The child's forehead protrudes forward. Protruding forehead and eyes in a child: should I worry? Hairline and character

The forehead represents on the face:

  • career
  • intelligence
  • older generation
  • age from 15 to 30 years
  • good luck
  • inheritance
  • inner views
  • thoughts

The hairline also matters. If you divide your forehead into three equal parts, you can see the level of development of logic, memory and calculation.

Forehead width

Narrow forehead speaks of a quick reaction, but such a person is easy to anger and easily gets confused in love problems.

Broad forehead speaks of a polite, quick-witted, intelligent person who thinks first and then acts.

If the forehead not smooth, this means career difficulties, hard work, difficult childhood, poor health. The owner of such a forehead is easy to get into an accident situation, easily confused in business matters and, most likely, he will experience difficulties between the ages of 15 and 30.

If the forehead smooth, he says he had a good childhood, good health, an excellent social life, high chances for promotion. Such a person will easily achieve his goals before the age of 30.

Forehead shape

High forehead- good chances for development, excellent logic, support from the older generation and ancestors, intelligence, anxiety and, alas, loneliness. A low forehead means, accordingly, poor chances for development, weak logic, stupidity and disappointment.

Square edge hairline indicates good abilities, realism, honesty and good fighting spirit.
Hair edge M shaped- reveals a pioneer with good intuition and self-control. Such a person is doomed to fame, especially if his forehead is also convex.

Round edge hair indicates a good memory, but an unstable (female) character. High bald patches on the forehead belong to travelers, people who love change and movement. They are distinguished by intelligence, logic, and strong self-motivation. Sometimes the hairline is not straight, it indicates insufficient parental care.

Forehead profile

If you look at the forehead in profile, you can see convex(aggressive) forehead, telling us about intelligence, good communication skills and good chances for advancement. Flat the forehead belongs to a wise person with good self-control and the ability of foresight. Negative, or concave forehead, indicates an unsuccessful career and problems with money.

I think it’s time to offer you a small express analysis of the face of a famous person.

Valentin Kataev

What can you tell about this person from the shape of his face?
Wise, understanding, has a keen memory, intuition, quick reaction, good fighting spirit, and luck. He has a keen sense of other people, is self-confident, a brilliant leader.

The most beautiful and largest part of the face is the forehead. He tells us about a good childhood, the ability to communicate well with older people, love for parents. This is the forehead of a pioneer and experimenter who loves change and movement. Innate intuition (6th sense), support of ancestors. A pronounced intellectual mindset. He is a thinker and tends to analyze everything. First he thinks, then he does. Bibliographic memory, excellent erudition.

As for COMMUNICATION, ( , ) - he was a man with an excellent sense of humor, healthy, one might say. Attention to detail is what characterizes these eyes. He loved order in everything. He loved to express himself and easily learned everything new. He had a special relationship with women. He was more lenient towards them. And in general, there was a lot of feminine in his character, hence, I think, the softness and beauty of the presentation.

The meaning of a low forehead is defined in different ways. In general, such a forehead belongs to people who know what they want. They achieve a lot in life. These are people full of practicality, who know how to go towards their goals. If the forehead is straight, it means that the person is distinguished by kindness and true generosity. If it is flat, this emphasizes the slowness of its owner in thinking and acting. Such a person is overly reasonable, constantly weighing all the pros and cons before making a decision.

High forehead

You can tell a lot about a person from their forehead. Probably, on a subconscious level, people with high foreheads are perceived as great intellectuals. They are successful in the scientific field, quickly remember information and transform it. They are active and active. But often in his personal life a person with a high forehead is not very lucky. But in everyday life he does not always show himself rationally. It is easy to fool him, as he is naive and dreamy.

A forehead that is too large can indicate laziness. This is the other side of the coin, because a wise person may not use his resources to the fullest. In addition, wide foreheads often also indicate a person’s arrogance. He considers himself better than others and does not hide it. He has something to be proud of, but the desire to show off his best qualities is not useful.

A straight and high forehead means the owner is gifted. A prominent forehead is considered a sign of genius. Such people stand out immediately. They may be introverts, but they are always talked about.

Forehead shape

It is possible to learn about a person's character from the forehead by looking at its shape. Thus, a rectangular forehead speaks of prudence and the ability to listen to wise advice. People with such foreheads easily adapt to any conditions.

The rounded shape is interpreted differently in men and women. Among the former, this is considered a sign of stubbornness and great ambitions. They have many plans, which they successfully implement. Girls with this forehead shape easily find a common language with people. They are open and ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.

The "M" formed by hair growth creates a wedge-shaped forehead. Its owners are successful in art. Creative activity comes to the fore for them. They strive to devote all their time to it, sometimes forgetting about other aspects of life. You can also tell about the character of such a person from his forehead that he is more purposeful than those around him. His dedication and talents provide the opportunity for success.

