December 9 is the day of heroes of the fatherland. Goals and meaning of the holiday Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

On December 9, 2018, Russia celebrates the holiday (memorable date) Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. The plan of events includes holding thematic exhibitions in the library; the school will host ceremonial events and classes dedicated to this day. Below is a brief history of the holiday and the scenario of the event - a class hour on the topic “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland”.

At the end, unique material for a conversation (report, abstract) about Alexander Matrosov from the newspaper “Pravda” in 1943 and a presentation on the topic “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland of Russia”

On January 26, 2007, the State Duma of Russia established the memorable date “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.” “We not only pay tribute to the memory of our heroic ancestors, but also honor the living Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory,” says the explanatory note to the law. The memorable date should contribute to “the formation in society of the ideals of selfless and selfless service to the Fatherland.” In February 2007, the holiday of Heroes of the Fatherland Day was approved by the Federation Council and approved by the President.

In Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries, on November 26 in the old style (in the new style - December 9), the Day of the Knights of St. George was celebrated (in 1769, Catherine II established the Order of St. George - the highest military award in Russia). Thus, Heroes of the Fatherland Day is the heir of that ancient holiday. On this day, valiant warriors who accomplished feats in defense of the Fatherland are honored.

The material for the conversation on the topic “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland” about the Heroes of the Soviet Union was prepared by A. S. Malygin and M. A. Malygin. Alexander Semenovich - retired colonel, teacher at the Military University of Air Defense, veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
Mikhail Alexandrovich - lieutenant colonel, candidate of military sciences, Tver.


The exploits of heroes live in the memory of generations, becoming a symbol of courage, dedication, love for their Fatherland and readiness to defend it.
The history of Russia is rich in examples of heroism. From the depths of centuries, the names and exploits of Russian warriors who defeated the Teutonic knights on Lake Peipus have reached our days; the regiments of Dmitry Donskoy, who completely defeated the Mongol-Tatars on the Kulikovo field, covered themselves with immortal glory.

Numerous heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 were awarded high military awards; their names are preserved by the grateful memory of their descendants. Thousands and thousands of Russian soldiers courageously defended Sevastopol (1854), Shipka (1878) and wrote glorious pages in the chronicle of Russia's victorious days.

During the years of Soviet power, the glorious military traditions of the past continued and multiplied. The first Soviet order - the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR - was established by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of September 16, 1918. After the formation of the USSR, a unified award system was created in the country, and from August 1924 the Order of the Red Banner became uniform for the entire population of the country. About 15 thousand people were awarded this order for their exploits during the Civil War.

But feats were accomplished in peacetime, so in the early 30s. XX century The question arose about establishing the highest degree of distinction in the country - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On April 16, 1934, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided:

  • 1) establish the highest degree of distinction - awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for personal or collective services to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat;
  • 2) the title of Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded exclusively by resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union are given a special Certificate...

At first, the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded only a special Certificate from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. On April 20, 1934, a resolution was issued by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, which stated: “Noting the unparalleled heroic work of the pilots rescuing the Chelyuskinites, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decides: to confer the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to A.V. Lyapidevsky, S. L. Levanevsky, V. S. Molokov, N. P. Kamanin, M. T Slepnev, M. V. Vodopyanov, I. V. Doronin..” On June 19, 1934 in the Kremlin, M. I. Kalinin presented the seven brave pilots received the highest award of the Motherland - the Order of Lenin and a special Certificate from the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

In 1939, a medal was established, which was called “Hero of the Soviet Union”, and from October 16 it became known as the “Gold Star”. The Gold Star medal No. 1 was awarded to the polar pilot A.V. Lyapidevsky.

In 1938, the first female pilots became Heroes of the Soviet Union - V. S. Grizodubova, P. D. Osipenko, M. M. Raskova.
For military services in our country and in the performance of international duty from April 1934 to June 1941, 626 people were awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, of which 5 people were awarded twice. In the armed forces, Heroes of the Soviet Union amounted to: in the Ground Forces - 68.8%, in the Navy - 4.1%, in the Air Force - 27.1%.

Military personnel awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and aged from 25 to 40 years accounted for about 70%. When the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was re-awarded, the recipient was awarded a second “Gold Star” medal and a Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and since 1973 - the Order of Lenin. To commemorate the exploits of twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, a bronze bust was erected in the homeland of the recipient, or, by decision of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, in another place.

The noble essence of Soviet patriotism and its mass character were revealed with extraordinary force during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. For heroic deeds during the war, 11 thousand 635 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (some of them posthumously), including 115 people were awarded this title twice, three people three times (S. M. Budyonny, A. I. . Pokryshkin, I. N. Kozhedub) and four times - G. K. Zhukov. It should be especially emphasized that hundreds of war participants were awarded this title in the post-war years. Therefore, the total number of those who received this high title for exploits at the front will be greater than the figure indicated above.

The first to receive this title during the war were Soviet pilots M.P. Zhukov, S.I. Zdorovtsev and P.T. Kharitonov, who rammed German planes on the approaches to Leningrad. The most widespread award of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was the award for crossing the Dnieper in the fall of 1943. A special order was even issued by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin on the immediate and high encouragement of frontline personnel during the assault on the “Eastern Wall” of the Germans passing along the Dnieper River.

The German command strengthened it for a long time and considered it insurmountable. For distinction in battles during the Battle of the Dnieper in September-October 1943 alone, 2,605 soldiers, including representatives of 41 nationalities, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This is the clearest example of internationalism and friendship of the peoples of the Soviet Union.

To illustrate, we present the national composition of the Heroes who received this title during the crossing of the “Eastern Wall”. Among these Heroes were: 1838 Russians, 434 Ukrainians, 49 Tatars, 47 Belarusians, 31 Jews, 28 Kazakhs, 27 Uzbeks, 26 Mordvins, 22 Bashkirs, 19 Georgians, 15 Armenians, 13 Chuvash, 7 Ossetians and 49 Azerbaijani soldiers, Kyrgyz, Udmurts, Mari, Buryats, Estonians, Evenks, Komi, Yakuts and other nationalities.

