The most powerful countries in the world. The most powerful states in the world

  1. USA
    Today this country has the largest economy in the world, strongest army peace, and also a very powerful democracy. It can also be said that the US is a media superpower. This country built itself, and since it gained independence, it has only become more powerful. US controls international relationships, and are part of the influential international organizations.
  2. Russian Federation
    The Russian Federation has the second most powerful army and controls several states Central Asia. She has large population And huge territories. These factors allow her to remain independent and prevent interference external forces into the political, economic and financial problems of the country. Because of its size, Russia has the resources to become a superpower.
  3. Chinese People's Republic
    The People's Republic of China is said to have the 4th largest GNP in the world. China has only recently achieved superiority over Britain and France. He has the most big army and huge potential to become the most powerful country in the world.
  4. France
    France sits on the UN Security Council and is the fifth most powerful country in the world. This is great nuclear power and she has influence in many African countries. The French have a large army that helps maintain law and order. It has a large economy and is part of European Union.
  5. Britannia
    Britain is also a member of the UN Security Council. It has an impressive nuclear arsenal and is considered the most stable democracy. Being economically developed country, and leading in areas such as music, filmmaking and media, the country has enormous influence when it comes to world politics. The country is also part of the European Union.
  6. Japan
    Japan has an extremely large economy and is one of the world's leading democracies. The country has a large population, but due to high competition it ranks below the US, China, France and the UK.
  7. Republic of India
    India is very populous country, and is well known for democracy, which derives its power from the detailed Constitution of India. Its economy is growing at a staggering rate, and its nuclear weapon becomes more and more powerful.
  8. federal Republic Germany
    Germany has the third largest economy and is one of the most influential countries in the European Union. However, it suffered greatly as a result of two world wars, which reduced its influence in the world.
  9. Republic of Pakistan
    Pakistan has a very large Muslim population and powerful nuclear weapons. This united country, but since she spends considerable sums on military dictatorship, it did not become truly powerful. In addition, although the country has sufficient resources, conflicts with India have also greatly weakened the country. So if she replenishes resources and finds a way to balance political situation, then she can become more powerful.
  10. Republic of Brazil
    The Republic of Brazil is very large and is part of Latin America. The country has the largest Portuguese-speaking population in the world. In addition, the country's media is quite stable, and its relations with the rest of the world are quite secure.

Politicians can create laws, but laws will only be obeyed if there are strong army, which is one of the most important foundations for any state. Below is a list of countries with the most powerful armies in the world.

And here we are talking not only about the military budget, but also about ground forces, the Air Force, the Navy and the forces special purpose. In addition, the rating takes into account the number of weapons, aircraft, ships, the level of influence in modern world and their military achievements.

15. Australia

Military budget: $26.1 billion

Total number of troops: 58 thousand

: 408

Total number submarines : 6

Main achievements:

In Australia Long story military successes. The country took part in two world wars, and in addition, it was part of British Empire, however, as a result of the struggle it gained independence.

In addition, Australia did not face enemies one-on-one, but it was one of the partners in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq with the United States, and also took part in peacekeeping missions.

Australia is located far from major conflicts, so it is considered one of the safest and most secure countries in the world.

In addition, in Australia, recruitment into the army is carried out on a voluntary basis, and only among Australian citizens.

14. Germany

Military budget: $40.2 billion

Total number of troops: 180 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 408

Total number of aircraft in service: 663

Total number of submarines: 4

Main achievements:

Germany played important role in both the First and Second World Wars, in which it was defeated and lost millions of people.

After defeats in two world wars, Germany was not directly involved in major conflicts, but it sent troops alongside its allies during the Ethiopian Civil War, the Angolan Civil War, the Bosnian War and Afghanistan.

When it comes to German army, the successes of Adolf Hitler's regime immediately come to mind, but quite a lot of time has passed since then, and the country has changed since then. Experts note that in currently in the German army record number inexperienced soldiers, but the country plans to build up military power and change the process of recruiting the armed forces.

13. Italy

Military budget: $34 billion

Total number of troops: 320 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 586

Total number of aircraft in service: 760

Total number of submarines: 6

Main achievements:

Italy does not take a direct part in the war against any country, but it does take part in peacekeeping missions, and in addition, its troops fight terrorism.