Physiognomy is an amazing science that allows you not only to determine a person’s character, but also to look into the depths of his personality. Facial features can tell us about a person’s potential, personal tragedies that he still experiences within himself, and hidden illnesses. But the myth that you can predict the future by looking at your face is pure deception, as experts say.

An experienced physiognomist, with more than one year of work behind him, can easily read a person like an open book, but, alas, very few specialists have such knowledge. If you want to learn how to recognize a person's character by his facial features, you will need patience, attention to detail and some knowledge from the field of psychology. Physiognomists claim that it is quite possible to learn to recognize a person’s tendency to lie, anger, and cruelty.

Today we will talk about the structural features of the brow ridges in men and women. This seemingly insignificant detail can tell a lot about a person’s personality.

What is a brow ridge? Where is it?

The brow ridge is the protruding part of the forehead covered with hair - the eyebrows. Its main function is to protect the eyes from wind, sweat, small debris, etc. The brow ridge is equipped with a muscle that allows you to raise or frown your eyebrows, thereby expressing surprise or anger.

Several years ago, scientists tried to classify the protruding brow ridges as vestigial organs. A rudiment is a sign inherent in a person at the initial stage of development, which a more developed personality should not have.

But actually it is not. Brow ridges are more prominent in men than in women and are commonly found in Southerners. Pronounced brow ridges are associated with the male hormone testosterone - the more of it, the more convex they are.

What do protruding brow ridges mean?

Pronounced brow ridges indicate the presence of a fairly tough, strong-willed character. Such a person prefers to live according to a proven, established scheme, deviations from which he does not welcome. He strictly follows the established regime and adheres to strict rules. This military approach is the optimal environment for him to feel comfortable in.

Stubbornness is another distinguishing characteristic. A person tries to get to the bottom of the reasons for certain actions, persistently looking for personal motives in the actions of his friends and acquaintances.

If a person has a more developed upper part of the frontal bone, this indicates a tendency towards self-sacrifice. But with a developed lower part of the forehead, which is typical for people born under the sign of Aries or Leo, the personality is prone to frequent grievances, selfishness, and selfishness. In this case, not the best aspects of character inherent in these two signs often appear.

At the same time, people with a developed lower forehead have self-esteem and decency. Despite the fact that they, as inveterate egoists, are capable of justifying even their most unseemly actions. The hollow between the eyebrows indicates vanity.

In addition, owners of prominent brow ridges have curiosity, attentiveness, talent, a penchant for playing music or other creative activities, an inquisitive mind and an intuitive nature. These individuals are in most cases sociable and pleasant conversationalists if you talk about neutral topics.

The location of the brow ridges is very important. This will be discussed further.

Subtleties of the location of the brow ridges

If the brow ridges are enlarged closer to the nose, then these people are so stubborn that they often refuse to change anything in their lives, even in cases of extreme necessity. In professional language this is called rigidity. They are pleasant in communication until you suggest, even unconsciously, something radical. Actor Johnny Depp has a similar arrangement of eyebrow ridges.

Large brow ridges closer to the temples indicate an acquired poverty of thinking, conservatism, and a certain limitation. Communication with such people, especially on business topics, can be difficult.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the eyebrows - color, shape, thickness. In physiognomy, these details play a vital role. Their balance in the absence of excessive eyebrow thickness and the presence of an even and clear line speaks of harmony between feelings, emotions and reason.

Lack of prominent brow ridges and character

In most people, the brow ridges are not clearly defined, this is especially true for women. Physiognomists say that these are flexible individuals who can adapt to the situation. They are open to new acquaintances and people, and know how to make spontaneous decisions. Such people are very enterprising and are able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Brow ridges and leadership qualities

What kind of brow ridges should a person with leadership abilities have? Prominent brow ridges on a steep forehead indicate the presence of leadership qualities, enormous willpower and the ability to lead. This is also evidenced by broken, wide eyebrows. Since the face is closely related to character, a person with unexpressed brow ridges cannot be a leader.

Are brow ridges a sign of cruelty?

Some physiognomists actually believe that pronounced brow ridges, like a sharp chin, are a sign of cruelty towards other people. This is due to the fact that such individuals are internally very strong and conservative. They only consider their own opinion. Therefore, in some situations they can behave rudely and sometimes harshly.

In one of the previous articles, we already talked about the shape of a person, having looked at how the owners of a sloping, sloping back forehead differ from people with a straight forehead.

Convex forehead() reports the hot temper and tough character of a person with abilities in the exact sciences, a flexible mind and imagination (see article ""). Among such people, there are more often those who think more than act. They need more time to make a final decision than others. In some situations they say that “his owner has a clumsy, dull mind.”

In addition, when examining a person from the front, physiognomists highlight a number of other features of the shape of the forehead that can tell a lot about the character of its owner.

So, high forehead found in people who are distinguished by logical thinking and actions, a desire for a holistic perception of the world and people. This is often associated with a fast, intelligent mind.

Low forehead has a small space between and . Its owners greatly value accuracy and precision, are distinguished by a good memory for facts and figures, and a sharp mind. For them, it is more important to live today with quality than to dream about the future.

