Vilner reference manual on hydraulics. Educational and methodological support of the discipline

Section I Hydraulics……… ……………………………………………………….…. 4

Lecture 1. Basic concepts and definitions. Fluid equilibrium in a gravity field,

laws of Pascal and Archimedes………………….……………………………………..… 4

1.1. Basic concepts and definitions……………………………………………………………..… 4

1.2. Fluid equilibrium in a gravity field. Basic equation of hydrostatics ....... 7

1.3. Pascal's law. Hydrostatic paradox…….………………………………… 10

1.4. Relative equilibrium of a liquid during uniformly accelerated motion of a vessel with liquid ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

1.5. The force of fluid pressure on the wall. Archimedes' Law …………………………… 12

1.6. Instruments for measuring liquid parameters……………………………………. 15

Lecture 2. Hydrodynamics. Basic concepts and definitions. Differential equations of hydrodynamics. Bernoulli integral…………………………………..… 19

2.1. Basic concepts of hydrodynamics……………………………………………..…. 192.2. Differential equations of hydrodynamics…………………………………… ..202.3. Integral of the Euler equation (Bernoulli integral) ………………………………… 21

2.4. The concept of hydraulic losses. Bernoulli's equation taking into account hydraulic losses................................................................................... 23

Lecture 3. Hydraulic losses. Liquid leakage through nozzles………………..26

3.1. Hydraulic losses in pipes of constant cross-section …………………………… 26

3.2. Local hydraulic resistance…………………………………………… 28

3.3. Liquid leakage through small holes and nozzles …………………………… 31

Lecture 4. Hydraulic calculation of pipelines ……………………………………………………… 35 4.1. A simple pipeline of constant cross-section.

Pressure and flow characteristics 36 4.2. Serial connection of pipelines. Pressure and flow

characteristics …………………………………………………………………………………… ……... 36

4.3. Parallel connection of pipelines. Pressure-flow characteristics at parallel connection ……………………………………………………… …… 37

4.4. Branched pipeline connection.

Pressure-flow characteristic ………………………………………………….. 40

4.5. Complex networks. Ring pipeline………………………………………………………41

4.6. Pipelines with pumped liquid supply……………………………………….44

4.7. Water hammer (water hammer) ……………………………………………………. 47

Section II Hydraulic machines……………………………………………………. 50

Lecture 5. Centrifugal pumps……………………………………………………….. 51

5.1. Basic parameters of a centrifugal pump………………………………………………………... 51

5.2. Design and principle of operation of a centrifugal pump …………………………… 53

5.3. Determination of the maximum permissible suction height of a centrifugal pump…………………………………………………………………………………... 54

5.4. Basic equation of a centrifugal pump ………………………………………… 56

5.5. Characteristics of a centrifugal pump………………………………………………………56

Lecture 6. Operational calculations of vane pumps……………………………58

6.1. Elements of similarity theory in vane pumps……………………………………. 58

6.2. Converting the characteristics of vane pumps to a different rotation speed………. 59

6.3. Speed ​​factor of vane pumps ………………………………… 61

6.4. Pump operation on the network. Adjusting the pump operating mode ……………………….. 62

6.5. Summary graph of centrifugal pumps……………………………………………. 65

6.6. Consistent and parallel work pumps to a common pipeline………. 66

Lecture 7. Positive displacement pumps. Piston pumps……………………………………………………….. 67

7.1. Operating principle and main parameters of volumetric machines………………………... 67

7.2. Principle of operation piston pumps and their classification ………………………… 69

7.3. Analysis of piston pump operation …………………………………………………... 72

7.4. Indicator diagram of a piston pump…………………………………………………………. 77

7.5. Areas of application for various types of pumps…………………………………….. 79

Lecture 8. Hydraulic drive and hydraulic equipment………………………………………………………..…….. 80

8.1. General information about hydraulic drive. Basic concepts …………………………… 80

8.2. Schematic diagrams of hydraulic drives……………………………………………………….. 84 8.3. Displacement hydraulic motors……………………………………………………… .. 88 8.4.Hydraulic equipment………………………………………………………………………………….. 94 8.5.Following hydraulic drive (hydraulic booster)………………… ……………………….. 105

Bibliography………………………………………………………………. 110

Section I Hydraulics

Lecture 1. Basic concepts and definitions. Fluid equilibrium in a gravity field. Pascal's and Archimedes' laws

Lecture outline:

1. Basic concepts and definitions. Basic physical properties of liquid.

2. Fluid equilibrium in a gravity field. Euler's equation. Basic equation of hydrostatics.

4. Relative equilibrium of a liquid during uniformly accelerated motion of a vessel with liquid.

5. The force of fluid pressure on the wall. Archimedes' Law

6. Instruments for measuring liquid parameters.

1.1. Basic concepts and definitions

Subject and method in hydraulics. The concept of liquid and its properties.

The subject of the study of hydraulics is the laws of equilibrium and movement of fluid, as well as issues of force interaction between fluid and solids. In this regard key concept in this discipline is the concept


Under the liquid understand hydraulics continuous deformable incompressible medium,

having the property of fluidity or otherwise easy mobility.

From this definition it follows that the liquid must have the following basic properties:

Continuity. This means that the characteristics of the fluid are continuously distributed in space.

Compressibility. Compressibility is understood as the property of changing its density under the influence of external forces(pressure, temperature). In hydraulics, fluid is considered to be incompressible except for a number of special applications.

Fluidity. This is the property of a continuous medium to change its shape and relative arrangement of parts under the influence of unbalanced external forces and take the shape of the boundaries of the space in which it is located.

A consequence of the property of fluidity is the occurrence of internal friction (tangential and normal stresses) between layers of liquid during its movement.

In many problems, internal stresses acting on a moving fluid are neglected. Such a fluid is called ideal or non-viscous. In contrast to the ideal, the concept of a viscous fluid is introduced. In this case, internal stresses are taken into account.

