How do you understand the phrase laughter is the best medicine? Laughter is the cure for all diseases

It's great to laugh at something together. IN childhood We laugh a hundred times a day, but as we grow older, life becomes more serious and we laugh less and less. However, laughter is really best medicine, and completely free.

"Letidor" will tell you what diseases can be cured with laughter, how to improve your emotional condition, strengthen relationships with family, and most importantly, how to learn to laugh again.

Why is laughter so beneficial?

- Relaxes the body. Laughter from the bottom of my heart relieves physical stress and stress. It is important that the muscles remain relaxed for another 45 minutes after this.

- Strengthens the immune system. Laughter reduces stress hormones and increases the production of immune cells and antibodies that fight infection, thereby increasing resistance to disease.

- Promotes the production of endorphins. They affect the emotional state and can temporarily reduce pain.

- Protects the heart. Laughter improves the health of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which is a natural defense against heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

- Burns calories. Of course it is not a replacement gym, but laughing for 10-15 minutes a day can burn about 40 calories - enough to lose a couple of pounds a year.

- Extends life. A study conducted in Norway found that people with good feeling humorists live longer than those who laugh less.

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The difference was especially noticeable in people being treated for cancer.

How laughter brings people together and strengthens relationships

Do you know why television sitcoms use jokes and laughter so often? Yes, because they are contagious! You will laugh many times more often if other people around you are doing the same thing.

Laughing together is one of the most effective ways to maintain good relations. A joint emotional experience allows you to build strong and strong connections. Laughter also adds joy, vitality and resilience. Humor is powerful and effective method to resolve grievances and disagreements.

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Even in hard times laughter brings people together.

Humor and cheerful communication strengthen our relationships. When we laugh with others, a positive connection is created. It acts as a strong buffer against stress, disagreement and disappointment.

Humor and laughter in relationships allow you to:

- Be more spontaneous. Humor allows you to get your problems out of your head.

- Move away from a defensive position. Laughter helps you forget grudges, judgments, criticisms and doubts.

- Stop holding back. Laughter removes your fears about constantly holding back or being shy.

- Express your true feelings. During laughter, deeply hidden emotions come to the surface.

How to learn to laugh

Laughter is an essential innate human ability, a natural part of our lives. Babies begin to smile within the first weeks of life and laugh loudly within a few months of birth. Even if you grew up in a family where laughing often and heartily was not accepted, you can learn to do it at any stage of life.

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Start by highlighting it for yourself. special moments, in which you may find it funny.

In the end there will be laughter integral part your life, and no matter what you do, laughing will come naturally to you.

Here are some ways to get started

Smile. A smile is the beginning of laughter and, like laughter, it is contagious. When you look at someone or see something even slightly pleasant, smile. Instead of looking at your phone, look and smile at the people you pass on the street, the person serving you your morning coffee, or the co-workers you ride in the elevator with.

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Pay attention to how it affects others.

Celebrate what makes you happy. Literally make a list. Even simple memories of something good in your life will allow you to distance yourself from negative thoughts, which are an obstacle to humor and laughter. When you are sad or sad, you need to travel more, or at least just walk, to smile and laugh more often.

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When you hear laughter, look for its source and ask: “Why are we laughing?”

Spend time with fun people. These are people who laugh easily at themselves and at life; they usually find something funny even in everyday events. Their point of view is always optimistic and their laughter is contagious. Even if you don't consider yourself a carefree person With a good sense of humor, you can still seek the company of people who love to laugh and make others laugh. Every comedian values ​​an audience.

Is it necessary to laugh by force?

So what do you do if you really can't "find anything funny"? Believe me, you can laugh without a special event - artificial laughter can be just as good for you as real laughter. A Georgia State University study found that incorporating simulated laughter into an exercise program helped improve mental health older people, as well as their aerobic endurance. In addition, when we hear others laugh, even for no apparent reason, we too may suddenly laugh sincerely.

