What are the paradigms? The meaning of the word paradigm

Accepted and shared by the scientific community and uniting the majority of its members. Ensures the continuity of the development of science and scientific creativity. Other values:

  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and tools adopted in scientific community within the framework of established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and techniques for displaying political reality that define the logic of knowledge organization, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Besides, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted:

  • Generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary method of decision-making, a model of the world or its parts (industries, areas of knowledge, spheres of life and activity) adopted by big amount of people. Examples: the paradigm of the constitutional course of Russia of the 1993 model, the general programming paradigm.
  • Personal paradigm is an essential method of decision making, a mental model specific person, his point of view. The current statement that “naturally it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account personal experience subject, and also not complete - no one can know everything about everything.” The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowing everything,” but only essential knowledge necessary to ensure evolutionary activity personality in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

see also


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Excerpt characterizing the Paradigm

“The enemy has put out the fires, and a continuous noise is heard in his camp,” he said. - What does it mean? “Either he moves away, which is the only thing we should be afraid of, or he changes his position (he grinned). But even if he took a position in Tyuras, he only saves us from a lot of trouble, and all the orders, down to the smallest detail, remain the same.
“How then?” said Prince Andrei, who had been waiting for a long time for an opportunity to express his doubts.
Kutuzov woke up, cleared his throat heavily and looked around at the generals.
“Gentlemen, the disposition for tomorrow, even today (because it’s already the first hour), cannot be changed,” he said. “You heard her, and we will all do our duty.” And before a battle, there is nothing more important... (he paused) than getting a good night's sleep.
He pretended to stand up. The generals took their leave and left. It was already past midnight. Prince Andrei left.

The military council, at which Prince Andrei was not able to express his opinion, as he had hoped, left a vague and alarming impression on him. He did not know who was right: Dolgorukov and Weyrother or Kutuzov and Langeron and others who did not approve of the attack plan. “But was it really impossible for Kutuzov to directly express his thoughts to the sovereign? Can't this really be done differently? Is it really necessary to risk tens of thousands and my, my life for the sake of court and personal considerations?” he thought.
“Yes, it’s very possible they’ll kill you tomorrow,” he thought. And suddenly, at this thought of death, whole line memories, the most distant and most intimate, rose up in his imagination; he remembered last goodbye with father and wife; he remembered the first times of his love for her! He remembered her pregnancy, and he felt sorry for both her and himself, and in a nervously softened and excited state he left the hut in which he had stood with Nesvitsky and began to walk in front of the house.
The night was foggy, and moonlight mysteriously broke through the fog. “Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow! - he thought. “Tomorrow, perhaps, everything will be over for me, all these memories will no longer exist, all these memories will no longer have any meaning for me.” Tomorrow, maybe, even probably, tomorrow, I foresee it, for the first time I will finally have to show everything that I can do.” And he imagined the battle, its loss, the concentration of the battle on one point and the confusion of all the commanders. And now that happy moment, that Toulon, which he had been waiting for so long, finally appears to him. He firmly and clearly speaks his opinion to Kutuzov, Weyrother, and the emperors. Everyone is amazed at the correctness of his idea, but no one undertakes to carry it out, and so he takes a regiment, a division, pronounces a condition so that no one will interfere with his orders, and leads his division to the decisive point and alone wins. What about death and suffering? says another voice. But Prince Andrei does not answer this voice and continues his successes. The disposition of the next battle is made by him alone. He holds the rank of army duty officer under Kutuzov, but he does everything alone. The next battle was won by him alone. Kutuzov is replaced, he is appointed... Well, and then? another voice speaks again, and then, if you are not wounded, killed or deceived ten times before; Well, then what? “Well, and then,” Prince Andrei answers himself, “I don’t know what will happen next, I don’t want and can’t know: but if I want this, I want fame, I want to be famous people, I want to be loved by them, then it’s not my fault that I want this, that I want this alone, for this alone I live. Yes, for this alone! I'll never tell anyone this, but oh my God! What should I do if I love nothing but glory, human love? Death, wounds, loss of family, nothing scares me. And no matter how dear or dear many people are to me - my father, sister, wife - the most dear people to me - but, no matter how scary and unnatural it seems, I will give them all now for a moment of glory, triumph over people, for love for to myself people whom I do not know and will not know, for the love of these people,” he thought, listening to the conversation in Kutuzov’s yard. In Kutuzov's yard the voices of the orderlies were heard; one voice, probably the coachman, teasing the old Kutuzovsky cook, whom Prince Andrei knew, and whose name was Titus, said: “Titus, what about Titus?”

