Preface. Over a thousand years ago, a group of leaders undertook a perilous journey

Stephen Oppenheimer is a British physician who previously practiced population genetics and DNA genealogy, and then switched to the history of prehistory - together with the Bradshaw Foundation, he drew a map of early human migrations, which clearly showed how climate change influenced the movements of people over millennia. Arzamas translated the map and asked to explain why the dates he names differ from the dates Oppenheimer suggests.

More than 160 thousand years ago

Modern man - Homo sapiens- appeared in Africa. The oldest evidence known to archaeologists for mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome was found in East Africa.

160–135 thousand years ago

Four groups of hunters and gatherers formed, three of which traveled south to the Cape Good Hope, southwest to the Congo River basin and west to the Coast Ivory, carrying with it the first generation of the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup L1 gene.

135–115 thousand years ago

One group of people 125 thousand years ago passed through the green Sahara along northern route to the Nile and Levant.

115–90 thousand years ago

The branch that reached the Levant died out about 90 thousand years ago. Global cooling has turned this area and all of Africa into a harsh desert. Later, this territory was developed by Neanderthals.

90–85 thousand years ago

85 thousand years ago, one of the groups crossed the Red Sea in the area of ​​​​the Bab el-Mandeb Strait (dubbed the “Gate of Tears”), migrating along the southern coast Arabian Peninsula towards India and eating food collected along the shore. All non-African peoples came out of this group.

85–75 thousand years ago

From Sri Lanka they continued to move along the coast Indian Ocean to Western Indonesia, then to the Asian part of the land. Still sticking to the coast, they bypassed Borneo and moved towards southern China.

74 thousand years ago

Volcano Toba

The eruption of the supervolcano Toba (Sumatra) led to nuclear winter, which lasted 6 years, the instant onset of a thousand-year ice age and a sharp decline in the population to 10 thousand adults. Volcanic ash covered the area with a layer of up to five meters modern India and Pakistan.

74–65 thousand years ago

After the devastation of the Indian subcontinent, it was re-populated. On boats separate groups people sailed from Timor to Australia and from Borneo to New Guinea. In the north, there were severe colds during the early Pleniglacial period.

65–52 thousand years ago

A sharp increase in temperature 52 thousand years ago allowed certain groups of people to finally rise north to Fertile Crescent and return to the Levant. From there, about 50 thousand years ago, they began to rise through the Bosphorus to Europe.

52–45 thousand years ago

Little Ice Age. The Aurignacian culture of the Upper Paleolithic period moved from Turkey to Bulgaria and Europe. Stone tools of a new type began to be found higher and higher along the Danube, in Hungary and Austria.

45–40 thousand years ago

Groups of people from the east coast of Asia began to move west across the steppes of Central Asia. From Pakistan they headed to Central Asia, and from Indochina to the Tibetan Plateau.

40–25 thousand years ago

Residents of Central Asia moved west towards Eastern Europe, north towards Northern Arctic Circle and joined the residents East Asia, spreading across Northeast Eurasia. During this period, stunning works of art appeared, such as the paintings in the Chauvet Cave (France).

25–22 thousand years ago

The ancestors of Native Americans who crossed the Bering Isthmus connecting Siberia and Alaska from the Last Glacial Maximum reached Meadowcroft either through an ice-free corridor or along the coast.

22–19 thousand years ago

During the last ice age the population was Northern Europe, Asia and North America decreased; There were isolated surviving groups of people, locked in their refugia. IN North America The ice-free corridor closed, and the path along the shore froze.


Places in which species or groups of species experience unfavorable periods of geological time - in in this case places where people lived through the last ice age.

19–15 thousand years ago

The last glacial maximum was 18 thousand years ago. In North America, on southern border glaciation, individual groups continued to develop diversity in language, culture, and genes as they moved into South America. Australian rock art - Bradshaw murals.

15–12.5 thousand years ago

Continued improvement in the global climate has led to renewed migration along the coast. Radiocarbon dating has confirmed the presence of people in the settlements of Monte Verde (Chile) from 11,790 to 13,565 years ago. Simple stone tools were found here - flint flakes and cobblestones.

12.5–10 thousand years ago

Re-exploitation of North America 12.5 thousand years ago from the south following the retreating ice to the north. 11.5 thousand years ago in the Subarctic, people emerged from the Bering refugium, becoming representatives of the Eskimo-Aleut language family and Na-Dene languages.

10–8 thousand years ago

Final termination ice age marked the beginning of agriculture. The Sahara was green, as evidenced by life-size giraffes on petroglyphs in Niger. Recolonization of Britain and Scandinavia.

Places where it originated Agriculture

55th parallel

– Yuri Chukanov

13 thousand years ago, as Plato narrates from the words of the ancient Egyptian priest Maneto, overnight, beautiful Atlantis, the center of civilization, suffered a catastrophe and disappeared into the water column.

At the same time, the city, called today by its location, Mohenjo-Daro, on the other side of the world - in the Indus River valley - suffered an equally strange and unexpected catastrophe. It ceased to exist immediately, and its inhabitants, huge skeletons of which were discovered in large numbers by archaeologists, were not buried either then or centuries later for some reason.

