Write a fairy tale with a noun. Tale about a noun




Lesson is a project. Literary magazine.

“We write fairy tales using nouns with different suffixes».

3 A MOU MSSH class

Teacher primary classes:

Perevozchikova Elena Evgenievna

village Maina

Passport project work

Project name : We compose fairy tales using nouns with

different suffixes. Literary magazine.

Project Manager: Perevozchikova E.E.

Academic subject , within which the work is carried out: Russian language.

Academic disciplines , close to the topic of the subject: literature.

Student composition: 3 A class.

Project type: creative, informational, role-playing.

Project goals:

    Prepare and write a creative work “We compose a fairy tale using

nouns with different suffixes."

    To promote love and interest in folk art through fairy tales.

Project objectives:

1. Development of the ability to summarize the collected material.

2. Develop students’ speech, both oral and written, through the use of

expressive means language.

3. Develop interest in literary creativity.

Project issues:

    What does a word consist of? Which part of a word is used to form new words?

    How do fairy tales differ from other texts?

    What does the text consist of?

    How to correctly write a word with any spelling?

Preparatory work:

    work in groups to select material for compiling a fairy tale for a literary magazine/magazine;

    preparing sheets for writing creative work;

    cards indicating parts of words to summarize knowledge on the topic;

    a general literary magazine where the student’s creative work will be published;

    the board shows the names of 4 cities of each group fairyland.

Characters: teacher, fairy of fairyland, students.

Intended product of the project: literary magazine “We make up fairy tales.”

During the classes : I . Minutes of entering the lesson and communicating the purpose of the lesson.

1. introduction teachers: There are many fairy tales in the world,

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them. (V. Berestov.)

(music sounds, fairyland fairy enters)

Fairy: - Guys, I am a fairy from a fairyland.

Why can’t you live without fairy tales?

(In fairy tales, good defeats evil; they are filled with magic and miracles;

teach to overcome difficulties; fairy tales believe in the power of goodness, love and


What kind of fairy tales are there? (About animals, everyday life, magic, about heroes.)

Teacher: - This is my assistant - a fairy from a fairyland.

And why a fairy-tale country, you will now find out.

Today in Russian language lesson we have to release

literary magazine. And in this literary magazine we will place

your fairy tales that you will compose from your fabulous cities.

II . Working on writing a fairy tale.

Fairy: - What names did you come up with for my fairyland?

4 groups: 1) the city of “Rain”;

2) the city of “Snow”;

3) the city of “Grad”;

4) the city of “Ice”.

Well done! I'm happy with you! I'll sit down and watch you work

Teacher: - Rest, fairy.

Guys, before you introduce us to your invented

Fairy-tale heroes, we will do a little warm-up.

2. “Warm-up”(children work with cards, generalize their knowledge of the composition of the word)

    the modified part of the word is ... (ending);

    the unchangeable part of the word is ... (base);

    the part of the word that comes before the root is ... (prefix);

    the main part of the word is ... (root);

    the part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words is ... (suffix).

- Well done!

3. Working with reference words.

A) - So what are the names of your heroes?

1 group : dad - Rain, mom - Rain, children - rain, daughter -

On Rain, son - Rain.

blackboard: Group 2: dad - Snow, mom - Snowy, children - snowy, daughter -

Snowflake, son - Snowball.

3 group : dad - Grad, mother - Gradikha, children - Gradita, daughter -

Gradinka, son - Gradik.

4 group : dad - Ice, mother - Ice, children - ice, daughter - Ice,

Son - Ice.

b) Questions for groups:

1) - What are these words called? (Same root.)

Which part of the word was used to form these words? (Suffixes)

2) - What is the suffix used for? (For the formation of new words.)

3) - What are such suffixes called? (Diminutive - affectionate.)

4) - What diminutives do you know – affectionate suffixes?

4. Work on the structure of the fairy tale.

Which of the heroes of each city could something happen to? (With kids.)

Why? (They love to play, fool around, invent.)

Who will come to their rescue? (Parents, friends.)

Can we say that everything will end well? (Good always triumphs over evil.)

Conclusion : Our fairy tales should not be long. You have to talk about one thing

adventures from the life of a particular family.

How many parts does the text have? (Part III)

Name them. (I. Introduction.

II. Main part.

III. Conclusion.)

What else does the text have? (Main idea, title, topic.)

