How to become a versatile, interesting person. Compassion and help in understanding yourself

Anna basis

Who can you say is an interesting person? This is a hero with an interesting appearance or fate. A person is considered interesting if he has an opinion and knows how to spend time in an exciting way.

There is a common phrase that each person is interesting in his own way, but in one you still need to see this zest, while in another it is simply interesting to communicate! What is the reason, what to know or do and how to become interesting person for others? To do this, you will have to work on yourself and change some qualities.

People who lack self-confidence often consider themselves boring. And if you reconsider your attitude towards your qualities and look at them impartially, you will definitely find something interesting. Look at yourself from the outside through the eyes of your friends and acquaintances. If these people communicate with you, it means they are interested in your positive traits and outlook on life.

Look at your strengths and try to increase them. Are you too self-critical and see only shortcomings in yourself? It is perfectly! Some weaknesses can be turned into your signature principles and habits.

Explore the world around you

Explore the unknown, expand your horizons, and your intellect will be enriched with new knowledge. To fully immerse yourself in this process, you should give up your computer or phone for a while. You will be surprised how much free time you have. Use it for its intended purpose:

Relax - take a morning or evening walk around the city, take your mind off your thoughts and enjoy your vacation. Don't skip walks, even if it rains. Believe me, you will experience a lot of emotions, of course, if the weather is warm. When returning home, go to an unfamiliar cafe and drink a cup of strong coffee or invigorating chocolate. Spend time with specific purpose- enjoyment of relaxation.
Remember your childhood. Feel again what it is like to ask the question “why” and look for the answer to it. Decide for yourself - I want to study investments or I’m interested in learning what television is. Now you are an adult and can find for yourself interesting events, the reasons for their appearance and actions.

Don't isolate yourself - share your discoveries

Every person has thoughts and discoveries, share them with your loved ones and friends. It often seems that what you know is known to many people, but this is not the case.

Unite people around you. Introduce them to each other, help them with your ideas. Your goal is to become the center around which people will gather and towards which they will strive. Imagine a snowball. It moves, expands, increasing in volume. So is your desire to become link will end with the creation of a new community.

Practice your speech. When speaking, the interlocutor pays attention to facial expressions, gaze, and gestures. Put your voice in the right shell and then you will become interesting in communication. To do this, there are exercises and training that will improve speech.

Be proactive. Become active, call friends, make appointments, communicate. Do everything you can do today. Saturate every day with new emotions: go to the theater, visit museums, meet friends.

Use all your Natural resources and forget about idleness. Do you want to become an interesting person? Take up dancing, learn to draw, write poetry or prose. Become decisive.

Make a choice, even if it is the wrong one. Manage your life yourself, start with at least today. Remember that even the most reliable plans collapse, so decide your own destiny. Use your intuition, if it doesn't work, flip a coin!

Do what you really enjoy. Direct your energy in one direction and avoid events that are unpleasant for you. If this is not possible, try to temporarily love your job. Be firm and complete your tasks to the end, and then just forget about them. What if you like it?

Show interest in the meaning of life

Think about the meaning of your life: where are you going, by what means? Are you satisfied with everything in your work and financial relationships? If not, then look for more comfortable ways. You cannot remain indifferent to what is happening, otherwise it will return to you with reciprocal indifference.

Set new goals for yourself all the time. Achieve them and install new ones. Seek best result, think about how best to do this. Organize your thoughts and actions. Define main task and make it a priority. You will see that the rest will organize itself.

Are you thinking about how to become an interesting person to others? Think about your behavior. How do you treat people? How many friends do you have?

Understand that your knowledge is just a drop in a vast sea of ​​information. Accept it and gain new knowledge.

Know how to listen. People feel when they are being listened to and when they are pretending. Don't interrupt your interlocutor. Show respect. Feel others, because every person is new information. What if you get the basis for your future idea?

Bragging is repulsive. Try to praise yourself less. What you are proud of will seem to others soap bubbles. Bragging annoys your interlocutors and often looks funny.

Show interest, leave your comfort zone

Before the tree grows, a small sprout breaks through the seed coat. If a person wants to become noticeable, interesting, and needed, he must set himself unusual tasks, ideas and carry them out. Only purposeful individuals can do difficult things.

Feel satisfied with your achievements.

Find a cause and act boldly. Don't repeat the actions of others. Choose your path, then you will become interesting conversationalist and partner. Find your niche and work better than others in it.

How to become an interesting person? The answer would seem to be simple: show your individuality. To do this you need to have courage. Take heart and stop envying the successful. Promote your ideas, deal only with promising tasks. Give up your idols. Often authorities only restrict freedom. Stop copying other people's ideas, show your individuality.

How to become an interesting conversationalist?

Every person must have communication skills. This is the key to good acquaintances and career growth. What if you don't have this gift? Nurture it yourself like a small sprout so that it grows into a big tree.

Learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor. This is the first step on the path to becoming an interesting conversationalist. During the dialogue, listen, do not interrupt, ask several questions on the topic. All this will show that you care and listened carefully to the text.

Know how to sympathize and praise. Learn to feel what people want to hear: they expect praise, sympathy or support.

You will become interesting to the people around you. Emphasize the merits of your interlocutor or opponent. Just do it sincerely, because falsehood is easy to notice.

If you still don’t know how to become an interesting person, read more. For development, many books on psychology are sold in stores, useful encyclopedias. Filled with knowledge, share it with others and keep the conversation going on any topic.

How to become an interesting person for girls?

Do you want the girl you like to be interested in you? Look at how a more successful friend communicates with her: he starts the conversation with a smile, asks questions at ease, and is not afraid to say what he is thinking about.

Everything is in the hands of man. There are no magic pills. Work on yourself, get rid of complexes. Learn to talk first to strangers. Learn to give compliments and you will interest any girl. The main topics on how to become an interesting person are touched upon above. Try them on yourself, develop, improve yourself, and you will be able to attract attention and interest for a long time.

You can think a lot about how to become an interesting person and interlocutor for others, colleagues, and superiors at work, without doing anything. Take action. Think for yourself, you can interest your interlocutor if you sit for hours at the computer, reading news in in social networks? What new things will you tell, what stories do you know?

If you have no ideas, ask a friend for help. Find out what attracts him in life, what he is interested in. Get your adrenaline pumping by jumping or enjoying nature with a guitar in your hands.

Try yourself in new ways: learn to ride a bike, play badminton or take up photography. There are a lot interesting activities that you haven't mastered yet. Try to start small, and you will see how others will become interested in you.

February 10, 2014

Everyone sometimes thinks about how to attract the attention of a new team, a representative of the opposite sex, or friends in a company. This is one of the beauties human existence– fear of appearing boring in the eyes of one’s own kind. How to become an interesting person to others and be able to captivate them with your charm? Let's look at several qualities that almost any “soul of the party” has and how you can achieve them.

Broad outlook.

Interests and hobbies.

Being interesting does not mean spending an hour and a half after work with friends to pick up jokes from them in order to show off their jokes in the company of a girl. Becoming an interesting person to others means living a fulfilling life, encountering something new every day. Of course, this is not true for everyone, but some people suffering from a lack of communication live in literally one single dimension. Therefore, doing something interesting for yourself means becoming attractive to others.

The ability to be believable.

Life experiences don't have to be extreme to be fun. A caricature of an interesting person can be someone who literally spends their vacation running away from volcanic lava, or writes interviews with rock stars with whom these virtuosos of communication regularly go on tour. Of course, any audience would listen to such stories with pleasure, but often people pay attention to everyday, everyday things. If your views on life are unusual and push your interlocutor to think, then even the most ordinary work history- from the life of a secretary or a veterinarian - will be interesting.

Sometimes form is more important than content.

Present your life experiences in an attractive light to others. This is one of the main tips, since becoming an interesting person to others often involves the ability to present yourself in an original way. Even what you say is sometimes not as important as how you say it. Two people can tell exactly the same stories. But from the lips of one you will hear an ordinary and boring monologue. The other one will turn ordinary story into an exciting story, even if it was just cooking scrambled eggs.

Originality of views and erudition.

A high self-evaluation.

Many people consider themselves the most ordinary and boring, not believing in own capabilities. For them, phrases such as “The Universe is hidden in every person” and “Each of us is unique” are nothing more than an empty phrase. Remember no worse than the enemy than self-destruction.

Try to look at yourself through the eyes of those who love you. Note what positive qualities you have, what your strengths. Fight a lack of willpower and weakness, do not bury your talent in the ground. After you discover these positive aspects in yourself (there can be no other way, in otherwise, you are engaged in pure self-deception), begin to develop and multiply them.
Also, some disadvantages can become your advantages if you make them part of your image and unique style.

Listening skills.

This item is integral part the process of becoming an interesting person. Allow people to talk about themselves, and talk a lot. Your ability to listen plays a huge role in communicating with others. By paying attention to your interlocutor, you demonstrate your interest, while becoming interesting in his eyes. How can someone who is focused only on his “Ego” become an entertaining conversationalist?

Becoming an interesting person is not at all difficult. To do this, it is enough to correctly demonstrate your intelligence, have a positive self-attitude, as well as a broad outlook.

Changing your appearance is easy way stand out from the crowd. Have you always wanted to dye your hair red or get an eyebrow pierced? Go for it. In an unusual way An original tattoo can also stand out - think over its design and symbolism yourself. Just approach the issue responsibly and choose good craftsmen to change your appearance so as not to look ridiculous and tasteless.

Clothing can also be a good help - develop your own style and complement it with many suitable accessories. Extraordinary personalities often wear clothes in ethnic style - they have an unusual cut and bright prints.

Choose the changes that you like. Then you will be comfortable in your new look.

Find an unusual hobby

No one will be surprised if you engage in knitting, collecting or design. However, there are many in the world unusual hobbies. Try yourself in the role of a master fireman playing with fire, an extreme skydiver or an acrobat-base jumper. By the way, even among seemingly ordinary hobbies you can find a twist. For example, you can study unusual foreign languages- or ancient Greek. And besides the usual boxing, karate and, there are such types of martial arts as dambe, silat and ledrith.

Get creative

A creative person is always extraordinary. Think about it: maybe as a child you loved to draw or write poetry. It's never too late to discover in yourself hidden talents. Sign up for special courses or become a self-taught artist with your own style. But remember - even abstract artists studied the basics of painting, so a little theory won't hurt. The most difficult thing is to develop your individual handwriting, for this you need to create a lot and not be afraid to experiment.
Many legendary creators were not recognized throughout their lives, so do not pay attention to the attacks of ill-wishers.

Do good

Unfortunately, in modern world everyone is so concerned with themselves that participation in the destinies of others automatically makes you extraordinary. Sign up for a volunteer organization or search party in your area, do charity work, donate part of your salary to a fund, organize an animal shelter. By doing good and helping people, you not only make the world a warmer place, but also become truly an extraordinary person.

Many people dream of having one or another unusual ability. It is believed that almost every person has them to one degree or another, it’s just that in most people they are very weakly expressed. Extraordinary abilities can be developed, but to do this, you must first identify their presence.

Exists whole line unusual abilities, among the most famous are clairvoyance, foresight, wordless suggestion, telekinesis, the ability to bioenergy therapy, the ability to influence the likelihood of events. A series of tests can be conducted to detect such abilities.

Definition of unusual abilities

Zener cards are traditionally used to determine clairvoyance ability. The subject is asked to guess what is drawn on cards taken from a pile in random order: a circle, a square, a cross, a star, or wavy lines. It is necessary to perform at least 50 attempts, after which the results are processed using a special algorithm. The resulting figure allows us to determine that clairvoyance abilities are completely absent, weakly expressed, well manifested, or unique. On the Internet you can find special programs, working according to the described principle.

The ability to foresight can be determined by tossing an ordinary coin. Quite long series are required, approximately 100 tosses. If the number of guessed tosses is consistently above 50%, then you can be congratulated for having the ability to foresight.

The easiest way to test the ability for wordless suggestion is by trying to get people around you to perform some harmless actions. For example, look back, scratch your head or ear. Such actions do not pose a threat to a person, and therefore are not stopped by his subconscious. Important point: Perform no more than 3-5 attempts, after that take a break for at least a day. The order itself should be very light, without aggressive mental pressure.

The ability to telekinesis is tested using a paper pinwheel suspended by a thread inside an inverted jar. If from a distance of 2-3 meters you manage to make the turntable spin in the desired direction, you have the ability to telekinesis. Just wait until the spinner comes to a complete stop.