Word " paradigm"was borrowed from Greek language "paradeigma"and is translated as example, model, example. A set of achievements in science recognized in the scientific community in a specific period of time and serving as a model and basis for new scientific research. On the one hand, the paradigm discards all theories and concepts that do not agree and are not related to it; on the other hand, it indicates scientific world on the application of theory to study new things, which ultimately leads to the improvement of the paradigm itself.

"A paradigm is a method of perceiving the world, it is for us like air for a bird. A paradigm opens our eyes to the structure of the world and helps to predict its behavior"("Powers of the Mind" "Power of the Mind" philosopher and economist Adam Smith)

Paradigm examples:

In Game

Success criterion, ability to solve a problem, clear rules;

In politics

Equality of all before the law, the predominance of individual rights over the rights of the state (false liberal concept);

In cosmogony:

The sun, planets and satellites appeared as a result of the concentration of cosmic dust;

In physics:

Movement electromagnetic waves in a vacuum it is a given, the impossibility of exceeding the speed of light in a vacuum;

In economics:

Market relations are the basis;

In art:

A combination of content, form, texture and harmony;

In cosmology:

The evolution and development of the Universe begins with time " big bang";

"The paradigm is main way understanding and understanding the surrounding reality. The paradigm is almost never formulated in an obvious form, it is only implied and transmitted to other generations through direct experience and culture, and not through direct teaching"(W. Harmon, scientist at Stanford Research Institute)

Paradigm change - scientific revolution

For some time now, there has been a crisis in science. This crisis gives rise to uncertainty in the paradigm. The end of the current crisis is marked by a scientific breakthrough, the meaning of which is the emergence of new paradigms.

Examples of scientific breakthroughs

Aristotelian physics is working properly" worked", as a paradigm from antiquity to the late Middle Ages. Mathematical and physical discoveries The 16th - 17th centuries of Newton, Descartes and Galileo created a situation when a scientific breakthrough was made, and the paradigm of scientific research was Newtonian physics, which was quite complex for that time, which was later replaced by the theory of relativity, relativistic physics and Decentralization. The old dogmas required a very complex hierarchy, centralization For this reason, serious difficulties arose. And then it was discovered that there was another method to cope with pressing problems - to decentralize and simplify the structure of the organization.

Accepted and shared by the scientific community and uniting the majority of its members. Ensures the continuity of the development of science and scientific creativity. Other values:

  • Educational paradigm
  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and tools adopted in the scientific community within the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and techniques for displaying political reality that define the logic of the organization of knowledge, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Besides, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted:

  • Generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary method of decision-making, a model of the world or its parts (industries, areas of knowledge, spheres of life and activity), accepted by a large number of people. Examples: the paradigm of the constitutional course of Russia of the 1993 model, the general programming paradigm.
  • A personal paradigm is an essential method of decision-making, a mental model of a particular person, his point of view. The current statement is incorrect that “naturally, it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account the personal experience of the subject, and is also not complete - no one can know everything about everything.” The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowledge of everything,” but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the individual in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

see also

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    - (Greek) In grammar: an example, a pattern, a word according to which others decline or conjugate. In rhetoric, an example taken from history and given for comparison. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PARADIGM... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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  • Paradigm of dualism. Space - time, information - energy, A. I. Demin. Real book is devoted to the study of the paradigm of dualism - a new understanding of the essence of all processes and phenomena in the universe, which became possible thanks to the discovery of such an intangible...