What can you talk about in part 1? (Where events take place, when, with whom.)

In part 2? (Where did it all start? What happened?)

In 3 parts? (How did it end?)

Remember how fairy tales begin?

They lived and were... In a distant kingdom... In a heavenly state...

And identify phrases, words with which the main part can begin.

Suddenly... One day...

A final part? They lived for a long time... So they decided everything...

Conclusion: Remember that you need to convey to your readers your main idea.

5. Spelling preparation.

- To convey the main idea to your readers, you must write correctly

fairy tale

What spellings will you come across? (Unstressed vowel at the root of the word, big

letter in proper names, stunning)

6. Independent work students. Composing and writing fairy tales.

7. Discussion of work in groups, choice best essays for guard,

placement of works in a literary magazine.

8. Protection creative works . Reading the best fairy tales.

III . Final word fairies of fairyland.

We placed fairy tales in our literary magazine

And today you are each other

We were a little surprised in some ways.

You fantasized

They talked for a long time.

And if I tell you exactly,

It was just what you did.

You showed us your knowledge

And I hope that they also promised...

Meet everyone again

And write fairy tales together!

IV .Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

We must now sum up our work.

What did you do in class? (They made up fairy tales.)

What did they make up? (Literary magazine.)

Guys, let's evaluate whether our lesson was useful today.

So "Our mood!"

    If the lesson was useful and interesting, then place your sign in your fairy-tale city.

    If it seemed to you that it was not interesting, boring, then stay in your place.


Children's works for literary magazine:

Once upon a time there were words of one part of speech,

who wrote about themselves

boastful song:

Welcome to the morphological kingdom.

Her Majesty


His Majesty





Most interesting resident of this street is a Noun.

The noun is little gnomes. They were very curious. Nouns were running everywhere and asking: “Who? What? Who? What?".

The inhabitants of this street played a huge role in the kingdom. They meant:

  • Item
  • Natural phenomena
  • Action process
  • Events
  • Animal and plant world.

The king and queen respected and valued them very much.

Animacy or


The little gnomes had constant signs:





The king divided the little inhabitants of the street into three kinds:






And the queen divided

all nouns

three declinations.

Declension is like a zodiac sign:

what ending was he born with?

This is the kind of inclination you relate to.

1st declension



masculine and female

with endings

- and I;



2nd declension

aquarium □





With - ending;


with endings

- oh, - e

flower □ reflection

3rd declension




with ь at the end

mother □ daughter □

The little gnomes had inconsistent symptoms:

We lived on the street when we were still small and cheerful elves – endings of singular and plural nouns.


The only thing












The elves flew in and out depending on the cases. They loved to joke, constantly adapting to someone and changing.

And all the cases were important and everyone thought that he was in charge.


I am nominative

And I don’t have other people’s clothes on me.

Everyone recognizes me easily

And the subject is called.

I haven’t liked prepositions since childhood

I can't stand being around you.

My questions Who? So what?

No one will confuse it with anything.


And I am the Genitive case.

My character is sociable.

Whom? What? - And here I am;

Prepositions are often my friends;

And “With”, and “Before”, and “U”, and “From” -

“To” the sky up and “From” the sky down.


If I gave names to cases

I would call myself a giver!

And how I daydream,

Dressing up as Santa Claus

And I bring gifts to everyone:

Brother, sister, dog.

And who else? Why?


And I am the accusative case,

And I blame it all on the ignorant.

But I love excellent students,

And I give them high fives.

Whom call in What play,

I can give the guys some advice.


I am the instrumental case

Filled with all kinds of hope.

Create How? , create By whom?

I will advise you without any problems.


And I am the PREPOSITIONAL case.

My case is complicated!

I don't like light without excuses.


Oh yes, we need excuses

I have no way without them!

And nouns also loved to play word games. Common nouns named objects, and proper nouns gave them names.

dog Sharik

Study with a smile

Make jokes while you study!

Any error

Will disappear, afraid

Happy Science

And joyful eyes.

