Antarctica has zero permanent residents. Continent Antarctica: interesting facts

The official date of the discovery of Antarctica as a continent is January 28, 1820. On this day, the Bellingshausen and Lazarev expedition approached Antarctica at 69°21"28" south latitude and 2°14"50" west longitude.

January 24, 1895, captain of the Norwegian ship "Antarctic" Christensen and teacher natural sciences Carsten Borchgrevink were the first to set foot on the continental part of Antarctica.

According to the Antarctic Convention, signed on December 1, 1959 and entered into force on June 23, 1961, cold continent does not belong to any country

Antarctica is the driest, windiest and coldest continent. In Antarctica, at the Russian Vostok station, the lowest temperature in the world was recorded - -89.2°C (-128.6°F).

Antarctica has telephone code+682 and domain top level. aq, as well as a flag (a white continent on a blue background) - but there is no institution of citizenship or government, since there is no permanent population.

February in Antarctica is the height of the short Antarctic summer and the most favorable time for Antarctic diving: at the end of February and beginning of March, wintering parties change.

There are more than 40 year-round research stations in Antarctica - of which five are Russian: Bellingshausen, Vostok, Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Progress - and three more former Soviet bases are mothballed, and the other eight are closed.

Antarctica is home to the cleanest sea on Earth - the Weddell Sea.

Beer, a refreshing and highly nutritious drink, is included in the mandatory diet of polar explorers working at stations in the Arctic and Antarctic.

In October 1999, an iceberg the size of London broke off from Antarctica.

There are no polar bears in Antarctica
Polar bears do not live in Antarctica, but in the Arctic. Penguins inhabit most of Antarctica, but it is unlikely that a penguin will encounter a polar bear in the wild. Polar bears are found in areas such as Canada's Northern Territory, Alaska, Russia, Greenland and Norway. Antarctica is too cold, that's why there are no polar bears. However, in Lately, scientists are starting to think about bringing polar bears to Antarctica as the Arctic gradually melts.

There are rivers in Antarctica. One of them is the Onyx River, which carries meltwater to the east. The Onyx River flows to Vanda Lake in Wright Dry Valley. Due to extreme climatic conditions it flows for only two months during the Antarctic summer. Its length is 40 km, and although there are no fish, microorganisms and algae live in this river.

The most dry place on Earth. One of the most interesting facts about Antarctica is the contrast between the dry climate and the amount of water (70 percent fresh water). This continent is the driest place on our planet. Even in the hottest desert peace is coming more rain than the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. In fact, on everything South Pole About 10 cm of precipitation falls per year.

Residents of Antarctica. There are no permanent residents in Antarctica. The only people Those who live there for a period of time are those who are part of temporary scientific communities. In summer, the number of scientists and support staff is about 5,000 people, while in winter no more than 1,000 people remain to work here.

Who owns Antarctica? There is no government in Antarctica, and no country in the world owns this continent. Although many countries have tried to gain ownership of these lands, an agreement has been reached that grants Antarctica the privilege of remaining the only region on Earth that is not governed by any country.

In search of meteorites. One of the interesting facts about this continent is the fact that Antarctica is the best place where you can find meteorites. Apparently, meteorites that land on the Antarctic ice sheet are better preserved than any other place on Earth. Fragments of meteorites from Mars are the most valuable and unexpected discoveries. Probably, the speed of release from this planet should have been about 18,000 km/h in order for the meteorite to reach Earth.

No time zones. This the only continent no time zones. Scientific communities in Antarctica tend to stick to the time that is associated with their home land, or align the time with the supply line that supplies them with food and important items. Here you can travel through all 24 time zones in a few seconds.

Animals of Antarctica. This is the only place on Earth where Emperor penguins can be found. These are the tallest and largest of all penguin species. Also, emperor penguins are the only species that breed during the Antarctic winter, while the Adélie penguin, compared to other species, breeds in the southernmost part of the continent. Of the 17 species of penguins, 6 varieties are found in Antarctica.
Despite the fact that for blue whales, killer whales and fur seals This continent is also hospitable; Antarctica is not rich in land animals. One of the most large forms The life here is an insect, the wingless midge Belgica antarctica, about 1.3 cm long. There are no flying insects here due to the extreme windy conditions. However, among penguin colonies you can find black springtails that hop around like fleas. In addition, Antarctica is the only continent that does not have native ant species.

