War and Peace Volume 3 is the most important thing.

June 1812. A war begins with the French, led by Napoleon.

Prince Andrei serves at Kutuzov’s headquarters, but upon learning about the start of the war, he asks to be transferred to the army. Nikolai Rostov still serves in the Pavlogradsky Hussar Regiment, which is retreating from Poland to the Russian borders. One day his squadron met with French dragoons, Nikolai captured one of them, for which he received St. George's Cross.

The Rostov family lives in Moscow. Natasha is sick, but attending church services, and especially one of the prayers (“Let us pray to the Lord in peace”) makes such a strong impression on her that she gradually begins to return to life. Petya Rostov asks his father to allow him to go to the army, but his father does not agree - Petya is still too young for war. But Petya is very persistent - and the count nevertheless decides to find out how he can fulfill his son’s request and at the same time make sure that he is safe.

The old Prince Bolkonsky lives with his daughter on his estate, from where he refuses to leave, despite his son’s letters asking him to go to Moscow. The prince sends all his household to Moscow, including his son Andrei Nikolenka, and he himself remains in Bald Mountains with Princess Marya, who refuses to leave her father. Soon the prince suffers a stroke; he, paralyzed, is transported to Bogucharovo, where he dies three weeks later, asking his daughter for forgiveness before his death. After the death of her father, Princess Marya decides to go to Moscow, but the peasants do not let her out of Bogucharovo, and only the intervention of Nikolai Rostov, who happened to be there, helps her leave the estate.

Before the Battle of Borodino, Pierre Bezukhov comes to the army, wanting to see with his own eyes what will happen there. During the battle, Prince Andrei receives a mortal wound, and at the dressing station on the next bed he sees the man whom he had been looking for for a long time, wanting revenge - Anatoly Kuragin, whose leg was amputated at that moment.

During the battle, Pierre is at the Raevsky battery, where he provides all possible assistance to the soldiers. But he is horrified by what he saw and therefore leaves the battlefield, walking towards Mozhaisk.

After the battle, the Russian army retreats to Fili. At the council, Kutuzov gives the order for a further retreat, realizing that the army cannot defend Moscow. The French enter Moscow. Napoleon on Poklonnaya Hill is waiting for a Russian delegation with the keys to the city, but they report to him that there is no one in Moscow. Fires are breaking out everywhere in the city.

The Rostovs, together with all the nobles, leaving Moscow, gave part of their carts to the wounded. Among them was Andrei Bolkonsky. Natasha finds out about this and begins to care for him. Pierre remains in Moscow, dreaming of killing Napoleon. But he is arrested by French lancers.

And in St. Petersburg life still goes on the same way - dinner parties, balls, evenings. News arrives that Moscow has been abandoned, and Alexander decides to stand at the head of his army himself. Kutuzov refuses to make peace with the French. Alexander insists on the Battle of Tarutino.

Kutuzov receives news that the French have left Moscow. From this moment on, the French retreat outside Russia begins, and now Kutuzov’s goal is to keep his army from unnecessary attacks on the melting French army. Kutuzov refuses to lead the army as soon as the troops cross the country's border. He awarded the order George I degree.

In Voronezh, Nikolai Rostov meets Princess Marya. He wants to marry her, but his word to Sonya holds him back. And then he receives a letter from Sonya, written at the insistence of Countess Rostova, in which she writes that he is free from his word given to her.

Princess Marya goes to Yaroslavl, where the Rostovs live, having learned that Andrei is with them. But she arrives at the moment when Andrei is close to death. General grief brings Natasha closer to the princess.

Pierre Bezukhov is sentenced to execution, but by order of Marshal Davout, he, already brought to the place of execution, is left alive. As a prisoner, he moves with the French army along the Smolensk road, where a detachment of prisoners is recaptured from the French by partisans. In this battle, Petya Rostov, who arrived to the partisans from the headquarters of the German general with a proposal for unification, dies.

The sick Pierre is brought to Oryol, where he learns last news about his loved ones - his wife died, and Prince Andrei was alive after being wounded whole month, but then he also died. Pierre comes to Moscow in Princess Marya to express his condolences. There he meets Natasha, who is so withdrawn into herself that she does not notice anything around her - and only the news of her brother’s death saves her. A meeting with Pierre, conversations with him stimulate a new feeling in her soul - a feeling of love for this person.

The third volume of the epic novel “War and Peace” tells about the beginning of the War of 1812, called the Patriotic War. The focus is on such historical events as the attack of the French army led by Napaleon Boanaparte on Russia; Battle of Borodino; the burning of Moscow and the inglorious entry into the city of Napoleon Boanaparte; council in Fili and many other facts characterizing not only the era of the early nineteenth century, but also the characters of individual historical figures and characters.

The writing of the third volume was preceded by the author’s enormous work with historical documents letters and memoirs of eyewitnesses of these events. The works of critics and analysts of this historical period. A library was compiled Patriotic War 1812.

According to L.N. himself Tolstoy, works historical figures could not give him the necessary foundation for a realistic recreation of the events described.

Rejecting the idea of ​​the War of 1812 as a confrontation powerful of the world This, the author of the novel shows the liberation war, the people's war, which made it possible to expose the true human qualities and values.

Summary of War and Peace Volume 3 in parts and chapters.

Part 1.

Chapter 1.

1812 June 12. Borders Russian Empire squads cross Western Europe. The French army is led by Napoleon Boanaparte. Each of his contemporaries (and then his descendants) sees and explains the reasons for making this decision in his own way.

Chapter 2.

May 29. Napoleon, having expressed his opinion to the emperor, princes and kings located in Dresden, heads to Poland. French troops receive orders to move towards the Russian border. With this decision, Boanaparte sharply changes the opinion he expressed in a letter to the Russian emperor about his reluctance to fight with Russia.

The French cross the Neman and attack Russia.

Chapter 3.

Russia is not ready for war. Attitude to this issue the emperor and commanders-in-chief are extremely frivolous. Alexander has fun at balls and celebrations organized for him in Vilna. “...the news of the French crossing the Neman was especially unexpected after a month of unfulfilled anticipation, and at the ball!” The Russian emperor invites Napoleon to leave the territory of his state. Otherwise, Russia will resist.

Chapter 4.

From June 13 to 14, Adjutant General Balashov was sent with a dispatch to Napoleon. The French non-commissioned officer is in no hurry to observe the norms of respect towards the envoy. Near the village of Rykotny, Balashov talks with Murat (who calls himself the Neapolitan king). On Muraton’s part, the tone was familiar and good-natured. Continuing further, Balashov was again detained by French sentries. The Russian envoy will have a meeting with General Davout.

Chapter 5.

Davout - "Arakcheev of Emperor Napoleon." The conversation between the French marshal and the Russian adjutant general does not work out. Davout demands to see the package.

Four days later, Balashov finds himself in Vilna again. The only difference is that now this is the location of the French.

Chapter 6.

Napoleon receives Balashov in the house where the adjutant met with Alexander a few days ago. The French leader insists on his reluctance to wage war with Russia. At Balashov’s proposal to leave the occupied lands, the angry Napoleon blames him for what happened Russian Emperor. Alexander should not have concluded friendly relations with the British and Turks.

Chapter 7.

Over lunch, Napoleon shares with Balashov an unpleasant fact for himself - Emperor Alexander recklessly became close to all of Boanaparte's enemies. He is perplexed about Alexander’s desire to exercise command of the Russian army - “his business is to reign, not to command troops.”

The adjutant fulfills his duties, recounting Napaleon's words to Alexander in detail.

Russia is on the path to war.

Chapter 8.

In order to duel with Kuragin, Andrei goes to St. Petersburg. Here Kutuzov invites the prince to join the Turkish army as part of the Russian army. Andrey is part of the Western Army. On his way to his duty station, Andrei stops at his parents' house. Family relationships are tense. Andrei is dissatisfied with his father's behavior. He is upset by the coldness demonstrated by the elder Bolkonsky towards his son.

With an absolute lack of understanding of his motives, Andrei continues his journey into the army.

Chapter 9

Drissa camp. Headquarters of the Russian army. Political parties underestimate the full extent of the impending threat. They are unhappy with the strategy used by Russian troops. A letter is sent to Alexander with a request to leave the theater of military operations and lead the military company from the capital.

Chapter 10.

The French are advancing. The Russian emperor inspects the Dris camp, headed by General Pfuel and causing discontent among the military leaders.

Andrei Bolkonsky communicates with General Pfuel. The general shows typical features a theoretical strategist who is good at maps and rather poor at actual military operations.

Chapter 11.

The military council has a long and heated discussion about the plan of action developed by Pfuel. Several options were proposed, and it was obvious that each of them had both its advantages and disadvantages.

Andrei, observing what is happening, decides to continue serving not at headquarters, but in the active army.

Chapter 12.

Nikolai Rostov was assigned to the Pavlograd regiment. The regiment retreats, approaching the Russian borders from Poland.

The story of Raevsky, who took his two minor sons with him to the attack, is spreading among the military. Rostov does not share the admiration of his compatriots. Nikolai considers it irresponsible to expose small children to such danger, while allowing a considerable degree of exaggeration to be made to raise morale army.

Chapter 13.

Abandoned tavern. Here the regimental doctor and his wife, Rostov Ilyin and three officers take shelter from the rain. Wet and chilled “guests” are having a tea party from a samovar on dirty water and card game to kings. Those present are amused by the doctor’s attack of jealousy towards Marya Genrikhovna.

Chapter 14.

Three o'clock in the morning. The order to march to Ostrovna was received. The French are pursuing the Russian cavalry army. Among the lancers is the squadron of Nikolai Rostov.

Chapter 15.

Nikolai assesses the situation and leads the Russian lancers into the attack. The enemy is defeated. Rostov captures the officer, for which he is appointed commander of the hussar battalion and receives an award - the St. George Cross.

Rostov is philosophical about its heroic deed. He sympathizes with the French, thinking why it is necessary to kill an enemy who is in fear. “My hand trembled. And they gave me the St. George Cross. Nothing, I don’t understand anything!”

Chapter 16.

The Rostovs return to Moscow. Natasha is having a hard time breaking up with Andrey. Doctors are unable to determine the cause of the girl’s illness. Gradually, a healthy young body returns Natasha to to the usual way life.

Chapter 17.

Natasha shuns everyone, communicating only with Pierre Bezukhov. Bezukhov is hopelessly in love. He does not have the strength to admit this to Natasha. The girl, who sincerely responds to Pierre's attention, does not notice his love pangs.

Remembering Agrofena Ivanovna, young Rostova begins to attend church. At the same time, the girl feels “the possibilities of a new pure life and happiness."

Chapter 18.

July 11. A manifesto on the formation was published people's militia. Moscow is excited by talk about the results of the military campaign. Sunday. The Rostovs are present at the service held by the Razumovskys. The priest in prayer asks to save Russia from the enemies that attacked it. Natasha joins the requests for salvation, forgiveness and happiness.

Chapter 19.

Bezukhov's thoughts are completely devoted to Natasha. Brother Pierre, who is a Freemason, speaks of the prediction contained in the Apocalypse of John. Prophecy about the appearance of Napoleon. Bezukhov is fond of digital calculations with the name of Napoleon, resulting in 666 - the “number of the beast”. Pierre gets the same result as a result of calculations own name. Bezukhov explains this as higher connection between him and the French invader. Pierre decides that his highest mission is to stop Napoleon Boanaparte.

Chapter 20.

During dinner at the Rostovs', Pierre hears from Natasha words of recognition of the importance of his figure in her life. Natasha is still worried about the question of whether Prince Andrei will forgive her. In a fit of tender feelings, Pierre is unable to answer Natasha.

The Rostovs read a manifesto about the difficult situation in Russia and their special hope for Moscow.

Bezukhov intends to go to military service. His parents do not approve of his decision.

Pierre decides not to attend bigger house Rostov. His feelings for Natasha are too great.

Chapter 21.

Alexander I arrives in Moscow. Bezukhov intends to personally ask him for permission to pass military service. Finding himself in a loud crowd, Pierre decides not to do this. Without understanding why, Pierre picks up a piece of biscuit that fell from the emperor after dinner into the crowd.

Chapter 22.

Slobodsky yard. Meeting of merchants and nobles. They don't want to invest in military company. Pierre Bezukhov wants to object by expressing his opinion, but the exclamations of those gathered do not give him such an opportunity.

Chapter 23.

The appearance of the emperor and his fiery speech about heroic actions the Russian army and the importance of everyone's participation change their minds. Nobles and merchants donate very significant sums to a good cause.

Pierre Bezukhov donates a thousand people along with their support. He is enlisted in the army.

Part 2.

Chapter 1.

Analysis of the War of 1812. Reflections on the role of Napoleon and Alexander in this war. The author’s conclusion is that the will of two strong figures in this war did not affect anything.

The French are advancing towards Smolensk. Residents cannot allow the city to be captured. They set the city on fire themselves. Heading to Moscow, in the hope of finding protection and salvation there, residents of Smolensk go to other cities and incite the people to fight the enemy.

Chapter 2.

Andrei Bolkonsky writes a letter to his father with a detailed story about the progress of the war and strongly advises the family to move to Moscow. Andrei's father ignores his son's request. He is sure that the French will not reach Bald Mountains. The Neman is the maximum line where the enemy can advance.

Chapter 3.

The manager of the Bolkonsky estate, Alpatych, is going to Smolensk. Giving orders from the old prince to the manager takes more than two hours.

Chapter 4.

August 4th. Evening. Alpatych reached the city. Smolensk is burning. Smolensk is under siege. Local population hurriedly collects his belongings. Russian troops are still in the city. Prince Andrei, through Alpatych, in a letter asks the family to cross to Moscow as quickly as possible.

Chapter 5.

Bald Mountains. Andrei Balkonsky stops by here before returning to the regiment. Relatives in Moscow. The sight of bathing soldiers evokes in Andrei the most terrible feelings associated with the understanding that they are just merry “cannon fodder.”

Bagration addresses a letter to Arakcheev with accusations against the Minister of War Barclay de Tolly (who was the commander-in-chief). It was impossible to leave Smolensk. The French position was not in their favor. The reason for the wrong decisions, Bagration believes, is that the Russian army is controlled not by one head, but by two.

Chapter 6.

Salon Helen (St. Petersburg). Visitors to the salon discuss the war as something frivolous and quickly passing. Vasily allows himself quite harsh criticism of Kutuzov. The appointment of Kutuzov as commander-in-chief of all Russian army sharply changes the prince's opinion about him. Vasily takes the position of his intercessor.

Chapter 7.

From Smolensk the French are moving towards Moscow. Napoleon is persistently looking for a new battle (Vyazma, Tsarevo-Zaymishche). “... but it turned out that due to countless collisions of circumstances, one hundred and twenty versts from Moscow, the Russians could not accept the battle.”

Chapter 8.

Bolkonsky family. Old Prince seriously ill. Marya takes care of her father, catching herself thinking about speedy liberation from rigid and unquestioning submission to his will. She thinks about love and family happiness. Such thoughts frighten Marya like a devilish temptation. Feeling better, the old man asks Marya to forgive him. Talking about last days Russia, falls into unconsciousness, is delirious. Another blow happens, Balkonsky dies.

Chapter 9

Shortly before the death of the prince, Alpatych comes to Bogucharovo with instructions from Andrei. He's watching special character men and their opinion about what is happening. The order to collect carts for departure from the estate remains unfulfilled. Alpatych’s attempts to convince the local headman to carry out the order do not help either.

Chapter 10.

Marya mourns her father, blaming herself for his death. She is ashamed of her secret desires. Not wanting to be captured by the French, Marya decides to leave for Moscow, taking the peasants with her. Headman Dron (who managed the estate for about thirty years) receives orders to prepare carts.

Chapter 11.

The peasants come to the prince's house and rudely express their disagreement to Marya.

Chapter 12.

Night. Marya is not sleeping. She relives the loss of her father and the days leading up to his death over and over again.

Chapter 13.

Bogucharovo. Princess Marya meets with Nikolai Rostov. Marya confidentially tells Nikolai about the self-will of the peasants. Nikolai, who arrived in Bogucharovo to look for food for the horses, promises Marya his protection and help in moving to Moscow.

Chapter 14.

Nikolai Rostov keeps his promise. With his help, the Bogucharov men stopped the riot. Marya falls in love with Rostov, realizing that she will never admit this to anyone. Nikolai also experiences tender feelings to Marya. Rostov is visited by thoughts that his and Marya’s marriage would be a joyful event for everyone.

Chapter 15.

Tsarevo-Zamishche. Main apartment. Meeting of Kutuzov, Andrei Bolkonsky and Denisov. Bolkonsky and Denisov in a conversation share memories of their love for Natasha Rostova. They talk about this as something very distant.

Denisov and Kutuzov discuss the current situation. The Commander-in-Chief does not pay due attention to Denisov’s plan for conducting guerrilla warfare. His principles and views were somewhat different.

Chapter 16.

Balkonsky receives an invitation from the commander-in-chief to continue serving next to him. Andrey refuses. Kutuzov is sympathetic to Andrei’s decision. He speaks with confidence about the defeat of the French army, but this must wait.

Chapter 17.

The French are approaching Moscow. Moscow itself, without reacting in any way to reports of an imminent threat, continues to live a peaceful life.

Chapter 18.

Pierre Bezukhov is sent to the location of the military unit located in Mozhaisk. This decision preceded by long hesitation and reflection. The pictures that open along the route of Pierre with the army lead him to the idea of ​​​​the need for self-sacrifice for the sake of liberation.

Chapter 19.

battle of Borodino. It was not significant either for the Russians or for the French. Completely destroying everything strategic plans, unexpectedly starting in an area visible from all sides, it received a completely logical ending - huge losses both on one side and on the other.

Chapter 20.

Pierre carefully examines the militia moving past. One thought occupies his head - how many of these people are destined for wounds, suffering, death, how can they think not about death, but about something else.

Chapter 21.

Bezukhov arrives at his place of duty. On the field the battle is on prayer service with the Smolensk icon Mother of God, brought from Smolensk.

Chapter 22.

Pierre Bezukhov meets his acquaintances. For himself, he notes that the brilliance and excitement in the eyes of the officers is caused by personal aspirations, and not by worries about the fate of Russia. While communicating with friends, Kutuzov draws attention to Pierre. At Kutuzov’s invitation, Bezukhov follows him and notices Dolokhov. Kutuzov throws a few words at Bezukhov, inviting him to his halt.

A meeting with Dolokhov, previously wounded by Pierre in a duel that led to a quarrel between the young people, brings reconciliation. The expected battle and the unknown are exciting. Dolokhov apologizes to Bezukhov for the offense caused. Pierre, in a fit of emotion, hugs Dolokhov.

Chapter 23.

Benisgen's retinue, together with Bezukhov, heads to the village of Borodino. Benisgen inspects the positions, actively discussing this with others.

Chapter 24.

The time for battle is approaching. Bolkonsky is experiencing strong excitement. The same feelings visited him before Austerlitz. Bolkonsky meets Bezukhov. It is unpleasant for him to see a person reminiscent of the past. Bezukhov notices Bolkonsky's mood and feels awkward.

Chapter 25.

The officers, among whom are Bolkonsky and Bezukhov, discuss military operations, the expected battle, and concern the personality of Kutuzov. Andrei fully shares the views of Kutuzov, who argued that the result depends on chance and the people, and success lies in the feelings of the soldiers. Bolkonsky's faith in victory is unshakable. Andrei characterizes the French as enemies who have encroached on his home, which means they must be destroyed. Andrey and Pierre break up. Andrei feels that they will not see each other again.

Chapter 26.

Prefect Bosset assures Napoleon that no more than three days separate the emperor from his triumphal entry into Moscow. On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Boanaparte addresses his army. Napoleon is confident that they will bring him the long-awaited victory.

Chapter 27.

Napoleon Boanaparte on the field of the upcoming battle. The disposition is being assessed and orders are given. Many of them turn out to be unrealistic in execution.

Chapter 28.

Reflections on key historical events and the role of significant historical figures in them. Peter I, Napoleon Boanaparte, Charles IX are mentioned. The conclusion is that the path of history is predetermined.

Chapter 29.

At dawn the Battle of Borodino will begin. Napoleon carefully hides his excitement. Boanaparte is interested in the opinion of his adjutant about the upcoming meeting with Russian troops. He repeats the words of his commander, spoken in Smolensk - the wine is uncorked, we need to drink it. Napoleon agrees.

Chapter 30.

Bezukhov enjoys the panorama of the battle opening before him. He found what he saw to be quite unexpected and even majestic. Pierre follows the general, wanting to be in the very center of what is happening.

Chapter 31.

Advanced. Bezukhov. Pierre is surrounded by the wounded and dead. Raevsky's adjutant accompanies Pierre to General Raevsky to the location of his battery.

The battle is on full swing. Pierre sees several dozen dead soldiers. He notes the heroism of the Russians in repelling the French attacks despite a clear lack of ammunition. Feeling a desire to help, Pierre sees what the soldier is doing and heads towards the boxes with shells. An unexpected blow nearby knocks Bezukhov over. Pierre is thrown aside. Having come to his senses, he sees only the wood chips remaining from the box.

Chapter 32.

General Raevsky's battery was attacked by French troops. Bezukhov engages in hand-to-hand combat with a French soldier. The physical advantage is on Pierre's side. He dodges a cannonball flying nearby. The Frenchman breaks free and runs away. Bezukhov hastily returns to the location of Raevsky's battery. It always seems to him that the dead bodies with which the battlefield is covered are grabbing his legs. The scale of the death horrifies Bezukhov. He hopes that the French, having realized the culprits of what grief they are, will stop the battle. In fact, the attack became increasingly stronger.

Chapter 33.

Napoleon watches the progress of the battle through a trumpet. It is difficult for him to distinguish his soldiers from the Russians. Everyone on the battlefield was mixed up. Napoleon increasingly gives the wrong orders. His orders are late. The outcome of the battle increasingly begins to depend not on the will of military strategists, but on the spontaneous will of the fighting crowd.

Chapter 34.

Napoleon observes the senselessness of what is happening. He gets bored and starts talking about abstract topics. Napoleon doubts victory. He sees war as something terrible and useless to anyone.

Chapter 35.

Kutuzov watches the progress of the battle. His plans do not include changing the situation. It provides the people and the situation with the opportunity to develop according to their own scenario. the main task Kutuzov - supporting the morale of soldiers.

Chapter 36.

The French are shelling Andrei Bolkonsky's regiment, which is in reserve. Bolkonsky demonstrates excessive heroism and is wounded in the stomach by a cannonball that explodes nearby. Andrey is transported to the hospital. He thinks that he does not want and is not ready to die now.

Chapter 37.

Dressing station. Bolkonsky sees Kuragin among the wounded. As a result of the operation, he lost both legs. Bolkonsky is delusional. He sees a ball, Natasha, Kuragin. Andrey feels sorry for Natasha.

Chapter 38.

Napoleon sees thousands killed. He is horrified, realizing that all this is his fault.

Chapter 39.

The meaning and results of the battle of Borodino. From a historical point of view, the Russians were defeated. From the point of view of the author of the novel, the Russians won the Battle of Borodino, proving their moral superiority and pointing out to him his moral inferiority.

Part 3.

Chapter 1.

Forces influencing the course historical events- What is this? None of those in power is a legislator of history. The people and their actions are controlled by something small, invisible to the naked eye.

Chapter 2.

Napoleon and his troops are steadily moving towards Moscow. Russian troops are retreating. And the further the troops go, the more bitterness against the enemy grows among the soldiers.

Chapter 3.

Poklonnaya Mountain. Kutuzova. Council of Generals of the Russian Army. It is obvious to everyone that there are no opportunities to defend Moscow.

Chapter 4.

Kutuzov holds a military council with the generals in Fili. The question is being decided: to accept the battle for Moscow, knowing that loss is inevitable, or to leave the city without a fight and thereby save strength and people. According to Bennigsen about voluntary surrender cities are out of the question. Opinions were sharply divided. Kutuzov decides to retreat.

Chapter 5.

Muscovites are leaving the city. Everything valuable is loaded onto carts and taken away. Townspeople who are unable to take things with them set fire to houses along with all their contents. Nothing should go to the enemy. Count Rostopchin is extremely dissatisfied with what is happening. The Governor-General urges residents not to leave Moscow.

Chapter 6.

Helen Bezukhova makes new acquaintances. Among them are a nobleman and a foreign prince, as well as a Catholic Jesuit. Succumbing to his influence, Helen accepts the Catholic faith, thinking of Bezukhov as a supporter of a false religion.

Chapter 7.

In the letter, Helen asks Pierre for consent to a divorce. She intends to get married a second time and is preparing for it in every possible way. this event the society in which she moves. The piquancy of the rumors spread by Helen is that she will have to choose between two suitors eager for her hand.

Chapter 8.

Impressed by the Battle of Borodino, Bezukhov feels a desire to return to his normal life as soon as possible. Mozhaisk Inn. Pierre thinks about the soldiers, their restraint, calmness, prudence. He would like to be like them.

Chapter 9

Bezukhov dreams of dinner. He sees Anatoly, Nesvitsky, Dolokhov, Denisov. Through their conversations and singing, Pierre hears a benefactor addressing him. He can't make out the words, but he understands that we're talking about about goodness. The benefactor encourages Pierre to be like them. Bezukhov wants to attract the attention of the diners and wakes up. Bezukhov makes a discovery - submission to God is simplicity. And Anatol, Nesvitsky, Dolokhov, Denisov are simple. “They don’t say it, but they do it.”

In the morning next day troops leave Mozhaisk leaving about ten thousand wounded.

Pierre sets off on the road on foot, ordering the carriage to catch up with him. On the way to Moscow, Bezukhov is informed of the deaths of Andrei Bolkonsky and Anatoly Kuragin.

Chapter 10.

On the thirtieth Bezukhov in Moscow. Adjutant Rostopchin is looking for him with a message about the need to urgently report to the commander-in-chief.

Chapter 11.

Count Rostopchin, having learned about Pierre's affiliation with the Freemasons, warns him against possible arrest, since some prominent figures and supporters of Freemasonry were arrested for aiding the French army. Rostopchin’s advice is to break with the Freemasons and run away.

Bezukhov receives a letter written by Helen. He fails to understand what his wife wants.

Rostopchin sends a policeman to Bezukhov. Pierre refuses to receive him and hastily, secretly from everyone, leaves the house.

Chapter 12.

There is a lot of different talk about the future of Moscow. Everyone understands that the city will be left to the French. The Rostovs are making preparations for departure.

Chapter 13.

Convoys with the wounded are arriving in the city. Natasha Rostova insists on housing soldiers in their house.

Count Rostopchin makes an appeal to go to the Three Mountains and take the battle.

Countess Rostova is trying to complete preparations for departure as quickly as possible.

Chapter 14.

Young Rostova is preparing to leave. At the count's house, a stroller in which the wounded Bolkonsky is located slows down.

Chapter 15.

One day and Moscow will be surrendered to the enemy. At the request of the military, Count Rostov is preparing several carts for their transportation. The Countess shows dissatisfaction with her husband's actions. She encourages him to think about his own children.

Chapter 16.

Natasha, having learned the countess's opinion, shouts at her. She accuses her mother of inappropriate behavior. Having calmed down, Natasha apologizes to the Countess. Rostova is inferior to her husband and daughter.

Chapter 17.

Departure of the Rostovs from Moscow. Natasha does not know about Bolkonsky, who is in one of the carts. Countess Rostova believes that this will be correct.

The Rostovs meet Pierre Bezukhov. He is dressed in a coachman's caftan, disheveled and confused.

Having hastily kissed Natasha's hand, Bezukhov disappears.

Chapter 18.

Bezukhov is in despair. The situation in Moscow gave him uneasy feelings. Pierre is convinced that nothing can come back, that in what is happening it is no longer possible to understand who is right and who is wrong. Confusion of mental feelings and thoughts. Bezukhov finds refuge with the widow Bazdeeva (whose husband was also a Freemason). He dresses up in peasant clothes and decides to get a pistol.

Chapter 19.

September 1. By order of Kutuzov, the Russians began retreating to the Ryazan road at night. Moscow is empty. Napoleon settled down on Poklonnaya Hill. At the Kamerkollezhsky Val he is waiting for the boyars and is in sweet anticipation of the fulfillment of a long-standing goal.

Chapter 20.

Boanaparte receives a message that there is no one in the city. The triumphant man refuses to believe it. He does not go to the city, but stops at the Drogomilovsky suburb.

Chapter 21.

The remnants of Russian troops leave Moscow. The wounded and civilians are serving with them. There is a huge crush on the Kamenny and Moskvoretsky bridges. Marauders are operating in the city, taking advantage of the current situation.

Chapter 22.

The empty house of the Rostovs. There is chaos all around and signs of a hasty departure. In the house there are only the janitor Ignat, the Cossack Mishka and Mavra Kuzminishna. Suddenly, Count Rostov’s nephew appears at the gate. His clothes and shoes are torn. The officer needs help.

Chapter 23.

Those remaining in the city organize loud processions, drink and fight.

Chapter 24.

Evening of September 1st. Rastopchin in Moscow. The Count is offended by Kutuzov's decision not to invite him to the military council. He doesn't understand well what needs to be done. All his active endeavors did not bring the desired result.

Chapter 25.

The count loses authority among the townspeople. In order to improve the situation, Rastopchin gives the scribe Vereshchagin, who was considered the main culprit in the decision to leave Moscow to the French, to be torn to pieces by the crowd. He is sure that this cruelty was created for the sake of the people and their well-being.

Chapter 26.

Moscow meets French soldiers robbery and looting. The military leaders are unable to establish any semblance of order. Four residents of Moscow came to the defense of the Kremlin, and they were dealt with very quickly.

Wooden Moscow was burned. It couldn't have been any other way. Moscow burned down at the will of the residents who did not want to take out bread and salt and the keys to the city to the next invader. They burned it and left the city.

Chapters 27-28.

Pierre Bezukhov's health is on the verge of insanity. He is obsessed with the idea of ​​killing Napoleon Boanaparte, in the absence of any understanding of how this can be accomplished.

Bezukhov saves French army officer Rambal from attack. He knocks out a pistol from the attacker, a lost old man (the brother of the owner of the apartment where Pierre lives). The Frenchman is impressed. He puts Bezukhov on his list of friends.

Chapter 29.

Rambal and Pierre are having dinner at Bazdeev’s apartment. The tone of the conversation is love. The conversation proceeds quite frankly on Bezukhov’s part. Pierre talks about the only and hopeless love in his life, talks about himself, reveals his origin and name.

Chapter 30.

Mytishchi. The Rostovs stop for the night. From here you can clearly see Moscow burning.

Chapter 31.

Natasha, having learned that Bolkonsky is in their convoy, waits until dark to meet him.

At night, Natasha finds Andrei. He seems to her completely unchanged. However, the girl is particularly impressed by her childish appearance, a naivety skillfully hidden by Bolkonsky before. Andrey is glad to meet Natasha.

Chapter 32.

Andrei remains unconscious for seven days. The doctor, assessing Andrei’s condition and his severe pain, predicts his imminent death.

Bolkonsky's worldview changes greatly. An understanding of divine love comes to him. Understanding the need to love both friend and enemy. Human love tends to develop into hatred - he thinks, divine love is eternal.

Bolkonsky, with pleas for forgiveness, reveals to Natasha his highest feelings for her.

Natasha is constantly near Bolkonsky.

Chapter 33.

September 3. The plan to attack Napoleon, invented by Bezukhov, fails. The French leader left Moscow 5 hours ago. Pierre is on the verge of madness. Bezukhov is brought to his senses by a cry for help. A child was left in the burning house. Bezukhov saves the child.

Chapter 34.

Bezukhov rushes about in search of the child’s mother, and not finding him, gives him to another woman. He notices French soldiers robbing an Armenian girl and an old man. Bezukhov rushes to the rescue and strangles one of the soldiers with all his might.

Bezukhov was taken into custody as particularly suspicious. For this reason, he is placed separately from others and is assigned a guard.

Results of volume 3 of Tolstoy's War and Peace.

The third volume of the novel included the main culminating event of the entire work as a whole. It is the Battle of Borodino, which influenced historical move events of the 19th century in general.

The central line in the third volume is the antithesis of opinions: to fight according to the rules and science or relying on the spiritual strength and patriotic spirit of the people. The author puts Barclay and Berg on one side of the opinion, and Kutuzov, Denisov, and Rostov on the other.

The author of the novel is a supporter of the idea of ​​the popular nature of war. Proving this statement, through the prism of the Battle of Borodino, he paints not only military, but also everyday storylines. Problems peaceful life main characters often come to the fore and are fundamental in their acceptance important decisions wartime.

Tolstoy does not divide life into war and peace. In his opinion, shown through the position of Kutuzov, the laws of peaceful life should be preserved in times of war.

Episodes of military operations shown through the eyes of a peaceful person and even a child are indicative.

Having completely devoted the third volume to the Patriotic War of 1812, Tolstoy composes a hymn to the main laws of life - the close connection of generations and all layers of society, unanimity and cohesion for the sake of universal peace.

  • Koval

    Koval's stories in retellings

  • Summary of Jansson's Dangerous Summer

    One summer day, the “fire-breathing mountain” volcano erupted and a severe flood occurred in the valley. It destroyed the home of the Moomin family and their neighbors. They decide to go looking for a new home.

  • Summary of Your Circle Petrushevskaya

    The work begins from the moment when in the apartment of the younger research fellow Serge and his wife Marisha at the end working week guests have gathered. Andrey especially stood out in this company

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    1805, St. Petersburg.

    At the party in the house of the maid of honor Scherer, all the nobility of St. Petersburg gathered. During the general conversation, the conversation turns to Napoleon, and all the guests are divided into two camps - some, including the hostess, are opposed to him, while others, including Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a wealthy Moscow nobleman, and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, admire Napoleon . Bolkonsky dreams of the glory that Napoleon gained, and therefore is going to war. And Pierre Bezukhov has not yet decided on his future, and for now he spends time in the company of St. Petersburg rakes, in which the ringleader is Fedor Dolokhov. Another prank of young people leads to the fact that Pierre is expelled from St. Petersburg, and Dolokhov is deprived of officer rank and sent to the army as a soldier.

    Moscow. House of Count Rostov. A dinner party in honor of the name day of the count's wife and daughter.

    While in the Rostovs' house, where all the count's children have gathered - Nikolai, who dreams of going into the army to fight Napoleon, Natasha, Petya, the eldest daughter Vera, who does not take part in the general fun, as well as the Rostovs' relative Sonya, are celebrating, in the house of Count Bezukhov grief - the owner dies, and a real hunt begins for the count's will, according to which his entire fortune passes to Pierre. Distant relatives of the Bezukhovs, including Prince Kuragin, are trying to steal the will, but Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya prevents this. As a result, all the wealth goes to Pierre, he becomes a count, enters high society in St. Petersburg and marries Kuragin’s daughter Helen.

    Bolkonsky estate, Bald Mountains.

    Andrei’s father, Nikolai Andreevich, and his sister Marya live here. For the elder Bolkonsky, life goes according to an established schedule, which he is trying to teach his daughter to do. And he is not very happy that changes will have to be made to this schedule, since new person- Prince Andrei, going to war, left his pregnant wife Lisa on the estate.

    Autumn 1805.

    The Russian army retreats to Austerlitz to join the Allied forces - the armies of Austria and Prussia. Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov strives by all means to avoid the participation of his army in the battle, since he believes that it is not ready for this. To gain time, he sends Bagration’s detachment to meet the French, and also concludes a truce agreement with the French Marshal Murat.

    Junker Nikolai Rostov also takes part in the battle. During the battle, a horse is killed under him, he himself is wounded in the arm, and, seeing that the French are approaching him, he throws his pistol at them and runs away. But no one sees this, Nikolai was awarded the St. George Cross for his participation in the battle, and he tells his comrades about how he bravely fought the enemy.

    At Austerlitz, the Russian army is still forced to give battle to the French. Different feelings overwhelm all the heroes. Prince Andrei is looking forward to the battle, dreaming of feat and glory, but Kutuzov at the military council before the battle does not show any interest in upcoming battle, predicting in advance that it will be lost, since the army - and not only the Russian, but also the allied army - is not ready for it. The battle took place on the anniversary of Napoleon's coronation; he confidently threw his troops forward. But panic immediately arose in the Allied army; the Russian soldiers, seeing the French too close, ran away from them. Bolkonsky accomplishes a feat - with a banner in his hands, he carries the soldiers along with him, but almost immediately falls wounded. He lies on the battlefield and thinks about how small all his previous dreams of glory and heroism were. There, on the battlefield, Napoleon sees him, in whom Andrei was also disappointed. Napoleon orders Bolkonsky to be taken to a dressing station and leaves him along with other seriously wounded people with local residents.

    Nikolai Rostov comes to his father’s house on vacation along with his friend and commander Vasily Denisov. In Moscow, everyone considers him a real hero, including his new acquaintance, Dolokhov, who asks Nikolai to become a second in his duel with Pierre. Sonya falls in love with Nikolai and refuses Dolokhov, who proposed to her. Dolokhov goes to the army, and before that he beats Nikolai at cards for a large sum. Nikolai admits to his father that he lost, and he collects the required amount, and Nikolai, having repaid the debt, goes to the army. Denisov also returns there after he falls in love and proposes to Natasha Rostova, but is rejected by her.

    December 1805. Bald Mountains.

    Prince Kuragin comes here with his son Anatoly. Kuragin wants to marry his son profitably, and Princess Marya introduces herself to him the best option. Old Prince Bolkonsky is not happy about this visit, since he does not want to part with his daughter, and he does not really respect the Kuragins. But Marya, on the contrary, is very excited about this visit. But she accidentally sees Anatole hugging her companion Mlle Bourrienne, and refuses him.

    Old Prince Bolkonsky receives a letter from Kutuzov, which describes Andrei’s feat and says that he died during the battle. But at the same time, Kutuzov writes that Andrei’s body was not found on the battlefield, so the prince hopes that his son is alive. His hope is destined to come true - Andrei returns just on the night when his wife gives birth. During childbirth, Lisa dies, and Bolkonsky feels guilty before his wife.

    Pierre Bezukhov also does not experience happiness in marriage. He is tormented by suspicions about his wife’s connection with Dolokhov - he receives an anonymous letter that directly states this. Quarrelling with Dolokhov over this, he challenges him to a duel and wounds him, although he had never held a pistol in his hands before. Having explained himself after the duel with Helen, Pierre leaves Moscow for St. Petersburg, and leaves her power of attorney to manage most of his fortune.

    On the way to St. Petersburg, Pierre meets the freemason Bazdeev and upon arrival joins the Masonic lodge. He is bursting with a desire to change the lives of the peasants, and Pierre goes to his estate near Kiev, where he begins all sorts of reforms. But good result it was not possible to achieve reforms - Pierre knows nothing about managing the estate, and the manager is deceiving him. Pierre returns home, and on the way he stops by the estate of Andrei Bolkonsky in Bogucharovo, which after Battle of Austerlitz became so disillusioned with his ideals that he decided to refuse military service. Andrei seems generally disappointed in everything - his whole life is focused on his son. Pierre travels to Bald Mountains with Andrey, and on the way he tells him about his new views on life. And it is this conversation that helps Andrey understand that life goes on. He successfully carries out the reforms that Pierre tried to implement on his estate. Going on business to the Rostov estate, he meets Natasha. On New Year's Eve, the Rostovs go to a ball, which was the first “adult” ball for Natasha. There she dances with Bolkonsky, who proposes to her after the ball. The Rostovs accept the proposal, but the old Prince Bolkonsky insists that the wedding take place only in a year. Andrey is leaving abroad.

    Nikolai Rostov comes on vacation to his father’s estate in Otradnoye. He feels that he loves Sonya, which he announces to his parents. But they are not happy about this recognition - they dream of a more profitable marriage for their son.

    Natasha and her father go to the Bolkonskys' Moscow house, but they are not very friendly to them - the prince does not like the youth of his son's bride, and Princess Marya is forced to do as her father tells her. In the opera, Natasha meets Anatol Kuragin, who begins to pursue her, talking about his love, bombarding her with letters of confession and proposals to secretly get married. Natasha decides to escape with Anatole, and only the intervention of Sonya and Princess Marya helps prevent this act. Pierre, who has arrived, tells Natasha that Anatole is already married. Natasha sends Princess Marya a letter in which she refuses to marry Andrei. Andrey, having arrived from abroad, learns about Natasha’s affair with Kuragin. Pierre confesses to Natasha that if he were worthy of her, he would ask for her hand.

    June 1812. A war begins with the French, led by Napoleon.

    Prince Andrei serves at Kutuzov’s headquarters, but upon learning about the start of the war, he asks to be transferred to the army. Nikolai Rostov still serves in the Pavlogradsky Hussar Regiment, which is retreating from Poland to the Russian borders. One day his squadron met with French dragoons, Nikolai captured one of them, for which he received the St. George Cross.

    The Rostov family lives in Moscow. Natasha is sick, but attending church services, and especially one of the prayers (“Let us pray to the Lord in peace”) makes such a strong impression on her that she gradually begins to return to life. Petya Rostov asks his father to allow him to go to the army, but his father does not agree - Petya is still too young for war. But Petya is very persistent - and the count nevertheless decides to find out how he can fulfill his son’s request and at the same time make sure that he is safe.

    The old Prince Bolkonsky lives with his daughter on his estate, from where he refuses to leave, despite his son’s letters asking him to go to Moscow. The prince sends all his household to Moscow, including his son Andrei Nikolenka, and he himself remains in Bald Mountains with Princess Marya, who refuses to leave her father. Soon the prince suffers a stroke; he, paralyzed, is transported to Bogucharovo, where he dies three weeks later, asking his daughter for forgiveness before his death. After the death of her father, Princess Marya decides to go to Moscow, but the peasants do not let her out of Bogucharovo, and only the intervention of Nikolai Rostov, who happened to be there, helps her leave the estate.

    Before the Battle of Borodino, Pierre Bezukhov comes to the army, wanting to see with his own eyes what will happen there. During the battle, Prince Andrei receives a mortal wound, and at the dressing station on the next bed he sees the man whom he had been looking for for a long time, wanting revenge - Anatoly Kuragin, whose leg was amputated at that moment.

    During the battle, Pierre is at the Raevsky battery, where he provides all possible assistance to the soldiers. But he is horrified by what he saw and therefore leaves the battlefield, walking towards Mozhaisk.

    After the battle, the Russian army retreats to Fili. At the council, Kutuzov gives the order for a further retreat, realizing that the army cannot defend Moscow. The French enter Moscow. Napoleon on Poklonnaya Hill is waiting for a Russian delegation with the keys to the city, but they report to him that there is no one in Moscow. Fires are breaking out everywhere in the city.

    The Rostovs, together with all the nobles, leaving Moscow, gave part of their carts to the wounded. Among them was Andrei Bolkonsky. Natasha finds out about this and begins to care for him. Pierre remains in Moscow, dreaming of killing Napoleon. But he is arrested by French lancers.

    And in St. Petersburg, life still goes on the same way - dinner parties, balls, evenings. News arrives that Moscow has been abandoned, and Alexander decides to stand at the head of his army himself. Kutuzov refuses to make peace with the French. Alexander insists on the Battle of Tarutino.

    Kutuzov receives news that the French have left Moscow. From this moment on, the French retreat outside Russia begins, and now Kutuzov’s goal is to keep his army from unnecessary attacks on the melting French army. Kutuzov refuses to lead the army as soon as the troops cross the country's border. He was awarded the Order of George, 1st degree.

    In Voronezh, Nikolai Rostov meets Princess Marya. He wants to marry her, but his word to Sonya holds him back. And then he receives a letter from Sonya, written at the insistence of Countess Rostova, in which she writes that he is free from his word given to her.

    Princess Marya goes to Yaroslavl, where the Rostovs live, having learned that Andrei is with them. But she arrives at the moment when Andrei is close to death. The common grief brings Natasha closer to the princess.

    Pierre Bezukhov is sentenced to execution, but by order of Marshal Davout, he, already brought to the place of execution, is left alive. As a prisoner, he moves with the French army along the Smolensk road, where a detachment of prisoners is recaptured from the French by partisans. In this battle, Petya Rostov, who arrived to the partisans from the headquarters of the German general with a proposal for unification, dies.

    The sick Pierre is brought to Orel, where he learns the latest news about his loved ones - his wife died, and Prince Andrei was alive for a whole month after being wounded, but then he also died. Pierre comes to Moscow in Princess Marya to express his condolences. There he meets Natasha, who is so withdrawn into herself that she does not notice anything around her - and only the news of her brother’s death saves her. A meeting with Pierre, conversations with him stimulate a new feeling in her soul - a feeling of love for this person.

    Much has changed over time - Natasha married Pierre, they have 4 children, the old Count Rostov died, Nikolai Rostov married Princess Marya, and skillfully manages her estates. Pierre becomes a member secret society. During Nikolai and Pierre’s conversation about the future of Russia, Andrei’s son Nikolenka is also present, who, like his father in his time, begins to dream of fame.

    The Russian army retreats to Austerlitz to join the Allied forces - the armies of Austria and Prussia. Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov strives by all means to avoid the participation of his army in the battle, since he believes that it is not ready for this. To gain time, he sends Bagration’s detachment to meet the French, and also concludes a truce agreement with the French Marshal Murat.

    In June 1812 the war begins, Napoleon becomes the head of the army. Emperor Alexander Having learned that the enemy had crossed the border, he sent Adjutant General Balashev to Napoleon. Balashev spends four days with the French, who do not recognize him as important, which he had at the Russian court, and finally Napoleon receives him in the very palace from which the Russian emperor sent him. Napoleon listens only to himself, not noticing that he often falls into contradictions.

    Prince Andrey wants to find Anatoly Kuragin and challenge him to a duel; for this he goes to St. Petersburg, and then to Turkish army, where he serves at Kutuzov’s headquarters. When Bolkonsky learns about the start of the war with Napoleon, he asks to be transferred to Western army; Kutuzov gives him an assignment to Barclay de Tolly and releases him. On the way, Prince Andrei stops by Bald Mountains, where outwardly everything is the same, but the old prince is very irritated with Princess Marya and noticeably brings Mlle Bourienne closer to him. What happens between the old prince and Andrey difficult conversation, Prince Andrei is leaving.

    In the Dris camp, where the main headquarters of the Russian army was located, Bolkonsky finds many opposing parties; at the military council he finally understands that there is no military science, and everything is decided “in the ranks.” He asks the sovereign for permission to serve in the army, and not at court.

    Pavlograd Regiment, in which he still serves Nikolay Rostov, already a captain, retreats from Poland to the Russian borders; none of the hussars thinks about where and why they are going. On July 12, one of the officers tells in the presence of Rostov about the feat of Raevsky, who led two sons to the Saltanovskaya dam and went on the attack next to them; This story raises doubts in Rostov: he does not believe the story and does not see the point in such an act, if it actually happened. The next day, near the town of Ostrovna, Rostov’s squadron attacked the French dragoons who were pushing back the Russian lancers. Nicholas took prisoner French officer“with an indoor face” - for this he received the St. George Cross, but he himself could not understand what was bothering him in this so-called feat.

    Rostov they live in Moscow, Natasha is very sick, doctors visit her; At the end of Peter's fast, Natasha decides to fast. On July 12, Sunday, the Rostovs went to mass at the Razumovskys’ home church. Natasha is very impressed by the prayer (“Let us pray to the Lord in peace”). She gradually returns to life and even begins to sing again, something she hasn’t done for a long time. Pierre brings the Emperor's appeal to the Muscovites to the Rostovs, everyone is moved, and Petya asks to be allowed to go to war. Having not received permission, Petya decides the next day to go meet the sovereign, who is coming to Moscow to express to him his desire to serve the fatherland.

    In the crowd of Muscovites greeting the Tsar, Petya was almost run over. Together with others, he stood in front of the Kremlin Palace when the sovereign went out onto the balcony and began throwing biscuits to the people - one biscuit went to Petya. Returning home, Petya resolutely announced that he would certainly go to war, and the old count went the next day to find out how to settle Petya somewhere safer. On the third day of his stay in Moscow, the tsar met with the nobility and merchants. Everyone was in awe. The nobility donated militia, and merchants donated money.

    Old Prince Bolkonsky is weakening; despite the fact that Prince Andrey informed his father in a letter that the French were already at Vitebsk and that his family’s stay in Bald Mountains was unsafe, the old prince mortgaged his estate new garden and a new building. Prince Nikolai Andreevich sends manager Alpatych to Smolensk with instructions, he, having arrived in the city, stops at an inn with a familiar owner, Ferapontov. Alpatych gives the governor a letter from the prince and hears advice to go to Moscow. The bombing begins, and then the fire of Smolensk begins. Ferapontov, who previously did not want to hear about the departure, suddenly begins distributing bags of food to the soldiers: “Get everything, guys! […] I’ve made up my mind! Race!" Alpatych meets Prince Andrei, and he writes a note to his sister, suggesting they urgently leave for Moscow.

    For Prince Andrei, the fire of Smolensk “was an era” - the feeling of bitterness against the enemy made him forget his grief. In the regiment they called him “our prince,” they loved him and were proud of him, and he was kind and gentle “with his regimental men.” His father, having sent his family to Moscow, decided to stay in Bald Mountains and defend them “to the last extreme”; Princess Marya does not agree to leave with her nephews and remains with her father. After Nikolushka’s departure, the old prince suffers a stroke and is transported to Bogucharovo. For three weeks, paralyzed, the prince lies in Bogucharovo, and finally he dies, asking his daughter for forgiveness before his death.

    Princess Marya, after her father’s funeral, is going to leave Bogucharovo for Moscow, but the Bogucharovo peasants do not want to let the princess go. By chance, Rostov turns up in Bogucharovo, easily pacifying the men, and the princess can leave. Both she and Nikolai think about the will of providence that arranged their meeting.

    When Kutuzov appointed commander-in-chief, he calls Prince Andrey to himself; he arrives in Tsarevo-Zaimishche, at the main apartment. Kutuzov listens with sympathy to the news of the death of the old prince and invites Prince Andrei to serve at the headquarters, but Bolkonsky asks for permission to remain in the regiment. Denisov, who also arrived at the main apartment, hurries to outline to Kutuzov the plan for the partisan war, but Kutuzov listens to Denisov (like the report of the general on duty) clearly inattentively, as if “with his experience of life” despising everything that was said to him. And Prince Andrei leaves Kutuzov completely reassured. “He understands,” Bolkonsky thinks about Kutuzov, “that there is something stronger and more significant than his will - this is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning [...] And the main thing is that he is Russian "

    This is what he says before the Battle of Borodino to Pierre, who came to see the battle. “While Russia was healthy, a stranger could serve her and there was an excellent minister, but as soon as she is in danger, she needs her own, dear person“- Bolkonsky explains the appointment of Kutuzov as commander-in-chief instead of Barclay. During the battle, Prince Andrey is mortally wounded; he is brought into the tent to the dressing station, where he sees Anatoly Kuragin on the next table - his leg is being amputated. Bolkonsky is overwhelmed by a new feeling - a feeling of compassion and love for everyone, including his enemies.

    Pierre's appearance on the Borodino field is preceded by a description of Moscow society, where they refused to speak French (and even fined French word or phrase), where Rastopchinsky posters are distributed, with their pseudo-folk rude tone. Pierre feels a special joyful “sacrificial” feeling: “everything is nonsense in comparison with something,” which Pierre could not understand for himself. On the way to Borodin, he meets militiamen and wounded soldiers, one of whom says: “They want to attack all the people.” On the field of Borodin, Bezukhov sees a prayer service in front of the Smolensk miraculous icon, meets some of his acquaintances, including Dolokhov, who asks Pierre for forgiveness.

    During the battle, Bezukhov found himself at Raevsky's battery. The soldiers soon get used to him and call him “our master”; When the charges run out, Pierre volunteers to bring new ones, but before he could reach the charging boxes, there was a deafening explosion. Pierre runs to the battery, where the French are already in charge; the French officer and Pierre simultaneously grab each other, but a flying cannonball forces them to unclench their hands, and the Russian soldiers who run up drive the French away. Pierre is horrified by the sight of the dead and wounded; he leaves the battlefield and walks three miles along the Mozhaisk road. He sits down on the side of the road; After some time, three soldiers make a fire nearby and call Pierre to dinner. After dinner, they go together to Mozhaisk, on the way they meet the guard Pierre, who takes Bezukhov to the inn. At night, Pierre has a dream in which a benefactor speaks to him (that’s what he calls Bazdeev); the voice says that you must be able to unite in your soul “the meaning of everything.” “No,” Pierre hears in a dream, “not to connect, but to pair.” Pierre returns to Moscow.

    Two more characters are given close-up during the Battle of Borodino: Napoleon and Kutuzov. On the eve of the battle, Napoleon receives a gift from Paris from the Empress - a portrait of his son; he orders the portrait to be taken out to show it to the old guard. Tolstoy claims that Napoleon’s orders before the Battle of Borodino were no worse than all his other orders, but nothing depended on the will of the French emperor. Near Borodino french army suffered a moral defeat - this is, according to Tolstoy, the most important result battles.

    Kutuzov did not make any orders during the battle: he knew that the outcome of the battle was decided by “an elusive force called the spirit of the army,” and he led this force “as far as it was in his power.” When adjutant Wolzogen comes to the commander-in-chief with news from Barclay that the left flank is upset and the troops are fleeing, Kutuzov furiously attacks him, claiming that the enemy has been repulsed everywhere and that tomorrow there will be an offensive. And this mood of Kutuzov is transmitted to the soldiers.

    After the Battle of Borodino, Russian troops retreat to Fili; main question, which the military leaders are discussing, is the issue of protecting Moscow. Kutuzov, realizing that there is no way to defend Moscow, gives the order to retreat. At the same time, Rostopchin, not understanding the meaning of what was happening, ascribes to himself a leading role in the abandonment and fire of Moscow - that is, in an event that could not have happened by the will of one person and could not fail to happen in the circumstances of that time. He advises Pierre to leave Moscow, reminding him of his connection with the Freemasons, gives the merchant son Vereshchagin to the crowd to be torn to pieces and leaves Moscow. The French enter Moscow. Napoleon stands on Poklonnaya Hill, awaiting the deputation of the boyars and playing out magnanimous scenes in his imagination; they report to him that Moscow is empty.

    On the eve of leaving Moscow, the Rostovs were preparing to leave. When the carts were already packed, one of the wounded officers (the day before several wounded had been taken into the house by the Rostovs) asked permission to go further with the Rostovs in their cart. The Countess initially objected - after all, the last fortune was being lost - but Natasha convinced her parents to give all the carts to the wounded, and most leave things behind. Among the wounded officers who were traveling with the Rostovs from Moscow was Andrei Bolkonsky. In Mytishchi, during the next stop, Natasha entered the room where Prince Andrei was lying. Since then, she looked after him on all vacations and overnight stays.

    Pierre did not leave Moscow, but left his home and began to live in the house of Bazdeev’s widow. even before his trip to Borodino, he learned from one of the Masonic brothers that the Apocalypse predicted the invasion of Napoleon; he began to calculate the meaning of the name of Napoleon (“the beast” from the Apocalypse), and the number was equal to 666; the same amount came from numerical value his name. This is how Pierre discovered his destiny - to kill Napoleon. He remains in Moscow and prepares for a great feat. When the French enter Moscow, officer Rambal and his orderly come to Bazdeev’s house. Bazdeev's crazy brother, who lived in the same house, shoots Rambal, but Pierre snatches the gun from him. During dinner, Rambal openly tells Pierre about himself, about his love affairs; Pierre tells the Frenchman the story of his love for Natasha. The next morning he goes to the city, no longer really believing his intention to kill Napoleon, saves the girl, stands up for the Armenian family, which is being robbed by the French; he is arrested by a detachment of French lancers.

    Summary of War and Peace Volume 3

    Part 1

    In December 1811, they began to concentrate on the border of Western Europe and Russia. armed forces. Emperor Alexander began to prepare for war: conduct reviews and maneuvers. In January 1812, in Vilna, where the emperor lived, a ball was given in his honor. At the ball, Balashev brings a letter to the sovereign, informing him that Napoleon attacked Russia without declaring war. Alexander doesn’t tell anyone about the start of hostilities and the fun continues. The Emperor sends a reply letter to Napoleon with Balashev, in which he wants to negotiate a peace treaty. Balashev arrived at the court of the French emperor and was amazed by the luxury of the palace. Napoleon, having read the letter, irritably replied that he was not to blame for the start of the war and left. Over lunch, Balashev was asked about life in Moscow, about the number of residents, houses and churches.

    Andrei Bolkonsky goes to St. Petersburg to find Kuragin and challenge him to a duel, but Anatole was assigned to the Moldavian army. Andrei meets Kutuzov, who also invites him to serve in the Moldavian army. Bolkonsky does not lose hope of finding Kuragin and therefore agrees, but Anatole has already managed to return back to St. Petersburg. Andrey receives a new assignment and goes to serve in the Western Army. At the beginning of summer, he arrives at the headquarters of his regiment, he learns that there are several different parties in which different views for military actions.

    During his vacation, Nikolai Rostov was promoted to captain, and he continued to serve in his regiment. Countess Rostova informs Nikolai about Natasha’s illness and asks to return home, but cannot leave the regiment before the start of hostilities. There were battles nearby, and one day the hussars saw French dragoons pursuing Russian lancers, Rostov decided to help them and, without orders, led the squadron into an attack. Nicholas no longer felt fear and he managed to wound and capture a French officer, for which he was awarded the Cross of St. George.

    Due to Natasha's illness, the Rostovs did not go to the village for the summer, but stayed in the city. Pierre often visited them, was very attentive to Natasha, but did not say anything about his feelings for her, because he was still married to Helen. Natasha became very religious, often prayed and remembered her carefree childhood, which could no longer be returned. Pyotr Rostov dreams of going to war, and tries to persuade his parents, but they are categorically against it, they are worried enough about Nikolai.

    The emperor calls a large meeting of the nobility, at which he accepts donations for the militia.

    Part 2

    Andrei Bolkonsky informs his father in a letter that the Russian troops are retreating and asks them to leave for Moscow, but the old prince does nothing. Napoleon approaches Smolensk, soon the Russians receive an order to surrender the city, since the forces are unequal and they cannot hold the defense. The residents who remained in the city set fire to their shops so that the French would not get anything. Andrei again writes a letter home and reports that Bald Mountains will be captured in a week. Little Prince together with the tutor they leave for Bogucharovo, and Marya remains with her father, since he decides to defend his land, but the next day he has a heart attack and he, infirm, is also sent to Bogucharovo. Upon arrival, Marya learns that Desalles took Nikolai to Moscow. The old prince is dying, there is no hope for improvement, he asks Marya for forgiveness for treating her so badly and thanks her for her care and patience. Marya should be happy that she will finally be free, but on the contrary, she prays all night for her father’s recovery, but in the morning he has another attack and dies.

    Kutuzov is being promoted to field marshal, and his appointment is being discussed in salons in Moscow. Life in Moscow has not changed; the war seems very distant and not scary to everyone. And Napoleon is already approaching Moscow, he is trying to engage in battle, but the Russians are constantly avoiding battle.

    Nikolai Rostov punishes his servant Lavrushka for negligence and sends him to the village to steal chickens, where Lavrushka is captured by the French. Lavrushka pretends that he did not recognize Napoleon and answers all his questions, and when they tell him who spoke to him, he is greatly amazed, for his “honesty” he is released, but for some reason he does not tell anyone about this meeting.

    Princess Marya wants to leave for Moscow, but the peasants want to stay in Bogucharovo to establish trade with the French, and therefore do not let her go. Nikolai Rostov, together with his ward cadet Ilyin, goes to Bogucharovo for hay, not knowing that this is the Bolkonsky estate. Having assessed the situation, he helps Marya leave for Moscow.

    Pierre decides to sell his estate in order to outfit the regiment at his own expense. On the way to Mozhaisk, Bezukhov hears about the loss of the Shevardinsky redoubt by the Russians. In the city, he meets Andrei and tells him that he wants to participate in the battle. They discuss positions and military tactics for a long time, although Pierre understands little.

    The Battle of Borodino begins, the Russians have a very inconvenient deployment of troops. Bezukhov runs to the battlefield and disturbs everyone, then one of his acquaintances calls Pierre to the mound. Soon, on the mound, the battery begins to be fired upon, the wounded are taken away from the battlefield, only eight shells remain and Pierre runs after them, but a cannonball hits the box and all the shells explode. He runs back and sees that the French are on the mound, Pierre grabs one by the throat, but then the Russians begin to attack and the French flee.

    Prince Andrei's regiment, which was in reserve, was shot from the guns; they lost many people without even firing a single shot. A cannonball explodes near Bolkonsky and he receives a mortal wound in the stomach. He is taken to the hospital, where the leg of a wounded man next to him is amputated; in this man he recognizes Anatoly Kuragin.

    Napoleon did not dare to go on the offensive again, because he saw that the Russians, although they had lost many people, still held firm. Victory in the Battle of Borodino was very difficult for the Russians; it was painful for them to look at the battlefield littered with the bodies of the dead.

    Part 3

    Kutuzov gathers all the military commanders at headquarters, they discuss further military actions, and come to one conclusion: they will not be able to defend Moscow, since they have suffered heavy losses. The Russians are ordered to retreat, and residents begin to leave the city.

    In St. Petersburg, society is discussing the behavior of Helen Bezukhova, who completely forgot about her marriage and started two affairs at once: with a foreign prince and with an influential nobleman. Helen promised huge donations catholic church, but on the condition that she will be released from her marriage to Pierre. Both of her lovers are ready to marry her, but she tells all her friends that it is difficult for her to make a choice, since she loves them both. Helene sends Pierre a letter in which she asks for a divorce without formalities so that she can get married again.

    The Rostovs remain in Moscow to the last, convoys with the wounded are moving through the city, and Natasha offers to place the wounded in their house, and the count gives several carts so that they can all be accommodated for further path. Finally, the preparations are over, and the Rostovs leave the city.

    Riots begin in Moscow, because ordinary people are left without owners. Rastopchin cannot understand how Kutuzov could leave Moscow to the French; he believes that the city had to be defended until last straw blood. A crowd of people gathers in the city square in front of the city council and demands that the traitor be handed over to them. Rastopchin takes Vereshchagin out and orders the crowd to kill him. The people beat him to death.

    The French enter the city, there is almost no resistance to them: only at the entrance to the Kremlin several people try to stop them.

    Pierre decides not to leave Moscow, but to stay and kill Napoleon. He stops at the house of his late friend, Freemason Joseph Alekseevich, to sort out the library. The French come to inspect the house and settle soldiers in it, and Joseph’s crazy brother grabs a pistol and shoots at the officer, but Pierre knocks the weapon away from him. Rambal, that was the name of the Frenchman, thanks Pierre and invites him to dinner. Pierre finds it unpleasant to communicate with Rambal, but he cannot leave, and all evening they talk about war, life and women.

    The Rostovs arrive in Mytishchi and see in the distance the glow from the fires in Moscow. Natasha finds out that Prince Andrei is in the convoy with the wounded, and at night she goes in search of him. The doctor says that Andrei has no chance to survive, Natasha asks the prince for forgiveness and begins to look after him.

    Waking up in the morning, Pierre remembers his desire to kill Napoleon and, taking a dagger, goes in search of him. On the way, he saves a little girl, but does not know who to give her to, and then he sees how the French take off the boots from the old man, and then rip off the necklace from the girl’s neck. Pierre gives the child to some woman and attacks the French, one runs away, and Pierre begins to strangle the second, but a French convoy appears and they arrest Pierre.