Repetition of covered topics. Preparing for the Unified State Exam is not just about solving tests

A. Lincoln said: “If I have 6 hours to cut down a tree, 4 of them will be spent sharpening the axe.” After reading the recommendations in this article, you will “sharpen” your skills in preparing for the exam, spending significantly less time on the process itself. And you don’t have much of it, so let’s get started!

The easiest student path to a successful session begins with active work during the semester. If you master at least a small part of the material in a couple, this will greatly facilitate the process of preparing for the exam. Although I was not a supporter of active work during the semester and had a habit of skipping classes, I had to regret it a little during the session. But if you slacked during the semester, don’t worry. To anyone student exam You can prepare in 3-4 days, and in extreme cases – even in a day. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive an “excellent” rating. But who knows?

Forget about signs

When I was a student, many classmates observed well-known student signs- don’t cut your hair before taking the test, put a nickel in your shoes, call for freebies through the window... Signs are fun, but you shouldn’t divert your attention to them and believe in them - focus on studying the material and repeating it.

Charge your brain

During the entire period of preparation for the exam, eat plenty of foods that stimulate brain function and improve memory. These products include:

  • walnuts
  • egg yolk
  • green tea
  • garlic
  • bitter chocolate
  • fruits

Prepare strictly according to the list of questions

As shown by 5 years of my student life– the exam always included exactly the questions that were on the lists for preparation. And such a list was necessarily given. As a rule, questions cover no more than 50% of the material studied, and wasting time studying the rest is pointless. If there is little time left, your task is to find out a little, but for each of the questions presented. This way you will have a chance to show the teacher that you are quite familiar with the subject and will certainly not leave without a grade.

Distribute the load

How many days do you have to prepare and how many questions are on the list? Depending on this, divide the process evenly into each of the remaining days. If there are topics on the list that you know well, cross them off right away. Focus better on those topics on which you still know little.

Get started immediately

When there are only a few days left before the exam, forget about rest and don’t feel sorry for yourself. You will have time to relax and have fun when the session is over. If you relax now, you can go to retakes and ruin your well-deserved rest. Do you need it? It’s better to give yourself completely now, and then rest for a while. full program. This also applies to sleep - sacrifice sleep during preparation - you will have time to sleep after the session. Moreover, not sleeping is a common thing for a student. Get up as early as possible in the morning so you can get most of your work done in the first half of the day, because... mental capacity worsen in the evening.

How to properly prepare for the exam

So, we have a list of questions, we have a few days left, let’s first distribute the load.

Let's say you have 3 days and a list of 100 questions; 10 of them have been crossed out because... already know the answers to them. Thus, you need to have time to learn 30 questions per day. Let’s take this figure for calculation, because I usually prepared in this way; but if you have more days left, great! In any case, even 30 questions in a day is absolutely possible - you just need to not feel sorry for yourself and forget about entertainment.

What you will need:

  1. notebook with pen
  2. stopwatch
  3. laptop/computer with Internet access
  4. lecture notebook
  5. textbook on this subject

The most important thing is to correctly distribute your strength. If you take into account the need to learn 30 questions in a day, then you definitely won’t be able to devote an hour to each of them; you need to calculate everything in advance. If it is already the middle of the day or evening, then allocate fewer questions for today, scattering the remaining ones for other days. But get up early in the morning, this is very important. The feeling that by the middle of the day most of the work has already been completed is priceless.

There are 24 hours in a day. Of these, you need to sleep at least seven, set aside 3 hours for rest and food: a total of 14 hours remain (i.e. 840 minutes). 840/30 = 28 minutes per question, maximum. But if you need to learn more or less in a day, recalculate and determine exact time, which can be highlighted for each question.

You should have a desk at your disposal, a quiet room and no distractions. If you live in a dorm, ask your friends not to touch you or run away public library and practice in silence.

