Destructive influence. Destructive behavior: how the Unreasonable Man manifests himself



(for this, see next page). Devastating, devastating.

Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[fr. destructif destructio] - destructive, disastrous; unfruitful, ineffective.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


aya, oh, ven, vna ( fr. destructif German destruktiv lat. dēstrūcfīvus destructive).
Leading to the destruction of something; unfruitful; opposite constructive. Destructive forces of society. Destructive solution.
Destructiveness- property of destructive.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what “DESTRUCTIVE” is in other dictionaries:

    DESTRUCTIVE- DESTRUCTIVE, DESTRUCTION (from Latin destructio destruction). Destructive, accompanied by deprivation of structure, a term often used in pathology to designate various (degenerative, necrobiotic, inflammatory, neoplastic)… …

    See destructive Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. destructive adj., number of synonyms: 4 ... Synonym dictionary

    destructive- oh, oh. destructif adj., German destruktiv lat. destructivus. Destructive, leading to the destruction of something; unfruitful; opposite constructive. Destructive forces of society. Krysin 1998. Despite the chilling winds and destructive calls... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    DESTRUCTIVE- DESTRUCTIVE, DESTRUCTION of the (palatal) surface of the alveolar process of the upper jaw stretches along the edge of the hard palate to the soft palate and then down the lateral wall of the pharynx to the deep cervical lymph glands (lymphoglandulae cer vicales profundae... ... Big medical encyclopedia

    - (lat. destnictivus) destructive, disrupting the normal structure of something... Large medical dictionary

    Adj. 1. ratio with noun destruction, associated with it 2. Leading to destruction; unfruitful, destructive. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive, destructive,... ... Forms of words

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    destructive- cr.f. destructi/ven, destructi/vna, vno, vny; destroy/outside… orthographic dictionary Russian language

    destructive- [de], aya, oh; vein, vna, vno Leading to the destruction of something; unfruitful. Destructive forces of society. Destructive position. Destructive negotiations. Synonyms: pointless, meaningless, destructive, empty, destructive... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


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The destructive (destructive) principle is an integral property human nature, however, self-control, awareness, as well as public censure protect us from its extreme manifestations: murder, violence, suicide. In general, the phenomenon of destructiveness has been little studied by psychology and psychiatry, although this term has taken root in philosophy quite a long time ago.

I was able to explain for the first time what destructiveness is and what are the reasons for its existence by proposing the theory of the desire for death. From the point of view of this theory, destructive behavior is behavior that is different from normal; it is aimed at self-destruction and, as a result, entails a deterioration in the individual’s quality of life.

Basic theories explaining the phenomenon

Destructive behavior characterized by the presence of deviations, or deviations, which are divided according to following criteria: the norm violated, the goals and motivation for committing the act, the result obtained. From Freud's point of view, the most important criterion destructiveness is a result that can lead to withdrawal internal tension at the expense of not implying destruction.

A well-known expert in the field of psychology says that destructive activity depending on the state of the psyche, it can be directed inward or outward:

  • External forms of manifestation of destructiveness are considered to be the mental or physical destruction of a person, violation social rules or foundations (extremism, terrorism), deliberate destruction of nature, destruction of global monuments, heritage of art and literature.
  • Internal forms of destructiveness are suicidal tendencies, addictions, non-chemical addictions of a pathological nature.

He also studied the phenomenon of destructiveness; he believed that destructiveness is, first of all, aggressive person. Aggression can be benign, that is, serving as a natural tool of life, or malignant, non-adaptive, causing social and biological harm.

In his theory, the meaning of the word “destructive” is close to “non-constructive”; it characterizes individuals who do not have the potential for self-realization. Fromm says that destructive person runs from freedom, trying to help destructive beginning overcome own inferiority, exposing more talented people to physical or moral influence.

In the psychology of destructive behavior special place occupied by the concept developed by N. Farberow. He says that a destructive personality is incapable of critically assessing the consequences of his actions and perceives reality distortedly and often hostilely.

Such a person’s self-esteem is often greatly inflated, which is why the bar self-importance interferes with proper communication with people. Farberow was able to substantiate not only the destructive craving of some individuals for the abuse of various psychotropic substances, but also developed an entire system of suicide prevention, which is still successfully used in the USA.

Forms of manifestation of the phenomenon and methods of behavior correction

From a psychological point of view, destruction can manifest itself in many forms, so let's look at the main, most common ones.

Destructive relationships can arise between close people connected common interests, hobbies or aspirations. This type of interaction often exists in creative unions between creator and muse or in married couples. Psychologists say that if relationships are not built correctly, the destructive influence will have a detrimental effect, first of all, on the personality of a mentally healthy person.

