A detailed story about how to guide a group of two dozen cars along a long route. Basic rules in choosing

A very sensitive question that worries all girls and women: how to spend a weekend with a boyfriend or husband so that they are remembered for a long time? How to escape from the gray everyday life? For many couples, monotonous life becomes the main reason for separation. Don’t wait until you get bored and your man or boyfriend runs away from hopeless melancholy - learn to spend your weekend brightly and cheerfully!

How to spend a weekend with a guy

¨ Don’t take it upon yourself to organize the entire weekend. Be a woman, not a general in a skirt. Consult with your boyfriend, let him feel like a man. It will solve half the problems that make you dizzy with their complexity;

¨ Before buying tickets and accepting a holiday option, talk to your boyfriend. Will he be bored at your party? If you are truly a couple, make important decisions together;

¨ Plan your weekend ahead. A reserved table during rush hour at a good restaurant will always be to your liking. Especially if there is already a queue outside the restaurant;

¨ Divide the program evenly over two days. Let not all the brightest events take place on one day. This is necessary so that you do not fall from emotional oversaturation.

Ideas on how to spend your weekend:

A day with a surprise. Give each other little pleasant surprises. It will be pleasant for you and your partner. But such moments of mutual giving will definitely strengthen your relationship;

Picnic in the forest. Outdoor recreation is always relevant. At such moments, you have a great time, cleansing your body with fresh forest air. Here you can show yourself both as a housewife and a loving romantic girl;

Amusement park. A very fun place with a festive atmosphere. Children's joyful faces, eating cotton candy and going on rides can awaken the little kids in you. Who doesn't like to plunge back into childhood again? Try to spend your weekend like kids!

Cafe or restaurant. These places for a satisfying holiday can occupy your day and evening. Delicious food and communication with your loved one will make your evening one of the best;

Gym. There is always not enough time for yourself, but today is not that day! Stay in shape and get ready to enjoy your weekend. Go to the massage room and the nearby spa. This will be beneficial for you and your health. This is the only way you should go to the gym - together;

The city's concert program is usually quite varied. It will be quite a memorable weekend if you go to a concert of your favorite band. You will sing along and dance together (if you want). You still have time to get an autograph from your favorite star. Everything is just for you!

How to spend a day off with your husband

When we spend the whole day with our loved ones, we need only the best rest.

Country house. An excellent place for a quiet, relaxing holiday. Here you completely merge with nature, its silence and aromas. Only in complete peace can you rest. Here another option opens up for how to spend the weekend - a hike in the forest. Mushrooms, berries and fragrant herbs are always useful in the kitchen of an experienced housewife;

Time for yourself. Give a gift for yourself and your husband. Go to a spa, a massage, or a gym. Do what you have dreamed of for so long. This day off was created for you. You can have a great weekend, relax and improve your health;

Beach. This is a great place for sunbathing. Swimming will also be good for you. From such a vacation you definitely need to bring several photographs for your archive;

Cafe. Relax, chat in a simple and cozy atmosphere, eat ice cream. All this can be done easily in any good cafeteria in your city;

Shopping mall. You can spend your weekend shopping. Update your wardrobe, see the latest fashion, laugh and try different things. But be careful! Not all men choose to spend their time this way;

Bowling. Billiards and other board games. These are great places to spend your time on the weekend. An interesting and exciting game will not leave you or your friends (if they are with you) indifferent;

Drawing or crafts. You can spend your weekend creatively. Go to the store for the necessary materials and start creating! So what if you can’t draw? But you will get great pleasure from the whole process and, especially, from the result obtained;

Travel. If time allows you to go to another city and see it, experience this pleasure. Enjoying the narrow but cozy streets of another city is always pleasant, and, by the way, very romantic;

Dancing. Why not spend the weekend doing so many useful activities and go, for example, to a dance lesson? For example, salsa is a very interesting and simple style. Salsateks are held in all cities, where everyone, from beginner to professional, can show off their skills.

Relax together, enjoy each other and be happy. The most important thing on this day off is to be with your soul mate who loves you. Have a nice holiday!

How to spend time with a young man

Let's find out how to spend the weekend as interesting as possible, which vacation spots are the most relevant and why we choose them.

Basic rules in choosing:

time. Calculate how much time you have. Calculation is very important, because in the modern world time is money;

cash. Look at how much money you have today and think about how much of it you can devote to spending your free time;

¨ Wishes. Listen to yourself, how would you like to spend your weekend? Maybe you have any wishes that will play a role in your choice? This is quite difficult to understand, but a place chosen in this way will leave you with only positive emotions.

amusement park. You have a great opportunity to relive your childhood and have a great time. You can feed pigeons and, if there is a lake, ducks and swans;

Ice Palace. You can spend a couple of hours of free time ice skating with your boyfriend;

cinema. An excellent solution for spending your time. A very wide variety of films for every taste. Please note, however, that everyone’s tastes are different, and you may not be able to choose the right film if you purchase tickets in advance;

theater. A great place to spend an evening. I think this is a great place to relax and replenish your spiritual world;

Master Class. You can spend your weekend usefully. Every city hosts dozens of different master classes every day, some of which will appeal to you too. This is a good way to work as a team with your boyfriend;

¨ Bowling, billiards. Quite discreet and interesting games that you can use to occupy your free time. If you want to be alone, everything is easy to organize - now paths are being prepared for two. In addition, you can order a cup of coffee or tea;

¨ Zoo. If you love animals, then this option for spending the weekend will be just right for you. Animals in spacious enclosures will connect you with the true beauty of nature;

¨ Picnic. An excellent option for couples in love. Even if you have “neighbors”, use this to your advantage: come up, introduce yourself, exchange business cards. Who knows, maybe a very useful acquaintance awaits you in the next clearing? With a glass of French wine, your evening will not be so formal. Girls, this is also your chance to show off your role as a hostess.

I think for many people, Monday morning begins with a question from colleagues: “How did you spend your weekend?” or “How did you rest?” One day, this question puzzled me - it seemed like the weekend had passed, but there was nothing special to tell - I didn’t do anything special - I watched TV, lay on the couch with a book, sat at the computer, talked to a friend on the phone... Spent the usual, unremarkable weekend. And here for some reason I felt a little sad. Besides, I didn’t feel very rested. Since then, I decided that I would spend my weekends actively and usefully.

Probably everyone has noticed that after an active holiday there is so much strength, energy and a desire to go to work again - as if a second wind opens. And if you wait a very, very long time before your vacation, then a busy weekend is a great way to shake things up and recharge your batteries. In general, I think that living only with thoughts about vacation is wrong. You need to try to appreciate every moment of your life. Some people try to put off all vacation-related activities only for vacation. “When I have a vacation, I’ll go on a picnic with friends,” or “I’ll get some sleep on vacation,” “I’ll go to the sauna,” “I’ll visit an exhibition that I’ve long dreamed of going to.” Most often, in reality, it turns out that during vacation other, more important urgent matters arise, and what a person had planned is put off for even longer. Therefore, I advise you to remember all the places where you have long wanted to go and diversify your next weekend.

So what can you do on the weekend? How to spend your weekend with benefit for your soul and body?

Probably one of the very first rules of a good holiday is forget about work during this time. I used to often take work home so I could get more done over the weekend. As a result, I could not relax for a second. If I went somewhere with friends to relax or just lay on the couch watching movies or reading a book, then almost all this time I was tormented by remorse that I had not yet started work. As a result, by the end of the weekend, I did not feel rested. Since then, I decided not to take work on weekends under any circumstances, but to try to get everything done during the working week. On weekends you need to relax, because that’s what they were invented for.

One of the most popular ways to spend a weekend in the summer is trips out of town. No matter how trivial it may seem, this method of relaxation helps you relax very well. In addition, fresh air has a beneficial effect on the appearance of our skin and the health of the body as a whole. After frequent exposure to fresh air, the face literally begins to glow with health - a pleasant blush appears, the skin becomes clean and rested.

Most often we go to the countryside on weekends with relatives or friends. This is a great reason to get together with loved ones and have fun together. An indispensable attribute of such garden gatherings is shish kebab, barbecue or other similar dishes cooked over coals. We recently tried to cook fish on a grill instead of the already boring barbecue. It turned out very tasty and unusual. Search the Internet for some interesting recipes and surprise your friends with a new dish. This will not only diversify your holiday, but also enrich your culinary skills.

You can go out with friends to the shore of some lake located nearby. Our company has its own place where we often go during the warm season. This is a large sunny clearing on the bank of a small river. The place is quite secluded, which is why we consider it “ours”. Usually about 20 of us gather. Everyone finds something to do to their liking - some play volleyball, some fish, and some bask in the sun and sunbathe. By the way, you can gather your friends and go in search of such “your” place. I'm sure it will be very fun and exciting.

Another way to spend a day off is to go to a neighboring city/town/any other locality. I really like to walk in unfamiliar places, so my husband and I sometimes go on such long trips to walk around a new city, go to an unfamiliar restaurant, or wander around the shops.

Have a hen/stag party or just hang out with friends.

One day, my girlfriends and I decided to get together and devote a whole day off to ourselves. We discussed in advance what we would like to do and decided to arrange a photo shoot. We invited a photographer friend with us, put on beautiful dresses, did our hair and went for a walk through the most beautiful, in our opinion, places in the city. In the evening, when it was already dark, we moved to a cozy cafe and continued to relax there. Throughout the walk, so many fun and exciting events happened to us. Someone, trying to take a photo against the backdrop of a picturesque landscape, almost fell into the pond. Another girl's heel broke, and we had to put a lot of effort into breaking off the second one. In addition, there were many more memorable moments that were captured in photographs. After some time, we printed out all the photographs and placed them in a special album. Despite the fact that a year has passed since this walk, we still remember this wonderful weekend with a smile.

You can come up with many more ideas for spending time with friends, no matter whether it is a bachelor party, a bachelorette party or joint friendly meetings. You can order a sauna for the whole company. If you all chip in together, it will be quite inexpensive, but you will have a wonderful vacation - steam in the sauna, swim in the pool, play billiards or sing karaoke.

Another option is to go for a bike ride, a skating rink, or rollerblading together - it all depends on what kind of sport you like. Recently, my friends and I rented bicycles and went for a ride in the park. We chose the route quite long, but interesting. It took us about 4-5 hours to walk. During this time we managed to travel around almost half the city. I learned so many new and beautiful places and, moreover, got a good workout for my muscles and managed to tan a little.

View the city poster. Surely you will find interesting events for yourself. You can visit an exhibition, museum, seminar or conference. For example, a new local history museum opened in our city 4 years ago. I've been wanting to go there for a long time, but somehow I never had the time. One day we went for a walk with our friends and arrived at this museum. Of course, I persuaded them to come in and see what was inside. We were very pleased with the exhibition, learned a lot about our region and found an observation deck on the roof of the museum, which offered a beautiful view of the entire city.

Engage in self-development.

If the weather is bad outside and you don’t want to leave the house, then it’s time to engage in self-development. If you already have some kind of hobby or hobby, then you can read some articles on the Internet on this topic or try to apply your knowledge in practice. If you don’t have such a favorite thing to do, then try to find it. Almost every person has some talents, inclinations towards some kind of business or a desire to do such a thing. Maybe you always wanted to learn to dance, but as a child you were sent to a music school? I believe that it is never too late to start learning something new. Enroll in a dance school, where you will find like-minded people, new friends who like to do the same thing as you.

I have several favorite things to do - learning English and creating websites. When I have free time, I always try to read something new on these topics, try to apply some new techniques on my website, or listen to recordings and films in English. Remember that a day off is time that you can devote to yourself and your family, to make yourself a little better and more successful.

Romantic weekend.

Many girls dream of a romantic relationship, but if your husband or boyfriend does not make any attempts to increase the romance of your relationship, then you have to act on your own. Weekends are the best time for this. Create a romantic day for yourself. You can start your morning with a light breakfast in bed. Don't worry if your loved one hasn't thought of this yet. Prepare breakfast yourself, and maybe next time your chosen one will follow your example. After this, you can still soak in bed, watch some cute movie together, take a bath with relaxing foam and aromatic oils. You can also create a romantic atmosphere in the bathroom - light candles, take glasses of wine with you, and turn on pleasant music. For the evening, plan to go to some cozy place, for example, a restaurant. Such a pleasant day off will help shake up your feelings and revitalize your relationship. My husband and I try to treat ourselves to such a romantic weekend at least once a month. Of course, it was my idea at first. But after the first day of romance, my beloved was very pleased, and he himself suggested practicing such weekends.

A good and proper rest on the weekend is the key to a good mood and performance in the next working week. Therefore, it is important to learn how to spend your weekends so that they do not turn into a meaningless waste of time. Try to spend your day off actively and beneficially for your soul and body.

Have an active weekend, Natalia Maksimova.

The word has a very, very great meaning in our human society. A person can be killed with a word and bring the greatest evil and disaster to human society. And with a word you can resurrect a person and save entire cities and states. Sermon by Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) in the Moscow courtyard of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra on how to conduct the Dormition Fast.

You and I, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, have now entered the field of the Dormition Fast.

And although the Assumption Fast is a short-term fast, it is very strict. Therefore, these days we are required to pay great attention to ourselves and our behavior, our actions. Especially in these days remaining before the Feast of the Assumption, we need to pay attention to our language.

We sin nothing so much and often as with our intemperate tongue. Therefore, first of all, curb this uncontrollable horse. If we defeat him, refrain from idle talk, overcome his stubbornness, then we will defeat our entire body.

Of the many virtues of St. Sergius known to us, the author of his life speaks of one more, which especially attracted the respect of those listening to him. These are his meek, touching words and speeches. Thus, it is said that the monk had the custom of patrolling the cells of the brethren every night and, with a light knock on the window or door, reminding those who were idle that the best thing for a monk is how to spend his free time. And the next morning, with careful hints, without directly denouncing the culprit, with his quiet and meek speeches, he evoked repentance from the guilty without any annoyance.

Thanks to his meek words, the monk evoked good feelings from the depths of people’s hearts and endeared them to him. Thus, under the gracious influence of his word, the stern Ryazan prince Oleg could not resist, for whose reconciliation the monk came to Ryazan. The elder’s quiet and meek words softened his heart, and he was reconciled with the Moscow Prince Dimitri Donskoy. Therefore the word has a very great meaning. The Word is a gift of God that we have from the Lord. And therefore you need to be very careful about it.

Our word is an imprint of the word of God. God has a Word and man has a Word. With God, the Word is the very image of His being, the Only Begotten Son of God. For a person, a word is not an empty sound, but also an imprint and image of his spirit. If our words were put together, we would see our own image.

The Word is a gift of God, with which only man is endowed, which is what distinguishes him from other creatures of God. The Word is the conductor of our feelings, desires, thoughts, joy, sadness. The union and strength of the human race is held together by words. Take away the word, and everything in the human race will be overthrown. When the Lord wanted to punish the proud thought of the ancient people, who intended to build a tower to heaven, he resorted to a very simple means: He confused their languages ​​and thereby destroyed their vain attempt.

Therefore, the word has a very, very great meaning in our human society. A person can be killed with a word and bring the greatest evil and disaster to human society. And with a word you can resurrect a person and save entire cities and states. For every idle word , says the Savior, Whatever people say, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. (Matt. 12:36-37).

The Word was given to us for the edification of our neighbors, for perfection, for the glorification of the name of God. And not so that rotten, idle, vain, offensive speech comes from our lips. Therefore, extreme caution and moderation in words have at all times been revered not only as a great Christian virtue, but also as the best means of preserving a peaceful, happy life in human society.

Our spoken word is never wasted, it never disappears without a trace. It doesn't come back. But it passes into the minds, hearts, lips of other people and gives rise to numerous feelings, wishes, deeds, and actions. And, having grown into a great tree with its fruits, it will certainly meet with us at the Last Judgment of God.

You must be able to speak your own language. Have restraint in speech. The intemperate, thoughtless word of a proud person can cause irritation. The weak - to seduce. Talkative behavior can lead to condemnation and slander. A person who is intemperate in speech, when he is angry, always pours out of his mouth countless all sorts of reproaches and reproaches against people - even his neighbors, even those who are innocent of anything. A person who is intemperate in speech, finding himself in trouble, pours out whole streams of murmurs and complaints against everyone and everything.

With contentment, on the contrary, countless amounts of boasting, self-praise, self-satisfaction and exaltation flow out. Apostle James says: language a small member, but does a lot... It is filled with deadly poison. With it we bless God and the Father, and with it we curse men, created in the likeness of God. From the same lips comes blessing and curse: it should not be so, my brethren. Does sweet and bitter water flow from the same hole in the spring? (James 3, 5, 8–12). And therefore we must carefully monitor what we say.

And what are we talking about? Our word should only be good, only for edification, only for glorifying the name of God. Precisely for the edification and creation of the spiritual salvation of one’s neighbor. At all times, people have paid great attention to this. And although people sometimes tolerate idle talk for the sake of entertainment, those who love to idle talk still lose respect in the eyes of people. And the ancient sages always, when they received students, were in no hurry, but first tested them in prolonged silence and only then kept them with them. They were so attentive to the selection and admission of their students.

A kind word always brings abundant fruit. An evil, rotten word always has evil consequences. The history of the Church knows many such examples: examples of the disastrous consequences of an idle evil word, and, conversely, examples of the beneficial influence of a kind and meek word. So, for example, not far from the monastery of St. Benedict, who lived in the 5th century, lived two fasting women, virgins, who served God with fasting and prayer. But despite these exploits, they had one drawback - they did not control their tongues. They loved to reproach and judge their neighbors.

Venerable Benedict repeatedly reprimanded them and threatened them: “I will excommunicate you from communion if you do not correct yourself.” But they never corrected themselves and death found them in this state. They died. They, as fasters and prayer books, were buried in the vestibule. But pious people saw during the Liturgy, when the deacon proclaimed “the catechumen, come forth,” they rose from their graves and left the church. This was reported to the monk, and with regret he offered prayer and the Bloodless Sacrifice for them, and only after this did these visions cease.

And here is another example of comforting edification: the beneficial influence of the word, which comes from a meek pious heart, when a good word humbles the proud and softens hard hearts. In the days of Saint Pope Leo, the Huns, a wild, warlike people, led by the ferocious Attila, conquered all of Europe. On their way they destroyed, burned everything, and without any pity they exterminated the entire people. Having destroyed 500 cities of Europe, they approached the capital of the Roman state - Rome. The entire people were in fear and confusion, not finding the strength to resist these hordes.

Only Pope Leo was not afraid. By order of the emperor, he went out to meet the formidable conqueror Attila, taking with him not military weapons, but weapons of a meek, kind word. “Attila,” the Pope addressed him, “you conquered the entire universe. Now we ask you - conquer yourself. Don't destroy our city. Spare us." These convincing meek words did more than an army. Attila replied: “Your words touched my heart. I don’t know who you are, a man or an Angel, but Rome owes its salvation only to you. Elder, in one minute, in a few words, you did more than my many warriors. I admit that I am defeated by you." Here are examples of the beneficial influence of a gentle and kind word that comes from a godly heart.

Therefore, dear ones, when you feel that your heart is outraged by some kind of grief, agitated, keep your word and do not get into a quarrel, but try to hasten to quench your anger with a kind word. And you will do more than become irritated and annoyed. Refraining from verbosity is the best way to avoid all evils and troubles both in family life and in public life. By refraining from anger in this way, we will thereby avoid many quarrels, often, perhaps, even very dangerous and cruel quarrels, and we will avoid long-lasting enmity. The meaning of a kind, gentle word is so great.

It is told how one hermit who lived in the desert, when robbers came to him with the goal of robbing and killing him, filled with love, brought a washbasin and offered to wash their feet. And, ashamed of his attention and love, the robbers turned away from their evil intentions, and generally repented after that, and abandoned their robbery and their evil deeds.

Here is another example of the beneficial influence of a kind, gentle word and a bad word. One day the Monk Macarius the Great was walking with his disciple to Mount Nitria. He sent the student ahead of him. And when the student was walking, he met a pagan priest who was in a hurry somewhere, carrying a log with him. Seeing him, this monk shouted: “Demon, where are you hurrying?” The angry priest beat the monk so that he barely survived. Continuing further, the priest met Saint Macarius. When the monk saw him, he greeted him from a distance: “Hello, hard worker! Hello!".

Surprised by this greeting, the priest asks him: “Why are you greeting me so warmly?” The monk says: “I see you working and hurrying somewhere. That’s why I greeted you.” And then the priest said: “Your greeting calmed my heart. I see that you are a great servant of God. But in front of you there was a monk who cursed at me, I beat him.” And he says to the monk: “I will not leave you until you make me a monk.” Then they went and, taking the body of the beaten monk, brought it to the church.

The brethren, seeing that the monk was walking with the priest, were very surprised. But after some time, this priest accepted the Christian faith, then took monastic vows. And many of the idolaters who worshiped him, seeing that their priest accepted the Christian faith, abandoned their wickedness and accepted Christianity. That is why one of the saints says: “A proud and evil word inclines a good person to evil. But a humble word makes both a good and an evil person good.”

So, dear brothers and sisters, remembering these examples, these instructions, we will try to spend the remaining days of the Dormition Fast, first of all, not in verbosity, but in refraining the tongue from all unnecessary speech, remembering the popular proverb: “the word is silver, and silence is gold.” We must spend these days in quietness, humility, meekness, forbearance towards each other, in love. This will be the best sacrifice for glorifying the Mother of God, in whose honor the Holy Church established this short-term but strict Dormition Fast. Let us fast a pleasant fast, pleasing to the Lord. True fasting is the alienation of evil, the abstinence of the tongue, the putting aside of rage, the excommunication of lusts.(1st stichera for Vespers on Monday of the 1st week of Great Lent). This is a true and pleasant fast, pleasing to the Lord.

Let's be kind and attentive to each other. Let us not condemn, slander, slander. Let us keep our lips from every kind of rottenness, remembering that the word is the gift of God. Let us use our word only for the glory of God’s name and for the edification and benefit of our neighbors. In what way may the Lord our God Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and honor, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, help us.

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov). Sermons. ©Moscow courtyard of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. Moscow, 1999

The Village continues a series of content in which experts in various fields give useful advice on what they are very good at. In the new issue, we talked with a cleaner about how to carry out spring cleaning without damaging the furniture and spending a minimum of effort.

Where to begin

The most important thing is to navigate the area and determine the order. If the family is large and there is someone else at home besides you, start cleaning from the living room. Finish in it - all the household will move there and will not disturb you.

It’s best to start cleaning by cleaning accessible surfaces: removing small items from tables, dressers, and cabinets. This will not only make cleaning easier in the future, but will also help you get rid of unnecessary things: feel free to throw away everything you haven’t used for a long time.

It is important to clean from top to bottom. Only after cleaning the mezzanines and cabinets can you begin to clean the tables and upholstered furniture, and only then wash the floors. Approach the bathroom and toilet room last. You will change the water more than once during the process, rinse rags and sponges, and if you do this in a clean sink, you will have to wash it a second time at the very end.

How to make the process easier

To make cleaning go faster, here are a few tips that I recommend following:

Remove unnecessary things from the sides (for example, on the bathroom sink or near the stove), as rearranging them while scrubbing dirt will distract and irritate you.

Rinse cloths and change the water as often as possible during cleaning - this will make the process more efficient and finish faster.

Once you have cleaned the kitchen table, wipe it dry so that there is no water left anywhere: when it dries, the marks will be especially noticeable.

In everyday life, try to wash the dishes immediately after eating, clean the stove or oven after cooking: fresh dirt is removed much easier.

And don't expect cleaning to renew your things: if you don't take care of them properly all the time, unfortunately, nothing can bring them back to their newness.

What tools to use

I have very few rags and a small supply of household chemicals in my arsenal. All that is really needed for high-quality and quick cleaning is four rags (two for glass and for wiping surfaces dry; one microfiber for the kitchen; faux suede for all other surfaces) and two cleaning products (preferably biomarks).

For the kitchen, I choose a product with a pleasant, light scent or without it at all, and for plumbing (from plaque and rust), products with a spray bottle are best suited (they are more economical and foam less). Another product can be used for cleaning floors by adding it to water or shampoo for a vacuum cleaner.

I do not recommend cleaning upholstered furniture from complex stains yourself. Even if you are sure that you bought the right product, carefully read the instructions and did everything you need to do. There is a possibility that you could make the situation worse. It is better to call professionals who clean carpets and furniture.

How to make cleaning more enjoyable

In general, cleaning is not hard work, for which you need to prepare and prepare yourself mentally. Our home is our fortress, and taking care of it is our task. In addition, you can involve the whole family in the cleaning process without putting everything on your shoulders.

Turn the routine into a game in which everyone at home will participate: compete for speed, come up with a point system - only your imagination can limit you.