When victory was announced in 1945. One holiday - different dates

On this great day I would like to congratulate all WWII veterans and home front veterans on their holiday! Thank you endlessly for saving our country from fascism and it is only thanks to you that we live! We appreciate your righteous cause! Great praise and low bow to you! We appreciate it! We respect you! We remember!

On May 8, 1945 at 22:43 Central European time (May 9 at 00:43 Moscow time) in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst the Act of Military Surrender of the Germans was signed armed forces. On behalf of the German High Command, the act was signed by the Chief of Staff supreme command Wehrmacht Field Marshal W. Keitel, Commander-in-Chief naval forces Admiral of the Fleet von Friedeburg, Colonel General of Aviation G. Yu. Stumpf. The Soviet Union was represented by the Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, allies - chief marshal British Aviation A. Tedder. Present as witnesses were the commander of strategic air force US General K. Spaats and Commander-in-Chief French army General J. M. Delattre de Tassigny.

Signing of the Act on unconditional surrender German Armed Forces, Berlin. On the left at the table is the representative of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. May 8, 1945. ( Archive photos)
Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel signs the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany, Berlin. May 8, 1945. (Archive photos)

On May 8, 1945, even before the signing of the act of surrender, J.V. Stalin signed a decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR on the proclamation of May 9 as Victory Day.

“On the night of May 9, 1945, Muscovites did not sleep. At 2 a.m. the radio announced that an important message would be broadcast. At 2:10 a.m. Dr. Yuri Levitan read the Act of Military Surrender of Nazi Germany and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR declaring May 9 a Day of National Celebration - Victory Day. People ran out of their houses... joyfully congratulating each other on the long-awaited victory. Banners appeared. There were more and more people, and everyone moved to Red Square. A spontaneous demonstration began. Joyful faces, songs, dancing to the accordion. In the evening there was a fireworks display: thirty salvos from a thousand guns in honor of the great Victory” (war correspondent Alexander Ustinov).

On Red Square, Moscow. May 9, 1945. (Archive photos)

On that day, the Pravda newspaper wrote: “The ninth of May! Will never forget this day soviet man. How he will not forget June 22, 1941. Between these dates, a century passed. And as happens in folk epics, during this time the Soviet people grew fabulously. He grew up so that a Red Army soldier standing by a waving banner in Berlin is visible to the whole world. We did not wait for the twenty-second of June. But we longed for the day to come when the final blow would knock down the black monster that had insulted life. And we dealt this blow... My soul is incredibly joyful today. And the night sky over Moscow seems to radiate a reflection of the joy that the Soviet land is full of. We witnessed events about which volumes could be written. But today we fit them all into one word: victory!..”

On June 24, 1945, the first Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. The parade was hosted by Marshal G.K. Zhukov, the parade was commanded by Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky. Regiments of the Belorussian, Leningrad, Karelian, Ukrainian fronts, as well as a consolidated regiment Navy. The columns were headed by the commanders of these regiments. Heroes of the Soviet Union carried flags and banners of units that distinguished themselves in the war. At the end of the parade, 200 soldiers carried fascist banners bowed to the ground and threw them onto a special platform at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum.

Red Army troops at the Victory Parade, Moscow. (Archive photos)

From 1948 to 1964, May 9 was a regular working day. In the year of the 20th anniversary of the Victory, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree declaring May 9 a non-working holiday; On Red Square in Moscow, for the first time since the end of the war, a parade of troops and military equipment of the Moscow garrison was held

Until 1995, parades on Red Square on Victory Day were held only in anniversary years- in 1965, 1985 and 1990. Then they began to be held annually; Since 2008, military equipment has again begun to participate in parades.

And some more photos of that great one for:

Soviet tank crews on the IS-2 and T-34 rejoicing in victory, Berlin. May 9, 1945. (Archive photos)
Soviet soldiers on the streets of Berlin. May 1945. (Archive photos)
Echelon “We are from Berlin”. (Archive photos)
Meeting the Victory Banner at the airport in Moscow. The Victory Banner is carried through the Central Moscow Airfield on the day of its arrival in Moscow from Berlin. At the head of the column is Captain Varennikov. June 20, 1945. (Archive photos)


Victory Day! There is so much in these words. They contain the bitterness of tears and losses, and the joy of meetings and achievements. After all, the events of those terrible years touched every family, every person. And let it be from that Great Victory We are separated by many years, every year at the beginning of May all Russians remember with respect and awe the feat of their fathers and grandfathers. Let's remember how it all began and how the traditions of celebrating May 9 have changed over half a century.