To distinguish in what state of aggregation the liquid is, the concept is introduced

drip liquid, such as water, or an incompressible gas, such as air.

The method used in hydraulics is phenomenological character. This means that hydraulics abstracts from the molecular structure of the substance of which the medium is composed. Physical properties of a liquid related to its characteristics internal structure, are given in advance.

All hydraulic methods, depending on the tasks assigned, can be divided into three categories:

1. Purely theoretical approach, when the formulation and solution are carried out on the basis of the most general laws of nature (the law of conservation of mass, momentum and energy), described by the corresponding differential equations.

2. Semi-empirical approach for complete mathematical description problems require additional relationships obtained from experience.

3. Empirical methods, when the calculated expressions are found from experiment.

IN In most cases, the third approach is used. In this sense, hydraulics, unlike hydromechanics, is engineering discipline. And since engineering problems are usually quite complex for theoretical solution, That empirical methods are often the only ones.

Basic physical properties of liquid.

For solutions practical problems the following are usually used physical characteristics liquids:

1. Density, which is defined as the mass contained in a unit volume.

and the reciprocal value is the specific volume.

2. Specific gravity

3. Compressibility, which is characterizedvolumetric compression ratio or bulk modulus E. Represent the change in relative volume with a change in pressure

4. Thermal expansion, which is characterized bycoefficient of volumetric expansion

This coefficient is used when calculating the movement of hot gases.

5. Surface tension. Characterized bysurface tension coefficient.

Taken into account in filtering tasks.

6. Viscosity is the property of a liquid to resist the shear of its layers, which leads to the appearance of friction forces (tangential stresses) between the layers of the liquid as it moves.

According to Newton's hypothesis, the force of internal friction is proportional to the velocity gradient normal to the sliding area of ​​one layer relative to another layer. Figure 1 shows the velocity profile for fluid flow along a wall with a transverse velocity shear associated with the presence of viscosity.

Rice. 1. Velocity profile for a viscous fluid flowing along a wall

IN According to Newton's law, the friction force is found as

A shear stress

The proportional coefficient is called coefficient of dynamic viscosity. Its dimension or.

Along with the coefficient of dynamic viscosity, the coefficient of kinematic viscosity is used

IN GHS system the dimension of the kinematic viscosity coefficient [cm2/s] is called Stokes, and a hundred times smaller value is called centistokes.

Forces acting on a fluid.

Since a liquid is a medium continuously distributed in space due to its continuity, the forces acting on the liquid are also continuously

distributed in the region of space under consideration. That is, instead of concentrated forces, as in classical mechanics, a force field acts on the liquid.

There are two groups of forces: a) volumetric (mass) and b) superficial.

Volume forces act on the entire infinitesimal elementary volume separated from the liquid medium. These include gravity, inertial forces, electromagnetic forces for an electrically conductive medium.

Surface forces act on the surface that bounds the elementary volume.

Surface forces include normal forces pressure abnormal and shear stress.

Pressure or hydrostatic pressure is a scalar numerically equal to the force acting perpendicular to a selected area per unit area

and coincides with thermodynamic pressure. Behind positive value take a pressure force directed towards the internal normal, that is, compressing the liquid volume. The magnitude of the pressure does not depend on the orientation of the area on which it acts.

Internal stresses (normal and tangential) arise only when the fluid moves. Normal stresses act on an area oriented perpendicular to the fluid flow. Usually they are much smaller than the pressure forces and, as a rule, they are neglected. Shear stress or friction stress operate along platforms oriented along the flow.

1.2.Equilibrium of liquid in the field of gravity. Basic equation of hydrostatics

A liquid can be either at rest or move under the influence of external forces. In the first case we're talking about about hydrostatics, and in the second - about hydrodynamics.

Hydrostatics is a branch of hydromechanics that studies the laws of equilibrium of a fluid at rest.

In differential form, the hydrostatic equation is derived from the momentum equation (Newton's 2nd law) for a stationary medium. In accordance with this law, in a fluid at rest, the sum of forces acting on any elementary volume of the medium is equal to zero. IN vector form The differential equation of hydrostatics has the form:

Here is the density of the medium, is the pressure, and is the vector of mass forces.

This is the so called Euler's equation. Since the liquid is motionless, the only surface forces that remain are hydrostatic pressure, which is balanced by the mass force.

Let us find the hydrostatic equation in integral form for a fluid at rest in the field of mass gravity forces. We will arrange the coordinate system as shown in Fig. 2. The origin is compatible with the free surface. The free surface is the interface between the phases, the pressure on which is constant.

Fig.2. To derive the equation of hydrostatics in the field of gravity

The mass force here is the force of gravity, which acts in the direction of the z axis, that is, . Then Euler's equations, written in Cartesian system coordinates will take the form

Integrating these equations, we obtain p=const in the xy plane. Along z, the pressure changes linearly

where z is the vertical coordinate.

Hence, the pressure at an arbitrary point M, located at a distance h from the free surface, is found as

The resulting equation is called basic equation of hydrostatics. The pressure calculated from this equation is called absolute pressure. If the pressure above the free surface is atmospheric, then

Pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure is called gauge or gauge pressure, that is,

Using the basic equation of hydrostatics, it is possible to construct a diagram of pressures in a liquid volume (Fig. 2). Surfaces of equal pressure are called level surface(Fig. 2). For a given problem, level surfaces have horizontal planes

Geometric and energy meaning of the hydrostatic equation.

Let us consider a homogeneous liquid in a closed volume, as shown in Fig. 2. Let's find the absolute pressure at two arbitrary points A and B, located relative to the control plane 0-0 at a distance zA and zB. We get

Where do we find it from?

That is, for any point in the liquid volume, the sum of the terms remains constant. The quantity can be interpreted as pressure potential energy.

It has the dimension of length and is called piezometric height(pressure). The z term can be interpreted as position potential energy or geometric height.