If during the Second World War the Italian army was weak, now its position has improved significantly along with the improvement of technical equipment.

12. UK

Military budget: $60.5 billion

Total number of troops: 147 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 407

Total number of aircraft in service: 936

Total number of submarines: 10

Main achievements:

The history of Great Britain's military glory is very interesting and filled with significant events.

The country took part in the Second World War, in which it became one of the countries that won victory over Nazi Germany.

After World War II, Great Britain took part in three wars with Iceland, in which it was defeated, after which Iceland was able to expand its territory and capture new lands.

Britain once ruled half the world, including India. New Zealand, Malaysia, Canada, Australia. Nevertheless, it became weaker, and the colonies one after another gained independence.

The UK's military budget has been cut due to Brexit, but the country is still planning a downsizing personnel until 2018

11. Israel

Military budget: $17 billion

Total number of troops: 160 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 4 170

Total number of submarines: 5

Main achievements:

Israel positions itself as the main competitor of Arab countries. Israel has been fighting for independence since 1947. In addition, the country fought a long war with Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and others Arab countries.

Israel has achieved five consecutive victories against Hamas and Palestine since 2000. In addition, the country is receiving military assistance USA.

This country is not recognized by 31 countries of the world, of which 18 are Arab.

Besides, israeli army known for the fact that not only men (3 years of service), but also women (2 years) serve in it.

In addition, the Israeli army is different in that it does not deploy its forces on the territory of other states, but is located inside the country to protect its borders.

10. Egypt

Military budget: $4.4 billion

Total number of troops: 468 500

Total number of tanks in service: 4 624

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 107

Total number of submarines: 4

Main achievements:

Egypt is fighting Israel along with other Arab countries, but the country has not won a single major battle for Lately.

In addition, Egypt is deploying its troops to fight the terrorist group ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation).

Egypt is known as the country that created greatest number chemical weapons mass destruction.

As in Israel, in Egypt military service is compulsory for men.

At the moment, Egypt is also fighting terrorism in its country.

9. Pakistan

Military budget: $8.5 billion

Total number of troops: 617 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 2 924

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 073

Total number of submarines: 8

Main achievements:

Pakistan's first major war was the 1965 war with India, which is the country's main competitor in the region.

The second major war was associated with internal politics in the country, which resulted in the formation of Bangladesh, and the Indian Army intervened in the internal situation in the country to avenge the defeat of 1965.

The Pakistani army is considered one of the strongest in the world. In addition, Pakistan has nuclear weapons - 140 nuclear warheads, while the country produces about 20 warheads annually. This country could become the third largest nuclear power in the world.

It is noted that Pakistan friendly relations with the world's superpowers. Took place not long ago joint exercises Russian and Pakistani armies.

8. Türkiye

Military budget: $18.2 billion

Total number of troops: 410 500

Total number of tanks in service: 3 778

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 020

Total number of submarines: 13

Main achievements:

Türkiye is an active member of the UN. She took part in the war between China and Korea. She took part in two major battles in Cyprus in 1964 and 1974, won and occupied 36.2% of the island.

The country still takes part in the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban, as well as in Iraq and Syria against ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation).

7. France

Military budget: $62.3 billion

Total number of troops: 205 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 623

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 264

Total number of submarines: 10

Main achievements:

The military history of France seems rather gloomy and lasts more than 3 thousand years. The country took part in both the First and Second World Wars.

Among other wars in which France took part, one can note the war of independence of Tunisia and Algeria in 1954-1962.

After this, France did not take part in major wars ah, but she also sent troops to Afghanistan.

France is also known as a country that produces a significant amount of weapons.

6. South Korea

Military budget: $62.3 billion

Total number of troops: 625 thousand

Total number of tanks in service: 2 381

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 412

Total number of submarines: 11

Main achievements:

The most big war, in which South Korea took part, is the war of 1950, when all UN countries supported South Korea in the fight against North Korea and China. In the end, South Korea won.

In 1966, conflict arose again between the two Koreas, but the United States military support South Korea, which led to its victory.

Army South Korea receives US military support, which makes it even more powerful.