People with wide forehead They like to dream, conduct internal dialogues, reason with themselves. They think a lot about the future.

If forehead high and wide, then a person strives for a complete understanding of the events and situations he is experiencing; it is important for him to find as many different options as possible for solving complex problems, while remaining helpless in everyday, everyday issues.

Square forehead- a well-organized, systematic person has such a forehead. He has a high level of self-control, is distinguished by good self-discipline and the ability to be responsible for all his actions and decisions. Such a forehead is also proof of a person’s masculinity, wisdom, and conviction that he is right.

Rectangular forehead often belongs to sensible people with a well-formed will. Among them there are many who enjoy engaging in mental activity (see also).

Oblong forehead characterizes people who are distinguished by flexibility of mind and rich imagination. True, their flexibility of mind is not always combined with flexibility of behavior.

Round forehead(full face) distinguishes active and active individuals who have the ability and inclination to be entrepreneurial.

Flat, narrow forehead says 6 that its owner is a slow-witted person who has difficulty making decisions.

This disease is characterized by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid near the child's brain.

With a certain type of hydrocephalus, it is simply impossible not to notice the symptoms in infants. Therefore, both the doctor and the parents are just getting used to the idea that they will have a long and complex treatment for the baby.

Types and signs of the disease

I would like to immediately note that hydrocephalus at the location is of three types: internal, external and mixed. It is visually impossible to determine the first type at birth. Only with further observation of the child will it be possible to notice that something is wrong with the baby. External hydrocephalus immediately speaks for itself. It reveals itself by the fact that the baby is born with an enlarged head, which often leads to complications during childbirth. This type of disease is determined by ultrasound during an intrauterine examination of the fetus. A mixed species may consist of various characteristics of the first and second types.

Signs of external hydrocephalus

At birth, hydrocephalus of the brain in children is indicated by the following symptoms:

  1. Big head. Normal head circumference at birth is 33.0-37.5 cm.
  2. The “setting sun” symptom appears: the eyeballs are displaced under the lower eyelid.
  3. Protruding fontanel. Normally it is flat, but in this case the parents will immediately see that it seems to be “puffed up”.
  4. At the temples you can observe a well-defined venous network, which can extend to the baby’s forehead.
  5. The frontal lobe of the child's head protrudes strongly forward.
  6. Very thin skin on the head. This symptom is called “marble skin”.

All these signs relate to external hydrocephalus in children, which very often frighten new parents. The reasons for the birth of babies with this disease can be intrauterine infections and hereditary syndromes.

Symptoms of internal hydrocephalus

Internal and mixed types of hydrocephalus are not easy to detect and only a highly qualified doctor can do this.

Signs of internal hydrocephalus in children include the following:

  1. Baby's sleepiness. A child can sleep for a long time and waking him up can be quite difficult.
  2. Moodiness and poor appetite.
  3. Frequent regurgitation.
  4. Limb cramps, chin tremor.
  5. Vision problems and chaotic movement of the eyeballs.

The further the baby grows, the larger his head will become. For children of this age, measuring head circumference is a mandatory procedure every month. The increase in head volume should not exceed 3 cm monthly. You should also pay attention to the proportionality of the chest and head. The latter should not be too big. In addition, with the disease there will be a developmental lag from their peers. The child will not respond with interest to mom and dad’s calls to him, and will also be prone to obesity. Signs of hydrocephalus in children under one year old can be called if the baby:

  • does not hold his head up at three months of age;
  • does not turn over;
  • indifferent to toys;
  • inactive.

Symptoms of mixed hydrocephalus

Signs of mixed hydrocephalus in a child can be completely varied. For example, a prominent forehead and apathy towards the outside world, or eyes with a “setting sun symptom” and poor appetite. Here, not a single doctor can say why one child has exactly these signs, while another has completely different ones.

To avoid a situation where your baby may develop an acquired form of this disease, try to avoid injury to the child’s skull.

The first signs of hydrocephalus in children can be different. It all depends on what type of disease it is and in what form it occurs. As soon as you notice signs of hydrocephalus, without hesitation, you should consult a doctor. And to confirm the diagnosis, you will definitely be prescribed the following tests: tomography, ultrasound of the brain, examination by an ophthalmologist and fluoroscopy of the skull.

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The child's forehead protrudes

I am concerned about the unusual shape of the child's head; he is now 8.5 months old. The head has a flattened shape on the sides, with pits on the temples that start from the eye sockets, a protruding forehead and the back of the head. The back of the head has been like this since birth, the rest became clearly expressed later. For this reason, we are referred for a consultation with a neurosurgeon in the regional center, and the doctor does not say anything about any violations. Tell me, what could this be connected with? Is there any cause for concern and should anything be done?

It's really not very visible under the hair. I tried to choose those that show the essence of the issue; if necessary, I’ll take more photos from the right angles.

The fontanel has not yet grown over, all the seams can be easily felt on the head and all the seams are slightly visible (in the photo you can see a little how the side seams stick out).

Answer me please.

The protruding edges of the occipital part are still very visible; it seems to be superimposed on the rest of the skull, and this has not been smoothed out since birth. Is this also the norm?

Rickets in children. Signs

Rickets has been known for a very long time; even before our era, ancient healers studied it and considered such human development to be quite ordinary.

It is believed that there is no person on earth who has not been susceptible to rickets to some extent.

The most typical signs of rickets in children - a bulging forehead, a flat or, conversely, very convex stomach, a flattened back of the head, twisted limbs - could be seen in pictures of that time.

Rickets is very common among a variety of peoples, but northern peoples suffer from it especially often and nowadays.

In general, rickets is called a social disease, due to the fact that severe rickets affects children who cannot obtain foods containing the necessary vitamins and microelements due to their low socio-economic status, especially in African and Asian countries.

Usually, rickets begins in early childhood due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, and if a child was born in winter or autumn, then he can also get sick in more southern latitudes. Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin.

Disturbances in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, caused by a lack of vitamin D in the child’s body, lead to a decrease in the formation and growth of bone tissue, as well as their mineralization, lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and changes in the functioning of the nervous system.

A lack of vitamin D in a child’s body occurs due to poor nutrition and when the child is not exposed to enough sunlight.

In addition, rickets in children can develop due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the sedentary lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy, as well as unfavorable social living conditions in which the child is located and at the same time does not receive enough, even with mother’s milk, the necessary products for normal development. Rickets may also appear in children due to insufficient birth weight or too much weight gain after birth.

Vitamin D is formed in human skin when exposed to sunlight, but it can enter the body with fish oil and other substances containing this vitamin.

Vitamin D is found in tuna, cod liver, herring, sardines and salmon, as well as in caviar and fish oil, cheese, butter, egg yolk and margarine, and there is a lot of it in nettle, parsley, alfalfa, and horsetail.

A child who spends a lot of time in the sun in the summer has a reduced need for vitamin D from food, but due to the fact that the atmosphere in cities is very polluted, a minimal amount of beneficial sunlight reaches the ground, and they are insufficient for the child’s development .

Therefore, every mother should know this and provide foods containing vitamin D, even in the summer.

Impaired absorption of vitamin D by the body depends on the quantitative and qualitative content of trace elements calcium and phosphorus in food, without which vitamin D will not function, and the most optimal ratio of all trace elements is found in breast milk.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to mothers who artificially feed their children, resorting to various mixtures, and they often lack microelements sufficient for the formation of bone tissue.

A special role in the disruption of metabolic processes associated with the metabolism of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D is played by prematurity, diseases of the child’s liver, kidneys and intestines. The first signs of rickets are disorders of bone tissue, insufficient mineralization occurs in them. In this case, the bone becomes twisted and bent, various deformations of the bone skeleton begin, and these changes remain for life.

When a child begins to suffer from rickets, his metabolism of zinc, magnesium, potassium and other microelements is disrupted, while the activity of enzymes changes, which leads to a distortion of all types of metabolism, polyhypovitaminosis appears, and ultimately all organs and systems of the body begin to fail.

The very first symptoms of rickets appear in a child already at the age of one and a half months, while the child becomes excessively whiny, restless, often shudders, refuses to eat, sleeps poorly, sweating appears during sleep, as well as during feeding.

When the head sweats, the child rubs it intensively on the crib, and subsequently baldness may form in this place. These signs are the main ones when confirming the development of rickets in a child; it is necessary to immediately take measures to save the baby from the progression of the disease.

Many mothers, especially those who artificially feed their children and do not give supplements containing microelements and vitamin D, often miss the process of developing rickets. It takes a very long time to get rid of it and not always successfully.

The period of development of rickets lasts on average up to two weeks, and then changes in the skeleton begin to appear, the flat bones of the skull soften, it changes configuration, the back of the head becomes flat, so asymmetries of the head arise and the entire skull takes on a square shape. Very often the forehead protrudes strongly and the bridge of the nose sinks, while the volume of the head increases.

In addition, thickenings appear at the border of the cartilaginous and bony parts of the ribs, they are called “rachitic rosaries,” and deformation of the chest occurs, its anterior part protrudes and resembles a chicken breast.

Very often, curvature of the back is observed; when a child begins to walk, he develops scoliosis, which takes a very long time to eliminate and is not always effective.

Curved legs in the shape of the letter O are especially noticeable, but there are curvatures in the shape of the letter X, and flat feet are immediately observed.

The crown of rickets children closes by the age of two, teeth also erupt very late, but it also happens the other way around: they erupt earlier, but very unevenly.

Signs of rickets in children.

With rickets, muscle hypotonia and weakness of the ligamentous apparatus are observed. It consists of loose joints and muscle flaccidity. Such patients can, lying on their back, reach their head with their foot or place their foot on their shoulder. All children with rickets begin to walk, sit, and stand up much later.

