Modernization of the centralized emergency automation system increases the reliability of the Eastern Energy System. Parallel capabilities of the energy system of the East SPO 3rd generation UES of the East

Creating a controlled connection of power systems to increase the reliability and efficiency of their operation is advisable, first of all, in those places where there are difficulties in ensuring reliable parallel operation. These are interstate power transmission lines, where, as a rule, there is a need to separate power systems by frequency, as well as “weak” intersystem power transmissions, which significantly limit the possibilities of power exchanges between parallel operating power systems, for example, 220 kV power transmission lines for connecting the power systems of Siberia and the Far East, passing along the Baikal-Amur (northern transit) and Trans-Siberian (southern transit) railways with a length of up to 2000 km each. However, without special measures, parallel operation of power systems along the northern and southern transits is impossible. Therefore, an interconnection is being considered, which is a variant of parallel non-synchronous operation of power systems along the southern double-circuit transit (at subsequent stages of interconnection, non-synchronous closure of the northern transit is also possible). The urgency of the problem is that it is necessary to find technical solutions to ensure the operation of the 220 kV Chita-Skovorodino power transmission, which supplies the traction substations of the Trans-Baikal Railway and at the same time is the only electrical connection between the IPS of Siberia and the East. To date, this long-distance connection does not have the required throughput, and also does not meet the requirements for maintaining within acceptable ranges. It operates in open-loop mode and has a division point on the section VL-220 Holbon-Erofei Pavlovich. All this leads to insufficient reliability of the 220 kV network, which is the reason for repeated disruptions in the power supply to traction substations and failures in the operation of signaling devices, interlocks and train schedules. One of the possible options for non-synchronous combination is the use of the so-called asynchronized electromechanical frequency converter (AS EMFC), which is an assembly of two alternating current machines of the same power with rigidly connected shafts, one of which is designed as an asynchronized synchronous machine (ASM), and the other as ASM (AS EMFC type ASM+ASM) or as a synchronous machine (AS EMFC type ASM+SM). The latter option is structurally simpler, but the synchronous machine is connected to a power system with more stringent requirements for. The first machine in the direction of power transmission through the AS EMFC operates in engine mode, the second - in generator mode. The excitation system of each AFM contains a direct-coupled frequency converter that powers a three-phase excitation winding on a laminated rotor.
Previously, at VNIIElektromash and Elektrotyazhmash (Kharkov), preliminary and technical designs for vertical (hydrogen generator) and horizontal (turbine generator) ACMs with a capacity of 100 to 500 MW were completed for EMFC AS. In addition, the Research Institute and the Elektrotyazhmash plant developed and created a series of three pilot industrial samples of AS EMPCH-1 from two ASMs with a power of 1 MW (that is, for a throughput power of 1 MW), comprehensively tested at the LVVISU test site (St. Petersburg). The converter of two AFMs has four degrees of freedom, that is, four parameters of the unit mode can be simultaneously and independently adjusted. However, as theoretical and experimental studies have shown, all modes possible on the ASM+SM EMFC AS have been implemented, including modes of reactive power consumption on the part of both machines. The permissible difference in frequencies of the combined power systems, as well as the controllability of the EMFC AS, are determined by the “ceiling” value of the excitation of the machines. The choice of location for installing the EMFC AS on the route under consideration is determined by the following factors. 1. According to OJSC Energosetproekt Institute, in the winter maximum of 2005, the power flow through Mogocha will be approximately 200 MW in the direction from the Kholbon substation eastward to the Skovorodino substation. It is the magnitude of this flow that determines the installed capacity of the AS EMPCH-200 unit (or units).
2. The complex with AS EMPCH-200 is designed for turnkey delivery with fully automatic control. But from the control center of the Mogocha substation and from the Amurenergo control center, the settings for the magnitude and direction of active power flows can be changed.
3. The installation site (Mogocha substation) is located approximately in the middle between the Kholbon substation and the powerful Skovorodino substation, especially since Kharanorskaya GRES can provide the required voltage levels at the Kholbon substation by the specified time (that is, by 2005). At the same time, the inclusion of AS EMFC-200 in the cutting of the power line at the Mogocha substation will practically divide the connection into two independent sections with resistances reduced by approximately half and independent EMF of the unit machines on each side, which will allow approximately one and a half to two times to increase the throughput of the entire double-circuit Power lines - 220 kV. In the future, if there is a need to increase the exchange power, it is possible to consider installing a second AS EMPCH-200 unit in parallel with the first.

