Human intention. The power of intention (practice)

People approach transformational practice differently. Some, grasping the states and feelings revealed to them, the subtle but enchanting perceptions, move steadily along the Path - regardless of the speed of internal transformations, not succumbing to expectations and disappointments, they patiently, step by step, ascend to the pinnacle of strength and impeccability. And they succeed.

Unfortunately, such people are few in number, and we should clearly understand the reason for this state of affairs. To most seekers, such work seems to be an incredibly difficult undertaking. And not at all because it requires enormous time or supernatural self-denial bordering on asceticism. It's all about the inertia of the description of the world - the instructions and prohibitions that determine all our behavior, all the decisions and actions that make up our personal history are imprinted into it. unfree person.

After all, what is the practice of psychoenergetic Transformation? Just a change in the usual paths of attention and a certain restructuring of the energy flows that follow attention. Of course, such a change requires the formation of new attitudes of consciousness, new attitudes towards the World and oneself, and the acceptance of new ideas, feelings and sensations. And to accept them means to change. And here we are definitely faced with something of a vicious circle: to successfully practice Transformation, one must carry out Transformation.

After all, new ideas (ideas of “magical description”) should enter our world not as another intellectual construction (there are already too many of them), but as unconditionally true experiences.

Such an experience is closer to a religious person. He may call such an experience a Revelation, even a “descent of the Spirit.” And, of course, such an interpretation of the experience leads it along a very specific route - along a path laid out through its inherent religious description.

The incomprehensible Power that brings about these transformations cannot be overestimated. It heals, it reveals amazing abilities of the body and spirit, it creates stigmata and lifts us into other worlds of perception.

I call this Power intention, and is convinced that every person (as a conscious, that is, magical being) is able to open up to her. It happens that it takes years or decades to awaken an intention. In the saddest case, a person fails without ever discovering the source of this transformative Power.

How do we know whether our intention has awakened or is still dormant?

If the practice remains a heavy burden, if every period of successful progress is followed by a stop or retreat, if you do not feel whole within, if you are overcome by doubts and disappointments, if you are tossing around and cannot find peace in your work of awareness, intention sleeping

If you are you waiting And be patient, because you hope for amazing transformations in the future, yours intention is sleeping .

If it is difficult for you to remain here and now, if every effort in this work seems to you a sacrifice or a feat, intention is sleeping.

This means that your awakening is yet to come, that you are still trying to find your own path to your own awareness. After all, intention is part of true awareness, a silent Witness, whose purpose is Freedom and Transformation. To start the process of self-change, intention must be awakened. And then your path will become the Path of the Heart.

All this, of course, sounds beautiful, but how can such an awakening be realized in practice? How to bring the joy of awareness into gray and tiresome everyday life, how to turn routine into the goodness of conscious existence?

Our problem is the rigidity of the tonal, as has already been said. And the power of the tonal lies in its ability to hide reality from us. We have not learned to sense intention. The “link” with intention is rusty, it is blocked by ideas and attitudes of the tonal, which are only at first glance harmless, but in essence are toxic to human awareness, since they poison, cloud and narrow it. We are saturated with the poison of disbelief in our own strengths, the poison of denial of our own nature. Paradoxically, what is truly important, what nourishes and renews us, what makes our life meaningful and joyful, the tonal declares unreal, non-existent. This is a fiction, an invention, a fantasy - says our description of the world. Otherwise... what destroys us, burdens us and makes our fate wearily bitter - oh! these are the most important, the most necessary and, of course, the most real things in the world!

I believe that the essence of man is Transformation. People differ from other living beings in that they continuously rebuild the World and themselves. In my opinion, this is obvious to everyone and does not require proof. And the restructuring of the external world is inevitably accompanied by internal transformation; Moreover, external transformations are consequence internal transformation. First, a thought, a concept, a new element in the description of the world is born, and only then is it embodied in an external product.

Two basic aspirations, two ideas of man - expansion and remodeling. Transformation and expansion of your World. These deep-seated attitudes have guided our species throughout known history.

Of course, there is always a considerable part of the population that does not fulfill its species purpose (just as not everyone fulfills the biblical commandment “be fruitful and multiply”, thereby fulfilling the inherent human free will ). These people, at first glance, represent the absolute majority, but at the same time they are not carriers of the “human spirit” itself. Their desire for expansion and Transformation is asleep, it is suppressed. These people live like grass.