For all residents of Russia and countries former Union One of the most important holidays is May 9 - Victory Day is celebrated by everyone, regardless of age and social status. Fortunately, many of us do not know the horrors of war, the hardships and troubles that people who went through the nightmare of the war years had to endure. But we understand perfectly well that this happiness is due precisely to those soldiers who did not return from the battlefield, as well as to the heroes who worthily reached have a nice day Victory.

Victory story

It took four years for Soviet troops to reach the day of victory over fascism. Four years that went down in history as greatest feat ordinary soldiers and officers, children and teenagers, old people and women who literally pulled out their right to a happy life with their teeth peaceful life. And not only your life, but also your children, grandchildren, that is, our peaceful life. And it is impossible to forget this feat.

Raising the flag over the Reichstag

And the most joyful, unforgettable event, of course, was and will always be Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

It was Victory Day that marked the complete surrender fascist troops. But this event was preceded by others no less important stages surrender.

By the end of April, Soviet troops came close to Berlin, where they encountered fierce resistance. Preliminary negotiations on May 1 about complete surrender did not yield results, which led to an assault on the central part of the city and battles for the main office. Despite heavy fighting, On May 2 the flag was raised over the Reichstag Soviet soldiers. By 15 o'clock, after a radio speech by the deputy of German propaganda, the remnants of the German garrison laid down their arms and surrendered. Thus Berlin capitulated, but it was not yet Victory.

The act of complete surrender was signed only five days later, so what? German command because of the pointlessness of continuing hostilities. Early in the morning of May 7, the document was signed by all parties to the military conflict. But General Ivan Susloparov, speaking from Soviet command, did not have permission from Moscow to endorse such historical documents.

Therefore, it was decided to sign the second act, but by authorized persons of all parties. Having everything legal rights the document is signed according to Central European time on May 8 at 22 hours 43 minutes, which corresponds to 0 hours 43 minutes on May 9 Moscow time.

It was this document that proclaimed the complete surrender of Germany.

history of the holiday

On the morning of May 9, Stalin signed the Decree of the Commander-in-Chief, which proclaimed May 9 as Victory Day.

The first celebration in 1945 was remembered by a grandiose fireworks display. The Victory Parade in honor of the end of the war was held in Moscow on June 24.

However, the solemn celebration of May 9 lasted only three years. In 1948, the holiday was abolished. Either in this way they wanted to smooth over the wounds of the terrible war years, or Stalin did not like the fact that the people associated the holiday with Marshal of Victory Zhukov.

However, the holiday has lost the solemnity and sublimity that was originally invested in it.

Literally before the start of Brezhnev's rule, Victory Day was a working day and was celebrated with fireworks and the standard 30 salvos from artillery guns.

Under Brezhnev, the approach to celebrating Victory Day changed dramatically. Since 1965, the holiday has again been declared a day off and the tradition of holding military parades has returned. The scale of solemnity of the events increased every year.

After the collapse of the Union amid political instability, the holiday was simply ignored for several years in terms of holding festive and traditional events. And only in 1995 the tradition of holding parades and processions on Victory Day was revived again. But literally until 2008 I did not participate in such parades military equipment.

One holiday - different dates

If in Russia and the countries of the former Union Victory Day is unconditionally perceived as May 9, then in European countries The holiday is usually celebrated on May 8th. This is due not so much to the confusion of dates, but to the difference in time when the Act of Surrender of Germany was signed. According to the time in Europe, the event happened on the night of May 8th.

Signing the act of surrender

The UN also made its contribution, which, with its resolution adopted in 2004, recommended that participating countries celebrate the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Second World War.

Therefore, in Europe, a holiday is celebrated in many countries on May 8, and it has a more tragic than joyful connotation.

Unfortunately, in the Baltic countries, in Ukraine, where Lately The vision of many historical events has changed dramatically; decisions were made at the government level to postpone and rename the holiday. But, as life shows, folk traditions and the memory is much stronger, and many people, as before, try to celebrate Victory Day according to the date set by their ancestors.