When rickets is in an advanced state in children, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver is disrupted, protein and lipid metabolism is disrupted, a deficiency of vitamins B, C, E, A and D appears, as well as microelements - zinc, copper, magnesium and others, which entails is a disruption of the functioning of all body systems.

Therefore, patients with rickets very often, due to deformation of the chest and impaired air ventilation in the lungs, suffer from inflammation of the lungs and heart.

In order for the child not only to be born healthy, but also to grow without any special changes both in the skeleton and in the internal organs, the mother must take care of this while carrying the child, and then after birth. Good nutrition is required so that the child does not develop rickets.

Rickets begins to develop in the first days of life; prevention of the disease is constantly required.

Hypertension/Hydrocephalic syndrome

I read other forums - many have a similar situation. But then no one writes how events developed. Has anyone had a similar situation? What did you do? How did it all end?

Didn't notice the diagnosis?

We also saw a neurosurgeon, it’s better not to start this bullshit

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Convex forehead

Aimka 12 Jul 2010

My daughter 2years 1 month. From birth we had high ICP. Until she was 1.5 years old, we treated her, went for massages (diacarb, asparkam, tanakan, glycine and vitamins). She is an obedient, good girl, ttt. The last time we went to see a neurologist, she said that everything was fine with us, and there was nothing to worry about, everything was fine, the child was healthy, the reaction to all vaccinations was normal. From birth we have a slightly large head; I myself am thin. The question is: I recently noticed, or so it seems to me, that she has a very pronounced convex forehead. We were told that this happens with ICP. But my daughter sleeps well, her appetite is normal, she plays, sings, dances, well, in a word, I don’t see anything wrong, but sometimes she gets nervous and capricious. Why is the forehead growing, do we need treatment again? I’m very worried, we shaved her head, maybe that’s why it seems so to me.

mirishka 12 Jul 2010

Aimka 12 Jul 2010

Are you taking any vitamins now?

mirishka 12 Jul 2010

Aimka 12 Jul 2010

I’m looking at a photo of your daughter here, it looks like her head isn’t that big, ours seems bigger..

Eralieva-Lyazzat July 12, 2010

We also took Kinder Biovital gel, vitamin D3, Calcium Kal, and now our daughter is stocking up on natural vitamins. My daughter lives with her grandparents in the fresh air in Chilika, because... I’m at work, according to them, everything is tttttt fine, I think in any case, I need to show the doctor my head, so that later I can calm down.. otherwise I feel anxious in my soul

Aimka 12 Jul 2010

And if the head (head circumference size) grows in accordance with age standards, then everything is in order. How correctly mirishka says that if your daughter sleeps peacefully and develops according to her age, then there is no need to torment yourself with unnecessary anxiety. Moreover, tomography and ultrasound did not reveal any signs of hydrocephalus - and this is one of the main reasons for the large volume of the head. Good luck!

prominent forehead


Good afternoon. Irina, please tell me how your forehead is doing? And then I also had a question about its bulging.

All the same. I met several children with the same foreheads, and even cooler. And she calmed down. Now we wear bangs, it doesn’t attract much attention.

Clear. Thanks for the answer.

And for me, a normal forehead)))) in our family, everyone has a high forehead and a little forward. It’s the same with my eldest son and my sister-in-law. But of course, for your own peace of mind, rule out hydrocephalus and what else could be there - the neurologist knows better.

I wouldn’t have noticed if the masseuse hadn’t drawn attention. Everyone in the family is highbrow, but he doesn’t stick out like that, he’s small for now, but will he even out as he grows? I keep looking at children her age, I’ve never seen anything like this (

Be sure to do an NSG. It is necessary to exclude diagnoses.

Also analyze the head structure of your relatives. This may be a hereditary trait.

Ask a neurologist and he will give you a referral to the NHS

You should ask the doctor.

Now we are already 5.5 months old, except for a slightly worn nape, there are no signs of rickets and it has already begun to heal (we crawl a lot)

Rule out hydrocephalus. these are her manifestations

The neurologist prescribed this medicine because we have intracranial pressure and fluid as a result of hypoxia. Has anyone given this mixture to children? Have there been any improvements?

Hello everyone))) Today, at an appointment with a neurologist, Pantogam was prescribed. A month before this, we already took the Elkar course. The drug is familiar to me and I liked its effect on my daughter: at 4 months she did not want to roll over.

My daughter fell on January 16 and was diagnosed with a concussion and bruise of the soft tissues of the forehead. Her lump still hasn’t gone away, the doctor from the district clinic threw up her hands and said that it would stay that way. and advised me to grow bangs(((.

We saw a neurologist at 1.5 months. She diagnosed hypotension and prescribed a massage. Using a women's business card, I invited a masseuse. During the massage, the child screamed so much that his forehead turned blue. The masseuse said that children are afraid of the unfamiliar, new actions, after 2-3 sessions.

The question is this. We give the child another course of massage. The masseuse said that there is hypertonicity of the legs. And just in a week or two I wanted to do DTP. The child is otherwise healthy (TT). Previously, there were minor problems in neurology.

