastering the program outlined in this book?
At all times, there have been people naturally endowed with amazing abilities. Remember Vanga, who could read a person’s fate from a piece of sugar. And Juna - how many people she cured, practically without touching them, and without any medicine! Ninel Kulagina at one time served to create a whole cohort of followers who, with one effort of will, moved matches, pencils and even glasses from place to place. In ancient times, such people were called magicians, sorcerers, wizards, they were extolled to the skies and burned at the stake.
At one time, I set myself the goal of understanding what underlies such phenomena. And most importantly, I wanted to know if this could be somehow controlled, and if so, how. More than one year was spent on research. There were mistakes, false steps, discoveries and achievements. And today we can safely say: a huge positive experience has been gained in the practical development of bioenergy. The result of my research and experiments is the BIOCONSCIOUSNESS program, the basics of which are outlined in this book. Having mastered the program, you will have unlimited possibilities at your disposal: learn to heal yourself and others, see the past and future, recognize lies, obtain complete information about a person or object, and even program luck in any area of ​​your life. And all this is quite real! After all, before you is a practical guide, which sets out in detail a system of training, as a result of which you can discover unusual abilities in yourself.
Therefore, the purpose of the book can be formulated as follows: “To provide a person with the tools for mastering bioenergy and teach him how to use them correctly.”
How effective is the proposed program?
I have been teaching people the art of bioenergy management for thirty years. Thousands of my students have mastered this program. They not only improved their health, but also discovered new unique abilities in themselves, as well as the opportunity to change their destiny. As a rule, people who study according to my system begin to sense energy-informational fields from the very first exercise, and clairvoyance opens for the majority by the end of the course. Within the framework of the system, a school with branches in St. Petersburg, Tallinn and Finland arose and still operates to this day.
Important Warning
At the beginning of my practice, I thought that the program that you will get acquainted with allows people to automatically enter a new round of evolution. However, very quickly I discovered one very significant obstacle. To master the program, the student needs to overcome specific internal resistance - resistance to change, which is based on ordinary human fear: “What if it gets worse than now? It’s bad here, of course, but everything is familiar and familiar, but what’s there, behind the door? Complete unknown."

Most people are afraid of change, and as soon as they direct their attention to the process of restructuring their internal state, they immediately develop a protective block in the form of boredom, laziness, and anxiety. It is quite possible that while reading the book you will also begin to experience similar experiences. Don't attach much importance to them! Remember that the stronger they are, the more likely it is that you are making significant steps in mastering the program.
Textbook structure
The book begins with a statement of the main provisions of the system. They need to be read or at least skimmed, as this will make it much easier to understand the essence of the subsequent exercises and perform them.
Then the most interesting part will come: first we will learn to sense bioenergy fields, and then we will try to interact with them and change them. All exercises are very simple and easy to do. After each of them there are detailed comments about what it can give and how to use it in practice. Exercises must be performed strictly following the instructions. If one thing doesn't work out, try another! There are no strict regulations here. Choose what suits you best.
Next, we will learn to take the position of an observer. You need this both to achieve success in working with this book and in your everyday life.
Then - tuning the senses to perceive information and energy fields. At this stage you will master real tools for managing bioenergy.
And in conclusion - setting up to accept the changes that have happened to you.
After completing the course from beginning to end, you will be convinced that you can master bioenergy, learn
interact with it and use it for your own purposes. The textbook is the first step on the big ladder that you have to go through, and it has everything you need to move on.
The textbook has been adapted for perception
I consider it important to warn you that for the convenience of perceiving the material with the text of the book, a lot of editorial work was carried out, thanks to which the textbook became accessible to the mass reader. If you want to get acquainted with the full version of the text and you are not afraid of abstract concepts, complex language of presentation, scientific explanations, you can get the information you are interested in by contacting me at the address indicated at the end of the book.

Perhaps the reader should first be warned that the following information is a brief overview of the provisions of the system, which will then be disclosed in more detail using the example of practical exercises.
We are starting an exciting journey into the wonderful world of bioenergy. And the first question that must arise in your mind is: what is bioenergy?
What is bioenergy
Bioenergy is a kind of field substance that permeates the entire space of the Universe, controls all processes occurring in it and maintains the information-energy relationship between all objects and living beings located there. It is bioenergy that ensures a person’s connection with the environment, the connection of his internal organs and systems with each other, the connection of the body with consciousness and psyche. Bioenergy enters the human body along with air and is the force necessary for health and the accomplishment of any business. We will learn to control this powerful flow. And the control tool will be our own state of activation of internal forces.