Celebration traditions

Today May 9 is one of the brightest and largest holidays in Russia. The celebration is held in all major cities and small populated areas countries. Music from the war years plays everywhere and military themes, people take to the streets to lay flowers at monuments, graves, and also congratulate veterans. But for the front-line soldiers, of whom there are only a few left, this is also a day of bitterness, a day of remembrance of the horrors they suffered and their fallen comrades.

Victory Day Parade

By main square countries and in large hero cities there are various army units, as well as modern military equipment. Aviation also takes part in the parade. War veterans, representatives of the state government, as well as guests of the country are present at the parade as guests of honor.

Laying of flowers and moment of silence

Each city has its own places of military glory.

It is to such memorials and monuments, monuments and burials, monuments to the Unknown Soldier and the Eternal Flame, other historical and memorable places all day long people come to bow and lay flowers, wreaths, and baskets. During ceremonial layings, the event is accompanied by a minute of silence. This is a tribute of respect and respect to those heroes who laid down their lives for the sake of peace, for the sake of Victory.

This is a young tradition that in just a couple of years has spread not only to all cities of Russia, but has also gained recognition in many countries around the world.

Millions of children and grandchildren take to the streets of cities with portraits of their fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, who were directly involved in the approach of the Great Victory. A real " immortal regiment", since these heroes will always be alive in our memory.

Campaign for Victory Day “I remember! I'm proud!" appeared back in 2005. This motto does not require much explanation, and the symbol of the action was the St. George or Guards ribbon.

To remind the younger generation of the valiant feat of our ancestors, this tradition of tying a ribbon on Victory Day appeared. But attacks by some states on this harmless attribute involuntarily made the St. George ribbon a real symbol of victory.


In the evening, after the main ceremonial events, large-scale festive fireworks are always held in large cities.

Hundreds, thousands of balls fly up into the sky, scattering into millions of sparks, illuminating the sky above the cities and creating an unforgettable spectacle. Volleys are fired from special artillery guns. It is this event that creates a truly unique feeling of unity, a feeling of gratitude that inevitably awakens in the hearts of people during the Victory Salvos.


Dear veterans, all our words and congratulations on Victory Day are intended for you. We bow at your feet and thank you for our peaceful sky. We wish you good health And peace of mind. And we promise that we will do everything so that our children and grandchildren remember this day and never know the horrors of war.

May 9 is a day of sorrow and a day of joy. We mourn the dead, those who sacrificed their lives for our well-being. We rejoice at Victory, the greatest victory of good over evil, faith in life over fascism, good over the “black plague.” After all, on that distant spring day, something happened that millions of people had been working toward for four years, suffering losses and suffering from grief. And today we rejoice at our victory, we are proud that we are followers of the great winners.

Tears and joy in our eyes,

There is simply no more joyful holiday.

Flowers for veterans in our hands,

Thank you for a life without troubles.

There will be fireworks today,

With victory, everyone repeats,

We march with pride in the eternal regiment,

The pain will not subside, but our memory is alive,

It becomes stronger over the years.

How much trouble that war brought,

What a blessing that victory was ours.

Many days, minutes, years.

Victory was brought closer as best we could.

And now the trouble has disappeared forever,

Everyone was happy and rejoicing.

Congratulations today to those who survived,

We bow our knees before you,

And let's remember the dead, and keep silent,

Swallowing tears of bitterness.

We will say thank you for a world without war,

Thank you all for the victory,

Thanks to all those who did not return from the war,

Thanks to my father and grandfather.

Larisa, April 27, 2017.

May 9 is not just a holiday, it is one of the great days, revered not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world that suffered from the invaders. Victory Day is a holiday important for every family and every citizen. It's hard to find someone who hasn't been touched in any way terrible war, which claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians. This date will never be erased from history, it will remain forever in the calendar, and will always remind of those terrible events and the great defeat of the fascist troops, which stopped the hell.

History of May 9 in the USSR

The first Victory Day in history was celebrated in 1945. Exactly at 6 a.m., the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR designating May 9 as Victory Day and assigning it the status of a day off was solemnly read out over all loudspeakers in the country.

That evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow - a grandiose spectacle at that time - thousands of anti-aircraft guns fired 30 victorious salvos. On the day the war ended, the city streets were filled with jubilant people. They had fun, sang songs, hugged each other, kissed and cried with happiness and pain for those who did not live to see this long-awaited event.

The first Victory Day passed without a military parade; for the first time this solemn procession took place on Red Square only on June 24. They prepared for it carefully and for a long time - for a month and a half. On next year the parade became an integral attribute celebrations.

