Degree grid geographic coordinates. Degree network and its elements

« Degree grid and its elements on the globe and map"

Prepared by:


Tat `yana Aleksandrovna,

a history teacher,

social studies and geography

MKOU "Central Center No. 12"

Uzlovsky district

Tula region".



The degree grid and its elements on the globe and map.

Sometimes people in their economic activity or in research it is very important to determine exact location any geographical objects on the surface of the Earth. This can be done using the degree grid, which is on every map or globe. It consists of lines of parallels and meridians. The location of any point on the globe is determined usinggeographical coordinates : latitude and longitude.

degree net formed by meridians and parallels.Meridian - the shortest line conventionally drawn on the surface of the Earth from one pole to the other.Meridians - these are the lines that are drawn on the globe through the Northern and South Pole A. Through every point on earth's surface you can draw a meridian. All meridians on the globe have same length, it is equal to an arc of 1 ° and is almost 11 km.

Parallels - all points of one parallel are equidistant from the equator. The lengths of the parallels are different: they increase when approaching the equator and decrease towards the poles. All points on the same meridian have the same longitude, but different latitudes. All points of the same parallel, on the contrary, have the same latitude, but different longitude.

Parallel - lines conditionally drawn along the surface of the Earth parallel to the equator. The parallels on the map and globe are directed to the west and east. They are not equal in length. The most long parallel- equator.

The equator is an imaginary line on the earth's surface, obtained by mentally dissecting the ellipsoid into two equal parts (Northern and Southern Hemisphere). With such a dissection, all points of the equator turn out to be equidistant from the poles. The plane of the equator is perpendicular to the Earth's axis of rotation and passes through its center. There are 180 meridians on Earth, 90 of them north of the equator, 90 to the south.On the map and you can spend as much time as you like, but usually for educational maps they are carried out at intervals of 10-20°. The parallels are always oriented from west to east.

Greatest parallel -equator . This circle is on the surface of the globe, all points of which depend on both poles at unequal distances.Equator - an imaginary line on the earth’s surface, obtained by mentally dissecting the globe with a plane passing through the center of the earth perpendicular to its axis of rotation.

All points on the equator are equidistant from the poles; it divides the Earth into two hemispheres - the Northern and Southern.The image of a degree grid on a plane, that is, on a map, is calledcartographic mesh .

Meridians and parallels are depicted differently on maps. For example, on a world map the meridians are straight, parallel friend friend, parallels are straight lines perpendicular to the meridians. On the map of the hemispheres, only the middle meridian of each hemisphere and the equator are depicted with straight lines, and other meridians and parallels are depicted with curved lines.

Geographical latitude - distance along the meridian in degrees from the equator to any point globe. The equator is taken as the origin of latitude - zero parallel. Latitudes are calculated along the meridian from 0° to 90° on both sides of the equator and are called northern or southern accordingly.

Geographical longitude - the distance along the parallel in degrees from the prime meridian to any point on the globe. The Greenwich meridian, the prime meridian, which passes near London, is taken as the starting point for longitude. Longitudes to the east of the prime meridian, from 0° to 180°, are called eastern, to the west - western; are considered in parallel.

Geographic coordinates are recorded in whole degrees and minutes, indicating latitude and longitude.Intersection points earth's axis with the surface of the globe are calledpoles (North and South). The Earth makes one revolution around this axis in 24 hours.

Geographic poles - mathematically calculated points of intersection of the imaginary axis of rotation of the Earth with the earth's surface. Meridians can be drawn through any points on the earth's surface, and they will all pass through both poles of the earth.

The meridians are oriented from north to south, and all have the same length (from pole to pole) - about 20,000 km. Average length 1st meridian: 20004 km: 180° = 111 km. The direction of the local meridian at any point can be determined at noon by the shadow of any object.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the end of the shadow always points north, in the Southern Hemisphere - south.The parallels of 23.5° north and south latitude are called tropical circles or simplytropics . On each of them, once a year the midday Sun is at its zenith, i.e. Sun rays fall vertically.

The parallels of 66.5° north and south latitude are calledpolar in circles . Circles are drawn through the North and South Poles, and meridians are the shortest lines conventionally drawn from one pole to the other.

The prime or prime meridian is drawn at the Greenwich Observatory (London, UK). All meridians have the same length and semicircular shape. There are 360 ​​meridians on Earth, 180 to the west of the zero, 180 to the east.

The meridians on the map and globe are directed from north to south.The latitude and longitude of any point on Earth constitute its graphic coordinates. So, geographical coordinates Moscow - 56° N and 38° east. d.

Degree network

Earth, system of meridians and parallels on geographical maps and globes, which serves to count the geographic coordinates of points on the earth’s surface - longitudes and latitudes. All points of a given meridian have the same longitude, and all points of the parallel have the same latitude. In geodesy, the figure of the Earth is taken as an oblate ellipsoid of revolution, on which the meridians are ellipses passing through the earth's poles, and the parallels are small circles, the planes of which are perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the Earth and parallel to the earth's equator. Due to the compression of the earth's ellipsoid, the linear distance between parallels drawn through equal number degrees, increases slightly from the equator to the poles. On the Geoid, meridians and parallels are curves of double curvature, although they are very close to ellipses and circles, respectively.

A. A. Mikhailov.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what a “degree network” is in other dictionaries:

    degree network- A system of meridians and parallels on geographic maps and globes, used to measure the geographic coordinates of points on the earth’s surface (longitudes and latitudes) or to plot objects on the map according to their coordinates. Syn.: geographic grid;… … Dictionary of Geography

    Earth, a system of meridians and parallels on geographic maps and globes, which serves to count the geographic coordinates of longitude and latitude points on the earth’s surface or to plot objects on the map according to their coordinates. All points of a given meridian... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A network of meridians and parallels on maps and globes, which serves to obtain geographic coordinates (longitudes and latitudes) of points on the earth’s surface, plot objects according to their coordinates, plot routes, and solve other problems. Meridians -... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Earth, system of meridians and parallels on geogr. maps and globes, used for counting geogr. coordinates of points on the earth's surface, longitudes and latitudes, or plotting objects on a map according to their coordinates. All points of a given meridian have the same... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    DEGREE NETWORK of the Earth, a system of meridians (see MERIDIAN (in geography)) and parallels (see PARALLEL) on geographical maps and globes, which serves to count geographic coordinates (see GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES) of longitude points on the earth’s surface... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A system of meridians and parallels on geographic maps and globes, used to measure the geographic coordinates of longitude and latitude points on the earth’s surface or to plot objects on a map according to their coordinates. All points of a given meridian have one and... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Earth degree network- depiction of a system of meridians and parallels on maps and globes to determine the geographic coordinates of longitude and latitude points on the earth’s surface. On the globe, meridians are arcs large circles, passing through the earth's poles;... ... Glossary of military terms

    Noun, g., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? networks, why? networks, (see) what? network, what? network, about what? about the network and on the network, networks; pl. What? network, (no) what? networks, why? networks, (see) what? networks, what? networks, about what? about networks device... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    net- and, sentence; about se/ti, on the net/; pl. genus. to her; and. see also mesh, net, mesh, mesh 1) A device made of intersecting threads, secured at equal intervals with knots, used for catching fish, birds, etc.... Dictionary of many expressions

    And, prev. about the network, on the network, kind. pl. her, f. 1. A device made of intersecting threads, fastened at equal intervals with knots, used for catching fish, birds, etc. Knit a net. □ Crucian carp are caught mainly with a net or seine. Saltykov... ... Small academic dictionary

>> Degree network, its elements. Geographical coordinates

§ 3. Degree network, its elements. Geographical coordinates

Navigate on the map and find exact location geographical objects on the Earth's surface allows degree network, or a system of lines of parallels and meridians.

Parallels(from the Greek parallelos - letters, walking next to) - these are lines conventionally drawn on the surface of the Earth parallel to the equator. Parallels on the map and globe You can carry out as many as you like, but usually on training maps they are carried out at intervals of 10-20°. The parallels are always oriented from west to east. The circumference of the parallels decreases from the equator to the poles.