In total, during the war years, more than 8 thousand soldiers in the Ground Forces alone were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including 1,800 artillerymen, 1,142 tank crews, 650 engineering troops, over 290 signalmen, 93 air defense soldiers, 52 military logistics soldiers, 42 doctors. In the Air Force, 2,400 people received this high rank, in the Navy - more than 500 people. Among partisans, underground fighters and intelligence officers, 400 people received this title, and among border guards - over 150 soldiers.

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union during the war years were representatives of most nationalities of the USSR, including Russians - 8160 people, Ukrainians - 2069, Belarusians - 309, Tatars - 161, Jews - 108, Kazakhs - 96, Georgians - 90, Armenians - 90, Uzbeks - 69, Mordvins - 61, Chuvash - 44, Azerbaijanis - 43, Bashkirs - 39, Ossetians - 32, Maris - 18, Turkmens - 18, Lithuanians - 15, Tajiks - 14, Latvians - 13, Kyrgyz - 12, Udmurts - 10 , Karelians - 9, Estonians - 8, Kalmyks - 8, Kabardins - 7, Adygeis - 6, Abkhazians - 5, Yakuts - 3, Moldovans - 2.

Among the military personnel awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, privates, sergeants and foremen accounted for over 35%, officers - about 60%. Among the wartime Heroes of the Soviet Union there were 87 women, of whom the first title was awarded posthumously to 3. A. Kosmodemyanskaya (on the monument on the Kashirskoye Highway in the Moscow Region there is an inscription: “Zoe, the immortal heroine of the Soviet people, 1923-1943”). About 63% of Heroes of the Soviet Union at the time they were awarded the title were under 30 years of age, 28% were between 30 and 40 years old, and 9% were over 40 years old.

Full holders of the Order of Glory are rightfully equated to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The Order of Glory, which was awarded to privates and sergeants, and in aviation - to officers with the rank of junior lieutenant, was established on November 8, 1943. This truly soldier's order seemed to revive the famous award of the Russian army - the St. George's Cross. Like persons who had all degrees of the St. George Cross (full bow, as they said then), persons awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees began to be called full holders of the Order of Glory. The statute provided for a list of feats for which one or another degree of the order was awarded.

Front-line soldiers believed that becoming a full holder of the Order of Glory was more difficult than becoming a Hero of the Soviet Union. During the entire war, 2,582 people became full holders of the Order of Glory. Among them: women - N. A. Zhurkina-Kiek, M. S. Necheporchukova (Nazdracheva), N. P. Petrova, D. Yu. Staniliene (Markauskene).
Four full holders of the Order of Glory simultaneously became Heroes of the Soviet Union. These are artillerymen A.V. Aleshin and N.I. Kuznetsov, rifle platoon commander P.Kh. Dubinda and pilot I.G. Drachenko.

All heroes have amazing destinies. This is the fate of one of them - Ivan Grigorievich Drachenko. During one of the combat missions he was shot down and captured. The Nazis decided to persuade him to come over to their side. Drachenko, having withstood all the bullying and torture, did not give up. Then the Germans brought him to the basement, where our prisoner was standing against the wall. “Look what we are doing to those who do not come over to our side,” said the Nazis and threw a grenade at the feet of the prisoner. But even after this, Drachenko did not give up. Then they cut out his eye so that he would never fly again.

But Drachenko escaped from captivity. convinced the command that he must continue to defeat the invaders and take revenge on them. The doctors might not obey the command, but they pretended not to notice how junior lieutenant Ivan Drachenko was being cunning while going through the medical examination: since he had only one eye, he covered it with either his left or right hand.

On the Il-2 attack aircraft, the hero completed more than a hundred combat missions, shot down 5 aircraft, destroyed a lot of enemy manpower and equipment, and ended the war in Berlin. After the war, he graduated from Kiev State University and worked for many years as deputy director of the Ukraine Palace in Kyiv.

In the post-war years, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to internationalist soldiers for carrying out combat missions abroad.
After the collapse of the USSR, according to the continuity of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, a similar highest distinction was established - the title of Hero of Russia. The status of the Hero of Russia and the general procedure for conferring it remained essentially identical. The difference is that now the Decree on conferring this title is signed only by the President and the recipient is awarded only the “Hero Star” medal of Russia and a Certificate signed by the President. Any order, as it was before, is not awarded.

In the Hall of Memory on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, the names of 11,695 Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia are carved in gold in marble in recognition of their courage and heroism in the struggle for the honor, freedom and independence of our Motherland.

The feat of Alexander Matrosov

Class hour script: “Heroes of the Fatherland Day”

Alexander Matrosov was born in 1924 in Dnepropetrovsk. He lost his parents early and was brought up in the Ivanovo orphanage in the Ulyanovsk region and a children's labor colony in Ufa. In September 1942, he was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to the Krasnokholm Military Infantry School.

In November 1942, together with other Komsomol cadets, he volunteered to join the active army. On February 23, 1943, a guard private of the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 56th Guards Rifle Division Sailors during the battle near the village of Chernushki (Loknyansky district of the Pskov region), having broken through to the enemy bunker, having used up all the grenades and cartridges, closed the embrasure with his body , ensuring the success of the advancing unit. The hero's body was buried at the site of the accomplishment of the feat.

Matrosov (posthumously) was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on June 19, 1943. The hero's ashes were reburied on the square in Velikiye Luki in 1948.
By order of the People's Commissar of Defense dated September 8, 1943, the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 56th Guards Rifle Division was given the name: “254th Guards Rifle Regiment named after Alexander Matrosov.” Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Private Alexander Matveevich Matrosov is enlisted forever in the lists of the 1st company of the 254th Guards Regiment named after Alexander Matrosov.
This is how the military press responded to the feat of the valiant hero.

