Forehead and thinking style. Alice mungaday scientifically

Face shape

1. Oblong face - rectangle. The width of the forehead is approximately the same as the width of the chin. This is an aristocratic type. Indicates intelligence, sensitivity, balance. A person with this face shape can be calculating and reasonable. Sometimes such people have organizational talent and have a strong sense of purpose.

2. Triangular face - tall and broad forehead, prominent cheekbones, a small but bony nose, deep-set eyes, a small chin and slightly protruding forward. There is little flesh in the area between the cheekbones and chin. A person with this face shape has low sensitivity. This is also a sign of high talent. At the same time, the character of such a person is characterized by cunning and quarrelsomeness. Sometimes such people are prone to betrayal. They say that among spies and traitors, most people have a triangular face shape. Such people lack feelings of affection and devotion.

3. Trapezoidal face shape - has a lot in common with triangular. This face is characterized by a wide forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed chin). A person with this face shape is intelligent, sensitive, artistic, but he does not have the spirit of a fighter. Women are optimists. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

4. Square face shape - usually belongs to a stern, courageous, often heartless person. Such people are intractable, rude, slow-witted, and persistent. In communication they are straightforward and frank. Their most striking feature is determination. These people have an indefatigable thirst for success. They make good performers, although they themselves persistently strive for leadership. Women with this face shape are distinguished by their desire for dominance.

5. Round face shape - associated with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. Often such people are gourmets. They love comfort, good company and do not strive for fame. At the same time, such people are not alien to ambition. If a person with a round face has a high bridge of the nose, prominent cheekbones, and sparkling eyes, he is purposeful. Such people can become enviable leaders and commanders.

Facial features

1. Brows. Wide ones are considered ideal. long eyebrows. Proportional development of eyebrows (shape, color, thickness) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character. Stiff, bristly eyebrows indicate the opposite. Eyebrows reflect your relationship with others. A pleasant eyebrow shape means that their owner gets along with others. When thick eyebrows rise up with their outer ends, they say that this is a sign of generosity of soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success. Drooping outer ends indicate shyness. When the structure and color of such eyebrows seem lifeless, it is believed that this is due to depletion of internal energy. If a man has smooth and long eyebrows that protrude against the background of pleasant skin, then he is known as an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, and you can expect any tricks from her. Short eyebrows always mean the opposite. Short but thick eyebrows indicate an explosive nature. If the eyebrows are thick and bristly, then their owner is a person with a “devilish” nature. Stubbled eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, and uncompromisingness. Thick, heavy, connecting eyebrows signify an irresistible desire for dominance. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character and is not suitable for the role of a housewife. High eyebrows indicate determination. Eyebrows sitting too low mean the opposite. If a woman has eyebrows with a corner in the middle, this is a sign of independence and mystery.

2. Eyes - windows of the soul. A person with beautiful, attractive eyes has health, will, intelligence, and temperament. Such eyes emit light and warmth, are well protected by eyelids, and have an expressive iris. Big eyes speak of sensitivity of the soul, courage, and sometimes the desire for leadership. Small eyes belong to gloomy, withdrawn, intractable people. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy. A large iris is a sign of softness and calmness, a small one indicates an imbalance in internal processes, which adversely affects relationships with others.

Iris color: Black, brown, green - energy; blue sensitivity; light brown - shyness; gray - loyalty.

Eye planting.Both eyes on one horizontal line- a favorable sign. Eyes slanted downwards: For men - determination; in women - indiscretion. If the upper eyelid is slightly drooping, this is a sign of maturity; a severely drooping upper eyelid in men is a depletion of energy. A large lower eyelid is a sign of a busy life. Too sagging lower eyelid indicates uncontrollability of desires. Swollen both eyelids - fatigue from life. If the outer corners of the eye are buried in a network of diverging wrinkles, this is a sign of insight.

Eye types:

1. Dragon eyes - large with a lively shine. These are the eyes that a person in power is endowed with..

2. Elongated, almond-shaped eyes, sometimes with rims curved upward - the eyes of a phoenix. This is a refined nature.

3. Large eyes with folds on the eyelids - lion eyes. Leaders are endowed with them.

4. Elephant eyes - narrow, elongated with double or even triple eyelids. Typical for obese people. Such people are calm in nature.

5. Eyes of a tiger - round with a yellowish sheen. Belong to brave natures.

6. Sheep eyes - narrow, small, with a black and yellow iris.

7. Large eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids - horse eyes.

8. Eyes with a fractured upper eyelid and dull iris - boar eyes.

9. Eyes with an overly large iris - wolf eyes.

The most best information the eye of a person over 40 is read. The slightly different shaped eyes belong to a passionate person.

3.Nose. The ideal nose has a rounded tip and shaped wings. Too large nostrils are a personality defect. A person with a perfect nose becomes a strong personality. A long nose is a sign of strong individuality. A long nose, well balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin indicates a strong nature; short nose - about “openness of soul” and optimism; a bony long nose is an indicator of pride and arrogance, quarrelsomeness; a bony, long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person. A high and even bridge of the nose is considered ideal; such a bridge occurs in healthy people. A person with a nose tip that resembles a “suspended drop” is usually cheerful and therefore prosperous; if the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is insightful, cunning and, often, vindictive. A full, large, bulbous tip of the nose is a sign of cordiality and warmth. A raised nose with protruding nostrils denotes self-will, intemperance, and licentiousness. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity. Too small nostrils - compliance; wide wings of the nose - conceit; red nose - dishonesty. Dark spots on the nose are a sign of physical distress. A nose that stands out sharply on a woman’s face is a sign of a dysfunctional life in her youth. A small hump on a straight nose with narrow nostrils indicates predatory behavior. A nose with flaring nostrils is a sign of inability to control oneself.

4. Mouth. For a woman, a beautiful mouth is small; for a man - proportional. A woman with a big mouth is considered masculine, which is not very popular with men. Individuals with small mouths are preoccupied with the struggle for survival; they are often endowed with weak character. A thin line of closed lips indicates a scrupulous character. A man with a large mouth and drooping corners of his lips has strong will, it is difficult to influence him. A constantly twitching mouth (a horse's mouth) is a sign of distrust. A small, arched mouth (the corners of the lips tend to point downwards) belongs to a sensitive nature. Protruding lips are evidence of success. A symmetrical, undistorted opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions. If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth from the eyes, this is a sign of a difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of deceit. The upper lip protrudes above the lower lip - indecision; the lower one sticks out - selfishness. A person whose one side of his mouth droops is stubborn. Wrinkles above the lips - aging. A large suction cup on the upper lip is a sign of a past childhood. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips speak of prosperity in youth and hardship in life. mature years. Damaged teeth and tongue are indicators of poor health.

5. Ears. A well-shaped ear speaks volumes happy childhood. Shapelessness and pallor indicate the opposite. Ears that are too big are a bad personality; ears that are too small are a sign of trouble.

Ear position on head: Above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence; on
level from eyebrows to eyes - above average intelligence; below eye level -
below average intelligence.