Learn without boredom -

Collection of grammatical tales for elementary school

Noskova Natalya Yurievna
Description. I bring to your attention grammatical fairy tales, collected by me in the “Collection of grammatical fairy tales” for use in Russian language lessons. This material will be useful for primary school teachers. The collection contains the following grammatical tales: “ Ambulance"", "Two sisters", "Two princesses", "Once upon a time Spelling...", "Good suffix", "Suffix-dreamer", "Cat and bow", "Fairy tale-joke", "Ancestors", "Stressed and unstressed" , “The Tale of the prefix and ending”, “The Tale of nouns with sibilants at the end (zh, sh, h, sch), “The Tale of case”, “The Tale of voiced and voiceless consonants”, “The Tale of the letter h”, “ The Tale of the Dividing Signs b and b".
Purpose. The material will help the teacher to diversify the lesson, and students to master the knowledge of spelling patterns studied in the Russian language program.
Target: assisting the teacher in selecting material for lessons.
Tasks:- guide teachers towards the use of grammatical fairy tales
- make it easier for students to memorize spellings with the help of fairy tales
- promote the development of interest in the Russian language

Collection of grammatical tales

The child enters the spiritual
the lives of those around him
people only through
through the father's language.

K. D. Ushinsky
1. Ambulance
An alarm bell rang at the emergency room. An urgent call was received. Ambulances raced across the country of Grammar. And this is what happened.
On the edge of the sheet lay a word, mangled in red ink. The fact is that some careless schoolboy decided to move it, since it did not fit on the line. He, of course, remembered that words are carried by syllables, but he forgot that he should not separate initial letter root along with the prefix. And the word turned out to be mutilated: Poz-nal. Ambulance specialists immediately corrected the error. And the boy never committed such offenses again, since he knew the rules of hyphenation.
2. Two sisters
In one of the cities in the country of Grammar, prefixes lived on Word Formation Street. These were the sister prefixes PR and PR. The PRI prefix was kind and affectionate. She wanted to caress everyone and caress them.
Her sister Prefix PRE was of a completely different character. She persecuted everyone, wanted to turn them into her slaves.
And then at the very first meeting of the consoles they began to discuss the behavior of the PRE console. The prefix RAZ said: “And your mother, the prefix PERE, was not as evil as you.” Why did you change the word “transfer” into the word “betray”? Aren `t you ashamed?"
The prefix PRE realized its guilt and began to form new words, such as “beautiful”, “lovely”.
The PRE prefix has improved. She forms many words with different meanings, and there are fewer and fewer “evil” words.
3. Two princesses
Once upon a time there lived and studied in the fifth grade a girl Ira. Happened to her once strange story. One evening Ira was writing an essay. The door opened slightly, and Ira screamed in surprise. A majestic woman with a stern face was approaching her. The whole room was transformed. It turned into a huge hall, along the walls of which long shelves stretched. The woman said, "Girl, you're in trouble. great country. I am the queen of this country. My name is Grammar. I have two princesses. One is called PRE, and the other is PRI. These are very crafty girls. They are difficult to distinguish from each other. If you don’t solve their riddles, you will become a servant of the ugly Lady Illiteracy.” The queen disappeared, and in front of Ira stood two young princesses and an old woman with an evil face - Mrs. Illiteracy.
In the silence, the old woman’s unpleasant voice was heard: “Guess, girl, which of these princesses is PR and which is PR.” A beautiful girl approached Ira, who was superior to her sister in everything, and in a voice full of greatness and pride, said: “I can do anything, I am very wise and very stupid, I am very strong and very weak, I am very kind and very evil. Who am I?"
Ira smiled and calmly said: “The first of you, Your Excellency, is PR, and the second is PR.”
Mrs. Illiteracy, grumbling, trudged to the corner of the hall. The princesses took Ira by the hand and led her to the window, beyond which stretched the land of the Great Russian Language, full of beautiful mysteries, amazing secrets and adventures, where happy is the one who respects the laws of this country.
4. One day Spelling...
One day, spelling exposed all the prefixes. The first were those that had four letters in their composition, then three, and then two and one. The very first was PERE, who was very proud of her position.
- I am the leader among you, I will want and force everyone to redo everything! – she told the others.
The king of Word Formation heard her and said:
- It’s not the place that colors the prefix, but its meaning. You OVER-, give the words only two: “too” and “do it again.” But your close relative, the prefix PRI-, although smaller than you by a whole letter, has four meanings.
The prefix PERE- thought. She really didn’t want to lag behind the PRI- prefix. And so, when Graphics, at the request of Spelling, rewrote all the words starting with the letter P, PERE- threw herself on her knees in front of the king:
- ABOUT, wise king! I, like the prefix PRI-, want to be meaningful, that is, multi-meaningful. I want to retrain.
“Okay,” the king answered after thinking.
- But because you are so envious, we will reduce you by one letter. Now you will become the prefix PRE -, and will be used in the meaning of “re” - and in the meaning, close to the word"Very".
This is how the prefix PRE - appeared in the Russian language.
Let's, guys, be very attentive and attentive when we need to write words with the prefix PRE- and PR.
5. Good suffix
Once upon a time, words lived in the world. But they were not the same as they are now. These words were distinguished by their special firmness and determination and did not allow themselves any tenderness. These were drums, chairs, bells and many others of the same nature.
But then the suffix “CHIK” appeared. He was so affectionate and kind that all words that approached him turned into as kind and affectionate as the suffix itself. "CHIK" still had very important feature: as soon as he entered the words, they immediately became tiny. Instead of a powerful bell, the result was a wonderfully ringing bell, and even a large green cucumber turned into an elegant cucumber.
