What are the geographic poles of the earth. Movement of the earth's magnetic poles

It is no longer a secret to anyone that the Earth’s magnetic poles are gradually shifting.

The first time this was officially announced was in 1885. Since those distant times the situation has changed a lot. The Earth's magnetic south pole has shifted over time from Antarctica to the Indian Ocean. Over the past 125 years, it has “traveled” more than 1000 km.

The north magnetic pole behaves exactly the same. He moved from northern Canada to Siberia, while he had to cross the Arctic Ocean. The North Magnetic Pole has traveled 200 km. and moved south.

Experts note that the poles do not move at a constant speed. Every year their movement accelerates.

The speed of displacement of the North magnetic pole in 1973 was 10 km. per year, compared to 60 km per year in 2004. The acceleration of the movement of the poles, on average per year, is approximately 3 km. At the same time, the magnetic field strength decreases. It has decreased by 2% over the past 25 years. But this is the average.

Interestingly, in the Southern Hemisphere the percentage of changes in the movement of the magnetic field is higher compared to the Northern Hemisphere. However, there are zones in which the magnetic field strength increases.

What will the displacement of magnetic poles lead to?

If our planet changes polarity and the South magnetic pole takes the place of the North one, and the North one, in turn, ends up in the place of the South one, the magnetic field that protects the Earth from the harmful effects of solar wind or plasma may completely disappear.

Our planet, no longer protected by its own magnetic field, will be hit by hot radioactive particles from space. Unrestrained by anything, they will sweep through the Earth's atmosphere and ultimately destroy all life.

Our beautiful blue planet will become a lifeless, cold desert. Moreover, the period during which the magnetic poles change with each other can take a short time, from one day to three days.

The damage that deadly radiation will cause cannot be compared with anything. The Earth's magnetic poles, having renewed themselves, will once again spread their protective shield, but it may take many millennia to restore life on our planet.

What can affect the polarity change?

This dire prediction could come true if the magnetic poles actually switch with each other. However, they can stop in their movement at the equator.

It is also quite possible that magnetic “travelers” will return again to where they began their movement more than two hundred years ago. No one can predict exactly how events will develop.

So what is the reason for the tragedy that could break out? The fact is that the Earth is under the constant influence of other cosmic bodies - the Sun and the Moon. Thanks to their influence on our planet, it does not move smoothly in its orbit, but constantly deviates slightly to the left and to the right. Naturally, it expends some energy on deviations from the course. According to the physical law of conservation of energy, it cannot simply evaporate. Energy accumulates in the underground depths of the Earth for many thousands of years and at first does not make itself known. But the forces that are trying to influence the hot interior of the planet, in which the magnetic field arises, are gradually increasing.

There comes a time when this accumulated energy becomes so powerful that it can easily influence the mass of the Earth's huge liquid core. Strong vortices, gyres and directed movements of underground masses are formed inside it. Moving in the depths of the planet, they carry the magnetic poles with them, as a result of which their displacement occurs.

Our planet has a magnetic field that can be observed, for example, using a compass. It mainly forms in the very hot molten core of a planet and has likely been present for most of Earth's existence. The field is a dipole, meaning it has one north and one south magnetic pole. In them, the compass needle will point straight down or up, respectively. This is similar to the field of a refrigerator magnet. However, the Earth's geomagnetic field undergoes many small changes, which makes the analogy untenable. In any case, it can be said that there are currently two poles visible on the surface of the planet: one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere.

Reversal is the process by which the south magnetic pole turns into a north pole, which in turn becomes a south pole. It is interesting to note that the magnetic field can sometimes undergo an excursion rather than a reversal. In this case, it undergoes a large reduction in its overall force, that is, the force that moves the compass needle. During the excursion, the field does not change its direction, but is restored with the same polarity, that is, north remains north and south remains south.

How often does the Earth's poles change?