All people, without exception, from time to time spontaneously experience a state of activation of internal forces. At these moments, intuition begins to work and unusual abilities appear - a person can cure himself or another person, find a solution to his problems, obtain information from “thin air” or discover a new talent in himself.
Usually in classes I suggest performing simple exercises that are accessible to everyone, during which a state of activation arises, and at the right moment in time I simply suggest: now what we need has arisen. As a result, a person begins to recognize his activation mode, feel its energy and learn how to manage this energy. Then it’s easier. When the state of activation becomes manageable, you can use the methods that are offered during training, or the techniques of other schools - this does not matter, because the person has understood and felt the main thing - how to organize in himself the state when he he is lucky when he starts the process of normalizing his body, when a state of increased abilities appears, when he can change the process of communication, establish what was previously destroyed, etc.
What is the field of adaptation, or How does the state of activation of internal forces arise?
The activation state occurs to us quite often, but we are accustomed to not noticing it. Changes constantly occur in our lives: new sensations and feelings are born, emotions arise, or the physiological settings of the body simply change, for example, you start eating, and your digestive tract starts working. These switches can occur for two reasons:
first - we switch our attention from one object to another;
second - we start doing something, and the action itself switches our body.
At the moment of switching from one state to another, our body and psyche seem to “hang in the air” for a few seconds, and a state of uncertainty appears when our subconscious has not yet chosen which scheme to continue to live by. This state is a signal for the emergence of internal activation, and we have unusual abilities at our disposal. At this time, you can create something new, since it is intended to adapt to changed living conditions, which in the language of physiologists is called adaptation. At the same time, a special information-energy field is generated, which can be called an adaptation field.

The information-energy field cannot be considered in the form of ordinary electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields; it cannot be represented in the form of certain forces or radiations coming from the body, like how light and heat are emitted. Let's not think about the energy fields that exist in space for now, but focus on the concept of certain energy-informational imprints that arise in our body. These imprints are called information-energy structures, or, in short, i-structures, and our body works as their receiver. How this happens in practice, you will understand when you start doing the exercises.

What is i-structure
I-structure is a special material formation that spontaneously arises in solid and liquid material environments.

The I-structure carries important information
The existence of i-structures has already been proven by many scientists around the world. I-structures are material carriers of memory, thoughts, emotions. Each image that appears in our head represents a separately existing i-structure.
When living organisms interact with inanimate objects, i-structures seem to grow into inanimate matter, and it becomes a carrier of information about the life of the organism. This is where the reason for the powerful influence of amulets, talismans, and monuments lies. The walls of your house are also completely saturated with i-structures, reflecting all the vicissitudes of your life. Remember the saying: even walls have ears. They really hear, they just don’t know how to speak.

It is possible to gain access to enormous information!
Almost the entire earth's surface during the existence of mankind has been saturated with the thoughts, emotions, and memories of people and all living beings. They exist in the form of i-structures. Perceive these
i-structures, and with them the experience of humanity, can be created by any person. There are special practices for this, but without any training we do this regularly when we are “stuck” in a state of uncertainty. Each of us from time to time unconsciously turns to the experience of humanity and receives an answer without hearing it. Our task is to learn to do this consciously!

To successfully work with bioenergy, you need to know in what cases the action of the information-energy field is blocked. If, at the moment of activating internal forces, having adjusted your bioenergy to self-healing, you simultaneously think about your problems or environmental objects, then the resulting information-energy field will dissipate, and the self-healing processes will automatically stop. All information processes will also be blocked, including obtaining information by extrasensory methods. Therefore, at moments of activation, it is necessary to disconnect from all problems and allow the body to recover!

Our techniques will unlock your natural abilities
Our methods are based on using the capabilities that every person already has. All people, regardless of age, to a certain extent know how to adapt or adapt to life. With more or less success, but each of us somehow earns a living, can, at least to a small extent, regulate ourselves and adapt to physical activity. This means that the person has not completely suppressed the functioning of the adaptation field.

The point of our methods is to use natural switching
The point of all our methods is that we use the natural moments of switching the physiological settings of the body for the purposeful use of the emerging field of adaptation. For example, you begin to climb the stairs, at one point you begin to feel the acceleration of your breathing and heartbeat. This means that the body has begun to adapt to external conditions - to restructure itself to perform physical work. When I conduct classes with a person, I simply observe his states, catch the moment of restructuring and give instructions on how to use it.