Thus, from the basic equation of hydrostatics it follows that in a fluid at rest under the influence of gravity, the sum potential energy pressure and position remains unchanged. Or, in other words, the sum of piezometric and geometric heights the value is constant and equal to the hydrostatic head.

1.3. Pascal's law. Hydrostatic paradox.

Let's change the pressure on the free surface by the value. Then the pressure at any point is determined as

That is, an increase in pressure on the free surface by an amount leads to an increase in pressure at any point in a closed volume by the same amount.

The last expression is a mathematical interpretation of Pascal's law: “The change in pressure on the free surface of a fluid at rest is transmitted equally to any point in a closed volume.”

Consider three vessels having the same bottom area, but different shape side walls (Fig. 3)

Fig.3. On the issue of hydrostatic paradox

If the columns of liquid are equal, we find that the pressure force on the bottom of all three vessels is the same, despite the different weight enclosed in the liquid vessels

It follows that the force with which the liquid presses on the bottom of the vessel depends only on the area of ​​the bottom and the height of the liquid column and does not depend on the shape of the side walls. IN

This is the hydrostatic paradox: the weight of the liquid has no effect on the force of pressure on the bottom of the vessel.

In two communicating vessels there are cylinders with different diameters S1 and S2. A pressure force applied to the left cylinder will increase the pressure in the vessel by

Then the pressure force on piston 2 is found as

For students of engineering and technical specialties of universities.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with curriculums that are common for different

Engineering technical specialties.

Publisher: Vyshcha shk. Main publishing house 1989

The textbook examines the physical and mechanical properties of fluids, hydrostatics and the fundamentals of kinematics and hydrodynamics of fluids. The basics of modeling are given. Attention is paid to hydraulic resistance and fluid flow from holes and through short pipes. The pressure movement of liquid in pipelines and the uniform movement of water in open channels are described. Pipeline calculations are given. Self-test questions are provided at the end of each section.

The textbook is supplemented with reference data necessary for performing calculation and graphic work.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Hydraulics

The subject of hydraulics and its tasks

Methodological foundations of hydraulics and its connection with other disciplines

Brief historical essay development of hydraulics

Chapter 2. Physical and mechanical properties of liquids

Liquids and their differences from solids and gases

Density and specific gravity liquids

Compressibility and elasticity of liquids

Viscosity of liquids. The concept of real and ideal liquid

Surface tension. Wettability. Capillarity

Dissolution of gases in liquids. Evaporation and boiling of liquids. Cavitation

Other physical and mechanical properties and states of liquids

Special properties of water. Abnormal liquids

Chapter 3. Hydrostatics

Hydrostatics and its applications. Forces acting on a fluid at rest

Hydrostatic pressure and its properties

Basic differential equilibrium equation liquid body. Equal Pressure Surfaces

Fluid equilibrium under the influence of gravity. Pressure at a point of a fluid at rest

Basic equation of hydrostatics and its interpretation

Ways to express pressure. Piezometric height. Potential head

The force of hydrostatic pressure on flat surfaces. Normal stress diagrams

Center of pressure and determination of its location

Hydrostatic pressure force on curved cylindrical surfaces

The simplest hydraulic machines

Relative equilibrium of liquids

Archimedes' law. Floating bodies

Chapter 4. Fundamentals of kinematics and fluid dynamics

Basic types and forms of fluid movement

Methods for studying fluid movement

Fluid flow and its elements

Differential equations of motion of an inviscid fluid (Eulerian equations)

Fluid continuity equation

Features of potential fluid motion

Examples of planar potential fluid motions

D. Bernoulli's equation for an elementary stream of steady motion

Lemma on the distribution of hydrodynamic pressure in smoothly varying motion

Lemma on three integrals (according to N. N. Pavlovsky)

D. Bernoulli's equation for fluid flow

Examples of practical application of D. Bernoulli's equation

Momentum equation for steady flow

Chapter 5. Hydraulic resistance

Characteristics of hydraulic resistance

Two modes of fluid movement

Distribution of tangential stresses during uniform motion

Equations of motion of a viscous fluid (Navier-Stokes equations)

Characteristics of laminar fluid movement

Characteristics of the turbulent regime of fluid movement

Determination of pressure loss along the length during turbulent motion

Determination of local pressure losses during fluid movement

Chapter 6. Flow of liquids from holes, through nozzles and pipes

Classification of holes and outflows

Flow of liquids from small holes at constant pressure

Classification of pipes and nozzles. Liquid leakage through nozzles and very short pipes when

Constant pressure

Flow of liquid from large holes at a constant liquid level in the tank

Experimental determination of coefficients characterizing outflow from holes and nozzles

Fluid flow under variable pressure

Free hydraulic jets

Chapter 7. Uniform movement water in open channels

Types of open channels. Conditions for the existence of uniform motion

Basic equations of uniform motion

Determination of cross-sectional average speed and flow rate for uniform motion

Allowable non-erosive and non-silting average cross-sectional velocities

Determination of the normal flow depth. Hydraulic elements of the live flow section

Selecting the design speed. Hydraulically the most favorable channel section

Calculation of trapezoidal channels cross section

Calculation of geometric elements of closed-section channels with free-flowing motion

Types of problems for calculating open channels of a trapezoidal cross section with uniform


Chapter 8. Pressure movement of liquid in pipelines

Hydraulic calculation of short and siphon pipelines

Hydraulic calculation of simple long pipelines

Hydraulic calculation of complex long pipelines

Basics of calculation of water distribution networks

Unsteady movement of water in pressure pipelines

Water hammer in pipes

Hydraulic ram

Chapter 9. Spillways

Classification of weirs

Thin wall weirs

Practical spillways

Spillways with wide threshold

Chapter 10: Basics of Hydraulic Modeling

Basic concepts about the similarity of hydraulic processes

Hydrodynamic similarity criteria and basic modeling rules

Dimensional Analysis Method (Pi Theorem)

Simulation of flows in pressure conduits

Modeling of flows in open channels and hydraulic structures

Errors of measured values

Basics of mathematical experimental planning

Hydraulics problems with solutions
Collection of problems
Problem book on hydraulics

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Hydraulics- one of the oldest technical sciences. Even 250 years BC. V ancient Greece The first treatises on fluid mechanics appeared, and Archimedes' law is still in effect today.