On the day of the anniversary of the Red Army, February 23, a Komsomol meeting of the battalion was held at a halt in a large forest. They discussed how best to carry out the combat order - to take the village of Chernushka. Komsomol member Sasha Matrosov, a young blond boy with a machine gun on his chest, spoke at the meeting. Looking at his comrades with eyes as blue and swift as the waters of the Dnieper, he said: “We will carry out the order!” I will fight as long as my hands hold the weapon, as long as my heart beats. I will fight for the cup of earth, despising death!

There was silence for a few seconds. And everyone clearly heard the thickets of the ancient forest repeat: “Despising death!” The echo sounded like an oath.

All night the battalion walked off-road through the forest. The night was quiet and there was a smell of spring. Water sloshed under the loose snow, the trees silently swayed their flexible branches. Strong, agile Sasha Matrosov walked ahead of the machine gunners, followed by Zerdabaev, Kopylov and Vorobiev. They studied military affairs together and came to the front together. The enemy forced them to break away from everything that had become dear and dear to them. They came to the front with one thought: to take revenge on the Nazis for all the atrocities they committed on our land.

Making his way to the head of the column, Senior Lieutenant Artyukhov approached the machine gunners and quietly asked: “Is that you, Matrosov?” - I!..
- Come on, you will be my orderly. - Eat! Sailors answered.
At dawn, Artyukhov’s group went to the edge of the forest. All that remained was to cross a clearing with an island of bushes, small forests, and then Chernushki. But here Artyukhov’s group was met by the Nazis. Three machine guns were firing from the skyscraper.
The battle has begun.

Two flank bunkers were quickly blocked by the fighters of Gubkn and Donskoy, and the third - the central one - kept firing and firing furiously, protecting the approaches to Chernushki. There was no way to show up in the clearing. It became clear to everyone that it would not be easy to take this forest fortress. Artyukhov and Sailors, entering from the right, approached the enemy bunker about forty meters away. From here it was clearly visible how a stream of fire burst from its embrasure. Hiding behind a fir tree, Artyukhov ordered: “Six machine gunners!”

Sailors brought machine gunners. Artyukhov selected three. - Crawl to the bunker and use the machine guns along the embrasure.
The machine gunners crawled. But as soon as they appeared in the clearing, they were noticed from the bunker. From here a stream of fire shot out at random. One fighter was immediately killed, two were wounded. Senior Lieutenant Artyukhov called the others: - Crawl to the right!

But they also died. The machine gun continued firing from the forest fortress. Explosive bullets clicked loudly along the entire edge of the forest. Sasha Matrosov knew that our soldiers were lying there and many of them were staining the ground with their blood. "What to do?" - Artyukhov asked himself.
Sailors stood up and said quietly but decisively: “I’ll go!”
He made several sharp jumps, then fell on his side and hastily, raising his machine gun, crawled to the right of his dead comrades. He was not noticed from the bunker. Only his own people saw him. With bated breath, they watched the brave man.

Sailors crawled very close to the bunker. He was already covered in smoke coming from the embrasure. Suddenly he raised his machine gun and fired a burst. There was a rumble in the bunker. As it turned out later, his bullets hit a mine. The enemy machine gun fell silent.

Everyone sighed noisily and joyfully, preparing to rush forward. But after a few seconds the machine gun came to life again. And then the soldiers saw: Sailors jumped to his feet and with his left side, with his heart, closed the bunker embrasure. At the edge of the forest, the evil clicking of bullets instantly stopped. Excited voices were heard. The fighters rushed forward. The forest fortress was taken. Chernushki have been released.
Sasha Matrosov kept his word. He loved life and believed in it so much that he was not afraid of death. With his sublime and noble death as a soldier, he paved the way for victory over the enemy. By his determination to sacrifice his own life for the sake of life on earth, he won the high right to immortality.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Red Army soldier Alexander Matveevich Matrosov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is forever included in the lists of the company with which he went into battle near Chernushki. Every day, having lined up the company of the Guard of Senior Lieutenant Khrustalev for verification, Sergeant Major Goryunov picks up the list of personnel and says: - Hero of the Soviet Union, Red Army Guard Alexander Matrosov! - Died the death of the brave in battles with the fascist invaders! - answers the right-flank guard Sergeant Bardabaev, a friend of the hero. And in these seconds, before the eyes of experienced guardsmen, the image of the fearless Sasha Matrosov, a blond and cheerful Russian boy, appears as a living image. And the soldiers repeat to themselves the words of the song they composed about Matrosov: And when things get hard for us, The enemy wants to turn us back, Let us remember how Sailors paved the way for us to victory with his chest.

And his friends old and new The enemy will not be able to break his perseverance, We are ready to repeat Your immortal throw at any moment!
Alexander Matrosov remains in the combat ranks of his native company. He and his friends in arms will go through the fire and smoke of new battles.

Download the presentation on the topic “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland of Russia” (author
Vazhenina S.N.) is possible.

Heroes of the Fatherland Day in Russia is a memorable date that is celebrated in our country annually on December 9. It is established by Federal Law of the Russian Federation 22-FZ of February 28, 2007 “On amendments to Article 1-1 of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”.

This holiday dates back to the 18th century. This December date coincides with an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II in 1769, she established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, bravery and courage in battle.

1st degree: star on the left side of the chest and a large cross on a ribbon over the right shoulder, 700 rubles. annual pension. 2nd degree: star on the left side of the chest and a large cross on the neck ribbon, 400 rubles. annual pension. 3rd degree: small cross on a neck ribbon, 200 rubles. annual pension. 4th degree: small cross in a buttonhole or on a block, 100 rubles. annual pension. Rules for wearing degrees of the Order of St. George (from left to right from 4th to 1st)

It is known that 4 people became knights of all four degrees, among whom were the great Russian commanders M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly. Field Marshal M. I. Kutuzov, full holder of the Order of St. George. In the portrait there is the Badge of the Order of St. George, 1st degree (cross) on the St. George ribbon (behind the hilt of the sword) and its quadrangular star (2nd from the top).