Background to the opening of the system
The state of internal activation was discovered by scientists quite a long time ago. Studying the state of stress, they found out that if the level of stress is not brought to the level of stress, then a special mode of mobilization of all forces arises. Experiments have been conducted that have shown that if this state is maintained long enough during an illness, the body recovers on its own in almost any disease, including oncology. When studies using a forced load regime were carried out on animals, almost 100% effectiveness was obtained. It was not possible to achieve such effectiveness with people, because they, thanks to the activity of the psyche and consciousness, constantly disrupted the desired regime. If the experiment was carried out with people who were ready to accept and maintain a new state, then almost 100% efficiency also arose. The technique was not widely used because it required a fundamentally new interaction between the patient and the doctor. The doctor must constantly regulate the patient’s mental state, which is practically impossible, since in this case the patient becomes completely dependent on the specialist.
I found a way to control the state of activation without the use of artificial loads, relying only on the internal sensations of the person himself. Using my techniques, a person can master conscious and independent control of this state, which will allow him to fully develop all his capabilities.

The main discovery of the system
My main discovery is that you don’t need to do anything complicated! You just need to get to know yourself and, at the right moments, purposefully use the automatically arising healing information and energy field.

What is the difficulty of mastering the program on your own, or Fear of change?
At the beginning of my practice, I thought that I had discovered a wonderful law that allowed people to automatically enter a new round of evolution. However, I very quickly discovered that most people cannot implement programs for their recovery and development on their own. It turned out that almost all people are very afraid of change, and as soon as they direct their attention to the process of restructuring their internal states, they immediately develop a defensive block. Take, for example, the example of climbing stairs: when a person does not pay attention to the physiological reactions of his body, he easily adapts to climbing, but if he starts listening to himself, he will get various troubles - tachycardia, shortness of breath, etc.

Every person can master bioenergy
A way out of this situation was found. It turned out that each person has a certain area where he can change his states at will. One quickly changes his emotions, another - the physiological settings of the body, the third can easily rearrange his moods, the fourth - control and manage his thoughts or memories. At the same time, all people have their own internal ways of changing themselves, certain personal keys to such restructuring. One needs to listen to music in order to relax, another needs to chat with a pleasant person, a third needs to read
etc. In the same way, each person develops his own keys for tuning into doing work. The influx of energy during such changes is felt due to activation. For example, it is known that the best way to relax is to change the type of activity.

Doing exercises is an important condition of the system
Completing the exercises is one of the main conditions for understanding the content of the book. It is impossible to explain in words the fundamentally new sensations and states that you will experience. Imagine that you have never tried sweets. In this case, no descriptions will help you understand what they are talking about when they talk about candy or cake.

Already while reading you activate your abilities
The presentation of the material is structured so that you can perform exercises directly while reading, organizing states in which your abilities are activated. At the same time, detailed instructions are given on how the resulting states can be used in everyday life. All the techniques in this book are surprisingly simple. But you need to remember all the time that the main thing is not the formal execution of the exercises, but getting new sensations that will arise during the training process. Then, to achieve successful results, you will only need to perform the exercises once. And most importantly: remember that you already have everything to get results.

Exercises help you find your “access key”
I have developed a series of exercises, each of which is aimed at organizing change in a specific area. By performing some exercises, a person transforms the physiological settings of the body, others are aimed at the emotional side of life, others - at the mental area, etc. All these personal ways of tuning into work or leisure do not become a universal tool for healing or acquisition new abilities, because they are tied to specific human tasks. To obtain a universal tool, you need to learn to perceive the information-energy field of adaptation, which arises during all changes in the body, and learn to direct its energy in the right direction.

Exercise structure
Each exercise consists of three stages. At the first, the process of changing the internal state is implemented at some level, at the second, attention is concentrated on the sensation of the emerging adaptation field, and at the third, the resulting field energy is directed to solving a specific problem.
Not every person can consciously, at his own request, change his condition. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, I suggest performing many different exercises that help organize the process of internal restructuring at different levels of the body and psyche. The exercises are designed so that no forced switching occurs. When, in the process of training, a person comes to an exercise that helps him change at a level where it is easy for him, he immediately feels the result. The exercises themselves are more like tests and do not require much physical and mental effort, therefore they can be performed by anyone - both an adult and a child, both healthy and sick.

The main difficulty that awaits you when doing the exercises is to be able to push aside the old experience of perceiving your sensations and create a new one. But it is simply impossible to push aside the old experience - it’s the same as giving yourself the task not to think about the camel - then it will be the only subject of your thoughts. For a long time. There are two ways to deal with old experiences: to be able to divert your attention to the side and to allow another person to divert your attention. In both cases, your consent to the distraction is required.