Destructive thinking is another variant of deviation, when a person is constantly accompanied by a deep and overwhelming feeling of resentment towards the whole world. Unfortunately, destructive thoughts come to each of us at least once a day, but approximately 40% of all inhabitants of the planet consistently think in a negative way.

To tune in to the positive, try to evaluate every thought: for positive ones, buy yourself something tasty, and for negative ones, go for a good evening run. Scientists have found that physical exercise stimulate the production of joy hormones, and this is a direct path to good mood and getting rid of destructive aspirations.

Destructive feelings are another problem modern society, the so-called phenomenon of general anxiety and dissatisfaction. They are mainly the result of incorrect internal installations, habits of dividing everything into black and white, bias, belief in a negative outcome.

Destructive emotions are a consequence of destructive feelings that control a person. To change the psychological and emotional background it is necessary correctional work with a specialist, as well as special breathing training aimed at getting rid of feelings of internal tension and discomfort.

A destructive character manifests itself as a tendency to gloominess, unsociability, fatalism, closedness, some fear of contact with others or awkwardness in communication. Developed by psychologists special techniques, allowing you to overcome these traits and form the right outlook on life. One of the methods was proposed by the group American psychologists, it consists of several modules:

  • An in-depth analysis of the client’s destructive character traits, identifying among them those that he would like to get rid of.
  • Work on realizing the need for change, getting rid of destructiveness. The truth of the patient’s desire to become different is checked, and a portrait of the desired character traits is drawn up.
  • Group classes to consolidate the necessary qualities.

Destructive communication and destructive criticism are the most common reasons quarrels, open confrontation between people. History knows many examples when a simple conversation ended in war. The art of communicating correctly and productively can be mastered by, for example, engaging in self-education or enrolling in special courses. Books that contain a lot of information will be of undoubted help. practical advice on the development of communication skills. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Modern psychological, legal, sociological research denote socially disapproved, condemned forms of personal activity through the term destructive behavior. Destructive behavior is considered as a form of personal activity aimed at destroying functioning social structures. This activity may be purposeful or psychological reaction to any personal or social construct.

Features of destructive behavior

Destructive behavior is based on the value, characterological, regulatory and motivational-semantic spheres of the individual. Destruction in relation to others is at the same time a way of designating, discovering one’s own structure, which can be identical to other representatives of society or fundamentally different from them.

Definition 1

Destructive behavior, therefore, is a form of personal behavior aimed at destroying external structures while simultaneously modeling one’s own behavioral patterns; a maladaptive-directed process of interaction between a subject and the surrounding social and natural environment, mediated by individual characteristics of a person, in the form of reactions or actions.

An act presupposes a purposeful, conscious form of activity, while a reaction is characterized by impulsiveness and thoughtlessness.

The destructive nature of personality activity is manifested in psychological states, situational reactions that deviate from the norm, as well as in the form of personality development, leading to maladjustment in society. In other words, destructiveness is negative attitude personality towards oneself and others.

A certain amount of destructiveness is characteristic of all people; the main differences lie in the choice of the object at which it is directed: at one’s own internal state or on the surrounding social and natural environment.

Goals of destructive behavior

The goals of destruction aimed at external environment, may be the following:

Forms of destructive behavior

Destructive personality activity can take various shapes its manifestation. Highlight following forms destruction:

  • illegal behavior caused by motivated or unmotivated violations (non-compliance) legal norms, established in society;
  • administrative and managerial destructive behavior associated with direct non-compliance, non-compliance social norms, with excess own rights and powers;
  • individual-targeted, characterized by an extremely egoistic character, aimed at realizing personal interests to the detriment of collective and social ones;
  • group forms of destruction aimed at causing damage to society;
  • types of individual or collective behavior aimed at the forcible preservation of outdated, conservative forms social interaction, which leads to blocking the processes of development of initiative, creative potential individuals and society;
  • imitative behavior that camouflages true interests,

Destructive psychological influence

Psychological influence can be destructive for the individual: deprive a person of the opportunity to choose, take responsibility, plan, count on his efforts, and create new things. This influence is called destructive. Destructive influence- influence, which involves interaction in positions of inequality between partners, treating other people as objects of influence who can be influenced by force or cunning in order to achieve only one’s own benefit. Restriction of personal freedom and infringement of dignity leads to the destruction of relationships and disruption of personal development. Depending on whether pressure is openly or covertly exerted on another person, there are varieties destructive influence:

  • power;

  • manipulative.

Powerful psychological influence

Powerful psychological influence has various names in the studies of modern authors: “ imperative"[Kovalyov, 1987]; " dominance"[Dotsenko, 1996].

Power influence– open, without disguise, imperative influence to achieve one’s own goals and ignoring the interests and intentions of another person.

A distinctive feature of this influence is interaction from a position of strength, which is why some modern authors call this type of influence “ barbaric", primitive, close to physical impact and unworthy of a civilized person [Sidorenko, 2001].