So the suffix “CHIK” traveled, and by his will the words were made by kids.
Many years have passed, and the suffix “CHIK” has gained a lot of experience. He began not only to shorten words and make them kind, but also to form words-professions. From the roots “FLIGHT” and “CHIK” he formed the profession “Pilot”, from the root “LOAD” - the profession “LOADER”.
Now the suffix “CHIK” is no longer young. But it still works well and serves people. And indeed, a person cannot do without it! Suffix performs double role: he reduces objects, makes them kind and affectionate and forms words that are the names of professions.
6. Suffix-fantasizer
Once upon a time there was a suffix ЁР-. And he worked in the theater. He was a jack of all trades. In the theater he had several specialties.
When he put on a black tailcoat with a white shirtfront, he turned into an important conductor.
The actor from YOR was excellent. He did not need the help of a make-up artist, since he himself was a skilled craftsman.
Sometimes Yoru had to be a backup. Thanks to his excellent memory, he remembered all the roles in the play.
Yor's diction was excellent, and sometimes he replaced the sick prompter.
And often he stood in the ticket office and let in all the children who wanted to get into the theater, even without tickets.
During the intermission he was a deft juggler. And all the children were amazed at how balls, plates, weights and hoops obeyed him.
This suffix ЁР was such a dreamer.
7. Cat and bow
Once upon a time there lived a little kitten in the country of Grammar. He was so tiny that everyone constantly stepped on his tail and paws. Out of disappointment, the kitten even stopped playing. And so he, poor thing, wanted to become an adult cat!
One day he sat sadly next to his master Vova, who was doing his homework in the Russian language. By chance, the kitten looked at the textbook and immediately cheered up. It turns out there is a very simple way to grow. The next day, the kitten tied the suffix “ISCH” together with a bow. He went out for a walk, and everyone gasped: “What a cat!”
8. Fairy tale-joke
The red cat was sleeping on a log, and his tail hung down. A rogue gray cat ran past. He took it and pulled the old cat by the tail. He woke up, opened his eyes and moved his mustache. And the cat was a coward. As soon as I saw what paws the cat had, what claws, he immediately ran to his mother’s house. And the cat yawned, first closed one eye, then the other, and fell asleep again. The little naughty boy also fell asleep to the affectionate song: “Sleep, my good boy, sleep, my little bunny: bainki-bayu!”
9. Ancestors
One day, two numerals were traveling from the land of Arithmetic to the land of Grammar. Eleven and Twelve. We got tired along the way and sat down to rest under the spreading Seven. So Twelve asks: “Tell me, why do you write with two Hs, and I with one?” Eleven replied: “This is very interesting story which happened a long time ago.
Once upon a time, our ancestors were not like us and were written in three words: ONE BY TEN and TWO BY TEN. Later they decided that it was more convenient to live in one word, and they connected. This is how two N appeared in the numeral Eleven - one from the root, and the other from the former preposition.”
10. Shocked and unstressed
- Oh, hello!
- Sorry, I'm not A, but O.
- Oh, that means namesake! And your voice is just like A.
- Take my place, then let's see what kind of voice you have.
- What kind of place is this?
- Periphery. You’re in the center, you get all the attention, but who remembers about me?
The conversation takes place in a word between two vowels: Stressed O and Unstressed O.
“Of course,” Unstressed complains, my syllable is wrong. It's easy to sound in your position. I wouldn't sound like that if I were you!
“But I’m using emphasis,” Udarny reminds.
- Stand under the stress and sound. Who's stopping you?
The unstressed person makes some sound, more reminiscent of A than O, and falls silent.
- So we agreed? - Shock does not calm down. - You will become a shock, and I will become an unstressed one...
Unstressed is silent. He frowns. He doesn't want to answer. He doesn't want to change. Who wants to put themselves at risk?
11. A Tale of Prefix and Ending
“The root of the word lives calmly, serenely,” I say. - He brings everyone together, makes them relatives, and does not change under any circumstances. But suddenly the ending showed off:
- If it weren’t for me, it would be pure nonsense. I love the words end. Without an end there would be no word. Here's the thing: I regulate all speech. I am also a relative of the word, I help them to be friends, to merge into one legitimate thought.
And then a voice is heard:
- Wait, don’t rush to brag, I, too, have been assigned to the root and will be left with him forever. They call me PRESCRIPTION, I change the meaning of the word, but without the root - nowhere. We cannot be separated from the roots. I am addressing you guys: “Do not separate from the root anywhere and never.”
12. A tale about nouns with sibilants at the end (zh, sh, h, sch)
Once upon a time there were three genders: Male, Female and Middle.
One day the middle family heard an argument. Masculine and Feminine were arguing. They could not divide the b sign among the hissing consonants Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch. And then Neuter gender offered to resolve the dispute. He said: “Men are roarers! Yield the soft sign to the Feminine gender.” The dispute ended peacefully. The masculine gender gave way to the feminine gender b.
Since then, in feminine nouns singular at the end, after the hissing consonants Ж, Ш, Ш, Ш, it is written ь, and in the Masculine gender there is no soft sign.
13. Tale of the Case
He had not yet been born, but they were already thinking about what name to give him and decided to call him nominative.
Born - became a parent. He liked this name even more.
He was a baby, everything was given to him, and he became dative.
But he was a big mischief-maker, they blamed him for all sorts of tricks, and he became accusatory.
Then he grew up, began to do good deeds, and they called him creative.
He began to offer his help to everyone, soon everyone started talking about him and now called him prepositional.
That’s exactly what they said when they remembered him, they even sang a song with the refrain:
Nominative, Genitive,
Dative, Accusative,
Creative, Prepositional.