This will make it possible to significantly delay the construction of -500 kV and the timing of the possible expansion of the Kharanorskaya GRES. According to preliminary estimates, with parallel operation of the power systems of Siberia and the Far East only along the southern transit, the maximum static stability exchange power flows in the Mogocha-Ayachi section are without EMFC AS: in the eastern direction - up to 160 MW, in the western direction - up to 230 MW.

After installing the AS EMFC, the problem of static stability is automatically removed and the flows, respectively, can amount to 200-250 MW and 300-400 MW when controlling the maximum flows according to the thermal limitation of individual, for example, head sections of power lines. The issue of increasing exchange flows becomes especially relevant with the commissioning of Bureyskaya.

It is planned, as indicated, to install the EMPCH-200 AS in the cutting of a 220 kV overhead line at the Mogocha substation of the main two-circuit intersystem connection with numerous intermediate power take-offs.

In such an intersystem connection, accidents are possible with the loss of electrical connection with a powerful power system and the formation of an energy district with power supply through the EMPCH-200 AS, that is, with the operation of the EMPCH-200 AS on a console load. In such modes, the AS EMFC-200 cannot and generally should not maintain the pre-emergency value of transmitted power specified by the controller.

At the same time, it must maintain the ability to regulate on its own tires and the rotational speed of the unit shaft. The adaptive regulation system developed for AS EMFC requires teleinformation about turning off and turning on switches of adjacent sections of power lines. Based on this teleinformation, it transfers the ASM of the unit from the side of the non-emergency section of the route to control by shaft rotation frequency and, from the console side, the ASM takes over the load of the energy district.

If this load is greater than the installed power of the ASM, then the AS EMFC is shunted and the machines are switched to compensatory mode. It is also important that the transmission of teleinformation about the vector behind the open switch allows, without catching synchronism, to immediately turn on the EMPCH-200 AS into normal operation without impact after turning on the switch that was turned off.

Long-term theoretical and experimental studies carried out for a complex of controlled connection of power systems of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia on the 220 kV power transmission line Sochi-Bzybi Krasnodarenergo based on the project of the AS EMCh-200, confirmed the expected and known capabilities of the AS EMCh for regulating the active and voltage of machines and the rotor speed. unit.

In fact, within the limits of the design capabilities of the AS EMFC, it is an absolutely controllable element for combining power systems, which also has damping capabilities due to the kinetic energy of the flywheel masses of the rotors of the unit’s machines, which static converters lack. The control system, together with the automatic control system of machines with self-excitation and start-up systems, after issuing the “Start” command, provides automatic testing of the state of the elements of the entire complex, followed by automatic connection to the network in the required sequence without the participation of personnel or stopping the unit after issuing the “Stop” command. Manual connection to the network and manual adjustment of settings, emergency shutdown and automatic reclosure are also provided. When putting the EMPCH-200 AS into operation, it is enough to ensure smooth switching on the sliding in the prescribed range and settings that ensure operation along the power lines before opening the shunt switches. In general, the control of AS EMFC-200 on intersystem communication must be approached from the position that the regulatory structure must implement the required control of the operation of the unit in steady-state and unsteady modes and ensure the implementation of the following basic functions in electrical systems.

