Akashic Chronicles forecast for November. Given these two dynamics, it will be important for you to move slowly and take time to think about what is happening in your life

What energies and experiences can we expect in November 2016?

Energy will be very different during this month. At first it will be fast, then it will slow down, and then it will speed up again. Perhaps at first you will feel important and big, and then small and insignificant, and then you will feel big again. Many of you will feel like Alice in Wonderland went down the rabbit hole. You may feel like what you were used to as up has suddenly become down, and what you thought you had left behind is suddenly in your future. You will find that many things that used to be good will feel bad to you, and vice versa.

This is a great time to play with duality. Examine everything that you are attached to, examine the things that you judge as good or bad. Review everything that you consider useful in your life. What you thought was bad may not be as bad as you once imagined. This time gives you a chance to change your beliefs and expectations, and this gives you the opportunity to completely change your view of the world.

While the energy is buzzing this month, it can be a good time for centering if you use mindfulness. This will give you the opportunity to get to know yourself much better than ever before. This month, strive to be calm while in the eye of the storm, and you may find that all the events around you help you to be more clear and focused than you have ever been in your entire life.

Are there any activities that will be especially helpful during this month?

This month, it will be useful to focus on solving problems. If you think every day, or even every hour, about the problems that need to be solved, it will help you find a path that will lead to solutions. Concentrating on solving a problem will help you find your center, you will be able to learn new things, and not get lost in all the twists and turns.

This month, each day can be seen as a series interesting tasks. Think ahead about what problems you might encounter and what solutions you can come up with. Just like when solving any puzzle, you will need to assume that there is a solution and the problem makes sense. You will need to believe that the problem can be solved. In order to find a solution, you will need to think outside of your normal assumptions. All this can be fun. If you think of your life as a puzzle or a game you're playing, it can all be an incredibly enjoyable process.

What social events can we expect this month?

In the US, presidential and other elections will be affected by the energy of this month. The whirling and rotating energy will have strong influence for the elections. You may find that the election results are not what you expected, or you may find that the election results are temporarily unclear as to which candidate won. In this election, the process itself may be questioned, much more than it was before. There may be many more questions about how the system was hacked or whether some voters voted legally.

You can anticipate these issues in advance, and find a way to remain calm and centered even if you decide to take part in protests or other types of political action. Make sure you act centered and calm and not in a state of anger. It's normal to feel angry, but make sure you find a center of calm to guide your actions. First calm your own storm, find your own center, and then use your anger to determine the direction of your actions.

In addition to politics, the volatile energy of this month will have an impact on other social events. It is likely that some secrets will be revealed and this will be accompanied by scandals. You may also find that your attitude towards leaders and other public figures will change. Those you admire may disappoint you, and those you disapprove of may suddenly turn out to be pleasant and helpful. This will give you good chance reconsider, not just how you see public figures, but also how you see people in your personal life, and even how you see yourself.

This month offers a chance for change. This is a chance for those of you who have been misunderstood, or who have actually been misled, to be seen in a new light. This is a chance to allow yourself to become better than you have ever been before and let the world see you in this new and best quality. This good time to have the courage to allow yourself forgiveness and redemption, and it will take courage to forgive and begin with clean slate. However, the energy of this month is so intense and changeable that you will be left with no choice but to start with a clean slate.

If you hold on to your old ideas, then in December 2016 and 2017, you may find that you have lost your direction and are lost. If you hold on to old ideas, or outdated ways of doing things, you will end up blaming other people for your problems. This month, you should reconsider how you see people to make room and be precise in the coming months.

Is there anything else the Guardians want to tell us about November 2016?

As always, a sense of humor will be very useful this month. When things change suddenly, it can cause difficult feelings, but it can also lead to relief - liberation. You may discover what an incredible relief it is to let go of the emotions and expectations you've been holding onto. And if you can, laugh in the face of change. Laugh kindly. Laugh in a way that heals you. This will move you very far ahead in the energy of this month.

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What energies and experiences can we expect in November 2016?

Energy will be very different during this month. At first it will be fast, then it will slow down, and then it will speed up again. Perhaps at first you will feel important and big, and then small and insignificant, and then you will feel big again. Many of you will feel like Alice in Wonderland went down the rabbit hole. You may feel like what you were used to as up has suddenly become down, and what you thought you had left behind is suddenly in your future. You will find that many things that used to be good will feel bad to you, and vice versa.

This is a great time to play with duality. Examine everything that you are attached to, examine the things that you judge as good or bad. Review everything that you consider useful in your life. What you thought was bad may not be as bad as you once imagined. This time gives you a chance to change your beliefs and expectations, and this gives you the opportunity to completely change your view of the world.

While the energy is buzzing this month, it can be a good time for centering if you use mindfulness. This will give you the opportunity to get to know yourself much better than ever before. This month, strive to be calm while in the eye of the storm, and you may find that all the events around you help you to be more clear and focused than you have ever been in your entire life.

Are there any activities that will be especially helpful during this month?

This month, it will be useful to focus on solving problems. If you think every day, or even every hour, about the problems that need to be solved, it will help you find a path that will lead to solutions. Concentrating on solving a problem will help you find your center, you will be able to learn new things, and not get lost in all the twists and turns.

This month, each day can be seen as a series of interesting challenges. Think ahead about what problems you might encounter and what solutions you can come up with. Just like when solving any puzzle, you will need to assume that there is a solution and the problem makes sense. You will need to believe that the problem can be solved. In order to find a solution, you will need to think outside of your normal assumptions. All this can be fun. If you think of your life as a puzzle or a game you're playing, it can all be an incredibly enjoyable process.

What social events can we expect this month?

In the US, presidential and other elections will be affected by the energy of this month. The swirling and rotating energy will have a strong influence on the elections. You may find that the election results are not what you expected, or you may find that the election results are temporarily unclear as to which candidate won. In this election, the process itself may be questioned, much more than it was before. There may be many more questions about how the system was hacked or whether some voters voted legally.

You can anticipate these issues in advance, and find a way to remain calm and centered even if you decide to take part in protests or other types of political action. Make sure you act centered and calm and not in a state of anger. It's normal to feel angry, but make sure you find a center of calm to guide your actions. First calm your own storm, find your own center, and then use your anger to determine the direction of your actions.

In addition to politics, the volatile energy of this month will have an impact on other social events. It is likely that some secrets will be revealed and this will be accompanied by scandals. You may also find that your attitude towards leaders and other public figures will change. Those you admire may disappoint you, and those you disapprove of may suddenly turn out to be pleasant and helpful. This will give you a good chance to reconsider not only how you see public figures, but also how you see people in your personal life, and even how you see yourself.

This month offers a chance for change. This is a chance for those of you who have been misunderstood, or who have actually been misled, to be seen in a new light. This is a chance to allow yourself to become better than you have ever been before, and let the world see you in this new and better way. This is a good time to take courage and allow yourself forgiveness and redemption, and it will take courage to forgive and start over. However, the energy of this month is so intense and changeable that you will be left with no choice but to start with a clean slate.

If you hold on to your old ideas, then in December 2016 and 2017, you may find that you have lost your direction and are lost. If you hold on to old ideas, or outdated ways of doing things, you will end up blaming other people for your problems. This month, you should reconsider how you see people to make room and be precise in the coming months.

Is there anything else the Guardians want to tell us about November 2016?

As always, a sense of humor will be very useful this month. When things change suddenly, it can cause difficult feelings, but it can also lead to relief - liberation. You may discover what an incredible relief it is to let go of the emotions and expectations you've been holding onto. And if you can, laugh in the face of change. Laugh kindly. Laugh in a way that heals you. This will move you very far ahead in the energy of this month.

What energies and experiences can we expect in November 2016?

Energy will be very different during this month. At first it will be fast, then it will slow down, and then it will speed up again. Perhaps at first you will feel important and big, and then small and insignificant, and then you will feel big again. Many of you will feel like Alice in Wonderland went down the rabbit hole. You may feel like what you were used to as up has suddenly become down, and what you thought you had left behind is suddenly in your future. You will find that many things that used to be good will feel bad to you, and vice versa.

This is a great time to play with duality. Examine everything that you are attached to, examine the things that you judge as good or bad. Review everything that you consider useful in your life. What you thought was bad may not be as bad as you once imagined. This time gives you a chance to change your beliefs and expectations, and this gives you the opportunity to completely change your view of the world.

While the energy is buzzing this month, it can be a good time for centering if you use mindfulness. This will give you the opportunity to get to know yourself much better than ever before. This month, strive to be calm while in the eye of the storm, and you may find that all the events around you help you to be more clear and focused than you have ever been in your entire life.

Are there any activities that will be especially helpful during this month?

This month, it will be useful to focus on solving problems. If you think every day, or even every hour, about the problems that need to be solved, it will help you find a path that will lead to solutions. Concentrating on solving a problem will help you find your center, you will be able to learn new things, and not get lost in all the twists and turns.

This month, each day can be seen as a series of interesting challenges. Think ahead about what problems you might encounter and what solutions you can come up with. Just like when solving any puzzle, you will need to assume that there is a solution and the problem makes sense. You will need to believe that the problem can be solved. In order to find a solution, you will need to think outside of your normal assumptions. All this can be fun. If you think of your life as a puzzle or a game you're playing, it can all be an incredibly enjoyable process.

What social events can we expect this month?

In the US, presidential and other elections will be affected by the energy of this month. The swirling and rotating energy will have a strong influence on the elections. You may find that the election results are not what you expected, or you may find that the election results are temporarily unclear as to which candidate won. In this election, the process itself may be questioned, much more than it was before. There may be many more questions about how the system was hacked or whether some voters voted legally.

You can anticipate these issues in advance, and find a way to remain calm and centered even if you decide to take part in protests or other types of political action. Make sure you act centered and calm and not in a state of anger. It's normal to feel angry, but make sure you find a center of calm to guide your actions. First calm your own storm, find your own center, and then use your anger to determine the direction of your actions.

In addition to politics, the volatile energy of this month will have an impact on other social events. It is likely that some secrets will be revealed and this will be accompanied by scandals. You may also find that your attitude towards leaders and other public figures will change. Those you admire may disappoint you, and those you disapprove of may suddenly turn out to be pleasant and helpful. This will give you a good chance to reconsider not only how you see public figures, but also how you see people in your personal life, and even how you see yourself.

This month offers a chance for change. This is a chance for those of you who have been misunderstood, or who have actually been misled, to be seen in a new light. This is a chance to allow yourself to become better than you have ever been before, and let the world see you in this new and better way. This is a good time to take courage and allow yourself forgiveness and redemption, and it will take courage to forgive and start over. However, the energy of this month is so intense and changeable that you will be left with no choice but to start with a clean slate.

If you hold on to your old ideas, then in December 2016 and 2017, you may find that you have lost your direction and are lost. If you hold on to old ideas, or outdated ways of doing things, you will end up blaming other people for your problems. This month, you should reconsider how you see people to make room and be precise in the coming months.

Is there anything else the Guardians want to tell us about November 2016?

As always, a sense of humor will be very useful this month. When things change suddenly, it can cause difficult feelings, but it can also lead to relief—freeing. You may discover what an incredible relief it is to let go of the emotions and expectations you've been holding onto. And if you can, laugh in the face of change. Laugh kindly. Laugh in a way that heals you. This will move you very far ahead in the energy of this month.

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What energies and experiences can we expect in November 2016?

Energy will be very different during this month. At first it will be fast, then it will slow down, and then it will speed up again. Perhaps at first you will feel important and big, and then small and insignificant, and then you will feel big again. Many of you will feel like Alice in Wonderland went down the rabbit hole. You may feel like what you were used to as up has suddenly become down, and what you thought you had left behind is suddenly in your future. You will find that many things that used to be good will feel bad to you, and vice versa.

This is a great time to play with duality. Examine everything that you are attached to, examine the things that you judge as good or bad. Review everything that you consider useful in your life. What you thought was bad may not be as bad as you once imagined. This time gives you a chance to change your beliefs and expectations, and this gives you the opportunity to completely change your view of the world.

While the energy is buzzing this month, it can be a good time for centering if you use mindfulness. This will give you the opportunity to get to know yourself much better than ever before. This month, strive to be calm while in the eye of the storm, and you may find that all the events around you help you to be more clear and focused than you have ever been in your entire life.

Are there any activities that will be especially helpful during this month?

This month, it will be useful to focus on solving problems. If you think every day, or even every hour, about the problems that need to be solved, it will help you find a path that will lead to solutions. Concentrating on solving a problem will help you find your center, you will be able to learn new things, and not get lost in all the twists and turns.

This month, each day can be seen as a series of interesting tasks. Think ahead about what problems you might encounter and what solutions you can come up with. Just like when solving any puzzle, you will need to assume that there is a solution and the problem makes sense. You will need to believe that the problem can be solved. In order to find a solution, you will need to think outside of your normal assumptions. All this can be fun. If you think of your life as a puzzle or a game you're playing, it can all be an incredibly enjoyable process.

What social events can we expect this month?

In the US, presidential and other elections will be affected by the energy of this month. The swirling and rotating energy will have a strong influence on the elections. You may find that the election results are not what you expected, or you may find that the election results are temporarily unclear as to which candidate won. In this election, the process itself may be questioned, much more than it was before. There may be many more questions about how the system was hacked or whether some voters voted legally.

You can anticipate these issues in advance, and find a way to remain calm and centered even if you decide to take part in protests or other types of political action. Make sure you act centered and calm and not in a state of anger. It's normal to feel angry, but make sure you find a center of calm to guide your actions. First calm your own storm, find your own center, and then use your anger to determine the direction of your actions.

In addition to politics, the volatile energy of this month will have an impact on other social events. It is likely that some secrets will be revealed and this will be accompanied by scandals. You may also find that your attitude towards leaders and other public figures will change. Those you admire may disappoint you, and those you disapprove of may suddenly turn out to be pleasant and helpful. This will give you a good chance to reconsider not only how you see public figures, but also how you see people in your personal life, and even how you see yourself.

This month offers a chance for change. This is a chance for those of you who have been misunderstood, or who have actually been misled, to be seen in a new light. This is a chance to allow yourself to become better than you have ever been before, and let the world see you in this new and better way. This is a good time to take courage and allow yourself forgiveness and redemption, and it will take courage to forgive and start over. However, the energy of this month is so intense and changeable that you will be left with no choice but to start with a clean slate.

If you hold on to your old ideas, then in December 2016 and 2017, you may find that you have lost your direction and are lost. If you hold on to old ideas, or outdated ways of doing things, you will end up blaming other people for your problems. This month, you should reconsider how you see people to make room and be precise in the coming months.

Is there anything else the Guardians want to tell us about November 2016?

As always, a sense of humor will be very useful this month. When things change suddenly, it can cause difficult feelings, but it can also lead to relief—freeing. You may discover what an incredible relief it is to let go of the emotions and expectations you've been holding onto. And if you can, laugh in the face of change. Laugh kindly. Laugh in a way that heals you. This will move you very far ahead in the energy of this month.

This month's energy looks like an inverted whirlpool.

It looks like a small whirlpool on water, but it is “in reverse”, the energy moves upward.

Just like in a whirlpool, everything starts in a big circle.

It's like you're floating on water and caught in a whirlpool.

THE FIRST thing you'll notice is the change in perspective as you slowly begin to turn.

One minute you are looking in one direction, and the next moment you are looking in another direction and before you realize the change, everything has changed again.

This will happen in the month of November - the feeling that you are changing direction before you have time to adapt to it.

Many people will feel disoriented.

What you usually do to understand where you are going will not work as well.

The moment you feel like you have decided on a direction, everything will change again and you will have to rebuild.

This will happen again and again in November.

This will serve you well in changing your daily rituals and habits to help cope with the changes happening around you. Help you find ways to look at things differently every day.

ANOTHER feeling that an "inverted" whirlpool will bring is the feeling of upward movement.

Not only do you adapt to new perspective, as you spin, but you also move to a “higher” point of vision from which you can see everything more widely.

When you have a challenge at one level, it will manifest at a higher level.

You will be able to see your tasks and problems from a higher perspective than ever before.

You will find that your view of the world is changing - developing.

Your awareness will increase.

You will begin to better feel and understand your relationship with everything and everyone.

You will be able to foresee where your actions are leading and what consequences you can expect.

It's great to have a higher perspective because it gives you a broader perspective and helps you make smarter decisions.

But it can also be overwhelming.

You will have more sensations and information to be aware of and process.

Given these two dynamics, it will be important for you to move slowly and take time to think about what is happening in your life.

Review and reflect on your experiences every day to help you arrive at deeper wisdom.

This month it will be very important to be less distracted, instead directing your attention to situations that are happening in your real life.

Overall, this energy helps you become who you most want to be.

However, the energy changes very quickly this month and can be very disorienting.

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