An analysis of thousands of stones also dotting the streets of Mohenjo-Daro showed that they are fragments of pottery, sintered by instant heating to 1400-1600 degrees Celsius.

Experts believe that there were three destructive waves in the city, spreading two kilometers from the epicenter (judging by the absence of skeletons lying everywhere, people who were near the epicenter simply evaporated). What is most important is that the possibility of a volcanic eruption or meteorite fall is completely excluded.

This is how Atlantis was flooded

All over the world we find strange artifacts that, if we exclude the possibility nuclear war many years ago are simply inexplicable. These are tektites (glasses of unknown origin to science, similar to baked sand in terrestrial places nuclear tests) Libyan Desert, the desert of Sinneara and many other places.

In March 2001, Richard B. Firestone, a scientist at the famous center atomic research in Berkeley, made a sensational report. In his opinion, radiocarbon dating of many monuments and finds already on the American continent is incorrect due to the fact that some areas, according to his research, were subjected to... bombardment by streams of neutrons and other particles that, as is known, arise when nuclear explosion.

“These neutrons converted residual nitrogen in the dated charcoals into radiocarbon, thus producing the anomalous dates. Some North American dates are thus given in error by at least 10 000 more than a year on the downward trend.”

As proof of this, he cites examined samples from Janey in Michigan, Fedford and Zandra in Ontario, Shoup in Pennsylvania, Elton in Indiana, Leavitt in Michigan and northern tip Grant Lake, and southwest Baker, New Mexico. He also points to anomalous abundance ratios of uranium and plutonium in the areas he studied.

And, although the scientist carefully explains these anomalies as “radiation from the neighboring supernova, which exploded approximately 12,500 years ago (same date! – Yu.Ch.)", a supernova explosion does not in any way explain traces of plutonium - an element that is not found in nature at all, but appears only in nuclear reactions of uranium produced by man in special conditions- V nuclear reactor. All this suggests that 13,000 years ago on Earth there was global nuclear war. The war, I dare say, is between Hyperborea and Atlantis.

The gods and demons of the ancients are the people and leaders of Atlantis and Hyperborea!

Legends all over the world say that once upon a time there was a war on Earth and in the sky using fantastic weapons, aircraft and deadly rays, when cities disappeared and mountains exploded with giant lightning, traces of which are still visible. But they speak somehow vaguely, and here’s why. When the past civilization was destroyed and cold weather set in, most people died.

The few survivors descended into barbarism. Over centuries of savagery, science was lost, although memories of ancient wisdom were preserved from generation to generation by priests who passed on secret knowledge within their corporations in all countries and on all continents.

At first these were real memories - epics, but over the centuries there were fewer and fewer details, more and more layers, naive aspirations and beliefs were intertwined, aggravated by the constantly declining level of existence and consciousness of people of the post-Hyperborean era.

Distorted memory represented heroes and leaders lost world gods and demons who had supernatural power, but they were just people who controlled aircraft and had weapons and technology, in some ways similar to ours, in some ways superior to us. And the hardships of existence gave birth to dreams of a serene, blissful life, projected into the distant past. And as a result, we have what we have - vague memories, interesting only for their amazing details, which must be sifted out of thousands of pages of text, like golden grains of sand from tons of empty rock of religious nonsense.

But what grains of sand!

For example, recently in scientific circulation the work of the ancient Indian astrologer Bhashar “Siddhanta-shiromani” was introduced, in which, among other units of time measurement, appears "trutti", component 0,3375 seconds, and in an even earlier Sanskrit text, Brihath Sakatha, there is a unit of time "chest", equal to one three hundred millionth part seconds!

Specialists studying the works of ancient Indian scientists are at a loss: for what purpose was such a unit needed in those days, and how was it measured? After all, “kashta,” like any other unit of measure, can only have meaning if there is a practical need for it and there are means to measure it with such accuracy.

No need to rack your brains! Everything is very simple. And those who stored and transmitted knowledge from the previous civilization that could not be useful for the last 12 thousand years knew this very well.

The American writer Andrews, while in Madras, heard the following confession from the yoga teacher, Pandit Kaniakhi: “From time immemorial, Brahmin scientists were obliged to preserve a lot of information, the meaning of which they themselves did not understand. More of them distant ancestors knew that matter consists of countless atoms, that most of the spaces in the atoms themselves are not filled with matter.”

The task of the Brahmins, like other occultists of all continents from time immemorial, from the beginning of their esoteric traditions, was simply not to lose the heritage passed on to them, to preserve it for future generations, to pass it on from generation to generation, even if you don’t understand a single thing about what is being passed on. But, unfortunately, they coped with this poorly, stuffing the transmitted stuff in piles religious-magical nonsense.

On the other hand, it spoiled ancient memory“The eternal human desire to settle down universally,” as Dostoevsky wrote. And to her - as an eternal shadow - is the constant horror of death. Unpreparedness and unwillingness to accept the evidence that with death everything ends, and that we are alone in the Universe. The first does not require proof: “the flesh is separated from the bones,” although so many hallucinations have been created by those who cannot accept this. Proving the second is also easy. Although there are about 10 valid proofs, the most obvious is this.