How to develop a sense of humor

Try to laugh at situations instead of being sad. Look for the funny even in negative situation and mock the absurdity of life. When something not so good happens, try to find a way to turn the situation into a joke that others will laugh at.

Surround yourself with objects that remind you of something fun. Keep the toy on the table or in the car. Hang a funny poster in your office. Select computer screensaver that will make you smile. Put up family photos.

Remember funny things from the past. If something funny happens or you hear a joke or funny story that you really like, write it down or tell it to someone else so you can remember it.

Few people know that laughter helps to survive life's adversities, relieve tension, and establish relaxed relationships. Having laughed heartily, we begin to perceive the world differently: the colors become brighter, the faces of those around us become friendlier, and problems no longer seem unresolved. “Man has to suffer so much in this world that he was forced to invent laughter,” Nietzsche noted. A man received an amazing gift from his ancestors. For example, German scientists have discovered that baby pygmy chimpanzees in the first months of life can laugh like human children. Scientists believe that the possibility laugh appeared simultaneously with the ability to speak from an upright posture.

Let us ask ourselves: why and why do we laugh?

Each of us, it would seem, knows the answer - we can react to pleasant and joyful events with laughter; we try to win people over by laughing good mood in company. But people often laugh in completely unexpected and strange situations. For example, most of Anecdotes describe events that are not at all joyful. Laughter or more precisely sense of humor V in this case is unique to the brain defense mechanism. Anyone who, in an unusual situation or under stress, did not lose heart, but was able to maintain a normal attitude, can solve the problems that have arisen. Sometimes what helps a person survive is not his muscles or physical training, but the ability to look at any situation with humor.

As we grow older, the burden of problems and social responsibilities, as well as the need to adapt to the behavior of others, makes us more boring and serious. But it has been proven that an adult, even of a stern disposition, smiles at least 15 times a day.

Few people know that:

Laughter is a good therapeutic massage. When you smile, up to 80 muscle groups work: shoulders, chest, diaphragm, and your heart rate increases. Laughter changes the way we breathe - a person begins to inhale and exhale deeply and quickly, which leads to an increase in the level of oxygen in the blood. After prolonged laughter it decreases arterial pressure. The release of stress hormones is reduced. Endorphins cause a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and improve mood. Do you sleep poorly and have a poor appetite? Want to prevent Alzheimer's disease and boost your immunity? Tired of vitamin deficiency?

Laughter, laughter and more laughter is your medicine!

Laughter perfectly calms chronic pain due to arthritis, spinal injuries, and neurological diseases. Doctors say this happens because laughter provokes the release of endorphins into the blood - substances that have a pain-relieving effect.

The immune system also loves to laugh. Reaction immune system Laughter is the exact opposite of the stress response. Those who like to laugh are less likely to get sick - this is a scientifically proven fact. One study showed that babies of funny mothers are much less likely to get ARVI!

Laughter until full recovery

Many countries have begun to treat diseases with laughter therapy. The founder of Panacea, Norman Cousins, came to the conclusion that laughter is the cure for all diseases. Laughter therapy is based on prescribing to patients positive emotions and laughter, inviting them to watch humorous programs, comedies, and read jokes. They also recommend memorizing funny episodes and stories and periodically replaying them in your head to lift your spirits. Energetic laughter has the effect of a morning jog - blood pressure first jumps, and then gradually drops below the pre-workout level. Laughter increases the level of “good” cholesterol, and therefore reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Charging with laughter

Everyone will benefit from 10–15 minutes of daily laughter, because... it burns up to 50 calories, which is what a small bar of chocolate contains. Scientists say that in a year of regular daily 15-minute laughter sessions you can lose up to 2 kilograms.

“It’s not enough to die laughing, it’s important to be able to live from it with double pleasure”! Be healthy!

Cheer up with laughter

Why laughter is the best medicine.

Feeling tired? Try to laugh more. Some scientists believe that laughter may be the best medicine, helping you feel better.

“I believe that if people laugh more, they will become healthier,” says Steve Wilson, psychologist and laughter therapist.