Taking attention to the side is the main point when performing exercises
Taking attention to the side is the main point when performing exercises. It looks complicated and artificial, but almost everything can be solved in a ridiculously simple way: read each point of the exercise sequentially and perform them no less consistently. Having completed one point, you transfer your attention from yourself and your feelings to the next one, that is, to the book, but this moment is central to each point of the exercises. By transferring your attention from your sensations to the text of the book, you allow new sensations and states to form in your body. This happens because in these moments of shifting your attention, you, unnoticed by yourself, slip through a state of activation, the energy of which triggers the formation of new sensations in the body.
When you read the next paragraph, you must necessarily imagine all the actions and sensations that should arise in you. By doing this, you create a program image of how your condition should change. After this, you transfer your attention to yourself or to the part of the body with which you are working, as a result of which you transfer to your body the created program in the form of an image of your expected sensations. With this sequence of actions, this program is accepted by the body, and you create the desired setting almost without any effort. It is quite possible that even before performing the actions described in this paragraph, sensations may arise that should arise only after performing these actions. Thus, by doing the exercises, you learn to purposefully create new settings in your body, that is, in fact, you are learning the process of self-healing.
If you use a book to switch your attention, then an energetic imprint of the energy of your activation appears in it. The book becomes an accumulator of this energy, which is an information-energy field that stores information about the healing processes of your body. Therefore, during illness or in difficult situations, you can turn to the book, remember the processes of switching your attention and, as a result, get real relief from your condition. If you want to use a book as an accumulator of your healing powers, then avoid giving it to other people to read, since another person may use up this charge when interacting with it.

What is the difference between the proposed methodology and other systems?
In other systems, the main tool is also the use of the activity of internal forces. But, as a rule, it is organized by complex artificial methods that require special skills, lead to large expenditures of energy and are not accessible to every person. In most cases, artificial life systems are created. To organize states of internal activity, hypnosis, altered states of consciousness, drugs, complex breathing exercises, various rituals, etc. are used. However, all this is only suitable for a certain category of people who can fit into artificial life. I am not satisfied with such discrimination, and the result is a rather complex system, which, however, fully corresponds to the real complexity of human life.
Your right to choose what you like best.

Parting words for the first stage of work
So, the first stage of our work is to learn to sense information and energy fields. I hope you have already realized how important this is! “The longest journey begins with the first step,” and if you want to discover in yourself at the end of this path, in addition to good health, amazing abilities that you didn’t even suspect, then go ahead!

How can you feel the field
A person does not have an organ that would perceive information and energy fields. We cannot see, hear or touch them. Their presence is somehow felt by us, but in ordinary life we ​​do not attach any importance to it. You never know what a person might dream of! And only when, obeying an unaccountable feeling, you cross to the other side of the street, and where you stood the balcony collapses, you understand - there was a signal. I will not open America if I say that these signals come to us from all sides every hour and every minute. It’s just that in the general flow of information coming from all senses, they are lost, not noticed, and disappear. For example, the newspaper says: “Politician N visited such and such a city.” What does this tell us? Well, he visited, tomorrow he will go to another city, that’s his job. And your friend, having read the same newspaper, concludes: “Tomorrow the prime minister will be removed.” We are surprised - wow, an ordinary engineer, how does he know what is happening at the top? But in fact, he simply knows how to isolate from the flow of unnecessary and often deliberately false information what is written “between the lines.” In the same way, in order to isolate the signals of information-energy fields from everything that we see, hear and touch, and to read them “between the lines,” all we need is special training. What kind of training? Read on.

How we experience contact with the field
As we have already said, information and energy interaction with the outside world arises in moments of internal uncertainty, during the transition from one state to another. In this case, the triggering mechanism is the transition state itself. At the same time, we feel that the outside world (or part of it) seems to be entering us. This happens in a matter of seconds: up! and again everything fell into place. Surely something similar happened to you, and if you are more attentive to yourself, you will certainly notice it. It also happens differently: there is a feeling of expanding oneself to the limits of the outside world. You dissolve in it, you stop feeling your body, vain thoughts disappear.
For example, you went outside, and there was the sun, a fresh breeze, birds chirping, you absorb this air with all the cells of your body, absorb it into yourself, and as a result, your mood changed, it became joyful. At the moment of a change in mood, the cells of your body recorded everything that was around, and now this environment is a support for a good mood - just remember it, and the previous mood will return. Information is recorded in exactly the same way during purely physiological changes.

You should start feeling the field based on side effects
Inner moods, feelings, that is, everything that arises in the process of introspection, are a very shaky basis for the beginning of conscious perception of fields - too much interference arises in this case. The easiest way to start is by relying on the side effects that arise in sensations during information-energy interactions. Where do these side effects come from? The cells that make up our sense organs, in addition to their main work, directly participate in information and energy interaction with the outside world. For example, you look at a flower. What's going on? All the rods, cones, neurons that make up the visual apparatus coherently perform their functions, but in addition, each of them also releases and absorbs energy, which carries some information. As a result of such a double life, various side effects arise in the sensations that we can register. Based on these effects, we can, as it were, “perceive” information and energy fields. This perception is natural and safe, and the technique is actually quite simple.