For treatment, first of all, very good sensitivity is needed. You can evaluate it like this: move your relaxed palm over a live wire - for example, an ordinary room extension cord. If from a distance of 2-3 centimeters you perceive a clear sense of presence electromagnetic field, you almost certainly have the makings of non-contact treatment. Next, you can read the relevant literature and test your strength in practice.

The ability to influence events is tested this way: while somewhere in the park, mentally intend the implementation of some simple event. For example, it could be a pigeon that landed on the path in front of you, or just a bird that flew past you. It could also be a car horn, a car door slamming, etc. and so on. The desired event should appear after your expression of will within 5-10 seconds, no more.

The Dangers of Developing Unusual Abilities

Many psychics and magicians warn that developing extraordinary abilities can be very dangerous. This is a one way road - unusual abilities difficult to develop, but even more difficult to get rid of. Particularly dangerous are practices associated with the development of clairvoyance and premonitions - sensitivity increases sharply, a person opens up to forces that he simply did not notice before. The result can be very sad, even fatal outcome or mental health clinics.

That is why think three times about whether you need unusual abilities - while they are in a dormant state, you are reliably protected from many dangers.

Each of us has our own idea and definition of the concept of “interesting person” or “interesting person”. They are different in some ways, but to a greater extent These concepts are similar for different people.

An interesting person is a person who knows how to carry on a conversation (no matter what the topic), someone who is pleasant to listen to, optimistic, cheerful, charismatic, confident in own strength with a sense of humor... Such people are respected, people are drawn to them, and everyone wants to have such a person as a friend.

Do you want to become an interesting person? Do you want people to pay attention to you and listen to your opinion? Do you feel that those around you are starting to get bored in your company? So, it's time to work on yourself a little.

Constantly learn and learn something new

Becoming an interesting person is not at all difficult, but only if you begin to take a keen interest in something. Boring people are not interested in anything, they don’t care what happens in the world and around them. More often change the situation, explore new places and gain new impressions, travel, expand your horizons, get acquainted with new trends, ideas and opinions, study them, enrich your intellect.

If you want to become an interesting person, you should definitely discover own hobbies and show interest in anything. And it doesn’t matter at all what exactly your hobby will be: drawing, cross-stitching, growing tomatoes or collecting coins.

A person who is passionate about anything is almost always an interesting person. Such people devote themselves entirely to their favorite pastime, which often grows from an ordinary hobby into the work of their whole life. They live in harmony with themselves and have recognition and respect in society, regardless of what they realize themselves in: science or sports, politics or art, pedagogy or entrepreneurship.

In the process of becoming interested in a new hobby, you should not get hung up on it alone - gradually expand your area of ​​interest. It’s great if you have studied the subject from all sides, you know it inside and out, but the probability interest a person and become an interesting conversationalist for him there will be more in the case when the area of ​​your knowledge is not limited to one thing.

Share your knowledge

It’s one thing to learn a lot of new things, enrich your knowledge and broaden your horizons. Another thing through which the path to becoming an interesting personality lies is communication with people.

Somehow great English writer George Bernard Shaw said: " If I have an apple and you have an apple, and if we exchange them, then both you and I will have one apple left. And if I have an idea and you have an idea and we exchange them, then each of us will have two ideas" This is the meaning of communication! By acquiring spiritual, personal and mental benefits through communication, we become internally richer.

We are all characterized by an irresistible desire for new knowledge. Therefore, the opportunity to get useful information always arouses interest, and a person’s ability to present this information in an entertaining and competent manner, demonstrating good communication skills, doubly fuels interest in him. Learning to express your thoughts beautifully and shares knowledge, you will provide yourself with a large audience of listeners, with open mouth who listen to your every word and certainly consider you an interesting person to communicate with.

Try to see the best in yourself

Many people often consider themselves an ordinary, boring person and do not believe in their own capabilities. And such words as “The whole Universe is hidden in every person” and “All people are unique” fall on deaf ears or people think that they apply to anyone, but not to them.

Remember - no more dangerous than the enemy than self-destruction. Look at your sides, highlight strong traits your character and focus on best sides of your nature. Fight lack of will and weaknesses, do not hide your talents and abilities, but, on the contrary, demonstrate them.

Ask yourself why your friends communicate with you? Obviously because of your inherent strengths, because of your outlook on life, hobbies and interests. It turns out that you are already an interesting person for someone!