But scientists are not yet sure that it is the process of laughter that makes people healthier. Sense of humor, positive thinking and the support of friends and family also plays a role.

"There hasn't been any specific research on the benefits of laughter," says Robert R. Provine, a professor of psychology at the University of Maryland and author of Laughter: The Scientific Study.

But even if we don't know exactly how laughter helps people feel good, it certainly doesn't hurt.

Laughter therapy: What happens when we laugh?

When we laugh, our physiology changes. The muscles of our face and body are stretched, our pulse and blood pressure increase, we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to the tissues of our body.

People who believe in the benefits of laughter say that it is like a little exercise, so the benefits of laughter are the same.

"The effect of laughter and physical exercise very similar," says Wilson. "Combining laughter with movement, such as waving your arms, - good way increase your heart rate."

Laughter research pioneer William Fry notes that it took him 10 minutes on a rowing machine to increase his heart rate. The same effect is achieved with just one minute of laughter.

Laughter also burns calories. Macy Buchowski, a scientist at Vanderbilt University, conducted a small study in which he measured the number of calories burned by laughter. It turned out that 10-15 minutes of laughter burns 50 calories.

But don't rush to lose weight this way. One piece of chocolate contains 50 calories; and to lose 500 g you need to laugh for 12 hours!

The effect of laughter on the body

IN last years Scientists have studied the effect of laughter on our body and learned several interesting facts:

    Circulation. Scientists from the University of Maryland studied how blood circulation changes when people watch comedies and melodramas. While watching comedies, blood circulation was normal. When watching melodramas, blood circulation slowed down.

    Immune response. Increasing stress reduces immunity. Some studies have shown that laughter increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases and improves cell immunity.

    Blood sugar level. A study of 19 people with diabetes examined the effect of laughter on blood sugar levels. After eating, the group listened to a boring lecture. The next day the group ate the same food and then watched a comedy. After watching the comedy, the group's blood sugar levels dropped; No changes were observed after the lecture.

    Relaxation and sleep. Laughter helped Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness, get rid of pain. Cousins, who was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful spinal disease, realized that watching comedies and episodes of “ hidden camera"helps him better than medicine. After 10 minutes of laughter, he could sleep peacefully for several hours straight.

Is laughter the best medicine?

Not all scientists believe that laughter has a positive effect on our mind and body. Is laughter beneficial? Does it add energy? Not everyone is sure about this.

Most laughter studies have been small and not always well-conducted. In addition, most scientists have undertaken research to prove the positive effects of laughter.

Dr. Provine says the most obvious effect of laughter is on pain. Numerous studies of people who suffer from chronic pain have shown that after laughing they feel less pain.

One of the main problems in laughter research is the difficulty of determining cause and effect.

For example, a study might show that people who laugh a lot are less likely to get sick. But maybe they're just healthier and have more reasons to laugh. Or researchers might find that among people with the same disease, people who laugh more are more energetic. But maybe they are just optimists, so they cope with the disease better.

Therefore, it is very difficult to say that laughter is the cause of changes in the body.

Laughter improves quality of life

According to Dr. Provine, laughter is social phenomenon. "Improved health can come from your good relationships with friends and family, not from laughter."

Provine's own research has shown that we laugh more often when we're with other people than when we're alone. People who laugh more often feel better about other people. And this in itself can improve health.

Dr. Wilson agrees that we don't know enough about laughter.

"Laughter can make you healthier, but we don't know for sure," he says. “I wouldn’t advise people to laugh more in order to live longer. Because sooner or later they will be disappointed.”

But we all know that when we laugh with family and friends, we become happier and feel better—even if research doesn't show why.

So Wilson and Provine admit that even if laughter doesn't make you healthier or give you more energy, it certainly improves your quality of life.

"I have nothing against laughter," Provine says. - "If we like to laugh, let's laugh more? Do we really need a doctor's prescription for this?"

Everyone has probably heard that laughter is the best medicine, and humor prolongs life. Is it really? They have been searching for an answer for a long time serious people, But consensus still no.