Background. Ugh, since the beginning of January I’ve already had my hair cut three times! And with different hairdressers))) The first time, I wanted to give my overgrown haircut a bob. They just cut off my tails from behind. That's all. They didn't even wash their hair at all. for three chiks.

We saw a neurologist. The same one that our son had 4 years ago. The same diagnosis and the same prescription... PEP... drinking glycine. It had no effect on development. My son had 7/8 Apgar scores and was hypoxic.

Dd! The pregnancy proceeded without any problems at all, only at the 7th month they did an external revolution, which also went quickly and successfully. But labor was stimulated with pills at 40.5 weeks. Next is a tackle. They punctured the bladder, then 10 o'clock in.

My daughter has been clubbing since the very beginning of walking. I went a couple of days after I was one year old. We visited a neurological surgeon for a medical examination, the neurologist said there were problems, the surgeon would tell everything. The surgeon watched as her daughter took half a step on the couch and said everything.

Protruding forehead and eyes in a child: should I worry?

Each person is special, therefore the norms of body structure for an adult are conditional. In childhood, the body is structured differently, so parents are concerned about some of the child’s characteristics. A child’s bulging forehead is a common reason for parents to consult a doctor. Let's try to understand the causes of a convex forehead and find out whether this is normal or pathological.

What could be the causes of a bulging forehead?

When a baby is born, the size of the head is one of the determining factors of birth, since the head is the first to pass through the birth canal. How the birth will proceed depends on its volume. A child's head, in relation to the proportion of his body, is larger than that of an adult, which can sometimes alarm his parents. Therefore, we will consider the most common causes of a bulging forehead in a newborn.

Causes of a protruding forehead in a child:

  • physiological feature;
  • signs of rickets;
  • hydrocephalus.

Did you know that fetal ventriculomegaly is a pathological condition of the brain?

Anatomical feature

Each person differs from each other in certain ways. The size of the head and facial skull play a major role. If a child has a visually enlarged forehead, head or other part of the skull, then the child should be shown to a doctor. A visual examination, measuring the size of the head, and performing ultrasound diagnostics will answer the question of whether this case is normal. If the study does not reveal pathology, then you should not pay attention to this feature. With age, the bones of the skull will change, and everything will return to normal.


Rickets is a common cause of changes in the facial part of the skull. This serious disease, which occurs quite often among children under three years of age, is associated with vitamin D deficiency. Rickets occurs in all countries of the world, but most of all in northern regions where there is a lack of sunlight.

Vitamin D enters the body with animal food or is produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The main task of vitamin D is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and deposit these microelements into bone tissue.

In the first months of vitamin D deficiency, the symptoms of rickets are not specific and may go unnoticed by parents. The baby appears:

  • tearfulness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excessive irritability;
  • sweating;
  • baldness of the back of the head;
  • indigestion.

If the deficiency continues, then after a month the following symptoms appear:

  • muscle hypotonia;
  • late teething;
  • bone deformities;
  • late closure of the fontanel.

Bone deformities are the main symptoms that are characteristic of rickets, and they remain for life, even if the lack of vitamin D is compensated.

  • wheel-shaped or X-shaped change in the lower extremities;
  • changes in the pelvic bones; in girls, this will affect the course of labor as they age;
  • the ribs thicken - rachitic “rosary”;
  • convex forehead: parietal and frontal tubercles grow;
  • the head resembles a square shape and becomes disproportionately large;
  • the wrist joints thicken - “bracelets”.

These symptoms appear during the height of the disease and are associated with excessive osteogenesis. In adulthood, bone deformities remain and manifest themselves in the form of poor posture, deformation of the lower extremities, and narrowing of the pelvis.


Hydrocephalic syndrome is the excess production and accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain. In children, the syndrome is manifested by an enlarged head and swelling of the fontanel. The main diseases that lead to hydrocephalus:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • congenital abnormalities of brain development;
  • infectious diseases (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • brain neoplasms.

Hydrocephalus has the following symptoms:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • the appearance of pathological reflexes;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • strabismus or “setting sun” syndrome;
  • lethargy or, conversely, restlessness of the child.

The main manifestation of hydrocephalus is a disproportionate increase in head volume and an increase in circumference by 1 cm or more every month.

Due to increased production of cerebrospinal fluid, the ventricles of the brain expand. The fluid penetrates into the periventricular space, causing damage to brain tissue. As a consequence of increased intracranial pressure, the bones of the skull become thinner and the space between the bones widens. The fontanelle swells and pulsates, the scalp tightens, and the veins of the head swell. The photo shows a convex forehead in a child as a result of rickets (hydrocephalus).

Protruding eyes: causes

Protruding eyes in medical practice are called exophthalmos. This can be either a variant of the norm (anatomical feature) or a consequence of the disease. The main cause of bulging eyes is thyroid disease.

