Where are the wars in the year? Foresight of the future by Jonah of Odessa

The latest news about World War 3, scheduled for 2018, is full of variety. People expecting the next end of the world to come through the use of weapons mass destruction, cite psychic prophecies and examples from history to prove their beliefs. In turn, political scientists and military experts give possible forecasts of the results of the war based on the current situation in the world.

Causes of World War III

Current political situation the world can hardly be called stable. Events in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine, regular terrorist attacks remain alarming bells for people about impending trouble.

Diplomatic conflicts between the United States, the Russian Federation and the European Union also raise suspicions of a possible global war. Against this background, it is also worth taking into account the sluggish conflicts involving other countries, the strengthening of China and North Korea.

The only thing is that practically nothing is known about what is happening in Australia. Taking into account all the features of the current geopolitical situation, a list of the most likely reasons has been created due to which last news 2018 may be replenished with records about the beginning of World War 3:

  1. Conflict between the USA and Russia. This is the most likely reason for the outbreak of military operations on a global scale. The history of the confrontation between the two superpowers has been going on for decades. At the same time, the United States more often acts as an aggressor, wanting to weaken the enemy and gain resources at its disposal Russian state. After the “change of citizenship” of Crimea, the situation became even more tense, and ongoing sanctions are only making things worse. This is why many people expect the conflict to escalate into a full-scale war in the near future.
  2. Strengthening China. China on this moment can safely be called a world leader in many areas. This country is ahead of the planet in technical and economic development. This is where it is produced lion's share consumer goods. And the population in the territories of the communist republic is already crowded. Subsequently, this may encourage party leaders to seize new territories and establish world domination.
  3. Masons. One version of the global conspiracy theory claims that a secret Masonic organization wants to reduce the planet's population to 1 billion, nicknamed "golden". It’s easier to rule this way, and there’s less damage to the planet from humanity. 3 World War– the easiest way to cleanse the Earth of “extra” people. Fans of this theory argue only about what kind of weapon will be used: nuclear, chemical or bacteriological.
  4. Terrorists. Main danger world terrorist organizations are not even involved in explosions and hijackings of planes to attack skyscrapers. With proper skill, representatives of underground military formations can conduct operations of a different scale. For example, if they get their hands on more than powerful weapon. And a few targeted attacks, such as the poisoning of Skripal, could escalate the situation in the world to such an extent that it would provoke a new war.
  5. Natural disasters. Human activity has already led to climate change and the melting of Arctic glaciers. The directions of major ocean currents. This turns heavenly places into regions unsuitable for normal existence. But the most dangerous thing is volcanoes. For example, if Yellowstone, which awakens in the United States, erupts, the country will cease to exist. The resettlement of survivors could provoke World War 3 in 2018, when the latest news will be full of reports about a new catastrophe.

There may also be other reasons that will drag the whole world into bloody battles. But no one can say for sure whether this will happen. Experts also have difficulty predicting possible scenarios development of the conflict. But basically two options prevail.

On the one hand, people are afraid of repeating the history of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on a global scale. The use of nuclear or bacteriological weapons can lead to the extinction of humanity.

Heads of state also understand this. Therefore, it is assumed that World War 3 will be a war of technology and small elite formations without global destruction.

Why 2018

Linking a new great war for a particular year is largely based on events that occur with the participation of Russia. Famous prophets and military experts had a hand in this, deciding to think out loud about a possible repeat of the events of 1939:

  1. Prophets. Predicted 3 more accurately than others world Vanga. She argues that a planetary confrontation between great powers will grow from a conflict in a small Asian country (presumably Syria). Nostradamus tied the start of the war to the coming of the Antichrist. Pavel Globa limited himself to warning that a catastrophe can be avoided if one does not fight on Iranian territory.
  2. Military analysts. According to experts, the United States still maintains military superiority on all fronts. But rearmament should end by 2018 Russian army. Even now, the blitzkrieg to capture Moscow, previously undertaken by Hitler, is considered almost impossible to be carried out by the combined forces of NATO. According to experts, losses in the first day alone will exceed 70% of all attacking military units. After 2018, the combat potential of the Russian army will become an order of magnitude higher, which will make war impossible.