Even the dictionary definition of the word “humor” does not seem accurate enough: “good-natured laughter, gentle ridicule. An attitude towards something imbued with such a mood. A technique in works of literature and art based on depicting something in a comic, funny form. The totality works of art imbued with such an attitude to reality."

On this moment Currently, in the United States, there are two official organizations engaged in research on the influence of humor on human health. These are the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH) and the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS). In the summer of 2003, when the 15th annual conference took place in Italy. According to a USA Today report, at their conferences, those who call themselves "humour researchers" wear clown noses and tell jokes.

Moreover, people from AATH often talk about humor as a panacea, and there is a lot of sober rationalism in the assessments of ISHS representatives. The latter organization belongs to one of the most famous researchers humor - Rod Martin from the University of Western Ontario in Canada.

He is the editor of HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research and the author of the book Humor and Life Stress: Antidote to Adversity and more than 20 articles on the topic. Of course, Professor Martin has been studying laughter since 1979: “People don’t laugh at me anymore when I tell them I’m researching humor.”

Martin is convinced that the beneficial properties of laughter are, rather, psychology, but not medicine. He calls on his colleagues to engage in serious academic study of humor and finally expose folk wisdom that laughter is a panacea:

"In humor research, we need to become more focused. We need to understand that therapeutic humor is not all humor. People are told that laughter is good for you, and they think that staying up all night watching comedies will make them healthier. I believe this is what - not the least bit useful."

According to Martin, humor has Everyday life two main functions: improving relationships between people, for example, with the help of a joke you can resolve a conflict, and also stress relief, that is, the ability to laugh at threatening things.

In both cases, humor can be used in healthy or unhealthy ways. Moreover, Martin notes, laughter and humor mean different things to men and women.

For example, among men there is a tendency to joke about power and aggression, while among women humor is more often used to form close relationships with others.

In addition, he calculated four main “styles” of humor, by which one can judge the state of a person’s psyche:

1. Affiliative (Affiliative from “to affiliate” - to join, to join - a person’s desire to be in the company of other people): the softest style, which is characterized by ironic jokes and absurdities.

2. Self-enhancing: a style that does not harm anyone, is based mainly on boasting, a way of protecting and “improving” self-esteem.

3. Aggressive: sarcasm, teasing remarks, ridicule. May be dangerous to others.

4. Self-defeating: The comedian tries to hit the mark with every joke. Can damage self-esteem and others' self-esteem and lead to depression.

Laughter calms you down

Laughter releases endorphins - happiness hormones that help get rid of irritation and sadness. Even if you just remember for a moment how you laughed recently, your mood will improve. Research by British psychologists has shown that after watching a funny film, a person’s level of irritation decreases several times. Moreover, the subjects' mood was lifted by the mere thought that they would soon laugh - two days before the planned viewing of the comedy, they were angry half as often as usual.

Laughter improves skin

If you laugh often, you can forget about expensive cosmetic procedures to improve your skin, because laughter tones your facial muscles and improves blood circulation, resulting in a natural glow.

Laughter strengthens relationships

The ability to laugh together is extremely important for establishing good and good relations. Connection between people and them general idea about what can be funny allows them to be more open with each other. If you joke, you are not afraid to seem funny. Which means you trust.

Laughter boosts immunity

Laughter helps fight infections. After a minute of sincere laughter, the body expels a large number of antibodies that protect against bacteria and viruses. Laughter also increases the production of white blood cells, which fight various diseases, including cancer.

Laughter heals the heart

Thanks to laughter, blood vessels dilate and blood circulates better. Ten minutes of laughter can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cholesterol plaques. Laughter even helps those who have had a heart attack - doctors believe that a good mood reduces the likelihood of a second attack.

Laughter relieves pain

Happiness hormones, endorphins, which are produced when a person laughs, are our body’s natural painkillers. In addition, when you laugh, you take your mind off how bad you feel and forget about the pain for at least a few minutes. Doctors have long noticed that patients who are positive and find the strength to laugh endure pain much easier than those who are sad.