Global warming. The largest landmass covered with ice is Antarctica, where 90 percent of the world's ice is concentrated. The average ice thickness on Antarctica is about 2133 m. If all the ice on Antarctica melts, the world's sea level will rise by 61 m. But the average temperature on the continent is -37 degrees Celsius, so there is no danger of melting yet. In fact, most of the continent will never experience temperatures above freezing.


1. The territory of Antarctica does not belong to anyone - not to any country in the world.

2. Antarctica is the southernmost continent.

3. Area of ​​Antarctica – 14 million 107 thousand square kilometers.

4. Antarctica has been depicted on maps since ancient times even before its official discovery. It was then called the “Unknown Southern Land” (or “Australis Incognita”).

5. The warmest time in Antarctica is February. This same month is the time for scientists to “change shifts” at research stations.

6. The area of ​​the continent of Antarctica is about 52 million km.

7. Antarctica is the second largest in area after Australia.

8. Antarctica has no government or official population.

9. Antarctica has a telephone code and its own flag. The outline of the continent of Antarctica itself is drawn on the blue background of the flag.

10. It is generally accepted that the first human scientist in Antarctica was the Norwegian Karsten Borchgrevink. But here historians disagree, because there is documentary evidence that Lazarev and Bellingshausen were the first to set foot on the continent of Antarctica with their expedition.

12. Antarctica has its own currency, valid only on the continent.

13. Antarctica officially recorded the lowest temperature in the world – 91.2°C below zero.

14. The maximum temperature above zero in Antarctica is 15°C.

15. average temperature in summer – minus 30-50°C.

16. No more than 6 cm of precipitation falls per year.

17. Antarctica is the only continent uninhabitable.

18. In 1999, an iceberg the size of London broke off from the continent of Antarctica.

19. Mandatory diet for workers scientific stations Antarctica includes beer.

20. Since 1980, Antarctica has been accessible to tourists.

21. Antarctica is the driest continent on the planet. In one of its areas - the Dry Valley - there has been no rain for about two million years. Oddly enough, there is no ice at all in this area.

22. Antarctica is the only habitat on the planet for emperor penguins.

23. Antarctica is an ideal place for those who study meteorites. Meteorites falling on the continent were preserved in their original form thanks to ice.

24. The continent of Antarctica does not have a time zone.

25. All time zones (and there are 24 of them) can be bypassed here in a few seconds.

26. The most common life form in Antarctica is the wingless midge BelgicaAntarctida. It is no more than one and a half centimeters long.

27. If the ice of Antarctica ever melts, the level of the world's oceans will rise by 60 meters.

28. In addition to the above, a global flood cannot be expected; the temperature on the continent will never rise above zero.

29. In Antarctica there are fish whose blood does not contain hemoglobin and red blood cells, so their blood is colorless. Moreover, the blood contains a special substance that allows it not to freeze even in the most low temperatures Oh.

30. No more than 4 thousand people live in Antarctica.

31. There are two active volcanoes on the continent.

32. In 1961, on April 29, in less than two hours, Leonid Rogozov, a doctor on the Soviet expedition to Antarctica, performed an operation on himself to remove appendicitis. The operation was successful.

33. Polar bears don’t live here – this is general delusion. It's too cold for bears here.

34.Only two types of plants grow here, flowering ones. True, they grow in the warmest zones of the mainland. These are: Antarctic meadow and Kolobantusquito.

35. The name of the continent comes from ancient word"Arktikos", which literally translates as "opposite the bear". The continent received this name in honor of the constellation Ursa Major.

36. Antarctica has the most powerful winds and the highest levels of solar radiation.

37. The cleanest sea in the world is in Antarctica: the transparency of the water allows you to see objects at a depth of 80 meters.