As the geological record shows, our planet's magnetic field has changed polarity many times. This can be seen in the patterns found in volcanic rocks, especially those recovered from the ocean floor. Over the past 10 million years, there has been an average of 4 or 5 reversals per million years. At other points in our planet's history, such as during the Cretaceous period, there were longer periods of reversal of the Earth's poles. They are impossible to predict and are not regular. Therefore, we can only talk about the average inversion interval.

Is the Earth's magnetic field currently reversing? How can I check this?

Measurements of the geomagnetic characteristics of our planet have been carried out more or less continuously since 1840. Some measurements even date back to the 16th century, for example, in Greenwich (London). If you look at the trends in the field change over this period, you can see its decline. Projecting the data forward in time gives zero after about 1500-1600 years. This is one reason why some believe the field may be in the early stages of a reversal. From studies of the magnetization of minerals in ancient clay pots, it is known that in Roman times it was twice as strong as it is now.

However, the current field strength is not particularly low in terms of the range of its values ​​over the past 50,000 years, and almost 800,000 years have passed since the Earth's last pole reversal occurred. Moreover, given what was said earlier about the excursion, and knowing the properties of mathematical models, it is far from clear whether the observational data can be extrapolated out to 1500 years.

How quickly does a pole reversal occur?

There is no complete record of the history of even one reversal, so any claims that can be made are based largely on mathematical models and partly on limited evidence obtained from rocks that have retained the imprint of an ancient magnetic field from the time of their formation. For example, calculations suggest that a complete reversal of the Earth's poles may take from one to several thousand years. This is fast in geological terms, but slow in the scale of human life.

What happens during a reversal? What do we see on the surface of the Earth?

As mentioned above, we have limited geological measurement data on the patterns of field changes during the inversion. Based on supercomputer models, one would expect a much more complex structure on the planet's surface, with more than one south and one north magnetic pole. The Earth awaits their “journey” from its current position towards and through the equator. The total field strength at any point on the planet can be no more than one tenth of its current value.

Danger to navigation

Without a magnetic shield, current technologies will be more at risk from solar storms. The most vulnerable are satellites. They are not designed to withstand solar storms in the absence of a magnetic field. So if the GPS satellites stop working, all the planes will be grounded.

Of course, airplanes have compasses as a backup, but they certainly won't be accurate during a magnetic pole shift. Thus, even the possibility of failure of GPS satellites will be enough to land planes - otherwise they may lose navigation during the flight.

Ships will face the same problems.

Ozone layer

The Earth's magnetic field is expected to disappear completely during a reversal (and reappear afterwards). Large solar storms during the reversal can cause ozone depletion. The number of skin cancer cases will increase 3 times. The impact on all living things is difficult to predict, but can also have catastrophic consequences.

Change of the Earth's magnetic poles: consequences for energy systems

One study identified massive ones as a likely cause of polar reversals. In another, the culprit of this event will be global warming, and it can be caused by increased activity of the Sun. There will be no magnetic field protection during the reversal, and if a solar storm occurs, the situation will worsen even more. Life on our planet will not be affected as a whole, and societies that are not dependent on technology will also be completely fine. But the Earth of the future will suffer terribly if the reversal happens quickly. Electrical grids will cease to function (a large solar storm could knock them out, and an inversion would have a much worse impact). If there is no electricity, there will be no water supply or sewerage, gas stations will stop working, and food supplies will stop. Their performance will be in question, and they will not be able to influence anything. Millions will die and billions will face great hardship. Only those who have stocked up on food and water in advance will be able to cope with the situation.

The danger of cosmic radiation

Our geomagnetic field is responsible for blocking approximately 50%. Therefore, in its absence, the level will double. Although this will lead to an increase in mutations, it will not have lethal consequences. On the other hand, one of the possible reasons for the pole shift is an increase in solar activity. This could lead to an increase in the number of charged particles reaching our planet. In this case, the Earth of the future will be in great danger.

Will life survive on our planet?