However, the magnificent celebration of Victory Day lasted only for three years. Beginning in 1948, in a country destroyed by Nazi troops, the authorities considered it necessary to prioritize the restoration of cities, factories, roads, educational institutions and Agriculture. Allocate considerable funds from the budget for a magnificent celebration of the most important historical event and refused to provide additional days off to workers.

L. I. Brezhnev made his contribution to the return of Victory Day - in 1965, on the twentieth anniversary of the Great Victory, May 9 was again colored red in the USSR calendar. This important memorable day was declared a holiday. Military parades and fireworks have resumed in all hero cities. Veterans, those who forged victory on the battlefield and behind enemy lines, enjoyed special honor and respect on the holiday. War participants were invited to schools, higher education educational establishments, they organized meetings with them at factories and warmly congratulated them on the streets with words, flowers and warm hugs.

Victory Day in modern Russia

IN new Russia Victory Day remains a Great holiday. On this day, citizens of all ages, without coercion, go in an endless stream to monuments and memorials, laying flowers and wreaths at them. Performances by famous and amateur artists take place in squares and concert venues; mass celebrations last from morning until late at night.

By tradition, military parades are held in hero cities. And in the evenings the sky lights up with festive fireworks and modern fireworks. A new attribute of May 9 was the St. George's ribbon - a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery. The ribbons were first distributed in 2005. Since then, on the eve of the holiday, they have been distributed free of charge in in public places, shops, educational institutions. Each participant proudly wears a striped ribbon on his chest, paying tribute to those who died for the Victory and peace on earth.

Every country, every people has its own main holiday, which has been celebrated annually for a long time. It unites the nation with a sense of pride in the valiant deeds of their ancestors, which will remain in the memory of their descendants forever. There is such a holiday in Russia too. This is Victory Day, which is celebrated on May 9th.

A little history

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 and lasted 4 long years. We've been through a lot soviet people over the years fascist occupation, but still they won. The people paved the way for Victory Day with their own hands. Only thanks to his dedicated work and military merits, the Soviet Union was able to win this war, although it was not easy to do.

The final breakthrough, which led to the end of hostilities with Germany, was very long and difficult. Soviet troops began advancing in the area of ​​Poland and Prussia in January 1945. The Allies were not far behind. They quickly moved towards Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany. According to many historians of that and present times, Hitler's suicide, which occurred on April 20, 1945, predetermined the complete defeat of Germany.

But the death of the mentor and leader did not stop Nazi troops. The bloody battles for Berlin, however, led to the fact that the USSR and its allies defeated the Nazis. Victory Day is a tribute to the heavy price paid by the ancestors of many of us. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed on both sides - only after this did the German capital capitulate. This happened on May 7, 1945; contemporaries remembered that significant day for a long time.

Price of Victory

About 2.5 million soldiers were involved in the assault on Berlin. Losses Soviet army were huge. According to some reports, our army lost up to 15 thousand people per day. 325 thousand officers and soldiers died in the Battle of Berlin. There was a real bloody war. Victory Day was, after all, the day whose first celebration was just around the corner.

Since the fighting took place within the city, soviet tanks could not maneuver widely. This only played into the hands of the Germans. They used anti-tank weapons to destroy military equipment. In a matter of weeks Berlin operation was lost by the Soviet Army:

  • 1997 tanks;
  • more than 2000 guns;
  • about 900 aircraft.

Despite huge losses in this battle, our troops defeated the enemies. The Day of the Great Victory over the Nazis was also marked by the fact that about half a million German soldiers were captured in this battle. The enemy suffered heavy losses. Soviet troops a huge number were destroyed German units, namely:

  • 12 tank;
  • 70 infantry;
  • 11 motorized divisions.


According to main sources, about 26.6 million people died in the Great Patriotic War. This number was determined by the demographic balance method. This number includes:

  1. Those killed as a result of military and other enemy actions.
  2. Persons who left the USSR during the war, as well as those who did not return after its end.
  3. Died by reason higher level mortality during military operations in the rear and in the occupied territory.

As for the gender of the people who died and died during the Second World War, most of them were men. The total number is 20 million people.

Public Holiday

Kalinin signed a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that May 9 - Victory Day - is Public Holiday. It was declared a day off. At 6 a.m. Moscow time, this decree was read out on the radio by a nationally known announcer, Levitan. On the same day, a plane landed on Red Square in Moscow, delivering the act of surrender of Germany.