38. The first person born on the continent is Emilio Marcos Palma, Argentinean. Born in 1978.

39. In winter, Antarctica doubles in area.

40. In 1999, doctor Jerry Nielsen had to self-administer chemotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The problem is that Antarctica is a deserted place and isolated from the outside world.

41. Oddly enough, there are rivers in Antarctica. The most famous is the Onyx River. It flows only during the summer – that’s two months. The length of the river is 40 kilometers. There are no fish in the river.

42. Bloody Falls– is located in the Taylor Valley. The water in the waterfall took on a bloody hue due to high content iron that forms rust. The water in the waterfall never freezes because it is four times saltier than ordinary sea water.

43. Bones of herbivorous dinosaurs were found on the continent, which are already about 190 million years old. They lived there when the climate was warm, and Antarctica was part of the same continent, Gondwana.

44. If Antarctica were not covered with ice, the height of the continent would be only 410 meters.

45. The maximum ice thickness is 3800 meters.

46. ​​There are many subglacial lakes in Antarctica. The most famous of them is Lake Vostok. Its length is 250 kilometers, width is 50 kilometers.

47. Lake Vostok was hidden from humanity for 14,000,000 years.

48. Antarctica is the sixth and last discovered continent.

49. About 270 people have died since the discovery of Antarctica, including a cat named Chippy.

50. There are more than forty permanently operating scientific stations on the continent.

51. There are a huge number of abandoned places in Antarctica. The most famous is the camp founded by Robert Scott from Britain in 1911. Today, such camps have become a tourist attraction.

52. Wrecked ships were often found off the coast of Antarctica - mainly Spanish galleons of the 16th and 17th centuries.

53. In the area of ​​​​one of the regions of Antarctica (Wilkis Land) there is a giant crater from a meteorite fall (500 kilometers in diameter).

54. Antarctica – highest continent planet Earth.

55. If global warming continues, trees will grow in Antarctica.

56. Antarctica has huge reserves of natural resources.

57. The biggest danger for scientists on the continent is open fire. The dry atmosphere makes it very difficult to extinguish.

58. 90% of ice reserves are in Antarctica.

59. Above Antarctica, the largest ozone hole in the world is 27 million square meters. km.

60. 80 percent of the world's fresh water is concentrated in Antarctica.

61. Antarctica is home to a famous natural ice sculpture called the Frozen Wave.

62. No one lives in Antarctica permanently - only in shifts.

63. Antarctica is the only continent in the world where ants do not live.

64. The largest iceberg on the planet is located in the waters of Antarctica - it weighs approximately three billion tons, and its area exceeds the area of ​​the island of Jamaica.

65. Pyramids similar in size to the Pyramids of Giza have been discovered in Antarctica.

66. Antarctica is surrounded by legends about underground bases Hitler - after all, it was he who closely explored this area during the Second World War

67. The highest point of Antarctica is 5140 meters (Sentinel Ridge).

68. Only 2% of the land “peeks out” from under the ice of Antarctica.

69. Due to the gravity of the Antarctic ice, it is deformed southern zone earth, which makes our planet oval.

70. Currently, seven countries of the world (Australia, New Zealand, Chile, France, Argentina, Great Britain and Norway) are trying to divide the territory of Antarctica among themselves.

71. The only two countries that have never claimed the territory of Antarctica are the USA and Russia.

72. Above Antarctica there is the clearest part of the sky, best suited for space exploration and observing the birth of new stars.

73. Every year in Antarctica, a hundred-kilometer ice marathon is held - a race in the area of ​​​​Mount Ellsworth.

74. Mining has been banned in Antarctica since 1991.

75. The word “Antarctica” is translated from Greek as “the opposite of the Arctic.”

76. A special breed of tick lives on the surface of Antarctica. This mite can secrete a substance similar in composition to car antifreeze.

77. The famous Hell's Gate Canyon is also located in Antarctica. The temperature there drops to 95 degrees, and the wind speed reaches 200 kilometers per hour - these are unsuitable conditions for humans.

78. Before ice age Antarctica had a hot, tropical climate.

79. Antarctica influences the climate of the entire planet.

80. The installation of military facilities and the installation of nuclear power plants is strictly prohibited on the continent.