Laughter develops the lungs

Laughter is one of the best exercises for people suffering from asthma and bronchitis. During laughter, the activity of the lungs is activated, and thus the supply of oxygen to the blood increases, which allows clearing stagnation of phlegm. Some doctors compare the effects of laughter to physical therapy chest, which eliminates mucus from the respiratory tract, but laughter has an even better effect on the respiratory tract.

Laughter conquers stress

British scientists have studied the effect of laughter on people's health. Two groups of volunteers were created. One group was shown recordings of comedy concerts for an hour, while the second group was asked to simply sit quietly. After this, the experiment participants took a blood test. And it was found that those who watched the humorous concert had lower levels of the “stress” hormones cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline than the second group. The fact is that when we laugh, it intensifies exercise stress to all parts of the body. When we stop laughing, our body relaxes and calms down. This means that laughter helps us get rid of physical and emotional stress. Scientists say that a minute of sincere laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of deep relaxation.

Laughter helps you stay fit

In fact, laughter is a type of aerobic exercise because laughing allows you to breathe in more oxygen, which stimulates your heart and blood circulation. It is even considered “internal” aerobics, since everyone is massaged while laughing. internal organs, allowing them to work more efficiently. Laughter is also good for strengthening the abdominal, back and leg muscles. One minute of laughter is equivalent to ten minutes on a rowing machine or fifteen minutes on a bicycle. And if you laugh your heart out for one hour, you will burn up to 500 calories, the same amount you can burn by running fast for an hour.

Lack of a sense of humor can not only affect your sociability, but also harm your cardiovascular system. A recent study shows that laughter increases blood flow. This once again proves the old adage that “laughter is the best medicine” is right, at least when it comes to the heart.

Cardiologist Michael Miller and his colleagues at the University of Maryland tested the blood flow of 20 healthy men and women while they watched 15 to 30 minutes of the comedies Big Shot and There's Something About Mary. ", and then the tense film "Saving Private Ryan." Doctors measured blood flow before the viewing began and one minute after the end. “We expected to find a blood vessel response to laughter,” explains Miller.

Scientists were prompted to conduct this experiment based on previous research. Row questionnaires conducted among patients with coronary heart disease, showed that patients who suffered a heart attack lost more than 40% of their sense of humor. “We didn’t know whether it was a cause or a consequence of the attack. Also, a deterioration in the sense of humor may be an integral part (symptom) of the disease,” says Miller.

Therefore, doctors decided to investigate possible effects the health effects of laughter by measuring the degree to which blood vessels dilate after volunteers laugh at funny moments or react to tense situations. IN total The researchers obtained 160 results regarding blood flow in the brachial artery in the arm above the elbow in 10 men and 10 women. During funny scenes, blood flow in 19 volunteers increased by an average of 22%. Compared to blood flow during surprise or intense scenes, the difference was more than 50%. This was reported in the latest issue of Heart magazine.

It can be argued that a carefree state increases blood flow by approximately the same amount percentage, as light exercises or reception medicines to reduce cholesterol levels. But stress caused by intense dramatic development of the plot reduces blood flow almost as much as unpleasant memories or mental calculations.

affirmed the importance of humor with his statement that “only the animal that suffers the most on earth could invent laughter.”

Feeling depressed? Just smile and Bad mood will go away as if it never happened! Don't be afraid to laugh - you will be amazed at how your life and your health will change.

Health Benefits of Laughter

A good, kind laugh is useful not only because it lifts your spirits. People who love to laugh get sick less, are less likely to get irritated and do not know what depression is.


Laughter releases endorphins - happy hormones that help get rid of irritation and sadness. Even if you just remember for a moment how you laughed recently, your mood will improve. Research by British psychologists has shown that after watching a funny film, a person’s level of irritation decreases several times. Moreover, the subjects' mood was lifted by the mere thought that they would soon laugh - two days before the planned viewing of the comedy, they were angry half as often as usual.