Equator(from Latin aequator - equalizer) - an imaginary line on the earth's surface, obtained by mentally dissecting the globe with a plane passing through the center of the Earth perpendicular to its axis of rotation. All points on the equator are equidistant from the poles. The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres - Northern and Southern.

Meridian(from Latin meridians - midday) - the shortest line conventionally drawn on the surface of the Earth from one pole to the other.

table 2

Comparative characteristics meridians and parallels

Geographic poles(from Latin polus - axis) - mathematically calculated points of intersection of the imaginary axis of rotation of the Earth with the earth's surface. Meridians can be drawn through any points on the earth's surface, and they will all pass through both poles of the earth. The meridians are oriented from north to south, and all have the same length (from pole to pole) - about 20,000 km. Average length of 1° meridian: 20004 km: 180° = 111 km. The direction of the local meridian at any point can be determined at noon by the shadow of any object. In the Northern Hemisphere, the end of the shadow always points north, in the Southern Hemisphere - south.

degree, or cartographic, network serves to determine geographic coordinates points of the earth's surface - longitudes and latitudes - or mapping objects according to their coordinates. All points of a given meridian have the same longitude, and all points of the parallel have the same latitude.

Geographic latitude is the magnitude of the meridian arc in degrees from the equator to given point. Thus, St. Petersburg is located in the Northern Hemisphere, at 60° north latitude (abbreviated as N), the Suez Canal is at 30° north latitude. Define geographic latitude any point on a globe or map is to determine on which parallel it is located. South of the equator, any point will have a southern latitude (abbreviated as S).

Geographic longitude is the magnitude of the parallel arc in degrees from the prime meridian to a given point. The initial, or zero, meridian is chosen conditionally and passes through Greenwich Observatory, located near London. To the east of this meridian, eastern longitude (E) is determined, to the west - western longitude (W) (Fig. 10).

The latitude and longitude of any point on Earth constitute its graphic coordinates. Thus, the geographic coordinates of Moscow are 56° N. and 38° east. d.

Maksakovsky V.P., Petrova N.N., Physical and economical geography peace. - M.: Iris-press, 2010. - 368 pp.: ill.

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This video tutorial will be especially useful for those who want to get acquainted with the topic “Grid” on their own. During the lesson you will be able to define what a parallel, a meridian and a degree grid are. The teacher will explain in detail how you can determine the direction using parallels and meridians on a map.

The direction of the meridian coincides with the direction of the shadow at noon. Meridian- conditional line drawn on the surface of the Earth from one pole to the other. The magnitude of the arc and circumference of the meridian is measured in degrees. All meridians are equal, intersect at the poles, and have a north-south direction. The length of one degree of each meridian is 111 km (we divide the circumference of the Earth by the number of degrees: 40,000: 360 = 111 km). Knowing this value, it is not difficult to determine the distance along the meridian. For example, the arc length along the meridian is 20 degrees. To find this length in kilometers, you need 20 x 111 = 2220 km.

Meridians are usually labeled at the top or bottom of the map.

The meridian count starts from prime meridian(0 degrees) - Greenwich.

Rice. 2. Meridians on the map of Russia

Parallel- a conventional line drawn along the surface of the Earth parallel to the equator. The direction of the parallel points to west and east. The parallels are drawn not only parallel to the equator, but also parallel to other parallels; they are different in length and do not intersect.

The longest parallel (40,000 km) is the equator (0 degrees).

Rice. 3. Equator on the map ()

The length of one degree of each parallel can be seen at the map frame.

Length of 1 degree parallels ():

Rice. 4. Parallels (a) and meridians (b) ()

Parallels and meridians can be drawn through any place on the earth's surface. Using parallels and meridians, you can determine the main and intermediate sides of the horizon. The directions “north” and “south” are determined by meridians, and “east” and “west” by parallels. Intersecting, parallels and meridians form a degree network.


Paragraph 11.

1. Tell us about the degree grid.



1. Basic course in geography: Textbook. for 6th grade. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2011. - 32 p.

3. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6th grade: cont. cards. - M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Geography: initial course. Tests. Textbook manual for 6th grade students. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual/ A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute pedagogical dimensions ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().