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without hydraulic structures such as dams, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, water pipelines, hydroelectric power stations, etc. Technical hydraulics as separate direction Fluid mechanics was formed around 1850.

Hydraulics- a science that studies the laws of rest and movement of liquids and develops methods for applying these laws in practical purposes. The most important area of ​​application of the laws and methods of calculating technical hydraulics are hydraulic engineering and land reclamation, water supply and sewerage, hydropower and water transport. Without hydraulics, the design and construction of hydraulic structures would be practically impossible.

Concept "hydraulics" comes from a combination of the Greek words hudor (water) and aulos (pipe), which means the study of the movement of water through pipes, now of course it means much more. Hydraulics is a fairly easy science that an engineer of any technical discipline can study and understand.

The development of technical hydraulics would not have been possible without such wonderful scientists as Archimedes, Newton, Bernoulli, Reynolds, Prantdal, Lomonosov, Zhukovsky and many others. You will find them in detail here biographies.

Learn the device and operating principle measuring instruments: pressure gauges, sensors and flow meters. Familiarize yourself with the design of valves, valves, gate valves. Learn about CAD/CAE/CAM programs used to solve hydraulic problems. Learn design techniques that will help you develop new systems and products.

For specialists this direction exists interactive program by determining the coefficient of hydraulic friction resistance when fluid moves in a pipe. Online you can determine pressure losses when liquids move through pipes.

For students and engineers from other industries, our website has the opportunity to study fundamentals of technical hydraulics, having read lectures. We are simple and in clear language Let's explain the basic theorems of hydraulics.

On our website you can also download books on hydraulics and other related sciences absolutely free and without registration.

Recommended bibliographic list. 1. Geyer V.G. Hydraulics and hydraulic drive: Textbook for universities / V.G. Geyer, V.S. Dulin, A.N. Zarya

1. Geyer V.G. Hydraulics and hydraulic drive: Textbook for universities / V.G. Geyer, V.S. Dulin, A.N. Zarya. M.: Nedra, 1991. 331 p.

2. Gudilin N.S. Hydraulics and hydraulic drive: Textbook for universities / N.S.Gudilin, E.M.Krivenko, B.S.Makhovikov, I.L.Pastoev (under general edition I.L.Pastoeva). M.: MGGU, 1996. 520 p.

3. Problem book on hydraulics and hydraulic drive for students of mining specialties / Yu.N. Gulyaev, O.V. Kabanov, B.S. Makhovikov. L., LGI, 1989. 98 p.

4. Pavlovsky N.N. Hydraulic Handbook. M.-L.; ONTI: 1937.

5. Examples of hydraulic calculations: Textbook for universities. / Ed. A.D. Altshul. M.: Stroyizdat, 1976. 255 p.

6. Collection of problems on hydraulics / V.A. Bolshakov, V.N. Popov, etc. Kyiv: Vishcha School, 1975. 300 p.

7. Collection of problems on mechanical engineering hydraulics: Textbook for universities / Ed. I.I. Kukolevsky and L.G. Podvidz. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1972. 471 p.

8. Handbook of mechanical engineering (in six volumes) / Ed. N.S.Acherkana M.: Mashgiz, 1955. Volume 2. 559 p.

9. Reference Guide on hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives / Under the general. ed. B.B. Nekrasova. Minsk: Higher School, 1985. 382 p.

10. Handbook on hydraulic drives of mining machines / V.F. Kovalevsky et al. M.: Nedra, 1973. 504 p.

11. Frenkel N.Z. Hydraulics: Textbook for universities. M.; Gosenergoizdat, 1956. 456 p.

12. Sveshnikov V.K. Machine hydraulic drives: Directory. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1995. 448 p.

Section 1. Properties of liquid. 4

Section 2. Hydrostatics. 15

Section 3. Bernoulli's equation. 46

Section 4. Flow of liquid at constant pressure and cases of unsteady movement of liquid 77

Section 5. Hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines. 104

Section 6. Filtration. 126

A manual on hydraulics in universities

All books can be downloaded for free and without registration.

NEW. Bretschneider S. Properties of gases and liquids. Engineering calculation methods. 1966 537 pp. djvu. 8.5 MB.
The book of the prominent Polish scientist S. Bretschneider is devoted to the description engineering methods calculation of properties of gases and liquids. Methods for calculating the following properties are considered: viscosity, diffusion and thermal conductivity of gases and liquids; surface tension and heat of evaporation of liquids; critical constants. The book outlines the main theoretical principles, and also provides many reference tables, nomograms, compiled on the basis of the latest literary sources, and examples.
The great advantage of the book is the simplicity of calculations, which makes it possible to recommend it not only to scientists and design engineers, but also to students of chemical and technological universities

NEW. Altshul A.D., Kiselev P.G. Hydraulics and aerodynamics (fundamentals of fluid mechanics). 1964 273 pp. djvu. 2.8 MB.
The book discusses the basic issues of fluid mechanics (droplet and gaseous): physical properties of fluids, equilibrium of fluids, general laws movement of liquids, hydraulic resistance, movement of liquids through pipes and their outflow from holes, flow around solids flow, modeling of hydro-aerodynamic phenomena.
The book is a textbook for the course “Hydraulics and Aerodynamics” for students of the specialty “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” at civil engineering universities and faculties.

NEW. Girgidov A.D. Technical mechanics liquids and gases. Textbook. 1999 395 pp. djvu. 3.9 MB.
The content corresponds to the course program for construction specialties and directions. The textbook is supplemented with optional materials for well-performing undergraduate and graduate students.