If we know that the laws of nature are the same throughout the Universe, this means that any other civilization, whatever it may be, even talking dogs from Sirius, will be obliged to use radio waves for long-distance communication and as necessary- and very soon - most of the used wavelength range will be ultra-short, which has the advantages of low cost, quality and accuracy, but also the disadvantage of going into space through the ionosphere. This means that such a planet in the radio range will look from the outside like a huge, powerful star, no less than Vega in volume, while being completely invisible in the optical range.

This is exactly what our planet looks like from space. Moreover, the modulations of this radiation will be complex and non-periodic - because we are a planet not of beeping radio beacons, but of thousands of television and radio stations. There is nothing like it anywhere else. Radio astronomers since the 60s. of the last century listen to the Universe and come across only natural cosmic “beacons” - like quasars. We are alone!

So where did this come from secret knowledge, these amazing tales about the last war, especially confirmed by archaeological finds? And out of nowhere - these are our legends and our history. It’s just that we are not the first civilization on Earth, but if we don't have enough sense, – and not the last one.

The lack of direct evidence of the existence of an ancient machine civilization does not disprove this existence. We know so little about what lies under our feet that it’s simply amazing.

Troy was lost for millennia until Schliemann dug up the Trojan walls, and before that, for 30 centuries, illiterate cattle breeders grazed their goats over this wealth.

Shining Babylonia Nebuchadnezzar was buried under the sand of Sinnear, just as Pompeii was buried under volcanic ash until excavations began. How many cities are eroding today on the ocean floor and how many once populous metropolises lie beneath the desert sands?

And when brave individuals begin their search, they are either mocked, like Schliemann, or crowds of schizophrenics flock to them, seeing in the evidence of antiquity confirmation of their religious mania, although archaeological finds least of all confirm the “transmigration of souls,” the “existence of God,” or the “necessity” of a vegetarian diet. For they were abandoned by people who subordinated (and subordinated) to their will physical nature, and therefore - materialists.

If "nuclear summer" will take place in a few thousand years cave people can crawl out of their underground holes near the ruins of Moscow or New York and build new cities over them, having no idea about our lost world.

Future historians will ask the question: could there ever have been an arrogant “global” civilization, whose arrogant leaders are about to gather in St. Petersburg to decide, as it seems to them, questions of the world order, and from our “enlightened” century there will be nothing left except distorted memories about flying machines and science fiction magic weapons, which will be told as fairy tales to children for centuries until culture rises again. Only adherents of the Secret Wisdom will keep in their secret teachings, gradually degenerating into a parody of themselves, the legends of our lost age...

We are not the first...

The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata describes an 18-day war between Duryodhana, the son of Master Drona or, in Sanskrit, Drona-Acharya, and his “cousin” Yudhishtira, which allegedly occurred 14 centuries BC. It is hard to believe that this magnificent epic actually describes the civilization of 1400 BC, because the nomadic Aryans invaded the Indian plain through the northern passes, possessing only horse-drawn vehicles, arrows and bronze swords, and songs tell aircraft duels and application nuclear weapons.

In fact, the Mahabharata contains pieces of much older legends, once memorized by the singers of the Vedas and turned into temple records only with the invention of the Devanagari alphabet in the 1340s. BC - that is, precisely at the time when the battle allegedly took place on the Kuru field. Here are examples of such descriptions.

“Drona Parva”: “Noticing this mountain in the sky, releasing countless charges, the son of Drona (Duryodhana - Yu.Ch.) did not flinch and called for help from the Vajra cannon. The stricken Prince of the Mountains was quickly destroyed. And the rakshasa turned into a mass of blue clouds in the sky, decorated with a rainbow, and began to rain stones.” What is not a description for you? bomber who was shot down by a missile "ground-to-air"?

The Mahabharata also talks about more interesting things, identified as heavy missiles: “This Brahma-danda, or the Rod of Brahma, is incomparably more powerful than even Indra’s arrow (tactical non-nuclear missiles? - Yu.Ch). The latter can strike only once, but the former can strike entire countries and entire races from generation to generation.”

For thousands of years it looked like a play of poetic imagination. We are struck by the ominous resemblance to our nuclear bombs, radiation from which it causes hereditary diseases and stillbirths in unborn future generations.

“Once, being attacked by the Valadevas, the enraged Jarasandha, in a desire to destroy us, threw a rod capable of killing all living things. Sparkling with fire, this rod headed towards us, cutting out the sky like a line that separates the pigtails on a woman’s head (a jet trail! – Yu.Ch.) with the speed of lightning launched by Shukra. Noticing the rod flying in our direction, Rohini's son threw his stunakarma weapon to throw it away. The energy of the rod was extinguished by the energy of Valadeva’s weapon, and it fell to the Earth, splitting it and causing even the mountains to tremble” (“Bhisma Parva”).Rockets And missile defense

But the description, also considered poetic nonsense. To Hiroshima. A description of the destruction of the Triple City, the same one that today is almost confidently identified by archaeologists with Mohenjo-Daro, which was mentioned at the beginning.

“...The murderous Arrow of Brahma, spewing streams of flame (its size is three cubits and six feet; its power is like a thousand lightnings of Indra, and it destroys all living things around) was released. The flame, devoid of smoke, spread in all directions with all-destructive force. A red-hot column of smoke and flame as dazzling as 10,000 suns rose into the sky in all its terrifying grandeur, opening up like a beach umbrella... It was Iron Lightning, the messenger of death, turning all the people of Vriskhni and Andhak into ashes. Their bodies were burned. Those who survived lost their hair and nails, pottery cracked for no apparent reason, and all the birds in the area turned white in their feathers. A few hours later, all the food turned out to be poisoned... Fleeing from this fire, the warriors threw themselves into the river to wash themselves and their equipment..."

And again: “The hero Advattaman refused to leave his ship when it touched the water, and resorted to the weapon of Agni (the god of fire - Yu.Ch.), which even the gods could not resist. Son of the teacher (Drona) - this destroyer of enemy heroes aimed a blazing spear spewing smokeless fire at all his visible and invisible enemies, and released it in all directions. Thick sheaves of arrows burst out of him into the sky. Enveloped in bright flames, these arrows engulfed Parthi from all sides. Suddenly, thick darkness enveloped Pandava. All directions of the world also plunged into darkness. The winds blew. Clouds thundered in the sky, raining down blood. Birds, animals, cows and vowed souls fell into extreme anxiety. It seemed that the elements themselves became agitated. Elephants and other animals, scorched by the energy of this weapon, fled in horror, trying to hide from this terrible power. Even the water began to boil, and the creatures living in this element became worried and seemed to be boiling.

From all directions of the world, from the sky and the Earth itself, sheaves of fierce arrows flew at the speed of Garuda. Burnt and struck down by these lightning-fast arrows, the enemies fell like trees burned by an all-consuming fire. Elephants, scorched by these weapons, fell to the ground, uttered terrible screams, others rushed back and forth, roaring loudly in fear, as if they were in a burning forest. The horses, O King, and the carts, burned by the force of this weapon, looked like the tops of trees burned by a forest fire. Thousands of carts crumbled to dust. Indeed, O Bharata, it seemed that the divine Lord Agni burned the Pandava army in that battle, just as the fire of Soma-Vartya destroys everything at the end of the Yuga ... "

In general, the epic "Mahabharata" contains more than 230 stanzas containing detailed and very real descriptions of the design missiles, airplanes, as well as other apparatus and devices, including what we would call today unmanned vehicles And combat robots.

The stone soldiers of Hyperborea are waiting in the wings

This is what the most authoritative Russian researcher of the monuments of ancient Hyperborea, the head of the Commission, thinks about the possibility of such a war in the distant past scientific tourism Russian Geographical Society Sergey Vadimovich Golubev. Let me emphasize once again - real, and not mythical, made up from thin air and from the most different places, the legacy of Hyperborea, confirmed by his numerous finds of prehistoric monuments of this ancient continent.

– I do not exclude the possibility of such a war, but I want to emphasize that one should not expect any finds that directly confirm it: too much time has passed.

Neither metal, nor even more so composite materials They don’t last that long, especially organic ones. And the evidence available and known to us suggests that in ancient times a lot of what we make today from metal was “made” from living or almost living matter. By the way, our technologies are rapidly approaching this. It’s not for nothing that there are now so many scientific fantasies around so-called “cyborgs.”

You and I will talk about this in detail sometime. Now I would like to say that nuclear weapon was hardly the only powerful weapon of that war. You certainly know that Earth's crust, the firmament on which we walk is incredibly thin.

If we imagine the Earth in the form of a school globe and mentally “cut” it, we will not even be able to see its dense crust even with a strong magnifying glass - it is so thin. Science can only speculate what is underneath it, but most scientists agree that beneath it is the molten mass on which our continents float. This, if not more, could have been known to the ancients; it was not for nothing that in their treatises, which came down to us through thousands of generations, they compared the earth to an egg. Already today we have access to the so-called "geophysical weapon", which has been talked about a lot in recent years.

The geological record of the planet also speaks about the possibility of its use - about 13,000 years ago there was an unexpected powerful flash volcanism and geological activity, as it appears today, cannot be caused by the process of gradual cooling of our planet. Something awakened this volcanism - or indeed some kind of cosmic intervention, or earthly events, the human factor.

Kind of like how in the 60s the military departments nuclear powers were alarmed by the message received from geophysical monitoring services that there had been an explosion in the Atlantic nuclear bomb- this is what their instruments showed. Actually none atomic bomb there was no, British geophysicists blew up during the experiment 200 kg charge on the oceanic crust, and the effect was the same as from the detonation of a combat nuclear unit high power, which was detected by surveillance services.

It turned out that when powerful explosion occurs on the continental crust - it dampens the caused seismic wave, but the thin oceanic crust does not, and the resulting resonance leads to strong geological displacements. The military became interested in the effect, as the prospect of creating geophysical weapons.