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland that leads to increased production of hormones. An excess of thyroxine leads to the following symptoms:

  • increased heart rate over 90 beats per minute (sometimes over 120);
  • weight loss;
  • hand tremors;
  • insomnia, anxiety, headaches, changes in blood pressure;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle in women and spermatogenesis in men;
  • enlargement of the eyes due to subcutaneous tissue.

Changes in the eyes during thyrotoxicosis: they become wide open, swollen, and therefore bulging. Over time, vision weakens due to swelling of the optic nerve. The disease requires consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist.

Read why microcephaly occurs in a child, how does it manifest itself and what are the prognosis for the baby and his parents?

Do you know which hematomas on the head of newborns are dangerous and which do not cause problems?

Find out why tremors appear in infants: causes, manifestations, connections with other pathologies.

Should I be concerned about facial changes?

You have examined the main causes of facial changes in children: enlargement of the forehead and eyes. This may be either an individual characteristic or a disease. And only a doctor, upon examination and carrying out the necessary examinations, will be able to make or remove a diagnosis. Therefore, any change in the shape or size of the head requires consulting a doctor.

Stitch on a child's forehead

My daughter is 11 months old. Around 9, I started noticing a bump on her forehead. It’s like a seam and stretches from the fontanel to the nose - hard, I felt it, like a bone. I’m worried, there’s so much written on the internet that it makes my hair stand on end. What could it be?

Also, don’t forget to thank your doctors.

p. S. Be healthy.

pediatric surgeon2 22:58

Became visible at approximately 6 months. Now my son is 3 years old, the seam is no longer so noticeable, but it is there. They contacted a neurosurgeon - he just said this is the skull (face-to-face consultation, felt it, made a conclusion, there were no x-rays or CT scans).

Diagnosis of mental retardation, mental retardation.

An MRI was done - post-hypoxic phenomena were noted, albeit of a minor nature.

Tell me, maybe this seam still affects development? And we should have turned a blind eye to him?

Best regards, Ekaterina.

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Isn't the seam closed too early? The fontanel is open.

A few words about normality and pathology. Baby at an appointment with a neurologist: the shape and size of a newborn’s skull

Your baby will soon be or has already turned 1 month old! One of the most difficult periods in a newborn’s life is behind us.

Inna Sharkova

"Guta-Clinic", Moscow, pediatric neurologist

After all, the first month of a child’s life becomes for him the first critical period after birth: it is characterized by the intense work of all organs and systems of the body, “responsible” for the adaptation of the newborn to environmental conditions that are fundamentally new for him. By the end of this period, all transition processes should be completed, however, under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions, with aggravated pregnancy and childbirth, the natural adaptation processes for a newborn can take on a pathological direction and lead to a neurological disease of the child.

It is at this time that it is necessary to visit a neurologist for the first time - usually just to make sure that everything is fine with the baby; but if this is not the case, in order to identify and “capture” the pathology at the very beginning, to prevent the disease from developing. To determine the level of development of the child and exclude neurological pathology, it is important not only to assess the formed reactions to light, sound, motor and psycho-emotional activity of the newborn, but also his appearance (in fact, it is this last topic that my article will mainly be devoted to).

So, what will a neurologist first of all pay attention to when examining a one-month-old baby? On the shape and size of his skull, facial expression, posture, appearance of the skin. Why is this so important? Why are our worries and worries often associated with the presence of deviations in the child’s appearance, especially if this is a change in the shape and size of the skull? This is primarily due to the fact that such changes can be a diagnostic sign of serious diseases - hydrocephalus and microcephaly.

The shape and size of the skull is a possible pathology

Hydrocephalus- this is an excessive increase in the size of the skull and fontanelles, caused by an increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity. With this disease, the shape of the skull also changes - its cerebral part significantly predominates over the facial part, the frontal part protrudes sharply forward, and a pronounced venous network is observed in the area of ​​the temples and forehead.

Microcephaly- this is a reduction in the size of the skull and early closure of the fontanelles. With congenital microcephaly, the size of the skull is small from birth, the cranial sutures are narrowed, the fontanelles are either closed or small in size. Subsequently, a slow rate of growth in head circumference is noted, so that sometimes a 2-3 year old child’s skull size is almost the same as at birth. With microcephaly, the skull has a specific shape: the cerebral part of the skull is smaller than the facial part, the forehead is small, sloping, the line of the forehead and nose is sloping.

Conditions such as hydro- and microcephaly subsequently lead to delayed mental and physical development and therefore require correction from a very early age!

. or a reason for further examinations?

But should every deviation from the norm clearly indicate a pathological condition? Of course not! Clinical observations show that there are many factors that influence the shape and size of the head. Of course, even a slight increase or decrease in the circumference of the skull in a newborn compared to the age norm can be considered a risk factor for the development of hydrocephalus or microcephaly, but you should not panic when you discover that the baby’s head is slightly larger or smaller than normal: this circumstance should first of all, become a signal for the need for additional examinations to exclude pathological conditions. What kind of examinations are these?