After you have found the positive qualities in yourself (it cannot be that you do not have them), try to increase them. Some shortcomings can be turned into advantages, making them part of your image and your corporate style. People with funny habits and integrity can also be interesting.

Learn to listen

To become an interesting conversationalist you simply must learn to listen. Your ability to listen to your interlocutor (as well as ability to ask questions) will play big role in the perception of you as an interesting person.

Give others the opportunity to speak out and talk about themselves, this way you can demonstrate your attentiveness and interest in the person and become an interesting person in his eyes. After all, how can someone who is focused only on himself and completely intoxicated with his person be considered such. On the contrary, the one who talks only about himself, thinks only about himself and is not interested in anyone except himself - boring man.

Embrace your quirks

Each of us has our own “cockroaches in our heads”, our own individual characteristics and weirdness. You shouldn’t hide them from everyone, because they are the ones who make us unique and interesting individuals.

If you are somehow different from most people and can say to yourself - “I’m not like everyone else” - you should not be ashamed of this, but on the contrary, you should make it your dignity, your “zest”. Only here there is one big BUT - your “otherness” should not be too strange. Interest is aroused by something new, different from the ordinary, but within the framework of the understandable.

You've probably noticed that sometimes women cannot formulate why they like this or that man, and when asked by their friends - “What got you hooked on him,” they answer - “He’s not like everyone else!” There is practically no logic in these words, and these are rather emotions, but they are what make a person interesting and attractive. People may not do anything unusual at all, but if someone perceives their actions, words, or, for example, their gaze as something new and unusual, then it arouses interest.

Be yourself, don't follow the crowd

Stand up for your opinion instead of adapting to the world, be yourself, and do not demonstrate the behavior model professed by the majority. People around you are interested independent people who have a predominant feeling self-esteem, and not resignation to what you don’t like or is completely alien.

Be independent in making decisions, do not be like the majority. Do what you like, resist outside influence. At a time when some people adapt to others, you must demonstrate your individuality: buy clothes not that are fashionable, but those that you like and in which you feel comfortable and comfortable; play your favorite sport, and not just for company; listen to the music you love, not the music that is popular, etc.

Do what you think is right, do not pay attention to gossipers and envious people, and then your true friends will respect you for it.

This does not mean that you should always act on the contrary in everything; sometimes it is useful to listen to the general opinion, especially if it does not contradict your inner beliefs, or to adopt other people’s experience and ideas. But remember that become an interesting person It’s easier for those around you by creating something of your own and following your own path.

Quench your fears

It takes courage to remain who you are, to have your own opinion and to defend it when necessary. Do not be afraid of other people's opinions, which may be expressed if you are “out of step with everyone else.”

Courage is also required to right moment take an unexpected and unknown path. Some people are very dependent, and are so afraid of everything that they don’t even dare to think about anything outside their comfort zone, but in life you have to be bolder, try, dare, take risks, dare, fall and get up breaking your knees.

Man with rich life experience more interesting than personality with little going on in her life. And for this experience to become truly rich, sometimes courage is needed. So temper your fears.

Ignore whiners and bores

It’s safe to be bored, any bore will tell you that. The bores could have done it, should have done it, would have done it... But they never did! And now they are offended because everything is working out for you, and they are boring, boring, boring.

Such people poison life. When communicating with them for a long time, your mood deteriorates and life becomes unbearable. They are like energy vampires, sucking all the juices out of a person. A The best way protect yourself from energy vampire This is to minimize communication with him, so you should do the same with bores. Otherwise, how would interesting person you didn’t show up, if there are a lot of whiners and bores in your environment, you risk succumbing to influence: sliding into uncertainty, succumb to pessimism, become depressed, etc.

If you have a sense of humor, use it

Interesting personalities are people who are witty, cheerful, and capable of lifting spirits, and not those who know Newton's laws and can talk about them in a boring way.

Often, when characterizing a person with whom it was interesting, they say about him - “it’s fun to be with him,” “it’s fun to be with him,” etc. People are drawn to people who bring smiles and know how to make others laugh, they want to be around them, they are invited to all companies.

The most reliable and easiest way to be interesting to talk to(easy for a person with a sense of humor), this is to joke at the right time, tell an anecdote or funny story, at the right moment to defuse the situation.