14. A Tale of Voiced and Voiceless Consonants
Once upon a time there were paired voiced and voiceless consonants. We lived together. But one day, when composing words, voiced consonants ended up at the end of words. And a quarrel began between them, because the voiced consonants lost their sonority and began to be heard as voiceless.
The vowels heard this quarrel, they came to the rescue, and reconciled the paired consonants. As soon as the vowels stood near the consonants, the consonants began to be heard clearly, and there was no longer any doubt about their spelling.
Remember, children! To correctly write paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words, you need to call on the vowels for help.
15. The Tale of the Letter H
One day the letters went into the forest to pick mushrooms. When they returned, the letter I boasted: “I picked the most mushrooms, I, I, I, I have the best mushrooms, I, I, I...”.
The letters got angry: “We lived so friendly, no one was arrogant among us.” And the letters decided to punish the letter I, sending it to the very end of the alphabet. But then the Letter U began to fuss and began to defend the letter Y. The letters and it were sent to the end of the alphabet. ,Then the letter Ch came out and said that he would never stand next to the arrogant ones I and Yu, but would be friends with A and U.
Remember, guys, we write the syllable CHA with the letter A, and the syllable CHU we write with the letter U.
16. The tale of the dividing signs b and b
Once upon a time there lived a boy, Neznaykin. He was in 3rd grade.
Once Neznaykin was writing a dictation. “Sat down” the porridge; “drinking” water; I’ll enter “semka”; “to score a Kolya,” he diligently deduced.
- Oh oh oh! – the incorrectly written words were frightening.
“You can’t show yourself in public like this: they’ll laugh at us!”
- What happened to you? – Neznaykin was surprised.
- You don’t know anything! - the letters e, e, yu, i were grieving.
- In these words we denote two sounds [ye], [yu], [yo], [ya], but we do this only with the help of the b sign, which is placed in front of us after prefixes that end in a consonant. After soft sign, which is placed before the vowels e, ё, yu, ya, i.
You have lost such helpers, and now everyone thinks that we designate one sound [e], [u], [o], [a], and they read it incorrectly.
Neznaykin was very embarrassed and blushed. He carefully took the signs and put them in place. Since then, he began to be very attentive to those letters that mean nothing, but help others.
Dear colleagues, good luck to you! Home > Fairy tale



Once upon a time there was one country in the world. It was called Nounno. And there were three cities: the First Declension, the Second Declension and the Third Declension. All the inhabitants of Noun were ruled by a king. He classified everyone as masculine, feminine or neuter, and then decided who would live in which city. In the first city, he settled male and female residents whose names ended in A and Z. The most famous in the First Declension were Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle. In the second city, the king settled male inhabitants whose names were with zero ending, and the neuter gender, whose names ended in O and E. Window, Sea, Horse, and others lived in the Second Declension. And in the third city the king settled only ladies. Their names had a zero ending. Everyone knew girls with the names Pech and Steppe. Everyone lived happily, without quarreling, until one day new residents arrived in the country. There were twelve of them: Burden, Time, Udder, Banner, Name, Flame, Tribe, Seed, Stirrup, Crown, Path, Child. The king settled them in three cities, and life continued. But the country was not at peace for long. Quarrels, scandals, and conflicts have become more frequent. Various rumors circulated throughout the country. And the new settlers were to blame for it all. The king was greatly disturbed by what had happened. It used to be quiet peaceful country, and now even civil wars started! The king realized that it was all a matter of incorrect settlement. And he decided to create the village of Raznosklonyayemoye, where he sent twelve new settlers. Conflicts between residents have ceased. And they began to live and live, yesgood to make money.

Panyukova Natalya, 7th grade

  1. Writing a linguistic fairy tale 20


    There is little that can surprise a modern schoolchild, much less interest him. This is especially true for rules, definitions, and spellings, which seem monotonous, boring and tedious to students and become their main nuisance, reducing

  2. F. M. Dostoevsky created the novel “Demons” as a description of “recent and strange events”, as a “chronicle”, “history”. For the classic of Russian literature, documentary accuracy and the listing of historically important details were important.


    When writing a stage montage based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Demons" V.E. Maksimov widely used journalistic means expressiveness, giving the work its own modern interpretation.

  3. Teacher of Russian language and literature


    promote tolerance, personal responsibility for fulfilling teamwork, the desire to express yourself and enrich yourself with new knowledge.

  4. A grammatical fairy tale as a method of developing grammatical skills in elementary school (abstract)

    Fairy tale

    Today, teaching foreign languages ​​at school begins in the second grade. Studying foreign language V at this age useful for all children, regardless of their starting abilities, since it has an undeniable positive impact

  5. V. Ya. Propp. Historical roots of fairy tales


Advantages of using folk tale text:

1.Metaphorical, allegorical nature of a fairy tale, turning to fantasy allows you to “bypass” social prohibitions and in game form find a solution in a difficult situation.

2. The introduction of fantastic elements gives freedom to feelings and creates a harmonious composition in paradoxical situations.

3.The introduction of mythological elements actualizes archetypes and dynamic constructs of mythological consciousness, which activates the energy of the subconscious and creativity.

4. The mechanisms that generate dream images are the basis for the figurative “baggage” of fairy tales. This ensures the “intimacy” of the relationship between the fairy tale and inner world person.

Disadvantages of using folk tale texts:

1. A fairy tale plot takes a person away from contact with real world into the world of projections.

2 The use of even simple plots can include archetypes and create additional effects of “reverse paradoxical programming.”

3. The therapist is required good knowledge « figurative language subconscious."

4. The contradiction between everyday logic and the logic of mythological consciousness can create paradoxes.

5. Basic techniques for working with a fairy tale. Scheme for thinking about fairy tales and discussing them.

The fairytale therapist can offer the client different ways of how to work with the fairy tale. The most common ways are:

1. play the plot in roles and then reflect on feelings;

3. listen to the fairy tale, then draw illustrations, expressing it ready-made forms feelings;

4.working with feelings about plot moves and attitudes toward specific characters. (it is important who the client identifies with, who he opposes, why, what are the analogues of roles and experiences in life). The plot becomes “a set of ready-made projections.”

5. provoking “standard” feelings through living a story or through contact with a certain character.

6. direct programming of the experience of predicted experiences through contact with the plot of a fairy tale. For example, a fairy tale is told to a client while he is in a trance state. Or for a child at night.