An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance of personality.
A long lobe means carelessness. A slightly pronounced lobe is scrupulousness. People with
very large lobes - sages. If the lobe moves forward slightly -
soulfulness. If the inner rim of the ear is retracted - restraint, if it is protruded
- incontinence. Pink ear color - health. Moles inside the ear -

Features of facial bones. Jaws. Chin.

High and convex brow ridges - will and strength.
Low location of the front lines - lack of will and strength.
Wide bone and large chin - a strong character; drooping lower jaw; psychological troubles.
Weakly defined chin - a sign of softness.
Slight cleft chin - the power of passion; significant duality - desire for solitude; wide cheekbones - cunning; heavy jaw - We control the severity of passions, often excessive conceit.
High, level forehead - a sign of giftedness; short - isolation and frowning, if such a forehead is also flat - slow-wittedness.
High and prominent forehead - intelligence and wisdom.

Remember the famous: “Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead”? What is a stubborn person usually called? That's right, “stubborn forehead.” “Copper forehead” is a name for a person who is not surprised by anything, reckless, brave and never embarrassed. Pointing at a stupid or slow-witted person, we hit ourselves on the forehead. This is no coincidence. According to physiognomy, the general appearance of the forehead gives an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person and his character. Based on the height, convexity and shape of the forehead, one can draw a conclusion about the fundamental qualities of a person, that is, those that are a direct reflection of his character.

The forehead is located in the area of ​​the face, which is responsible for the period of life from birth to 30 years. Pay attention to the presence of congenital signs on it - spots, bulges, etc. Depending on the area of ​​​​location (for men the right side is favorable, the left is unfavorable, for women - vice versa), you can find out how happy a person’s childhood was or what, perhaps , awaits him in his youth. The shape of your forehead can also tell you a lot. First of all, pay attention to its height and width. For example, a high and wide forehead speaks of a person’s intellectual merits, but at the same time it also implies excessive stubbornness, which can harm a career. On the contrary, a wide but low forehead indicates a rude, cruel, but excellent performer who will not think about the meaning of the assignment, but will try to fulfill it as best as possible. Narrow and high forehead often reveals people who are talented, but fragile and weak-willed, and a narrow and low forehead indicates a person’s limitations, his criminal inclinations and cowardice. Of course, it is impossible to characterize a person only by the parameters of the forehead - all the signs must be considered as a whole, but by analyzing the shape of the forehead, you can quite accurately determine some character traits.


British scientists conducted a number of studies and came to the conclusion that the shape and size of the forehead are determined by nationality and race. Thus, scientists have discovered that the narrowest foreheads among people of the white race belong to the population of the Mediterranean region, and the widest to the inhabitants of the Alpine mountains. At the same time, the representatives have the most sloping foreheads Negroid race, and low and square - among the Italians.

Mentally divide your forehead in half horizontal line. Top part expresses a person’s attitude towards others, the lower one – his self-esteem. People with more developed bottom forehead (superciliary ridges) (Fig. 3.1) are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, however, it is unlikely that they will provide support to anyone other than themselves.

Such people are individualists, focused on personal problems, accustomed to dominating and imposing their opinions on others (they are often born under the signs of Leo and Aries).

A person with a sloping upper forehead (Fig. 3.2) is often ambitious and is not used to obeying someone.

Rice. 3.1. Forehead with a more developed lower part

Rice. 3.2. Forehead with sloping top

He elevates himself above others, strives to conquer and dominate, and even if he does not succeed, he will not put up with a subordinate position, but uses all his strength and means to achieve what he wants. Sometimes this shape of the forehead is found in extremely contradictory people, who, even in the absence of their own position, will always adhere to the opposite opinion in a dispute with other people. A relatively high, convex forehead indicates the ability to absorb and remember information well, as well as receptivity, but the absence of suspiciousness.


No gap between right and left sides brow ridges almost always characterizes a vain person. A religious, powerful person can always be recognized by the strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead: it is convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size (Fig. 3.3).

Great importance also has a groove separating the upper and lower parts of the forehead. If it exists, then this speaks of a person’s great moral and spiritual independence, which is subject to high cosmic law, as well as the ability to combine his own view with the opinions of other people. Such a person has objective views and judgments. It’s bad if the middle of the forehead is fixed and large. This is the forehead of Jupiter. A person who has it often confuses good and evil and tries to teach others and preach. If, with other not very good indicators, a too smooth forehead stands out on the face, then this also blurs the line between good and bad. One large horizontal crease running down the middle of the forehead indicates an ambitious and self-confident person who loves to be listened to and obeyed. If such a person chooses an occupation for himself that does not contradict moral principles, he will subsequently become an excellent mentor, capable of passing on experience to the younger generation.

In general, forehead shapes can be divided into several types. Each of them classifies a person according to one or another moral qualities and strength of character. The shape of the forehead is determined by the hairline, for example, uneven (means that the hair on the forehead does not grow in a straight or rounded line, but along an uneven or curved line) or M-shaped (the hairline is shaped like the letter M).

Rice. 3.3. Forehead with a convex upper part


People have been practicing fortune telling since ancient times. Perhaps some skeptical readers, picking up this book, will say that in our high-tech age, fortune telling is quackery. But fortune telling is different from fortune telling. I do not encourage you to communicate with newly minted sorcerers or white witches, I do not suggest learning to read coffee grounds and runes, analyze the mysterious lines of your hands, or purchase Tarot cards. I invite you to join the art, which in ancient times was considered a magical practice, and in the twentieth century received scientific basis. This art is called "face reading."

Oddly enough, we practice it every day, only with varying degrees skill. Tell me, aren’t manifestations of such emotions as tenderness, joy, fear or anger obvious to you? But the ability to recognize emotions on a person’s face is only a small component ancient art. Our faces reflect more than just our moods. Upon deeper analysis it becomes clear that appearance contains information about character, inclinations, sexuality, health, ability to earn money and even how many years we are destined to live.

The practice of face reading was first developed in ancient China. Many centuries ago, doctors and pundits began to write down information in treatises about how the characteristic features of a person’s face influence various aspects his life. This is how a profession appeared, which is now increasingly used (by the way, not only in the East, but also in the West) in economics, politics, and even in the preparation of marriage contracts. For example, in America it is no longer surprising that many large corporations, when concluding very profitable deals, invite specialists who are fluent in face reading methods to participate. The same applies to the issue of personnel selection. To solve this problem, companies use the advice of professional consultants who help from a large number of applicants for one or another workplace choose effective, and most importantly, mentally stable people who are able to work in a team (according to statistical surveys, it is properly built relationships in a team that contribute to effective creative work).

If you are still in doubt about why you should spend time mastering the technique of face reading, then the advantages listed below will hopefully convince even the most persistent skeptics:

– knowledge of new and useful information about family and friends;

– the ability to accurately assess the behavior of others and psychological situation in positive and negative situations, adjusting your behavior if necessary;

– choose the right business partners;

– conclude profitable deals by participating in tough negotiations;

– avoid pitfalls when communicating with competitors;

– manage staff effectively and efficiently;

– present yourself correctly when applying for a financially profitable job (especially if there are a lot of applicants for the position);

– build harmonious relationships in love and marriage;

– understand what motivates other people and “read” them like an open book;

– create a pleasant first impression when making acquaintances (not only personal, but also business).

And many many others.

And the last thing: every person can read faces, regardless of whether he was trained in it or not. You don't even need to make significant efforts in this direction. You just need to develop your innate abilities and you will become the owner of unique knowledge that you can use to your great benefit. And if you consider that one session with a specialist who can read faces costs more than a thousand rubles, then you may have a desire to learn a new profession that allows you to earn good money.

Analyzing facial types

In total, oddly enough, there are only three types of faces: round, triangular and square.

Round face

This type of face is generally very proportional. A person with this type has full cheeks, a large mouth, a slightly narrow forehead, full lips and a wide nose. Psychological characteristics Women with this type of face are as follows: friendly, sociable, love to be in public, enthusiastic in any endeavor. The characteristics of men are as follows: they like to feel like playboys, but they are active, well organized, very practical, have an excellent sense of the situation, know how to adapt to various circumstances and, naturally, love to eat deliciously.

Triangular face

Analysis shows that this type of face prevails among many great people involved in music, literary activity and philosophy (for example, remember the face of Pythagoras or Tchaikovsky). As a rule, people of this type very shy, intellectual and dreamy; if the facial features are irregular, then the person has a cruel character.

The general characteristics are as follows: high but narrow forehead, fairly a pointy chin, disproportionate sides of the face, and also very mobile, large and protruding ears.

Square face

Many famous politicians have square type faces. Occurs mainly in men who have strong-willed qualities, self-confident, practical and have leadership talent, skillfully influencing or manipulating people.

The general characteristics are as follows: a wide but low forehead, a wide nose, a square chin, as well as the shape of the head, large ears, but overall the face has a proportional shape.

What secrets does a person hide on his forehead?

Low and wide forehead

A person with this forehead shape is extremely shy, which prevents him from realizing his creative abilities. But patience and perseverance in business largely contribute to the success of such people. They are also characterized by observation and a sharp, extraordinary intellect.

High and wide forehead

Analysis of the external appearance of people with this forehead shape shows that this is a sign of intelligence and strength. it's the same characteristic feature thinking and observant people who tend to analyze everything in their lives. Especially men with this type achieve success in any endeavor. Unique sociable qualities contribute to the fact that the people around such a man are very friendly towards him, never refuse help, and help create favorable opportunities for his career growth.

Low and narrow forehead

People with this forehead shape can achieve significant success in politics, as they are dexterous, smart, but often cruel, dishonest, unscrupulous and have low intelligence.

High and narrow forehead

It is believed that a person with such a forehead has an extraordinary mind, but is indifferent to the people around him. As a rule, it is a characteristic feature of scientists.

Blemishes on the forehead

The presence of scars or other flaws on the forehead (and very close to the center line) is typical for a person with difficult fate. This is due to the fact that, according to Chinese medicine, the area between the eyes is the center vital energy qi - and any defects in this place entail negative consequences for everyone with whom the owner of this type of forehead communicates (in other words, we can talk about misfortunes in life). If we talk about moles on the forehead, then analysis shows that a woman who has one can expect an unhappy marriage. A mole on the eyebrow is a symbol of good luck, especially in financial matters.

A mole located between the eyes indicates that both men and women are calm and serious people.

Disproportional forehead shape

In many ways, this shape depends on the hairstyle, that is, there is more hair on one side than on the other. If you do not want to have a state of emotional instability, it is better to change your hairstyle - make the hairline even.

Women with this type of forehead are considered adventurers, charlatans with a lack of moral principles. But, as mentioned above, if you do not want such a look to leave an imprint on your destiny, then try to hide the flaw with another hairstyle. And most importantly: children with this forehead shape tend to have criminal tendencies.

Change in skin color on the forehead

According to Chinese research, if there are events in your life negative changes, then the forehead reflects everything that happens to you, that is, the color of the skin in this area changes (it darkens, has an unhealthy appearance). You should reconsider your actions or relationships with people who can have a strong impact on your life.

Improved skin color (forehead is clear and clean) indicates that positive changes should be expected in life. Beware of communicating with such people.

Forehead shapes and psychological portraits of people

Bulging bones above the eyes

This type of forehead includes very aggressive men and eccentric, irresponsible women. In the East they believe that such people had Hard childhood, which can leave a negative imprint for life. If you want to get rid of such a shortcoming, control your behavior by analyzing the attitude of the people around you. IN otherwise negative traits will worsen with age.

Money zone

To understand how financially independent a person is, it is enough to pay attention to the area near the nose, above internal corner century. It is believed that this particular place indicates a person’s ability to make money. If the bone in this area of ​​the forehead protrudes too much, the person is unlikely to be rich.

The presence of defects and scars also indicates problems with money or the likelihood of losing it. A change in skin color indicates that financial problems await a person in the future, but if, on the contrary, the color changes for the better, this means that good luck awaits the person in financial matters.

Friendship Zone

If you want to make sure true friendship a person you have known for a long time, pay attention to his forehead. If the area of ​​the forehead directly above the eyebrows acquires a dark tint, then this fact indicates a deterioration in the relationship and possible negative consequences for you. Moreover, the darker the skin, the the problem is more serious. Subtle changes in color indicate possible minor disagreements, the resolution of which will depend on your actions.

Life and Death Zone

One of the most important zones for a person - life and death - is located between the eyebrows. In the East, they believe that human vital energy (qi) is concentrated in this place, sometimes this area also called the “third eye”.

A natural convexity of the forehead with clear skin clearly indicates that a person has a large supply of vital energy. Men with this forehead shape are independent, prefer solitude, are responsible, hardworking, and occupy important positions in society. Men with a flat, almost smooth forehead have similar qualities. In a woman, this trait indicates a sharp mind, wonderful character, and friendliness, which attracts men to her and allows her to build harmonious relationships with them. But any flaws in this area are considered a serious shortcoming, depriving a person of the opportunity to realize his abilities. If a woman has a mole in this part of her forehead, it should be removed; otherwise failures will follow one after another.

Creativity Zone

If you look closely at people with creative nature: musicians, singers, artists, actors and writers, then you can find one common feature– the hair frames the forehead in the shape of the letter “M”. People with such a forehead, although very emotional, each succeed perfectly in their profession. They are often very responsive people.

Zone indicating practicality

In general, a square forehead is more common in men than in women. Such men achieve success early, are practical, very hardworking, are mainly engaged in science and business, and are also required in those areas where they can apply their best qualities.

Women with square foreheads have problems communicating with people due to their aggressive nature. I recommend hiding your shortcomings with your hair and treating people more gently.

What do wrinkles on the forehead mean?

One horizontal wrinkle

One long horizontal wrinkle located below the center line of the forehead (this is especially true for people with narrow foreheads) indicates signs of high intelligence, sharp mind, hard work, ability to adapt to circumstances and achieve goals in any field of activity. Negative character traits include greed, but, as mentioned earlier, everything is in your hands and depends on your behavior and actions.

Two horizontal wrinkles

In the East they believe that two long wrinkles are responsible for the most important aspects human life: health, relationships and success.

If the lower wrinkle is longer and deeper than the upper one, then the person, as a rule, has problems in relationships with family and friends. If the lower wrinkle is long and deep, and the upper one is very pronounced, then the person has great support from family, friends and society, which is good for a political career.