What other benefits of laughter? If you laugh often, you can forget about expensive cosmetic procedures to improve your skin, because laughter tones your facial muscles and improves blood circulation, resulting in a natural glow.


The ability to laugh together is extremely important for establishing a good and kind relationship. The connection between people and their shared sense of what is funny allows them to be more open with each other. If you joke, you are not afraid to seem funny. Which means you trust.


Laughter helps fight infections - this is such a benefit for humans. After a minute of sincere laughter, the body releases a large amount of antibodies into the respiratory tract, which protect against bacteria and viruses. Laughter also increases the production of white blood cells, which fight various diseases, including cancer.


Thanks to laughter, blood vessels dilate and blood circulates better. Ten minutes of laughter can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cholesterol plaques. Laughter even helps those who have had a heart attack; doctors believe that a good mood reduces the likelihood of a second attack.


Happiness hormones, endorphins, which are produced when a person laughs, are our body’s natural painkillers. In addition, when you laugh, you take your mind off how bad you feel and forget about the pain for at least a few minutes. Doctors have long noticed that patients who are positive and find the strength to laugh endure pain much easier than those who are sad.


Laughter is one of the best exercises for people suffering from asthma and bronchitis. During laughter, the activity of the lungs is activated, and thus the supply of oxygen to the blood increases, which allows clearing stagnation of phlegm. Some doctors compare the effect of laughter to chest physiotherapy, which removes mucus from the airways, but for people, laughter has an even better effect on the airways.


British scientists have studied the effect of laughter on people's health. Two groups of volunteers were created. One group was shown recordings of comedy concerts for an hour, while the second group was asked to simply sit quietly. After this, the experiment participants took a blood test. And it was found that those who watched the humorous concert had lower levels of the “stress” hormones cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline than the second group. The fact is that when we laugh, physical stress on all parts of the body increases. When we stop laughing, our body relaxes and calms down. This means that laughter helps us get rid of physical and emotional stress. Scientists say that a minute of sincere laughter is equivalent to forty-five minutes of deep relaxation.


In fact, laughter is a type of aerobic exercise because laughing allows you to breathe in more oxygen, which stimulates your heart and blood circulation. It is even considered “internal” aerobics, since during laughter all internal organs are massaged, which allows them to work more efficiently. Laughter is also good for strengthening the abdominal, back and leg muscles. One minute of laughter is equivalent to ten minutes on a rowing machine or fifteen minutes on a bicycle. And if you laugh your heart out for one hour, you will burn up to 500 calories, the same amount you can burn by running fast for an hour.


Today, researchers believe that only 50% of our ability to be happy is genetic. "Rules happy person“will help you realize your potential, teach you to enjoy life and give you the opportunity to laugh more often. And besides, laughter prolongs life!


Be talkative, confident and not afraid of adventure. Where to begin? For example, from a walk in the forest in the company of old friends. Have fun, joke and feel free to express your emotions.


Studies have shown that people who speak their minds openly are happier than those who remain silent. This doesn't mean you have to say everything that's on your mind. Just learn to express your opinion and defend it - it will help you feel happier.


Friendship is the true source of happiness. If you have friends you can rely on, you won't feel lonely. Moreover, psychologists say that to be happy, women need warm relations with other women. Contrary to popular belief, female friendships have a greater impact on us. strong influence than relationships with men.


Expectation of happiness is the biggest obstacle to happiness. I will be happy when I lose weight/move to a new apartment/move to a new job/find the man of my dreams. Focus on what you have and be happy right now. And beware of all the “when” and “else”: they are the ones that prevent you from being happy.


Make it a very serious goal to laugh every day. Think of laughter as a vitamin that you need to take regularly. You have no time for jokes because you don’t have enough time? Here's what we can offer:
  • an evening on the couch watching your favorite comedies;
  • a pleasant dinner with friends;
  • going to the cinema or to an amusement park with children (even the sight of happy children will make you laugh with pleasure);
  • talking on the phone “about nothing” with a cheerful friend;
  • at least once every two weeks, trips to stores in search of new funny books and magazines to have some fun.