Natural disasters and cataclysms are unlikely. The geomagnetic field is located in a region of space called the magnetosphere, formed by the action of the solar wind. The magnetosphere does not deflect all high-energy particles emitted by the Sun with the solar wind and other sources in the Galaxy. Sometimes our star is especially active, for example, when it has many spots, and it can send clouds of particles towards the Earth. During such solar flares and coronal mass ejections, astronauts in Earth orbit may need additional protection to avoid higher doses of radiation. Therefore, we know that our planet's magnetic field provides only partial, not complete, protection from cosmic radiation. In addition, high-energy particles can even be accelerated in the magnetosphere.

On the Earth's surface, the atmosphere acts as an additional protective layer, stopping all but the most active solar and galactic radiation. In the absence of a magnetic field, the atmosphere will still absorb most of the radiation. The air shell protects us as effectively as a 4 m thick layer of concrete.

Without consequences

Human beings and their ancestors have lived on Earth for several million years, during which many reversals have occurred, and there is no obvious correlation between them and the development of humanity. Likewise, the timing of reversals does not coincide with periods of species extinction, as evidenced by geological history.

Some animals, such as pigeons and whales, use the geomagnetic field to navigate. Assuming that the turnaround takes several thousand years, that is, many generations of each species, then these animals may well adapt to a changing magnetic environment or develop other methods of navigation.

More technical description

The source of the magnetic field is the Earth's iron-rich liquid outer core. It undergoes complex movements that are the result of heat convection deep within the core and the planet's rotation. The fluid movement is continuous and never stops, even during a reversal. It can only stop when the energy source is exhausted. Heat is produced in part due to the conversion of the liquid core to a solid core located at the center of the Earth. This process occurs continuously over billions of years. In the upper part of the core, which is located 3000 km below the surface under the rocky mantle, liquid can move horizontally at speeds of tens of kilometers per year. Its movement across existing lines of force produces electric currents, which in turn generate a magnetic field. This process is called advection. In order to balance the growth of the field, and thereby stabilize the so-called. “geodynamo”, diffusion is required, during which the field “leaks” from the core and its destruction occurs. Ultimately, the flow of fluid creates a complex pattern of magnetic field on the Earth's surface with complex changes over time.

Computer calculations

Geodynamo simulations on supercomputers have demonstrated the complex nature of the field and its behavior over time. Calculations also showed polarity inversion when the Earth's poles change. In such simulations, the strength of the main dipole is weakened to 10% of its normal value (but not to zero), and the existing poles can wander around the globe together with other temporary north and south poles.

Our planet's solid iron inner core plays an important role in these models in driving the rollover process. Because of its solid state, it cannot generate a magnetic field by advection, but any field that is generated in the fluid of the outer core can diffuse, or propagate, into the inner core. Advection in the outer core seems to regularly try to invert. But unless the field trapped in the inner core diffuses out first, a real reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles will not occur. Essentially, the inner core resists the diffusion of any "new" field and perhaps only one out of every ten attempts at such a reversal is successful.

Magnetic anomalies

It should be emphasized that while these results are exciting in themselves, it is unknown whether they apply to the real Earth. However, we do have mathematical models of our planet's magnetic field for the last 400 years, with early data based on observations by merchant and navy sailors. Their extrapolation to the internal structure of the globe shows the growth over time of areas of reverse flow at the core-mantle boundary. At these points, the compass needle is oriented in the opposite direction compared to the surrounding areas - inward or outward from the core. These reverse flow regions in the South Atlantic Ocean are primarily responsible for the weakening of the main field. They are also responsible for a minimum strength called the Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly, which is centered beneath South America. In this region, high-energy particles can approach Earth more closely, causing an increased radiation risk to satellites in low Earth orbit.

Much remains to be done to better understand the properties of the deep structure of our planet. This is a world where pressure and temperature are similar to those on the surface of the Sun, and our scientific understanding is reaching its limit.

Where does the magnetic pole go?