When I talk about humanity, I mean those representatives of the species who implement its main movement. For what is the history of men as we know them? In the steady expansion of the ecumene, in the continuous modernization of culture, in the all-round growth of knowledge, scientific and technological progress, and in this process, quantity always turns into quality.

Stopped humanity is dead humanity. This is the nature of awareness, this is the essence of intention, which is its driving force.

Moreover, in his development, a person constantly tries to modernize and transform not only the external, but also his own inner world. We see these attempts already in ancient times. Each time they take a form appropriate to the era - from shamanism to higher philosophy and the practice of mysticism, from amorphous religious feelings to specific spiritual traditions and schools.

The force that motivates a person to develop, change and expand is what intention is. In inner work, where the movement of awareness comes into direct conflict with the resistance of description, intention comes to the fore.

What is intention?

Intention is the essence of practice. It is intention that allows a conscious being to purposefully change. Intention is activation of meaning, which was revealed to us or born in us. Our tonal experiences intention as meaning, and our body as a flow of energy consonant with this meaning, feeding it.

When our tonal - a set of automatisms, stereotypes, scripts and social roles, along with a detailed description of how the world is and how we should function in the world - resists awareness, seeks to stop practice (even the simplest one), using rationalizations and various trifles for this, precisely the intention turns out to be the Force that helps us ignore the inertia and opposition of the tonal.

There is nothing that can rise above intention. It is either active - and then we act, realizing the intention, or passive - and then we doze, resignedly living through the automatic sequences of emotions and feelings absorbed in this process.

If the intention is asleep, we are practically absent from the World.

Initially, we are given two types of experience: awakened and unawakened. Once awareness, having experienced them, notices the difference, it begins to strive for awakening. This desire for awakening is the first glimpse of awakening Intention.

Intention is an impulse of Power, it is the energy that affirms our Being and calls us to action and Transformation. This is an energetic peak that carries Awareness in the space of experience.

Intention comes to us as a feeling, as a special experience of the body. A person feels intention as excitement, like the thrill of unity, because the essence of intention is integration or resonance.

Intention is the essence of a life of awareness, and therefore it is impossible to imagine a fulfilling life without intention. When intention leaves us, it comes old age – and it doesn’t matter how many biological years this body has lived. A thirty-year-old man with empty eyes - is this such a rare sight?

Without intention there is no awareness. Without awareness there is no life, there is only metabolism and a set of vital reflexes - excitation and inhibition of nervous matter.

Most people are accustomed to dealing with minimal manifestations of intention or doing without it at all, but can such decay be called life?

Who owns the intention?

Intention belongs to Awareness. And Awareness manifests itself in our experience as a Witness. Therefore, the first stage of awakening Intention is the awakening of the Witness.

The ability to discover the position of the Witness in one's own experience is the first step in the process of reorienting attention (that is, energy exchange) in the psychoenergetic field. Following the reorientation of attention, an energetic restructuring occurs, which gives rise to biochemical and psychophysical processes.

At the same time we We do not create any illusions of self-hypnosis, but only restore the original Reality. For the Witness was always there, they simply did not pay attention to him. It is the center from which awareness views the world of experience. Attention is aware of its own Source, the place where awareness is free, and can, of its own free will, approach the World or move away from it. Someone called this position of attention resonant generator, generating energy from nothing, because in this position any depression, weakness and oppression ceases, any mental pain subsides in it. Here integrity is restored, silence, peace and harmony live here.

It is impossible to disagree with this judgment.

How does intention work?

As already mentioned, intention appears to awareness in the form meaning. This meaning seems new, paradoxical, or at least unusual. For example: “The thought of death brings peace,” “all my opinions are unimportant,” “the result of my action does not matter,” “I live to increase my awareness.”

In addition, the meaning can be associated with specific sensory content - “The buzzing in the head helps to stop thoughts, and stopping thoughts brings peace and awareness,” “tension in the mind and body prevents you from solving the task.”

Intention is activation new meaning, a force that brings it into a state of existence. How does such activation occur? Through conscious control of attention and isolating certain feelings And sensations.