Author unknown. Problem book on hydraulics. 132 pp. PDF. 7.9 MB.
This Problem Book is a collection of examples of solving various hydraulic problems, which were collected from a number of textbooks, problem books and reference books.

HELL. Altshul et al. Examples of hydraulic calculations. Uch. allowance. 1977 128 pp. djvu. 2.7 MB.
The textbook outlines modern methodological material and examples of calculations are given (with detailed solutions), covering with sufficient completeness the main sections of the hydraulics course taught at various faculties of construction universities. Examples of calculations were developed by the authors at the departments of hydraulics, water supply and sewerage at MISS. In V. Kuibyshev.
The textbook is intended for students of construction specialties of higher educational institutions (“water supply and sewerage”, “heat and gas supply and ventilation”, “industrial and civil Engineering" and etc.).

Bebenina. Hydraulics. Technical hydromechanics. 2006 227 pp. djvu. 8.4 MB.
Contents of the textbook “Hydraulics. Technical Fluid Mechanics” reflects the experience of lecturing on the disciplines “Hydraulics”, “Fluid mechanics” and “Fundamentals of hydraulics, hydrometry and hydrology” at the Ural State Mining University. The material of the training manual is compiled with the requirements for the mandatory minimum content of disciplines established by the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction 651600 (No. 333 technical/ds approved on April 14, 2000), 656500 (No. 156 technical/ds approved on March 17, 2000), 650600 (No. 349 technical /ds approved 04/14/00).
In addition to the theoretical principles of the course, the manual includes examples of solving problems related to mining issues. Given reference materials to perform calculations in various sections of the discipline.

Bashta T.M., Rudnev S.S. Hydraulics, hydraulic machines, hydraulic drive. 2002 422 pp. pdf. 10.7 MB.
Real book intended as a textbook for students mechanical engineering specialties universities whose curricula include a general course in hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. The same combined course is taught for other specialties due to the fact that hydraulic equipment, hydraulic drive and hydraulic automation are widely used in production processes in various industries: in the development of mineral deposits, in the energy sector, metallurgy, forestry industry, transport, construction, etc. .

Vakina, Denisenko, Stloyarov. Mechanical hydraulics. Examples of calculations. 1986 208 pp. djvu. 10.1 MB.
The textbook outlines the basics of hydraulics, briefly examines the structure and working process of hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives, provides calculation formulas and some reference data. Examples of problem solving for all sections of the course are given.
For students of technical specialties of universities.

Vilner, Karasev, Nekrasov. Reference manual on hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. 1976 416 pp. djvu. 5.0 MB.
The book discusses issues of general hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives that are necessary for educational purposes and practical application, provides a large number of calculation formulas, tables, graphs and nomograms used in solving problems and performing calculation and graphic work by students of universities and technical schools of mechanical, energy, technological and some construction specialties studying general courses hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. The manual may be useful to engineers and technical workers involved in hydraulic calculations.

I.E. Idelchik. Handbook of hydraulic resistance. 3rd ed. revised 1992 672 pp. djvu. 19.2 MB.
The third edition of the reference book is supplemented with the most important research results recent years. Some materials in the directory have also been clarified and changed. The directory is compiled on the basis of processing, systematization and classification of the results large number research published in different time. A significant part of the reference material was obtained as a result of research conducted by the author. The results of studies (accuracy of manufacturing models, pipeline fittings, accuracy of measurements, etc.) carried out by different specialists could turn out to be different. This possibility could also arise because most local hydraulic resistances are influenced not only by the flow regime, but also by the “prehistory” of the flow (conditions for its supply to a given section, velocity profile and degree of turbulence at the inlet, etc.), and in in some cases, and the subsequent “history” of the flow (flow diversion from the site). All these conditions may also not have completely coincided among different researchers. In many complex elements of pipeline networks, there is a large instability of the flow associated with the frequency of its separation from the walls, periodic change location and size of the separation zone and vortex formation, which leads to different meanings hydraulic resistance.
Configuration of sections and obstacles of pipeline networks, their geometric parameters, the conditions of inlet and outlet and flow regimes are so diverse that it is not always possible to find in the literature the necessary experimental data for calculating their hydraulic resistance. therefore, the author decided to include data in the reference book, not only well-verified laboratory research, but also obtained theoretically or by approximate calculation based on individual experimental studies, and in some cases, rough approximate data (the latter are specifically stated in the text). This is permissible because in industrial conditions the accuracy of the manufacture and installation of pipe networks and installations, and therefore the flow conditions, can vary significantly in individual installations and differ from laboratory conditions, at which the majority of hydraulic resistance coefficients were obtained, and also because for many complex elements these coefficients cannot have a constant value.
This edition of the reference book should help improve the quality and efficiency of the design and operation of industrial, energy and other structures, as well as devices and apparatus through which liquids and gases move.

P.G. Kiselev et al. Handbook of hydraulic calculations. 4th ed. 1972 312 pp. djvu. 14.7 MB.
The fourth edition of the "Handbook of Hydraulic Calculations", like all previous ones, is a summary of basic formulas, definitions, experimental coefficients, auxiliary tables and graphs useful in hydraulic calculations. The text is limited to brief explanations necessary to facilitate the use of the material collected in the reference book.”
The book is a guide for designing canals and structures of various water management systems and contains, in addition to information on hydraulics, brief information from the field of hydraulic structures and hydraulic machines. The book is intended for engineers, technicians, students and other people working in the field of hydraulic engineering, in particular in the field of water energy use.

M.Ya. Cordon, V.I. Simakin, I.D. Goreshnik. Hydraulics. Uch. allowance 2005 year. 189 pp. doc. archived 2.1 MB.
Educational material prepared in accordance with the work program and covers the following sections: basic physical properties of liquids; basics of hydrostatics; fundamentals of kinematics and fluid dynamics; water hammer in pipes; basics of similarity theory, modeling and dimensional analysis; basics of movement groundwater and two-phase flows. Each section discusses examples of the practical application of calculation formulas and dependencies in the form of example problems and various engineering solutions. A list is also provided test questions for independent study of the material.

Mikhailin, Lepeshkin, Fateev. Hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. 1998 68 pp. djvu. 292 KB.
Lecture notes for the course of the same name. It is presented very clearly, but only to get acquainted with the most basic concepts. Almost no conclusions.

Metreveli. V.N. Collection of problems for the hydraulics course with solutions. 2008 192 pp. djvu. 5.5 MB.

Nekrasov, Rudnev, Baibakov, Kirillovsky, Bashta. Hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. 2nd ed. Textbook. 1982. 422 pp. djvu. 6.3 MB.
The basics of general hydraulics are outlined, the working process of bladed hydraulic machines - centrifugal and axial pumps, as well as vortex and jet pumps - is considered; the theory and calculations of these machines are given, their operational properties and characteristics are described; devices, fundamentals of theory and characteristics of hydrodynamic transmissions are considered. A significant part is devoted to volumetric hydraulic machines, volumetric hydraulic drive. 1st edition 1970. The basics of general hydraulics are outlined, the working process of bladed hydraulic machines - centrifugal and axial pumps, as well as vortex and jet pumps - is considered; the theory and calculations of these machines are given, their operational properties and characteristics are described; devices, fundamentals of theory and characteristics of hydrodynamic transmissions are considered. A significant part is devoted to volumetric hydraulic machines, volumetric hydraulic drive. 1st edition 1970.

Rtishcheva A. S. Theoretical foundations of hydraulics and heat engineering: Textbook. 2007 171 pp. PDF. 1.4 MB.
The book discusses solutions typical tasks in all sections of the volumetric courses “Fundamentals of hydraulics and hydraulic drive” and “Hydraulic and pneumatic systems”: physical properties of liquids and gases, basic laws of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, basic equations of pressure fluid flow, operation of hydraulic machines in simple and complex networks, calculation of elements of a volumetric hydraulic drive - pumps, hydraulic motors, control equipment, water and air supply transport enterprises and so on.

V.S. Salnikov. Mechanics of liquid and gas, hydraulic and pneumatic drive. 2002 199 pp. djvu. 10.7 MB.
Intended for students of the Automotive Faculty of the specialty "Cars and Automotive Industry". Due to the lack of a special textbook and the need for a very summary(in the amount of 32 hours) separate topics that are usually read separately. These include: hydromechanics (main differential equations balance and movement of fluids with elements of experimental hydraulics), aerodynamics (pre- and supersonic), machines for moving and compressing liquids and gases, hydraulic and pneumatic drives. Considered general principles construction of hydraulic networks and mechanisms without relatively specific objects (car, truck crane, etc.), because the latter are studied in special courses.

Frenkel N.Z. Hydraulics 1956. 550 pp. djvu. 5.5 MB.
The textbook is intended for mechanical specialties at universities. The content corresponds to the hydraulics course program approved for mechanical engineering universities, and, in addition, includes a number of issues that are important for mechanical engineers and are available in the programs of a number of universities. The book contains all sections of hydrodynamics.

S.I. Hours. Hydromechanics in aspects and tasks. 2006 219 pp. djvu. 7.9 MB.
The textbook outlines theoretical principles, examples of hydraulic calculations and tasks for independent work on the main sections of the course of hydromechanics (hydraulics).
The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Mining”; "Mining machines and equipment"; " Technological machines and equipment”, and can also be recommended for students of other universities studying “Fluid mechanics” courses; “Hydraulics”; “Fluid and Gas Mechanics”.

Chugaev R.R. Hydraulics. Textbook. 1982 672 pp. djvu. 13.1 MB.
The content of the book corresponds to the course program for hydraulic engineering specialties.
The textbook is supplemented with information necessary for performing calculation and graphic work (reference data, etc.), materials for practical (classroom) classes, and optional information for the most successful students and graduate students.

D.V. Sterenlicht. Hydraulics. Textbook 1984. 640 pp. djvu. 5.9 MB.
The laws of steady-state, uniform and uneven, laminar and turbulent fluid motion in pipes, channels and jets, as well as the laws of fluid equilibrium are outlined.
Much attention is paid to the presentation of methods for calculating the parameters of these flows in relation to various cases encountered in practice. The tables and graphs necessary for the calculations are provided.
For students of drainage, hydropower and hydraulic engineering specialties.

H. Exner et al. (Bosch Group). Hydraulic drive. Basics and components. Training course on hydraulics. Toi 1. 2003. 322 pp. djvu. 9.6 MB.
The success story of the textbook “Hydraulic drive. Fundamentals and Components”, familiar to many under German name"Oer Hydraulik Trainer" began with the first edition of this book in 1978. Since then, it has accompanied many generations of engineers as a teaching aid, tutorial, reference book, and is still an indispensable assistant in the workplace. The basis for success was the concept laid down by the very first authors: to explain the basics and functioning of hydraulic devices in a cross-section, indicating circuit diagrams. In this way, there was a close connection between theory and practice.
The book consists of the following sections:
1. Theory and basic principles and principles of hydraulics. 2. Legend. 3. Hydraulic fluids. 4. Pumps. 5. Hydromators. 6. Axial piston machines. 7. Hydraulic cylinders. 8. Rotary hydraulic motors. 9. Hydraulic accumulators and their application. 10. Check valves. 11. Hydraulic distributors. 12. Pressure regulating valves. 13. Throttles and flow regulators. 14. Filters and filtration technology. 15. Hydraulic equipment installation techniques. 16. Pumping installations.

StLeon. Hydraulics. Hydrostatics. Theory and examples of solving typical problems. 42 pp. doc in archive. 182 KB.
The main purpose of the collection is to provide students with material that will allow them to develop application skills theoretical information to a decision specific tasks of a technical nature and thereby master the practice of hydraulic calculations.
This collection contains problems on hydrostatics and includes sections: “Physical properties of fluid”, “Hydrostatic pressure” and “Relative rest of fluid”.
Each section of the collection contains fairly complete information from the theory relating to the material in this section, methodological instructions and examples of solving some typical problems.
Four appendices provide reference materials that are necessary to solve problems.

Educational and methodological support of the discipline


1. Shterenlikht A.B. Hydraulics. Textbook. – M.: Colossus, 2009.

1. Konstantinov Yu.M. Hydraulics. - Kyiv: Vishcha School, 1981.

2. Chugaev R.R. Hydraulics. L.: Energy, 1982.

3. Examples of hydraulic calculations. / Ed. N. M. Konstantinova. Ed. 3rd. - M.: Transport, 1987.

4. Elmanova V.I., Kadykov V.T. Examples of hydraulic calculations. - M.: VZIIT, 1988.

5. Bolshakov V. A., Konstantinov Yu. M. et al. Collection of problems in hydraulics. - Kyiv: Vishcha School, 1979.

6. Zheleznyakov G.V. Hydraulics and hydrology. - M.: Transport, 1989.

7. Mikhailov K. A. Hydraulics. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1972.

8. Uginchus A.A., Chugaev a E.A. Hydraulics. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1971.

9. Hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. /T.M.Bashta, S.S.Rudnev, B.B.Nekrasov, etc. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1982.

10. Problem book on hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drive. Textbook for universities / ed. B.B.Nekrasova, M.: Higher School, 1989.

11. Collection of problems on mechanical engineering hydraulics. Textbook for universities / D.A. Butaev, Z.A. Kalmykova, L.G. Podvizov, etc. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1981.

12. Reference manual on hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives / edited by. ed. B.B.Nekrasova, Minsk: Higher School, 1985.

13. Examples of hydraulic flows. Textbook / V.I. Elmanova, V.T. Kadykov, M.: VZIIT, 1989.

14. Mathematical models pneumohydraulic systems. / B.E.Glikman. M.: Nauka, 1986

1. Bolshakov V.A., Konstantinov Yu.M. et al. Handbook on hydraulics. - Kyiv: Vishcha School, 1977.

2. Magazine. Water supply and sanitary technology.

3. Magazine. Water and ecology: Problems and solutions.

3. Magazine. Water supply and sanitary technology.

4. Magazine. Water and ecology: Problems and solutions.

2. Means of ensuring mastery of the discipline

1. Laboratory installations for hydraulics.

2. A set of programs for hydraulic calculations of water supply systems.

3. Layouts and others visual aids on the construction of water supply systems.

4. Videos on construction, installation of pipelines, treatment facilities, water intakes and pumping stations.

5. Familiarization with existing structures of water supply systems.

3. Educational and material support

1. Visual aids:

b) Thematic materials.

2. Technical means training (by the teacher's decision):

a) a computer with a projector for displaying on a screen;

b) Video equipment for demonstrating films on hydraulics;



The book discusses issues of general hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives necessary for educational purposes and practical application; is given a large number of calculation formulas, tables, graphs and nomograms used in solving problems and performing computational and graphical work by students studying general courses in hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives. The manual can be useful for engineers and technical workers involved in hydraulic calculations.

Main types of fluid movement.
Fluid motion can be steady or unsteady. uniform and uneven, pressure and non-pressure, smoothly changing and abruptly changing.

With steady motion of a fluid, its characteristics (speed, pressure, etc.) at all points of the space under consideration do not change over time. The movement of a fluid, in which the speed and pressure of the fluid changes over time]!, is called unsteady.

Uniform motion is a steady motion of a fluid in which the particle velocities are corresponding points living cross section, as well as average velocities do not change along the flow. At uneven movement the speed of particles at the corresponding points of living sections and the average speeds change along the flow.

Pressure motion represents the movement of a fluid in a closed channel, in which the flow does not have a free surface and the pressure differs from atmospheric pressure. Free-flow motion is the movement of a fluid in which the flow has a free surface and the pressure is atmospheric.

A smoothly varying motion is close to rectilinear and parallel to a jet, i.e., it is a motion in which the curvature of the stream lines and the angle of divergence between them are very small and tend to zero in the limit. If this condition is not met, the movement changes sharply.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Reference manual on hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydraulic drives, Vilner Ya.M., Kovalev Ya.T., Nekrasov B.B., 1976 -, fast and free download.

  • Physics, New complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam, Purysheva N.S., Ratbil E.E., 2017

The following textbooks and books.

Chapter 1. Liquid and its basic physical properties
§ 1.1. Definition of liquid. Its density, specific and relative gravity
§ 1.2. Compressibility of liquids
§ 1.3. Thermal expansion of liquids
§ 1.4. Viscosity
§ 1.5. Vaporization
§ 1.6. Solubility of gases in dropping liquids and foaming
§ 1.7. Surface tension and capillarity
Chapter 2. Hydrostatics
§ 2.1. Hydrostatic pressure
§ 2.2. The force of fluid pressure on flat figures
§ 2.3. The force of fluid pressure on rectangular figures and rectangular walls. Pressure diagrams
§ 2.4. Fluid pressure force on curved surfaces
§ 2.5. Liquid equilibrium in moving vessels
§ 2.6. Swimming tel. Stability
Chapter 3. Basic information about the movement of liquids
§ 3.1. Main types of fluid movement
§ 3.2. Live flow cross section. Consumption and average speed
§ 3.3. Bernoulli's equation
§ 3.4. Fluid movement modes
§ 3.5. Velocity distribution over the live cross-section of the flow at laminar movement liquids
§ 3.6. Velocity distribution over the live cross-section of the flow during turbulent fluid movement in pipes
§ 3.7. Velocity distribution in open turbulent flows
Chapter 4. Hydraulic resistance
§ 4.1. Basic dependencies for determining friction head loss along the length
§ 4.2. Formulas for determining the Daren coefficient in various resistance zones
§ 4.3. Formulas for determining the Chezy coefficient in the quadratic resistance zone
§ 4.4. Local hydraulic resistance
§ 4.5. Calculation of local pressure losses along the equivalent length of the pipeline
Chapter 5. Flow of liquid through holes and nozzles at constant pressure
§ 5.1. Flow through small holes in a thin wall
§ 5.2. Flow through large holes
§ 5.3. Outflow through nozzles
Chapter 6. Hydraulic jets. Impact of the jet on solid obstacles
§ 6.1. Hydraulic jets
§ 6.2. Impact of the jet on solid obstacles
Chapter 7. Hydraulic calculation of pressure pipelines
§ 7.1. General provisions. Basic calculation dependencies
§ 7.2. Calculation of simple pipelines
§ 7.3. Pipe connection. Branched pipeline
§ 7.4. Complex pipeline with liquid distribution in finite sections
§ 7.5. Pipeline with continuous liquid distribution. Complex ring pipelines
§ 7.6. Pipeline with pump supply (pump installation)
Chapter 8. Unsteady fluid motion
§ 8.1. Unsteady pressure motion of an incompressible fluid in rigid pipes
§ 8.2. Fluid flow under variable pressure
§ 8.3. Water hammer in pipes
Chapter 9. Uniform movement of fluid in open channels and free-flow pipes
§ 9.1. General provisions. Calculation formulas
§ 9.2. Geometric characteristics of the live cross-section of channels
§ 9.3. Hydraulically the most advantageous channel cross-section
§ 9.4. Permissible speeds of water movement in canals
§ 9.5. Types of problems for channel calculations
§ 9.6. Calculation of free-flow pipes
Chapter 10. Flow meters
§ 10.1. General information
§ 10.2. Determination of flow rates by local velocities using hydrodynamic tubes
§ 10.3. Flow meters in pressure pipelines
§ 10.4. Flow meters in open channels
Chapter 11. Hydrodynamic similarity
§ 11.1. Similarity of hydraulic phenomena
§ 11.2. Similarity criteria
§ 11.3. Some notes on modeling hydraulic phenomena
Chapter 12. General information about pumps
§ 12.1. Pump classification
§ 12.2. Main technical indicators of pumps
§ 12.3. Characteristics of pumps and pumping units
Chapter 13. Vane pumps
§ 13.1. Design and classification of centrifugal pumps
§ 13.2. Fluid movement in the impeller of a centrifugal pump. Impeller blade shape
§ 13.3 Fluid flow through the impeller channels. Pump delivery
§ 13.4. Basic equation of a centrifugal pump
§ 13.5. K.n.d. centrifugal pumps
§ 13.6. Similar to vane pumps. Dependence of the main parameters of the pump on the speed of rotation of the impeller
§ 13.7. Speed ​​factor. Types of Vane Pump Impellers
§ 13.8. Cavitation calculation of vane pumps
§ 13.9. Axial load on wheel
§ 13.10. Marking of vane pumps
§ 13.11. Centrifugal pumps produced by domestic industry
§ 13.12. Characteristics of centrifugal pumps
§ 13.13. Determination of the operating mode of the pumping unit and its regulation
§ 13.14. Pump selection
§ 13.15. Collaboration pumps
§ 13.16. Axial pumps
Chapter 14. Piston pumps
§ 14.1. Classification, device, main technical indicators
§ 14.2. Nature and schedules of submission
§ 14.3. Pressure in the pump cylinder. Suction lift. Air hoods
§ 14.4. Indicator charts
§ 14.5. Power and efficiency piston pumps
§ 14.6. Marking of piston pumps
§ 14.7. Piston pumps produced by domestic industry
§ 14.8. Characteristics of piston pumps
§ 14.9. Operating mode of the pumping unit. Pumps working together
§ 14.10. Cam piston (plunger) pumps
§ 14.11. Diaphragm pumps
§ 14.12. Vane pumps
Chapter 15. Rotary pumps
§ 15.1. Classification. General properties
§ 15.2. Gear pumps
§ 15.3. Screw pumps
§ 15.4. Vane pumps
§ 15.5. Radial rotary piston pumps
§ 15.6. Axial rotary piston pumps
Chapter 16. Vortex, jet and liquid ring pumps. Hydraulic rams
§ 16.1. Vortex pumps
§ 16.2. Jet pumps
§ 16.3. Liquid ring pumps
§ 16.4. Hydraulic rams
Chapter 17. Volumetric hydraulic drives
§ 17.1. General concepts and definitions
§ 17.2. Working fluids of volumetric hydraulic drives
Chapter 18. Elements of a volumetric hydraulic drive
§ 18.1. Volumetric hydraulic motors
§ 18.2. Hydraulic equipment
§ 18.3. Hydraulic accumulators and hydraulic converters
§ 18.4. Air conditioners working fluid
§ 18.5. Hydraulic lines
§ 18.6. Symbols of elements of a volumetric hydraulic drive
Chapter 19. Methods for regulating a volumetric hydraulic drive
§ 19.1. Hydraulic drive with throttle control
§ 19.2. Hydraulic drive with volume control
§ 19.3. Follower hydraulic drive
Chapter 20. Hydrodynamic transmissions
§ 20.1. Introduction
§ 20.2. Working process and characteristics of fluid coupling
§ 20.3. Working process and characteristics of torque converter
§ 20.4. Modeling of hydrodynamic transmissions and recalculation of their characteristics
§ 20.5. Collaboration of fluid couplings with engines and energy consumers. Main types of fluid couplings
§ 20.6. Collaboration of torque converters with engines and energy consumers. Main types of torque converters
Subject index