Powerful influence can be instantly effective: it forces you to do something, it achieves what you want. However, it is ineffective in long term, as it leads to the gradual destruction of the business, business relations, personal integrity. Forceful influence can be justified only in extreme cases - extreme situations posing a threat to human life and safety (fire, flood, etc.).

In ways power psychological influence are:

  • attack;

  • compulsion.
The attack is expressed in the fact that another person is perceived as production or how let, which may interfere with the capture of prey, and therefore must be eliminated or neutralized.

Coercion is when another person is perceived as weapon, which can be used, or how let, which you can try to turn into a weapon.

Attack is an attack, a sudden belligerent action against another person or group of people. This is a manifestation of psychological aggression or war. In psychological attack, the only attacking tools used are psychological meansverbal, non-verbal and paralinguistic. Psychological attack is, first of all, verbal attack . The words used by the attacker are addressed not to the cognitive, but to the emotional layer of the personality. This is a sharp and crushing blow with a word, which shakes the entire spiritual being. The attack makes the partner suffer. The blow causes peace of mind on more or less a long period time.

Forms of psychological attack:

  1. impulsive– an irrational, unintentional action, the cause of which is the desire to free oneself from tension, to defuse aggressive impulses (“I lost my temper.”)

  2. Targeted– conscious and controlled action in order to influence emotional condition, thoughts, intentions, actions of another person (“This will make him afraid and change his behavior.”)

  3. Total- an action first performed under the influence of an impulse, then continued in order to achieve specific purpose (“I lost my temper, and that scared him and made him change his tactics.”)
Means of psychological attack:

  1. Destructive criticism;

  2. Destructive statements;

  3. Destructive advice.
Destructive criticism This:

  • disparaging or insulting judgments about a person's personality (“It’s difficult for you to do such things”; “Except for you, no one could do this job so poorly”);

  • gross aggressive condemnation, slander or ridicule of his deeds and actions, people significant to him, social communities, ideas, values, material objects, etc. (“Your passion for cheap things amazes me”; “You always surround yourself with suspicious people”);

  • rhetorical questions aimed at identifying and “correcting” shortcomings (“How can you dress so ridiculously?” “Have you completely lost your mind?”).
The destructiveness of such criticism is that it does not allow a person to “save face”, diverts his energy to fight emerging negative emotions, and takes away faith in himself. In form, destructive criticism is often indistinguishable from the formulas of suggestion: “You are an irresponsible person.” However, the initiator of the influence has as its conscious goal “improving” the behavior of the recipient of the influence (and the unconscious goal is liberation from frustration and anger, a manifestation of force or revenge). He does not at all have in mind the consolidation and strengthening of those models of behavior that are described by the formulas he uses. It is characteristic that the consolidation of negative behavior patterns is one of the most destructive and paradoxical effects of destructive criticism. It is also known that in the formulas of suggestion and auto-training, positive formulations are persistently preferred over the negation of negative ones (for example, the formula “I am calm” is preferable to the formula “I am not worried”).

Destructive statements- This:

  • mentions and reminders of objective facts biographies that a person is not able to change and which he most often could not influence (national, social and racial affiliation; urban or rural origin; occupation of parents; illegal behavior of someone close; hereditary and chronic diseases; natural constitution; facial features, etc.). (“Well, yes, you’re from small town"; “When you get angry, for some reason I remember your brother, who ended up in places not so distant.”)

  • “friendly”, “harmless” references and hints to mistakes, mistakes and violations committed by the addressee in the past; humorous reference to “old sins” or personal secrets of the addressee (“I often remember how much we fussed with the entire department to correct your mistake.”)
Destructive statements can be made intentionally to cause negative reactions from a partner, or out of bewilderment, thoughtlessness, tactlessness, or under the influence of an impulse. The effect in all cases is the same: the recipient experiences a state of confusion, helplessness, and confusion.

Destructive advice- This:

  • unsolicited recommendations and suggestions for changing position, behavior, etc.

  • categorical instructions, commands and instructions that are not implied by the social or working relationships of the partners.
E.V. Sidorenko in her work gives an example of a case that happened to her and her American colleague and illustrates the prevalence in our Everyday life destructive advice and their negative consequences.

“An American colleague, Shelby Morgan, once told me: “I’m not always open to other people’s criticism and other people’s advice. Often I want peace and wholeness, and sometimes I feel like something important is ripening within me. Why do I need someone else’s intervention at this moment?” One day Shelby came to my dacha with her daughter Sarah. The girl was five years old. The three of us walked along the platform, and Sarah’s sneaker laces were not tied. It just rained. Snow-white laces turned into dirty wet ponytails before our eyes. Both Shelby and Sarah didn't pay any attention to it. I, taught by the experience of communicating with my American friend, also kept quiet and kept possible comments to myself. However, every woman coming towards us always said something like: “Tie the child’s shoelaces! Look how they hang out!” Sensing a foreigner in Shelby, they turned to me: “Tell her...”, etc. I answered everyone: “Thank you” and moved on. After the third such appeal, Shelby could not stand it: “Why do we have to walk around with our shoelaces tied? Why does everyone around me know better than me what I need to do and try to force me to live differently? Why does everyone in Russia advise me to do something? After all, this is a violation of my rights!”[Sidorenko, 2002, p. 44 - 45].

Unsolicited advice is a means of psychological attack because it violates personal rights, challenges a person’s ability to determine for himself what questions to ask himself and what to avoid, what to pay attention to, what decisions to make and how to learn from his own mistakes.

Another method of power influence is coercion.

Compulsion– forcing (stimulating) a person to perform certain actions through threats (overt or implied) or deprivation.

Coercion is possible only if the coercer actually has the ability to implement threats, that is, the authority to deprive the recipient of any benefits or to change the conditions of his life and work. Such possibilities can be called controlling. By coercion, the initiator threatens to use his control capabilities in order to obtain the desired behavior from the addressee.

Forms of coercion:

  1. Announcing strictly defined deadlines or methods of performing work without any announcements or justification: “You have to triple check your calculations, that’s my golden rule.”

  2. Imposing non-negotiable prohibitions and restrictions: “ You have no right to approach a client if I am negotiating with him, even if he is your personal acquaintance.”

  3. Intimidation by possible consequences: “ Those who are going to object to me now will spend a long time disentangling this later.”

  4. Threat of punishment, in the most severe forms – physical violence: “You either do it by Tuesday or quit.”
Coercion is a method of influence that is limited in the scope of its possible application, since the initiator of influence must have leverage non-psychological pressure on the addressee. If both partners have such leverage, then they can begin to “measure strength.” Such interaction can be called an open power struggle. The winner is the one whose threats were more effective.

In everyday life, especially business, we often encounter civilized forms of coercion. We are forced to follow the terms of the agreement, decision taken, official instructions, rules of politeness, etc. In all these cases, we voluntarily agree that the terms of the agreement, decisions, etc. will force us to act accordingly. What truly coerces is that prohibition, decision, restriction, punishment, etc. that was not agreed upon with us in advance and does not have the status of a definite agreement.

Such concepts as became known to mankind since the development of psychology and its introduction into the branch of science. Constructive behavior is aimed at resolving conflict situations by maintaining peace and a friendly environment, while destructive behavior is the main cause of life problems, misunderstandings, lack of love and happiness.

Causes and Effects

Destructive behavior is behavior inappropriate generally accepted standards and aimed at the rejection of any alternative points vision. It can not only lead to social problems in humans, but also to physical health problems.

Destructive human behavior has two main forms:

  • The delinquent form is a chain of actions that contradict the legal norms accepted in society (family and household conflicts, road accidents, failure to comply with discipline, gross misconduct);
  • Deviant form is behavior that contradicts moral social norms(alcoholism, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies).

All forms of destructive behavior represent some defensive reaction on the world, however, are associated with activity disorders nervous system and are mainly associated with childhood experiences. At risk are children who lack parental attention and support, and children who have parental love, but no support in right moment. The causes of destructive behavior may also lie in heredity. People whose families have had cases of psychological disorder in their relatives need more attention and care from others.

But besides genes and childhood experiences, there is whole line other reasons for destructive behavior:

  • Mental health, the state of which can change throughout life depending on the presence of irritating factors.
  • Physical health that may deteriorate rapidly and irrevocably. Thus, the person does not see the point in further compliance with any rules.
  • Failures in professional field when a person feels inferior, unable to meet certain requirements, when his reputation and self-esteem are destroyed, or when he experiences unfair punishment or prejudice.
  • Material and everyday difficulties.
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication, which refers to specific factors.

Prevention methods

Prevention of destructive behavior is much more effective than its treatment, because treatment involves registration with a psychiatric registry. If you don’t pay attention to this problem at all, then children preschool age may injure or injure themselves, destructive behavior of adolescents can lead to suicide, and an adult can injure himself and harm others.

All types of destructive behavior are based on nervous disorders, as was said earlier, therefore preventive actions wear general character. They can be used both in relation to other people and in relation to oneself.

First of all, when conflict situation you need to pause and realize possible consequences destructive behavior and decisions made. The patient should also understand what exactly he gains by abandoning his usual behavior.

Destructive behavior, defined by a lack of attention and support, can be prevented in the same way. By supporting a person, strengthening his resolve, encouraging him for his success, giving useful tips and by helping him learn from failures, you can teach him to approach conflicts and problems constructively.