  • An absolutely safe and reliable method is neurosonography(ultrasound examination of the brain through the large fontanelle). This study will help not only to see changes in the structure of the brain and signs of increased intracranial pressure, but also to evaluate blood flow through the main vessels of the brain.
  • An even more reliable method is nuclear magnetic resonance of the brain (NMR), however, this study for children is carried out under general anesthesia, so it is carried out only for sufficiently compelling indications.
  • In this case, consultations with an ophthalmologist and a neurosurgeon are also necessary.

Homework for parents

In addition, right from birth you can independently control increase in baby's head circumference, which is one of the main indicators of normality and pathology. How to do this correctly?

  • Measure the child's head circumference weekly and record the resulting numbers in a specially kept notebook.
  • When measuring, place the measuring tape at the most protruding points of the skull (frontal and occipital protuberances).
  • To avoid misunderstandings, the measurement must be carried out by the same person.

In addition to the increase in head circumference, you can control increase in chest circumference, which is one of the general anthropometric indicators of child development. For this:

  • Measure your chest circumference weekly on the same day you measure your head circumference;
  • Place the measuring tape at the level of the baby's nipple line.

Why is such “amateur activity” needed? By taking these simple measurements, you will help the doctor draw up an objective picture of the child’s development, and you yourself can have peace of mind, excluding the possibility of developing serious diseases (normally, the monthly increase in head circumference in the first three months of a full-term baby should not exceed 2 cm per month; up to a year, the circumference The chest is approximately 1 cm larger than the child’s head circumference).

Well, now a few words about what can and should be normal and what is pathological. I tried to frame the conversation on this topic in the form of answers to questions that most often concern young parents.

What determines the shape of a newborn’s skull?

Normally, as a child passes through the birth canal, the bones of the skull overlap each other. Features of the course of the birth process affect changes in the shape of the skull. In the event of a complicated birth, a sharp juxtaposition of the skull bones may occur on top of each other, and this will lead to its deformation, which will persist for quite a long time.

A change in the shape of the skull can be expressed in the preservation swelling soft tissues of the head in the place where the child moved forward along the birth canal. The swelling disappears within the first 2-3 days. Cephalohematoma(hemorrhage under the periosteum) also changes the shape of the skull. It resolves more slowly than swelling, and this process requires the supervision of specialists (neurologist, surgeon).

Changes in the shape of the skull are also associated with age-related characteristics. In a newborn, the skull is elongated in the anteroposterior direction, and after a few months the transverse size of the skull will increase and its shape will change.

Some change in the shape and size of the skull can also occur during normal development in premature babies, or when the child is often placed on the same side, or when the child lies on his back for a long time.

How does a newborn's head grow?

The average head circumference of a newborn is 35.5 cm (the range of 33.0-37.5 cm is considered normal). The most intensive increase in head circumference in full-term babies is observed in the first 3 months - on average, 1.5 cm for each month. Then the growth decreases slightly, and by the age of one year the child’s head circumference is on average 46.6 cm (normal limits are 44.9 - 48.9 cm).

The head circumference of a premature baby increases faster than that of a full-term baby, and the increase is most pronounced during the period of active weight gain, and by the end of the 1st year of life it reaches normal values. The exception is very premature babies.

However, one should always keep in mind that even with normal development of a child, there may be physiological deviations from average values, which are often associated with constitutional characteristics or environmental influences.

What is a fontanel in a child?

The fontanelles are located in the area where the bones of the skull meet. Front, big, the fontanel is located between the frontal and parietal bones. At birth, it measures from 2.5 to 3.5 cm, then gradually decreases by 6 months and closes at 8-16 months. Rear, small, the fontanel is located between the parietal and occipital bones. It is small in size and closes by 2-3 months of life.

In pathological processes accompanied by increased intracranial pressure, the fontanelles close later, and sometimes they open again. Small sizes of the anterior fontanel may be a variant of the norm if they are not accompanied by a decrease in the circumference of the skull, the rate of its growth and a delay in psychomotor development.

The above signs do not limit the variety of possible deviations in a young child. However, it should be borne in mind that any unusual appearance of a child requires a thorough examination and monitoring of his growth and development.

When and how should a neurologist examine a child?

The development of a young child is a very sensitive sign of the state of the body. It depends both on hereditary characteristics and on a complex set of social conditions and requires dynamic monitoring by doctors. Don’t forget to show your baby to specialists within the prescribed time frame - 1, 3, 6, 12 months!

If you invite a specialist to your home, you must consider the following:

  • the examination of the child should be carried out on a changing table or other soft, but not sagging surface;
  • the environment should be calm, eliminate distractions if possible;
  • It is advisable to carry out the examination 1.5-2 hours after feeding;
  • the air temperature in the room should be about 25° C, the lighting should be bright, but not irritating.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to remind you once again: do not delay your visit to a neurologist, remember - the timeliness of all health-improving, preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at ensuring its normal development depends on the correct assessment of the newborn’s health, and only a specialist can give a correct assessment!