In the evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow - the largest in the history of the USSR. 30 salvos were fired from a thousand guns. It took a long time to prepare for the first celebration dedicated to Victory Day. The holiday was celebrated like no other in the Soviet Union. People on the streets hugged and cried, congratulating each other on their victory.

The first military parade took place on Red Square on June 24. Marshal Zhukov received him. The parade was commanded by Rokossovsky. Regiments from the following fronts marched along Red Square:

  • Leningradsky;
  • Belarusian;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Karelsky.

A combined regiment of the Navy also passed through the square. Commanders and Heroes of the Soviet Union walked ahead, carrying flags and banners of military units that distinguished themselves in battle.

At the end of the military parade on Red Square, Victory Day was marked by the fact that two hundred banners were carried and thrown at the Mausoleum defeated Germany. Only after time had passed did the military parade begin to be held on Victory Day - May 9.

Period of oblivion

After the war, the country's leadership considered that the Soviet people, tired of fighting and bloodshed, should forget those events a little. And strange as it may seem, it is a custom to celebrate such important holiday didn't last long. In 1947, a new scenario for Victory Day was introduced by the country's leadership: it was completely canceled, and May 9 was recognized as an ordinary working day. Accordingly, all festivities and military parades were not held.

In 1965, in the year of the 20th anniversary, Victory Day (May 9) was restored and again recognized as a national holiday. Many regions of the Soviet Union held their own parades. And this day ended with the usual fireworks display for everyone.

The collapse of the USSR soon followed, which led to the emergence various conflicts, including on political topics. In 1995, full celebration of Victory Day was resumed in Russia. In the same year, as many as 2 parades took place in Moscow. One was on foot and took place on Red Square. And the second was carried out using armored vehicles, and it was observed on Poklonnaya Hill.

The official part of the holiday takes place traditionally. On Victory Day, words of congratulations are heard, followed by the laying of wreaths and flowers at the monuments and memorials of the Great Patriotic War, and the obligatory evening fireworks crown the celebration.

Victory Day

In our country there is no more touching, tragic and at the same time glorious holiday than Victory Day. It is still celebrated annually on May 9th. No matter how much they change last years facts of our history, this day remains beloved by everyone, a dear and bright holiday.

On May 9, millions of people remember how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought, not sparing their lives, with enemies who decided to conquer the Soviet Union. They remember those who worked hard in factories producing equipment and weapons for the military. People were starving, but they held on because they understood that future victory over them depended only on their actions. fascist invaders. It was these people who won the war, and thanks to their generation, today we live under peaceful skies.

How is Victory Day celebrated in Russia?

On this day, rallies and demonstrations take place. Flowers and wreaths are laid at the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They honor veterans and participants in those distant and at the same time so close events. In general, the same scenario always awaits us on this day. On Victory Day, in many countries there are no noisy parties, and no firecrackers are set off in the evenings. But this date enters the young hearts of Russians with black-and-white newsreels about that time, with soul-stirring songs about a cramped dugout, about the frontline path and the soldier Alyosha forever frozen over the mountain.

May 9 is a holiday of a proud, victorious people. 70 years have passed since the first celebration of Victory Day. But until now this date is sacred for every Russian person. After all, there is not a single family that would not be touched by the grief of loss. Millions of soldiers went to the front, thousands of people remained to work in the rear. The entire people rose to defend the Fatherland, and they managed to defend the right to a peaceful life.

An invariable attribute of the Victory Day holiday

Over the years, the holiday acquired its own traditions. In 1965, the banner was carried out at a parade dedicated to the great date. It remained immutable attribute holiday that symbolized Victory Day. This banner is still extremely significant today: parades are still full of red banners. Since 1965, the original Victory attribute was replaced with a copy. The first banner can be seen in Central Museum Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Also, the constant colors that accompany May 9 are black and yellow - symbols of smoke and flame. George Ribbon since 2005, it has been a constant reflection of gratitude for peace and respect for veterans.

Heroes are winners

Every year Russia celebrates a peaceful spring. Only, unfortunately, front-line wounds, time and illness are inexorable. Today, out of every hundred victors in the Great Patriotic War, only two people remain alive. And this is a very sad statistic, especially for those who were born only after Victory Day began to be celebrated. Veterans are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who still remember those war years. They need to be treated with special attention and honor. After all, it was they who made the sky above our heads become and remain peaceful.