Where does the compass needle point? Anyone can answer this question: of course, to the North Pole! A more knowledgeable person will clarify: the arrow shows the direction not to the geographic pole of the Earth, but to the magnetic pole, and that in reality they do not coincide. The most knowledgeable will add that the magnetic pole does not have a permanent “registration” on the geographical map. Judging by the results of recent research, the pole not only has a natural tendency to “wander,” but in its wanderings along the surface of the planet it is sometimes capable of moving at supersonic speeds!

Mankind's acquaintance with the phenomenon of earthly magnetism, judging by written Chinese sources, happened no later than the 2nd-3rd century. BC e. The same Chinese, despite the imperfection of the first compasses, also noticed the deviation of the magnetic needle from the direction of the Polar Star, i.e., the geographic pole. In Europe, this phenomenon became known during the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, no later than the mid-15th century, as evidenced by navigation instruments and geographical maps of that time (Dyachenko, 2003).

Scientists have been talking about a shift in the geographical position of the magnetic poles on the surface of the planet since the beginning of the last century after repeated measurements of the coordinates of the true North Magnetic Pole at yearly intervals. Since then, information about these “journeys” has appeared quite regularly in the scientific press, especially the North Magnetic Pole, which is now confidently moving from the islands of the Canadian Arctic archipelago to Siberia. It used to move at a speed of about 10 km per year, but in recent years this speed has increased (Newitt et al., 2009).


The first measurements of magnetic declination in Russia were carried out in 1556, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, in Arkhangelsk, Kholmogory, at the mouth of Pechora, on the Kola Peninsula, about. Vaigach and Novaya Zemlya. Measuring magnetic field parameters and updating magnetic declination maps was so important for navigation and other practical purposes that magnetic surveying was carried out by members of many expeditions, navigators and famous travelers. Judging by the “Catalogue of magnetic measurements in the USSR and neighboring countries from 1556 to 1926” (1929), these included such world “stars” as Amundsen, Barents, Bering, Borro, Wrangel, Zeberg, Kell, Kolchak, Cook, Krusenstern , Sedov and many others.
The world's first observatories to study changes in the parameters of terrestrial magnetism were organized in the 1830s, including in the Urals and Siberia (in Nerchinsk, Kolyvan and Barnaul). Unfortunately,...

Rice. 12. Magnetic poles of the Earth. The South Magnetic Pole (SMP) is located in the Arctic Ocean. The North Magnetic Pole (NSP) drifts in the Indian Ocean.

1. Drift of the Earth's magnetic poles

On New Year's Eve 2013 (December 28), Russia launched a satellite into Earth orbit to study the Earth's magnetic field. Amazing! For normal vehicle navigation, it is necessary to monitor the Earth's magnetic field, because magnetic poles constantly moving. What makes them change their location is what this article is about.

Points on the Earth at which the magnetic field strength has a vertical direction are called magnetic poles.

The south magnetic pole (SMP) was first discovered in 1831 in northern Canada by the English polar explorer John Russell. And his nephew James Ross, 10 years later, reached the North Magnetic Pole (NSP) of the Earth, which was located at that time in Antarctica.

Observations show that the magnetic poles are constantly in motion, not stopping for a second at a certain point on the Earth's surface. Even within a day, they manage to make a small journey along an elliptical path around the imaginary center of dislocation, moreover, constantly migrating in a certain direction of space, reaching up to tens of kilometers in an annual drift.

Why do the Earth's magnetic poles move and anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field strength occur? For example, over the past 100 years, the north magnetic pole, which is geographically located in the south, has moved almost 900 km and is now “floating” far in the Indian Ocean at a distance of 2857 km from the south geographic pole (Fig. 12).

Before answering the question about the drift of magnetic poles, it is necessary to engage in logical construction. In the previous article "" the source of magnetic field generation was identified. This source is magma flowing in a certain channel, I called it “mantle river” (I will continue to use this term, but without quotes). The mantle river is the global conductor through which the electric current flows, which naturally induces the Earth's global magnetic field. If the bed of this river turns, bumping into an obstacle, then the magnetic field shifts accordingly, and with it the entry and exit points of this field, otherwise the magnetic poles, change their dislocation.

What can move the bed of a mantle river? Obviously, this is due to the fact that the earth’s crust, both above and below, has the shape of a far from perfect sphere. This is what we are convinced of when we see the mountains and oceans, being on its outer shell. Approximately the same picture is observed at the boundary with the mantle, on the lower side of the earth’s crust. I can assume that the mountains there are also high and may turn out to be much higher than on the surface of the crust, which we observe visually. Moreover, along the tops of these mountains flows an ocean of fluid, viscous, hot magma, which constantly polishes these peaks, smoothing and rounding them in some places, and in others, building them up. These mountains, with their tops down, constantly displace the bed of the mantle river and its magnetic equator.

Mountain building in the mantle is more intense than on the surface of the crust. It's all about the amount of material suitable for construction. The conditions for mountain building are favorable and depend on the viscosity, fluidity of the magma and the surrounding temperature. Hot magma rises upward from the central regions under the influence of convective flows. Having reached the base of the lithosphere (from Greek it means “stone shell”) the magma cools. Part of it cools down and sinks into the lower layers with a higher temperature, and part of it joins the crust, already in the form of solid, cooled lava, and another part tears off and melts some areas of the surface of the crust. It is clear that these processes occur continuously under the influence of pressure and temperature differences.

Mountain building, both below and above the earth's crust, is also associated with volcanic activity. As the source indicates, a huge volcano, one of the largest in the solar system, was discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The volcano is part of the Shatsky Rise, located at a distance of about 1.6 thousand km east of Japan, called Tamu Massif. It has a dome shape made of solidified lava, which was ejected about 144 million years ago to a height of 3.5 km (Phys.org reports). The volcano covers an area of ​​310 thousand square meters. km, which is comparable to the area of ​​Britain and Ireland. I have no doubt that similar mountains are located under the earth’s crust.

In addition to underground mountains, the bed of the mantle river is shifted by so-called plumes (powerful rising hot flows of magma). The movement of magma in plumes is faster than the flow rate of the mantle river, so they add temperature and disturbance to the surrounding magma, resulting in anomalous flows and a shift in the magnetic equator.

Based on the anomalously drifting magnetic poles of the Earth, it can be judged that the flow of the mantle river is not exactly parallel, so the magnetic equator does not coincide with the geographic equator.

Magma flows to the east, which is similar to the flow of a huge river, which meanders in its bed, but does not change the general direction. When encountering insurmountable obstacles, the mantle river changes direction, just like on the surface of the Earth. A typical example is that the Volga River, having encountered the Zhigulevskie and then the Sokolinye Mountains in its middle reaches, makes a bend to the east (Samara Luka), and then returns again to its general southern direction, as a result, the length of its bed has increased by 200 km (for tourists - Zhigulevskaya round the world).

This means that the flow of magma is dynamic in nature, and its channel, laid under the crust, is constantly changing, both in width and depth; accordingly, the position of the magnetic equator changes. This is the reason why the Earth's magnetic poles shift and drift, and quite quickly. In 2009, the speed of movement of the SMP in the northern hemisphere was a record 64 kilometers per year! A very fruitful year. During this period, the pole moves in a northwest direction, increasing latitude, at a speed of about 10 km per year, moving away from Canada. This is also quite a high speed. At the same time, the NSR is moving further and further away from Antarctica.

Analyzing the relatively synchronous displacement of the magnetic poles of the south (northwest) and the north (north) in the same direction, we can confidently say that the drift of the Earth’s magnetic poles is strictly related to a change in the channel of the magma flow. And this is further confirmation that the Earth’s magnetic field is induced by an electric current flowing in the upper mantle, along its border with the crust. The perpendicular direction of the magnetic field indicates where the magma channel is directed. Its general direction, when viewed from the prime meridian, in the eastern direction is northeast, and in the western direction is southwest at an angle of 13.4 o to the equator.

Taking into account the above, it can be argued that there is a constant circulation of matter in the mantle. Due to this, the temperature balance in the bowels of the Earth is maintained.

Convective currents mix the magma, but they arise not only because of the temperature gradient, but also because of the pressure difference that occurs under different hemispheres, as discussed in previous articles.

2. Magnetic equator

Rice. 13. As of mid-2012, the magnetic axis at the center of the Earth was deviated from the axis of rotation by a distance of 1545 km.

In order to find out the direction of the mantle river bed, it is necessary to find the magnetic equator, and at the same time calculate the distance of the deviation of the magnetic axis from the center of the Earth. To do this, you need to know the coordinates of the magnetic poles and make graphical constructions ( rice. 13).

Coordinates of the magnetic poles are available, data for 2012: south magnetic pole - 85 o 54′00 s. sh., 147 o 00′00 W. d.; north magnetic pole – 64 o 24′00 south. sh., 137 o 06′00 W. d.

To begin with, we combine the axis of rotation of the Earth and the NSR (in the southern hemisphere) with the plane of the drawing. Let us connect both magnetic poles in the space of the globe with straight lines and obtain the magnetic axis of the planet SN (blue line). After the measurement, it turns out that the magnetic axis is deviated from the axis of rotation by an angle of 13.4 degrees!

In this projection, the SMP comes very close to the north geographic pole, therefore, in order not to complicate graphical and mathematical calculations, I will carry out all further constructions in the same plane. In this case, the inherent error is quite acceptable because (YMP) continues to approach the north geographic pole.

Let's continue building. Through the center of the Earth we will construct a plane (a line in projection) perpendicular to the magnetic axis LM. The intersection of this line with the magnetic axis will indicate the center of the magnetic equator. Let's draw a circle on this plane. The radius of this circle is the shortest distance from the center to the surface of the ball (crust). This point on the Earth's surface is located 130 km southeast of the island of Guam in the Mariana Islands archipelago, a very remarkable place known to everyone as the deepest part of the world's oceans - the Mariana Trench. The line of the magnetic equator will pass through this point with an inclination to the equator at an angle of 13.4 o. Figure 14 shows the magnetic equator conventionally passing along the surface of the globe.

The construction shows that the magnetic equator is closed in the globe. The opposite point from the island of Guam is located in the interior of the Earth, approximately 2640 km from South America. It can be assumed that in this area the mantle river flows at the indicated depth, which is why its magnetic field is not symmetrical. This is where the reduced intensity of the Brazilian anomaly comes from, but we will talk about this in the next publication.

The perihelion of the magnetic equator is located at the 135th meridian of eastern longitude, 1472 km from the equator (measured along the surface of the globe) and is located south of the Mariinsky Islands, aphelion (relatively) at the 45th meridian west. in South America, province of Bahia (Brazil).

These coordinates show how the bed of the mantle river shifts and where the magnetic axis is shifted, and by its position one can judge where its fairway is located in the space of the globe.

The distance between the magnetic poles on the Earth's surface is 17,000 km and they currently continue to move closer together. The data presented indicate that the magnetic axis does not pass through the center of the core and is shifted relative to it in the easterly direction. Using triangles ONA and OAB, and trigonometric functions, we will find the length of the leg OA, corresponding to the distance of the deviation of the magnetic axis from the center of the planet’s core. The calculations carried out give a figure for the removal of the magnetic axis at a distance of 1545 km!

A huge figure, more than one and a half thousand kilometers of deviation of the magnetic axis from the center of the core, says only one thing - you need to forget about the magnetic “dynamo” of the core, which supposedly generates the Earth’s magnetic field.

Magnetic poles are constantly drifting, and although they are not rigidly connected with the geographic poles, and can move away to significant distances, they will never stand in a plane perpendicular to them. This means only one thing: they are associated with the rotation of the Earth. (We’ll talk about this seriously later in the article on magnetic pole inversion).