1. Maintaining voltage values ​​(reactive powers) in accordance with the settings in normal modes. For example, each of the EMFC AS machines is capable, within limits limited by rated currents, of generating the required value of reactive power or ensuring its consumption without loss of stability. 2. Control in normal and emergency modes the magnitude and direction of active power flow in accordance with the set point during synchronous and non-synchronous operation of parts of power systems, which, in turn, helps to increase the capacity of intersystem connections. 2.1. Regulation of flow using the AS EMPCH-200 according to a schedule previously agreed upon between the interconnected power systems, taking into account daily and seasonal load changes. 2.2. Operational regulation of intersystem flow up to reverse with simultaneous damping of irregular oscillations. If you need to quickly change the direction of active power transmission through the unit, then by consistently changing the active power settings on the first and second machines, you can change the flow of active power at almost constant rotation speed, overcoming only the electromagnetic inertia of the machine winding circuits. With appropriate excitation “ceilings,” power reversal will occur quite quickly. Thus, for an EMFC AS, consisting of two ASM-200s, the time for complete reversal, from +200 MW to -200 MW, as calculations show, is 0.24 s (in principle, it is limited only by the value of T"(f). 2.3 . Use of AS EMFC-200 as an operational source for maintaining frequency, as well as for suppressing electromechanical oscillations after large disturbances in one of the power systems or in a cantilever power district. 3. Work for a dedicated (cantilever) power district of consumers, ensuring the required level of frequency and voltage. 4. . Damping of oscillations in emergency operating modes of electrical systems, a significant reduction in disturbances transmitted from one part of the electrical systems to another. In transient modes, thanks to the ability of the EMFC AS to change the rotation frequency, that is, the kinetic energy of the unit, within specified limits, intensive damping is possible
oscillations and for a certain time, a disturbance that occurs in one part of the power system will not be transmitted to another. So, with short circuit or automatic reclosure in one of the power systems, the unit will accelerate or decelerate, but the value of the active power of the ASM connected to another power system will remain unchanged with appropriate control. 5. If necessary, transfer both machines of the unit to the synchronous compensator operating mode. The cost of constructing a converter substation with AS EMPCH-200 is determined by the composition of the equipment and, in fact, is no different from usually constructed substations with synchronous compensators. The site for the construction of the device should provide easy transportation of equipment, compact installation and connection with existing power equipment at the Mogocha substation. To simplify the entire substation system, an option is needed without separating the EMPCH-200 AS into a separate substation. To connect to the power systems of a unit whose machines are designed for full power = 200/0.95 = 210.5 MVA (according to JSC Elektrosila, St. Petersburg and), two transformers of 220/15.75 kV are required. A technical and economic comparison of AS EMFC with static converters was carried out for a transmitted power of 200 MW. The compared parameters are shown in the table. Direct current insert (DCI) is a classic option. The table indicates the power transmitted through the VAC is 355 MW, which corresponds to one block of the Vyborg substation. B indicates the unit cost of VAC (including substation equipment), which is shown in the table. The efficiency of the VPT substation (taking into account synchronous compensators, power transformers and filters) is 0.96.
VAC on lockable (dual-operation) switches with PWM and parallel-connected reverse diodes. It is known that the internal losses of lockable keys are 1.5-2 times greater than those of conventional thyristors, therefore the efficiency of such an VAC with special power transformers, taking into account high-frequency switching filters, is 0.95. The issue of cost is not clearly defined. However, the specific cost of VAC based on STATCOM is 165 dollars/kW and higher.
For VAC of the Directlink type with two-level formation of the output curve, the specific cost is higher and amounts to $190/kW. The table shows data for both the STATCOM and Directlink-based options.

According to JSC Elektrosila, the EMCh-200 AS of two ASMs = 98.3% (98.42% each) has a specific installed capacity cost of $40/kW. Then the cost of the converter unit itself will be $16 million. In accordance with the base cost of a 220 kV AC substation with two transformers is $4 million, and the specific cost of the converter with the substation will be =(16+4) 10 6 /400 10 3 = 50 dollars/kW Taking into account transformers, the overall efficiency will be = 0.983 2 0.997 2 = 0.96.
Along with the above options, it is necessary to consider the converter option using synchronous compensators of the KSVBM type with hydrogen cooling of an outdoor installation operated in power systems. It should be noted that in AS EMFC type ASM+SM, the synchronous compensator KSVBM 160-15U1 can be used as a synchronous machine without any modifications in all modes, subject to the conditions for the stator current. For example, at = 1 power P = ±160 MW; at = 0.95 (as in the project of JSC "Electrosila") P = 152 MW, Q = ±50 MV A, and EMF E = 2.5<Еном =3 отн.ед.

According to the developer OJSC Uralelectrotyazhmash, the synchronous compensator KSVBM 160-15U1 costs $3.64 10 6. If the rotor of the same dimensions is made with non-salient pole cladding (the design of the SC allows this), then the cost will increase 1.5 times and amount to 5 .46 10 6 dollars and then the total cost of a converter of the ASM + SM type (that is, from serial and converted synchronous compensators) will be 9 10 6 dollars (see table). It should be noted here that
GOST 13109-97 for the quality of electrical energy (Resolution of the State Committee for Standardization and Certification of the Russian Federation, 1998) allows the following frequency deviations: normal ±0.2 Hz for 95% of the time, maximum ±0.4 Hz for 5% of the time of day . Taking into account that the AFC will continue to operate, it can be argued that the ceiling value of the excitation voltage for slip with a frequency of ±2 Hz incorporated in the AFM will ensure reliable operation of the AS EMFC under other large system disturbances. At the rated stator current, the losses in the SC are 1800 kW and then the efficiency is equal to = 0.988. Taking the efficiency of the ASM converted from SK to be the same as in the project of JSC Elektrosila, taking into account transformers we obtain: = 0.988 0.983 0.997 2 = 0.966.
The table shows data for two units of the ASM+SM type in parallel, which makes it possible to cover the expected increase in transit capacity when installing a converter at the Mogocha substation. At the same time, the specific cost is lower and the efficiency is higher than all other options. It should also be emphasized that the obvious advantage is that KSVBM compensators are designed for outdoor installation at ambient temperatures from -45 to +45 o C (that is, the entire technology has already been proven), so there is no need to build a machine room for AS EMFC units, but only a housing is needed for auxiliary devices with an area, as required by building codes, two six-meter spans in width by six six-meter spans in length, that is, 432 m 2. Thermal calculations of compensators
are performed for both hydrogen cooling and air cooling. Therefore, the mentioned two-unit EMFC AS can operate for a long time on air cooling at a load of 70% of the nominal load, providing the required flow of 200 MW.
In addition, the Energosetproekt Institute has developed an original standard design for the installation of a 160 MVA SC with reversible brushless excitation, which can significantly reduce the volume of construction work, speed up the installation and commissioning of the SC and significantly reduce the cost of their installation.