There are no other reasons to look for the latest news in 2018 about the beginning of World War 3.

Why won't war come?

No one can accurately predict the start date of World War III. Moreover, there are a number of experts who claim that it is impossible. This opinion is based solely on knowledge of the internal political and economic “cuisine” of possible parties to the world conflict:

  1. Russia. After Putin's re-election, the country's course is unlikely to change. At the moment, the head of state is focused on solving internal problems. First of all, the country’s policy is aimed at overcoming the crisis and reducing dependence on other states. It is not profitable for Russia to start a war now.
  2. China. The communist state has not yet reached the desired level of development and clear superiority over other countries. Therefore, it is too early for the Chinese to start a military confrontation with the world. It is also worth considering that it is up to you to decide political goals This country is now easier with the help of economic threats.
  3. USA. A number of events in recent years have weakened the country both economically and politically. On the one side, big war would help solve these problems. But Trump, following Putin’s example, turned his attention mainly to solving internal problems.
  4. EU. Europe at the moment is a seething cauldron, far from the unity it promotes. Each country is trying to solve the backlog last years problems and is more worried about gas supplies than about the beginning of World War 3. It is also worth considering that the overall military potential of Europe is small and is usually practically not taken into account when forecasting for full-scale conflicts.

The world community has now turned to solving pressing internal problems. And it is not profitable for states to solve political goals military force. Therefore, it is too early to stock up on canned food and dig bomb shelters.

A brief informative review prepared by our professional experts will help you take a logical conclusion to the events taking place, as well as find out whether there will be a 3rd World War in 2018-2019.

What do political analysts say?

According to most political scientists, the mechanism of the Third World War was launched more than 5 years ago and every year continues to gain powerful momentum. Many international analysts argue that the existing diplomatic conflict between the Kremlin and the US government flared up over Ukraine, where a coup took place in 2014, as a result of which President Viktor Yanukovych was illegally removed from his presidential post. As a result of the unconstitutional actions of the “new Ukrainian authorities,” an outbreak of civil conflict in the Donbass, and the Crimean peninsula came under the jurisdiction Russian Federation. IN similar situation any “spark” from one side or another may well become the cause full scale war between two fraternal peoples. The EU countries, which are the main allies of the United States in the geopolitical confrontation with the Kremlin, will inevitably be drawn into the conflict.

In order to understand how complex and “explosive” this situation, just watch the news or visit any thematic site where the real information war between East and West. IN " cold war“Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia and many other states neighboring Russia are already involved.

Experts call the conflict in the Middle East another prerequisite for the outbreak of World War 3. The fact is that the anti-terrorist operation to eliminate the banned organization ISIS, which was jointly carried out by Russia and Syria, caused such strong indignation among American congressmen that they decided to throw all their efforts into discrediting our country, accusing it of unauthorized entry of troops into the territory Syrian state. Despite the unfoundedness of such statements, the mechanism of conflict escalation continues to take on frightening forms, threatening to develop from a “cold” to a “hot” phase.

Currently, Washington's rash and provocative statements are viewed in Russia with rather restraint, however, at the same time, Vladimir Putin simply warned his American counterpart that our country would respond to any militaristic act by the United States with a lightning-fast and crushing blow.

Considering such tense relations between the two nuclear powers, it is difficult to refrain from thinking about the brewing war between the East and the West, which may break out in the very near future. If we assume that such a conflict does happen, it will inevitably involve not only Russia, the United States and the EU countries, but also Syria, Turkey, China and Israel.

The third hot spot on the planet, which could cause a world war to break out in 2018-2019, is North Korea. Diplomatic tensions between the governments of this country and the United States have reached such a limit that a “logical” outcome to the current situation is seen only in a global armed conflict. Despite the fact that negotiations between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump did take place, the “nuclear issue” between both powers still remains unresolved.