Hyperborean cities, if they existed, are today under water - on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean, which sank to the bottom precisely in that era - about 9-11 thousand years BC, when that very incomprehensible thing happened catastrophe, associated with the sinking of Atlantis. One can, very cautiously, assume that the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans exchanged geophysical blows.

This is evidenced, by the way, by the shape of the geoid, which has specific concavities in the northern hemisphere, which is not observed in other planetary bodies solar system. If we assume that an exchange of such blows took place, then Atlantis found itself in a deliberately losing position - its metropolis was on an island, in a zone of geoactivity, as evidenced by Plato, describing hot springs in Atlantis, and colonies on the coasts of Africa, Europe, and both Americas.

At one time, by the way, the Americans were first very surprised and then extremely irritated by the fact that the USSR’s atomic missiles, when there were still very few of them, were aimed not at launch silos, but generally at sea, where no one could shoot them down assumed. In fact, our military then expected to bury America, at least its coastal cities, in a gigantic geophysical cataclysm.

Also Hyperborea was located mostly in the coastal zone, but it also had extensive possessions on the mainland. So Atlantis was completely destroyed, and Hyperborea was preserved on that part of the continent that did not sink to the bottom as a result of the impact, and we have the opportunity to find preserved monuments of that era on the Kola Peninsula and in the White Sea region. Although, of course, the cataclysm was supposed to destroy a lot on the continent too...

– You know, Sergei, I am amazed by the art of Hyperborea. Time after time, looking through the photographs you took, I am amazed at the ideological nature of this art. The monuments of Hyperborea are militaristic monuments, the faces depicted on them are the faces of warriors. Except for one thing. On the only monument that was already carved lying down, defeated. I'm talking about a giant face, amazingly reminiscent of the faces of statues Central America- those places where there were colonies of Atlantis, while the faces of other statues are completely Aryan. That's what I call him - "defeated Atlas". Also an ideology, also monumental propaganda... Are we really doomed to fight and destroy the achievements of civilization, acquired with such labor over so many centuries?

Shemshuk V.A. - scientist, ecologist, who devoted his life to studying ancient history believes that on Earth there have been repeated nuclear wars. Studying the humus layer of modern soils, Shemshuk provides strong evidence that the humus layer has repeatedly burned out as a result of nuclear fires.

Shemshuk analyzes our history in great detail, starting from the Hyperborean civilization. He writes: “It can be assumed that there was a civilization the highest level development - Hyperborean. Its center was located in Arctida. Apparently the most important role, incomprehensible to us, was Mount Meru, located in the center of Arctida. Perhaps functionally it was a harmonizer of space. The Borean civilization was geographically located on the site modern Russia. After the cataclysms that occurred (the pole shift), living there became impossible. It is obvious that the climate on Earth has changed a lot.”

While doing scientific work, Shemshuk discovered that the ocean contains carbon dioxide 60 times more than in the atmosphere. The scientist suggested that there was a colossal fire on earth, as a result of which carbon dioxide was “washed out” into the World Ocean. Calculations have shown that in order to obtain such an amount of carbon dioxide, it is necessary to burn an amount of carbon 20,000 times greater than that contained in the modern biosphere. Shimshuk writes: “I could not believe such a fantastic result, because if all the water were released from such a huge biosphere, the level of the World Ocean would rise by 70 meters. Imagine my surprise when it suddenly turned out that just such an amount of water is located in the polar caps of the Earth’s poles. Amazing coincidence! There was no doubt that all this water was previously contained in the organisms of animals and plants of the dead biosphere. It turned out that the ancient biosphere was 20,000 times larger in mass than ours.

That is why huge ancient river beds remained on Earth, which are tens of times larger than modern ones. And in the Gobi Desert a huge dried-up water system has been preserved. Multi-tiered forests grew along the ancient banks of deep rivers, in which mastodons, megatheriums, glyptodonts, saber-toothed tigers and other giants lived. Simple calculations show that with a biosphere 20,000 times larger than ours, Atmosphere pressure should be 8-9 atmospheres. And then another confirmation was discovered. The researchers decided to determine gas composition in air bubbles, which are often found in amber - the fossilized resin of ancient trees, and measure the pressure in them. The oxygen content in the air turned out to be 28% (in the modern atmosphere - 21%), and the pressure - 8 atmospheres! With such a density of the atmosphere, the air element was thoroughly mastered by life, and flight was a normal phenomenon. You could swim in Air as if you were in water. Many people have dreams in which they fly. This is a manifestation of deep memory of the amazing ability to fly.