Three horizontal wrinkles

They mean success in life and are a sign of excellent memory, concentration and thinking. Deep wrinkles are a sign of problems experienced in the past or hard work.

Many round wrinkles

Such wrinkles are more common in men than in women, and are a sign of not very high intelligence and simplicity. But positive character traits include loyalty to friends, hard work, and corporate involvement in the interests of a common cause.

Lots of wavy wrinkles

The owners of such wrinkles are more likely to be men than women. Lacking any talents, they cannot realize themselves until the age of 50, but then their lives, as a rule, improve.

Lots of small wrinkles

About such people we can only say the following: it is necessary to monitor their health, both physical and mental, because the lack of vital energy prevents them from realizing their abilities and living life to the fullest. I would also advise you not to waste your energy on various things, but, by concentrating, achieve success in one field.

Absence or minor expression wrinkles

The absence of wrinkles or their slight presence is an excellent factor that allows people even at the age of 50–60 to look young, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect both in personal and professional activity. The downside here is that such people under forty are rarely taken seriously because of their youth appearance. They find it difficult to realize themselves or achieve success. But after forty creative potential begins to develop rapidly and be fully realized.

Bird wings

This type of wrinkle is found in both geniuses and intellectually limited men. They are not the most best husbands, they are not interested in money and everyday problems. More often than not, such men are loners and unsociable.

Vertical wrinkles

First type

One wrinkle located vertically between the eyebrows indicates a strong, persistent and very strong-willed person who knows how not to give in to difficulties and achieve his goal by any means. But success in business is the result of perseverance rather than talent and intelligence. Men and women with such a wrinkle are cold natures, their marriage is more of a formal nature, since sex is not particularly interesting to them.

Second type

Two horizontal wrinkles indicate an exaggerated sense of justice, which often adds problems to their owner in life.

Women (and there are many owners of this trait) are very jealous, often fight for equality within their families, are possessive towards their husbands, and always come up with problems for themselves.

Men with two horizontal wrinkles are kind, gentle and caring husbands - however, they are like that in relation to other representatives of the “weaker sex”.

Third type

Horizontal wrinkles located between the eyebrows at angles to the right and left indicate the quarrelsome nature of their owner, who, in a fit of anger, can do stupid things. Men of this type are infantile and cannot grow up. As before, I advise you to learn to control your emotions.

Fourth type

Men who have not even a vertical wrinkle, but a stripe two and a half centimeters wide, running from the eyebrows to the hairline, are very successful people both financially and social life. Possessing an abundance of spiritual and physical forces, they enjoy success with others and therefore have great opportunities to realize their personal traits and creativity.

Geometric forehead shapes

Round type

A rounded forehead type is most often found in women and brings some problems to their owners (either divorce or the death of a husband). I advise you to gain financial independence as a safety net against problems.

Men with a rounded forehead, on the contrary, are lucky in all aspects of life, the only thing is that they lack perseverance in achieving their goals.

Forehead in the shape of two semi-ovals

A forehead in the shape of two semi-ovals is more often characteristic of women. These are feminine, gentle creatures, they are highly susceptible to male attention, they are amorous, but usually they devote all their care and love to home and family.

Men with this type of forehead are rare.

Convex forehead

Both men and women with convex foreheads are excellent businessmen (bankers, financiers). Possessing superbly developed communication skills, they both love and know how to communicate, especially in public or with clients. Their positive qualities: independence, ingenuity, talent, sharp mind, ability to take advantage of the moment, the ability to adapt to both circumstances and the interlocutor. Negatives include complete indifference to starting a family; they will not devote their time to everyday problems or home (this is typical when married spouses with convex foreheads).

Sunken forehead

A sunken forehead is a characteristic feature of many people and is quite common. Particularly noticeable, it influences the life of the person who possesses it. It’s not often, but it still happens that such people are deprived of intelligence and talents.

Many famous politicians or people in creative professions have a sunken forehead, but the presence of wrinkles compensates negative traits, being signs of hard work and perseverance in achieving goals. The presence of many small wrinkles on the sunken forehead means the ability to earn a lot of money.

Forehead with high brow bones

A characteristic feature of many men, one might even add – aggressive ones. Men with such a forehead not only actively and energetically go ahead through life, but also believe that only strength matters in business and in life.

Much of the above also applies to women with high eyebrows.

Both men and women with low eyebrows - complete opposite people with high eyebrows in their character traits.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Our eyes - their shape, color, clarity of vision and location - are capable of providing the most complete information about a person: about his character, preferences and inclinations, creative abilities and even about his fate.

In the East, it is believed that the eyes are the most important part of the face, and that they control other organs located here, including the nose, which is called the “emperor” of the face. When analyzing a person’s appearance, the area around the eyes is usually taken as a starting point. This is because the eyes are the only organ of our face that does not change throughout our lives, while the ears, nose, mouth, and hairline experience signs of aging or changes in growth.

Clarity of vision

You've probably noticed that some people's eyes shine and glow, while others' eyes are dull, or, as they say: “He has a dull look.” The sparkle in the eyes can add charm and sexuality to a woman even with an ugly appearance. Usually, clarity in vision appears when harmony reigns in a person’s soul, when he is in a good mood, when he is not burdened by any problems. In the East, a person’s character is judged primarily by the sparkle in his eyes, and it doesn’t matter what color, shape or size they are.

Harmonious arrangement eye

Before considering the many characteristics of the eyes, we should consider their location on the face. The harmonious relationship of the eyes always attracts attention, leaving only good impression. But you almost never see such ideal eyes in nature, and various imbalances can always be compensated for either by makeup or character traits (for example, a sense of humor).

Eyes that vary in size

Sometimes a person can have eyes that vary in size and shape.

Women with such eyes are usually very sexy and popular with members of the opposite sex, as they know how to please a man. If the difference between the eyes is too great, then it will not be difficult for a woman to correct this defect with makeup.

Men with such eyes are sociable, ambitious, incredibly lucky and quite successful in finance.

Small eyes

Such eyes are found mainly in artistic people. If in the gaze of a person with small eyes one feels strength and inner spirit, then their owner is an extraordinary person, but he is not always able to agree with other people’s opinions and adapt to others. Rarely achieving success in their youth, they later realize themselves through hard work, colossal willpower and diligence. Chances of good career will increase if the owner of small eyes receives a good education.

Large eyes

Large eyes (both in women and men) have always attracted and attract attention. It is easier for people with such eyes to go through life. Men with very large eyes are emotional, artistic, they can even be figuratively called “warriors” or “knights.” As a rule, they are energetic, act and think radically, but they do not always have the stamina due to their susceptibility to frequent mood swings.

Girls, young women and women with large eyes, especially those with intelligence, often use their appearance in communicating with others, which allows them to easily achieve personal goals. Such representatives of the fairer sex always have higher chances in everything (be it a happy marriage, career, creativity, self-realization in society) than girls or women with smaller eyes. As a rule, these are sensual, sensitive and artistic natures, such people can be found in show business or cinema.