I will add one more argument in favor of my hypothesis about the generation of the magnetic field by electric currents flowing under the crust and why are the magnetic poles close to the axis of rotation, and why did they not arise on opposite sides of the equator? This happens for one reason - the planets have . Due to powerful solar radiation in the equatorial part and high radial speed, magma moves. Magmatic currents create an electric current, with the help of which the magnetic field of the Earth and other planets is induced. Magnetic poles can only appear where magnetic induction dictates them, i.e. in the north and south, close to the geographic poles.

Magnetic castling will never happen naturally; this will be prevented by the stable rotation of the Earth around its axis plus solar radiation, we also read about this in the following articles.

I fundamentally cannot agree with the famous geophysicist A. Gorodnitsky, who claims that the magnetic poles stand still, and the lithospheric plates rotate around them. If we accept the point of view of a recognized scientist, then the distance between the magnetic poles should not change, and the magnetic axis should pass through the center of the nucleus. In this case, the geographic poles should drift, but they are quite rigidly connected to the crust and its rotation around its axis. In addition, the axis of rotation does not change its position in space while rotating around the Sun.

In conclusion, the question of the daily elliptical rotation of the magnetic poles remains open.

What force causes the magnetic poles to shift during such a short period? In my opinion, everything here is banal - these are the tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun. By stretching opposite regions of the globe in a plane that does not coincide with the magnetic equator, a slight displacement of the mantle river occurs. Moreover, the stretching is not symmetrical due to the asymmetry of the Earth. This is the reason why the magnetic poles precess in an ellipse during the day.

There is one more component, and perhaps the main one in this process, which forces the magnetic poles to perform elliptical and circular rotations - this is a different number of current conductors in the day and night hemispheres, which creates a “flicker” (magnetoelectric instability) of the magnetic field. (We’ll talk about this in more detail in the article: “Changing magnetic poles”).

The Earth's magnetic field does not have dipole symmetry. In addition, there are many local magnetic fields with their own poles, and in huge quantities. For example, the source states: “ Modern most advanced models of terrestrial magnetism operate with as many as 168 poles" As far as this is reliable, there may be even more.

In conclusion, a small forecast. The SMP will not connect with the geographical one and will not reach Russia; most likely the pole will approach Alaska. The NSR will gradually return to Antarctica, making a small loop to the west. An explanation of this forecast will be given in the article “Magnetic Field Anomalies”.

Rice. 14.The magnetic equator is conventionally passing along the surface of the globe.

It would seem a strange hobby to travel to the poles of our planet. However, for Swedish entrepreneur Frederik Paulsen, it became a real passion. It took him thirteen years to visit all eight poles of the Earth, becoming the first and so far only person to do so.
Achieving each of them is a real adventure!

South geographic pole - a point located above the geographic axis of rotation of the Earth

The geographic South Pole is marked with a small sign on a pole driven into the ice, which is moved annually to compensate for the movement of the ice sheet. During the ceremonial event, held on January 1, a new South Pole sign, made by polar explorers last year, is installed, and the old one is placed at the station. The sign contains the inscription “Geographic south pole”, NSF, date and latitude of installation. The sign, installed in 2006, featured the date when Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott reached the pole, and small quotes from these polar explorers. The flag of the United States is installed nearby.
Near the geographic South Pole there is the so-called ceremonial South Pole - a special area set aside for photography by the Amundsen-Scott station. It is a mirrored metal sphere standing on a stand, surrounded on all sides by the flags of the Antarctic Treaty countries.

The magnetic north pole is the point on the earth's surface towards which magnetic compasses are directed.

June 1903. Roald Amundsen (left, wearing a hat) makes an expedition on a small sailboat
"Gjoa" to find the Northwest Passage and simultaneously establish the exact location of the north magnetic pole.
It was first opened in 1831. In 1904, when scientists took measurements again, it was discovered that the pole had moved 31 miles. The compass needle points to the magnetic pole, not the geographic pole. The study showed that over the last thousand years, the magnetic pole has moved significant distances from Canada to Siberia, but sometimes in other directions.