Time treats everyone mercilessly, even valiant heroes harsh war. Year by year, the number of participants in those terrible events becomes less and less. But, as before, they go out into the streets with orders and medals on their chests. Veterans meet each other and reminisce old times, remember friends and relatives who died in those years. Elderly people visit graves Unknown Soldier, Eternal flame. They travel to places of military glory, visit the graves of comrades who did not live to see us bright days. We must not forget about the significance of feats that they have in relation to each individual fate and to world history in general. More will pass a little time, and witnesses and participants of that bloody war there won't be any left at all. Therefore, it is important to be very sensitive to this date - May 9.

Let's remember our ancestors

The main wealth of each human soul- This is the memory of our ancestors. After all, in order for us to live now and be who we are, many generations of people created our society. They made life as we know it.

The memory of the departed is priceless. The heroism of the victors of World War II cannot be assessed. We do not know all these great people by name. But what they accomplished cannot be measured by any material benefit. Even without knowing their names, our generation remembers them not only on Victory Day. We say words of gratitude every day for our peaceful existence. The most a large number of flowers - expressed testimony people's memory and admiration - precisely at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Eternal Flame always burns here, as if to say that although names remain unknown, human feats are immortal.

Everyone who fought in the Great Patriotic War did not fight for their own well-being. People fought for the independence and freedom of their homeland. These heroes are immortal. And we know that a person is alive as long as he is remembered.

The Second World War left a huge and unforgettable mark on the history of our country. For 70 years now, we have been annually remembering this great May. Victory Day is a special holiday on which the memory of those who died is honored. In the vastness of Russia, a lot of memorials dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War have been created. And all monuments are different. There are both inconspicuous obelisks in small villages and huge monuments in large cities.

Here are some buildings famous throughout the country and the world: dedicated to warriors WWII:

  • Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow.
  • Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.
  • Heroes Square in Novorossiysk.
  • Alley of Heroes in St. Petersburg.
  • Eternal Flame of Glory in Novgorod.
  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and much more.

Celebration with tears in your eyes

This significant and at the same time mournful holiday cannot be separated from the song “Victory Day”. It contains these lines:

"This Victory Day
The smell of gunpowder
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
This is joy
With tears in his eyes…"

This song is a kind of symbol great date- 9th May. Victory Day is never complete without it.

In March 1975, V. Kharitonov and D. Tukhmanov wrote a song dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The country was preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, and the Union of Composers of the USSR announced a competition to create the best song on the theme heroic events. A few days before the end of the competition, the work was written. It was performed at the last audition of the competition by D. Tukhmanov’s wife, poet and singer T. Sashko. But the song did not immediately become popular. Only in November 1975, at a holiday, dedicated to the Day police, the song performed by L. Leshchenko was remembered by the listener. After that, she gained the love of the whole country.

There are other performers of the famous “Victory Day”. This:

  • I. Kobzon;
  • M. Magomaev;
  • Yu. Bogatikov;
  • E. Piekha et al.

Victory Day will forever remain that holiday for Russians, which they celebrate with bated breath and tears in their eyes. Everlasting memory to the heroes!

25 years ago, the first announcer of “all radio stations of the Soviet Union,” the legendary Yuri Levitan, passed away. Yuri Borisovich gave to the radio broadcast most own life. During the Great Patriotic War his voice inspired hope and faith in victory Soviet people, V Peaceful time The top officials of the state “spoke” through his lips. Not a single broadcast of the parade on Red Square was complete without Yuri Levitan.

In his youth, Levitan could not imagine another profession for himself other than that of a film actor. But attempts to enter acting university turned out to be unsuccessful. Who would have imagined that in a few years the fame of this 17-year-old boy would eclipse many artists, and subsequently he would be awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR .

Then Levitan was already planning to return home to Vladimir. It is unknown what his fate would have been like if he had not come across an advertisement for a group of radio announcers.

So Yuri Levitan was enrolled in the group of trainees of the Radio Committee, where at first he was busy diligently getting rid of the Volodymyr dialect. Speech technique teacher Elizaveta Yuzvitskaya helped wean the native Vladimir resident away from “okonya.”

The training and lessons were not in vain; over time, Levitan’s speech improved so much that even the most meticulous specialists could not find any mistakes.