Getting used to worship, women with large eyes often encounter problems - it is difficult for them to build harmonious relationships with men. The independence of such women frightens men. But with proper control of their behavior, they are able to enter into very happy marriages.

Fish eyes

This is the name for bulging eyes, which come in two types: the first type is distinguished by strongly protruding eyeballs and a very thin upper eyelid; the second type is distinguished by slightly bulging eyeballs and a thick (or swollen) upper eyelid.

Men of the first type are insightful, intelligent, but often timid, and often have problems communicating with women, because they are confident that they have power over them.

On the contrary, women of the first type get along well with men, entering into happy marriages.

Men of the second type are energetic, ambitious, and careerists. Deciding to create their own business so as not to work for others, they devote all their time to work and achieve financial success. These traits can also characterize women of the second type.

Eyes far apart

People with such eyes are often impatient and suffer from a lack of great intelligence, being narrow-minded and prone to “lag behind”, they often get into trouble due to the fact that they do not know how to understand people at all. But if they are busy with monotonous or simple work, they are excellent performers.

Eyes close to each other

Men with such eyes are often fickle and cannot stay in one place for a long time, that is, they tend to change professions.

Women, as a rule, are jealous and conflictual, especially if something doesn’t work out for them. But such women are distinguished by their ability to understand people well, predicting their actions.

"Empty" expression in the eyes

Lacking a sharp mind, people with an “empty” look in their eyes still achieve success in life through their perseverance and many years of work. Mostly women have this look. They are rarely interested in men and therefore pay little attention to their appearance. If they choose life partners, they are much older than themselves or unattractive, and also not inclined to communicate. But having a little talent for drawing, they can become famous artists (writers).

In this case, it is very useful to remember that a strong will and spirit can turn any disadvantages into advantages.

Languishing eyes

This type of eyes (not to be confused with natural moisture or tears) indicates a romantic, addicted, passionate nature, or a secret romance that a person hides from his loved ones.

Eyes with large pupils

According to the Eastern art of face reading, the larger a person's pupils, the better: this is a sign of kindness, gentleness, good character and intelligence in a person. Both men and women with such eyes are excellent friends, marriage and business partners, because they take to heart all the problems and desires of the people around them, they happily meet everyone halfway, they are modest, sincere, reliable and loyal.

Eyes with small pupils

People with such eyes are the complete opposite of the previous type. Analyzes of numerous individuals carried out by Chinese physiognomists since ancient times show that nature has endowed people with small pupils with many negative character traits. Possessing a pleasant appearance, both men and women of this type subconsciously feel the desire to cause problems for others. They are touchy, irritable and overly selfish. But if you are the owner of eyes with small pupils, do not be upset, try to analyze your negative character traits, each of us has a lot of both positive and negative (yin and yang), we differ from animals in that we have intelligence, we can change for the better.

"Killer" eyes

As the name suggests, fanatics, murderers, and dictators have this type of eyes (the pupils are almost hidden under the upper eyelid, exposing the excess white space). Of course, not all people of this type are killers, but they are often potentially dangerous. They are aggressive, cruel, always obsessed with the desire to move forward - to victory, regardless of the people around them, that is, to victory at any cost.

Women with “killer” eyes are almost never seen.

Eyes with rounded corners

This type of people have all the positive qualities: they are called the life of the party, they are modest, kind, gentle, honest, loyal friends and wonderful family men.

Eyes with sharp corners

Such eyes are not uncommon in nature, but people with eyes that have pointed corners are the complete opposite of the previous type. This trait is evidence of selfishness and indifference towards other people. Due to their entrepreneurial spirit, such people are often financially prosperous, but due to bad character It’s difficult for them to earn, much less keep, large sums of money. Having grasped the heights of knowledge, these people try to appear smart. As mentioned above, do not despair if you see eyes with sharp corners in the mirror image: analyzing your behavior and character will help you change.

Eyes with upturned corners

Chinese physiognomists interpret this type depending on gender. Men with such eyes are devoted to one woman, creatively gifted and successful. Women, on the other hand, are either cold or jealous.

Eyes with downturned corners

Eyes of this type are interpreted depending on age: in adults, downturned corners are a sign of greed; in children, such eyes give a friendly appearance and evoke tenderness in adults.

Halo near the inner corner of the eyes

This halo is often interpreted as a symbol of sexuality.

Eyes with droopy eyelids

If the eyelids droop at the inner corners of the eyes, then it is believed that such a person, although successful in business, is callous, calculating and has problems communicating with others.

Raised upper eyelids

This trait is inherent in a person of great creative ability (music, painting, literature), easy to communicate, non-mercantile and sincere. A person's character will change only if he fails to realize his natural talent.

Flattened upper eyelids

In the East, this trait is interpreted ambiguously. For women, eyes with upper eyelids flattened in the middle promise a successful career in business; they can become owners of their own firms or companies. Men are also usually successful businessmen due to their cool judgment, insight and honesty.

Eyes with upper eyelids raised at the outer corners

A man with such eyes - strong personality, but a romantic. He easily conquers women and any heights in business, having success in all matters. This happens not only due to their attractive appearance, but also due to their internal virtues.

Women with this type of eyes are different: sometimes they are stubborn egoists who use their sexual attractiveness to manipulate men; if they have intelligence, they can succeed in any aspect of life, especially in business; if they are not smart enough, then, on the contrary, men manipulate them.

Eyes with drooping upper eyelids at the outer corners

In the East, such eyes are a sign of a weak-willed and weak-willed person, always falling under someone’s influence. Their passivity and irresponsibility can lead to financial problems or connections with criminally minded people.

Eyes with thin, drooping lower eyelids

According to Chinese analysis, such eyes have positive personalities with a pleasant character, tactful, gentle and friendly.

Women love men with such eyes. As for women, they are happy in marriage, they love their work, and it comes easily to them; such women are wonderful mothers.

Feminine eyes

The area of ​​the lower eyelids, according to tradition, is considered a female characteristic. If the lower eyelids are thin and sag at the inner corners of the eyes, then women with such eyes rarely experience a feeling of love, they are cold and do not know how to enjoy life. They are unhappy in marriage because they cannot create an atmosphere of love for either their husband or their children. In Japan, such eyes are called “the eyes of an unhappy woman.”

Mentally divide your forehead in half with a horizontal line. The upper part expresses a person’s attitude towards others, the lower part – his self-esteem. People with a more developed lower part of the forehead (brow ridges) (Fig. 3.1) are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, however, they are unlikely to provide support to anyone other than themselves.
Such people are individualists, focused on personal problems, accustomed to dominating and imposing their opinions on others (they are often born under the signs of Leo and Aries).
A person with a sloping upper forehead (Fig. 3.2) is often ambitious and is not used to obeying someone.

Rice. 3.1. Forehead with a more developed lower part

Rice. 3.2. Forehead with sloping top

He elevates himself above others, strives to conquer and dominate, and even if he does not succeed, he will not put up with a subordinate position, but uses all his strength and means to achieve what he wants. Sometimes this shape of the forehead is found in extremely contradictory people, who, even in the absence of their own position, will always adhere to the opposite opinion in a dispute with other people. A relatively high, convex forehead indicates the ability to absorb and remember information well, as well as receptivity, but the absence of suspiciousness.