What should you do to turn on clairvoyance?
But the ability to sense fields is not clairvoyance. In order for it to turn on, you need, on the one hand, to clearly hold in your memory an image-memory of an object or person, and on the other, to organize the process of interaction of this memory with a real object or person. You will understand how this is all done when working with the exercises. I have helped create a clairvoyance regime for a large number of people and argue that discussions about the pineal gland, the third eye and other clairvoyance centers are incorrect and even dangerous misconceptions. All these centers regulate the general physiological settings of the brain, and you need to intervene in their work completely consciously. Simply activating these centers, as suggested in many meditation techniques, is not worth it.

How to determine that the senses have registered a field
So, at a certain moment of information-energy interaction, the cells of the body and the surrounding objects begin to form, as it were, one whole. This is registered by our senses. How? Any changes in the object with which such a union occurred responds in the body with a feeling of some kind of change. For example, a child throws off the blanket at night and the mother wakes up to cover him. She can even sleep in another room - remote registration of changes in the position of the child’s body, or remote contact with an object occurs. Why did mother wake up? The child turned on the other side, something changed in the sensations of her body, this change gives an impulse to get up and straighten the blanket.

What are the signs of field registration, or How psychics work
At the beginning of training, it is easiest to register the movements of the object. Usually they are also remotely felt by some movements inside the body. In addition to the appearance of a sensation of movement, there may be sensations of magnetic interaction with an object, waves of heat, coolness, tickling, tingling, etc., which change synchronously with the movement of the object. This is exactly how psychics work when they do energy massage. They determine its effectiveness precisely with the help of these sensations.
The most important sign of the presence of information and energy interaction
is the synchronicity of the movement of an object and changes in sensations.

After such synchronicity has been recorded, at least in the form of weak sensations, other numerous and unique opportunities arise to use the resulting information-energy contact. For example, to determine whether a person is lying or not. But more on that later.

What does registration of changes provide, or Diagnostics, energy tools, clairvoyance mode
Firstly, by learning to register changes in the movement of an object, it can be easily diagnosed as beneficial or harmful to the body. The diagnostic process is very simple: if the synchronicity of changes in sensations and the movement of an object is recorded, then accurate information about its usefulness or harmfulness will be given by the nature of the sensations - pleasant or unpleasant. Similarly, you can diagnose medicines, food and any item in general for its usefulness not only for the body, but also for a specific task.
Secondly, this item becomes a very powerful energy tool with which you can treat any disease. The treatment techniques are described by me in the book “Treatment with Bioenergy”.
Thirdly, many people, after a little training, quite easily learn in clairvoyance mode to read from such an object complete information about it, including its past and future.

Why imaginary representations are a necessary link in energy methods
To work with bioenergy, it is necessary that any information coming from the senses be perceived not only directly, but also with the help of special, so-called “energy” images. They are created according to certain laws. To make it more clear to you, I will give the following example: suppose a person feels a light breeze on his face. In normal perception, he simply feels a light touch on his face. With energy perception, based on these sensations, an image of light tongues of rarefied substance is created, which playfully touch his face. You can imagine this especially clearly if on a warm summer day you perceive the breeze with your naked body, then you can directly physically feel the streams of air sliding over your body. Moreover, it is three-dimensional images that appear.

Why do you need to imagine three-dimensional images?
Humans have the most highly developed imaginative perception. But if for all sensations coming from the surrounding world we have, as it were, ready-made images - images of objects, then for internal sensations we do not have them. It is very difficult to imagine, say, the feeling of satiety or hunger in the form of any object. Here everyone becomes the creator of their own internal images. If you know anatomy well and try to imagine your kidneys, liver or heart, then your sensations will most likely run counter to your ideas. The fact is that internal sensations cover a volume that differs from the size and location of the organ that causes them. Remember, if a scratch on a finger hurts, the pain either spreads to the entire finger, or there is a sensation of a painful point somewhere in the middle of the scratch. Or another example: when your heart hurts, unpleasant or painful sensations can occur in your arm, under your shoulder blade, and in your chest.