When creating a story for each specific child, we use communication, suggestion on two levels.

First level It is based on storyline fairy tales, which must correspond to the child’s real life, his interests and hobbies, and also include all the characters in the conflict and, in a metaphorical form, a situation similar to the real one. At the same time, the plot of the fairy tale unfolds sequentially, starting with the beginning, outlining life and relationships fairy tale hero, through a crisis situation, when the hero (heroine) feels disappointed with the existing state of affairs, or it threatens his “status quo”, through a series of tests, when the hero tries a number of solutions, some of which do not lead to desired result. Finally, some solution to the problem acceptable to the fairy-tale hero is found. It is not a momentary act, but a consistent process through which characters bring about change. There are several options for making this change:

The problem is reframed as less significant or less threatening;

The hero discovers his inner potential, previously untapped;

There is access to external resources or an idea;

Choices and solutions to the problem that were not previously considered are proposed;

The motives or meanings of what is happening are reconsidered;

Variants are considered that behavior is necessary in some contexts and completely inadequate in others.

Next, it is necessary to give the hero of the fairy tale the opportunity to check the correctness of the chosen decision and the compliance of this decision with the needs of the character, as well as to connect it with the future of the hero and provide positive emotional reinforcement. Very often, psychotherapists draw plots for their stories from fairy tales, fables, parables, anecdotes, myths and legends, as well as from own practice and the practices of their colleagues.

Second level is use of words, affecting different sensory systems, which, as already noted, allows you to unblock the suppressed system and restore integrity and balance sensory perception child. Some psychotherapists, in particular Milton Erickson, the founder and unsurpassed master of the use of metaphors in psychotherapy, use hypnotic suggestion and trance when working with children. It is possible to introduce elements of suggestion into the very context of the story and highlight them either by intonation or by using the client’s name before conveying important information to him. In general, the technique of telling fairy tales and their specific language are of fundamental importance not only within the framework of this approach. One of the ways to make it easier for a child to perceive a fairy tale and identify with its character is to use of undefined, unspecified words and expressions. In this case, the child is given the opportunity to independently imagine, imagine a situation or event. For example, when using nouns or pronouns, it is better to use words like “all,” “every,” “many,” rather than specific names or titles. After all, the use of a specific name to some extent predetermines the emerging image; there is no doubt about what is being said in history and there is no opportunity to imagine everything in one’s own way.

The same goes for the use of verbs and modifiers. For example, the phrase: “The girl walked scared through the forest” allows each person to create in their imagination the image that is closer and more understandable to them, and to come up with their own reasons for this situation. Whereas the phrase “Little Red Riding Hood walked in fear through the forest, afraid of meeting a wolf” evokes a very specific image that may not coincide with the feelings and experiences of the child and may not cause an emotional reaction in him. It is always necessary to leave the child the opportunity for his own creative search and maximum identification with the hero in the process of perceiving a fairy tale. In addition, in the process of telling a fairy tale, it is effective to use pauses, change in intonation, volume, introduction own name client, especially before they are told important phrase, information that I would like to capture on a subconscious level. Very often, to relieve tension, anxiety, and resistance in children, fairy tales contain phrases like “All children do this,” “This always happens...”, etc.

Client fairy tales play a special role in the work of a fairytale therapist. Fairy tale therapy marks two important facts. First, all people know how to write fairy tales. That is, this skill is part of human nature. And the second fact suggests that simply writing the fairy tale itself has a powerful therapeutic effect.

T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva advises conducting a session on writing a client fairy tale in three stages: Slowdown. This creative action, associated with calming down and setting up for the further process of writing a fairy tale. At this stage, the client can be asked to draw a picture (make a sculpture, make an applique or collage), the therapist can read a specially selected fairy tale to the client, etc.

Writing a fairy tale. The client is asked to write a fairy tale. If he is experiencing difficulties, he can be encouraged to first using, material of the first stage.

Reading a fairy tale, ending. An important event in this session will be when the client reads his story to the therapist. This an important event, both for the client and for the therapist, because the client will experience excitement and excitement from presenting his creativity, and for the therapist it will be a meeting with the client’s internal phenomenology. For the therapist, after the client has read the fairy tale, it is important to ask what this fairy tale is about for the client, whether he liked it or not.

A client's fairy tale can be used for many therapeutic purposes, which can generally be divided into three groups: psychodiagnostic, psychocorrective, prognostic.