1. Non-synchronous parallel connection of the UPS of Siberia and the Far East via the southern double-circuit transit of 220 kV using an asynchronized electromechanical frequency converter (AS EMFC) is preferable in terms of technical and economic indicators compared to the well-known VAC based on STATKOM and DIRECTLINK.
2. Many years of theoretical and experimental research and completed projects have shown the capabilities of EMFC AS to regulate active and reactive powers, machine voltages and unit rotor speed. By installing a converter at the Mogocha substation, the Kholbon - Skovorodino transit is practically divided in half, so the throughput of this transit will increase by 1.5-2 times, which will make it possible to postpone the construction of a 500 kV power line and the expansion of the Kharanorskaya GRES.
3. A preliminary technical and economic comparison of converters showed that the construction of a substation with VAC on lockable switches with PWM for a transmitted power of 200 MW based on the Directlink project costs $76 million, and based on the STATKOM project - $66 million. At the same time, AC EMPCH-200 type ASM + ASM, according to JSC Elektrosila and the Research Institute Elektrotyazhmash (Kharkov), costs $20 million.
4. For AS EMFC type ASM+SM based on serially produced synchronous compensators with hydrogen and air cooling by OJSC "Uralelektrotyazhmash" and operated in power systems for outdoor installation of KSVBM 160 MV A, the specific cost of the installed capacity of AS EMPC with complete substation equipment is $40/ kW and at the same time the efficiency is not lower than other types of converters. Taking into account the small volume of construction and installation work, low unit cost and high efficiency, just such a substation with AS EMFC entirely on domestic equipment can be recommended for the non-synchronous integration of the IPS of Siberia and the Far East.

OJSC "System Operator of the Unified Energy System" successfully conducted tests to enable parallel synchronous operation of the United Energy Systems (UPS) of the East and Siberia. The test results confirmed the possibility of stable short-term joint operation of power interconnections, which will make it possible to move the separation point between them without interrupting the power supply to consumers.

The purpose of the tests is to determine the main characteristics, indicators and operating conditions of parallel operation of the integrated power systems of the East and Siberia, as well as to verify models for calculating steady-state conditions and static stability, transient conditions and dynamic stability. Parallel operation was organized by synchronizing the united power systems of Siberia and the East at the sectional switch of the 220 kV Mogocha substation.

To conduct tests at the 220 kV Mogocha substation and the 220 kV Skovorodino substation, transient monitoring system (SMPR) recorders were installed, designed to collect real-time information about the parameters of the electric power regime of the power system. Also during the tests, SMPR recorders installed on the .

During the tests, three experiments were carried out in parallel synchronous operation mode of the UES of the East and the UES of Siberia with regulation of the flow of active power in the controlled section “Skovorodino - Erofey Pavlovich Traction” from 20 to 100 MW in the direction of the UES of Siberia. The parameters of the electric power regime during the experiments were recorded by SMPR recorders and means of the operational information complex (OIC), designed for receiving, processing, storing and transmitting telemetric information about the operating mode of energy facilities in real time.

The control of the electric power regime during the parallel operation of the IPS of the East with the IPS of Siberia was carried out by regulating the flow of active power using the Central System of Automatic Control of Frequency and Power Flows (CS ARFM) of the IPS of the East, to which the Zeyskaya HPP and Bureyskaya HPP are connected, as well as the dispatch personnel of the ODU of the East.

As part of the tests, short-term parallel synchronous operation of the IPS of Siberia and the IPS of the East was ensured. At the same time, the configuration parameters of the CS ARFM of the UES of the East, operating in the mode of automatic control of power flow with frequency correction along the section “Skovorodino - Erofey Pavlovich/t”, were determined experimentally, ensuring stable parallel operation of the UES of the East and the UPS of Siberia.

“The results obtained confirmed the possibility of short-term switching on parallel operation of the UES of the East and the UES of Siberia when moving the dividing point between power interconnections from the 220 kV Mogocha substation. When all 220 kV transit substations Erofey Pavlovich – Mogocha – Kholbon are equipped with synchronization means, it will be possible to move the dividing point between the IPS of Siberia and the IPS of the East without a short-term interruption in power supply to consumers from any transit substation, which will significantly increase the reliability of power supply to the Trans-Baikal section of the Trans-Siberian Railway,” – noted Natalya Kuznetsova, chief dispatcher of ODU East.

Based on the results of the tests, an analysis of the data obtained will be carried out and measures will be developed to improve the reliability of the power system in the context of the transition to short-term parallel synchronous operation of the IPS of Siberia and the IPS of the East.

By 2022, the volume of demand for electrical energy in the IPS of the East is projected at 42.504 billion kWh (average annual growth rate for the period 2016 - 2022 - 4.0%) (Figure 2.9).

The forecast of demand for electrical energy for the period 2016 - 2022 takes into account changes in the territorial structure of the energy zone of the East - the accession to the IPS of the East of isolated energy regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Western and Central, the consumption of electrical energy of which is more than 70% of the total consumption in the centralized energy supply zone Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The connection of isolated energy districts determines the high dynamics of demand for electrical energy in the period 2016 - 2017.

The demand for electrical energy in the IPS East, excluding the connection of the Central and Western energy regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) at the 2022 level in the considered option, is estimated at 36.5 billion kWh with an average annual increase for the period 2016 - 2022 of 1.8% , with the corresponding figure for the UES of Russia being 0.6%. The accelerated growth rates of demand for electrical energy in the UES of the East in the considered future are determined by the economic development of the region. The growth in demand for electrical energy is associated, first of all, with the upcoming development of industrial production, taking into account the implementation of new large-scale projects - potential residents of industrial production zones, including:

metallurgical production, represented by large investment projects - the formation of a mining and metallurgical cluster in the Amur region on the basis of ore deposits, including the Kimkano-Sutarsky GOK (commissioned in 2016), the development of gold deposits in the Amur region - Malomyrsky, Pokrovsky and Albynsky mines;

coal mining in the South Yakutsk energy region - Elginskoye deposit and Chulmakanskaya mine, and Khabarovsk Territory - Urgalugol OJSC;

production of oil and gas processing and the creation of new production facilities of the petrochemical complex related to the development of main oil and gas pipeline systems, the largest of the projects is the construction of the petrochemical complex of OJSC NK Rosneft in Nakhodka of CJSC VNHK (a joint project with the Chinese corporation ChemChina) , a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas of Gazprom LNG Vladivostok LLC with the commissioning of the first stage in 2020, the Amur Oil Refinery in the village of Berezovka, Ivanovo district - a complex for oil refining and transportation of petroleum products (refining capacity up to 6 million tons of raw materials per year, taking into account the supply of petroleum products to the domestic market and exports to China);

development of shipbuilding enterprises on the basis of the Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair, the main directions of which are the modernization of ship repair facilities and the creation of new capacities for the implementation of projects for the production of modern marine equipment - Primorsky Territory;

implementation of the Vostochny Cosmodrome project in the Amur region;

implementation of projects in priority development territories (ASEZ), including the Nadezhdinskaya ASEZ (creation of a logistics center, technology park and related industries) and the Mikhailovskaya ASEZ (agro-industrial specialization) in the Primorsky Territory.

In terms of transport infrastructure, the following seaports (transport and logistics sites) will be developed:

in the Khabarovsk Territory - the port of Vanino, where a specialized coal transshipment complex of Mechel OJSC will be created, a coal transshipment terminal in Muchka Bay of Sakhatrans LLC, a coal transshipment terminal in the area of ​​Cape Bury of Far Eastern Vanino Port LLC, including for maintenance transshipment of coal from the Elegest deposit (Republic of Tyva);

in the Primorsky Territory - LLC "Sea Port "Sukhodol" - a specialized cargo port in the area of ​​Sukhodol Bay (Shkotovsky district), LLC "Port Vera" in the area of ​​​​Bezaschitnaya Bay in the territory of the closed administrative city of Fokino - a marine terminal with accompanying infrastructure, OJSC "Posiet Trade Port" "in the Khasansky district - modernization and construction of a specialized coal terminal with an increase in capacity to 12 million tons per year.

AK Transneft JSC is working to expand the first and second stages of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipeline system: ESPO-1 to 80 million tons per year and ESPO-2 to 50 million tons by 2020. This determines the construction three oil pumping stations in the Amur region and an oil pumping station in the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as an increase in capacity at existing oil pumping stations in the Amur region and the South Yakut energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

In connection with the annexation of isolated energy districts, the territorial structure of electricity consumption of the UES of the East is changing - the share of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is significantly increasing - up to 19% in 2022 (5.3% is the share of the South Yakut energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the UES of the East currently).

The Western energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) includes the Aikhal-Udachninsky, Mirny, Lensky industrial hubs and a group of Vilyui agricultural districts. The main core industries are diamond mining and processing, which is the traditional specialization of the region, and oil production. These energy-intensive industries determine the specifics of the structure of electrical energy consumption of both the Western energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (the share of extractive industries is at least 57% in the structure of industrial consumption of electrical energy), and the entire energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), namely: a high share of industrial production in the total structure of electrical energy consumption (43% overall for the Yakut energy system, including 37% attributable to mining) against the background of the relatively low share characteristic of the UES of the East at present (24% and 6%, respectively). The growth in demand for electrical energy in the Western energy region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the future will be determined by the development of core industries - oil production (development of the central block of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field) and transportation of oil through the pipeline system "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean", mining and processing of diamonds ( improvement of mining technology, development of underground diamond-bearing pipes “Aikhal”, “Internationalnaya”, “Botuobinskaya”, “Nyurbinskaya”, development of the Udachninsky mining and processing enterprise associated with the transition from quarry to mine mining with the involvement of deep horizons of the deposit in the exploitation), as well as the creation production and social infrastructure.

Rostekhnadzor issued an Act of Investigation into the causes of a systemic accident that occurred on August 1, 2017 in the United Energy System of the East (UES Vostok), an accident that left over 1.7 million people without electricity in several regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The Report lists all the main participants in the events, dozens of signs of an accident, technical circumstances, organizational deficiencies, cases of failure to comply with the dispatcher’s command and facts of improper operation of equipment, design errors and violations of regulatory legal acts, showing that the main and, in fact, the only reason for what happened was uncoordinated operation elements of the energy system. The same reason underlies most system accidents.

The 500 kV line near Khabarovsk was under repair; on August 1 at 22 local time there was an oversized shutdown (short circuit when an oversized load passes under the wires) of the 220 kV line of the Federal Grid Company (FGC). Then the second 220 kV transmission line was disconnected. The reason is incorrect configuration of relay protection and automation (RPA); it did not take into account the possibility of power lines operating with such a load. The disconnection of the second 220 kV transmission line led to the division of the IPS East into two parts. After this, the automatic power control system at the RusHydro power plant did not work correctly, which provoked the further development of the accident and its scale. The result is the shutdown of several power lines, including those leading to China.

— The protection and emergency automatic systems worked, and a number of power facilities went out of order. The operating parameters of six stations have changed. Distribution networks were damaged,” Olga Amelchenko, a representative of Far Eastern Distribution Network Company JSC, told RG.

As a result, the unified energy system of the south of the Far East was divided into two isolated parts: surplus and deficit. Shutdowns occurred in both. In the excess condition, the protection of generating and power grid equipment was triggered, and in the deficient condition, automatic frequency unloading was activated.

The official cause of the incident was “inconsistent functioning of power system elements.”

According to the investigation report of Rostechnadzor, the main causes of the accident are “excessive operation of relay protection devices, incorrect operation of automatic control systems of generating equipment, shortcomings of the algorithm used by the developer for the functioning of emergency automatics in the 220 kV network, shortcomings in the operation of electrical network equipment.”

What happened on August 1 was not even an accident, but a series of accidents. In 2012, there were 78 system accidents; in the first eight months of 2017, there were only 29. There are fewer major accidents, but, unfortunately, they have become larger in scale. In 2017, there were five such accidents with large-scale consequences - the division of the energy system into isolated parts, the shutdown of a large volume of generation and a massive interruption of power supply.

The main problem is that the industry does not have mandatory requirements for equipment parameters and their coordinated operation as part of the Unified National Energy System. A certain critical mass has accumulated, which led to the latest large-scale accidents.

A minor problem that could have been fixed quickly grew into a major incident with system-wide consequences. At each stage, the situation was aggravated by incorrect actions of automation designed and configured by people. She reacted incorrectly.

Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Andrei Tcherezov named uncoordinated operation of equipment as one of the main causes of accidents in the Russian energy system; the activity was not based on any regulatory framework; in the end, it turned out that different equipment in the energy system often operates uncoordinated.

A new “code” for the operation of the electric power industry was never created after the completion of the industry reform. With the departure of RAO UES of Russia from the arena and the transfer of interaction between electric power industry entities to market relations, most of the technological regulations lost their legitimacy, since they were formalized by orders of RAO.

Mandatory requirements for equipment, prescribed in documents of the Soviet era, have long lost their legal status, moreover, many of them are morally outdated and do not correspond to modern technology development.

Meanwhile, “since 2002, energy sector entities have been introducing new devices en masse - new equipment was actively installed within the framework of the CSA, large-scale investment programs were implemented, and a large number of energy facilities were built. As a result, it turned out that different equipment in the power system often works inconsistently,” noted Andrey Tcherezov.

“We have a lot of electricity entities, and the interaction between them must be regulated, but it turns out they act independently,” said Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Andrei Tcherezov immediately after the accident.

Only normative regulation of technological activities can ensure coordinated operation of the elements of the energy system. And for this it is necessary to create a transparent and technically correct system of generally binding requirements for the elements of the energy system and the actions of industry entities.

“There shouldn’t be any autonomous functioning, because we work in a single energy system; accordingly, the Russian Ministry of Energy intends to regulate everything through regulations,” emphasized Andrey Tcherezov.

— It is necessary to create clear, understandable conditions - who is responsible for the system, emergency automation, for its functionality, settings.

The ministry has begun work to improve the rules for investigating accidents in terms of a comprehensive systematization of the causes, creating mechanisms for determining and implementing measures to prevent them. “These rules define exclusively technical requirements for equipment, without limiting the freedom to choose a manufacturer. Also, this document does not specify the time frame for reconfiguring or replacing equipment,” said Andrey Tcherezov.

The Russian Ministry of Energy organized work to restore the system of mandatory requirements in the industry, which was not properly developed during the energy reform. Federal Law No. 196-FZ dated June 23, 2016 was adopted, which consolidates the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body authorized by it to establish mandatory requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power systems and electric power facilities.

Currently, dozens of regulatory legal acts and industry-wide regulatory and technical documents are being developed and prepared for adoption in accordance with plans approved at the level of the Russian Government.

In August, the country's president instructed the Ministry of Energy to submit proposals to prevent mass power outages. One of the first steps should be the adoption of the most important system document - the Rules for the Operation of Electric Power Systems. His project has already been submitted to the Russian government for consideration. These generally binding rules will set the framework for regulatory and technical regulation - they will establish key technological requirements for the operation of the energy system and its constituent facilities. In addition, it is necessary to adopt many specific regulatory and technical documents at the level of the Ministry of Energy.

Projects for many of them have been developed and have undergone public discussion. A series of emergency events in recent years in the UES of Russia is forcing power engineers to hurry.

“One of the key tasks today is to direct investments into optimizing the existing energy system, and not into building up the energy system as an asset that is not yet possible to operate optimally,” said Evgeny Grabchak, director of the Department of Operational Control and Management in the Electric Power Industry of the Russian Ministry of Energy, at the International Forum on Energy Efficiency and energy development “Russian Energy Week” (Moscow, St. Petersburg, 5 - 7.10.2017)

“By taking a single coordinate system as a basis, unambiguously defining all subjects and objects, describing their interaction, and also learning to communicate in the same language, we will be able to ensure not only horizontal and vertical integration of all information flows that circulate in the electric power industry, but also link decentralized centers management with a unified logic for the regulator to make the necessary corrective decisions. Thus, in an evolutionary way, tools will be created to model the achievement of the basic state of the electric power industry of the future, and we see it in the optimal cost per unit of electricity - a kilowatt at a given level of safety and reliability, - explained Evgeniy Grabchak.

In his opinion, in parallel it will be possible to achieve additional benefits not only for the regulator and individual facilities, but also for related companies and the state as a whole.

— Among these advantages, I will note, first of all, the creation of new markets for service services, these are: predictive modeling of the state of the energy system and its individual elements; life cycle assessment; analytics of optimal process control; analytics on the operation of the system and its individual elements; analytics for developing new technologies and testing existing ones; formation of industry orders for industry and assessment of the profitability of creating production of electrical and related products; development of logistics services, services for optimizing asset management, and much more. However, to implement these changes, in addition to defining a single coordinate system, it is necessary to reverse the trend of introducing advanced, but unique and non-integrated technologies.

P. S.

On October 2, Vitaly Sungurov, who previously held the post of Advisor to the Director for Development Management of the UES of SO UES JSC, and before that headed a number of regional dispatch departments, was appointed to the position of General Director of the Branch of SO UES JSC "United Dispatch Office of the Energy System of the East" (UDE East) System operator.

From 2014 to 2017, Vitaly Leonidovich Sungurov was the director of the Udmurt RDU and Perm RDU branches. During this period, Vitaly Sungurov took an active part in the process of structural optimization of the System Operator. Under his leadership, a project was successfully implemented to enlarge the operating zone of the Perm Regional Dispatch Office, which assumed the functions of operational dispatch control of the electrical power regime of the Unified Energy System of Russia in the territory of the Udmurt Republic and the Kirov Region.

Based on the results of the annual inspection, which took place from October 24 to 26, the Branch of SO UES JSC “United Dispatch Office of the East Energy System” (UDE East) received a certificate of readiness for work in the autumn-winter period (AWP) 2017/2018.

The results of the emergency training confirmed the readiness of the System Operator's dispatch personnel to effectively interact with the operational personnel of electric power industry entities during emergency response, as well as to ensure the reliable operation of the United Energy System of the East in the autumn-winter period of 2017/2018.

One of the main conditions for obtaining a passport of readiness to work in the OZP is the receipt of passports of readiness by all regional dispatch departments (RDU) of the operating zone of the SO UES JSC branch ODU. All RDUs of the operational zone of ODU Vostok successfully passed inspections during October and received passports of readiness to work in the OZP 2017/2018. Receipt of certificates of readiness by the branches of SO UES JSC ODU and RDU is a mandatory condition for the issuance of a certificate of readiness to work in the upcoming winter zone to the System Operator

JSC "System Operator of the Unified Energy System", PJSC "Yakutskenergo" and the Branch of PJSC "FGC UES" MES of the East successfully conducted a full-scale experiment that proved the possibility of restoring power supply to consumers of the Central Energy District (CER) of the power system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from the United Energy System (UPS) of the East by moving the dividing point between them.

The experiment was carried out on the initiative of PJSC Yakutskenergo in agreement with JSC SO UES and by decision of the Headquarters for Ensuring the Security of Electricity Supply of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The purpose of the experiment was to test the actions of dispatcher and operational personnel when restoring power supply to the uluses (districts) located on the right bank of the Lena River in the Central Energy District of the Yakut Energy System from the IPS East via the 220 kV cable-overhead line (OCL) Nizhny Kuranakh - Maya.

Specialists from the branches of SO UES JSC United Management of the Energy System of the East (ODU East), Regional Dispatch Management of the Energy System of the Amur Region (Amur RDU) with the participation of specialists from the branch of SO UES JSC Regional Dispatch Management of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk RDU) and PJSC "SO UES" Yakutskenergo" developed the Program, determined the requirements for the parameters of the electrical power regime of the UES of the East and the Central Energy System of the Yakut Energy System, and created circuit-regime conditions for powering the load of the Central Energy System from the UES of the East. The switching was controlled by commands from the dispatch personnel of the Amur Regional Dispatch Office and the Technological Management Department of PJSC Yakutskenergo.

During the experiment, which lasted over 21 hours, the dividing point between the IPS of the East and the Central Energy System of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was successfully moved deep into the Central Energy District, as a result of which some of the consumers of Yakutia received electricity from the IPS of the East. The maximum instantaneous value of power flow reached 70 MW; in total, over a million kWh of electricity was transferred to consumers in the central part of Yakutia.

"The results obtained confirmed the possibility of restoring power supply to the uluses across the river in the Central Energy District of the Yakut Energy System from the IPS East in the event of accidents at the generating equipment of this energy region. Also, during the experiment, data was obtained, the analysis of which will allow us to develop measures to optimize the switching process and reduce the time of interruption in power supply to consumers when moving the dividing point between the Central Electric Power District and the UPS of the East,” noted Natalya Kuznetsova, director of regime management and chief dispatcher of the UPS of the East.

Currently, the Western and Central energy regions of the power system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with a total installed capacity of power plants of 1.5 GW operate in isolation from the Unified Energy System of Russia and operational dispatch control on their territory is carried out by PJSC Yakutskenergo. In 2016, in preparation for the implementation of operational dispatch control of the energy system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as part of the Western and Central energy districts and the organization of the connection of these energy districts to the 2nd synchronous zone of the UES of Russia - UES of the East - the Yakutskoye Branch of SO UES JSC was created RDU. It will assume the functions of operational dispatch control on the territory of the Western and Central energy districts of the Yakut energy system will be carried out after the Government of the Russian Federation introduces appropriate changes to the regulatory documents and excludes the Yakut energy system from the list of isolated ones.