It is known that two women were awarded the Order of George (after Catherine II). The Order of the 4th degree was awarded to: Maria Sofia Amalia, Queen of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies on February 21, 1861, “For courage shown during the siege of the fortress of Gaeta from November 12, 1860 to February 13, 1861”;

Rimma Mikhailovna Ivanova (posthumously), sister of mercy () September 17, 1915, “For the courage and selflessness shown in battle, when, after the death of all the commanders, she took command of the company; after the battle she died from her wounds.” The deceased nurse was awarded the order by decree of Nicholas II, which violated the statute of the order as an exception. On January 17, 1915, Rimma Ivanova volunteered for the front. She was enrolled in the 83rd Samur Regiment under a man’s name, and when everything was revealed, she began to serve under her real name. On September 9, 1915, near the village of Mokraya Dubrova (Belarus), during the battle, Rimma Ivanova provided assistance to the wounded under fire. When both company officers were killed during the battle, she raised the company to the attack and rushed to the enemy trenches. The position was taken, but the heroine herself was mortally wounded by an explosive bullet in the thigh. She just turned 21 years old.

In 2007, Russian parliamentarians put forward the idea of ​​reviving this holiday (which was later established). The authors of the bill explained that the revival of the tradition of celebrating Heroes' Day is not only a tribute to the memory of heroic ancestors, but also a celebration of living Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory. They also expressed hope that the new memorable date will contribute to “the formation in society of the ideals of selfless and selfless service to the Fatherland.”

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established in 1934. For 57 years, a person has been awarded the Hero Star through the Ministry of Defense.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was established in 1992; over 21 years, 579 military personnel were awarded it. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded by the President of the Russian Federation. The Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded: a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal; certificate of awarding the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded by the President of the Russian Federation once. The first recipient of the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was the head of the Lipetsk center for combat training and retraining of flight personnel, Aviation Major General Sulambek Susarkulovich Oskanov. He was awarded the high title by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 384 of April 11, 1992 (posthumously). While performing a flight mission on a MiG-29 aircraft on February 7, 1992, a technical failure occurred, and General Oskanov, at the cost of his life, prevented the plane from falling on a populated area. The widow of S. S. Oskanov was awarded the Gold Star medal 2, because the Russian leadership decided that Hero of Russia 1 should have been alive

Among those awarded the title are cosmonaut pilots, military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War and other military operations, test pilots, athletes, intelligence officers, scientists and many others. The famous weapons designer M. T. Kalashnikov is a Hero of the Russian Federation. According to available data, the total number of recipients (as of July 3, 2013) is 1004 people, of which 460 were awarded posthumously.

Marina Vladimirovna Plotnikova () a girl from the Penza region who saved three children at the cost of her own life. At the end of July 1991, Marina swam in the Khoper River with her two younger sisters Zhanna and Lena and their friend Natasha Vorobyova. Natasha found herself at a depth and began to drown. Marina pulled her out to the coastal bushes, after which she heard that Zhanna and Lena, who had fallen into the whirlpool, were drowning. The girl managed to save them, but she herself, having spent all her strength, died. By Decree of the President of Russia of August 25, 1992 925 “for the courage and heroism shown in saving three drowning children,” Marina Vladimirovna Plotnikova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (the first woman and sixth in history).

Larisa Lazutina Outstanding Soviet and Russian skier, multiple Olympic champion and world champion. Between 1990 and 1998 Larisa Lazutina became a five-time Olympic champion, an eleven-time world champion, a two-time World Cup winner, a multiple champion of the USSR and Russia, and an Honored Master of Sports. After successful starts at the Olympic Games in Lillehammer in 1994, she was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and at the Olympics in Nagano she won medals (three gold, silver and bronze) in all five races, after which she was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation .


Day of Heroes of the Fatherland in Russia is a memorable date that is celebrated in our country every year on December 9. It is established by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 22-FZ of February 28, 2007 “On amendments to Article 1-1 of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia.” It must be said that this holiday dates back to the 18th century. This December date coincides with an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II - in 1769 she established Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, bravery and courage in battle.

The Order of St. George had 4 degrees of distinction, of which the first was the highest. It is known that 4 people became knights of all four degrees, including great Russian commanders M. I. Kutuzov and M. B. Barclay de Tolly. Catherine II awarded herself this award in honor of the establishment of the order.

It must be said that this holiday dates back to the 18th century. This December date coincides with an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II - in 1769 she established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, bravery and courage in battle.

Every country is proud of its heroes. It is by the example of these people that it is customary to educate the younger generation. Our Motherland is a heroic country. She had to go through a huge number of wars, and in each of them Russian soldiers showed their best, performing feats in the name of their country. We managed to survive thanks to their dedication and courage. Unfortunately, modern youth are not particularly patriotic and are unlikely to be ready for heroic deeds in the name of the Motherland. That is why the examples of true heroism that this holiday gives us are so important to us today.

Of course, not everyone can become a hero. To do this, you need not think about your own benefit and safety, but only about the good of your people. You must be willing to give your own life to save other lives. It should be noted that this award is given to senior and senior officers.


Target: education of patriotism, citizenship, a sense of pride and respect for the historical past of the Motherland, the Russian Armed Forces, Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, familiarization with the moral ideals of society.

The extracurricular event is designed for a couple (1 hour 30 minutes) and is held in the college assembly hall. Two presenters were recruited from the students.

Technical means: PC, video projector, screen, 2 microphones, speakers.