In ancient times, there were huge sequoias reaching a height of 100 meters, eucalyptus trees - 150 meters. The modern forest is only 15-20 meters high. Now 70% of the Earth's territory is deserts, semi-deserts and sparsely populated areas.
Thus, it can be argued that our planet could have a biosphere 20,000 times larger than the modern one. Dense air was more heat-conducting, so the subtropical climate extended from the equator to the poles, where there was no ice shell. The reality that Antarctica was free of ice was confirmed by the American expedition of Admiral Beyerd in 1946-47, which discovered muddy deposits on the ocean floor near Antarctica. This means that in ancient times rivers flowed in Antarctica. Frozen trees were also found on the mainland. Piri Reis' 16th century maps also show an ice-free Antarctica, known to have been discovered in the 18th century. According to a number of researchers, these maps were redrawn from ancient sources stored in Library of Alexandria(finally burned during the Muslim conquest), and they depict the surface of Antarctica as it was before the glaciation.
High density atmosphere allowed people to live high in the mountains, where air pressure dropped to one atmosphere. The now lifeless ancient Indian city of Tiahuanaco, built at an altitude of 5000 meters, was once truly inhabited.

The fertile soil layer is now from 20 cm to 1 meter in different regions Earth. Multi-meter deposits of red and yellow clays are found in all places on Earth. In the past, these clays were red soils and yellow soils, from which organic remains were washed away by the waters of the flood. A multi-meter layer of ancient soils gave strength to a powerful biosphere. The trees reached heights of up to 400-600 meters. Gigantism was also observed in herbaceous plants. The gigantism of most animal species in the past is confirmed by paleontological finds. In our biosphere today, biologists count only 1,000,000 animal species and 500,000 plant species. As the Padma Purana reports, describing the antediluvian times, 900,000 species of fish and invertebrates lived in water, 1,100,000 species of insects, 1,000,000 species of birds, 3,000,000 species of animals and about 400,000 species of anthropomorphic species lived on land - in total 6.4 million animal species. There were 2,000,000 species of plants.”
At this most favorable period Every living thing flourished on Earth. The Asuras were also gigantic in size. Shimshuk in his book “Our Ancestors” reports the discovery of a giant fragment of a human skull. UP also reports similar finds in North America. Mirolyubov, making a reservation, it is true that scientists did not know what species these giant human bones should be classified as. Shemshuk writes: “Huge skeletons and skulls of asuras were also found on the territory of the USSR, but about where they then disappeared, and why these finds did not become public, we'll talk further. I will only note that in psychology there is a phenomenon that if a person does not recognize an object and cannot compare it with anything, then he simply does not see it.”

According to many researchers of antiquity, whom it is fashionable to call the best representatives of humanity, such as Blavatsky, Roerich, Muldashev, the asuras and Atlanteans created on Earth the country of sages Shambhala, hidden from human eyes. According to many, this country is located in Tibet, in the region of Mount Kailash, underground. E. Muldashev specially organized an expedition to Tibet to Kailash in search of Shambhala. He described the results of his expedition in his wonderful books. Muldashev believes that Mount Kailash is also a man-made pyramid, the embodiment of Mount Meru.
A whole galaxy of foreign and domestic researchers(Blavatskaya, Muldashev, Shimshuk and others) in their works prove the existence of a civilization 30,000 - 7,000 BC that inherited the culture of the Asuras and Atlanteans. Shemshuk claims that this was the Borean civilization. From it come the roots of such nationalities as modern Slavic and Greek. The Borean civilization had a single planetary culture and was not divided into nationalities. Many facts indicate this.
. The commonality of all religions is the same understanding of the essence of the universe, the truth of which was confirmed only with the discovery of quantum theory and field theory.
. The doctrine of the existence of the Soul is found in all religions.
. The same musical instruments among all nationalities (plucked strings, winds and drums).
. Distribution of pyramids and ring-shaped megaliths throughout the world.
These and other facts indicate that about 10,000 years ago there lived united people, with a common culture and common language.
Shemshuk, conducting very serious research into the cultures and religions of different peoples, comes to the conclusion that it is the Slavic culture and Slavic languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) that are the most ancient and originated from ancient language Devanagari Boreans. On the territory of Russia and Ukraine, the main god was the god Ra. This is proven by these words:
. Russia - Ra-siya (Ra shining)
. Time - y - Ra - me (Ra has my Self)
. Tomorrow is the covenant of Ra
. Faith - to know Ra
The main river of Russia is the Volga. Previously it was called Ra.
There are many more Russian words with the root Ra: dawn, joy, holiday, rainbow.
Many words with a prefix meant the divinity of action, i.e. this action is joint with the god Ra: to daydream, to consider, to think

Have you ever thought, dear reader, that we live in an era whose countdown continues from one specific event that occurred about 2,000 thousand years ago in Judea - a small outskirts of the great Roman Empire?

Although we count down from the birth of Christ, the main meaning of this new era lies rather in the second event - His death.

It doesn’t matter exactly when, a year earlier, a year later, maybe decades later, astronomical errors in chronology have accumulated. A specific date is a convention. It's about the meaning of the event.

But what happened in ancient Judea that caused the world to “turn upside down” and that gave rise to new culture, a new era, even a new civilization?

After all, you must admit that if it were not for Christianity, the world would look completely different now. If only he existed at all.

So what happened?

We are probably the strangest Christians in the world, having returned to Christianity 20 years ago, but still not understanding its content.

We run to church to “bless” the food, we will pompously exclaim to each other “Christ is risen! - truly risen!” and paint eggs, bake kulish. But do we understand what we are celebrating?