The absence of a hollow between the right and left sides of the brow ridges almost always characterizes a vain person. A religious, powerful person can always be recognized by the strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead: it is convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size (Fig. 3.3).
The groove separating the upper and lower parts of the forehead is also of great importance. If it exists, then this speaks of a person’s great moral and spiritual independence, which is subject to high cosmic law, as well as the ability to combine his own view with the opinions of other people. Such a person has objective views and judgments. It’s bad if the middle of the forehead is fixed and large. This is the forehead of Jupiter. A person who has it often confuses good and evil and tries to teach others and preach. If, with other not very good indicators, a too smooth forehead stands out on the face, then this also blurs the line between good and bad. One large horizontal crease running down the middle of the forehead indicates an ambitious and self-confident person who loves to be listened to and obeyed. If such a person chooses an occupation for himself that does not contradict moral principles, he will subsequently become an excellent mentor, capable of passing on experience to the younger generation.
In general, forehead shapes can be divided into several types. Each of them classifies a person according to certain moral qualities and strength of character. The shape of the forehead is determined by the hairline, for example, uneven (means that the hair on the forehead does not grow in a straight or rounded line, but along an uneven or curved line) or M-shaped (the hairline is shaped like the letter M).

Rice. 3.3. Forehead with a convex upper part

Uneven forehead line

It is characterized primarily uneven line hair growth Such people tend to doubt everything, and first of all this concerns their position in life, spiritual authorities, etc. People with an uneven hairline are more likely than others to ridicule the sacred things and moral principles accepted in the society in which they live, and reject authorities.
If, in addition, such people have overgrown temples, this indicates a poor understanding of morality or a preaching of their own morality. Overgrown temples in a woman, especially with right side, they give her away as a prude and a “bluestocking”.

Round forehead

If the roundness of a high forehead commensurate with the head occupies the temples and forms a bulge not covered with hair, this is a sign of mental superiority, desire for honors, and pride (Fig. 3.4).
Such people are also distinguished by generosity. If there is a depression in the middle of the forehead and it is frowned, wrinkled, this is a sign of cruelty softened by virtues: courage, intelligence and sanity. A very large but round forehead without hair means a brave person, but prone to lies.
A person with a smooth, convex and rounded forehead is superficial in receiving information. This most often concerns women who want to know “not much, but about everything.” Although there are also men with this type of forehead. Such people are attracted by everything new and unknown, and the need for in-depth study of what is already familiar causes melancholy and boredom.

Rice. 3.4. Round forehead

Trapezoidal forehead

Sometimes the hairline goes from the temples upward, tapering slightly, and then straight along the forehead or slightly rounding. Such a forehead is called a trapezoidal or oval forehead (Fig. 3.5)
People with this type of forehead have a tendency to depression due to the desire to think about lofty topics and try to understand some metaphysical processes. But such a person is not a manic-depressive type, but rather a philosophical nature.
In general, people with a trapezoidal forehead have a lot of positive characteristics. They are inclined to charity, they have a high level of intelligence and willpower and a well-developed sense of humor. At the same time, such people lack self-confidence, which is why they sometimes have problems in communication or communication. career growth. You can’t call them losers, but, as I already said, the tendency to philosophical understanding of life and “soul-searching” often takes luck out from under their noses. By the way, uncertainty is often the cause of fiasco in the personal, especially sexual, sphere of relationships.

Rice. 3.5. Trapezoidal forehead

Square forehead

The square shape of the forehead is determined by the direction of the hairline straight up from the temples, and then the same straight line parallel to the eyebrows. The forehead looks like a square or rectangle (Fig. 3.6).
Such people, just like people with a trapezoidal forehead, are prone to thinking, only of a slightly different nature. They do not know sentimentality; they are accustomed not only to reason, but also to act. This is emphasized by their lack of desire for charity: they would rather help guide a person on the right path, help him figure out his problems himself. Therefore, a straight square forehead is inherent religious people, inclined to follow ethical standards, evaluating their actions from the position of justice and higher authorities.

Rice. 3.6. Square forehead

A high, square forehead is an indicator of a firm, authoritative, but not conservative person. He has a high level of intelligence, a well-developed sense of humor and self-control. They do not believe in luck, but prefer to achieve everything on their own, believing that hard work and determination are the main indicators of success.
Intelligence and willpower are also characteristic of people with a low, square forehead. At the same time, they have much less religiosity and their reasoning comes down to evaluating their actions. By nature, they are rather more conservative, rely on diligence and diligence and do not believe in random success. Nevertheless, to achieve their goals, people with low square foreheads can use not entirely legal methods, justifying this with the prospect of results.

Forehead with receding hairline and turning into bald spot

The appearance of bald patches (Fig. 3.7) often indicates some kind of complex. At the same time, it is generally accepted that they are a sign of excessive sexuality. This is motivated by the fact that, from a biological point of view, early bald patches are caused by the presence of a large amount of the male hormone testosterone in the body. So you can take note of this and not be upset that your husband started losing his hair early.

Jack Nicholson (Fig. 3.8) is an American actor who is rightfully considered a Hollywood legend. However, he became no less famous on the love front. Personal life Nicholson for long years film career was varied. He has an actress daughter from his four-year marriage to starlet Sandra Knight. His affair with Anjelica Huston, with whom Nicholson starred in the gangster film “The Honor of the Prizzi Family,” lasted 17 years, and the actor also has many different intrigues and scandals. Nicholson's latest passion, actress Rebecca Broussard, his daughter's best friend, somewhat calmed him down: they had a child in 1990, and the actor lives with his new family.

Rice. 3.7. Forehead with receding hairline

Rice. 3.8. Jack Nicholson


The shape of a person’s chin speaks of his strength, independence and temperament. There is a direct dependence of character on the chin: the rougher and more significant the chin on the face, the more dynamic, stubborn and tough a person’s character.

Protruding chin

A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin
Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes stopping at nothing. For them, the concept of mercy and sympathy is limited to a good mood.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Fig. 3.10) – famous politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leader of the LDPR. He always knew what he wanted and consistently achieved his goals. Known for his tough and scandalous character, which is typical for people with protruding chins. Nevertheless, the dimple on the chin, which seems to bifurcate it, suggests that the politician is a little old-fashioned in his views and beliefs and strives for solitude and peace.

Rice. 3.10. Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Long and sharp chin

A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often added to cunning fairy-tale characters.

Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chin

And not by chance. Such people stand out from others, on the one hand, with their insightful mind, and on the other, with cunning and sarcasm. Just like people with protruding chins, those with long chins are stubborn, which, combined with cunning, as well as determination and perseverance, allows them to achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

Weakly defined chin

A weakly defined, almost invisible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called weak-willed. And for good reason. According to physiognomic characteristics, it indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can these qualities be expressed in?