A set of stable and generally valid norms, theories, methods, schemes scientific activity, presupposing unity in the interpretation of theory, in organization empirical research and interpretation of scientific research. The concept of science was introduced into modern philosophy of science by T. Kuhn to explain the functioning of “normal science.” According to Kuhn, the development of science goes through several stages. The pre-paradigm stage of the development of science is characterized by the presence of many theoretical directions, diversity methodological approaches. At this stage there is no single theoretical concept, guiding the activities of the scientific community. Stage so-called “normal science” is characterized by the adoption of a stable and recognized by the entire scientific community P. The main conceptual load of P. is that, on the one hand, it excludes all concepts, theories, and methods that are not related to P. and are not consistent with it, on the other On the other hand, it orients the scientific community and research activities towards the use of theory to predict new phenomenal areas, as well as towards improving the theory itself through the reinterpretation of existing existing theories. The guarantee of the stability of “normal science” is its conservatism: all research activities is carried out within the framework of the accepted P. But “normal science” over a certain time begins to experience a crisis. The latter is associated with the occurrence of scientific anomalies leading to scientific discoveries. Most scientific anomalies arise in strict accordance with paradigmatic rules and requirements. Happy opening anomalous phenomena the search for solutions begins, and the search is mainly carried out within the framework of a given P. with the aim of preserving it. “Any crisis begins with a doubt in the paradigm and the subsequent loosening of the rules of normal research” (Kuhn). The end of the crisis is marked by a scientific revolution, the essence of which lies in the emergence of new P. New P. are qualitatively incommensurate with the old ones and are non-cumulative. " Scientific revolutions are considered here as non-cumulative episodes in the development of science, during which the old paradigm is replaced in whole or in part by a new paradigm that is incompatible with the old one" (Kuhn). As a result of the adoption of the new P., the totality of norms, values, and attitudes accepted by the scientific community changes significantly. In connection with Due to the uncertainty of the concept of P., associated primarily with the contradiction of the logical and psychological-historical connotations of the term, Kuhn subsequently explicated the initial characteristics of P. through the disciplinary matrix. The disciplinary matrix includes several elements: firstly, a symbolic generalization of laws. Symbolic generalization helps the scientific community to formalize basic theoretical principles. Secondly, Kuhn identifies the "metaphysical" component of P. - a system of methodological principles used to interpret these laws. Third, a set of standardized tools and methods for solving typical problems. Examples of P. are Aristotelian dynamics, Ptolemaic astronomy, Newtonian mechanics, Einstein's theory of relativity. The concept of P. is used in modern socio-philosophical theories to diagnose its current state and predict its prospects, although it is hardly possible to speak unambiguously about the applicability of P. as unified system norms, attitudes, values ​​to social and philosophical theories. T. X. Kerimov

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Dictionary of Logic

Paradigm (from the Greek paradeigma - example, sample) is a set of theoretical and methodological provisions adopted by the scientific community on at a certain stage development of science and used as a sample, model, standard for scientific research, interpretation, evaluation and...

Philosophical Dictionary

(from the Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - a set of theoretical and methodological provisions adopted by the scientific community at a certain stage of the development of science and used as a sample, model, standard for scientific research, interpretations, evaluations and...

Philosophical Dictionary

(Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - 1) the concept of ancient and medieval philosophy, characterizing the sphere of eternal ideas as a prototype, a sample, according to which the demiurge god creates the world of existence; 2) in modern philosophy science - a system of theoretical, methodological and...

Philosophical Dictionary

1. The set of theoretical, methodological, value and other attitudes adopted at each stage of the development of science (the concept was introduced by the American scientist T. Kuhn); 2. B in a broad sense, the original conceptual idea, value as a diagram or. a kind of map of the area that helps...

Philosophical Dictionary

One of key concepts modern philosophy of science. Introduced by Kuhn. Refers to a set of beliefs, values, practices and technical means, accepted by the scientific community and ensuring the existence of the scientific tradition. The concept of P. is correlative to the concept of the scientific community:...