What do we care about the once crucified Jew and what does He care about us?

What do we know?

Approximately two thousand years ago, one of the Jews was born, lived, taught, and was killed.

What's unusual about this? Jews are born and die by the millions.

But this one was crucified.

Yes, they crucified. This was a common Roman execution at that time. People were crucified by the thousands.

But he was crucified without guilt!

But here the same objection is true - people are still being killed without guilt. This is not a miracle.

This Jew said (or was talked about) that He is the Son of God, that He and the Father (Creator) are one!

Well this is funny. Such originals are not in short supply even now. IN famous places you can find “Napoleons” and “creators” and “Christs”.

Yes, but this one worked miracles, healed the sick!

Well, there have been plenty of magicians and miracle workers in all centuries. We didn’t begin to count the new era from the day of Kashpirovsky’s birth, although probably several hundred hysterical aunties were cured of something by turning their heads in front of the TV sets!

So he is resurrected! and promised resurrection to everyone who believes in Him!

But how to prove this? This is a belief, the same as belief in any myth or fairy tale! But myths and fairy tales are not considered the beginning of the century, and they do not radically change the face of civilization. Why did the whole world believe in the story of several extravagant Jews who were His disciples? After all, no one except a few people saw Him risen!

So what special happened 2000 years ago? After all, according to external signs there was nothing unusual - people have been torturing each other for thousands of years, killing innocents and playing at being great teachers and magicians. The fact that an innocent Jewish philosopher was crucified is of course sad, but what is wrong with that to make people remember this execution for 2 thousand years?

To understand the meaning of the event that happened then and the full force with which it influenced billions of people after it, we need to go back to prehistory, the key to which will be this unusual crucifixion, which looks so ordinary at first glance.

Many centuries before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, many revelations and prophecies were given to this people to which He belonged.

With many miracles and signs (according to the legends of this people), one of their leaders received the Law, written on stone tablets and with many interpretations in writing.

The law said that this world and the people in it were created by the One Lord God. But people did something strange and abandoned their loyalty to Him, thereby losing their goodness and harmony with the world. Evil and violence began to spread across the land. Then the Creator gave them the Law, knowing which, people could regain this harmony if they adhered to it.

But people could not do this either. In their fallen state they lacked faith and love to keep the law, even knowing that for breaking it there was a promise the death penalty. For every criminal is guilty of death. Such was the word of the law, such was the Word of God. The Creator is fair and true to his word.

A person who has transgressed love, sinned, or committed an atrocity is guilty of death.

Complete death - not just stoning, but also the rejection of the soul after death. For villainy and God are incompatible. And this is the justice and faithfulness of the Creator.

But none of the people could resist evil, at least from its smallest form.

Everyone has sinned and fallen away from God.

And, being true to His Word, the One had to destroy humanity, as He had already done once through the flood. Because if He does not repay evil, then He will emerge as an unjust, unfaithful God.

But if he repays, he will destroy everyone, for there are no righteous.

So, what decision did the Creator make?

He loved this sinful and sick world so much that he decided to sacrifice his Word, but not destroy us.

He denied His Word, He sacrificed It for us.

He Himself appeared into the world, incarnate as His Son. He became the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth... /John 1:14/.

And the Word was crucified, sacrificed, to save us.

God abandoned justice in the name of mercy.

And everyone who accepts this sacrifice receives new life, according to his faith, and will be resurrected into a new life with God, at the end of time, just as the Word was Resurrected, no longer by the word of the law, but by the Word of grace.

This is how I set out in my own words, almost without quoting the source, my understanding of the meaning of this Christian myth from two thousand years ago. Probably the whole world understands him this way, only we, in 70 years of godlessness, have forgotten.

And to believe that it really all happened as I retold or not to believe is a matter of the mind and heart of each reader individually.

But is there a fairy tale deeper and wiser than this?

Therefore - let us now say with an understanding of the meaning of these words - Christ is risen!

But colored eggs, Easter cakes, pies and the blessing of water have absolutely nothing to do with it. Although they do not interfere with the holiday. But we must not forget that the point is not at all about them.

This is how “historians” incorporated into church ideology want to introduce us to our ancient ancestors who lived 30-40 thousand years ago on the territory of present-day Russia:

According to the official history formed under the influence of the church, wild tribes lived on the territory of modern Russia almost before the baptism of Rus' in 988. About any organized society that owns scientific knowledge, there was no talk.

Let's take a short excursion into prehistory. Into completely prehistory. However, if we talk about the Slavic ancestors of the Russians, everything that they had before the Baptism of Rus' is all prehistory. Because documented sources currently do not exist, except for rare artifacts. Everything pagan was diligently destroyed - and some people got this impression (including under the influence of the Russian school history), that there was no such thing before the advent of Christianity on our Russian territories. The Slavs, they say, somehow originated somewhere, came from nowhere, came from somewhere and ran in skins through the forests with digging sticks. Animals, they say. And this suits many people.

One gets the feeling that our ancestors climbed trees until the arrival of the Rurikovichs. But is it?