Soon an event occurred in Levitan’s life that changed his whole life. It so happened that on the day, or rather the night, when his debut as an announcer took place, Stalin was at the receiver. Levitan transmitted articles from Pravda. Hearing him, Stalin called the chairman of the USSR Radio Committee and said that the text of his report tomorrow at the 17th Party Congress opening in the morning should be read by the announcer who had just broadcast the articles.

A sealed package with Stalin's speech was brought to the studio at 12 noon. Yuri Levitan, white with excitement, read sacred text for five hours and didn't make a single mistake. The next day, the nineteen-year-old boy became the main announcer of the Soviet Union.

Levitan very soon gained recognition among his colleagues and superiors. Yurbor - that’s what colleagues respectfully called Levitan among themselves - from his first name and patronymic, Yuri Borisovich. From now on, the announcer had to report to management all the time where he was, so that the moment he appeared new speech Secretary General, he could be found.

There is a misconception that it was Levitan who was the first to read the message about the start of the war. In fact, this already textbook text was first read on the radio by Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, and Levitan repeated it some time later.

It is noteworthy that such marshals as Zhukov and Rokossovsky also wrote in their memoirs that the announcer Yuri Levitan was the first to convey the message. So this championship was retained by Levitan.

On the third day of the war - June 24, 1941 - the Soviet Information Bureau was created with the goal of "... covering in print and on radio international events, military operations on the fronts and the life of the country."

Every day throughout the war, millions of people froze in front of their radios at the words of Yuri Levitan “From Soviet information bureau..." General Chernyakhovsky once said : "Yuri Levitan could replace an entire division."

Adolf Hitler declared him his personal enemy number one and promised to “hang him as soon as the Wehrmacht enters Moscow.” A reward was even promised for the head of the first announcer of the Soviet Union - 250 thousand marks.

Few knew Yuri Borisovich's face. False rumors about his appearance were even spread around the city to protect the announcer. But one day this almost prevented Levitan from completing his task - to pronounce the most long-awaited words for millions of people in the country - a message about Victory.

In the evening, Levitan was summoned to the Kremlin and handed the text of the order. Supreme Commander-in-Chief about the Victory over Nazi Germany. It was supposed to be read in 35 minutes.

This is how Yuri Borisovich himself recalls this: “The radio studio from where such broadcasts were broadcast was located not far from the Kremlin, behind the GUM building. To get there, we had to cross Red Square. But in front of us was a sea of ​​​​people. With the help of the police and soldiers, they took us in battle about five meters, and then nothing.

“Comrades,” I shout, “let me through, we’re on business!” And they answer us: “What’s going on there! Now on the radio Levitan will transmit the order of victory, there will be fireworks. Stand like everyone else, listen and watch!”

Wow advice... But what to do? If we make our way further, we will find ourselves in such a dense environment that we will not get out. And then it dawned on us: there is also a radio station in the Kremlin, we need to read from there! We run back, explain the situation to the commandant, and he gives the command to the guards not to stop the two people running along the Kremlin corridors. Here is the radio station. We tear off the wax seals from the package and reveal the text. The clock shows 21 hours 55 minutes. Moscow speaks. Fascist Germany destroyed..."

Yuri Borisovich read out all the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Even when Stalin died in March 1953, he read out to the country a message about the death of Joseph Vissarionovich.

In April 1961, Yuri Borisovich informed the whole world about the flight into space of the first man - Yuri Gagarin. In total, Levitan has over 60 thousand broadcasts.

However, in the early seventies, Yuri Borisovich almost did not go live. The authorities believed that the population associated the voice of the announcer announcing the start of the war with some kind of emergency event. But Levitan couldn’t imagine himself without work: he began voicing newsreels, reading voice-over texts for feature films, recorded for the history of Information Bureau Messages. But the most enjoyable part of his work was meeting with veterans - for them his voice was as sacred as the memory of past battles.

At the beginning of August 1983, Levitan was to take part in celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod.

Before leaving, he complained to friends about pain in his heart, but when asked to stay at home, he replied: “I cannot let people down. They are waiting for me.” Having spoken at a rally in hot conditions, Yuri Borisovich felt unwell. The heart of the country's first announcer could not stand it, and on the night of August 4, 1983, he passed away. Tens of thousands of people came to say goodbye to Levitan in Moscow.

The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources