How to improve your mood quickly. How to cheer yourself up and those around you

Sometimes you just wake up and realize that you are “on the wrong foot.” And there seem to be no objective reasons, but the mood has been ruined since the morning. And sometimes it happens that the reasons are beyond the roof. And you don’t really want to spend the day in a bad mood! Especially if your job requires you to smile or be welcoming. What a job! It will also not be very pleasant for your loved ones to contemplate your sad face all day. What to do? How can you cheer up quickly and for a long time?

8 effective ways to cheer up

Usually in the morning we don’t have much time, so we will try to resolve the issue quickly.

1. Get rid of the cause of your bad mood. If you know exactly what it is and the cause can be eliminated, get rid of it now. Raise your mood and solve the problem.

2. If the problem is unsolvable, or it takes time, take a philosophical approach to the situation. It still can't be solved now. Give yourself the word to “think about it tomorrow.” Scarlett O'Hara is a wise woman;) Ideally, try to see the benefit for yourself in the current situation. As they say, “no matter what is done...” Thinking and making decisions will not take much time.

3. If “auto-training” doesn’t help, let’s move on to more “material” ways to lift your mood. Eat a banana or chocolate. It has already been proven that the substances contained in these delicacies contribute to the production of happiness hormones - serotonin and endorphin. In general, in a situation with a bad mood, sweets play an important role. The most effective and fastest way to improve your moral well-being.

4. Watch your figure and don’t like to “seize” problems? Then movement is your choice! As with eating sweets, playing sports (or dancing, walking, and brisk walking) increases the level of “happy hormones” in the blood. If you have time to exercise, do it. Or replace it with a walk - go to work earlier and walk a couple of stops through the park.

5. Shopping. Oh yes! =) But what kind of shopping is it like in the morning? Especially before work. But no one bothers you to go out early and make a long-planned purchase that you have been putting off. You will please yourself and get the job done.

6. The stupidest, in my opinion, but nevertheless an effective way (especially within a limited time) to slightly improve your mood is to smile at yourself in the mirror. Somewhere in the subconscious, the brain will decide that we are having fun (let’s smile!), and “turn on” the good mood mode =)

7. If you have a pet, spend 5-10 minutes playing with it. Usually, in the morning bustle, everyone forgets about the fluffy ball, but cats and dogs are the cutest creatures in the world, just a glance at which can lift your spirits. And if you squeeze...... ;)

8. While finishing your cup of morning drink, try to remember all the good events and moments that have happened to you lately. You will smile - I guarantee! ;)

These are the simple ways that help me cheer up. If you have your own little secrets on how to cheer up and how to fight the blues - share! Let's together make our lives brighter, more positive and more interesting!

Take care of yourself and your nerves! ;) Many kisses to you, my dears! Mur-mur!=*

We probably all have days when everything goes wrong. Life seems joyless and unpromising, melancholy and boredom sets in, and the mood drops to zero. How to cheer yourself up? How to get rid of the feeling of apathy and depression? What can you do to forget about your problems and regain your good mood?

Try our tips:

  • . To yourself, to your loved ones, to your acquaintances. And then even the gloomiest and coldest day will seem brighter and warmer. After all, once upon a time even E.M. Remarque noted: “What can one person give to another except a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this?
  • Jump. Jumping rope or jumping around your axis can make you happier: with their help you can quickly “disperse” endorphins throughout the body.
  • Inhale the pleasant aroma. For example, the scent of cinnamon, orange or lavender has a calming effect, helping to reduce anxiety and improve your mood.
  • Chew some gum. It has been proven that performing monotonous activities promotes relaxation, reducing anxiety and stress.
  • Buy yourself some flowers. provide an instant therapeutic effect that improves mood and tone.
  • Eat some chocolate. This product is included in the ranking of the 10 best antidepressants.
  • Focus on your advantages, praise yourself once again. Imagine yourself as a calm and confident person, no matter what.
  • Surround yourself with green. Psychologists say that shades of green symbolize happiness and create a feeling of peace around you.
  • . Its flickering flame will help you relax and make the atmosphere more pleasant, conducive to emotional uplift.

10 popular ways to cheer up

  • . Try taking a few deep breaths in and out. This calms you down and puts you in a positive mood.
  • Ponder. Professional card player Liv Boeree , put it very accurately on her blog: “Thinking is a key element to long-term happiness and mental stability. Keeping it healthy requires a lot of self-reflection, which is usually achieved through meditation, therapy, journaling, life coaching, or close, honest friends.”
  • Just do something good for someone. It’s not difficult at all: hold the door for the person walking behind you; send a friend an SMS message with words of love; donate some money to charity. The list of good things goes on.
  • Play a funny tune or song. You can even sing along a little to improve your mood.
  • Cuddle or play with a pet. This will help you feel happier.
  • Give yourself a massage. Self-massage of the neck, sensitive shoulder area, lower back and legs promotes blood circulation, calms nerve endings and relieves stress.
  • . Meditation improves your worldview, clears your consciousness and mind, and effectively relaxes you.
  • Laugh. Even when it seems like there is nothing funny in this world, still find a reason to laugh. At least how the famous comedian plays in the movies Rowan Atkinson .
  • Do some shopping and go get something new. It is a well-known fact that buying new things improves your mood and self-esteem. By the way, take a closer look at the red color in your clothes. With its help, you can become not only a bright, but also a more confident person.
  • Pay attention to the small miracles that are happening around you. It could be the flight of a butterfly, the buzz of a bee, or simply good news on TV. Cultivate positivity within yourself.

How to cheer up in 10 minutes

Are there any other effective methods to quickly correct a bad mood and lift it? Eat. 10 minutes - and you're good!

  • Go for a walk. If this is not possible, stop near the window for a few minutes (ignore the surprised looks from your colleagues).
  • Chat with your friends on note. Try to keep the conversation light, fun.
  • Take a break from your problems and immerse yourself in something neutral, like folding laundry or washing dishes. Everyday worries make you not think about painful things, and the smell of cleanliness will allow your mood to quickly normalize.
  • Do yoga, swimming, running. Any physical activity will charge you with energy and help significantly improve and maintain your emotional and physical state.
  • Rearrange the furniture. Changing the environment will give you the opportunity to feel rested and renewed, and will rid yourself of negative thoughts.

How to quickly cheer yourself up? (video)

Friends, now you know how to cheer up fast. It’s easy and not at all difficult - you just need to not be lazy and follow the above tips.

Is your mood below average, or even at the level of your heels? I understand that the day turned out to be difficult, and sometimes things just don’t go well in the morning. And not exactly to the point of tears, but there is a sadness in my heart: bored, tired, feeling terrible... I don’t know about you, but at such moments I begin to mournfully hum a cartoon song to myself:

“Oh, my life is a tin,
Well, she's in the swamp,
And I should fly, and I should fly,
And I want to fly..."

To be honest, it doesn't always help. But there is no limit to perfection...

Want to cheer yourself up?

The following methods will definitely come in handy! I'll tell you a secret, they are very simple, but very effective! Use it and... “keep your tail up”!

1st way to cheer yourself up: funny song. Turn on and sing along! Just please, choose a joyful composition. Mournful melodies will bring even more melancholy.

2nd: treat yourself. For example, chocolate increases the level of happiness. And it's been proven! Or maybe life will seem wonderful after a portion of ice cream?

3rdway to cheer yourself up: jokes. There are a lot of funny stories on the Internet. Read! Usually, after a dozen good jokes you already start smiling.

4thway to cheer yourself up: dance! Surely in kindergarten you, as a group, danced the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” together. Why not remember? And if you still “quack” in the right places, that’s great!

5thway to cheer yourself up: hobby. Do what you love. After some time, you will definitely feel a taste for life. Very relaxing!

6thway to cheer yourself up: For many, this is truly a small holiday. A beautiful new thing has a great effect on our well-being.

7thway to cheer yourself up: go to the cinema. Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas for lonely hearts during times of melancholy is highly discouraged.

8thway to cheer yourself up: take a walk! In fact, a good walk can really help relieve stress and increase vitality!

9thway to cheer yourself up: relax. A little meditation will help restore strength and get rid of sadness. Imagine being filled with the light of happiness and joy.

10thway to cheer yourself up: distract attention. Look at some pleasant object and focus on it as much as possible. Describe it in detail to yourself or out loud.

Does not help? The following magical ten tips will certainly work!

11thway to cheer yourself up: Take whatever comes to hand (a ruler, for example), and ask for help. He will definitely respond!

way to cheer yourself up: jump off the toilet into a new reality! You can even at work... quietly sneak into the restroom and land with a whistle in another life full of joy!

13thway to cheer yourself up: sliding renaming. into everything you see: a book, a pen, a bird, grass, etc. How it works!

14thway to cheer yourself up: freeze your sadness. Write down your problem on a piece of paper and put it in the freezer. All!

15th way to lift your mood: Write the word “Mood” on a piece of paper and raise it higher and higher above you.

16thway to cheer yourself up: go to the mirror and smile from ear to ear. And then touch it with your hand and say: “I’ll leave the mirror on the wall, but I’ll take the happiness for myself.”

17thway to cheer yourself up: create a “bad mood” file on your computer and delete it forever...

18thway to cheer yourself up: draw a rainbow on a regular piece of paper. And then lift it above you and “hang” with the words: “I won’t turn sour, but I’ll hang on the rainbow.”

19thway to cheer yourself up: send yourself a “letter of happiness” by email. Write that everything is fine with you, and from this second it gets even better. Make the sender “Heavenly Office of the Universe”

20thway to cheer yourself up: cook compote or make a fruit drink from jam. Then drink it with the words: “I drink compote, and I’m lucky all year round.”

That seems to be all. Cheer up and look at this world with a smile! And he will definitely smile back...

Anastasia Volkova for site

Emotional state plays a big role in the life of every person. It is a positive mood that helps us believe in ourselves and achieve success. But sometimes it happens that we feel depressed and dark thoughts depress us. How to get rid of a bad mood? First you need to find out the reason for your sad state and understand what made you sad. After all, very often we do not realize the reason, but it is always there. A prolonged bad mood can lead to depression, so you need to get yourself out of the sad state as soon as possible.

Causes of bad mood

  • Very often our emotional background depends on the people around us. After all, the opinion of others has always been important to a person, and when this opinion does not coincide with your expectations, your mood changes;
  • A calm atmosphere is of great importance for a person, and any conflict is perceived as a violation of the emotional state, therefore, a bad mood;
  • anticipation of trouble that keeps you in suspense. In such a situation, it is difficult to be in an upbeat mood due to excitement, the person’s emotional mood worsens;
  • the cause of a bad mood is often financial problems;
  • when your desires do not coincide with your capabilities, the result is disappointment;
  • The most common cause of bad mood is poor sleep. And if episodes of sleep disturbance are not uncommon, then this is the easiest way to get depression;
  • The reason may also be monotonous work or the need to do an unloved and boring task.

13 ways to improve your mood

Psychologists say that our mood is completely dependent on our thinking. They advise you to look at the world positively and ignore all negative factors. After all, only a person himself can create such conditions for himself to feel happy. The famous ancient philosopher Spinoza had the same opinion; he said: “If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood.” But are there other ways to improve your mood?

  1. Talk. If you are sad, never be alone with your thoughts, this will only make your condition worse. Talk to a loved one, vent to him, and he will definitely help lift your mood.
  2. Have a cry. Let all grievances and sadness go away along with tears.
  3. Walk. A walk in the fresh air will definitely help cheer you up, it’s good if it’s a park or forest. Merging with nature has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state.
  4. Creativity or hobby. It doesn’t matter whether a person has creative abilities, the main thing is to simply turn off consciousness and, for example, draw something, capture an interesting moment in a photo, etc. Doing what you love will also help drive away boredom, so you can switch your attention and cheer up .
  5. Changes. If you feel sad in your soul, try taking care of your appearance, change your hairstyle or hair color, get a manicure, experiment with your image. Take some time for yourself and then smile in the mirror. Moreover, this advice is suitable not only for women; for men, you can also take care of yourself to improve your mood, for example, go to the gym or pool.
  6. Relaxing treatments. Yoga helps many people keep themselves in good shape; thanks to special exercises, you will feel calm and relaxed. Meditation helps a lot, allowing a person to regain vital energy. You can also go for a massage, this will calm you down and there will be no trace of sadness.
  7. Sport. An energetic run or exercise will greatly invigorate you, and you will forget about all your sorrows. After all, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.
  8. Get rid of the excess. Having a tidy home always helps to put your thoughts in order. Clean up, throw away all the unnecessary things that have been bothering you for a long time. This way you will be distracted and all the negativity will go away.
  9. Music and dancing. Choose a cheerful composition, listen to it and then you will definitely want to dance, dance and the positive attitude will return to you.
  10. Sweet. As you know, thanks to sweets, our body produces endorphins - hormones of happiness. Products that are responsible for the production of endorphins are chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, kiwi, strawberries, almonds, and oatmeal. Treat yourself to something delicious and you will feel a surge of energy.
  11. Smile. Psychologists advise using the “tight smile” method when you are in a bad mood. Stand in front of the mirror and smile at your image. Such a fake smile will make you feel happy and your sadness will disappear as if by hand.
  12. Watching a comedy. To improve your mood, watch a comedy or listen to a funny story. The positive energy of the heroes will definitely be transferred to you.
  13. Charity. If nothing makes you happy, then helping others will distract you from gloomy thoughts. You will feel that people need you, you will appreciate every moment of your life. After all, nothing inspires as much as doing good deeds.
The emotional state of a person is a lot of work on oneself. And often we hide our sadness, not realizing that this only harms ourselves. It is important to eliminate the sad state in time to avoid health consequences. Use different ways to improve your mood, experiment and share your experience. And then the world will become brighter and kinder for you.

Watch the video on how to cheer yourself up.

Olga Kartoshechkina | 10/16/2015 | 1719

Olga Kartoshechkina 10/16/2015 1719

When my mood is at zero and neither my husband’s gifts nor my child’s good marks in the diary please me, I use “heavy artillery.” I offer you my simple feminine ways to cheer yourself up.

You can choose the ones you like best from the options I have proposed.

Lean on something tasty

I offer three options for that delicious thing that will not only lift your spirits, but also benefit your health.

  1. Orange– slowly peel an orange, bright, sunny orange and eat it slice by slice. We feel how the fiery sweet and sour juice drives out the remnants of a bad mood from us.
  2. bitter chocolate– 50 g of this delicacy per day will improve your state of mind and give you a supply of “endorphins.” In addition, this product has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Apple. This fruit is extremely healthy and low in calories. Helps drive away bad moods and at the same time keep your figure in perfect shape.

Do some exercise

When I come home from work in a bad mood, I don’t lie down on the sofa, but do a little exercise and do simple exercises. To get your dose of the happiness hormone – serotonin – you don’t have to run a marathon or torture yourself in the gym. It is enough to sit down, jump rope or jog in place. Depression, goodbye!

Listen to the music

Favorite music can easily retune you from a minor to a major mode. I don’t recommend playing sad songs or listening to Mozart’s “Requiem.” Let it be lyrical compositions or favorite songs from Soviet films. By the way, I love listening to songs from the 80s. Imagine, when I hear “The Golden Staircase” by Yuri Antonov, the sadness immediately goes away!

A fun, dynamic film with unexpected twists and turns and likable main characters will be able to hold your attention for a long time, and will also give you the opportunity to laugh to your heart's content and free you from dreary thoughts. By the way, I often invite my husband and child to join the film show. We often watch our favorite Soviet films.

Weave a mandala

A mandala is a symbol in the form of a circle with drawings. It can be found in ancient temples and on modern clothing. , or you can weave - as you like. This method will easily pull all the negativity out of you and fill you with positivity. Bright threads will form a wonderful pattern and create an indescribable mood.

Well, I admit, drawing mystical circles is also quite entertaining.

Clean your feathers

Nothing lifts a woman’s spirits more than her beloved taking care of herself. New hairstyle, makeup, fresh manicure - we forgot that something upset us. We are cheerful and carefree again, and we want to live again. This method can be easily done at home. By the way, I'm still practicing. Useful and interesting. Two in one!

Take on a culinary feat

When the cats are scratching at my soul, I chase them away with a delicious dish that I have never cooked before. The last time the “victim” of my experiment was something unusual. And, I admit, I don’t necessarily need to eat it to lift my mood. When I hear words of gratitude and admiration from my family, everything immediately gets better.

I really want to believe that my methods will help you drive away sadness and melancholy and fully enjoy spring and communication with your loved ones.

How do you deal with a bad mood?