Secrets of success in your personal life. How to achieve success in everything: effective and working methods

Everyone wants to be successful, including financially. Often, material well-being and fame come not to those who are lucky, but to those who systematically move towards their goal. In this article you will find a number of tips on how to achieve success in life.

How to get motivated

Any path to achievement begins with self-development. Usually, this begins with the realization that the current state of things in your life does not suit you. Only after this does motivation appear to change something. But it happens that time is running, reality is depressing, but the desire to do something does not appear....

Jason Gracia, an American motivational expert, gives the following recommendations:

  • write down in two or three paragraphs of text what you want your future to look like: where and how you live, what you do. Imagine that everything has already come true, and now you are enjoying the success achieved;
  • make big plans. Dream “to the fullest” - this will help you cope with short-term failures. When thoughts are focused on something big, small things are no longer taken seriously;
  • set deadlines. The most best motivation to action - designation of a specific date by which this or that must be done;
  • analyze your progress. For example, let's say you have a goal to read a 500-page book in a month. Therefore, every day you should read at least 15 pages;
  • Improve your skills constantly. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. Listen, read, take part in trainings and seminars, communicate with people involved in the field of activity that interests you;
  • Maintain cleanliness and order not only at home, but also in the workplace. Chaos without inevitably leads to chaos within;
  • look for like-minded people. It is always easier to move towards a goal when there is someone to discuss exciting issues with;
  • get enough sleep. For some, 5-6 hours are enough to gain strength, while others need 7-8. If your body needs more time to get enough sleep, you need to give it that time. In a sleep-deprived state, there is nowhere to get motivation;
  • don't forget to encourage yourself. Overcoming the next stage on the way to cherished goal You definitely need to celebrate with something pleasant;
  • be interested in other people's success stories. The amazing and courageous actions of people that led them to success are great motivation, and advice from successful people can warn against possible errors on the way to a dream.

DThe path to success is not strewn with rose petals. What advice from great people can help those who are just starting their journey?

  1. Never stop dreaming. Jim Carrey, an American actor who had to clean toilets as a child, once asked: “What is left if you give up on your dreams?”
  2. Be prepared for hard work. Henry Ford, the owner of automobile factories around the world, said that work should occupy every thought, and at night - dream.
  3. Believe in yourself. Marissa Meyer, chief executive of Yahoo! “, advises you to do what you really want, but for which, it seems, you are not ready. You risk nothing, says Mayer, at the very bad case The limits of your capabilities will simply become clear.
  4. Don't be afraid of failure. “I fail day after day, that’s why I am a champion,” said Michael Jordan.
  5. Find time to exercise. Sport disciplines and teaches you to focus on a goal. Dmitry Leus, a famous banker, claims that the foundation for his success was laid while fencing. “When there is a fight, you need to do something right now. You have no time to think about anything else. The brain switches and rests, which is very important for balance in life.”
  6. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice. “Wishing is not enough, you must do,” said Bruce Lee, film star and reformer in the field of Chinese martial arts.
  7. Dedicate at least half an hour a day to what you love. “The key to future success is what you do today,” says American multimillionaire Donald Trump.
  8. Take action immediately. Remember the words of George Lucas: “If you dreamed of doing something great one day, remember that one day is today.”
  9. What you love should bring you joy . Steve Jobs said that every morning he asks himself whether he would do what he does if today was the last day of his life. If the answer was no for many days in a row, he knew something needed to change.
  10. Never give up! Thomas Edison, inventor and entrepreneur, said: “ Main mistake is that often a person gives up too quickly. “The surest path to success is to always try again.”

Any external changes begin with internal changes. To become a successful person, you need to constantly imagine yourself as one, gradually getting used to this image.

Champion Teutsch, Dr. psychological sciences, argues that a life of abundance and prosperity is the natural right of every person. Constantly pushing the boundaries of our capabilities, we high probability we can achieve success. For a long time he analyzed the factors by which positive internal installations, thus helping to add what you wanted and suggested following tips psychologist:

  • you need to stop perceiving yourself as a failure;
  • you need to believe in a positive outcome;
  • any failures should be treated as temporary obstacles, perceiving them as a springboard for a future leap to success;
  • It is recommended to limit communication with people who think negatively;
  • you need to focus all your attention on the area of ​​​​activity that interests you.

“A penny saves the ruble” , - reads folk wisdom. Training yourself is the first step on the path to success and prosperity.

So, what tips can you use to achieve material well-being?

  1. Start keeping a monthly income and expense spreadsheet. This can be done either electronically or in writing.
  2. Get rid of debts, credits, loans. Reminder to return borrowed items Money or a monthly payment to the bank puts constant subconscious pressure on the psyche..
  3. Live within your means. This does not mean that you need to limit yourself in everything. But if you carefully study your monthly expenses, there will probably be items that you can do without.
  4. Avoid frivolous expenses. Before each visit to the store, make a shopping list and strictly adhere to it.
  5. Systematically increase your income. Constantly develop and improve your professional skills. By acquiring new knowledge, you expand your possible scope of activity and improve the quality of your work, and this is the right path to increasing your material well-being.
  6. Think about it additional sources income. Financially successful people, as is correct, have several of them. Losing your only income means losing everything. Losing one of several means experiencing temporary inconvenience while looking for a replacement. You may be interested in the article:
  7. Try not to lend. You can lose not only money, but also relationships with a person.
  8. Maybe some of them don't in the best possible way affect the state of your wallet? A pack of cigarettes per day costs 3,000 rubles per month. A cup of espresso, which you are used to drinking during your lunch break, results in 1000 rubles a week. Isn't it better to allow yourself some more tangible pleasure for this money?
  9. Don’t envy more successful people, try to learn everything you can from them, as well as adopt useful skills and apply them in an area of ​​interest to you.
  10. Set goals and systematically move towards them.
  11. Don't expect instant results. We all want everything at once. But nothing happens just like that. Any development occurs gradually.
  12. Money attracts money, says renowned medium Tanya Richardson. She advises her clients to get a savings account and deposit at least 10% of their earnings every month. The amount may seem small at first glance, but it will help awaken the energy that attracts money. In addition, the realization that you are slowly accumulating some capital will pleasantly warm you from the inside and instill confidence in the correctness of your actions.
  13. Increase financial literacy, reading specialized literature.

Love, health and material well-being are the three pillars on which success in life is based. They are closely interconnected. By maintaining order in each of these areas, developing systematically and moving forward, you cannot fail.

“Success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm,” Winston Churchill once said. In rapidly developing world achieving success is no longer considered a privilege of a select few people with superpowers, but a necessity dictated by the desire to realize one’s capabilities and achieve all the blessings of life.

Every second person on earth dreams of dizzying success, a prosperous life, admiration and admiration of others. However, in reality, only a few reach unimaginable heights, boldly managing their lives, while the rest continue to play the role of performers, not daring to change anything. Their dreams and goals remain unfulfilled and driven into the far corners of their consciousness. What is the reason for their failures, and what kind of people become successful? How to achieve success in life, and is there a specific golden formula for this?

The Great Secret of Success

The great secret of success is that there is simply no golden formula for achieving your goal. It is different for everyone, and there is no guarantee that one formula can be applicable in several cases. The secret of success lies in constant self-improvement, persistent movement forward, learning from failures, hard work, iron will and self-confidence. It is impossible to achieve your goal without taking action. Success will not fall on you from heaven, it will not be presented on a silver platter, it will not humbly wait for you at the door - everything on this earth must be earned. And those who are concerned about how to achieve success in life should rely solely on themselves and their abilities.

Progress towards your goal will be much easier, and hard work will seem enjoyable if you do what you love. The complex road to the pinnacle of success, filled with obstacles and difficulties, will seem like an interesting and exciting game that will give you great pleasure. And the fact that great things and discoveries come only from people who are passionate about their work has been known for a long time.

Consider 6 universal methods, how to set goals and achieve success in everything shared prominent figures peace.

Morale and positive thoughts

Many people mistakenly believe that life is a kind of lottery, the winnings of which go to the luckiest. Remember that you can realize your dream only through incredible efforts, finding the strength to rise up after successive failures. Successful people usually don't think about their natural talents, do not question the correctness of their direction, they simply work hard and hard, believe in themselves and do not care what others think of them.

One of the laws of success is this: people get what they think about most. Thoughts, both good and bad, have an amazing ability to materialize. Human consciousness powerful and can influence life, provoke failures and rewards. Features of thinking and the actions resulting from them largely determine success in a person’s life and his happiness. Get your thoughts in order - and you will soon notice how much this will affect your success.

Finding a calling

As mentioned above, a favorite activity or calling can maximize your abilities, help you achieve your goals and make your life happy. Find that field of activity, that business niche that attracts you, and not your loved ones, acquaintances and friends. At the same time, you must truthfully tell yourself: “I want,” and not be guided by the prestige and profitability of the job. Yours true purpose will not only bring you success, money, but will also make you the most happy man. Real dreams come true very easily, it seems as if the whole world is helping you achieve this.

Work and more work

Life? Pure and sincere prayer, trust in God, combined with hard work can bring you significantly closer to your goal. And it doesn’t matter how fast you move, the main thing is not to stop halfway. Fall and rise again, climb, feel your way and move forward. Only in this case will you reach your destination, be able to write your own life script, take the place of the winner and become an example for others.

Constant self-improvement

Read useful books, expand your horizons, gain knowledge, even if you are already close to achieving your goal. This is the most the right way Togo, To How to achieve success in life. A person cannot know everything; he needs to constantly replenish his knowledge base. The more knowledge you have, the easier it will be for you to navigate your way. Pay attention even to small details, don’t get hung up on large-scale projects, learn from other people’s experiences and share your knowledge.

Get rid of doubts and complexes!

Excellent remedies for complexes are radical travel, regular communication with people, and playing sports. Change yourself - and soon people and circumstances will change their attitude towards you. Accept your essence as it is and love yourself. To build self-confidence, make a list of your victories and achievements, record your successes. Do not voice your shortcomings to others and do not complain under any circumstances. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, an optimistic attitude and undying faith in success. Optimists always attract luck to themselves, they are always on horseback. Why are you worse than them?

How can there be no failures and falls?

How to achieve success in life without experiencing the bitterness of failures and falls? Movement towards success is unthinkable without failures and defeats. There is simply no such thing as a smooth road. It is important when entering the territory not to give up, not to give up what you have started, but to try to get back on your feet, to look for the right course again and again, until the roiling sea of ​​life submits to your perseverance and determination. And remember that it is impossible to achieve everything at once; achieving any goal requires time, patience and perseverance.

Very often, representatives of the fair sex wonder how a girl can achieve success in life? There is no male or female formula for success; the methods are the same for everyone. The times of patriarchy and the predominance of the stronger sex in business have sunk into oblivion. Today the opportunity to achieve something in life is open to everyone. Women have long proven their strength, demonstrated brilliant abilities and paved the way to success on an equal basis with men.

Success is real for everyone who is ready to fight for it to the end. And everything else is just excuses for the lazy.

Many people want to be successful and reach unimaginable heights and do nothing, but this will never happen.

Any success is a lot of work, which was done over a long period of time, despite all the difficulties and prejudices.

Ask any successful person how he achieved everything, believe me, it can be a several hour story.

Do you want to achieve success, but don't know how to do it? Don't worry, we will help you!

In our article you will find only the most necessary and effective advice so that in the future your heirs can be proud of you and follow your example.

Follow our advice and you will definitely become a successful person!

The first thing you should do is set a goal and motivate yourself every day.

If you don't know what you want to get from life, then you will have NOTHING. Do you want to achieve success in life? Set yourself a goal, work hard and achieve success.

Do you want to lose weight? So what's the problem? Doctors, pills, sports - everything is at your disposal.

The main thing is to set a goal and achieve it!

Motivation plays a significant role in the life of every person. If you constantly tell yourself that you are beautiful, then over time you begin to believe it, even if the words do not correspond to reality.

Motivate yourself to new achievements every day, then you are guaranteed success in life.

A goal in life is good, but sitting on the couch will not achieve anything. That's why it's best to start acting NOW.

Are you afraid of failure? Say NO! your fears and then your chances of achieving success in any business will increase.

Are you 40 years old and have you dreamed of learning to draw all your life, but are you afraid that you won’t succeed? Sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it?

Take action! Perhaps you will become an outstanding artist, and your paintings will sell for crazy amounts of money.

Take action, take risks, but NEVER watch someone else make your dream come true!

Tip #3. How to Succeed in Life: Don't Listen to Losers

We are always surrounded by many people and each of them has their own opinion, but in many cases it is wrong in relation to you and your life.

You shouldn’t listen to people who haven’t achieved anything in their lives, but always give “smart” advice to everyone.

Change your ENVIRONMENT and consult with people who are already successfully doing similar things.

You dream of being a top-notch photographer, so what do you do among chefs? Go to different photo exhibitions, communicate with friends and familiar photographers, visit various blogs, just don’t sit still!

Tip No. 4. How to achieve success - do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Old, but always true words that will help you achieve success in any business if you repeat them to yourself every day.

Laziness - " best friend"losers, but you're not one of them, are you?

Need to make a report, are you watching the series? Quickly get up from the couch and WORK! Lazy people are not loved anywhere, and this way you will definitely not be able to achieve success even in the most insignificant matter.

Make a list of things that must be done every day, then you will become more organized, and you will always have time not only for work, but also for hobbies.

Fight laziness, otherwise you will always be left behind.

Tip #5. Achieving success: developing in different directions

Have some free time? Read books, learn languages, travel.

Don't sit still! Success is a movement and it depends only on YOU!

All the knowledge that you gain in life will help you achieve success in any business.

If you want to be a successful designer, then knowing several languages ​​will only benefit you.

Basic things you avoid will help you achieve desired success. Versatile individuals always achieve more than dull and boring people.

Tip #6. A simple secret to achieving success - you need to enjoy life

Do you have two arms, two legs? Can you listen and see? Live in comfortable conditions? So why not be happy about it?

Statistics say that 86% of people on the planet can be happy, but they don’t understand it!

Why invent problems for yourself and be unhappy? There are so many little things around that can give us a positive mood and thereby help us achieve success!

A child’s smile is not a reason to rejoice? And shopping is a sea of ​​positivity and emotions!

Love yourself and don't give in bad thoughts fill your mind.

No matter what project you start, you won’t see it right away desired result! Do the statistics, move in the right direction and soon you will be surprised how easy it is to achieve success!

You can't lose weight in one day or make five million dollars in an hour. Everything has its time.

Daily workouts will help you lose weight in a few weeks, and hard work and perseverance will help you earn a tidy sum in just a few weeks. a short time, but it won’t be an HOUR or even a DAY!

Learn to WAIT, then you can be a successful person. And you can devote your waiting time to yourself and your hobby.

Did something not work out the first time? So no need to worry! Reconsider your actions, do more more effort and then there is more chances get the expected result rather than complain about a bad life.

Don’t be discouraged and don’t be afraid to start all over again, because every person can make a MISTAKE.

You started a business, but nothing worthwhile came of it, so try again, and if you feel that this is not your occupation, then do something else.

Only losers and weaklings cannot achieve success! You are not one of them, are you?

Tip #9. How to achieve success in life: enjoy what you do

You want to dance, but you have to sit on boring work? So what's the problem? Go and dance.

Create your own circle or perform on a big stage, do what brings you pleasure.

And try to find joy in the little things. Is it raining today? Well, that's great! Remember when you were in last time walked in the rain?

Don't spend too much time on failure. Accept any defeats as EXPERIENCE, because they make you smarter, but should not stop you from achieving your goal.

Tip #10. Achieving success and finding harmony with yourself

It is very important to get along with yourself and then it will not be difficult for you to understand others and go towards your goal.

If you want to be successful, mind your THOUGHTS! The best way to achieve success - to always be in harmony with yourself!

Today you feel bad and everything is falling out of your hands? This sure sign that you need to get some rest.

And the best relaxation is a change of activity, so you can take a walk in the park, read a book, watch a movie or take up a hobby. In short, we need to radically change the situation.

These simple tips will help you achieve success in any business, just don’t forget that first we set ourselves a goal, which we do every day, don’t listen to losers, enjoy life, and then enjoy the great RESULT!

Now get up and do it, you won’t have any other time!

Almost everything that happens to you depends on your reactions to life's daily ups and downs. And these reactions, in turn, are the result of your experience.

Thomas Huxley said: “Experience is not what happens to a person, but how he evaluates what is happening.”

It's not about the events themselves, but how you react to them

“It is not the situation that makes the man, but the man the situation.” Frederick Robertson

What matters is not what happens to you, but how you perceive what happened. This is what determines the strength or weakness of each individual

Professor Harvard University Abraham Zaleznik is one of the few people who has studied the problem of disappointment in depth. In the course of his research, he found that a person’s reaction to disappointments and failures can quite accurately predict what heights he will be able to achieve in life.

According to Zaleznik, most people are not internally prepared for the disappointments that will inevitably arise in life. Similar situations takes them by surprise and leaves them emotionally stunned.

A person generalizes his experiences and begins to think that he is not capable of anything at all. And indeed, many people tend to explain their failures by their lack of abilities, knowledge and skills.

As a result, disappointment spreads to all areas of a person’s activity; in addition, the person gradually loses the courage and self-confidence that are necessary to achieve success. Often, depression develops against this background, and the person finally gives up.

A loser stops setting goals, working on himself and begins to think more about dangers and potential losses than about opportunities and potential gains. Based on the research data, Zaleznik concluded that successful people react to failure in a completely different way.

Differences between successful people and unsuccessful people

Successful people think differently from unsuccessful people in some ways.

First, successful people mentally prepare for their failures in advance. Therefore, they know how to overcome the difficulties that arise.

Secondly, successful people attribute individual failures only to this specific situation and do not act on this basis general conclusions about the lack of any abilities.

To achieve success in life you need to learn how to react correctly to failures.

Ways to deal with failure correctly

  • Change the way you approach your mistakes.

Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to success and happiness.

Fears arise in us in early childhood as a result of destructive criticism from the parents. Fortunately, the fear of failure is an acquired one, so you can get rid of it and regain the self-confidence that allows you to succeed.

To achieve success in life, you need to acknowledge or realize the fact that without failures, success is impossible. After all, any success is preceded by long periods of repeated failures, and sometimes even failures.

“Don't be afraid of failure. Don't waste energy hiding them. Learn from mistakes and move on to the next task. There's nothing wrong with failure. If you don't make mistakes, you don't grow." Stanley Judd

The path to success lies only through failure. Without them, success is simply impossible!

  • Success obeys the law of large numbers.

Thomas Edison was the most outstanding inventor of the 20th century, and perhaps of all time. He created not only the electric light bulb, but also a huge company that made it possible to carry current into all the cities and villages of America. He patented over a thousand inventions in the United States, most of which were put into mass production during his lifetime.

Nevertheless, the number of mistakes he made in his work is simply enormous. Edison failed more often than any other inventor of his time.

Edison knew that success depends not only on intelligence and hard work, but also on the theory of probability. If you do something a lot in various ways and learn lessons from each unsuccessful attempt, then sooner or later success will definitely come.

To learn to overcome obstacles and achieve success, you must first get rid of the fear of failure and boldly move towards your dream, no matter what.

  • Transform your fear into a passionate desire to succeed.

To do this, write your goals on paper and make detailed plan to implement them, and then constantly think that you will succeed no matter what.

The more you think, talk and write about your dreams, the stronger your determination to make them come true and the more likely it is that the fear of failure will disappear from your path.

  • Plan for your future if you want to succeed.

People who have achieved success in life try to anticipate crises. Of course, this requires certain thinking abilities, which distinguish all successful people from others.

  • When changing your way of thinking, first learn to analyze current affairs.

If you are in business, make a list of all the potential problems that could threaten the existence of your company. If you're in sales, make a list of events that could dramatically disrupt your sales. If we're talking about O family matters(even about planning a vacation), make a list of all unforeseen incidents that could significantly disrupt your plans and goals.

  • You can achieve success if you regularly ask yourself next questions and try to find answers to them.

What could go wrong? What crises might happen in your life? What happens if your sales volume decreases by 50 percent? In which areas of your activity do you depend most on certain specific people or circumstances?

What steps can you take right now to protect yourself from a crisis if it suddenly happens? You'll be surprised at how much your self-confidence will improve once you've thought through everything. critical situations and make plans in case something goes wrong.

Otto von Bismarck, " iron chancellor» Germany, was considered one of the most far-sighted statesmen of its time. He was known for always having a backup plan ready for any situation.

No matter what happened and no matter how much time and effort he spent to achieve some goal, he always had the opportunity in case unforeseen situation look in your desk drawer and pull out a ready-made backup plan that you could immediately begin to implement.

Habit of Foresight possible changes made Bismarck one of the most influential statesmen in Europe.

  • Focus first on solving the problem in order to achieve success as quickly as possible.

Always try to think about solving the problem, and not about what happened and who is to blame. Don’t waste your energy on grief and anger - because what happened cannot be changed.

Successful people always move forward and look to the future without forgetting past mistakes

  • Achieve success by focusing not on the problem itself, but on its solution.

Think about what you can do immediately to overcome the problem, and be sure to look for solutions in the current situation. useful experience, which will be useful in the future.

Think about how to minimize the damage and try to spot the opportunities that lie within every failure. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “What does not kill me makes me stronger.”

Successful people always think about how to turn the situation to their advantage

The only effective antidote to anxiety and negativism is positive, focused and constructive action, bringing you closer to achieving success.

Once you take action, your self-esteem and confidence will begin to increase again. You will feel that you can control your emotions and control your destiny.

You will stop making excuses and focus on progress.

  • Show persistence and courage to achieve success in life.

The main help in overcoming difficulties comes from clear principles, clear goals and plans, and full control over your own mind and thinking.

You can achieve success only by constantly thinking about victory and refusing to believe in the possibility of failure. You must make a decision for yourself to continue the fight, regardless of any obstacles. It must be recognized that persistence is a form of courage. It takes a lot of courage not to give up in the face of difficulties and disappointments.

Believe in yourself and that you will be a successful person!

Your belief in yourself is the deep foundation upon which you can build a wonderful life.

She tunes in positive mood, gives optimism and makes you literally omnipotent. Follow Churchill's advice: "Never give up; never, never give up"

All great and successful people are distinguished by their individuality and unwillingness to adapt to the standards imposed by society. They always oppose established rules and established stereotypes, which is why they seem too eccentric in the eyes of many. People who have achieved real victories know what it’s like to reach the top. The women's magazine website recommends following their advice if you want to succeed in life and achieve your goals.

10 tips from successful people

  1. Don't be afraid of failure. It's unlikely that anyone likes to lose. But no one is immune from defeats, because without them it is impossible to achieve what you really passionately desire. For example, the famous American writer Stephen King, having received 30 rejections from publishers and became disillusioned with his abilities, threw his first work into the trash. Subsequently, thanks to his wife, he finally finished the novel and took it to the publishing house. As a result, Stephen received almost half a million dollars for his first work. And Thomas Edison, to whom the world owes the appearance of the light bulb, once answered a journalist’s question about what it was like to make a mistake a thousand times in a row: “I haven’t made a mistake a thousand times in a row. It just took a thousand steps to invent the light bulb.”
  2. Do what you love. A job you hate is unlikely to work out well - this is the law of the universe. According to ancient thinker Confucius, a person does not work if he does what he loves. Indeed, an activity that comes easily and brings pleasure, burdens you less and advances you faster. professional field. Entrepreneur Steve Jobs, who is one of the chairmen of the board of directors of Apple, says that when he was 23 years old, his fortune was more than a million dollars. At 24, he already had more than 10 million, and at 25, more than 100 million. But for him money is not the main thing, since he never did anything for it.
  3. Think globally. American actor Jim Carrey, who as a child experienced such “charms” of life as washing public toilets and the inability to attend school, once said, “If you give up on your dreams, then what is left?” And CNN founder Ted Turner and early childhood I told myself that I wanted to become the ruler of the world. What is this, naive childhood fantasies or programming yourself to achieve success?
  4. Don't sit idle. Film legend Bruce Lee said: “It is not enough to know, you need to put knowledge into practice. Wishing is not enough, you have to do.” Successful people don't sit around waiting for something to happen. They themselves create what they need.
  5. Become a pioneer. Don't be afraid to think creatively and come up with new ideas. Remember more often that most successful people on the planet reached heights by starting to think “differently from everyone else.” Beth Comstock, chief marketing officer of General Electric, advises: “Be where the world is going.” She is echoed by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, calling for “to be first and alone.”
  6. Believe in yourself. In order for others to take you seriously and believe in your capabilities, you first need to gain faith in yourself. The world opens up to those who never tire of repeating the words “I want”, “I can” and move forward towards the chosen goal. President of Yahoo! Marissa Mayer advises taking risks and doing what you are not ready to do. In the worst case scenario, the limits of your capabilities will become clear.
  7. Set yourself up for hard work. There are no easy paths to success. But human laziness is unshakable and many desire fame and money here and now, without doing practically anything. Russian entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov considers work to be the main secret of success. And automobile industrialist Henry Ford expressed the point of view of a real workaholic, arguing that a person should be constantly at work and nothing else. During the day she should occupy all his thoughts, and at night she should appear in his dreams.
  8. Take risks. The great and successful believe that achieving success is always accompanied by risk. Any upward movement is fraught with danger, and without it you will simply continue to stand still. British politician David Lloyd George once advised not to be afraid and take the first step, since it will still not be possible to cross the abyss in two small jumps. A successful businessman and now US President Donald Trump has called not to limit himself to small things, but to rush to the top at all costs, to strive to get gold, not bronze.
  9. Be patient. Become restrained and you will learn to manage yourself and your life. Many of the rich, career people may not have any special talents. But they are much more patient and purposeful than many. The portal website reminds that the patience of a successful person must be forged from iron, because in the process of activity there are possible both ups and downs, both gifts of fate and problems. Popular American basketball player Michael Jordan teaches others by his example: “I shot wide almost 10,000 times throughout my career. I have lost almost three hundred matches, and I missed 26 times when I was entrusted with the decisive shot. I never gave up, although failures accompanied me. And that’s the only reason I achieved success.”
  10. Develop your leadership qualities. Don't wait for what life brings to you happy ticket, start managing it yourself. Develop organizational skills and intelligence, learn responsibility and endurance - these are the qualities that distinguish true leaders. Maximilian Robespierre, French revolutionary and famous political figure, identified 2 traits of a true leader: constant movement forward and the ability to lead people.

Of course, among the accomplished personalities one can notice the so-called darlings of fate who find themselves in in the right place and in right time, or having an influential patron behind them. But such options are rather the exception to the rule than the norm, and they do not occur so often. The bulk of successful people are those who, through self-improvement, hard work and faith in own strength achieved what they have. Isn't this an example of how to act?