This is why I often repeat: we must feel intention. Only a living, concrete feeling proves that the intention has awakened and started working. While we are thinking about intention, wondering what and how, trying to imagine what kind of thing this is, nothing happens. And then a simple truth is revealed to us - in order to attract intention, in order to “lure” it, we must depict action. Tonal gotta believe that we are able to respond to intention, and this belief comes as a result of repeated actions - actions, decisions, practices that we carry out, no matter what. This doing intentions.

Repeated repetition of actions that do not make any sense for a generally accepted description requires a very special effort. We start from the contents of the tonal and rely in this effort on awareness itself. We portray intention, imitate it. And at some point (when we are absolutely indifferent whether we succeed or fail, and at the same time we are extremely honest with oneself) intention just comes. Like confidence, like indestructibility, like the joy of a stubborn person who has forgotten about his stubbornness, and then - like a wave of energy, like a feeling of flow with which we are fused and steadily moving forward.

Effort is the key to awakening intention. Effort as an attempt to introduce new activity generated by meaning. Repeated repetition of these attempts - without hope, without expectation of a result - softens the rigid boundaries of the tonal. After all, the tonal holds the totality of its contents with the idea of ​​cause and effect, expediency, and common sense. If we manage to forget about common sense, the description of the world loses its uniqueness. And we gradually open up to Reality, where everything is possible.

This is how a new structure of activity is formed, this is how a new type of energy exchange with the external field is born. As we move steadily in the given direction, we gradually forget our limited and conditioned ego and become identified with the unfolding field of Freedom, where we are one with the Flow of universal energy, where we continuously remain in peace, strength and awareness.

All this becomes possible only against the background of the strong position of the Witness.

Merging with intention as a condition for Transformation

What is the difference between people who have achieved success on their life path? Regardless of what goal a person sets for himself, he achieves success if he follows certain conditions. “Patience and work”, deep interest, detachment and dedication, attentiveness and awareness... The list of qualities that lead to success can be continued, but the essence of everything mentioned here is intention.

For intention directs attention and generates activity. It carries out a targeted search for a resource (memory, imagination, sensation, experience), and helps the body use this resource. It opens and blocks energy centers and channels in such a way as to ensure the realization of intention. Intention carries out the path from meaning to its implementation.

So what makes people who achieve success different? Why are some closer to the intention, while others are further from it? Are these features of the energetic constitution or the innate purity of the tonal? I am convinced that each of us is capable of awakening intention. It is somewhat reminiscent of a forgotten dream - it is spinning very close, you just need to concentrate correctly to grab it. And personal intention is revealed in the same way - it’s as if we remember our true self. It all starts with a feeling of confidence, and only then, step by step, does it become clear what exactly we are confident about, where exactly we are going.

Intention is a powerful element of awareness. This is his essence and his Power. Nothing is impossible for intention. If we completely immerse ourselves in work with intention, it will certainly be realized - sooner or later, one way or another.

And the tonal knows this very well. But it hides - in the fog of the half-realized, half-thought, half-lived. He fools himself, giving rise to false motives, false values ​​and quasi-meanings. The false ideas of the human tonal serve one single purpose - to distract attention from awareness and lull it to sleep. Together with animal inertia and laziness, these creations of the tonal try to hide from us a simple truth: life is realized in the realization of the original intention, and nothing else.

On the path of awakening intention, we must find integrity. In this case, integrity is almost a physical concept. We come to it at the moment when our tonal (sic!) accepts a new worldview, which is based on a number of unusual ideas. For example, such -

We are given only one life. The highest meaning and highest joy of this life is to be aware and increase awareness. There is nothing else in the experience that can be of greater value or really compete with the experience of increased awareness.

When we say something like this out loud, the tonal reacts more than skeptically: “Why, I’ve heard all this so many times! Banal words that don’t change anything!” Tonal must react this way because its purpose is to ensure your permanence. He protects you from painful experiences, from death and destruction, which, in his opinion, any transformation promises.

Expressing in words the worldview of impeccability and Transformation is a thankless task, since its essence lies not in words, but in direct experience. To survive this experience, you need to turn off the tonal and trust your awareness. We must return to the pure light of Reality, where eternal magic lives.

And we can do this if, at least for a while, we stop believing in the monotonous, dreary and destructive ideas of our own tonal. Thousands of people have already gone through this experience, why don't we try? All this Power is right here, “at your fingertips,” as Don Juan Matus said from the books of Carlos Castaneda.

Human Intention- a very powerful tool. With a strong intention, you can achieve any goal in life. It looks like a strong inner desire that drives a person and forces him to act. It can be either spontaneous or conscious, carefully planned.

How does human intention work?

A very important quality of intention is a certain message from the Universe that “I want this”, “I am going in this direction!” In this way you form a road on the subtle plane. Your Subconscious and the Upper World see what you are concentrating on and begin to help, create events and situations that lead to achieving your goal.

You have most likely encountered the manifestation of intention in everyday life. A striking example: when you need to get up early in the morning for some important matter. You set an alarm, and for some reason you wake up 1-5 minutes before it. What's happening? Your concentration on this important matter is so great that the Subconscious mind immediately puts it to work, and your body itself will be there at the right time. Those. creates the conditions for your desire to come true. It can also be seen as a fortunate coincidence of circumstances, when life events happen exactly at the right moment and in the best possible way.

Intention. Practice.

At the moment, there are many video courses and trainings on the correct formation of intentions. Intention is often confused with desire, but the main difference is that intention is not tied to the result. It focuses on the present, not the future.

Intention, when well formed, is concentration on a goal. At the same time, there is a clear confidence that there are no obstacles to the result. Working with intention is not difficult, it just takes a little practice.

The general elements of intention can be identified:

1. A feeling or image of what is about to happen. It should be clear and precise.
2. Full concentration on this image (of what should happen) with internal silence - no unnecessary images, thoughts, sounds.
3. The so-called working state - no emotions, detachment from the outside world, calm.
4. And, of course, confidence.

Try to combine all these elements and wish for something for yourself. First, train on small things and situations. It must be remembered that energy is wasted during this practice, so you should soberly assess your ability to fulfill your desires.

After forming an intention, you should not remember it, “finish” it, or go through the process of intention itself. This can only worsen the effectiveness of the practice and lead to unnecessary waste of energy.

It should be remembered that every force has its counterweight. By creating an intention, an intention may arise contrary to ours, which will entail the failure of the practice.

There are several ways to overcome this counterbalance force:

1. Put more power into your intention. More concentration, more energy will not allow obstacles to stand in the way of your goal.
2. Work with each possible obstacle separately, adding several intentions to improve the result.

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Tags: human intention, the power of intention.


Outer Intent: A Mysterious and Powerful Force

...the answer lies in an even more mysterious and
a powerful force whose name is external intention.

Vadim Zeland "Transurfing Reality"

If you are one of those who are frightened by Zeeland’s multi-volume essay on the structure of the world called “Transurfing of Reality”, and you just won’t start studying it, then this is for you.

Perhaps it will motivate someone to read this work, but perhaps, on the contrary, it will scare them even more...

Be that as it may, the topic today is really complex, but that makes it more exciting and interesting.

Not every reader will be able to comprehend it.

Just like not everyone was able to comprehend Transurfing, even if they tried.

Important! I sincerely believe that today you will try to understand the whole essence of such a subtle moment of controlling reality as external intention, and I will try to make every effort so that the topic penetrates deep into your consciousness.

In this article we will look at what external intention is and how to work with it in order to easily and consciously manage your reality.

I will use and quote Vadim Zeland’s book “Reality Transurfing” ().

Inner and outer intention

First, let's understand the terminology.

Intention, according to transurfing, is the combination of desire with action. That is, when you not only desire, but begin to move towards the goal. You intend to have. You intend to receive.

The intention to do something on your own is inner intention.

It is much more difficult to extend the effect of intention to the outside world. That's what it is external intention. That is, when, under the influence of the power of your thoughts, the external world, independent of your direct actions, changes.

With the help of external intention you can control the world.

More precisely, to choose a model of behavior of the surrounding world, to determine the scenario and scenery.

The concept of external intention is inextricably linked to the options model.

All manipulations with time, space and matter that cannot be controlled
logical explanation is usually attributed to magic or paranormal phenomena.

These phenomena demonstrate the work of external intention - it is aimed at
choosing a life line in the space of options.

The inner intention is powerless to turn the apple tree on the path into a pear.

Outer Intent doesn't transform anything either, it chooses in the space of options a path with a pear instead of an apple tree, and makes the transition.

What's happened choice I described in the same section - transurfing - read it later by clicking on the word

So the apple tree is replaced by a pear tree. Nothing happens to the apple tree itself, a substitution is simply made: the material realization moves in the space of options from one line to another.

No power can somehow magically really
transform one object into another - this is the inner intention, but it
the possibilities are very limited.

Does the pencil move?

If you try to mentally move a pencil on the table, you won't succeed.

But if you are determined to imagine him moving, you may be able to do it.

Let's say you managed to move the pencil from its place (in any case, psychics can do something). What I'm about to say will seem terribly strange to you. The pencil doesn't actually move!

And at the same time, it doesn’t just seem like it to you.

In the first case, you try to move the pencil with the energy of your thoughts. This energy is clearly not enough to move a material object. In the second case, you slide along life lines where the pencil has different locations.

Do you notice the difference?

Here is a pencil lying on the table. By the power of intention you imagine that he begins
move, and thereby move to the nearby line where its position
somewhat displaced.

So, sequentially you slide along the lines and see how the implementation of the pencil takes up new positions. It is not the pencil that moves, but its implementation in the space of options.

It's no surprise if things don't work out for you. In almost all people, such abilities are very poorly developed.

And the point is not even that you have weak energy, but that it is very difficult to believe in such a possibility, and therefore to evoke a pure external intention in yourself.

People capable of telekinesis do not move objects. They have the unique ability to direct their energy through the power of intention to move material realization in the space of options.

Is external intention magic?

Everything that is connected with external intention is considered to be mysticism, magic, or
at best, inexplicable phenomena, evidence of which is successfully
stacked on dusty shelves.

The ordinary worldview completely rejects such things.

The irrational always evokes a kind of fear.

People who observe UFOs experience similar fear and numbness. The inexplicable phenomenon is so far from the usual reality that one doesn’t want to believe in it.

And at the same time, it has such a stunning audacity to be real that it evokes horror.

External intention is the case where “if Mohammed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Mohammed.”

Did you think it was just a joke?

The work of external intention is not necessarily accompanied by paranormal phenomena.

In everyday life, we constantly encounter the results of external intention.

In particular, our fears and worst expectations are realized precisely by the external
intention. But since in this case it works regardless of our will,
we don't realize how this happens.

It is much more difficult to manage external intentions than internal ones.

How you position yourself, so it will be

Imagine that you land on an island where you are greeted by savages.

Your life depends on how you position yourself.

First option- you are a victim.

You apologize, bring gifts, make excuses, flirt. In this case, your fate is to be eaten.

Second option- you are a conqueror. You show aggressiveness, attack, try to subdue. Your fate is either to win or die.

Third option– you present yourself as a master, a ruler. You extend your
finger as if it has power, and they obey you, as if that’s the way it should be.

As you guessed, the first two options relate to the work of internal intention, and the third option demonstrates the work of external intention.

External intention simply selects the desired option.

How can a fly fly out the window?

A fly hitting the glass next to an open window has an internal

What do you think will be her outer intention?

The answer suggests itself - fly out the window, but this is not so. If she flies back and looks around, she will see a closed glass and an open window. For her, it will simply be a more expanded vision of reality.

External intention in its pure form opens the whole window for the fly.

Internal intention refers to any attempt to influence
the surrounding world on the same life line.

Everything that is possible within a single sector of the space of options is described by the known laws of natural science and fits into the framework of a materialistic worldview.

External intention refers to attempts to choose a life line, on
which the desired is realized.

Now it should be clear to you that flying through a closed window is
inner intention. The external intention is to move to the line of life, where
the window opens.

Give yourself a couple of minutes to process this. Transfer it to your life situation. What desire are you struggling with like this fly right now?

What would be the outer intention in your case?

Do you need to make an effort?

You can make superhuman efforts and move the pencil by force

Is it possible to scan space with just external intention?
options with different pencil positions.

External intention and mysteries of antiquity

Now there is no point in even trying to prove that the Egyptian pyramids and other similar structures were built with the help of an external intention. Any hypothesis will be accepted, but not this one.

It seems to me that it would be very amusing for the builders of the pyramids to know that descendants, considering their ancient ancestors to be a backward civilization, would go out of their way to try to unravel their secret only within the framework of internal intention.

But people are not completely devoid of external intention.

It's just very deeply blocked.

Everything that is commonly understood as magic is nothing more than attempts
working with external intention.

For centuries, alchemists tried unsuccessfully to find the philosopher's stone, which turns any object into gold. Many confusing and difficult to understand books are devoted to alchemy.

But in fact, as legend says, the secret of the philosopher's stone consists of several lines carved on an emerald plate - the so-called emerald tablet.

Why then are there so many books?

Probably in order to understand these few lines.

You've probably heard about the Holy Grail. He was actively hunted by many, even
representatives of the Third Reich.

There are constantly legends about similar attributes that supposedly give unlimited strength and power.

Naive misconceptions. No object can give power.

Fetishes, spells and other magical things have no power in themselves.

The power is in the outer intention of the people using them.

Attributes only to some extent help the subconscious to turn on
dormant and poorly developed rudiments of external intention.

Belief in the magical power of attributes provides the impetus for awakening external intention.

Ancient civilizations reached such perfection that they did without
magical rituals. Naturally, such power was created by the strongest
excess potential.

Therefore, civilizations like Atlantis, which revealed the secrets of outer intention, were destroyed from time to time by the balancing forces.

The last such destruction is known to us from visible history as the Great Flood.

Fragments of secret knowledge have reached us as magical practices, the purpose of which is
recreate what was lost.

However, these are only weak and superficial attempts, following the wrong path of inner intention.

The essence of strength and power - external intention - remains a mystery.

Why have we lost outer intention?

The predominant development of internal intentions in people and the loss of external
induced by pendulums as they are powered by the energy of inner intention.

Control of external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from
pendulums. We can say that here the pendulums won the final victory in the struggle
with a person.

Briefly, what a pendulum is, for those who do not know:

Each person, in one way or another, “serves” in various social groups and organizations: family, club, educational institution, enterprise, political party, state, and so on. All these structures arise and develop when a separate group of people begins to think and act in the same direction. Then new people join, and the structure grows, gains strength, forces its members to follow the established rules and can ultimately subjugate large sections of society.

Each individual living organism is itself an elementary pendulum, since it represents an energy unit. When a group of such single pendulums begin to oscillate in unison, a group pendulum is created. It stands above its followers as a superstructure, exists as a separate independent structure and sets rules for its adherents in order to keep them together and gain new ones.

What is external intention?

So, we have found out that the nature of mental energy aimed at achieving
goals manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal intention and external.

Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal as much as you like, desire it, but nothing will come of it.
will change.

Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s own
movement towards the goal. It already works, but it requires a lot of effort.

External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized. External intention simply allows the goal to realize itself.

This implies a firm conviction that an option for achieving the goal already exists, and all that remains is to choose this option.

The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention it is chosen.

Inner intention can be characterized by the formula: “I insist that

External intention is subject to a completely different rule: “circumstances
develop in such a way that...” or “it turns out that...”

The difference is huge.

In the first case, you actively influence the world so that it submits. In the second case, you take the position of an outside observer: everything turns out according to your will, but as if on its own.

You don't change, you choose.

Flying in a dream occurs precisely according to the formula “it turns out that I am flying,” and not “I insist on flying.”

Internal intention strives towards the goal directly, straight ahead. Outer Intent
aimed at the process of independent goal realization.

External intention is in no hurry to achieve the goal - it is already in your pocket.

The fact that the goal will be achieved is not questioned or discussed at all.

Think about it, how do you feel about your goal?

External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inevitably moves the goal towards realization.

How to distinguish internal intention from external?

To distinguish where your inner intention is working and where your outer intention is,
use two-way mappings like this:

  • You are trying to achieve something from this world - the world itself gives you what you want;
  • You are fighting for a place in the sun - the world itself opens its arms to you;
  • You're breaking into a locked door - the door swings open in front of you;
  • You're trying to break through the wall - the wall itself opens up for you;
  • You are trying to cause some events in your life - they come themselves.

In general, with internal intent you are trying to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you are trying to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be.

Do you understand the difference?

The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

If your actions can be described by the second part of these comparisons, then you
caught the outer intention.

When you struggle, you try to push your realization through the space of options, and when you choose, the space itself comes to you.

Of course, the space of options simply won't move on its own relative to your implementation.

To do this, you must take certain actions.

However, these actions lie outside the framework of familiar and generally accepted ideas.

External intention is the cornerstone of Transurfing. There is no need to fight this world, you just need to choose what you want in it.

Nothing is impossible for external intention.

You can fly in reality, or, say, walk on water if you have the external intention of Christ. Physical laws are not violated in any way. The fact is that physical laws work in one separate sector of material realization.

The work of external intention is manifested in the movement of implementation across different sectors
space of options.

By yourself you cannot fly.

To do this, you need to resist the gravity of the Earth, and this is the work of internal intention, requiring the expenditure of energy to overcome the force of gravity.

Free flight, both in a dream and in reality, is not your movement, but the movement of sectors of space relative to you.

You yourself are not flying through space, but it is moving relative to you, in accordance with the choice of your external intention.

Most likely, this is not said entirely correctly, but we will not delve into the theory of relativity. We can only guess how this actually happens.

In order to fly, you need to have unconditional faith that it is
can be done.

Why did Christ say so categorically simply: “According to your faith
may it be done to you"?

Because we cannot get or do anything without intention. And there is no intention without faith. We could not take a single step if we did not believe that it was possible.

However, it will not be possible to convince the mind that in reality you can fly the same way as in a dream.

At least in the normal state of consciousness.

In a dream, the dormant mind is still able to admit the possibility of flight, but in consciousness this is an incomprehensible thing for it, no matter how much you convince yourself.

There must be not just faith, but knowledge. Faith implies the possibility of doubt. Where there is faith, there is room for doubt. Knowledge eliminates doubt. After all, you have no doubt that the apple you throw will fall to the ground?

You don't believe it, you just know it.

Pure external intention is free from doubt, and therefore from faith.

If in a dream only a hint of external intention is enough to fly, then in the world of inert material realization the intention must be absolutely pure.

But don’t be discouraged by your inability to achieve pure intention. To achieve your goal, a “second-class” intention will do just fine. It will just take some time for the inert implementation to “unwind”.

How to feel external intention?

To feel outer intention, you need to break out of Procrustean
the bed of habitual ideas and sensations.

Reason exists within the narrow framework of the generally accepted worldview. It is difficult to break through these boundaries, because such a breakthrough can, in turn, be achieved only by external intention.

The mind will not give up its position so easily. It turns out to be a vicious circle: in order to comprehend the external intention, the external intention itself is required. This is the whole difficulty.

The only way to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of external intention is through the practice of conscious living.

This means not so much training as living by external intention. Reality differs from a dream only in the inertia of material realization in the space of options. Everything else is the same.

You may ask: if we are unable to control external intention,
then what can you count on?

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to move multi-ton blocks. But the inertia of the material world can be overcome with time.

The generally accepted and familiar way to achieve goals is based on internal

The essence of Transurfing is, on the contrary, to refuse
internal intentions and use external ones.

It is difficult to draw the line where internal intention ends and external intention begins. Internal intention turns into external intention when consciousness connects, coordinates, merges with the subconscious. This border is elusive.

It's like the feeling of free fall, or the feeling when you first succeeded.
ride a two-wheeler. But it's best explained by the feeling
flying in a dream, when you deliberately lift yourself into the air.

Consciousness is merged and completely coordinated with the subconscious in a certain narrow

It is easy for you to move your fingers, a little more difficult for you to move your toes,
more difficult with the ears, and with internal organs - almost impossible.

External intention is even less developed. Coordinating the conscious and subconscious in the intention to take off from the ground and fly is so difficult that it is considered almost impossible.

We will set ourselves more mundane goals.

Levitation is the highest manifestation of pure outer intention. But the power of external intention is so great that even an insignificant part of it is enough to get impressive results.

External intention in everyday life

In everyday life, external intention works independently of our
will and often acts to harm.

For example, it manifests itself as the realization of our worst expectations.

We have already discussed situations in which you get what you don't want.

On the one hand, you are haunted by what you fear, hate, and want to get away from. This happens because mental radiation, tuned to an undesirable event, takes you to the sector where this event takes place. But on the other hand, you don’t intend to have something you don’t want, do you? Where is the work of intention here?

Your inner intention is to avoid the unwanted.

You are touched by something that worries you, inspires fear and hostility. you all
You want to avoid this in your heart.

Your mind is afraid - your soul is even more afraid, your mind feels hostility - your soul also has nothing against it, your mind hates - your soul even more so.

Soul and mind are completely unanimous.

At the moment of coherence between consciousness and subconscious, external intention awakens.

It’s just that it’s not directed where you need it.

It is not even entirely correct to talk about the direction of external intention here. If the internal intention has a clear direction - to avoid the unwanted, then the external intention indicates rather not a direction, but a green light for the realization of what the soul and mind agree on. But they are agreed on one thing - in the assessment of the event. Whether it is desirable or not does not matter.

External intention sees the unity of soul and mind, and simply selects the appropriate sector in the space of options.

Unfortunately, in life, the soul and mind are most often united in rejecting something.

Therefore, the realization of the worst expectations is the most typical illustration
the work of external intention.

People tend to have a vague idea of ​​what they desire with all their hearts, but they know very well what they want to avoid.

How to subordinate external intention?

In order to subordinate external intention to your will, it is necessary to achieve the consent of the soul and mind in positive aspirations and throw out everything negative from your thoughts.

You already know the harmful effects of a negative attitude in our lives.

By expressing dissatisfaction and rejection, you are exposed to the action of equilibrium forces, become dependent on destructive pendulums and orient your mental radiation towards negative sectors of space. External intention formed
negativity, puts it into practice.

Thus, external intention can act against our will.

It is difficult to master this power, but you can make it work for you.

This is the task we will tackle.

Read all Transurfing books, my blog articles or immediately come to my

And soon you will be convinced that using external intention you really can do anything.

In our world, we usually observe the following: some have, if not everything, then a lot - they live in wealth, doing what they love and getting great pleasure from life (maybe this is happiness?), while others barely make ends meet, saddled with loans, they say that I simply do not have the opportunity. But if, like those rich people, there were these opportunities, then I would...

Intention, what is it?

What limits our capabilities? Exclusively our intentions. Intention is desire and action rolled into one. As Vadim Zeland defined it, it is a firm determination to have. You just choose what you intend to get in this life and that’s it. And no thoughts about how expensive it is and at what cost, or whether I’m not worthy of it (how worthy I am!), just pure determination to have what I want. This is intention, and the power of intention lies in the firm determination to have it.

Wishes don't come true

But we often encounter the fact that not all the desires we diligently visualize come true. There are several explanations for this.

  1. The main obstacle here may be the desire for one’s goal, which creates excess potential (a sense of importance). Always striving for balance, the Universe, in order to eliminate such an “energy imbalance,” will create in our lives the opposite of our excess desire, as a result of which it moves us back from the goal.
  2. The fact that our reality is inert is not taken into account, i.e. stiff. The implementation of options occurs with a delay. Sometimes, without waiting for realization, a person abandons a goal, having lost interest in it, or switches to many others, wasting his energy almost in vain.
  3. The desire to have everything at once, as a result of really nothing and never. It is necessary to streamline your desires, to find exactly your Goals, discarding others, imposed by society (pendulums).

The purity of intention determines, in fact, the strength of intention. Without the above obstacles, the power of intention realizes our goals as quickly and as best as possible.

Outer Intent

In the unity of soul and mind, a huge force is born - external intention. This power cannot be felt or seen, but excellent results can be noted. This state of unity can be described as - the soul sings, and the mind rubs its hands contentedly...

Unlike internal intention, which is aimed at the process of achieving a goal, external intention is focused on the fact that the goal itself is realized. This is explained by the fact that in the space of options such an option already exists; you just need to select it. Not to achieve and fight for what you want, but to choose.


People who have experienced the Power of Intention in their lives are amazed at how their desires miraculously come true. Doors that previously seemed tightly closed open before a person. The scenery is changed to new ones. There are no random people among them; everyone brings some benefit and meaning. All this is a new reality!