Images are material substances (Ancient technique of creating images)
So, if we want to perceive sensations coming from our body, we need a technique for creating images based on these sensations. This technique has existed since ancient times. In the Eastern tradition, all internal sensations were perceived as material substances, and the modern concept of energy simply did not exist. Therefore, the names of these substances were purely material - water, air, wind, earth, fire, metal, wood, mucus, bile. The Chinese concept of Qi, which all translators, including modern Chinese, persistently translate as energy, is actually a liquid. If you read the literature carefully, you will immediately understand this. Yes, the movement of this liquid really gives a feeling of energy, but Qi itself was and will be only a liquid, because it is very easy to get the feeling of liquid flowing inside oneself, and there is simply no abstract modern concept of energy in direct sensations. In addition to liquid, you can create other images. Energy can also be felt as a feeling of lightness and freedom of movement and formulate your sensations in the form of airy images. In other circumstances, energy can be felt as purposefulness, but this is already an image of some kind of flow or something else that corresponds to your state. If you managed to create a sufficiently bright and memorable image, in the future you can easily return to your previous state if necessary.

Material images are necessary for the transformation of sensations
Images of internal sensations must be formed in the form of material ones because in our imagination we can easily change them - and along with them, the sensations that accompany these images also change. For example, we begin to inhale air and want to regulate our breathing. If we simply feel a light touch of air to the nostrils, then that’s all, but if we imagine a stream of light thin liquid that enters the nose and begins to move on, we will almost certainly be able to follow the movements this trickle. And then, in the nasopharynx, this stream is transformed, changes its color and turns into some other less dense, slightly expanding substance. This substance then penetrates lower into the lungs, tends to expand during inhalation and contract during exhalation. If we begin to build such images, we will be able to feel and perceive a lot in the physiology of breathing, and most importantly, regulate it based on these sensations. And it doesn’t matter at all that the feeling of expansion in the lungs is created by the respiratory muscles. The important thing is that the image that we have is based on our sensations and therefore helps the breathing process. If we imagine the work of the respiratory muscles, we will certainly create difficulties in the breathing rhythm. Remember the well-known centipede, which forgot how to walk after thinking about how it does it. Only when we follow naturally arising sensations and formulate them into material images do we not violate the laws of inner life. In modern esotericism, it is customary to create abstract ideas about mysterious substances, for example, air energy, and everything ends with these abstractions, since they cannot be connected with the realities of internal sensations.
Now that you have read this passage, try to feel and imagine this trickle and its transformations. It is very important! Without such images there is nothing to do in bioenergy.

Practice: creating an image of touch
Let's try to formulate the process of touching in the form of images. So, let's touch our hand, press and move our finger away. Look: where the finger touched, a cake has formed, similar to sand, which either lies like a cake or blurs, turning into something else. The image of sand is born when, after touching, there is a slight residual sensation of tingling or tickling. If you have different sensations, then, naturally, you need a different image.
It is very difficult for me to write about specific images in a book, because there are as many of them as there are people on earth. All I can say has already been said: try to formulate your sensations in the form of images of light and various substances - air, liquids of different densities, denser substances. Most importantly, be sure to visualize not only stable sensations, but processes and areas of transformation of sensations. For example, you brought a piece of bread to your mouth. If you just feel it, saliva will not appear, but if you feel and imagine that the smell in your mouth is turning into something else, salivation will begin immediately. Further, if you swallow saliva, then a process of transformation of sensations occurs in the throat. If you feel this, then you will be able to catch the wave moving through the esophagus, which is transformed in the stomach. Then you can perceive how transformed sensations arise in the lower abdomen, that is, you already perceive intestinal peristalsis.
You can read about how to use such images for treatment in the book “Treatment with Bioenergy.”

Let's move on to experiments in the perception of information-energy fields. Let's start with the energetic interaction of one hand with the other.
Recommendations for organizing exercises
Before performing the exercise, remove jewelry and watches from your hands. If you don't have a wedding ring, you can leave it. These items will create significant interference when performing energy exercises, and the watch will be completely damaged.
Immediately before the exercise, it is advisable to wash your hands, especially if they are dirty. Washing your hands can greatly increase the effect, because during washing their condition clearly and noticeably changes. Before the exercise, massage the hand that seems more sensitive to you and warm it up. If you have cold hands all the time, then it is advisable to hold them in warm water - this will also increase the effectiveness of the exercise. The exercises can be done with either closed or open eyes - whichever is more convenient for you. When conducting the exercises, you do not need to take the position of a researcher. Try to create the mood to train your sensitivity. Any sensations and feelings are afraid of research, and logic completely excludes feelings. If the sensations that arise are very weak, take it calmly and remember that training is important in any area. In addition, each of us has our own initial blockages in perceiving changes, and it is quite possible that the first exercises will not work out right away. Success will come when you reach those exercises that will remove your blockages. Practice shows that the exercises that I have developed provide very fast learning: as a rule, already in the first lesson, more than half of the students get good results.
If during the exercises you have an internal distrust of your feelings, you will decide that all this is just seeming to you, accept what it seems, and move on.
For the zealous and persistent! Draw your attention!
You can’t do energy exercises for a long time! The norm is 15-20 minutes
The maximum training regimen is 15 minutes every two hours.

Work with a pleasure mindset
We work only with positive energies, so you need to start exercises with the mindset of having fun. Look for what feels good to you, those sensations that are pleasant to you, that give you a feeling of joy.
And with clean, soft and warm hands, with the inner mindset that something very good is about to happen to you, let’s start doing the exercise.

Exercise No. 1
So, let's try to get the first experience of information-energy interaction. After completing this exercise, you will be able to interact at a distance with any animate and inanimate objects. Don’t be confused by the seeming primitiveness of your actions: where are the energy passes, mantras, sitting for hours in the lotus position? I assure you: in order to learn to feel energy fields, you don’t need any of this. To begin with, just be attentive to your feelings, and you will see everything for yourself.
1. Place the palm of the hand that you think is more sensitive at chest level, and touch the middle of the palm with the index finger of the other hand.
2. Lightly press your finger on your palm and move your finger 2-3 cm from your palm. When the finger moved away,
try to remember the feeling of his touch in the middle of your palm.
3. Touch your palm with your finger again, make the pressing force minimal, but such that the sensation of touch is easily remembered, and move your finger away again.
4. Press this several times, and then, when the finger is moved away, focus your attention on the memory of the sensation of touch in the middle of the palm and on the tip of the finger. Imagine that the tip of your finger is connected to your palm, and begin to move it parallel to your palm. In the palm, in the place where the memory of the touch is remembered, there is also a feeling of slight movement, as if a brush is tied to the tip of the finger and it is tickling the palm. Other sensations may also appear: waves of heat, coolness, tingling, moving pressure on the palm, magnetic attraction between the middle of the palm and the tip of the finger.
5. If you have sensations of remote contact, then move your finger further from your palm. Imagine that your palm and finger form a single whole. For a clearer visualization, move both hands back and forth synchronously, imagining that they are connected by invisible threads or that you are holding some transparent object with your hands. In this case, your finger is still extended towards the palm. When the feeling of unity of both hands has arisen, move your finger. It is quite possible that even at a greater distance you will have a feeling of distant contact. Perhaps already at this stage you will discover that you can establish remote interaction at any distance. However, as a rule, different sensations of contact arise at different distances.
6. The sensation of remote contact can be easily relieved if you shake your hands, feeling how they change their state.

Sergey Petrovich Rozov

Bioawareness. Awakening and development of superpowers

© Rozov S., 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

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The Observer Position exercise can help school teachers relieve mental and emotional stress.

Dalnichenko V. N.

Reading, like breathing, has depth and intensity. Inhale and exhale. Reading several lines in a row, and for some even pages, is a breath. But to feel something move inside while reading is an exhalation. Who said this book is difficult to read? Those who tried to read page after page without stopping or pausing, like in school. It seems to me that, as you get acquainted with the material, it will be easier to understand something by shifting your attention from the printed text to the sensations, pictures, sounds that arise within yourself or somewhere in space on each completed passage.

Why? Because there is a difference from fiction, in which images, replacing each other, create a plot and do not let the reader get bored, as a result, movement along the plot line occurs like clockwork.

This book describes the plot from different angles, and therefore, out of five proposed exercises in a row, one may be enough for personal results. Moreover, the other four may not only be incomprehensible, but also cause unpleasant sensations that stop the movement through the book.

People are very different, and everyone will find something of their own here, expecting to enjoy reading and learning something new, unexplored.


It’s difficult for me to sit down and thoroughly start reading a book “from cover to cover,” I get distracted, my attention “runs away” somewhere, it becomes boring and tedious. But this book is something special; it somehow “hooked” me. I wanted to buy it and at least try to read it.

I didn’t read the book sequentially, but in chunks - I jumped through the content and chose the current issues that I needed to solve, and did the suggested exercises, the results were amazing in the speed of appearance, the stable improvement of the situation and, most importantly, the wide scope of manifestation!!!

For example, the exercise “Pulling out the negative energy of the body” not only saved me from the often tormenting cramps and pain in my stomach, but also improved my relationship with my boss. The constraint in conversations with the boss disappeared: I was able not only to ask for a salary increase, but also received this increase, and the boss even apologized for paying me “unfairly little” for so long (as he himself said)…

And after I started doing the “Energy Circle”, everything in life began to somehow miraculously improve: it was easy at home with my family, new promising projects appeared at work, and I met a guy... I had long dreamed of...

I read the book: it was written intelligibly, without “abstruseness,” no pomposity, no mystification, everything was clear and visual. I started doing exercises: they are all simple and really work.

Sergei Petrovich’s book “yielded” with great difficulty, was put aside several times, but attracted again.

My efforts were not in vain: this turned out to be the only book out of all the literature I have read that provides answers to many of the questions that I have asked myself since childhood. For example, why do I sometimes need to come up and stroke a tree (and not just any tree, but a birch or pine tree). Or why it is so necessary for me when talking to stand not next to another person, but at a certain distance.

This book gives you an awareness of how the world really works, and if you understand the laws by which this world works, you gain self-confidence and understand that you can act actively and get results.

Thank you very much for the book!

The book gave me, first of all, clear step-by-step instructions for recovery. When I feel unwell, I always open a book and do the exercises - I know for sure that this will help. Moreover, I noticed that a healing effect occurs even with ordinary attentive reading.

What else particularly distinguishes this book from many others is its clear description of the variety of processes occurring in the body. Thanks to this, further reading of S.P. Rozov’s books and studying at the “Bioconsciousness” school has a basis of knowledge and understanding. Everything that S.P. Rozov teaches is based on the principles described in the book.

Panov Kirill

All the exercises and techniques given in the book are very simple and understandable. And at the same time effective. It turns out that you don’t need to be a guru of extrasensory perception, you don’t need to engage in all sorts of “energy pumping” practices and other mystical nonsense for many years in order to achieve quick and sustainable results.

The book, however, gives practical skills for working with my biofield, the biofield of loved ones, and the energy of space. There is no need to run to “magicians” and “sorcerers”, but you can clearly and consciously help yourself and your loved ones: remove pain, improve your mood and energy tone, and even significantly improve your relationships with people.

The book is written on a topical topic, written in a timely manner, since right now the approach to the patient outlined in the book has become widespread and advertised. In addition, there is significant criticism of this approach from representatives of official medicine.

What is the point of this criticism? Firstly, the method does not have sufficient scientific justification: it is not clear what instrument to use to measure the “energy fields”, “bioenergetics” of an object and an individual, how the connection with the “higher mind” and “cosmos” occurs, etc. All this cannot do not irritate the researcher. Moreover, there is a completely academic science called “bioenergetics” (muscle energy, energy accumulation in macroergic bonds of molecules).

However, the physiological mechanisms of acupuncture are also unclear, but this method of treatment is accepted by healthcare under the name “reflexology”. It is hardly worth being indignant about the borrowing of the term: for example, physicists adopted the biological term “plasma”, and nothing terrible happened.

The main question that a doctor should face when adopting a new treatment method is its safety for the patient, and then its effectiveness in treating diseases. It is known that A. Kashpirovsky’s speeches on television in some cases provoked psychosis. In this case, such episodes are excluded, since any influence on the patient of someone else's will is excluded. This method can be called autopsychotherapy, since the role of the doctor is reduced to teaching how to use the method, and the effect of the treatment itself will depend on the diligence and desire of the patient.

While reading the book, I had to note more than once that many of the provisions put forward by the author coincide with the conclusions of experimental studies. Thus, in experiments on stimulation of brain formations in animals associated with the formation of positive and negative emotions, it was shown that negative emotions cause various psychosomatic diseases (baldness, skin ulcers, etc.) and reduce immunity; the opposite phenomena were observed when stimulating brain structures that cause positive emotions. According to the method of S.P. Rozov, before starting treatment, the patient creates a good mood, which promotes healing. A negative focus in the brain, which causes various diseases in experiments, in ordinary life, as noted in the book by S.P. Rozov, arises as a result of negative information, that is, “due to sins” a person gets sick. Awareness of one’s bad deed torments a person, lowers his mood, and contributes to the onset of illness. The repression of this negativity can occur during confession, during psychoanalytic catharsis, but the author offers his own method, where the repression is carried out by the patient himself.

The author’s view on the transition state he described, which he called the “activation state,” is interesting. This is an extremely interesting observation. The author believes that at this moment “a person begins to actively work with information and energy fields.”

Back in the 19th century, the famous physiologist Claude Bernard showed the close connection of the body with the external environment, and the internal environment of the body under the influence of external influences is periodically disrupted and restored through protective mechanisms that are activated from time to time, and if the mechanisms do not work, illness or death occurs.

Walter Cannon used the concept of “homeostasis,” which required a tension response (stress) to restore it. It can be assumed that it was this state that S.P. Rozov called “activation” in his book. S.P. Rozov teaches how to manage these restorative stress reactions. Naturally, restorative reactions can be aimed at stabilizing both mental and somatic health.