Rice. 3.12. Weakly defined chin

Gentleness and timidity are most often expressed in a desire to make concessions, so you can agree on anything with people with such a chin.
At the same time, people with weakly defined chins often achieve their goals, but for this they use gentleness and goodwill rather than assertiveness, toughness and aggression. They are patient and go towards what they set out to do, slowly but surely. If your child has such a chin, try to instill in him independence and the ability to defend his own position, do not abuse his humility, otherwise in the future he will turn into a weak, weak-willed, uninitiative creature. And you will be primarily to blame for this.
Sometimes you can meet people with the so-called fish chin. This is the extreme degree of its lack of expression: it seems that from the lower lip the face smoothly goes straight into the neck. Such people can be called prototypes of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Wise Minnow.” They live by the principle “quieter than water, lower than the grass” and perceive the absence of events in their lives as a kiss of fortune. With a sudden change in environment, a change in the usual state, such a person can easily fall into depression.
On the other hand, such people cannot be called harmless either: they easily change their decisions and views, obeying the majority and using the principle of opportunism. Trying to avoid by any means possible conflict situations and become a third party in the dispute.
Such people are characterized by dependence and indecisiveness, but they really need to be loved, appreciated and needed, because this the only way avoid loneliness.

Fleshy chin

A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and a strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a thug - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature.

Rice. 3.13. Fleshy chin

In fact, the significant feature is not even the chin itself, but the massive wide jaw, which creates the impression of a square bottom of the face. Fighting qualities are most clearly expressed in people with a fleshy chin and a wide, massive face.
These people are always confident, strong and powerful. They are used to coming and taking what they like. At the same time, they almost never encounter obstacles on their way or simply do not notice them.

Strong chin

It is customary to call a strong-willed chin, as if bent upward (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy.

Rice. 3.14. Strong chin

The heavier the chin looks and the more it protrudes forward, the more strong-willed nature appears to us. It is difficult to come to an agreement with such a person, so you should use strength, determination and fearlessness when communicating with him.

Cleft chin

A cleft chin (Fig. 3.15) characterizes fickle and amorous people.

Rice. 3.15. Cleft chin

Despite their passionate nature, such people very often strive for solitude and peace. They are a little old-fashioned in their views and beliefs.


The shape of the cheekbones can determine a person’s degree of risk tolerance.
Pronounced cheekbones, located almost near the eyes, indicate determination and fearlessness (Fig. 3.16).

Rice. 3.16. High cheekbones

Often people with such cheekbones perceive risk as an integral part of life, without which it is impossible to exist normally. Adrenaline should always be boiling in the blood, and the air should be saturated with mysteries and danger - this is the motto of people with pronounced cheekbones.
The opposite characteristic can be given to people with cheekbones located below the eye line (Fig. 3.17) or not expressed at all (Fig. 3.18).

Rice. 3.17. Cheekbones below eye level

Rice. 3.18. Unpronounced cheekbones

Low cheekbones characterize a person’s desire to play it safe and take risks only as a last resort. The absence of cheekbones and their smoothness generally indicate a person’s reluctance to take risks under any circumstances.

If you dream about your forehead or chin...

Seeing a high, beautiful forehead in a dream promises respect and a good reputation, which will be achieved thanks to your prudence and desire for justice.
A low forehead warns of danger, that you will need to gather all your strength and be brave for a successful outcome.
An ugly forehead promises a decline in business for a short time.
A wrinkled forehead warns that you need to be sincere.
In a dream, stroking a child's forehead means fame and success, positive assessment your actions.
A young girl kisses her friend on the forehead - the dream foreshadows a short quarrel over the gossip of enemies.
To see a large, fleshy chin in a dream means expect quick prosperity; if you are thin, you should think about your own shortcomings.

Chapter 4
Windows of our soul...

Those who have bags under their eyes that look like they are hanging down are drunkards; this goes back to the corresponding condition, since many people who drink have bags under their eyes. Those who have this part swollen love to sleep; this symptom goes back to the corresponding condition, since those who wake up have a kind of swelling around the eyes. Those who have small eyes are cowardly; this goes back to the corresponding trait and monkeys. Big-eyed people are lazy; this relates to oxen. Therefore, it is proper for a noble-born to have eyes that are neither very large nor very small. Those who have sunken eyes are evil; this correlates with monkeys. Those who have bulging eyes are stupid; this goes back to the corresponding trait and donkeys. Therefore, the eyes should be neither bulging nor sunken, but the best is an average condition. Those whose eyes are slightly sunken are generous; this relates to lions; if strong - humble; this relates to oxen. Those who are downcast are sad; this goes back to the corresponding state, since the sad ones lower their eyes.

If you want to know a person, look into his eyes. This is centuries-tested wisdom. But what should we see when we look into our eyes? What should you pay attention to and how not to make a mistake when calling a person a friend or, conversely, accusing him of a serious crime? In this chapter we will talk about eye shape.
If you try to immediately classify eyes, the first thing that comes to mind is size: large or small. And it really has a special meaning.
Large eyes have always been considered more attractive than small ones. It seems that the huge eyes on a person’s face reflect his wonderful qualities; it is not for nothing that the metaphor “eyes like two diamonds” is so often found in literature.
Indeed, large eyes speak of the sensitivity of the soul and courage, intelligence and sophistication, artistry and the desire for leadership, receptivity and authority. At the same time, people with big eyes often tend to wishful thinking, embellish events and often do not realize the line between truth and lies. In addition, they are characterized by a certain natural laziness, which is reflected not only in everyday life, but also in many actions. On the other hand, it is often laziness that can explain the non-conflict behavior of big-eyed people. In general, much more good can be said about people with big eyes than bad. Such people know how to feel people and especially value sincerity and directness, even if it seriously hurts them. They are so natural that they often make a career thanks to their sincerity and trust from sometimes almost strangers. It’s just calm and reliable with them, and what manager wouldn’t want to have not only a valuable employee, but also a sincere, noble person nearby!

The big eyes of the French film actress Audrey Tautou (Fig. 4.1), her naive and sometimes defenseless look won many hearts around the world. Looking at her, I want to believe in all that is good, bright and pure...
And yet it is worth mentioning the shortcomings of people with big eyes. These include, for example, inconstancy. Such people are accustomed to being the center of attention, receiving compliments from numerous admirers and admirers - they are unlikely to be seduced for long by constant relationships and routine family life. Although here everything will depend on the partner. If he can give a fairy tale, it will last a lifetime. By the way, those with big eyes are also wonderful parents.
Quite often, big-eyed people face failures on the personal front. One of the reasons has already been described above, the other is that big eyes are easily attracted - and often fans are captured by them, and when they figure it out, they simply run away. Those who stay stay for life.

Rice. 4.1. Audrey Tautou

Rice. 4.2. Small eyes

Sometimes their punctuality and scrupulousness can cause irritation, but you just need to get used to it and not try to change it - it’s useless and fraught with conflict. Sometimes those with small eyes overestimate their own capabilities and then spend a lot of effort trying to correct their mistakes. But strangely enough, they do not even study for them, persistently trying to reach a high standard, even if they have to spend their whole lives on it.

Do not confuse small eyes with deep-set ones!
One of the biggest disadvantages of those with small eyes is jealousy. They are jealous of friends, business partners, loved ones, and lovers. It is likely that this is due to a sense of ownership. Such people should understand that every person, even the closest and most dependent, has the right to personal freedom. Jealousy is unlikely to help you realize the fullness of feelings and emotions. Close people will always be able to understand and appreciate loyalty and constancy; you just need to trust them more.
Steven Seagal (Fig. 4.3) is an American actor and martial artist. In life he is not sociable; in relationships with the opposite sex he is known as possessive and jealous.

Rice. 4.3. Steven Seagal

Eye location

The seating of the eyes, that is, their location, can tell quite a lot about a person. It is considered ideal when the eyes are on the same line. A rather favorable impression is always created about such a person. Slanted eyes speak of determination and recklessness, with raised pupils (Fig. 4.4) - of nobility, courage and loyalty.

Rice. 4.4. Eyes with raised pupils

If the outer corner of the eye is long and pointed, you are looking at an intelligent and insightful person.

The slightly different shaped eyes belong to a passionate person.
Eyes located close to each other mean idealism, often even fanaticism, devotion to one’s own ideas and reveal a person who knows how to listen and understand. Eyes that are far apart from each other, on the contrary, are characteristic of practical, principled and strong-willed people. If the wide-set eyes are also large, then you have an energetic, reliable and sociable person, often with a pronounced ability for languages.
The look can be different: loving and indifferent, interested and empty, etc. Remember a few simple rules by which one can determine its character. A business gaze is fixed in the area of ​​the interlocutor's forehead, a secular gaze drops below the level of his eyes (to the level of the lips), an intimate gaze is directed not at the interlocutor's eyes, but below the face - at other parts of the body to chest level. A sideways glance indicates a critical or suspicious attitude towards the interlocutor.


Looking at the eyelids can also provide some information. So, if the upper eyelid is slightly drooping (Fig. 4.5), in front of you is a wise man, but tired of life.

Rice. 4.5. Eyes with drooping eyelids

A large lower eyelid (Fig. 4.6) is often found in dissolute people, and a too sagging one (Fig. 4.7) indicates an inability to control one’s own actions.

Rice. 4.6. Eyes with large lower eyelids

Rice. 4.7. Eyes with sagging lower eyelids

You should beware of such people. But the wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes speak of intuition and experience; it is not for nothing that such eyes are often called insightful.

According to legend, Hippocrates used physiognomy for therapeutic diagnosis (the concept of “Hippocrates’ mask” is still used in medicine, which means the characteristic facial expression of a patient with peritonitis). If the eyes are bright and clean, then there is no reason to worry. But when they are dull, without shine, their movements are slow, the pupils are constantly narrowed or dilated, and the eyelids are heavy - all this indicates some kind of disturbance in the body.

End of free trial

Each person is special, therefore the norms of body structure for an adult are conditional. IN childhood the body is structured differently, so parents are concerned about some of the child’s characteristics. A child’s bulging forehead is a common reason for parents to consult a doctor. Let's try to understand the causes of a convex forehead and find out whether this is normal or pathological.

What could be the causes of a bulging forehead?

When a baby is born, the size of the head is one of the determining factors of birth, since the head is the first to pass through the birth canal. How the birth will proceed depends on its volume. A child's head, in relation to the proportion of his body, is larger than that of an adult, which can sometimes alarm his parents. Therefore, we will consider the most common causes of a bulging forehead in a newborn.

Causes of a protruding forehead in a child:

  • physiological feature;
  • signs of rickets;

Anatomical feature

Each person differs from each other in certain ways. Head size and facial skull play one of the main roles. If a child has a visually enlarged forehead, head or other part of the skull, then the child should be shown to a doctor. Visual inspection, head size measurement, ultrasound diagnostics will answer the question whether this case the norm. If the study does not reveal pathology, then you should not pay attention to this feature. With age, the bones of the skull will change, and everything will return to normal.


Rickets is common cause changes in the facial part of the skull. This serious disease, which occurs quite often among children under three years of age, is associated with vitamin D deficiency. Rickets occurs in all countries of the world, but most of all in northern regions where there is a lack of sunlight.

Vitamin D enters the body with animal food or is produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. the main task Vitamin D is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and deposit these microelements into bone tissue.

In the first months of vitamin D deficiency, the symptoms of rickets are not specific and may go unnoticed by parents. The baby appears:

  • tearfulness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excessive irritability;
  • sweating;
  • baldness of the back of the head;
  • indigestion.

If the deficiency continues, then after a month the following symptoms appear:

  • muscle hypotonia;
  • late teething;
  • bone deformities;
  • late closure of the fontanel.

Bone deformities are the main symptoms that are characteristic of rickets, and they remain for life, even if the lack of vitamin D is compensated.

Bone deformities:

  • wheel-shaped or X-shaped change in the lower extremities;
  • changes in the pelvic bones; in girls, this will affect the course of labor as they age;
  • the ribs thicken - rachitic “rosary”;
  • convex forehead: parietal and frontal tubercles grow;
  • the head resembles a square shape and becomes disproportionately large;
  • the wrist joints thicken - “bracelets”.

These symptoms appear during the height of the disease and are associated with excessive osteogenesis. In adulthood, bone deformities remain and manifest themselves in the form of poor posture, deformation of the lower extremities, and narrowing of the pelvis.


Hydrocephalic syndrome is the excess production and accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain. In children, the syndrome is manifested by an enlarged head and swelling of the fontanel. The main diseases that lead to hydrocephalus:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • congenital abnormalities of brain development;
  • infectious diseases (encephalitis);
  • brain neoplasms.

Hydrocephalus has the following symptoms:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • the appearance of pathological reflexes;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • strabismus or “setting sun” syndrome;
  • lethargy or, conversely, restlessness of the child.

The main manifestation of hydrocephalus is a disproportionate increase in head volume and an increase in circumference of 1 cm or more every month.

Due to increased production of cerebrospinal fluid, the ventricles of the brain expand. The fluid penetrates into the periventricular space, causing damage to brain tissue. As a result, the bones of the skull become thinner and the space between the bones widens. The fontanelle swells and pulsates, the scalp tightens, and the veins of the head swell. The photo shows a convex forehead in a child as a result of rickets (hydrocephalus).

Protruding eyes: causes

Protruding eyes in medical practice are called exophthalmos. This can be either a variant of the norm (anatomical feature) or a consequence of the disease. The main reason bulging eyes– disease thyroid gland.

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland that leads to increased production of hormones. An excess of thyroxine leads to the following symptoms:

  • increased heart rate over 90 beats per minute (sometimes over 120);
  • weight loss;
  • hand tremors;
  • , anxiety, headaches, changes in blood pressure;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle in women and spermatogenesis in men;
  • enlargement of the eyes due to subcutaneous tissue.

Changes in the eyes during thyrotoxicosis: they become wide open, swollen, and therefore bulging. Over time, vision weakens due to swelling of the optic nerve. The disease requires consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist.

Read why it occurs, how it manifests itself and what are the prognosis for the baby and his parents?

Do you know which ones are dangerous and which ones are not problematic?

Find out why it appears: causes, manifestations, connections with other pathologies.

Should I be concerned about facial changes?

You have examined the main causes of facial changes in children: enlargement of the forehead and eyes. This may be either an individual characteristic or a disease. And only a doctor, upon examination and carrying out the necessary examinations, will be able to make or remove a diagnosis. Therefore, any change in the shape or size of the head requires consulting a doctor.