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In relationships with girls, eloquence has always played a significant role. Sometimes relationships were created or, conversely, destroyed because of a person’s ability to communicate. Communication is important not only with the opposite sex, but also with other people, especially when you want to make contacts with them or acquire working together. The men's site will provide 10 rules that will help you establish contacts and become an interesting conversationalist.

Has it ever happened to you that you communicate with a person, but he causes you some discomfort? He seems to be attractive in appearance, but does not speak bad words, but something about him is repulsive. You naturally want to stop communicating with him as quickly as possible.

However, there are people who do not have striking beauty and great knowledge, but it is so easy and fun to communicate with them that you do not want to stop meeting. It seems that the person is not your type. It seems that he is not telling any truths or hidden information. However, it is so pleasant to communicate with him that you don’t want to look away.

With each century, a person’s ability to communicate well with other people becomes a top priority and a step towards. Many people say that to succeed you need to have good connections. However, to have these good connections you need to be able to be a pleasant and interesting conversationalist. And this is an axiom both in the sphere of work, business, and in love.

How to win over your interlocutor?

Tell the person: “I understand you!” - and he will want to continue communicating with you and continue. Many people ask the question: “How to win over your interlocutor?” There's nothing easier than just letting him be right even when you don't agree with him. Everyone considers their opinion to be the only correct one. Your opinion can be just as wrong as the other person's thoughts. Why argue about who is right and wrong? Might as well just let everyone be right for a start! This way you will win over everyone, because everyone wants to be right.

People don't need much. Give them understanding. When a person is understood and does not try to contradict or convince, then he relaxes and is imbued with gratitude to the interlocutor. It is not necessary to accept someone else's point of view. If you think differently, then you have the right to remain with your opinion if it seems more correct to you. If the interlocutor says sensible words, you can correct your opinion. But be that as it may, no matter what you do with your point of view, tell your interlocutor: “I understand you!”

Understanding does not mean agreeing. To understand means to accept the right to the existence of someone else’s opinion, no matter how erroneous and incorrect it may be. When a person feels that you “accept” him, then he will relax. Perhaps he will even want to hear your thoughts and ask about them. Perhaps he will continue to talk about the topic of the conversation you are having and come to more broad understanding question. Give understanding to the other person. This will not only put your interlocutor at ease, but will also calm him down, encouraging him to look at the issue more broadly.

Often people do not understand each other, or rather, they do not want to accept other people’s points of view, because they have their own opinion, which they consider more correct. But the dispute begins where the interlocutors begin to fight over whose opinion is the most correct, right? Why start a fight if you can avoid it? Accept the right to the existence of someone else’s opinion, tell your interlocutor about it, even if it doesn’t change your thoughts. It is not necessary to fight for the correctness of someone's point of view. You can simply listen to what the other person thinks and draw your own conclusions. You don't always need to convince someone. Another person has the right to be mistaken. Life will put him in his place if he is really wrong. You can make mistakes, just like your interlocutor. And no one except life itself will convince you of this. This is why many people often give examples from life when arguing their opinions.

Tell your partner: “I understand you!” Not only will you become his friend, but you will also not provoke a quarrel, allow the other person to calm down, not fight with you, and also look at the situation more broadly, even listen to your ideas and not resist them. Do you see how many advantages there are in one expression, where you accept the right to the existence of someone else’s opinion, no matter how much it contradicts yours?

10 rules for being an interesting conversationalist

So, you want to become interesting, attractive and a good conversationalist. Here you need to show not only understanding, but also demonstrate communication skills that create ease of communication. Let's look at 10 rules that will make you an interesting conversationalist:

  1. Tell me interesting stories. Sometimes there is an awkward silence between interlocutors. Don't they have anything to tell? In fact, they just don't know what to say. However, funny, interesting or exciting events happen in every person's life. These are the ones you can remember, talk about with a smile on your face, have fun and laugh together. The main aspect is that the story must be positive. There is no need to talk about your problems or tragedies. Tell funny, positive, interesting or educational stories.
  2. Just kidding. Humor has always been considered one of the attributes of a good conversationalist. Here you can use jokes, funny stories, even making up jokes ourselves. Allow yourself to laugh a little - draw the other person's attention to what makes you laugh. Here important nuance– if the interlocutor does not know how to laugh at himself (his shortcomings), then there is no need to joke at him.
  3. Give compliments. A compliment is positive assessment towards another person. Who doesn't like hearing nice things about themselves? Even shy people like to hear that others see them with positive side. There is no need to bombard your interlocutor with compliments. You can say 2-3 compliments all the time. However, it will be much nicer than saying nothing at all. One nuance - really notice what is in a person, there is no need to flatter.
  4. Listen and speak. In communication, a person either listens or speaks. A good conversationalist knows how to do both. Bad communicators go to extremes: either they listen and remain silent all the time, or they constantly talk without allowing other people to say a word. You need to be able to both shut up in order to let the interlocutor speak out, and to say something when the interlocutor now wants to listen to your opinion.
  5. Look into the eyes. Confident people They don’t hide their eyes, but constantly maintain contact with their interlocutors. They look straight into your eyes. Of course, they sometimes shift their gaze. However, they do not hide themselves and do not make their interlocutors feel embarrassed.
  6. Don't interrupt. This quality Much needs to be developed, since quite often people interrupt each other. Before the interlocutor had time to express everything he wanted, he was immediately interrupted. You can interrupt once or twice, but if this happens constantly, then the interlocutor will lose interest in you. He begins to think that you don’t want to listen to him, which means you don’t respect and don’t take his opinion into account.
  7. Don't ask too many questions. The conversation, of course, consists of questions and answers. However, it should not look like the other person is being interviewed. You ask a question, the person answers you, and it is desirable that his answer be open, affecting various topics. For your part, you can supplement his answer, agree, refute, or tell a story that relates to your topic. The questions don't always have to come from you. Let your interlocutor also be interested in something from you, and you give as detailed answers as possible.
  8. Don't criticize. If you want to ruin another person's mood, start criticizing him. But will he consider you an interesting conversationalist if he feels guilty, pathetic, worthless after your words? Criticism is necessary only to the point. It should be short and concise. However, you should not focus on it. They criticized - that’s enough, move on to another topic.
  9. Don't boast. This quality is rare, but still occurs. Boasting makes a person pitiful, and makes his interlocutor get rid of the imposed feeling of worthlessness. While you are boasting, you are proving to the other person that you are better than him. There is no need to rise at the expense of others. You can talk about your achievements that you are proud of. However, do not forget at the same time to ask what your interlocutor is proud of - listen to his boasts!
  10. Expand your social circle. The more people you communicate with, the more communication skills you will have. Different people require a different approach. And this requires you to be flexible and understand your interlocutor, how to communicate with him and behave. If you know how to be different in communication, then you become interesting.

Laughter puts your interlocutor at ease

Do you want to become part of the company? Do you want to make friends with someone? Do you intend to win over your loved one? Create a situation where your partner laughs heartily. It doesn't matter what exactly you do or what you laugh about. What matters is the splash positive emotions, which encourage a person to open up to those who made him laugh or were simply nearby.

Studies have been conducted that gave the same result. People who were in high spirits were more likely to reveal their secrets, become sociable and good-natured towards those around them. Laughter brings people together - research has proven this.

How is this phenomenon explained? We can consider such a point in the mechanism as eliminating the causes of isolation. A person in a depressed state or when immersed in despondency often closes down. He trusts those who surround him at this moment. He doesn’t know what he can say and what it’s better to keep silent. Thus, contact with others is disrupted due to the fact that the person becomes withdrawn.

At the moment of laughter, the grievances that upset you are forgotten. No longer scrolling through my head negative thoughts, and something fun and positive arises. The brain relaxes, the person himself lets go of negativity, which creates a feeling of stability and calm. When he does not see any threats to himself, he becomes open and friendly. Most effective method achieving this state is to make the person you want laugh.

In a moment of comedy, people become closer and open. They remove their barriers that they used to protect themselves from cruel world. Thus, if you want to make friends or attract the attention of the right partner, learn to make him laugh, amuse and delight him. This will give him a feeling of comfort.

How can you ultimately become an interesting conversationalist?

The best way to learn to communicate well with people is to constantly contact them. As possible with big amount communicate with people. Keep track of how you make them feel, what words and phrases evoke positive or negative emotions. Practice, change your communication style, adjust your skills depending on the result, and then you will become interesting.