Since the country's closest neighbor is its main enemy, then the country increases funding for military needs every year.

5. India

Military budget: $51 billion

Total number of troops: 1 408 551

Total number of tanks in service: 6464

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 905

Total number of submarines: 15

Main achievements:

Among the major wars in which India took part, it is important to note the war with China in 1962, the war with Pakistan in 1965. As a result, both sides lost many people.

There was also a war with Pakistan in 1999.

India is the second most populous country in the world with a population of approximately 1.3 billion people. In terms of personnel, India has the third largest army in the world.

Just like Pakistan, India increases its military budget every year to be prepared for unpleasant situations.

4. Japan

Military budget: $41.6 billion

Total number of troops: 247 173

Total number of tanks in service: 678

Total number of aircraft in service: 1 613

Total number of submarines: 16

Main achievements:

Japan took part in both the First and Second World Wars.

The most unsuccessful for Japan was the Second World War, which resulted in the fall of the Japanese Empire, as well as the weakening of the country as a result of US nuclear bombing.

The Japanese army is distinguished by its use of high technology, which makes it one of the strongest in the world.

The paradox is that the only country, which suffered as a result nuclear attacks, does not have the right to develop nuclear weapons and depends on the United States for security.

It is also noted that Japanese army has not been tested in real conditions, since after the Second World War it did not take part in any armed conflict.

3. Russia

Military budget: $84.5 billion

Total number of troops: 766 033

Total number of tanks in service: 15 398

Total number of aircraft in service: 3 429

Total number of submarines: 55

Main achievements:

Russia has a long history of wars and armed conflicts, our country has fought over 100 wars in its history, it has had both victories and defeats.

In the 20th century, Russia took part in the First World War. In addition, the country experienced a civil war.

The biggest and most tragic war is the Great Patriotic War, as a result of which many people died.

Russia is currently taking part in the war in Syria and fighting against ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation).

Russia is one of the countries with the highest military spending. In addition, the country produces weapons and ammunition.

2. China

Military budget: $216 billion

Total number of troops: 2 333 000

Total number of tanks in service: 9 150

Total number of aircraft in service: 2 860

Total number of submarines: 67

Main achievements:

China also has a wealth of experience in fighting wars. The country took part in the Korean War, which resulted in the deaths of almost 5 million people.

As a result, two states were formed - South and North Korea.

China is the most populous country in the world with the largest army.

China increases its military budget by 12% every year.

The nuclear arsenal includes about 400 nuclear weapons.

1. USA

Military budget: $601 billion

Total number of troops: 1 400 000

Total number of tanks in service: 8 848

Total number of aircraft in service: 13 892

Total number of submarines: 72

Main achievements:

The USA is the most powerful military power in the world. The United States directly or indirectly took part in almost all the wars that took place in the world.

Some wars are worth noting separately - this is the revolution, the Mexican-American War, Civil War, The Second World War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Iraq War, which ended with the execution of Saddam Hussein.

Experts say the US will never be conquered because the country has a strong Navy, and its location is also very advantageous.

About 1 million people serve in the country. In addition, the country has created cyber troops that are waging war against cybercrimes.

It rightfully ranks first and is considered a superpower. The country's economy is the most developed in the world. It accounts for more than 20% of the total world GDP. Very developed - automotive industry, high tech, Agriculture, mining. Products American companies sold all over the world.

The USA is a nuclear power. It has the second most powerful nuclear potential. The country's army is provided with modern high-tech weapons. The USA has the most powerful fleet in the world. The country is a member of international organizations. It has influence on many countries and regions.

2. Russia

It is considered the second country in the world, although some experts are trying to put it in first place. This is the most big country peace. Has large natural resources. The country's economy is focused on oil and gas production. The state receives its main income from the sale of minerals and raw materials.

Russia - nuclear country. Army of about 1 million soldiers. IN last years The latest developments in the military-industrial complex are being adopted. Has influence on certain states of Central Asia and the Middle East. Trying to restore lost positions in Eastern Europe.

3. China

One of the few countries that is less susceptible to the influence of global crises than others. A country with a population of more than 1 billion people. According to this indicator, it ranks first in the world. China has a very powerful economy, which is rapidly catching up with the United States in terms of GDP. Almost all spheres of the national economy (except agriculture) have been developed. Chinese products can be found in every country in the world.

China has nuclear weapons. The number of Chinese army is about 3 million soldiers. According to this indicator, the country ranks 1st in the world. $100 billion is spent on defense. in year. However, the army does not have weapons similar to the American or Russian ones.

China is a member of international organizations. Member of the UN Security Council.

4. France

Largest country Western Europe. It has a developed economy. Particularly notable are shipbuilding, automotive, aircraft, and agriculture. France has the largest network of hydroelectric power stations in Europe. Business card of this country - wine and cheeses.

France has nuclear weapons. The army size is about 250 thousand people. One of the few armies in the world that is equipped with the most modern weapons of its own production.

The country is a member of the UN Security Council and is part of the European Union. Has a great influence on the countries of the African continent.

5. UK

The country that once was great empire. Now it is not, but it is considered one of the strongest countries in the world. The automotive industry is very developed and financial sector. London is traditionally considered one of the three international centers. The country strong positions in international politics.

There are nuclear weapons. The army is small, but high-tech. In addition, he has combat experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. The UK has the largest air force and navy in Europe.

It is a member of the UN Security Council and NATO.

6. Japan

A country with a very high standard of living. Such indicators are ensured by a powerful high-tech economy. It is based on the production of electronics, computer technology, household appliances and automotive industry.

The Basic Law prohibits the country from having an army. Therefore, the armed forces are called self-defense forces. The number is about 250 thousand people. Strength is the fleet.

Japan is a member of the G8 and has close ties to the United States.

7. Germany

For many years, the country has the largest economy in the world. Medicine, automotive industry, agriculture, and the production of various equipment are very developed. The German Chancellor is considered one of the world's political leaders.

The German army has about 200 thousand soldiers. This is a highly mobile and well-equipped structure. The country is a member of NATO, EU, G8.

8. Canada

A country with one of the highest per capita incomes. Favors the rich natural resources. The main sectors of the economy are services, logging and oil industry. One of the world leaders in the production of agricultural products.

The Canadian army is not large and has 62 thousand military personnel. The country is a member of NATO and the G20.

9. India

India is a country with enormous potential. The rapidly growing economy makes this country one of the world leaders in GDP growth. The main sectors of the economy are: chemical, metallurgical, automotive, agriculture.

India is a nuclear power. The Indian army is the third largest in the world. India ranks first in the world in arms imports.

10. Israel

Israel has the most high level life among the countries of their region. The financial sector, medicine, and agriculture are very developed. The country has great support from the United States.

Israel has nuclear weapons. The Israel Defense Forces number about 170 thousand soldiers, plus a reserve of approximately 400 thousand. Modern weapons and combat experience make it one of the strongest in the world.

The American Interest website, summing up the results of 2016, devotes one of its publications to the most powerful states in the world. The authors of the article highlight the growing influence of two countries: Russia and Israel. The Jewish state entered the top eight for the first time.
Here is the eight indicating the population (millions of people):

USA - 318.9
China - 1,357
Japan - 127.3
Russia - 143.5
Germany - 80.62
India - 1,252
Iran - 77.45
Israel - 8.6

The USA retains first place. The publication notes that 2016 was an extremely unsuccessful year for the Barack Obama administration, and also that there are doubts that Donald Trump is suitable for the post of president of the most powerful state on the planet. China is ready to challenge American leadership.

However, the USA is a country with the most effective political system, a thriving economy, a world leader in advanced technologies. This is precisely the key to American influence. Challenging Trump's campaign slogan, the authors argue that America will never stop being great.

Second place is shared by China and Japan. China is ready to break out of its geopolitical straitjacket, especially if its economy declines. Chinese President Xi Jinping has laid siege to reformers and begun building up military power, which raises concerns among other states in the region.

These concerns are pushing the Asia-Pacific region to deepen cooperation with Japan, the main counterweight to Chinese expansion. Controversial US regional policies also increase Japanese influence. Despite the bad year, the Japanese economy remains the third largest in the world.

Russia took fourth place from Germany in the world ranking. The country, which Obama called a regional power, has outright outplayed the United States in Syria, is resisting attempts to resolve the situation in Ukraine and is developing cooperation with Turkey. A candidate closer to Putin won the US elections. But at the same time, both economic and politic system in Russia are weak and unstable.

Fifth place Germany became a reflection not only of Russia’s significant successes, but also of the EU’s failures, primarily Brexit, which was followed by the growing influence of Eurosceptics in other countries. The European Union in its current form is largely a German project. We should not forget about the influx of migrants. However, Germany's economic strength remains the basis of its influence.

In sixth place is India. The world's largest democracy, the country with the second largest English-speaking population and a diversified economy. The US, Russia and the EU are fighting for the Indian market. In seventh place is Iran, strengthening influence in the region and using the nuclear agreement to break out of international isolation.

Israel took eighth place in the ranking for the first time in history, constantly increasing its power. Despite yet another anti-Israeli UN resolution, the Jewish state is effectively using its diplomatic, military and economic impact, to play key role in Middle Eastern politics.

The Israeli leadership, acting in conditions of uncertainty, accepts right decisions. However, we cannot neglect the fortunate coincidence of circumstances, such as the discovery of gas deposits, which made the Jewish state an exporter of energy resources. For Turkey, which does not want to depend on Russia, this was a gift.

There are three reasons for the growth of Israeli influence. First, the Jewish state - leader in the high technology sector. Secondly, changing the balance of power in the region, turning Israel from a pariah into a dominant force. The country has become guarantor of the existence of moderate Sunni monarchies, who have the same enemies - Iran and Islamic terror.

Despite Hezbollah's missiles, the stalemate in the peace process and criticism from liberals in the US and EU, Israel looks to the future with confidence. He established close cooperation with Russia and India, and the US administration, which had constantly criticized the Jewish state, was replaced by a new, friendly one. Theodor Herzl and David Ben-Gurion would have been pleased.

1. United States of America

Today this country has the largest economy in the world, the strongest army in the world, and also a very powerful democracy. It can also be said that the US is a media superpower. This country built itself, and since it gained independence, it has only become more powerful. The United States controls international relations and is part of influential international organizations.

2. Russian Federation

The Russian Federation has the second most powerful army, and controls several Central Asian states. It has a large population and vast territories. These factors allow it to remain independent and prevent external forces from interfering in the country's political, economic and financial problems. Because of its size, Russia has the resources to become a superpower.

3. People's Republic of China

The People's Republic of China is said to have the 4th largest GNP in the world. China has only recently achieved superiority over Britain and France. It has the largest army and huge potential to become the most powerful country in the world.

4. France

France sits on the UN Security Council and is the fifth most powerful country in the world. It is a great nuclear power and has influence in many African countries. The French have a large army that helps maintain law and order. It has a large economy and is part of the European Union.

5. Britain

Britain is also a member of the UN Security Council. It has an impressive nuclear arsenal and is considered the most stable democracy. Being an economically developed country and leading in areas such as music, film production and media, the country has enormous influence when it comes to world politics. The country is also part of the European Union.

6. Japan

Japan has an extremely large economy and is one of the world's leading democracies. The country has a large population, but due to high competition it ranks below the US, China, France and the UK.

7. Republic of India

India is a very populous country and is well known for its democracy, which derives its power from the detailed Constitution of India. Its economy is growing at a staggering rate, and its nuclear weapons are becoming more and more powerful.

8. Federal Republic of Germany

Germany has the third largest economy and is one of the most influential countries in the European Union. However, it suffered greatly as a result of two world wars, which reduced its influence in the world.

9. Republic of Pakistan

Pakistan has a very large Muslim population and powerful nuclear weapons. It is a united country, but since it spends considerable sums on a military dictatorship, it has not become truly powerful. In addition, although the country has sufficient resources, conflicts with India have also greatly weakened the country. So if she replenishes her resources and finds a way to balance the political situation, she can become more powerful.

10. Republic of Brazil

The Republic of Brazil is very large and is part of Latin America. The country has the largest Portuguese-speaking population in the world. In addition, the country's media is quite stable, and its relations with the rest of the world are quite secure.