"Difficult" combinations of letters. Development of handwriting and individual characteristics of a schoolchild

In deeply stagnant Brezhnev times I studied at the department of theoretical physics Kyiv University. And in the third or fourth year, a student from Karakalpakstan was transferred to us (Karakalpaks are such a people in Uzbekistan). From an Uzbek university (or Karakalpak, if he was there). Finish your studies as a theoretical physicist.

The girl sat silently for a month and a half at all the lectures and seminars. That is, she did not say anything on her own initiative, the teachers did not touch her, and she answered the questions of her fellow students laconically. In Russian and quite legible.

But the fateful moment came when, at a seminar (on political economy, on which everyone then had to spend part of their class time), she was asked to answer some question on the topic. The girl stood up and said (in Russian) that she knew the topic well and was ready to answer. In Karakalpak. Or in Uzbek. Because she supposedly doesn’t know Russian well enough. And he doesn’t know Ukrainian (in which, by the way, many lectures and seminars were held) at all.

In response, the political economist promised to definitely learn Karakalpak for her sake, but later. Maybe I learned it, but in vain. Because two weeks later the girl disappeared somewhere. According to rumors, she teleported to Karakalpakstan.

One of my friends had a friend come to visit her in St. Petersburg from
Turkey. So, they took him to the cops every day. I needed a passport
to submit for registration, and he had nothing to show to the police.
She goes to the university in the morning, he goes outside. And at the very first almost
corner it was swept away. Every evening after university she goes to the police, he still
they will let you go because the girl is beautiful. She will bring him, calm him down a little and
the same thing again!
He was counting the turns in the car just in case, in case he changed his mind
take away? Then he reported how much left and right.
But the peak was that he learned the song “Let them run” in the police station
awkwardly...” In general, he was imprisoned with everyone else. And once on the contrary
He was either homeless or something similar. And I sang this all day long
song without stopping at all. Sits on the floor, and so legibly, in a stretch,
multi-valued - “And the water flows like a river on the asphalt....” He swallows: “And it’s unclear
passers-by on this bad day, well WHY am I so cheerful...”
Turkish guys are very good at imitating the Russian accent. So
this guy now sings on occasion. Very sincere. Very touching.
By imitating the original performance and putting in your mental understanding

The received text must be written with a simple pencil of medium hardness. The choice in favor of a pencil is explained by the fact that you can write with it at any temperature environment: it will never “freeze” or “leak”. You need to sharpen the pencil on both sides to reduce the risk of losing the radiogram if the lead breaks.

Why you need to write legibly

When we read a meaningful text, we get information and we can guess. For example, in the previous sentence there were only two correctly spelled words, but you couldn’t a lot of work read it. In the same way, we can quite easily read the scribbles of our desk mate. But when reading military radiograms, you won’t be able to guess, because... all of them are transmitted in encrypted form. That is why in order to successfully decipher them you need to write as legibly as possible.

The height of the letters should correspond to one cell of the student notebook, and the numbers should be one and a half times higher so that they are difficult to confuse with letters. Every five accepted characters must be combined into a group and an interval of one cell must be made between them. Up to five groups can fit on one line. For convenience, the notebook should be lined in advance - additional dividing lines between groups will help you avoid confusion during reception. If the sign was not successfully accepted, a dot must be placed in the corresponding cell. If an error is discovered while checking the radiogram, then this sign must be crossed out and the correct one written above it.

Rice. Example of a training radiogram

To reduce the time spent writing letters, it is recommended to optimize the way they are written, see the figure below. It is highly advisable to write letters in this way in your Everyday life so that this way of writing becomes integral part your handwriting. Signs must be written down very legibly. If your handwriting is bad, take the time to remember first grade and fill one or two notebooks with copybooks (copybooks in pdf format).

Rice. Optimized way to write letters and numbers

Why you need to practice writing with a delay

Despite all the optimizations of hand movement at the time of writing characters, each letter requires different quantities time, and the duration of the melody does not always correspond to the duration of the writing of the sign. For example, the letter "e" is represented by one dot, and it takes much longer to display it than the number "1". Therefore, when receiving radiograms, it is necessary to ensure that the recording of the received sign is carried out with a delay, that is, with the start of the next sign. This helps to average out the time costs of recording and helps to increase the reception speed.

Knowledgeable people say that telegraph reception gurus can record radiograms with a delay of 10-15 characters. It's hard to believe, but nothing is impossible in life. I once thought it was impossible to touch-type on a keyboard at 400 characters per minute, but now this skill is part of my daily life.

Does your child take a long time to do homework or fail to complete exercises in class? Very often this is due to the fact that the student writes slowly, and it doesn’t matter whether they are letters, words or numbers. How to teach a child to write quickly, how to make him write?

The main reasons for low writing speed in younger schoolchildren

Incorrect grip of the writing medium

In their haste to teach their child to write, parents often do not pay enough attention to the development of his correct grip - that is, the way he holds a pen or pencil. If a student holds them incorrectly, then he does not have a sufficient overview of the part of the sheet on which he writes, which leads to a slower pace of writing, frequent blots and typos.

When starting to learn to write, parents should teach their child to remember the correct placement of fingers. If necessary, you can purchase special triangular pen attachments or pencils with three edges; using these devices will help you form the correct grip.

