"The secret of the heart. How to find your true purpose in life" Baptiste De Pape

Jean-Baptiste de Champagne(1631-1681) - French artist, decorator of Flemish origin, nephew of the artist

Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne. Autoportrait (Louvre, Paris)

Jean-Baptiste de Champagne was born in Brussels in 1631. In 1643, at the age of twelve, he joined the family of his uncle Philippe de Champaigne, who had been living in France since 1621.

CHAMPAIGNE Jean-Baptiste de. Portrait of Philippe de Champagne (Louvre, Paris)

For several months formerly son artist Claude fell, injuring his head, and died soon after. Then Philippe de Champaigne asked his brother to send him one of his sons to be raised. Jean-Baptiste will turn out to be a grateful pupil and one of his uncle's most faithful students.

Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne. Selfportrait at the age of seventeen (1648-1649)

Jean-Baptiste received his first lessons in the family workshop, then continued his education in Rome in 1658-1659, and when he returned, his uncle engaged him to carry out royal commissions in the king's apartments at the Château de Vincennes, and he also created much of the decor for the Dauphin's apartments in the Tuileries.

Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne (1631-1681) and Nicolas de Plattemontagne (1631-1706). Double Portrait of the Artists Jean Baptiste de Champaigne and Nicolas de Plattemontagne (1654, Musée Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam). Nicolas de Plattemontagne is a friend and fellow student of Jean-Baptiste in his uncle's workshop. In this picture they painted each other.

Jean-Baptiste de Champagne entered the Royal Academy painting and sculpture on April 21, 1663, presenting the painting "Hercule couronné par la vertu et surmontant les vices et les passions", currently in the Museum fine arts Lyon.

Nicolas de Plattemontagne, Portrait de Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne et de son épouse, (1677, Londres, British Museum)

Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne, Portrait de l'artiste et son épouse, (1677, Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle)

Beginning in 1674, he participated in the decoration of the Palace of Versailles, including the Salon de Mercure and l'oratoire de la Reine. In addition, Jean-Baptiste de Champagne was known and respected as a religious painter, and as such received large orders for paintings for altars, such as "La lapidation de Saint Paul à Lystres" in May 1667, created for Notre Dame (now in the Museum of Fine Arts in Marseille).

The younger Champagne, Jean Baptiste, who was Philippe's nephew, is somewhat freer in his techniques and more harmonious in colorful combinations. The well-known pomp of his techniques even turned out to be suitable for Lebrun’s decorative ensembles, and his “Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven” withstands the proximity, if not of Rubens himself, then of Diepenbeck and Krayer

Sin Cerere et Baccho friget Venus (c. 1665-1670)

Joseph and the Wife of Potiphar

La Nuit et l "Aurore (Louvre, Paris)

L"éducation d"Achille La Leçon d"armes (Louvre, Paris)

L"éducation d"Achille La Leçon d"équitation (Louvre, Paris)

MERCURE SUR SON CHAR TIRE PAR DEUX COQS (musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon)

Mercure sur son char, tiré par deux coqs, accompagné par l’Etoile du matin (1671-1681)
Lieu actuel plafond du Salon de Mercure du Grand Appartement du Roi du château de Versailles

Hercule se donnant la mort sur le bûcher du mont Œta en présence de Jupiter et des douze grands dieux de l"Olympe (1671)
Esquisse pour le plafond l"appartment du roi du palais des Tuileries

Alexandre faisant apporter des animaux étrangers à Aristote (musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon)

Alexandre recevant une ambassade d'indiens (musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon)

Saint Paul renversé et lapidé dans la ville de Lystre. (Dijon; musée national Magnin)
Saint Paul, de retour à Jérusalem en l"an 58, est assailli par la populace qui veut le lapider (ancien titre)

La translation des reliques de Saint Arnould

AUGUSTE RECEVANT UNE AMBASSADE D"INDIENS (musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon)

Ptolémée II Philadelphe discutant avec certains des 72 savants juifs qui ont traduit la Bible pour la grande bibliothèque d "Alexandrie. (1672, Château de Versailles)

Miracle of the Manna (c. 1656)

The Last Supper

Christ in the Desert

Emmausgangers (1664, Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent)

CHAMPAIGNE Jean-Baptiste de (attribué) LE BON PASTEUR (Lille; musée des beaux-arts)

Le Martyr de Saint Laurent

Jean Baptiste de Champaigne (attributed to). Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica and Two Companions in a Landscape (1650-1674)

Philippe de CHAMPAIGNE (attribué à) Portrait de François Mansard et Claude Perrault (Louvre, Paris)

Portrait d"un homme présentant une statuette

Portret van een man, misschien Philippe de la Trémoïlle (geb. 1596). Graaf van Olonne (1681, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)

Atelier CHAMPAIGNE, Jean-Baptiste. Portrait de Monseigneur Pierre de Bertier (1608-1674), (Le Musée Ingres, Montauban)

CHAMPAIGNE Jean-Baptiste de (d "après) ANTOINE ARNAULD (1612-1694) musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon)

Secret of the heart. How to find your true purpose in life Baptiste De Pape

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Title: Secret of the heart. How to find your true purpose in life

About the book “The Secret of the Heart. How to find your true purpose in life" Baptiste De Pape

Eighteen greatest thinkers, writers and scientists reveal how to overcome limitations and realize your full potential.

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Quotes from the book “The Secret of the Heart. How to find your true purpose in life" Baptiste De Pape

The meaning of life is a life filled with meaning.
- George Bernard Shaw.

When the heart speaks, the mind considers it indecent to protest.

Success is health, energy, joy of life, a good relationship with loved ones, creative freedom, emotional and mental stability, and a sense of well-being and calm.”


“What does the world want from me? Does he want me to not take the risk of going back to where I came from because I didn’t have the courage to say yes to life?”

- Paolo Coelho

“In life, many of us often look for ideal partner, their “soul mate,” but they can’t find it. They search tirelessly, but find no one. What can I say? If your “other half” is not knocking on your doors, then you are not yet ready to meet her. And the point is not at all that you were somehow looking incorrectly or poorly. You have to be prepared for the person you need to appear in your life. Self-preparing for the search for “that” partner in your life will help you find it.”

- John Gray


John Gray wanted to be a monk. And he became the number 1 expert on intersexual relations.

Paolo Coelho ran away from his wealthy parents to become a freelance writer... and made millions doing it.

Linda Francis has been searching all her life ideal man, which would make her happy. As a result, I gave up searching and decided to become happy on my own, and a man was immediately found!




Eighteen of the world's greatest thinkers, writers, and scientists reveal how to overcome limitations and realize your full potential.


Are you living the way your destiny intended?

Are you following your dreams and do you have a goal?

In this book, eighteen renowned spiritual guides and teachers, thinkers, writers, and scientists will help you unlock your potential in life.

The young lawyer Baptiste de Pape spent his entire life doing what was expected of him, until one day he realized that his calling was completely different and that if he learned to listen to his heart, it would tell him in which direction he needed to move. In search of answers to his many questions, de Pape went on a journey and interviewed eighteen outstanding personalities, including Paulo Coelho, Deepak Chopra, John Gray, Eckhart Tolle and Gary Zukav. By sharing your personal stories and revelations, these spiritual teachers, along with de Pape, have created an inspiring guide to help you find your place in this world with the help of a loving, strong and wise heart.

The heart is more than just an organ. It has an intelligence that is many times greater than the capabilities of the brain. This book will teach you to listen to your heart and use its wisdom in such aspects of life as finances, career, happiness, health and relationships. The book contains special exercises, capable of activating the potential of the heart, as well as such qualities and feelings as intuition, gratitude, the ability to forgive and loving kindness.

Unforgettable lessons from the greatest spiritual teachers of our time will inspire you, help you discover your talents, and hear inner voice, find meaning in what is happening around you, and fulfill everything for which you were born.


Throughout August, in our White Clouds store, prices for the entire range of wise books are reduced by 20%.

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