Design and technological support of machine-building industries is a specialty. Design and technological support for machine-building industries


During four years of full-time study, a bachelor's student must learn:

  • collect and analyze initial information when manufacturing engineering products;
  • formulate project goals and objectives based on specified criteria;
  • determine priority areas in solving problems, taking into account the moral aspects of activity;
  • formalize completed design and construction work;
  • develop engineering products, taking into account mechanical, operational, technological, aesthetic, managerial, economic parameters;
  • create new and modernize existing machine-building production facilities;
  • use modern information and computer technologies;
  • monitor developed projects for compliance with technical specifications and other legal requirements;
  • master and improve systems, technologies and means of mechanical engineering production;
  • introduce effective manufacturing technologies;
  • effectively use materials, tools, equipment and automation, algorithms;
  • implement technological and production processes, choosing materials and equipment;
  • organize control over technological processes, finished products and materials used;
  • assess defects in production, analyze the causes of its origin, and take preventive measures;
  • carry out the procedures necessary for certification and standardization;
  • organize teamwork at the enterprise.

Who to work with

You can get a job as an engineer in automation of control systems and technological processes. Some graduates prefer to start their activities from the position of a master. Those who know how to establish contact with unfamiliar people can also get a job as a sales manager for manufactured tools or equipment. If a young specialist successfully completes design work, he can be accepted into the design and technological production support department. He will also be able to independently develop and design parts, components and mechanisms of equipment.

  • manage the work of a team of performers;
  • evaluate the economic efficiency of production activities;

– design and technological:

  • develop technological processes;
  • design products.

A bachelor's graduate can work in the following positions:

  • process engineer with the prospect of growth to chief technologist;
  • design engineer with the prospect of promotion to chief designer;
  • foremen with the prospect of growth to the head of a site, workshop, production, or chief engineer;
  • manager of existing production facilities;
  • sales manager for tools and equipment;
  • in computer design and production management services with promotion to manager;
  • director of his own company.

Upon completion of training, all graduates are offered employment at the request of enterprises with decent wages. The number of applications from enterprises for graduates of the department significantly exceeds the number of graduates. Our graduates work in key positions in enterprises in various regions of Russia and abroad:

  • Chelyabinsk: JSC "Electromashina", LLC "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - Uraltrak", PG "Metran", JSC "Stankomash", JSC "Plastik", VGUP "Signal", JSC "Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant", JSC "Chelyabinsk Forging and Press Plant" ", JSC "Trubodetal", JSC "Chelyabinsk Automechanical Plant", JSC "Chelyabinsk Plant "Teplopribor", JSC PG "Metran", State Unitary Enterprise Chelyabinsk Plant "Pribor", JSC "Chelyabinsk Radio Plant "Polet", JSC "Chelyabinsk Tool Plant", CJSC PLASTIK, OJSC Chelyabinsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant
  • Chelyabinsk region: Federal Missile Center (Miass), Federal Nuclear Center (Snezhinsk), Instrument-Making Plant (Trekhgorny), Troitsk Electromechanical Plant JSC, Kopeysk Machine-Building Plant JSC
  • Regions of Russia: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Production Association "October" (Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region), JSC "Rusich" KZKT - Kurgan Wheel Tractor Plant, Rostselmash (Rostov-on-Don), LLC "Scientific and Engineering Company" ( Zhukovsky, Moscow region)
  • Abroad: WEMA GLAUCHAU (Freiburg, Germany), Microsoft (Newton, USA), etc.,
  • and also organize their own business in the engineering industry and other areas.

Bachelor students study the following subjects:

  • mechanical engineering technology;
  • computer design of products and technological processes;
  • design of control programs for numerically controlled machines;
  • economic issues of enterprise management;
  • automation of machine-building production;
  • robotic flexible production systems;
  • Accounting;
  • jurisprudence;
  • internships: introductory, production and pre-graduation at large factories in Russia and enterprises of the Ural region (OJSC Eletromashina, OJSC Trubodetal and many others);
  • Computer training is carried out throughout the entire training period.

Duration of training Bachelor's degree is 4 years for full-time study and 5 years for part-time study (Correspondence Faculty of Engineering and Economics)

Admission conditions - exams (Unified State Examination): Russian, mathematics, physics (major – mathematics).

Direction code: 03/15/05 Educational standard: Federal State Educational Standard Level of education: Bachelor's degree Description:

The machine-building complex is an industry that ensures the country's defense capability, an industry that provides equipment to all other industrial complexes, an industry that is the backbone of the state's economy. The spread of automated equipment, CNC machines, and the development of CAD contributed to changing the requirements for the qualifications of young specialists in modern production. To manufacture any mechanism - be it a food processor or a sports car, a combat aircraft or a children's toy - today requires knowledge of both traditional and latest technologies. This knowledge is obtained by students studying in the field of preparation “Design and technological support for machine-building production”.

Over the course of 4 years, our graduates receive in-depth training in natural science and engineering disciplines and become familiar with modern CAD and CAM systems, without which modern production is unthinkable. The knowledge gained allows them to occupy various positions in production. For example, design engineer, engaged in the design of technological equipment for automated production or the design of modern cutting tools. Or process engineer, a person without whom mechanical engineering production is impossible, whose work consists in designing the technological processing process - the “recipe” for manufacturing, so to speak - and subsequent monitoring of its execution. Someone prefers a position CNC machine programmer, and by machine tools here we should understand modern processing centers that “can do everything,” 3D printers, and laser equipment! Some work as engineers in planning and dispatch services, and others work as CNC machine tool operators.

Our graduates are in demand, - this is important when choosing a future profession! After graduating from AltSTU, they successfully work in small and large enterprises throughout Russia, such as OJSC Rostselmash, OJSC NAPO im. V.P. Chkalov", OJSC "Altaivagon", OJSC "Altai Instrument-Making Plant "Rotor", OJSC HC "Barnaul Machine Tool Plant", JSC "Barnaul Cartridge Plant", OJSC "Barnaultransmash", CJSC "Altai Precision Products Plant", OJSC "Sibenergomash", CJSC Rubtsovsk Spare Parts Plant, LLC Forging and Press Equipment Plant, OJSC Biysk Production Association Sibpribormash and many others.

During their studies, students undergo internships at these enterprises, and upon completion they are hired. Already working, many continue their Master's studies in the area of ​​training of the same name, improving and gaining new knowledge necessary in the work.


The Department of Design and Technological Support of Machine-Building Productions provides admission to the following areas of higher professional education:

FULL-TIME EDUCATION Direction of bachelor's training 03/15/05 "Design and technological support of machine-building industries." Profile: Mechanical Engineering Technology

INTERMEDIATE AND CORRESPONDENT FORM OF STUDY Faculty of Evening Education Areas of bachelor's training 03/15/05 "Design and technological support of mechanical engineering production" Profile: Mechanical engineering technology

DIRECTIONS OF MASTER'S TRAINING FULL-TIME TRAINING 04/15/05 "Design and technological support for machine-building production"

PROGRAMS FOR TRAINING RESEARCH AND PEDAGOGICAL PERSONNEL IN POSTGRADUATE STUDIES 06/15/01 Mechanical engineering. Directions (profiles): Mechanical engineering technology", "Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing".

Achievements of our students, graduate students and teachers.

12/12/2016 Victory in the competition “Best research work of young scientists-2016”

The work of postgraduate student O.G. Kozhus was recognized as the winner of the regional competition “Best Research Work of Young Scientists-2016”. (Head of the department of KTOMP, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Barsukov G.V.) of the department “Design and technological support of machine-building production” of Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev” for the research work “Development of technology obtaining two-phase freely dispersed systems of artificial materials in order to replace imported abrasive sand for cutting with a supersonic water jet of liquid.”

Congratulations on winning the competition!

10/30/2016 Studying the latest methods of training using the “WORLD SKILLS” method

From October 30 to November 3, 2016, the III National Championship of cross-cutting working professions in high-tech industries using the “WORLD SKILLS” methodology was held in the city of Yekaterinburg. This event took place at the Ekaterinburg-EXPO exhibition center. For this event from Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Vasilenko Yu.V. took part in the delegation. Director of the Technological Institute named after N.N. Polikarpova, associate professor department KTOMP.

10/13/2016 High-tech project presented to investors for financing

October 13-14, 2016 at Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev graduate student department KTOMP, winner of the UMNIK program Kozhus O.G. (Head, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Barsukov G.V.) took part in the Regional Session of Practical Consulting (RSPC). At the session, a report was presented on the project: Creation of production for the production of new abrasive materials for hydroabrasive cutting." Based on the results, Kozhus O.G. received a certificate of participation.

09/29/2016 Educational programs of the Department of KTOMP are among the best!

A meeting of the expert commission of the competition of educational programs was held, at which it was approved, implemented by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev". Educational program training masters in the field 04/15/05 "design and technological support for machine-building industries" entered the top five!

17 - 30.06.2016 Congratulations to the graduates of the Department of CTOMP on the successful defense of their final qualifying works!

The topics of the presented final qualifying works were quite diverse; graduates explored in their works the issues of improving technological processes of mechanical processing of parts at Oryol enterprises, developed new technologies and methods of physical and technical processing, etc.

Representatives of industry not only from the Oryol region, but also from the Kaluga region, which is in need of our graduates, took part in the work of the state examination commission.

Members of the State Examination Committee assessed the practical significance of the presented final qualifying works for mechanical engineering, noted the students’ ability to draw conclusions and develop specific proposals to eliminate the problems identified during the study, and the ability to clearly and confidently defend their point of view.

02/16/2016 Awarding scientists for Science Day

An associate professor of the department was awarded a diploma from the Department of Education for significant contributions to Russian science and in connection with the celebration of Russian Science Day "KTOMP", Ph.D. Kanatnikov N.V.

Congratulations to all employees of the department "KTOMP" Happy Science Day!

02/06/2016 Participation in the seminar "Business in Japanese"

The two-day seminar was organized jointly by the Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev, Prioksky State University, the Japanese Center for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations and the Oryol Association of Participants in the Presidential Management Training Program. The seminar was conducted by the director of the Japanese Center ANO (Moscow), Mr. Hamano Michihiro.

Associate Professor of the Department took part in the seminar "KTOMP", Ph.D. Kanatnikov N.V.

01/12/2016 Victory in the competition of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research!

From April 19 to April 22, 2015 Our team’s victory at the All-Russian Student Olympiad

At the Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhov, the All-Russian Student Olympiad “Technological Machines and Equipment” took place, in which the team of the Technological Institute named after. N.N. Polikarpova (Komarov Ilya - student of group 41-TO, Lugovsky Denis - student of group 41-CT, Shestakov Evgeniy - student of group 41-TO). A teacher took part in preparing students for the Olympiad department "KTOMP" Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Burnashov M.A.

In the “Design of technical and technological complexes” profile, our students confidently took first, second and third places. Congratulations to our students on their successful performance!

The V Regional Scientific and Educational Conference of Students of General Educational Institutions “STEP into SCIENCE” took place. More than 40 schoolchildren from 10 schools in the city of Oryol took part in the plenary meeting and presented 32 reports. Teachers took part in the conference department "KTOMP": Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Yu.S. Stepanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A.S. Tarapanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tkachenko A.N. , Director of TI, Ph.D., Associate Professor. Yu.V. Vasilenko.

Following the results of the conference, a collection of conference materials was published, which was presented to each participant, along with certificates and commemorative medals. The leaders of the speakers, as well as school directors, were awarded letters of gratitude.

April 17, 2015 Conducting the VIII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Technical Conference

At the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpov FSBEI HPE State University - UNPC held a meeting of the VIII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Technical Conference "Current Problems of Engineering and Technology".

The welcoming speech was delivered by the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Presidential and Government of the Russian Federation Prizes in the field of education, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Stepanov Yuri Sergeevich(on the picture).

Students and graduate students took part in the conference departments "KTOMP": Shmanev S.A. (student group 51-PK), Zaitsev D.N. (student of group 51-PK), Ermakov I.E. (graduate student), Revenkov A.A. - in the photo (graduate student), Vasilenko O.A. (graduate student), Sychev E.A. (graduate student), Rubin P.S. (graduate student).

For assistance in developing the intellectual potential of talented youth in the field of technical sciences and organizing the active participation of students and graduate students of the department, gratitude was presented to the head. Department of KTOMP, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. G.V. Barsukov (pictured).

On 04/17/15 a master class “New developments in the field of metalworking” was held, conducted on the initiative of the director of the Technological Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor. Yu.V. Vasilenko and department "KTOMP" for students of 3-5 years of training in the field of training “Design and technological support of machine-building production”, “Mechanical engineering technology”.

The master class was conducted by a process engineer at “Machine Operator’s World” LLC (Moscow), Ph.D., Associate Professor, Polyakov Alexey Ivanovich.

More than 30 students, undergraduates and graduate students attended the master class. Of greatest interest to the students were issues related to the use of Sandvik Coromant products in various machining operations.

At the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpova Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education State University - UNPC held the IV Regional Olympiad in “Mechanical Engineering Technology” for students of higher education. The Olympics were held in individual and team competitions.

It was attended by 4 teams of students representing branches and divisions of the State University - UNPC:

1. TI of the State University - UNPC;

2. Department of “Instrumentation, metrology and certification” of the State University - UNPC;

3. Livensky branch of the State University - UNPC;

4. Karachevsky branch of the State University - UNPC.

After checking the results by an independent jury, preliminary places were distributed as follows:

1. TI of the State University - UNPC ( Head Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. department KTOMP Burnashov M.A.);

2. Livensky branch of the State University - UNPC;

3. Karachevsky branch of the State University - UNPC.

In the individual competition the winners were:

1. Shmanev Sergey Anatolyevich TI State University - UNPC department "KTOMP"(in the central photo);

2. Mimonov Andrey Mikhailovich Livensky branch of the State University - UNPC;

3. Sapelkin Timur Ivanovich Department of Instrument Engineering, Metrology and Certification of the State University - UNPC.

The FSBEI HPE "Tula State University" hosted the seventh annual Olympiad in 3D modeling for students of higher educational institutions of the Central region of the Russian Federation.

The event was attended by students of group 41-KT Semenov Viktor Gennadievich and Lugovsky Denis Konstantinovich, the group leader was Ph.D., senior teacher Department "KTOMP" Tkachenko A.N.

Based on the results of the Olympiad, he was awarded a first degree diploma Semenov Viktor Gennadievich.

Congratulations to the winner!

April 3, 2015 Participation in2nd regional scientific and practical conference named after. A.G. Shipunova

The 2nd regional scientific and practical conference named after. A.G. Shipunova. Scientists, graduate students and students from Tula, Orel, Voronezh, Livny took part in the conference. The reports were made by the head. department "KTOMP", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov, graduate students of the department. KTOMP I.E. Ermakov, A.A. Simakov, student of the department. KTOMP Semenov V.G. (on the picture). According to the conference program, students visited OJSC "HMS Livgidromash".

A seminar on “Metal cutting technology” Sandvik Coromant was held at the premises of Nauchpribor JSC. Student gr. 51-PK Zaitsev D.N. Department "KTOMP". The seminar addressed issues of machinability of materials, the use of modern cutting tools from Sandvik Coromant in various machining operations, including milling operations on 5-axis CNC machines. The training course included practical work on the enterprise equipment.

March 15, 2015 At 12.00 there will be an Open Day at the Technological Institute named after. N.N. Polikarpova. School students and their parents are invited to get acquainted with the educational, scientific and cultural activities of the departments of the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpova.

April 20-22, 2015 In Moscow, the University of Mechanical Engineering will host the 65th open international student scientific and technical conference of students of higher educational institutions "SNTK MAMI-2015". 5th year students department "KTOMP" Shmanev S. and Zaitsev D. will take part in its work.

November 18-19, 2014 The largest CAD Olympiad in Russia, CAD-OLYMP 2014, took place in Moscow. More than 200 students, teachers and young professionals from 37 regions of Russia and 4 foreign countries, in conditions of fierce competition, found out who is the best designer in modern CAD systems, including Compass-3D, AutodeskInventor, T-FlexCAD, PTCCreo, SolidEdge.

Team "Eagle Eye" consisting of students department "KTOMP" Shmaneva S.A., Semenova V.G., Lugovsky D.K. led by the team captain and senior teacher department "KTOMP" Simakov A.A. won the Winners' Cup, taking absolute first place in the main category of the Olympics - "Best Engineering Team", ahead of over 50 competing teams.

Congratulations to the winners of the main CAD event of the year!

November 6-7, 2014 students of the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpova Semenov Victor and Shmanev Sergey under the guidance of a senior teacher department "KTOMP" Simakov Alexander Alexandrovich took part in the open Olympiad of the Personnel Agency for the Modernization of Production of IKF Solver in the field of Mechanical Engineering Technology, held in Voronezh. Among the participants from Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk and Volgograd, our students showed a high level of preparation. In the category “Design of technology for processing parts,” Viktor Semenov (pictured) took 2nd place.

Congratulations and wish you further success in the upcoming competitions!

In the photo is student V. Semenov In the photo is student V. Semenov In the photo are students V. Semenov and S. Shmanev

Hands in the photo. Art. teacher A.A. Simakov

10.29-30.2014 Protection of students of the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel

The defense of students of the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012 - 2014 took place under the program “Technological methods of resource saving and increasing energy efficiency of industrial enterprises” (program director, director of the Technological Institute, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Yu.V. Vasilenko). The program is aimed at improving the quality of human resources of engineering and technical specialists in industries that are of strategic importance for the economic development of Russia. The commission included employees of the department “KTOMP” prof. G.A. Kharlamov, head department KTOMP prof. G.V. Barsukov.

26.10.2014 A large-scale event took place - Open Day. Career guidance work with applicants was carried out from department "KTOMP" Director of the Technological Institute Assoc. Yu.V. Vasilenko, head department prof. G.V. Barsukov, deputy head Department of Career Guidance Assoc. A.N. Tkachenko. The greatest interest was shown in the direction of bachelor's training 03/15/05 "Design and technological support for machine-building production". And this is no coincidence, since the country currently requires specialists to develop advanced designs of machines and equipment.

10/22/2014 Participation in the IV regional youth competition of innovative projects “Youth and Science of the 21st Century”

The final stage of the IV youth regional competition of innovative projects “Youth and Science of the 21st Century”, accredited by the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere under the UMNIK program, has ended. 3 applications were submitted from the KTOMP department. Based on the results of the reports, assistant department "KTOMP" Kanatnikov N.V. received support to continue the implementation of his project (supervisor Prof. G.A. Kharlamov).

09/05/2014 Awarding of teachers of the department

In building No. 7, awards were given to teachers and staff of the university in connection with the 60th anniversary of the State University-UNPC. Among the awarded employees department "KTOMP": Head department Barsukov G.V. (badge "For the development of research work of students", badge of the university "For many years of fruitful activity in the formation and development of the university complex, a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and the development of scientific research"), prof. Stepanov Yu.S. (badge “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation”), prof. Kharlamov G.A. (medal of K.D. Ushinsky), prof. Cherepenko A.A. , prof. Tarapanov A.S., prof. Sotnikov V.I., prof. Burnashov M.A. (university badge “For many years of fruitful activity in the formation and development of the university complex, great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and the development of scientific research”).

06/02/2014 Victory in the International Scientific and Technical Conference

Congratulations to the senior teacher department "KTOMP" Simakova A.A. with successful participation in the 1st International Scientific and Technical Conference "Young Scientists - the Basis of the Future of Mechanical Engineering and Construction" and receiving a 1st degree diploma with a medal.

16.05.2014 The Mtsensk branch of the State University-UNPC hosted the III International Scientific and Practical Conference of Secondary Vocational Students “Intellectual Potential of the 21st Century Innovative Russia”, where the head. Department of "KTOMP" Barsukov G.V. acted as an expert in the section “Mechanical engineering and the direction of its development.”

25.04.2014 At the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpov FSBEI HPE “State University - UNPC” held the IV Regional Scientific and Educational Conference of Students of General Educational Institutions “STEP into SCIENCE”. Employees took part in its work department "KTOMP" Honored Scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Yu.S. Stepanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A.S. Tarapanov, Ph.D., Assoc. Vasilenko Yu.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. M.A. Buranashov, head department "KTOMP" Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov, Ph.D. Tkachenko A.N., Art. teacher Simakov A.A.

Schoolchildren from 7 schools in the city of Orel took part in the plenary meeting and presented 16 reports. A total of 36 reports were submitted for participation in the conference.

24.04.2014 At the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpova FSBEI HPE “State University - UNPC” held the III Regional Interuniversity Olympiad in the category “Mechanical Engineering Technology” with the support of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Oryol Region and the Union of Young Scientists of the Oryol Region.

1 place: students department "KTOMP" FSBEI HPE "State University - UNPC".

Congratulations to the winners and team leader, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. M.A. Burnashova!

18.04.2014 The Institute of Technology hosted the IV Youth Scientific and Technical Forum “POLIKARPOV READINGS” and the VII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Technical Conference “CURRENT PROBLEMS OF TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTION”. PURPOSE OF THE CONFERENCE: Activation and maintenance of youth research work reflecting the problems of domestic industrial enterprises.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. took part in the conference. Yu.S. Stepanov. Graduate students spoke at the conference department "KTOMP" Ermakov I.E. (scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov), Simakov A.A. (scientific supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Yu.V. Vasilenko), Kanatnikov N.V. (scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.A. Kharlamov).

The All-Russian conference “Current problems of engineering and technology of mechanical engineering production” is a primary selection event for the “U.M.N.I.K.” program . Based on the results of the conference, articles prepared based on the materials of reports by participants who showed high results in research in the areas of work of the conference and the U.M.N.I.K. competition are recommended for publication in collections of scientific papers, high-ranking journals and journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list.

07.04.2014 4th year students under the guidance of Art. teacher department "KTOMP" Simakova A.A. took part in the sixth annual Olympiad in 3D modeling in the KOMPAS 3D system among students of secondary and higher educational institutions (Tula State University (Tula). In certain nominations, our students showed excellent results. According to the results of the Olympiad, first and second places went to the winners from Kursk.

26.02.2014 On the basis of the leading industrial enterprise in the region, JSC HMS Pumps, with the active support of the Administration of Livny and the State University - UNPC, a regional conference named after. A.G. Shipunov - a talented scientist, gunsmith, native of Livna.
The conference was attended by scientific, engineering and technical workers of JSC KBP im. Academician A.G. Shipunova", Tula, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University-UNPC", Orel, TI State University-UNPC, Orel, Karachevsky, Livensky branches of the State University - UNPC, OJSC "HMS Pumps", OJSC "Prompribor" and other enterprises cities. At the conference, the head made a report. department "KTOMP", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov.

05.02.2014 Alexandrov A.A. graduate student Department of “Design and technological support of machine-building production”(scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov) was awarded in honor of Science Day with a diploma from the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Oryol Region. Congratulations!

20.12.2013 A meeting of the Council of Managers of Industrial Enterprises of the Oryol Region was held with the agenda: “Main directions of interaction between industrial enterprises and institutions of higher professional education at the present stage of innovative development of the region.”

With a stand of achievements of the team of the Technological Institute (TI) and department "KTOMP"The governor of the Oryol region, Alexander Petrovich Kozlov, inspected the exhibition.

In the photo: TI director Yu.V. Vasilenko and head. Department "KTOMP" G.V. Barsukov

01.12.2013 At the Technological Institute named after N.N. Polikarpov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - Educational, Research and Production Complex" held an Open Day for applicants in 2014.

Starting from 2014, the Technological Institute plans to implement applied bachelor’s programs in the areas of “Design and technological support of mechanical engineering production” and “Technological machines and equipment”, which will allow the training of specialists to be focused on the needs of specific industrial enterprises and companies in the Oryol region and other regions of Russia.

in the photo: Ph.D., Assoc. department "KTOMP" Sotnikov V.I. conducts a tour of the CNC machine tool laboratories

The general director of Intellect CJSC, A.A. Turdykulov, came to meet the high school students as potential employees. Students from our university are already working at this developing enterprise.

In the photo: Director of the Technological Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor. Vasilenko Yu.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Cherepenko A.A. , gene. Director of JSC "Intellect" Turdykulov A.A., Head. department KTOMP Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Barsukov G.V.

28.11.2013 We invite students of grades 9,10,11 on Sunday, December 1 from 11.00 to 13.00 at any time at the address: Orel, st. Moskovskaya, 34 on Open day of the Institute of Technology.

12.11.2013 The Scientific Library of the State University-UNPC received the following educational and educational publications from the Editorial and Publishing Department, developed by employees department "KTOMP":

Graduate students and young scientists took an active part Department "KTOMP":

Simakov A.A. (competition winner), Tyukhta A.V. (competition winner), Kanatnikov N.V. (competition winner) (pictured), Sychev E.A.

23.09.2013 Employees department "KTOMP" prof. G.A. Kharlamov, prof. M.A. Burnashov, prof. A.F. Kulakov, associate professor Yu.V. Vasilenko, Art. teacher A.A. Simakov, as well as 4th year students, visited the Karachevsky plant “ELECTRODETAL” OJSC in the Bryansk region. Purpose of the visit: acquaintance with the enterprise, consideration of the possibility and organization of training sessions on its basis.

02.09.2013 The department "Design and technological support of machine-building production" was created"KTOMP" by combining the department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology and Design and Technological Informatics" of TMiKTI and the department of "Automated Machine Tool and Tool Systems" of ASiIS (Order No. 345 of June 15, 2013). The head of the department of "KTOMP" was appointed Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov.

22.07.2013 Manager Department of TMiKTI Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. G.V. Barsukov and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A.A. Cherepenko took part in a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to Russia, Mr. Jauhari Oratmangun. During the meeting, the rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC" signed a cooperation agreement with the autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Euro-Indonesian Cooperation "Makassar"", located in our city. The purpose of the agreement is actions aimed at implementing scientific and educational activities, establishing connections between the State University-UNPC and higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the Republic of Indonesia.

After talking at the round table, the ambassador visited the university’s manufacturing enterprise, JSC Nauchpribor, where he got acquainted with samples of the high-tech products being manufactured.

11.07.2013 Ceremonial presentation of diplomas to masters of engineering and technology in the direction 150900.68 - “Technology, equipment and automation of mechanical engineering production.” The presentation was attended by the director of the Technological Institute of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC", Ph.D., Associate Professor. Yu.V. Vasilenko, Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A.N. Afonin, head Department of TMiKTI Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. G.V. Barsukov.

04.07.2013 A meeting of the Department of TMiKTI was held on the issue of pre-defense of graduate student D.E. Tarasova. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the council D 212.182.06 Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu.S. Stapanov, deputy Chairman of the Board A.V. Kirichek, manager Department of TMiKTI, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.V. Barsukov, members of the council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Cherepenko A.A. , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.A. Kharlamov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Burnashov M.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tarapanov A.S. and other members of the department. Dissertation work by D.E. Tarasova is recommended for protection.

03.07.2013 Teachers and staff of the department of TMiKTI congratulate 2nd year students on the successful defense of master's theses for the degree of master of engineering and technology in the direction 150900.68 - “Technology, equipment and automation of mechanical engineering production.”

19.04.2013 At the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpova FSBEI HPE "State University - UNPC" hosted the VI Youth Scientific and Technical Forum "Current problems of engineering and technology of mechanical engineering production." More than 50 Russian young scientists took part in the event, of which 15 graduate students and masters made presentations.

The conference was attended by Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Presidential and Government of the Russian Federation awards, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Orelnano Research Center Yuri Sergeevich Stepanov. In his speech, Yu.S. Stepanov noted that it is young people who are able to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas for fundamental and applied research. Society has come to understand that without the advancement of science and the introduction of new technologies, the development of the state itself is impossible.

Based on the results of the conference, articles prepared based on the materials of reports by participants who showed high results in research in the areas of work of the conference and the U.M.N.I.K. competition were recommended for publication in collections of scientific papers, high-ranking journals and journals on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission , and the speakers were awarded diplomas, which were presented by the director of the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpova Ph.D., Associate Professor Vasilenko Yu.V. and head Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Design and Technological Informatics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Barsukov G.V.

In the photo: TI director Yu.V. Vasilenko, head Department "KTOMP" G.V. Barsukov

12.04.2013 At the Technological Institute. N.N. Polikarpov FSBEI HPE “State University - UNPC” held the II Regional Interuniversity Olympiad in the category “Mechanical Engineering Technology” with the support of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Oryol Region and the Union of Young Scientists of the Oryol Region.

In the team championship:

1st place: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC".

2nd place: Livensky branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC".

3rd place: Mtsensk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC".

In the individual championship:

1. Kolesnikov S.A., Livensky branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC".

2. Revenkov A.A., Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC".

3. Makarov M.V., Mtsensk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University - UNPC".

Congratulations to the students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Design and Technological Informatics, the organizers of the Olympiad and team leaders on their victory!

19.03.2013 On April 12, 2013, the Department of TM&KTI organizes and conducts a regional interuniversity Olympiad in “Mechanical Engineering Technology” with the participation of teams from Orel, Lipetsk, Tula, Kursk, Bryansk, Liven and Mtsensk.

18.03.2013 From March 18 to May 14, 2013 Technological Institute named after. N.N. Polikarpova FSBEI HPE "State University - UNPC" with the participation of the Department of TM&CTI is holding the II Youth Scientific and Technical Forum "Step into Science"

28.02.2013 From February 28 to April 19, 2013 Technological Institute named after. N.N. Polikarpova FSBEI HPE "State University - UNPC" with the participation of the Department of TM&KTI is holding the III Youth Scientific and Technical Forum "Current problems of engineering and technology of mechanical engineering production.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice

Mechanical engineering technology is a scientific field that studies the manufacturing process of products taking into account relevant quality standards. The goal of this industry is to optimize time and resources while maintaining high product performance. Qualified personnel in a given direction design, manufacture and repair high-quality equipment, and also ensure effective management of technological processes at enterprises. Technical professions always remain in demand, and many graduates who are well versed in the exact sciences strive to enroll in the specialty 03/15/05 “Design and technological support of machine-building industries.”

Admission conditions

In order to clearly understand what exams you need to take to enter this department, you need to decide on the university. As a rule, most educational institutions require subjects such as:

  • mathematics (profile level),
  • Russian language,
  • physics or computer science and ICT.

In rare cases, educational institutions replace physics and computer science with chemistry and a foreign language. Therefore, check all the necessary information in advance on the official websites of universities.

Future profession

Bachelor's students learn to perform production and technological work, which consists of manufacturing mechanical engineering parts, monitoring their quality and managing modern devices used in production. In addition, they are trained in the rules of working with personnel and the conditions for effective organization of work at the enterprise. Students also learn process improvement skills and the fundamentals of new product design.

Where to apply

Today, you can master a specialty not only in Moscow universities, but also in educational institutions in the largest cities of the country. When choosing an educational institution, you should pay special attention to the performance statistics of the faculty. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully study the teaching staff. If you want to get a quality education, we advise you to take note of the following universities:

Training period

The full-time bachelor's degree requires 4 years of study, and the part-time course takes 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The main subjects in the educational program of the direction are:

  • machine parts and design fundamentals,
  • descriptive geometry and engineering graphics,
  • Materials Science,
  • equipment for mechanical engineering production,
  • processes and operations of shaping,
  • theory of automatic control,
  • theory of mechanisms and machines,
  • technological processes in mechanical engineering,
  • mechanical engineering technology,
  • electrical and Electronics.

Acquired skills

As a result of mastering the specialty, graduates of the department acquire the following skills:

Job prospects by profession

Where should I go to work after university? Upon graduation, graduates can find positions such as:

  • engineer,
  • design engineer,
  • software engineer,
  • process engineer,
  • design engineer,
  • Foreman.

Experts in this area are in demand at absolutely all enterprises whose activities are related to mechanical engineering and the use of high-tech devices. As a rule, they do not have problems finding work: employers look for worthy candidates while students are still studying.

The above-mentioned specialties are in great demand in the labor market and are highly paid. Even young specialists can count on a salary of 45,000 rubles, while experienced craftsmen receive a salary of at least 100,000 rubles.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

To deepen their knowledge and hone their skills, many students decide to continue their studies in a master's program, which gives them a number of advantages:

  1. Opportunity for rapid career growth. Many young master's students immediately occupy leading positions and soon become managers.
  2. Improving your knowledge in the field of design and development of new mechanical engineering objects.
  3. Obtaining an education that meets international standards, the opportunity to find a highly paid job abroad.
  4. Perfect command of one foreign language.
  5. A chance to get the position of senior enterprise engineer in a short time.