The geographic north pole is located directly above the geographic axis of the Earth.

The geographic coordinates of the North Pole are 90°00′00″ north latitude. The pole has no longitude, since it is the intersection point of all meridians. The North Pole also does not belong to any time zone. The polar day, like the polar night, lasts here for approximately six months. The depth of the ocean at the North Pole is 4,261 meters (according to measurements by the Mir deep-sea submersible in 2007). The average temperature at the North Pole in winter is about −40 °C, in summer it is mostly about 0 °C.

The North Geomagnetic Pole is connected to the Earth's magnetic axis.

This is the north pole of the dipole moment of the Earth's geomagnetic field. It is now located at 78° 30" N, 69° W, near Toul (Greenland). The Earth is a giant magnet, like a bar magnet. The geomagnetic North and South poles are the ends of this magnet. The geomagnetic North Pole is located in the Canadian Arctic and continues move in a northwest direction.

The North Pole of Inaccessibility is the northernmost point in the Arctic Ocean and the farthest from land on all sides.

The North Pole of Inaccessibility is located in the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean at the greatest distance from any land. The distance to the North Geographic Pole is 661 km, to Cape Barrow in Alaska - 1453 km and at an equal distance of 1094 km from the nearest islands - Ellesmere and Franz Josef Land. The first attempt to reach the point was made by Sir Hubert Wilkins in an airplane in 1927. In 1941, the first expedition to the Pole of Inaccessibility by plane was carried out under the leadership of Ivan Ivanovich Cherevichny. The Soviet expedition landed 350 km north of Wilkins, thereby being the first to directly visit the northern pole of inaccessibility.

The south magnetic pole is a point on the earth's surface at which the earth's magnetic field is directed upward.

People first visited the South Magnetic Pole on January 16, 1909 (British Antarctic expedition, Douglas Mawson determined the location of the pole).
At the magnetic pole itself, the inclination of the magnetic needle, that is, the angle between the freely rotating needle and the earth's surface, is 90º. From a physical point of view, the Earth's magnetic south pole is actually the north pole of the magnet that is our planet. The north pole of a magnet is the pole from which the magnetic field lines emerge. But to avoid confusion, this pole is called the south pole, since it is close to the South Pole of the Earth. The magnetic pole shifts several kilometers per year.

South geomagnetic pole - associated with the Earth's magnetic axis in the southern hemisphere.

At the South Geomagnetic Pole, which was first reached by the sleigh-and-tractor train of the Second Soviet Antarctic Expedition led by A.F. Treshnikov on December 16, 1957, the Vostok scientific station was created. The south geomagnetic pole turned out to be at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level, at a point 1410 km away from the Mirny station located on the coast. This is one of the harshest places on Earth. Here, the air temperature remains below -60° C for more than six months of the year. In August 1960, the air temperature at the South Geomagnetic Pole was 88.3° C, and in July 1984, a new record low temperature was 89.2° C.

The South Pole of Inaccessibility is the point in Antarctica that is farthest from the coast of the Southern Ocean.

This is the point in Antarctica that is furthest from the Southern Ocean coast. There is no general consensus about the specific coordinates of this place. The problem is how to understand the word "coast". Either draw the coastline along the border of land and water, or along the border of the ocean and ice shelves of Antarctica. Difficulties in determining the boundaries of land, the movement of ice shelves, the constant flow of new data and possible topographic errors all make it difficult to accurately determine the coordinates of the pole. The Pole of Inaccessibility is often associated with the Soviet Antarctic station of the same name, located at 82°06′ S. w. 54°58′ E. This point is located at a distance of 878 km from the south pole and 3718 m above sea level. Currently, the building is still located in this place, and there is a statue of Lenin on it, looking towards Moscow. The place is protected as historical. Inside the building there is a visitor's book that can be signed by the person who reaches the station. By 2007, the station was covered with snow, and only the statue of Lenin on the roof of the building was still visible. It can be seen from many kilometers away.