81. Antarctica even has its own Internet domain - .aq (which stands for AQUA).

82. The first regular passenger plane arrived in Antarctica in 2007.

83. Antarctica is an international protected area.

84. The surface of the McMurdo Dry Valley in Antarctica and its climate are very similar to the surface of the planet Mars, so NASA occasionally conduct test launches of their space rockets here.

85. 4-10% of polar scientists in Antarctica are Russian.

86. A monument to Lenin was erected in Antarctica (1958).

87. New bacteria unknown to modern science were discovered in the ice of Antarctica.

88. Scientists at Antarctic bases live so friendly that as a result, many interethnic marriages have been concluded.

89. There is an assumption that Antarctica is the lost Atlantis. 12,000 years ago, the climate on this continent was hot, but after an asteroid hit the Earth, the axis shifted, and the continent along with it.

90. An Antarctic blue whale eats about 4 million shrimp in one day - that's about 3,600 kilograms.

91. There is a Russian Orthodox Church in Antarctica (on Waterloo Island). This is the Church of the Holy Trinity near the Arctic station of Bellingshausen.

92. Apart from penguins, there are no land animals in Antarctica.

93. In Antarctica you can observe such a phenomenon as pearlescent clouds. This happens when the temperature drops to 73 degrees Celsius below zero.

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent on our planet with an area of ​​more than 14 million square kilometers and at the same time the least studied and mysterious of all seven continents. For many years, scientists have been wondering what is hidden under the ice of Antarctica and exploring the flora and fauna of the continent. In this topic I will introduce you to the most interesting facts about Antarctica.

Do you know where it is on Earth? Of course, you will say that this is the Sahara Desert, and you will be wrong. According to the definition, Antarctica, by all criteria, is a real desert, despite the fact that it is covered with a huge layer of ice - this ice has been on the continent for a very, very long time.

The largest one broke off from the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica on March 20, 2000. Its area is 11,000 square kilometers, its length is 295 kilometers and its width is 37 kilometers. The iceberg goes 200 meters deep and rises 30 meters above ocean level. Imagine the impressive size of this giant...

Have you heard of Icefish? They are the most cold-adapted creatures on the planet and the only white-blooded vertebrates. They are ideal for camouflaging against the background of glaciers because of their ghostly appearance. white. These creatures live at temperatures between +2°C and -2°C for 5 million years (-2°C is the freezing point of sea water)

If you drill into the ice of Antarctica, you will get a long cylinder of ice, which scientists call an ice core. Such ice cores are used by researchers to study the Antarctic, allowing them to go back tens of thousands of years into the past, providing valuable information about the Earth's climate throughout history. This way you can get water that was frozen during the time of Jesus Christ

The Antarctic ice sheet consists of 29 million cubic kilometers of ice. If all the ice in Antarctica melted, it would cause sea levels to rise by 60-65 meters. But don't worry - under current conditions it would take approximately 10,000 years.

Just 0.4 percent of Antarctica. The ice of Antarctica contains 90% of all ice on the planet and 60-70% of all fresh water in the world

During the feeding season in Antarctica, an adult blue whale eats approximately 4 million shrimp per day, which equates to 3,600 kg daily for 6 months

Antarctica is the best place in the world to find meteorites. Dark meteorites are easily detected against the background of white ice and snow and are not covered by vegetation. In some places, meteorites accumulate in large quantities thanks to the icy streams

At the beginning of winter, the sea begins to freeze, expanding by approximately 100,000 square kilometers per day. Ultimately this doubles the size of Antarctica. It's incredible how huge territory is formed and then disappears again from year to year

Approximately 0.03% of Antarctica is ice-free, an area called the Dry Valleys. The humidity here is extremely low. In fact, this is the driest place on the planet. The conditions here are close to those of Mars, which is why NASA astronauts often train here. There has been no rain in the Dry Valleys for over 2 million years

The most interesting fact is that approximately 200 million years ago Antarctica was one with South America, Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand on the only large continent called Gondwana. There was no ice cover, the climate was warm, trees grew, and large animals lived. All the secrets of Gondwana today are under the deep ice cover of Antarctica, and it is not so easy to unravel them...