Progress of the event

introduction 1 presenter:

Good afternoon, dear students and teachers! We are pleased to welcome you to the event dedicated to the youngest holiday in our country. We will begin our event with a musical dedication.

Screening of the music video “From the Heroes of Old Times.”

2 presenter:

“From the Heroes of Bygone Times” is the name of the song that was played. We did not choose it by chance. Our country celebrates December 9th Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. This memorial date was established in 2007. Russians awarded the honorary title of heroes deserve to have their own holiday.

This holiday dates back to the 18th century. This December date coincides with an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II - in 1769 she established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, bravery and courage in battle.

Until 1917, on the day of memory of St. George (November 26, old style), the Feast of the Knights of St. George was celebrated in Russia. After the October Revolution of 1917, the holiday, as well as the order, were abolished.

The status of the highest military award was returned to the order in 2000 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1463 of August 8, 2000 “On approval of the statute of the Order of St. George, the provisions on the insignia - the St. George Cross.”

Screening of the video “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland”

1 presenter:

In 2007, Russian parliamentarians put forward the idea of ​​reviving this holiday (which was later established). The authors of the bill explained that the revival of the tradition of celebrating Heroes' Day is not only a tribute to the memory of heroic ancestors, but also a celebration of living Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory. They also expressed hope that the new memorable date will contribute to “the formation in society of the ideals of selfless and selfless service to the Fatherland.” And today, on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland - December 9 - Russia honors the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and Knights of the Order of St. George of the Order of Glory.

We can say with confidence that this holiday is very important for us. After all, this date combines the history of military exploits and heroes of the Russian army from the day of its creation to the present day.

Every country is proud of its heroes. It is by the example of these people that it is customary to educate the younger generation. Our Motherland is a heroic country. She had to go through a huge number of wars, and in each of them Russian soldiers showed their best, performing feats in the name of their country. We managed to survive thanks to their dedication and courage.

Of course, not everyone can become a hero. To do this, you need not think about your own benefit and safety, but only about the good of your people. You must be willing to give your own life to save other lives. And not only military people, but also ordinary citizens of our Motherland become heroes.

Screening of the music video “Heroes of My Russia”.

2 presenter:

The holiday is widely celebrated throughout Russia. The opening of monuments is dedicated to this day, rallies, ceremonial meetings, lessons of courage, and sports competitions are held. Various cultural institutions organize festive concerts and thematic exhibitions, and lectures are given on this issue. In the regions, governors organize ceremonial receptions for Russians with honorary titles and days of remembrance for fallen soldiers. Traditionally, flowers and wreaths are laid at the graves of soldiers, memorials of glory and the eternal flame, and meetings of veterans are held.

This award has a complicated history. After the August 1991 coup, they wanted to restore this order to reward the heroic defenders of the White House. However, then it was decided to abandon this idea. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1992, all independent republics, including our country, began to create their own state attributes, which were different from the previous ones. Then work began to restore the status of this award. But work to restore the Order of St. George was suspended until 2000. The statute was then restored, but no awards were made until 2008. This was explained by the fact that this award could only be awarded during military operations, in the event of an attack by an external enemy. But our country did not wage any wars at that time. Therefore, the President of Russia decided to change the statute of the order.

On August 13, 2008, the statute of the order was changed. After this, it became possible to award them in peacetime. It was awarded for contributions to the maintenance or restoration of international peace and security.

The restored Order of St. George looks the same as it looked under Catherine the Second. But the award order has been slightly changed - all degrees are given sequentially. This award does not provide an annual pension for holders of the order. The surnames, first names and patronymics of the holders of the order are recorded on marble plaques in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, located in the capital, for perpetuation.

By decree of the President of Russia dated September 7, 2010, a new statute for this order was approved. But the main change affected only the rules for awarding the 4th degree of the order. The right to receive it has now extended to junior officers.

1 presenter:

We all want to live in a world free from war and violence. Humanity has dreamed about this at all times. But, unfortunately, military conflicts arise in the world, and therefore, along with peaceful workers, our country needs warriors to defend our native Fatherland.

At all times, all peoples defended their land, therefore we must be patriots of our Motherland. Every country has its heroes. Our Motherland, Russia, is a heroic country. In its thousand-year history, there have been more war years than peace years.

“There is a memory that will not be forgotten,

And glory that will never end..."

How many people during the Great Patriotic War forged the Great Victory of our people at the fronts and in the rear! And among them there are quite a few of our fellow countrymen, residents of Chuvashia!

Presentation of the presentation of student Anastasia Bykova from group 1 m/s E

"Our fellow countrymen are heroes of the Soviet Union."

2 presenter:

We have gathered today to pay tribute to the courage and heroism of our people, for whom there is always room for heroism in both peace and war.

How many heroes do we have in Russia? Thousands! These are heroes of different centuries, different wars, starting with the Russian-Turkish War of the 16th century and ending with the events of the current year.

This is the Northern War, and the Seven Years, and the Russian-Swedish, and the Patriotic War, and the Crimean, and the Russian-Japanese, and the First World War, the battles at Halkin Goll, the Great Patriotic War, Afghanistan, Chechnya, South Ossetia - all wars and not transfer.

Let us remember the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Among them are very young guys - your peers.

Screening of the video film “Little Heroes of the Big War.”

1 presenter:

Medical specialists played a huge role in the overall victory in the Great Patriotic War. They were constantly close to the fighters, selflessly pulled them out right from under fire, and in conditions completely unprepared for these purposes, provided them with maximum assistance, returning them back to duty, and giving hope for a bright future for everyone. And along with doctors, one cannot help but mention the enormous contribution of nurses - heroic and fragile women who performed the most difficult work of caring for the sick. Their work required constant concentration, and often involved being very often directly on the battlefield, because it was the nurses who pulled out wounded soldiers who were no longer able to move on their own.