Newest philosophical dictionary

PARADIGM (Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - 1) the concept of ancient and medieval philosophy, characterizing the sphere of eternal ideas as a prototype, a sample, in accordance with which the demiurge god creates the world of existence; 2) in modern philosophy of science - a system of theoretical,...

The section is very easy to use. In the field provided, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our website provides data from different sources– encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.


The meaning of the word paradigm

paradigm in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    Sample, type, model (book). P. public relations.

    In grammar: a system of forms of a changing word, construction (special). P. name, verb.

    adj. paradigmatic, -aya, -oe.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A construction as a pattern of declension or conjugation of a changing word (in linguistics).

    System of forms of a changing word.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PARADIGM (from the Greek paradeigma - example, sample) in philosophy, sociology - the initial conceptual scheme, a model for posing problems and their solutions, research methods that prevailed during a certain period historical period in the scientific community. A paradigm shift represents a scientific revolution.


PARADIGM in linguistics is a system of forms of one word, reflecting modifications of the word according to its inherent grammatical categories; pattern of type of declension or conjugation. The concept of “paradigm” is also used in word formation, lexicology and syntax.


(from the Greek parádeigma ≈ example, sample), a system of forms of one word, reflecting modifications of the word according to its inherent grammatical categories, for example, by gender, number and case for nouns, person, tense, aspect, etc. for verbs; scheme of word changes according to grammatical categories; pattern of type of declension or conjugation. Since P. is characterized by the lexical identity of the stem, it is often depicted in the form of a table of endings, which serve as a model for inflection or formation of a given part of speech. The description of a P. provides for: the number of members of the association (P. ≈ a closed series of forms), the order of their arrangement, the endings of each member of the P. and possible morphonological transformations of the stem and (or) endings. Often the term "P." extend to any limited systems of secondary formations with a single base; According to their nature, morphological, lexical, word-formative, etc. are distinguished. The concept of syntactic phrase usually serves to designate a system of sentence forms (compare “the son is studying,” “the son was studying,” etc.). P. are divided into private, or small, consisting of in a certain way organized groups forms, and complete, or large, representing the sum of partial P. In the Russian language, for example, the full P. of adjectives includes three P. singular, one ≈ plural, one P. short forms and forms of degrees of comparison.

E. S. Kubryakova.


Paradigm (philosophy)

Paradigm(from, “example, model, sample” model of evolutionary activity.

The word was originally used in linguistics and rhetoric. So, for example, ESBE defines this term in the following way: “in grammar, a word that serves as an example of declension or conjugation; in rhetoric, an example taken from history and given for the purpose of comparison.” The 1900 Merriam-Webster Dictionary gives a similar definition of its use only in the context of grammar or as a term for an illustrative parable or fable.

Since the end of the 60s of the 20th century, this term began to be predominantly used in the philosophy of science and sociology of science to denote a system of ideas, views and concepts, an initial conceptual scheme, a model for posing problems and their solutions, research methods that prevailed during a certain historical period. period in the scientific community.

One of the first and most famous mentions of the concept is found in Plato's dialogues, where he used it in the meaning of the prototype for the creation of the universe.


Paradigm(from, “example, model, sample”) - a set of fundamental scientific installations, ideas and terms, accepted and shared by the scientific community and uniting the majority of its members. Ensures the continuity of the development of science and scientific creativity. Other values:

  • Paradigm
  • Paradigm
  • Programming Paradigm
  • Educational paradigm
  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and tools adopted in the scientific community within the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and techniques for displaying political reality that define the logic of knowledge organization, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Besides, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal and generally accepted:

  • Commonly accepted paradigms include an exemplary method of decision-making, a model of the world or parts of it that is accepted by a large number of people. Examples: the paradigm of the constitutional course of Russia in 1993, the general programming paradigm.
  • A personal paradigm is an essential method of decision-making, a mental model of a particular person, his point of view. The current statement is incorrect that “naturally, it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account the personal experience of the subject, and is also not complete - no one can know everything about everything.” The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowledge of everything,” but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the individual in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

Paradigm (linguistics)

Paradigm(from, “example, model, sample”) - inflectional paradigm - in linguistics, a list of word forms that belong to the same lexeme and have different grammatical meanings. Usually presented in table form. Ferdinand de Saussure used the term to refer to a class of elements that have similar properties.