Obviously, Antarctica is the largest, driest and coldest desert on the planet. However, every year many people who want to visit this continent arrive here as tourists. Have you ever wanted to visit here?

Antarctica is an eternally white continent that has remained unknown to humans for a long time. There are many interesting facts about Antarctica, some of which we will look at in this article. Just imagine, during the entire existence of our planet, only about 200,000 people have stayed on this continent. Now in Antarctica there are many scientific stations where specialists live for several years in a row studying the climate, geology, flora and fauna and much more.

1. The name "Antarctica" comes from Greek word, meaning "opposite to the north."

2. There is only one species of insects living in Antarctica and they are called “Belgica antarctica”

3. There is a city in Antarctica called Villa Las Estrellas. It operates Primary School, which has about 15 students. What is noteworthy is that students have free access to the Internet during lessons.

4. There are seven churches in Antarctica that are ready to welcome citizens every day.

5. In Antarctica there is a place called “Dry Valleys”. This region has not seen rain for almost 2 million years. The same applies to other precipitation.

6. Antarctica has 24 different time zones. The scientists who reside there adhere either to their homeland or to a food line that supplies them with food and equipment.

7. In 1912, three men set out to bring emperor penguin eggs from Antarctica to the UK. It was so cold on the continent that one of the men's teeth chattered so hard that they simply collapsed. When they returned to Britain, the National History Museum refused to accept the eggs.

8. In 1961 Soviet surgeon Leonid Rogozov was at the base in Antarctica along with other 15 members of the expedition. One day the doctor felt severe pain in the abdomen. He endured only a few hours, after which he decided to remove his appendix himself.

9. It rarely snows in Antarctica; it has simply accumulated over many years on the continent and does not melt due to low temperatures.

10. In 1996, a man from Norway crossed Antarctica. He traveled 1,864 miles, coast to coast. He walked the entire distance alone, without any outside support.

11. Another interesting fact about Antarctica - according to official data, in 2009, 11 children were born on the continent.

12.V geographical center There is a bust of Lenin in Antarctica.

13. There are 2 ATMs in Antarctica. They were installed back in 2000 at McMurdo Station, which is located 840 miles from the south pole.

14. 8 lay claim to Antarctica various countries, but “technically” it belongs to “science”.

15. Researchers suggest that conditions on Mars are the same as in the very center of Antarctica. Therefore, in order to experience the effects of extreme isolation, scientists will train as an astronaut in conditions close to those on the “red planet.”

16. "Antarctic dollars" are a collector's item. Their production is carried out by the specialized Financial Administration of Antarctica.

17. Under the ice of Antarctica there is a huge number of lakes, the largest of which is called Vostok. Scientists estimate that it has existed for more than 25,000,000 years, and it is located under 13,000 feet of ice. These are the richest waters in oxygen.

18. Archaeologists have discovered ancient turtle bones in Antarctica. This demonstrates that 45 million years ago, there was a tropical forest on the lands of Antarctica.

19. The coldest recorded temperature on Earth was in 1983 at Vostok Station, Antarctica. Scientists measured fairly cool weather, and the thermometer read -89.2°C (-128.6°F). But the highest temperature on record in Antarctica was 58.2 °F (14.5 °C).

20. The largest animal population in Antarctica includes penguins and seals.

21. If all the glaciers on the continent melt, the water level in the world's oceans will rise by 60 meters. This will lead to the extinction of many animals, the destruction of coastal cities, the flooding of islands, etc.

22. About 90% of the ice on Earth is in Antarctica. Wherein most of Antarctica is covered in ice more than 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) thick.

23. Chile has a civilian city in Antarctica that has a school, hospitals, dormitories, post office, internet and cell phone service.

24. By the way, another interesting fact about Antarctica, or rather an erroneous opinion, is that Eskimos and polar bears live in the Arctic.
25. In Antarctica you can enjoy the longest night and the longest day. This can be observed in areas where the temperature is not 60 degrees, in the south of the continent. There the Sun sets in March and rises in October.

26. Geologists suggest that there are a large number of minerals under the ice of Antarctica.

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