Insufficient development of fine motor skills

Very often the formation of an incorrect grip is a consequence of a bad grip. This deficiency must be corrected by conducting the following classes and procedures: finger gymnastics, palm massage, lacing games, etc. In a great way To develop fine motor skills and effectively prepare the hand for correct writing are tasks for drawing patterns of varying complexity, drawing with dots, and other graphic tasks.

Ergonomics of the workplace

The table at which the child prepares homework at home, the degree of its tilt, and its location in relation to the light source, the correct ratio of the height of the chair and the desk - all this directly affects the speed of writing, and, accordingly, the speed of completing homework.

It is also necessary to monitor the state of the student’s posture, because if a child slouches or holds his back with an inclination to one side more than the other, then his brain does not receive proper nutrition. And excessive tilting of the head towards the shoulder can contribute to the improper functioning of individual vessels, which can cause headaches and vision problems. All these factors have a direct impact on how quickly a student masters penmanship.

How to teach your child to write legibly and quickly

Mastering the oblique line

In order for a child to clearly and correctly place letters on a line, he needs to learn to correctly assess the space of the place where the letter will be written. To do this, ask him to first circle the cell for the letter, indicated by two vertical oblique lines and two horizontal ones. Then have him shade that space. Repeat the task several times. This will help teach the student how to correctly place letters on the lines and adjust their size when writing.

We write letters along given routes

It is proposed to write all the letters in the copybooks, adhering to a certain sequence of actions. It is necessary to teach the child to adhere given sequence in writing letters. It is important to focus the student’s attention on the fact that incorrect spelling of letters leads to an increase in the number of blots and typos, and this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the grade given by the teacher.


The oval element - the letter “O” is involved in writing a number of letters: “c”, “d”, “a”, “b”. Correct placement the letter “O” to the right of the oblique line and its correct writing along a given route will help in the future to avoid unnecessary strokes (which schoolchildren often resort to) and poorly recognizable letter combinations.

"Difficult" letter combinations

There are certain combinations of letters that schoolchildren cannot write quickly, so special attention needs to be paid to practicing their spelling.

These are the combinations:

“KL”, “YA”, “NYA”, “MYA”, “OYA”, “AYA”

Difficulties arise at the junction of these letters, namely in writing the “tails” of the letters “l” and “i” and their subsequent combination with other letters. In order to help the student, it is necessary to gradually master the writing of these letter combinations with strict adherence to the route. It will be easier to learn to write these combinations faster if you first practice the element of connecting these letters on a separate line, practicing several times.

There may also be problems when moving from writing individual letters and syllables to writing whole words. The most likely places for numerous errors and blots will be those words or places in a word that contain the following letter combinations:

“SHI”, “ISH”, “IM”, “LI”, “MI”, “SHISH”

This is due to the fact that the child does not always see where one letter ends and where another begins; the number of similar elements in the letters “I” and “W” confuses him. To help the student cope with this problem, ask him to highlight the letters “W”, “M”, “I” in the sample word that he is rewriting. The letter can be highlighted by circling it. After the student rewrites the right word, let him find the problematic letter in the sample he has already written and also analyze it - how much it corresponds to the correct spelling.

Changing the handle

If your child has poor hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, then you can try changing the ballpoint pen he usually writes with to a fountain pen. The pen glides across the paper much slower than ball pen, and the child manages to track and remember the route of writing the letter, besides, in order for such a pen to write well, it must be held correctly. Consolidating the acquired skills in this case will be slower, but more effective, since the student will be forced to control himself.

Exercises and games

Polymath writer

Select a certain time period during which the player must write: five names of girls or boys, five names of flowers or cars, five capitals of states, five names of animals or fish. This list can be varied indefinitely: five antonyms, five synonyms, five writers or poets, etc.

The time period also changes: if the child quickly and successfully completes the task, and and , then you can reduce the time to complete it to three minutes or increase the number of word forms - for example, not five, but seven.

This game can be played in the form of a competition, gathering a child and several of his friends, and assigning a certain number of points to tasks - for speed of completion, for accuracy of writing, etc. The winner will be the player who scores large quantity points.

Your own controller

Try to give your child more independence. Before he starts doing his writing homework, set an alarm clock on the table and ask how long it will take him to write the exercise beautifully and without blots. The child will determine for himself a time interval, after which he needs to check whether he really completed the task within the specified time frame.

This task is good because it stimulates the child’s desire for independence and teaches him a responsible attitude towards lessons and studies. Over time, the student will choose the optimal speed for completing homework, which will allow him to complete exercises (including writing) quickly and efficiently.

Development of handwriting and individual characteristics of a schoolchild

No matter how well and diligently children learn to write, junior school, by the end of school, each student has formed his individual handwriting. This is due to many factors: the characteristics of the student’s physiology and temperament, the level home preparation and personal desire to learn to write clearly and beautifully.

We can say that it is not fundamentally important what letters the student writes in – large or small, round or square. The most important thing is how legible the formed handwriting will be. After all, the risk of receiving an unsatisfactory grade simply because the examiner was unable to understand what was written is quite high.

That is why timely and correct measures to develop in a child the skills of clear, easy to read and quick letter absolutely necessary.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena