Relations in the work team: three types of unpleasant colleagues. Be positive

This test will help you figure out what place you occupy in the team, how much your colleagues value you, and how your superiors treat you. Choose one of the suggested answer options for each question.

1. You decided to visit sport Club, because your colleagues are working there. How long will you be visiting?
a) you will persistently achieve better results;
b) it all depends on the mood;
c) won’t last even a week.
2. If someone tries to jump in line in front of you, what will you do?
a) express your dissatisfaction;
b) remain silent, but don’t miss it;
c) skip your turn, cursing your shyness.
3. Your colleagues began to argue about an issue in which you are well versed. How will you behave?
a) help your colleagues figure it out;
b) will not interfere until your opinion is asked;
c) you will remain on the sidelines because you are sure that no one is interested in your opinion.
4. On the street, a television correspondent asks you a question. What's your reaction?
a) calmly answer the questions;
b) you will only talk if the topic is interesting to you;
c) refuse the conversation.
5. The hairdresser suggested you try a new haircut. Will you agree to the experiment?
a) completely trust the master;
b) only if you come up with a haircut yourself;
c) stay true to your usual haircut.
6. At work, you have been entrusted with an important task, the implementation of which depends only on you. Will you be worried about this?
a) no, you can handle any task;
b) it all depends on what you have to do;
c) yes, you will try to refuse the task.
7. When will you schedule an important meeting?
a) early in the morning;
b) in the afternoon;
c) find out from your interlocutor when he will have free time to meet you.
8. You have taken up something interesting to you, but you need to complete the paperwork. Your actions?
a) work is most important;
b) finish your favorite thing to the end, and then get to work;
c) you will mind your own personal business.
9. You gave your favorite book to a friend to read, and he returned it hopelessly damaged. What will you do?
a) you won’t make a tragedy out of this;
b) demand compensation;
c) remain silent, but never give him anything again.

For each answer under the letter “a” give yourself 1 point, “b” – 2 points, “c” – 3 points. Sum up your points.

Test results
Up to 13 points. You irreplaceable person a team. No one important question cannot be resolved without your direct participation. You can easily cope with any management tasks. When fully loaded, you still have time to give useful advice to those who need it. You are a leader by nature. You are often involved in new projects, as you easily navigate unfamiliar surroundings and quickly respond to changing circumstances. You have long gained authority among your colleagues, and you are in good standing with your superiors.
13-20 points. You have a certain amount of ambition, but lack focus. You will never refuse a new task, but you will not show much enthusiasm when completing it. Colleagues respect you, but rarely ask for advice. You are not an authority for them. No promotion is expected in the near future. You achieve respect and recognition not through pressure and speed, but through perseverance and loyalty to the company. Your efforts will be rewarded.
21-27 points. You can be described as a very insecure person. It is difficult for you to navigate in an unfamiliar environment, and communicating with new people unsettles you from your usual rut. You are content with the little you have and don’t even strive for more. Your colleagues often dump all the routine work on you. Most likely, you will remain in the same position for the rest of your life. The prospect of changing jobs frightens you so much that you will hold on to old place even if you don’t get paid for six months wages. You just need to change your life principles.

Each of us has faced the problem of how to behave correctly in a work team? How to interact with people with whom you have to solve pressing matters every day? And how to find your place in a new team without losing your face?

This question remains open and relevant to this day. For many, it becomes the main one when choosing a new workplace, and often appears main reason dismissals. It's really serious problem that needs to be fought.

Let's look at common mistakes that are strictly forbidden to make.

You should not share your opinion about this or that person in the team. Sooner or later, your so-called “love” will reach him. Subsequently, this may negatively affect your relationship with him. So, it's better to keep your mouth shut.

Tip #1 – Never trust people with your thoughts! “The word is silver, and silence is gold.”

In any team there are people who weave intricate intrigues. They behave, most often good-naturedly and very friendly, and at first glance do not cause any fear. But as soon as you stumble somewhere, it’s gone. They'll sell it wholeheartedly.

Tip #2 – Carefully choose who to be friends with and communicate with, and who to avoid.

Here you are a new person in the team, and you want to please everyone. Show that you are open-minded to everyone, ready to help so as not to offend anyone, and firmly believe that for a service or request provided, a response will not be long in coming. Wake up, this happens very rarely.

Tip #3 – It’s better to refuse once than to do “someone else’s” work every time.

There are situations when you need to act harshly and unprincipledly in order to defend your rightness and preserve your good name. But sometimes we lack courage and we try with all our might to avoid conflict. Enough tolerating this.

Tip #4 – Act tough, within your own interests. Stand up for your Self.

You should not flaunt all your abilities and talents in order to show your importance and greatness - for you risk causing, in best case scenario- envy, and in the worst case - anger of colleagues and wariness of management.

Tip #5 – Appear dumber than you really are. "Never outshine the master"

The relationship between a person and a team is a very delicate area that requires careful analysis individual characteristics each one separately. Based on accumulated knowledge and personal experience, you can build your own model of behavior, which will allow you to take your rightful place in the team. You just have to want it and make a little effort.

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Even people with solid experience and rich experience accumulated over long years labor activity, when moving to a new place of work, they experience a feeling of excitement, anxiety, and uncertainty. What can we say about newcomers who, for the first time in their lives, cross the threshold of an institution that should henceforth become their second home? Naturally, in their minds, in addition to the question: “Do I have enough knowledge, can I cope?” Questions of a different kind also swarm: “How to behave? How and what to say? How to win over, or at least not antagonize, your superiors and your future colleagues?”

The answers to these questions are in each specific case will sound different. After all, this depends both on a specific team with its established traditions and system of relationships, including informal ones, and on personal qualities the “new recruit” himself. However, one can name a number general rules, which must be adhered to in order to successfully “fit” into the team, find and take your place in it.

This is what we will do now.

From the very beginning, you should outline a strategy for your behavior in a new place and then follow it, making some adjustments along the way. Let's leave aside professional quality: knowledge, abilities, skills, and let’s turn to aspects that are more likely to be social, psychological, and ethical in nature.

I. Meeting the team

Since you have to work in a team with already established traditions and established relationships, your task is to join it and take your place without disturbing the operation of this well-oiled mechanism.

IN large companies There are HR managers who will help you get comfortable in a new place by providing primary information. In not so numerous teams, take a closer look at the employees and try to find such an assistant yourself. This could be a person doing a job similar to yours, or a person who came here shortly before you. You may be lucky enough to become close to some of your colleagues based on... common interests or character traits. In addition, any team has its own informal leaders, it would be nice to establish contact with them. Finally, there are people with the makings of a “chef-mentor” who love to look after young people. Don't refuse their help.

II. Show your best qualities and interest in work

Show your new colleagues that you are responsible for the work entrusted to you, that you are a neat, disciplined person, that they can rely on you. However, this should be done not in a pointedly demonstrative manner, but modestly and unobtrusively.

Arrive at work a little earlier than expected and don’t leave immediately after the end of the working day. Stay a few minutes, for example, to clean up and prepare your workplace by the beginning of the next day.

Listen carefully to the advice and comments that are addressed to you, thank them for them and always take them into account, even if they seem like empty quibbles to you.

While you are not yet comfortable with your job, do not hesitate to ask and ask again your colleagues and your immediate supervisor. This will demonstrate your interest in the common cause.

You adapt to the team, but the team also studies you. Therefore, one should not confuse a wary attitude with hostility. Treat critical comments as help from more experienced colleagues.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that in some teams there is such an attitude towards newcomers when they try to use them as an “errand boy”, forcing them to do outside work that is not part of their direct responsibilities. Such attempts must be stopped at the very beginning, since it will be much more difficult to do this later. Firmly but politely, without entering into conflict, reject such claims.

III. Two "leading" principles

At first, while your bosses and staff are still trying to figure you out, try to remain modest and keep a low profile. Last expression It sounds rude, but this is exactly how your behavior should be. This was pointed out by Goethe, whose authoritative opinion is quite consistent with the statement of modern psychologists.

Do not try to challenge anyone’s opinion or actively interfere in current processes, do not try to destroy or change relationships that have developed in the team long before your appearance in it. Do not criticize old employees and bosses, even if it is obvious that they are not right about everything.

Subsequently, when you get used to the team, win their trust and respect, you will be able to contribute design changes into the work of your institution, but at first limit yourself to conscientiously doing the work entrusted to you and taking a closer look at the life of the team, at those obvious and “underwater” currents that can bring you to the surface, but can also drag you to the bottom.

Second important principle– avoid extremes, maintain a sense of proportion in everything. It’s bad to be branded a lazy person, but you shouldn’t emphasize your indefatigable zeal, so as not to be branded an “upstart.” Even in the way you dress, try not to stand out too much from your surroundings, while at the same time maintaining some details that highlight your individuality. In yet to a greater extent this can be attributed to the manner of communication.

IV. Rules of communication in a team

Perhaps this aspect presents the greatest difficulties for a beginner. But it is he who, first of all, determines what opinion will be formed about you, and how your colleagues will treat you in the future, whether this will contribute to the takeoff of your career, or will lead to the impossibility of further stay in this team.

From the very beginning, take a close look at your colleagues and try to find individual way communication with each of them.

Try to remember everyone's names. In some places it is customary to address each other by first name and patronymic, in others - only by first name, in some official cases - by last name. Don't break these traditions.

Do not be familiar, even if the interlocutor seems to give you a reason to do so. The very short period of time you spent within the walls of this institution does not yet give you the right to familiar relations.

Don't shy away from various kinds“informal” customs and events. If at your work there is a custom of meeting a new employee, for example, over a cup of tea and cake, do not disappoint your future colleagues, give them this joy by having a small tea party after the first salary.

If there is no unity in the team, maintain a neutral position. Don’t try to take sides by taking an irreconcilable position towards your opponents: after all, you don’t know everything yet hidden reasons such a split and you can easily and irreparably make a mistake.

During this period, it is preferable to listen more and speak less. If others ask for your opinion, it is better to start modestly: “It seems to me...” and then express your thoughts in a non-aggressive manner.

It is completely unacceptable to take part in gossip and gossip, which are sometimes conducted behind the back of the “condemned”.

Refrain from giving advice to older employees, even if you clearly see your professional superiority.

Until you make close friends, try not to pester your interlocutors with indiscreet questions about their personal life, don’t meddle into their soul, but don’t open up completely yourself. After all, it is quite possible that your relationship in the future will flow in a different direction and you or your interlocutor will have to regret your revelations.

Refrain from idle questions, and if you need to know something, choose a moment when the person is not busy with his work and can spare you a minute or two.

Finally, in order to win over those around you, always be friendly, welcoming, and responsive. Smile more often. React to everything calmly and with a sense of humor. Show yourself ready to accept criticism and correct your own shortcomings. Don't isolate yourself or narrow circle“chosen ones”, be open to any contacts. All these seemingly self-evident tips will help you quickly “fit” into new team, become your own person in it, and perhaps find new friends.

In conclusion, it is worth dwelling on one more question. As studies have shown, the adaptation period usually takes about three months. There is no need to stretch it out for a longer period. This period should be enough to overcome all difficulties and establish yourself in the team as an equal member. If this did not happen, if you never managed to become “your person,” there are two possible ways out of this situation.

Try to analyze your behavior and, if you find any mistakes and blunders on your part, correct them. Although it will be more difficult to do this now, it is still possible.

If you, in principle, do not agree with the state of affairs in the company, if you cannot realize your knowledge and strength, if the very atmosphere prevailing in this team is alien to you, then it is better to change your place of work.

Training meeting: “Me and my place in the team”


  1. Promote the formation of skills of self-analysis and self-control of emotional state.
  2. Self-knowledge and knowledge of others.
  3. Application of skills effective interaction with others.
  4. Awareness of the correct transmission of verbal and non-verbal information.
  5. development positive attitude to yourself.
  6. developing a positive attitude towards a colleague.

Progress of the lesson.

Any group of people lives and works according to certain laws. Laws:

  • There are no spectators at the lesson, all participants;
  • strive to overcome yourself;
  • don't forget to support others:
  • all ideas are good.
  • Everything happens here and now.

Express diagnostics."My mood".

Choose the color square that I like right now.

  1. Creating a good mood.

Video clip “Smile, you are beautiful!”

2. Ex. "We are in the television studio" .

- “say something good about yourself.”

Imagine that you are in the studio and you have the opportunity to say whatever you want about yourself. But first you need to introduce yourself: how? - the choice is yours. Why were you chosen? Because you are the people who can tell others something interesting and useful.

- “Say good things about your neighbor.”

- “I love myself for...”

- “Say a compliment to your neighbor”


How did you feel: when they said good things about yourself, about your neighbor, when they talked about you and you, what is easier or more difficult - to say good things about someone or about yourself? Why?

Exercise 3: Throw out your fingers.

Goal: Team building.

We need both famous game Everyone “throw your fingers away” at the same time. There are many of us, and the task is for everyone to throw out the same amount, it is difficult, but possible if the team is united and treats each other with understanding and the desire to find a common language.

So, we throw out our fingers until we throw out the same amount all at the same time. Question: In what attempt do you think we will succeed? (everyone must throw out 5 fingers, because an open palm is a symbol of cooperation. The leader “does not throw out fingers”; the team must do this themselves).

Reflection. How did you feel before the task, during the “throwing away” process, when you understood everything and did it correctly?

4. Exercise “Message”.

Target: awareness of the importance of correct transmission of information verbally and non-verbally to prevent conflict situations.

4.1 we convey the movement with our hands.

All participants stand in a column one at a time, looking at the back of each other's heads (without spying on what is happening behind his back). leading to the last participant“transmits” some information with his hands (stroking the head, shoulders, legs, etc.)

4.2 a story told by hands.

All participants sit in a circle in their seats with eyes closed. The presenter “tells” (pantomime) a story to his neighbor. Eg. I saw flowers, picked 3, and gave them with love. The story is being passed around the circle to the person sitting next to him, while the others wait with their eyes closed for their turn.

4.3. verbal message.

Instructions. 5 volunteers go out the door, the observers' task is to listen silently. The leader makes a message to one of the remaining ones. It is necessary to convey the message of the presenter to another, preserving as much as possible the meaning of the transmitted message.

One morning a group of students came to the laboratory. Dr. Paul Brandwhite was already there. There was a bottle of milk on the edge of his desk. The students looked at the bottle and wondered what it had to do with the hygiene course. Out of the blue, Dr. Paul Brandwhite stood up, threw the bottle down the sink, and exclaimed, “Don’t cry over spilled milk! Then he forced the students to go to the sink and look at the traces of the disaster. “Look carefully,” he continued, “I want you to remember this lesson for the rest of your life. There is no milk, you yourself saw how it flowed into the sewer. And no amount of screaming, no amount of sacrifice or worry will bring back even a drop. We can only cross it out, forget it and move on to another issue.

Finding yourself in a new place, a person begins to feel as if out of place. He is haunted by fear, anxiety, embarrassment and discomfort. In the new team, we all feel like the “black sheep”. This period in our lives is called “adaptation”. How to reduce discomfort when in a new place? How to adapt to a new team?

How to find your place in a new team?

During such a period, you need to give yourself and the new team time to get used to each other. Don't be afraid to make contact. You need to show friendliness and try to establish relationships with new colleagues. Openness and good mood. It's worth hiding everything inside yourself negative emotions: aggression, anger and irritation. Now is not the best time to show “character” to a new team. If you are invited to go somewhere with your colleagues, agree without hesitation. If there are no such invitations, then you can become the initiator. Try inviting new employees to go for a walk together. This will benefit your relationship.

In no case should you allow yourself to be too frank and gossip during such a period. This kind of behavior will not help the team build. good opinion about you. Also, you should not join any conflicts that existed before you, much less incite new conflicts.

Try to establish contact with one or more people first. Find out how relationships develop in a team, what common traditions are characteristic of it, and whether there are unspoken rules of communication. This will help you avoid awkward situations. For example, in a new team there may be some pressing issue that has become the cause of discord between departments. Without knowing it, you may accidentally take sides in a conflict and find yourself out of favor with other colleagues. Not the best start to a new job.

Mobbing: leave or stay?

The difficulty of adapting to a new team is often determined by the internal discomfort of the new person, in which case it is enough to give yourself time to get used to new environment. But, unfortunately, there are other situations. There are known cases of special bullying of new employees in the company. This phenomenon is called mobbing.

Typically, the team does not pursue any specific goals when bullying a new colleague. Most often this is done for fun or to test something new. Mobbing can manifest itself in different ways. The victim may be ignored, not greeted, and not invited to dinners or social events. Also, employees may hide important official information from the victim, as if forgetting to tell them. For example, don't talk about important meeting, about changing the start time of the meeting, etc. Often employees try to ruin the victim’s reputation, spread gossip and misinform management. There are cases when mobbing becomes so escalated that it leads to insults, quarrels and even fights.

If you find yourself in such a situation, under no circumstances should you allow the new team to lower your self-esteem. After all, most often it is because of self-doubt that victims of mobbing cannot take the risky step of changing jobs. You should monitor the situation; if it only gets worse day by day, then it is better to find a new place of work, otherwise everyday stress will simply not allow you to work normally.

The first days in the new team are the most difficult time. It is important to accept this and give yourself time to adapt. Psychologists say that the optimal time for complete adaptation to a new team is three months. The most important thing in such a period is to be friendly and open, then you can find your place in any team.