Among the military nurses there were thousands of young girls who had no medical education and had only completed emergency courses. They volunteered to go to the front on their own, and bravely carried out their duties, performing real miracles, and learning in the process all the intricacies of their difficult task. One of the most important strategic tasks assigned to all medical specialists during the war was the maximum return to duty of every wounded soldier, and the doctors and nurses coped with this task simply superbly, bringing up to 90 percent of the returned soldiers among all the wounded.

During the entire war, more than 500 thousand nurses, each of whom selflessly fulfilled her duty, helping the soldiers no matter what. Unfortunately, about 90 thousand nurses were killed, and almost half received some kind of injury during the war. Thousands of brave women worked day after day for several years for the benefit of people, without demanding anything in return. Many of them became real heroines and were awarded orders and medals, some were able to accept these awards, while others received them posthumously. Here are the stories of some of them.

Screening of the presentation “Nurses - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.”

2 presenter (comments on the presentation):


The young student Natalya independently completed sanitary training courses, and already in 1942 she voluntarily went to the front, taking the position of medical instructor of the 105th Guards Regiment. Unfortunately, her work did not last long, because on November 20 of the same year, in one of the fierce battles, the girl, saving several dozen wounded soldiers whom she had previously dragged into a ravine, rushed at the enemies who had broken through to the rear with a grenade, killing them and herself. She sacrificed herself, but saved many people and for her feat she posthumously received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation in 1997.


By the time the war began, Catherine was already working as a nurse and had quite a lot of experience in her difficult profession. She was one of the first to voluntarily go to the front and throughout all hostilities she was part of a separate battalion of the rifle division. Together with them, she took part in many of the most important battles and reached from Moscow to Berlin, and was always on the front line, often risking her life, pulling soldiers right out from under fire. She saved hundreds of lives and was awarded the Order of the Red Star and many other honorary medals for her many services.


The young nurse Maria took part in the war from its very first days. Working as a medical instructor, she provided assistance to many thousands of soldiers and officers and participated in many major military engagements. The most difficult test in her life was the defense of Sevastopol, during which she was captured. But even there she continued to help other soldiers and conducted intelligence activities. In 1945, she was released from captivity and was able to celebrate victory in her homeland, receiving a lot of well-deserved awards.


Vera Sergeevna went to nurse training courses immediately after the outbreak of hostilities. Having quickly completed her studies, she worked in the rear for quite a long time, helping thousands of wounded soldiers recover. There she received a lot of practical knowledge, which was very useful to her in 1942, when she participated in the defense of Stalingrad as part of the 120th Infantry Division. Fierce battles practically did not stop, the soldiers received a lot of injuries, and Vera Sergeevna was always next to them on the front line, always ready to help. She provided invaluable assistance to her squad, for which she received medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit.” After that, she continued to work until the end of the war and with her detachment reached Berlin itself. For her services, she was awarded the Florence Nightingale medal, awarded to her by the international organization of the Red Cross.


The young girl Zinaida, like many others, could not live in peace when her country was torn apart by war, and therefore, after graduating from nursing courses in 1942, she voluntarily went to the front. There she took part in many major battles, took part in the defense of Stalingrad, always distinguished by courage and amazing courage. On February 22, 1944, during the battle for the Northern Donets River, she personally saved and carried 64 people from the battlefield, most of whom she even managed to transport across the river. Unfortunately, she died in this battle, but her feat did not remain forgotten, and she was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star and the medal “For Military Merit.”

Screening of the video clip “Front-line nurses.”

A student of the group will tell about the heroic exploits of a nurse - our fellow countrywoman from Chuvashia 1 mSE Svetlana Shkakova.

Presentation “The heroic feat of nurse Fedora Gaikina in the Great Patriotic War.”

1 presenter:

During the Great Patriotic War, 30 women aviators became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Volunteers were recruited through flying clubs, party and Komsomol organizations.

Pilots of the Civil Air Fleet and Osoaviakhim flying clubs joined women's air regiments. Many of them had good piloting technique. Students of universities and technical schools, workers of factories and factories became navigators and technicians. Girls who had a technical education were assigned to the positions of aircraft mechanics in weapons, instruments and operation.

The women's air regiments were named: 586th Fighter, 587th Bomber and 588th Night Light Bomber.

Among such heroic women there is a native of Chuvashia, Zoya Ivanovna Parfenova, whose exploits she will tell student of group 1 MSE Elena Beley.

Presentation on the topic “Parfenova Zoya Ivanovna, participant in the Great Patriotic War” (Elena Beley)

2 presenter:

Now let's remember the exploits of the heroes of the war in Afghanistan, who fulfilled their international duty for 10 years from 1979 to 1989.

The “limited contingent” of Soviet troops in Afghanistan amounted to 100 thousand military personnel. In total, 546,255 Soviet soldiers and officers took part in the hostilities. 71 soldiers became Hero of the Soviet Union.

Screening of the video “Chronicle of the War in Afghanistan”

According to updated official data, the irretrievable losses of Soviet army personnel in the Afghan War amounted to 14,427 people, the KGB - 576 people, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 28 people dead and missing. During the war, there were 49,984 wounded, 312 prisoners, and 18 internees.

St. received wounds and concussions. 53 thousand people. A significant number of people who were admitted to hospitals on the territory of the USSR died from the consequences of severe wounds and injuries. These people who died in hospitals were not included in the number of officially announced losses.

5,692 people were drafted from Chuvashia to Afghanistan, 115 died, 4 went missing. About 50 women from Chuvashia voluntarily left for Afghanistan. One of them, doctor Natalya Maksimova, worked in an infectious diseases hospital.

Three heroes from Chuvashia went through Afghanistan, two of them died. Alive to this day, Lieutenant General Nikolai Gavrilov was the head of the Aviation Directorate of the FSB of Russia, and flew more than 3,000 combat missions.

Screening of the video “Heroes of the Afghan War”

1 presenter:

We will always be heroes of military operations in the North Caucasus, defending the integrity of Russia and the safety of citizens from Chechen militants and Arab mercenaries. We bring to your attention a story about the feat of the heroic paratroopers of the 6th company, who died in Chechnya at height 776, fulfilling their military duty.

Speech by college teacher Lieutenant Colonel Airborne Forces “Height 776” (Grigoriev S. A.)

Screening of videos “Height 776” and “Russian warriors are heroes.”

We will never forget about the heroes of the secret special forces of the GRU, "Alpha" and "Vympel", units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who protect our security every day at various combat points. We remember the Russian peacekeeping heroes in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict of 2008, the volunteers defending the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine from Bendery bandits and the fascist “right sector”.

Today, our soldiers are fighting for their homeland during the counter-terrorism operation in Syria, ensuring our security. Unfortunately, there were casualties here too.

Screening of videos “Farewell to the dead” and “Funeral of Oleg Peshkov”

2 presenter:

So what will our future be like? It depends on us, who are young, who have a lot to figure out, understand and weigh everything in order to become a worthy son of the Fatherland.

To become a man, it is not enough for him to be born.

To become iron, it is not enough to be ore.

You must melt down. To crash.

And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

What storms have overwhelmed my soul!

But you are a soldier, and you can accept everything:

From a woman's kiss to a bullet,

And learn not to retreat in battle

Willingness to die is also a weapon,

And you will use it once...

Men die if necessary

And that is why they live for centuries.

Screening of the video “Awarding the Hero of Russia Serik Sultangabiev”

1 presenter:

No, the feat is yours

It won't fade into oblivion.

He is not afraid of oblivion

Kohl the battle relay

Sons carry it with dignity.

Let us honor the memory of the Heroes of the Fatherland with a minute of silence ( the hall rises )

Screening of the video clip “Heroes of Russia” (end of the event).

List of used literature

1. Gaidina L. I. “Patriotic education: scenarios and events” Moscow, “Wako”, 2009.

2. Chudakova N.V., Gromov A.V., “I explore the world” Children's encyclopedia: history. Moscow, TKO "AST", 1995.

3. Savchenko E. V., Zhirenko O. E. “Cool watches” Moscow, “Wako”, 2007.

Materials used and Internet resources

The Day of Heroes of the Fatherland or the Day of the Knight of St. George is sometimes simply called the Day of Heroes.

The bill establishing this memorial date was considered by the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the end of January 2007. Immediately before the consideration of this bill, Boris Gryzlov explained to journalists that the issue was based on the restoration of a holiday that already existed in pre-revolutionary Russia and was called the Day of the Knights of St. George. Then this day was celebrated on December 9, so they decided to fix the same date for a new memorable day - the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.

This memorable date was established by the State Duma in the hope that the emergence of this new holiday will contribute to the formation in modern Russian society of the ideals of selfless service to one’s homeland. This date was also supposed to make a great contribution to the patriotic education of youth.

On February 21, 2007, the initiative of the deputies was approved by the Federation Council.
On February 28, 2007, it was approved by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

On December 9, an addition was made to the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia” that “In the Russian Federation the following memorable dates of Russia are established: ... December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland; ...».

This document is accompanied by an explanatory note stating that on this day we should not only pay tribute to the memory of our heroic ancestors, but also honor the living Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, holders of the Order of Glory and the Order of St. George.

The December date coincides with an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II - in 1769 she established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, bravery and courage in battle.
The Order of St. George had 4 degrees of distinction, of which the first was the highest. It is known that 4 people became knights of all four degrees, among whom were the great Russian commanders M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly.
Catherine II awarded herself this award in honor of the establishment of the order.

In 1807, the soldier's George was established on the model of this award. It was a silver insignia of a military order, which was intended for lower ranks. In 1856 it was also divided into four degrees.

Until 1917, on this day (November 26, old style), the Feast of the Knights of St. George was celebrated in Russia. The Bolsheviks abolished this holiday and abolished the order as a state award.

It can be said that this award has a complicated history. After the August 1991 coup, they wanted to restore this order to reward the heroic defenders of the White House. However, then it was decided to abandon this idea. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1992, all independent republics, including our country, began to create their own state attributes, which were different from the previous ones. Then work began to restore the status of this award. But work to restore the Order of St. George was suspended until 2000.

In 2000, the order was returned to the status of the highest military award in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1463 of August 8, 2000 “On approval of the statute of the Order of St. George, the provisions on the insignia - the St. George Cross.”

The status was restored, but no awards were made until 2008. This was explained by the fact that this award could only be awarded during military operations, in the event of an attack by an external enemy. But our country did not wage any wars at that time. Therefore, the Russian President decided to change the status of the order.
On August 13, 2008, the status of the order was changed. After this, it became possible to award them in peacetime. It was awarded for contributions to the maintenance or restoration of international peace and security.

The restored Order of St. George looks the same as it looked under Catherine the Second. But the award order has been slightly changed - all degrees are given sequentially. This award does not provide an annual pension for holders of the order. The surnames, first names and patronymics of the holders of the order are recorded on marble plaques in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, located in the capital, for perpetuation.

The first Knight of St. George of the Russian Federation in 2008 was Colonel General Sergei Makarov. He was awarded this highest award for the courage shown during his service in the North Caucasus region.

By decree of the President of Russia dated September 7, 2010, a new status of this order was approved, changing the rules for awarding the 4th degree of the order. If previously this award was awarded to senior and senior officers, now the right to receive it has extended to junior officers.

Let us note that this day is not a day off, and on December 9, along with the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory, citizens who showed courage on the battlefield and civic courage are deservedly honored.

This holiday is very important for us. After all, this date combines the history of military exploits and heroes of the Russian army from the day of its creation to the present day.
Every country is proud of its heroes. It is by the example of these people that it is customary to educate the younger generation. Our Motherland is a heroic country. She had to go through a huge number of wars, and in each of them Russian soldiers showed their best, performing feats in the name of their country. We managed to survive thanks to their dedication and courage. That is why the examples of true heroism that this holiday gives us are so important to us today.

Of course, not everyone can become a hero. To do this, you need not think about your own benefit and safety, but only about the good of your people. You must be willing to give your own life to save other lives.

For the first time in our country, the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland was officially celebrated in December 2007.

Then the opening of the first in Russia was timed to coincide with the celebration of a new memorable date. Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.
In addition to the main exhibition display, which was deployed in the museum on the second floor, exhibition halls were also equipped on the first floor for holding exhibitions dedicated to anniversaries and glorious dates, as well as a specialized library and conference room. By the time the museum opened, an exhibition was created on the ground floor, which represented a portrait gallery with images of Heroes of the Fatherland. This exhibition includes more than 120 picturesque portraits of those people who glorified their Fatherland not only in difficult periods of wartime, but also in peaceful labor. It is interesting that instead of the classical idea of ​​placing works on the walls, the museum implemented an original system for displaying works of art on cables; the entire structure was structurally combined with a lighting system. The use of modern technologies made it possible to control all lighting devices in the main exhibition display using a specialized system.
According to the creators' plans, our country's first Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russia and full holders of the Order of Glory was to become the main place for regular meetings of Armed Forces veterans and front-line soldiers with each other and with young people. Such meetings were supposed to become a good tradition, contributing to the education of patriotism and the desire to stand guard over peace in one’s Fatherland.

Currently, the holiday is widely celebrated throughout Russia. The opening of monuments is dedicated to this day, rallies, ceremonial meetings, lessons of courage, and sports competitions are held. Various cultural institutions organize festive concerts and thematic exhibitions, and lectures are given on this issue. In the regions, governors organize ceremonial receptions for Russians with honorary titles and days of remembrance for fallen soldiers. Traditionally, flowers and wreaths are laid at the graves of soldiers, memorials of glory and the eternal flame, and meetings of veterans are held.

Heroes of the Fatherland Day is an important memorial date for us, which is a continuation of historical traditions and a way of preserving the memory of what feats were accomplished by the heroes of our country. According to sociologists, the celebration of such a memorable date as Heroes of the Fatherland Day will help not only restore historical justice, but also instill a sense of patriotism in the younger generation.

Website materials were used in preparing the resource.

Russia is sometimes called a country whose past is difficult to predict. Indeed, sometimes, depending on our views, we evaluate the events of past days differently, and sometimes we even try to abandon some of them. However, there are dates in Russia that are sacred to every resident of our country.

They are called memorable. They are officially established and are designed to preserve the memory of the most glorious, most important events of our Fatherland. One of these dates is Day. Time changes, other interpretations of historical events appear, but every year in December we remember the best representatives of Russia, awarded the highest awards.

December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

Like all of our country’s past, this day has a complicated history. It began to be officially celebrated only in 2007. However, it has existed since November 1769, the day when Catherine established one of the most important and honorable orders in the history of the country: the Order of St. He had four degrees. It is interesting that out of 10 thousand awarded, only 23 people received the highest degree over a hundred and fifty years, and only four received all four degrees. The highest ranks who received such an order were called its gentlemen. They awarded, although very rarely, civilians from the lowest classes, but they were not called knights.

Thus, Matvey Gerasimov received an award for managing to capture the British military who captured his ship. However, one day Alexander 1 awarded the general with the Soldier’s Order. Miloradovich, having left his place due to his rank, entered the battle along with his soldiers, for which he was awarded. One of the most famous people who received all degrees of the order (but at a later time) was S. M. Budyonny. Those who received the order were congratulated annually on the day of its establishment. The holiday of the Knights of the Order is the prototype of today's memorable date, which is called “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.” During the revolution, the order was awarded to soldiers who performed the duties of officers in battle. Then the order was abolished, but until 1920 it was awarded to soldiers of the White Army who distinguished themselves in battle.

Symbol of Valor

The Day of Heroes of the Fatherland became an officially approved memorial date not so long ago, only in 2007, but in fact it only changed its name: heroes have always been celebrated in Russia. So, in 1934, the title By the way, it was awarded to foreigners who performed feats in defense of our Motherland. Khrushchev introduced the vicious practice of awarding the order not for exploits, but as congratulations on the anniversary. So, L. Brezhnev received the Hero's star 4 times. However, after some time, the vicious practice was stopped, and, as before, only the bravest and most worthy began to receive the reward. With the collapse of the Union, this honorary title was replaced by another - Hero of the Russian Federation (1992). All those awarded the Order of St. George and Stars of Heroes are honored today on December 9. Heroes of the Fatherland Day is a symbol of courage, love for the country, personal valor, and heroism.

This is not just a tribute to memory, it is a celebration of the best Russian sons and daughters, who were not afraid to put the good of others above their own lives. The Day of Heroes of the Fatherland is of unsurpassed importance for the education of citizens. He helps to formulate the ideals of selfless service to the homeland, using living and historical examples to show examples of heroism and selflessness.

We remember…

Events for the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland are not only festive in nature. Schools and universities hold sports competitions and memory lessons, where students are introduced to heroes who live or have lived in their area. Raids are being carried out to provide assistance to war participants and veterans. The Book of Memory has become a good tradition in many regions, the creation of which is most often done by schoolchildren. The names and biographies of fellow countrymen-Heroes are entered into the Book. On this day, it is customary to watch films telling about the courage of the defenders of our Motherland at different stages of its history, lay flowers at monuments, and visit local history museums. In schools and other educational institutions, either ceremonial assemblies or other events are held, in organizations - rallies, in parks and concert venues - literary and musical compositions. And of course, events to honor heroes are held at all levels of government.