The word παράδειγμα in Greek means “example, model, sample”; the inflectional paradigm serves as a model of how inflectional forms are constructed for entire classes of lexemes

The construction of paradigms is one of the first linguistic achievements of mankind; Babylonian clay tablets with lists of paradigms are usually considered the first monument of linguistics as a science.

Typically, paradigms are ordered in some traditional grammeme order, for example, the Russian declension paradigm is written in case order I - R - D - V - T - P:

about the hand

The paradigm of personal conjugation in European languages is usually written in the order “going-going-going”, and, for example, in Arabic the order is reversed.

There are morphological, lexical, word-formative, syntactic types paradigms. Here they are shown using the example of the Bashkir language.

  • Morphological paradigm - a system of word forms that reflects the implementation grammatical categories. The morphological paradigm is presented next to grammatical forms words correlated with its unchangeable part.
  • Lexical paradigm is a combination of words opposed on a common semantic basis.
  • Word formation paradigm - a set of derived words, etc.
  • Syntactic paradigm - a number of structurally different constructions reflecting modifications syntactic meanings. For example, analytical forms expressions of modality: hypothetically “there was a keshene ҡalala kүreүem momkin”, etc.

There are morphological theories that consider paradigms to be the central concept of morphology, and the division of words into morphemes as optional or secondary.

Examples of the use of the word paradigm in literature.

As paradigms one can imagine a baby risking sliding into the lap of 78 Abraham Maslow.

As it turned out, Ivan Havel led a group of progressive scientists who, under the communists, were secretly engaged in research into new paradigms and transpersonal psychology.

About becoming new paradigms development of society and humanization educational process at a technical university.

Here, however, the national trends American critics, striving to defend, if not complete independence or priority, then at least the national specificity of deconstructionism as a phenomenon of an exclusively American character, and trying to prove that, in contrast to Europe, on the other side of the Atlantic, the processes of maturation of a new paradigms progressed much more decisively, and chronologically almost simultaneously with the formation of French poststructuralism.

Analysis of a case of paranoid dementia as paradigms Case history Simple word associations Continuous associations A.

Stalin's Vienna letter to Malinovsky in 1913 is paradigm conspiratorial darkness.

Dichotomous distinction between old and new types social organization becomes paradigm conceptualization of change and is used by theorists to create models that explain trends beyond the historical limits of contingent shift.

Preface to the theory of motivation The individual as an integrated whole Hunger as paradigm Goal and means Desires and culture Multiple motivations Motivational states Interrelation of motivations On the issue of lists of needs Classification of motives Motivation and experiments on animals.

DIFFERENTLY CONJUGATED, -th, -oe: mixed verbs- in grammar: verbs, in their paradigm combining forms of two different conjugations, for example.

Developing the model of difference equations, we believe that such a primary consideration will contribute to the further development of the procedural dynamic model, which is so necessary for the study of consciousness. paradigms.

First of all, this is modern logic, which goes back to Frege and Russell and has become paradigm the entire Anglo-American philosophy of language.

The empiricism of Newtonian science in this Schellingian paradigm is relegated to a second, subordinate plane.

In casting a Swiftian glance at modern Laputa, I am not advocating any of the paradigms, and like any free-thinking politician, I advocate agnosticism and tolerance for other people’s views.

Now we can name it correctly Paradigm axiomatic system of Newton-Leibniz-Euclid as Paradigm atomism, the atomistic paradigm of rationality.

In the history of thinking, as the history of relationships, correspondence between thinking and the object, Lenin’s position is extremely important, which arose precisely at the moment of the change Paradigms atomism to the Electronism Paradigm.