Who needs a world war?

A number of authoritative experts are confident that a global conflict is beneficial, first of all, to the United States. This is explained by the fact that the Americans urgently need to maintain the status of economic and political leader, which they are rapidly losing against the backdrop of a strengthening China. Starting wars in different regions planet, the White House government gains uncontrolled “access” to natural resources states declared by Washington as “enemies of world democracy.” The same methods of “soft capture” are used by America in relation to Russia. For this Western coalition applies all possible levers, including:

  • EU economic sanctions;
  • decline in oil prices;
  • support for protest movements within Russia.

Considering the current situation on the world geopolitical arena, we can conclude that America is currently actively using the same methods that contributed to the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Psychic predictions

Despite the availability of analytical data provided by modern experts, many residents of our country still trust the prophecies of famous psychics. The largest number forecasts about the Third World War are distinguished by the great French scientist and clairvoyant Michel Nostradamus. According to him, this event will happen due to the fault of the Antichrist. Whether this character is figurative or real is difficult to say, however, most researchers are inclined to the second assumption. Surely it will be political figure, which will unleash another arms race between East and West, which will cause global bloodshed.

As for the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga, her predictions are more specific. The clairvoyant has repeatedly argued that World War 3 will begin in a small Asian country, and its cause will be an attempt to seize the state by radical Islamists. What is happening today in Syria is almost mirror image Vanga's words.

The most optimistic are the prophecies of the famous Russian astrologer Pavel Glob. In his opinion, humanity will still be able to pass the critical point and avoid worst case scenario developments of events. This will happen when the period of restoration of diplomatic relations between the United States, Russia and China begins. IN otherwise, a global catastrophe cannot be avoided and World War 3 could break out as early as 2019.


Whether there will be a Third World War in 2018-2019 is not known for certain, however, referring to the above facts, it cannot be denied that its probability is high. However, no matter how events develop on the world stage, there is no need to despair. It is necessary to continue to live and hope that peace on our beautiful planet will never be interrupted.

Many Russian media are full of headlines “Will there be a war in Russia in 2018?” Unfortunately, this topic is so relevant that it causes serious concern among millions of our compatriots. One can increasingly hear quite aggressive military rhetoric from the mouths of high-ranking Western officials. And these are not just words: NATO has already begun to deploy its bases and weapons in countries neighboring Russia. This state of affairs not only poses a threat to the Russian Federation, but can also provoke the outbreak of the Third World War.


Expert opinion

According to some reputable political scientists, the most difficult period for Russia will be the period from 2018 to 2020. This is explained by the fact that the leading economies of the world, namely the American and Chinese, will experience another technological revolution. Industrial growth will force Chinese and Western governments to look for new sources of industrial raw materials and markets. Competing parties will begin a fierce struggle over the distribution of capital, which will inevitably cause conflicts that could well result in a full-scale war.
The danger of such an outcome will persist as long as the United States maintains its claim to world hegemony. The strengthening of the positions of Russia and China in the international arena is changing the balance of power in a certain way, but against this background a new danger may arise - a confrontation between the Kremlin and the Middle Kingdom, however, it is too early to talk about this.

Conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East

Today, the most likely flashpoint for World War III is Iraq and Syria, where for several years the United States continues to fuel armed confrontation between the legal government and opposition forces, destabilizing the situation throughout the Middle East region. A striking example then Iran and Syria. In addition, Washington does not refuse active use technologies of “color revolutions”, which led to the civil war in Donbass and, as a result, a significant deterioration in relations between Russia and Ukraine. The first signs of destabilization are already observed today in Belarus and Kazakhstan. We should not exclude the possibility that the conflict could flare up on the territory of Russia itself - in Tatarstan or Chechnya. The US remains in the zone of influence Latin America, where the Washington administration is trying with all its might to assert its total hegemony.

Harbingers of the start of World War III

Leading political scientists and analysts agree that all world wars were preceded by certain factors, which include:

  1. deterioration or complete cessation of diplomatic cooperation between previously friendly countries;
  2. severance of international economic, scientific and cultural ties;
  3. growing conflicts in civil society related to the geopolitical situation in the world.

Is war with Russia inevitable?

Returning to the opinion of leading domestic experts, we can emphasize their confidence that the anti-Russian rhetoric of American politicians is nothing more than the ideological basis of the Third World War. According to analysts, the conflict is necessary for the United States in order to maintain its world primacy and prevent such internal processes, How:

  • reduction of budget expenditures;
  • decline in living standards;
  • depreciation of the dollar.

Many internal problems and crisis in foreign policy, provoke aggression by the American leadership towards a number of Middle Eastern and Eurasian states. All this is fully confirmed by the political strategy of the new US President Donald Trump. His numerous statements that it is necessary to speak with the governments of China, Syria and Russia exclusively from a position of strength indicate his future intentions very clearly.

According to the statements of the famous military expert Valentin Vasilescu, the United States cannot afford to change its previous geopolitical course, as this could threaten the loss of its dominant status in the world. After the failed plan to weaken Russia through the conflict in Donbass and economic sanctions, Washington will try to heat up the Kremlin’s relations with the Baltic and Scandinavian countries. To this end, hysteria continues to be whipped up today over the alleged “Russian aggression” towards Latvia, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Alarm Signals O possible conflict Moscow with states Northern Europe observed at the last meeting of delegations Scandinavian countries, at which their leaders declared our country a “threat” to the preservation of peace and stability on the European continent.

The factors listed above indicate that diplomatic relations Russia, America and the EU countries remain extremely tense.

Today, psychics from different countries world, however, the most detailed vision upcoming events belongs to the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. The famous soothsayer said that a world war would begin in the Middle East, as a result of which a significant part of the world's population would die. However, for Russia Vanga predicted not so much sad fate. Russia will be able to survive the global confrontation, after which a rapid the economic growth and leadership on the world stage.

The risk of war in the coming year is quite high, and there is no reason to count on peace, Swiss experts believe. There are two hotbeds of tension, and both have the potential to cause global conflict. Not far away New Year, and with it the war. The most surprising thing is that such forecasts from Switzerland do not mention Russians. At all.

Talks about the risk of war that will break out in 2018 former ambassador, and now newspaper columnist (Switzerland) Francois Nordmann.

In the coming year, two hotbeds of tension could lead to war, Nordmann warns. Main actors will be North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The “geopolitical situation” in the world “continues to deteriorate” and the risk of war is increasing, even if “the population does not realize it,” the author of the article writes. Two hot spots are of “particular concern”: the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East.

What are North Korea's plans? There is an opinion from an authoritative expert on this matter. Mark Fitzpatrick, nuclear specialist from International Institute Strategic Studies in London, says there is a 50% chance of war with North Korea as early as 2018. North Korea is unlikely to abandon its nuclear experiments and missile program, despite pressure from the United States and China.

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yunho has already warned the United Nations: in the atmosphere above Pacific region nuclear tests are planned. So can we imagine that under these conditions American President Will Trump not react to Pyongyang's behavior with, as he claimed, "fire and fury"?

Trump, the material indicates, “may wish” to destroy North Korean launch sites and nuclear production sites. Some people are "deceived" into believing that Kim Jong Un's regime will not dare to strike back "for fear of massive retaliation from the United States, Japan and South Korea."

However, Nordmann warns, “nothing is as obvious” as this.

Mark Fitzpatrick admits: the alleged exchange of blows may fall into the category " psychological warfare" These kinds of messages may also be addressed to China, which, according to Washington, should not reduce pressure on the DPRK and which should apply UN sanctions “more strictly.”

Yes, North Korea is not yet giving any obvious signs of “immediate attack” nuclear strike. However, the current political season is not over yet. In the spring, it will be known, the analyst notes, whether North Korea will “give up its provocations” (we are talking about tests. - O. Ch.). If it does not refuse, Nordmann continues, then what will be “the appropriate response of the international community to these actions”?

And really: how to respond correctly without risking igniting the Korean War?

And then another war is on the way.

The analyst identifies the confrontation between Tehran and Riyadh as the next source of tension.

On the other side of Asia, another “belligerent rhetorical escalation” accompanied by the clatter of marching boots involves Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Here the interests of the players are distributed “unevenly”. Riyadh is concerned about an Iranian offensive as Iran advances in the region following the collapse of Daesh (" Islamic State", banned in Russia). Tehran's influence has already spread to Iraqi Kurdistan, Syrian Kurdistan and Turkey. Iraqi forces, allied with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, captured the cities of Kirkuk and Erbil, while the Americans simply abandoned their former Kurdish allies who had fought alongside them in the fight against Daesh.

The new balance of power in the Middle East is also characterized by the strengthening of Iran in the Mediterranean.

All this “causes concern” for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The recent missile attack on Riyadh, attributed to Iran's allies in Yemen, which is mired in war, the political maneuvers of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is doing everything to strengthen his claims to the throne and modernize the kingdom, tensions around Lebanon associated with the technical resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, leads to analyst concerns about the “opening of a new front.”

True, in Lebanon the reaction of the population to the intervention of Saudi Arabia and the loyalty of the people to the prime minister, as well as the diplomatic intervention of France and China, “put out the fire.” But here is the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran is only getting worse.

2018 will not be the year of peace; The risk of war in the world remains high, concludes Francois Nordmann.

Louis Lema in the same newspaper expresses solidarity with his colleague.

Donald Trump's threats, he writes, have caused "tension in the region." Will the United States, and with it a significant part of the world, have such “tweets” to estimate the consequences of the “fire and fury” that Mr. Trump has promised? North Korean leader? What will happen? Military escalation will begin when those who are “nervously preparing for a possible war” stop their verbal “reaction” and do the irreparable! Otherwise, everything Trump says will show the world that all these statements are an empty threat, and in this case, the United States will be discredited: it will be considered a “paper tiger.”

The border between the two Koreas is one of the most militarized areas on the planet, and military officers and strategists of all stripes have had several decades to foresee and think through all possible scenarios and prepare for them, the author recalls. On several occasions, the United States retreated after advancing with provocations against the DPRK. In 1994, for example, the Pentagon was accused of planning “surgical strikes” against nuclear reactor in Yongbyon. The Americans suspected that plutonium was being produced there for military use.

What about the Korean nuclear program?

Back on July 28, Pyongyang launched an intercontinental missile theoretically capable of reaching the United States. After five nuclear tests the country has probably already accumulated a large number of nuclear weapons. And nothing prevents Pyongyang from placing its nuclear warheads on shorter-range missiles, aiming at South Korea, Japan or... the American island of Guam, which North Korean propaganda loves to mention.

The games are over, says Jeffrey Lewis, a distinguished expert at the Middlebury Institute. In his opinion, it is useless to continue to pretend that North Korea has not become a “nuclear power.”

So what now? Limited strike?

Pyongyang’s “beautiful nuclear separation” from the entire planet is a real blow to the problem of nuclear non-proliferation, the author believes. This is likely to spark new aspirations in the region and also persuade Iran to abandon the nuclear agreement. So, the United States, which is putting pressure on Iran, should “get back to work” on the idea of ​​limited strikes on North Korea and negotiate from a strong position?

However, one must be confident that the Pyongyang regime understands this kind of “intention” correctly. Statements like “fire and fury like the world has never seen” are unlikely to “calm down” the North Korean leader, that is, force him to abandon nuclear program and in general from the idea of ​​arming. It's the other way around! The North Korean regime deployed "thousands of artillery pieces" along the border. If Kim Jong-un had only "felt" attacked, he could have subjected Seoul and the city's periphery to a veritable barrage of fire. Only at its very beginning such a blow would have claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people. How long would it take to defeat this "armada" of Kim Jong-un, scattered across the country or hidden at the bottom of bunkers in the mountains?

The United States has little reliable information about this closed country. There's even cyber warfare here. in every sense words are impossible. So, this means a full-scale war?

But it’s obvious nuclear threat, albeit “in the background”. Therefore, the prospect of total war is “inconceivable.” At least for America. In such a scenario, the United States would have to send thousands or tens of thousands of its troops to the region. The “apocalypse” that Donald Trump appears to verbally promise puts the lives of 25 million North Koreans and 50 million South Koreans at risk, nearly half of whom live less than 100 kilometers from the border.

In addition to its nuclear potential, North Korea also has large stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons.

Maybe there is a third option?

“It’s not too late,” Susan Rice wrote in a column published recently in the New York Times. (Susan Rice is a former advisor on national security USA. - O.Ch.) Washington for a long time lived under the “vivid bellicose rhetoric” of the Kim dynasty, she recalls. In her opinion, Comrade Kim may be “cruel and impetuous,” but the leader’s behavior is completely rational.

Wait a minute, is this a recipe from another “ex”? Conventional containment? Increased sanctions? And a close dialogue with China so that it implements all agreements with the United States reached regarding the DPRK? "Rational and stable American leadership can avoid a crisis," says a former adviser.

What kind of “rational and stable” is this? Same as Kim Jong-un?

It seems that in Switzerland, famous for its special treatment to peace, neutrality and banks, they are very afraid of a new global war. And they don’t believe in either Trump’s stability or Kim Jong-un’s stability. They also don’t believe in the rationality of both.

Rationality generally appears to have disappeared from 21st century politics. Everyone in their own way, but going crazy. And Swiss analysts and experts are right about one thing: from ordinary madness to military madness - one small step. It is enough for some “rational” person to carry out an unsuccessful test!..

As for Iran, the pressure that the “rational” Trump administration is putting on this country, which has declared Iran a sponsor of terrorism, may well lead Tehran to the idea of ​​arming itself nuclear missiles in the manner of Kim Jong-un. Purely for defensive purposes!

By the way. Swiss analysts do not mention the Russian “threat” at all.

The media are increasingly talking about unrest in one corner of the world or another. Conflicts occur both at the level of gangster groups and between heads of countries, and this is fraught with global military clashes. At the level of modern weapons, any war will be bloody and destructive, comparing cities to the ground, leaving wives as widows and children orphans.

Some believe that World War 3 has been going on for a long time and it is informational, when facts are distorted, half-truths are presented as truth, and lies as alternative point vision. Slander is not as harmless as it seems at first glance; in any country there are people illegally convicted on the basis of false testimony.

If a global intergovernmental conflict ripens, everything could end in military action. So, will World War 3 begin in 2019, what do famous clairvoyants, psychics, monastics, astrologers of the present and past think about it?

In the 20th century Vanga was the most famous clairvoyant. They came to her for advice as simple people, and the government elite. After her death, years later, scientists analyzed how accurately her predictions came true and it turned out that over 80% of what she predicted came true. According to researchers, this is very high percent, which speaks of Vanga’s undoubted prophetic gift.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2019:

  1. Vanga said that from 2019 China will become a world superpower. Those countries that used to be leaders will fall into various economic dependencies, and the standard of living of their citizens will fall.
  2. From 2019, trains on wires will rapidly rush towards the sun. Interpreters think that she meant the invention of some new engines powered by solar energy.
  3. The clairvoyant warned about Syria, where there would be a war. She will fall and this will be the beginning of World War 3.
  4. Vanga said that from 2019 there will be no more oil production all over the world and the earth will rest.

A film that tells about the predictions of a clairvoyant about World War 3, Syria. The transmission says that other prophets also foretold:

The monk argued that in 2019 the people of the Russian Federation will unite. He foreshadowed the beginning of the war this year. Abel believed that the dark time would last not much, not a lot - 9 years.