In 1879 in the village of Kostenki, Khokholsky district Voronezh region The first site of primitive man was discovered. At different times, more than 26 Stone Age sites were discovered and explored. In terms of time, they belong to a huge chronological period: from 40,000 to 20,000 years ago.

Kostenki is recognized as the richest concentration of sites in Russia from the Upper Paleolithic era - people of the modern type. Here on an area of ​​about 10 square meters. km, over 60 sites have been discovered (in a row there are several dwellings, sometimes very large), dating from 50 to 15 thousand years ago.
Due to the huge area (albeit at different times) of settlement, researchers are looking for arguments in favor of recognizing Kostenki as one of the oldest proto-cities on the planet!

Under the roof of the museum, an ancient dwelling was preserved, built from mammoth bones and surrounded by five storage pits for storing food supplies.

Scientists from an international archaeological expedition (Russia, USA, Great Britain and Italy), working at a unique complex of Late Paleolithic sites in the village of Kostenki, Voronezh region, were able to prove that modern people settled on the Don more than 40 thousand years ago.

In 2001, at the same site, a complete skeleton of a young mammoth was discovered, including the always poorly preserved skull. If this find had been made in Siberia, it would have been an ordinary occurrence. But this was in Kostenki, where throughout the entire study archaeologists found only individual mammoth bones, brought to sites by people in ancient times for their household needs. The found mammoth either got stuck in the swampy soil and died there, or fell into a karst sinkhole that he had not noticed. In the same year, the head of a human figurine made from a mammoth tusk was found, age 35-37 thousand years ago according to the radiocarbon dating system and according to paleomagnetic data - older than 42 thousand years. This is a world sensation, since to date this is the oldest sculptural image of a person in the Paleolithic of Europe. The age of the sculptural images from Galgenberg and Vogelherd, previously considered the oldest, was determined at about 30-32 thousand years. So age ancient works art in Europe goes back 10,000 years!

According to results obtained from an American laboratory in 2002, the age of the lowest cultural layer of Kostenki 12 can drop to 50,000 years instead of the traditional 40,000 years for the Upper Paleolithic! Despite a solid previous study, Kostenki today is an iceberg, most of which rests under water and is waiting in the wings and its explorer.

In 1955, in the Vladimir region, during construction work A Paleolithic burial known as Sungir was found, in which the remains of a man and two children were discovered.

This is what we learn from these archaeological studies.

Reconstruction of the clothes and appearance of the men from the Sungir-1 burial showed that our ancient ancestors dressed well 25-30 thousand years ago, very stylishly even by today’s glamorous times.

The quantity and elegance of the decorations, tools and household items found here excludes the popular idea of ​​people in the Upper Paleolithic as being in a continuous struggle for survival.
The powerful physique of the man from the Sungir-1 burial is surprising.
With a height of 180 cm, he was much stronger modern man and wider at the shoulders - the length of his collarbone was 190 mm.
His clothes were richly embroidered with elegant decorations made from mammoth ivory.
The level of technology that the Sungir people possessed is surprising - for example, they not only easily drilled bone beads and plates, but were able to straighten mammoth tusks to make bone copies! It is impossible to straighten tusks with any modern technology (editor’s note: there is a version of softening a mammoth tusk in hydrochloric acid, only in this case the bone loses its hardness and becomes unsuitable for making a strong spear; modern people have not yet been able to straighten a tusk while maintaining bone hardness).
Reconstruction of the appearance and clothing of the buried man shows that he looked quite impressive from the point of view of modern aesthetics and could have starred in action films as the main positive hero:

Reconstruction of the home of our ancestors 25-30 thousand years ago according to archaeological excavations:

Another burial and reconstruction of people’s appearances and clothing. This is the burial of two teenagers, a boy and a girl, who died at the same time, probably from some kind of illness or poisoning. Their clothes are also richly and skillfully decorated with beads.

All the found remains of clothing are covered with a total of tens of thousands of beads.
Clothes decorated in this way speak not only of high culture who wore it, but also about the presence large quantity free time to make it.
The same situation applies to found household items. They are carefully carved from mammoth bones, drawings are applied to them, but the most interesting thing is that ocher was used to paint them!
And from obtaining ocher there is one step to obtaining iron, which arises as a by-product when burning ocher from spherosiderite (in Russian spherosiderite is called “bloody”) and bog ore.
But even if there was something iron in use then, it could not survive for 25-30 thousand years in the rather damp Vladimir soil. But the holes in the bone beads clearly show that they were most likely drilled with something metal. Only drilling with a metal tool would make it possible to produce beads in such huge quantities for abundant embroidery of even children's clothing (in total, more than 10 thousand beads were found in the local excavations, i.e. the ancients established their mass production).

These things that were used by our ancient ancestors who lived on modern Vladimir lands, at least 25 thousand years:

Based on the evidence that decoration provides us, we can conclude that already 25-30 thousand years ago on the territory of the Vladimir region there were settlements of people who actively used the achievements of science in everyday life and organized their economy in such a way that they had time for creativity.
This is how “wild tree dwellers” turn out.
What’s interesting is that all these artifacts are in open access in museums and everyone can get acquainted with them. If desired.