Even today experts argue about how to decipher this or that quatrain of Nostradamus? The prophet looked 5 centuries into the future. Reality has changed so much that it’s no wonder Nostradamus might not understand something, describe it incorrectly, or make a mistake somewhere.

Not included in quatrains specific dates What are the names of the states about which the story is told? There are many allegories in the quatrains, but researchers manage to guess what the prophet was talking about. This is especially true for key and significant events that have already happened. Here's what you'll experience in the near and distant future:

  • Experts have deciphered that the prophet predicted floods across Europe in 2019. Why will they happen? Due to the rains that will continue to pour for 2 months. From one quatrain, where the enemy in red is mentioned, experts concluded that countries located near the seas of the oceans and whose flag has the color red will suffer more than others. This is Italy, with the Czech Republic, Hungary, with Montenegro, England.
  • At the beginning of June 2019, severe fires will break out across Russia. Before they are eliminated, the center will be burned out. Why will this happen? Because of abnormal heat both in the Russian Federation and around the world. To escape the stuffiness and heat, people will begin to move for permanent residence to northern regions. There is another interpretation of incinerating rays. Researchers claim that one of the gangster groups from the Middle East will use chemical weapons.
  • It will flare up again in the East armed conflict which will result in the death of many military and civilians. Leaders European countries will act rashly and war will break out in a number of other countries. The conflict between those who profess Christianity and different denominations will intensify.

World War 3 will cover the entire planet. Nostradamus believed that at that time Siberia would become the center of civilization. People from all over will come to live in Russia globe and the country, along with China, will be the strongest in the world.

How did Wolf Messing see the future?

Many people regret that no one wrote down Messing’s predictions. Because of this, prophecies have been lost, and others have an unclear chronology, but researchers say there are some for 2019.

Will World War 3 happen? Messing thought not, but various achievements and predicted changes for humanity.

According to the prophet, America will begin military operations in the East in 2019. This will be a mistake by those in power. There will be a decline in the economy, and tension among the people will increase. In addition, America will suffer from various natural disasters.

Taiwan will suffer with Japan natural disaster, but Messing did not specify what exactly would happen. Due to instability in the EU countries, the euro exchange rate will fall.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

Many Orthodox believers revere Matrona of Moscow. Much was spiritually revealed to her. She knew that the House of Romanov would fall and a revolution would occur in 1917.

Mother also discovered the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. Researchers claim that her ominous prediction will affect our days and people will begin to die when there is officially no war, in the evening they will be alive, and in the morning they will all be dead. Some researchers think that Matrona meant some kind of spiritual death of the people, others are inclined that such a number of sudden deaths indicates an earthquake or atomic explosion.

Foresight of the future by Jonah of Odessa

The monastic elder said that in the future no one would attack Russia. There is no need to fear aggression from the United States.

Father argued that World War 3 would begin to emerge in a country smaller in size than the Russian Federation. There, there will be internal unrest and it will break out Civil War. The Russian Federation, the USA and other countries will take part in it - this will be the beginning of World War 3.

Archimandrite Jonah from Odessa claimed that he would die, 1 year would pass and those sad events would begin. Indeed, he died in December 2012. 1 passed, unrest began in Ukraine, “Euro Maidan” occurred...

Prediction of astrologer Pavel Globa

He believes that in 2019 Russia will not face anything more than sanctions. There is a “cold” war going on in the world.

The US and Europe are expected to see an increase in unemployment, and their currencies will fall in value. In the world, the EU will no longer be such an influential union as before.

Globa in 2019-2020 does not foresee World War 3. Military clashes will continue to occur in certain countries.

There is a decline in the West, and during this period the Russian Federation will attract, unite and influence countries that in the past were part of the USSR. More and more will appear in the world natural Disasters due to the riots of nature and the country, they will support each other as much as possible.