To give you an idea internal state with which you need to prepare for the exam - remember a boxing match. The gong sounds, the athletes begin the fight, and the whole world ceases to exist for them. There is only an opponent, ideas in the head and all attention is focused on the ring. Studying each question should become such a duel for you, or rather a round - turn on the stopwatch, focus only on the material being studied, and forget that there is a world around you. There is only you and your question. If you catch such a “wave”, you will click questions like seeds.

By the way, using a stopwatch is a classic time management technique. When you limit yourself by time, your brain is determined to complete a task within the allotted time. Remember that it is ideal to study every question - there is no need! You need to learn it as much as you have time for, and immediately move on to the next one. If there is no limitation, one topic can be procrastinated a whole hour- and in the end you won’t have time to learn even half of the list (and as luck would have it, the ticket will contain something that you didn’t learn).

We will assume that you have 28 minutes to answer the question, what do you need to accomplish during this time?

Search for material on the topic (2-3 minutes). If you have a lecture on this issue, teach from it. If not, follow the textbook (the main thing is that there is a clear answer, without water). If there is no textbook or it is very vague, then find the answer on the Internet and get started.

Reading material on the issue (10-15 minutes). Read with concentration, not trying to mechanically memorize the material, but think about what you read, mark the key points for yourself. Simply remembering the answers will not work - the volume of material is too large; but learning to understand is the main goal. Most of written in a book or on the Internet - water, and about 20% is valuable information that will be useful in answering. When reading, try to distinguish the important from the secondary.

Brief entry key points in a notebook (3-5 minutes). You will definitely need a pen and notebook. The most basic things on the topic need to be written down, for example, a couple of definitions, a summary of the main points, formulas, names, dates and events, etc. The recording has several important reasons:

  • What is written is remembered better than what is just read. You will give a kind of command to your brain on what exactly you need to focus on;
  • using these notes you will repeat what you have learned at the end of the day;
  • You will create a kind of “anchor” that will help you remember the answer. It happens that when you look at the ticket you don’t remember anything at all. It is in this case that if you manage to remember a couple of lines that were written down, this will help you remember the rest of the material studied on the topic.

Try to meet the given time, but if it doesn’t work out, go to next question. Follow the plan strictly, and by the evening (or by late at night) you will have knowledge on all the questions selected for today. This is victory.

Some topics will take more time, some less, but don’t let this scare you. As we have already said, it is more important to know a little about each issue than to know in detail about half the list.

It is more convenient to divide the preparation process into several groups. It was convenient for me to teach in groups of 10 questions - it turned out to be several 4-hour lessons with an hour break.

Find your motivation

A session is hard, especially if time is short and you haven’t really worked hard during the semester. But you can make your task easier if you think carefully about why you need a grade in your record book?

For me, the motivation was not to lose the scholarship, because... I was on a “budget” and passed and received a scholarship under the presidential program for several semesters - 8800 rubles for the 2012-2013 year was good money for a student. In addition, the first exams passed “excellently” and therefore I decided that I would take a course for a honors diploma, which they eventually gave me.

So what are you willing to work for? Maybe to make your parents proud? Or do you think that ratings will help you find Good work? Or do you really don’t want to join the army earlier than expected? If you find a good reason for yourself, it will help you hold on when your strength is running out and there is a long preparation ahead.

What thoughts should you have when going to the exam?

What grade will be on your record will not help you find a good job or pass an interview successfully. I work in my specialty, but at the interview no one was interested in either my diploma or my grades.

Why then study and take exams?

In order to learn how to set goals and achieve them. Behind short term be able to process large volumes of material. Learn to distinguish the important from the secondary. Develop rather than stand still.

Therefore, when going to the exam, remember that the grade you receive will not help you in the future, but the skills you acquire will. Walk with confidence and don't worry about anything.

I don’t dare take up any more of your time - devote it to working on the questions. Good luck to you!

P.S. If you still have ideas on how to prepare easier and faster - write in the comments, I will be grateful!

The stages of preparation for a cosmetic procedure and rehabilitation after it are often perceived by patients and even cosmetologists as not very important points, in which quality skin care can be neglected. However, facial peels and other treatments must be performed on well-prepared skin in order to get the expected response from it. And the ability to prevent unwanted complications often depends on the quality of rehabilitation care. Nadezhda Kroshka, an expert at the Laskos company, a cosmetologist and maxillofacial surgeon, shared her thoughts on preparing for facial peelings with the site’s readers.

Facial peeling procedures require careful preparation

Very often, when conducting seminars, I hear from specialists persistent desires to reduce the cost of the procedure by using means of pre-preparation for peeling procedures and rehabilitation after them, or by replacing them with cheaper analogues or pharmaceutical products…. I take this opportunity to answer each and every one.

This is, firstly, unprofessional, and secondly, such “cheapening” will cost more. You will either correct complications for free or lose the patient. Any self-respecting company, conducting clinical trials of its line, specifically creates products to accompany the procedure. And only based on their use in such important programs as peeling, the company declares a predicted positive result.
Today I would like to focus attention specifically on the means of pre-training and rehabilitation that are offered by the company “Laskos” and TM Mesoestetic.

Means for preparing for facial peeling and accompanying the procedure

Glycorepair is a universal booster containing glycolic acid and a complex of plant extracts. It is prescribed to patients 10-14 days before the first salon superficial peeling procedure. Stimulates cell renewal, thickens and moisturizes the epidermis, normalizes the process of keratinization and sebum secretion.
Do not forget that from the moment of pre-preparation it is necessary to prescribe SPF protection to patients. TM Mesoestetic offers Moisturizing sun protection SPF 50 (moisturizing sunscreen) and Dermatological sun protectin SPF 50 (dermatological sunscreen).

Resurfacing peel booster is a means of pre-preparation and accompaniment of a peeling course when working with problem skin (acne, seborrhea, hyperkeratosis).

The product contains salicylic and glycolic acids. Works as a keratolytic, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the quantity and quality of sebum produced. It is prescribed to patients 10-14 days before the first salon superficial peeling procedure.

Brightening peel booster is a depigmenting booster used in peeling programs aimed at depigmentation. Contains glycolic and phytic acids. Evens out the texture and color of the skin, tightens the epidermis. It is prescribed to patients 10-14 days before the first salon superficial peeling procedure.

Proper rehabilitation after facial peeling is the key to a positive result

And, of course, a thinking specialist should understand the importance of the rehabilitation period in the peeling course. Especially if we're talking about about medium or deep peels. Go through this period correctly, come out of it with the expected positive result post-procedure fast-skin repair cream will help.
This product is a balanced nutritional and moisturizing cocktail. Has a healing and analgesic effect. Does not interfere with or promote the peeling process. Thus, it will enable this process to go through as naturally and comfortably as possible for the patient. When performing medium and deep peels, it will allow you to exit the rehabilitation period without complications (such as scarring, pigmentation).

A special universal remedy for facial peelings

I would like to pay special attention to a product that a specialist can work with in his office and that a patient can use to prepare himself for peeling and maintain the result of the peeling course. So, I bring to the attention of specialists 1% retinol concentrate.

This concentrate will perfectly complete the procedure of any salon peeling (both monopeeling and peeling cocktail). It will add an excellent lifting effect for older patients and will help with peeling protocols for problem skin. Promotes rapid skin regeneration and the process of neocollagenogenesis.

Also, this concentrate can be prescribed as a means of pre-preparation for older patients with sagging skin, fine-wrinkled type of aging, and patients with acne. As a pre-preparation, it is prescribed 10-14 days before the first salon superficial peeling procedure.

And in conclusion of today’s topic, I would like to wish specialists to remain professionals and not follow the lead of patients who want to save on medical and aesthetic procedures. The patient does not always understand the importance of carrying out this or that stage. The specialist must be able not only to perform the procedure technically competently in his office, but also to be confident that the patient’s skin is properly prepared for the procedure, and that’s all important means is included in home care for a person who has decided to take a peeling course.

Love your patients, choose the best for them and enjoy your work.

The job of a teacher seems simple and quite obvious - you know English and tell others how to speak, write, etc. Some people believe that there is practically no need to do anything at all - they came, talked and left. But few people except us teachers know that a huge part of this work remains behind the scenes. After all, each lesson is a well-researched and carefully prepared material, adapted to specific student, built into the structure of lesson cycles in such a way as not to violate the integrity of the entire educational process.

How much time to waste

In schools today, teachers are required to carefully prepare by writing written notes for each lesson. This is very labor- and time-consuming, especially for young teachers who have not yet gotten their hands on this difficult task. Private schools and courses do not require this, but preparation for lessons has also not been canceled. Some teachers believe that you should prepare for each lesson for about an hour to find suitable material, prepare or adapt assignments for the lesson. If you have two lessons a day, then it’s not a big deal; if you have six, then get ready to spend the rest of your life behind a pile of books or in front of a monitor screen. Of course, everything can and should be optimized as much as possible.

Do the bare minimum when preparing for your lessons, and then it will take you on average fifteen or twenty minutes. By and large, the teacher has to work mainly with the same educational materials. So, if the textbook is new to you, you will need more time to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignments, read the texts, listen to audio recordings, and become familiar with additional tasks presented in it. Plus, spend five minutes thinking about creative game tasks in class, and plus five minutes to write everything down beautifully and legibly.

First impression

It is especially important to prepare for the first lesson with new group and a new student. The first meeting is always very important, as it deposits in the student’s subconscious the impression of the teacher and the lesson with him. At the first lesson, you can infect the student with a huge charge of motivation or discourage the desire to study at all. That is why you should prepare especially carefully for the first lesson. Some modern educators argue that a teacher should normally spend the entire day preparing for a lesson with a new group of students. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such luxury and can afford to spend so much time, even with all the desire. It is important to consider some factors here.

  • First of all, it's your experience. If you are just starting to work and you don’t have your own experience yet, you don’t know what to expect from the first lesson, how to properly develop its structure, then in this case you will need much more time, perhaps a couple of hours. If you are an experienced teacher, you should not relax, as everyone new student- this is a new “challenge”.
  • Secondly, it is important to be prepared for the fact that different people different pace. The number of tasks that one student will complete whole lesson, another can complete in ten minutes. Make sure that you don’t have to figure out what to do with your more active students during the lesson.
  • Thirdly, remember that the stated level of a student does not always correspond to the actual level. Often people either underestimate or overestimate their knowledge. Therefore, if the tasks are too easy or too difficult, there will be no point. Prepare at least two versions of tasks, more difficult and easier, and during the lesson decide which is best to use.
  • Fourthly, make sure that the lesson is not boring. Everyone loves positive emotions. Include a game moment in the tasks, take interesting topics for discussion or short humorous articles. Be sure to praise the student.


There is no clear opinion on what materials to use when preparing for lessons. Some methodologists encourage the development of teachers' creative abilities and encourage them in every possible way to apply them in life. Some enthusiastic teachers draw paintings, coming up with crossword puzzles, almost writing books themselves. But there is also the opposite opinion - why invent a bicycle? There are a ton of great textbooks that are freely available from a variety of resources. They already offer a lot of interesting and extremely useful tasks. They are well structured, developed by talented and experienced methodologists and teachers. Just take and consistently perform all the exercises in order.

As always, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. The most the best way will use several textbooks in preparation for the lesson and personal experiences that, in your experience, resonate with students. It is extremely effective to combine several textbooks on a similar topic. For example, you are working from the Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate textbook and are going through the first module in it, which deals with time Present Simple. In addition, you can take a grammar book - R. Murphy for adults or Round-Up for children - to further work on grammar. Can you also suggest some grammar game or own developments. This way the lesson will be rich, will cover all aspects, and you will be able to work on this topic as efficiently as possible.

Remember that the time spent preparing for classes will pay off handsomely. You will always feel confident in any situation in the lesson, and you will not be caught off guard. Always take into account the needs and wishes of your students, take them into account individual characteristics and ability level. Then your lessons will always be interesting and your students motivated.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Many people do not know and do not know how to properly prepare for confession and confess. They go, go to Confession and Communion for years, but still don’t change, and in their lives everything is the same, no changes for the better: just as the husband and wife were arguing, they continue to swear and quarrel. Just as the husband drank, he continues to drink and party and cheat on his wife. Just as there was no money in the house, there is no money. Just as the children were disobedient, they became even more rude and impudent and stopped studying. Just as a person was lonely in life, without family and children, he still remains lonely. And the reasons for this are as follows: either a person does not repent of his sins and lives a sinful life, or he does not know how to repent, does not know and does not see his sins, and does not really know how to pray, or a person is cunning before God and deceives Him, does not consider himself as a sinner, hides his sins or considers his sins small, insignificant, justifies himself, shifts his guilt onto other people or repents and again commits sins with a light heart and desire, does not want to give up his bad habits.

For example, a person repented of drunkenness, smoking and swearing, and again, as soon as he left the Church and started smoking again, began to swear, and in the evening he got drunk. How can God accept such a FALSE Repentance and forgive a person and begin to help him?! That’s why nothing in their lives changes for the better for such people, and they themselves do not become kinder or more honest!

Repentance is an amazing GIFT to man from God, and it must be EARNED, and this gift can only be earned by GOOD deeds and honest confession to oneself and to God of all sins, one’s bad deeds and actions, one’s character flaws and bad habits, and more desire from all this bad - to GET RID of and correct yourself, and BECOME a good person.

Therefore, before you go to Confession, KNOW that if you do not pray every day and ASK God for Him to ALLOW you to COME to Confession, then Confession may not happen. If God DOES NOT GIVE you a way to church, then you WILL NOT GET TO CONFESSION! And on the way, pray that God, in confession, will FORGIVE all your sins.

Don’t rely on yourself that you can calmly reach the Church at your own request - you may NOT REACH, and this very often happens, because the devil fiercely hates those people who are going to go to confession and begins to INTERFERE with them in every possible way. That’s why we should ask God and the Mother of God for help every day, already a week, or even two before, when you decided to go to confession, so that God GIVES you HEALTH, strength and the way so that you go to church. .

Otherwise, it usually happens like this: a person is about to go to Confession, and suddenly, the person gets ILL, then suddenly falls and sprains a leg or arm, then he has an upset stomach, then someone at home close to you gets very sick - so the person CAN’T go to Confession . Or sometimes troubles start both at work and at home, or an accident happens, or at home the day before there will be a big one quarrel or you will commit a new one grave sin. Sometimes a man is getting ready for confession, and guests come to him and offer him a drink of wine and vodka, he gets so drunk that he cannot get up in the morning, and again the man CANNOT GO TO CONFESSION. Anything can happen because the devil, having learned that a person is going to confession, begins to do everything so that the person will never be able to go to confession and even FORGET to think about it! Remember this!

When a person is PREPARING for Confession, the most IMPORTANT thing he must honestly ask himself is: “Is God in the FIRST place in my life?” Only with this does real Repentance begin!

Maybe it’s not God that comes first for me, but something else, for example – Wealth, personal well-being, acquiring property, work and successful career, sex, entertainment and pleasure, clothing, smoking, the desire to attract attention and the desire for fame, fame, to receive praise, to spend time carelessly, reading empty books, watching TV.

Maybe because of CONCERNS about my family and a LOT of household chores, I always HAVE NO TIME and therefore I FORGET about God and do not please Him. Maybe art, sports, science or some kind of hobby or hobby takes first place in my mind?

Could it be that some kind of passion - love of money, gluttony, drunkenness, sexual lust - has taken over my heart, and all my thoughts and desires are only about this? Am I making myself an “Idol” out of my pride and selfishness? If this is so, it means that I SERVE my “Idol”, my idol, he is in my first place, and not God. This is how you can and should check yourself when preparing for confession.

It is necessary to go to the evening service the day before. Before Communion, if a person has never confessed and has not fasted, he must fast for 7 days. If a person observes fasting days Wednesday and Friday, then it is enough for him to fast for two to three days, but fasting is only for healthy people. At home, be sure to prepare for confession and Communion, if you have a prayer book, then read: The Penitential Canon to Jesus Christ and to the Mother of God, or simply the canon to the Mother of God “We contain many adversities,” read the canon to the Guardian Angel, and if they take communion, then “Following to Communion." If there is no prayer book, then you need to read the Jesus Prayer 500 times and the “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” 100 times, but this is an exception. Then they take a piece of blank paper and write all their sins on it in detail, otherwise you will simply forget many sins, the demons will not allow you to remember them, that’s why people write down their sins on pieces of paper, which after confession must be carefully and carefully burned. You will either give your sins to confession to a priest who will confess you, or you yourself will read out loud to the priest all the sins written on the piece of paper.

From 12 o'clock at night they don't eat or drink anything, in the morning they got up, prayed and went to the temple and all the way - you need to intensely PRAY to yourself and ask the Lord for God to FORGIVE your sins. At church we stood in line and silently to ourselves - CONTINUE TO PRAY TO GOD, that God would forgive us and deliver us from our sins and bad habits. When you are standing in church and waiting for your turn for confession, you must not think about strangers, you must not look idly around and do not even think about talking about anything with those next to you. standing people. Otherwise, God will not accept your repentance, and this is a disaster! You must stand and be silent, and with all your heart beg God to have mercy on you and forgive you your sins and give you strength not to commit the same sins again, you must mourn before God that you have committed so many sins, done so much evil and bad deeds, and many people were offended and condemned. Only in this case can God forgive you, not the priest, but the Lord, who sees your Repentance - how sincere or false it is! When the priest begins to read a prayer of permission for the resolution of your sins, at this time you will intensely pray to God to yourself, so that God will forgive you and give you the strength to live honestly, according to the Laws of God and not to sin.

Many people standing in line for confession are TALKING to each other, looking around carelessly - how can God accept such Repentance? Who needs such Repentance at all if people don’t even think about and don’t understand what Great and Terrible Sacrament they came to? What now – their FATE is being decided!

Therefore, all those people who CONDUCT conversations in line for confession and do not pray intensely to God for the forgiveness of their sins - CAME to confession in vain! The Lord DOES NOT FORGIVE such people and DOES NOT ACCEPT their hypocritical Repentance!

After all, if God forgives a person, FORGIVES him his sins, then the person’s life and destiny change for the better - the person himself CHANGES - BECOMES kind, calm, patient and an honest man, people - RECOVERED from serious and often incurable fatal diseases. People got rid of their bad habits and passions.

Many bitter drunkards and drug addicts, after True Confession, STOP DRINKING and taking drugs - became NORMAL people!

People were getting better family relationships, families were restored, children CORRECTED, people found good jobs, and single people CREATED families - this is what True Repentance of a person means!

After Confession, you need to THANK God, bow to the ground, and light a candle in gratitude, and try to AVOID sins, try not to commit them.

LIST OF SINS. Whoever does not consider himself a Sinner is not heard by God!
Based on this list of human sins, you need to prepare for Confession.

Do you believe God? Don't you doubt it? Do you wear a cross on your chest? Aren't you ashamed to wear a cross, go to church, and be baptized in public? Are you carelessly performing the Sign of the Cross? Are you breaking your vows to God and your promises to people? Are you hiding your sins during confession, have you deceived the priests? Do you know all the Laws and Commandments of God, do you read the Bible, the Gospel, and the lives of the saints? Are you justifying yourself in confession? Don't you condemn the priests and the Church? Do you go to church on Sunday? Did you desecrate shrines? Are you blaspheming God?

Aren't you complaining? Do you keep fasts? Do you patiently bear your cross, sorrows and illnesses? Do you raise your children according to the Laws of God? Don't you serve your children and strangers bad example? Do you pray for them? Do you pray for your country, for your people, for your city, village, for your family, friends, for your friends... (living and deceased)? Don't you pray somehow, hastily and carelessly? While in the womb Orthodox Church, did you turn to other religions and sects? Did you protect Orthodox faith and the Church before sectarians and heretics? Were you late for church services and left without good reason from service? Didn't you talk in the temple? Didn’t you sin by self-justification and belittling your sins? Have you told other people about other people's sins?

Didn’t he tempt people to sin by giving them a bad example? Don't you gloat over someone else's misfortune, don't you rejoice at the misfortunes and failures of other people? Don't you consider yourself better than others? Have you sinned with vanity? Have you sinned with selfishness? Have you sinned by indifference to people and to your work, to your responsibilities? Didn't he do his job formally and poorly? Did you deceive your superiors? Don't you envy people? Aren't you sinning with despondency?

Do you honor, respect and obey your parents? Do you treat people older than you with respect? Did you offend your parents, quarrel with them, or shout at them? Do you honor and obey your husband, do you recognize him as the master in your family? Don't you contradict your husband, don't you yell at him? Do you give to the poor and needy from your abundance? Do you visit patients in hospitals and at home? Are you helping your neighbor? Didn’t you condemn beggars and poor people, didn’t you disdain them?

Didn't they get married, didn't they get married without love for convenience? Did you commit an unjust divorce (rejection of marriage)? Are you killing the baby in the womb (abortion or other means)? Don't you give such advice? Is your marriage blessed by God (has the sacrament of wedding been performed)? Are you jealous of your husband or wife? Have you ever engaged in sexual perversion? Are you cheating on your husband (wife)? Have you engaged in fornication and tempted other people to commit this sin? Did you engage in masturbation and sexual perversions?

Are you getting drunk on wine? Did you get anyone drunk? Do you smoke tobacco? Don't you have any bad habits? Don't you arrange a wake with wine, don't you remember dead people with wine? Did you give your consent to the bodies of your deceased relatives and friends being burned in a crematorium, instead of being buried in the ground? Do you curse your children, loved ones or neighbors? Are you calling anyone names? Do you have the fear of God? Are you not reproaching anyone? Do you not do good deeds for show or in order to be praised or with the expectation of benefit? Aren't you talkative? Don't you disdain anything?

Didn't you commit murder? Did you do anything to harm someone? Did you mock the weak and helpless? Are you at odds with people? Don't you argue, don't you argue with anyone? Are you swearing? Have you persuaded anyone to commit an evil deed? Are you quarreling with anyone? Did you threaten anyone? Aren't you annoyed? Are you insulting or humiliating anyone? Are you offending anyone? Don't you wish death for yourself and others? Do you love your neighbor as yourself? Do you love your enemies? Are you making fun of people? Don't you answer evil for evil, don't you take revenge? Do you pray for those who attack and persecute you? Do you yell at people? Are you angry in vain? Have you sinned with impatience and haste?

Aren't you curious? Didn't you kill livestock, birds, and insects in vain? Did you litter and pollute the forest, lakes and rivers? Don't you judge your neighbor? Are you blaming anyone? Do you despise anyone?)? Aren't you pretending? Are you lying? Aren't you informing on anyone? Have you sinned with people-pleasing and sycophancy?

Didn’t you please your superiors, didn’t you serve them, didn’t you engage in fawning? Aren't you talking idlely (empty talk)? Did you sing obscene songs? Did you tell obscene jokes? Didn't he bear false witness? Did you slander people? Do you have any addiction to food or treats? Do you have a taste for luxury and things? Don't you love honors and praise? Have you advised people anything bad and vicious? Have you ridiculed anyone’s chastity or modesty, or their obedience to parents and elders, or their conscientiousness in work, service or study?

Have you looked at obscene pornographic images in newspapers and magazines? Have you watched erotic and pornographic films and videos, or looked at erotic and pornographic sites on the Internet? Do you watch horror films and bloody action films? Do you read obscene, depraved pornographic magazines, newspapers and books? Are you seducing anyone with obscene seductive behavior and clothing?

Are you involved in witchcraft or spiritualism? Don't you read magic and books on extrasensory perception? Don't you believe in omens, astrology and horoscopes? Were you interested in Buddhism and the Roerich sect? Didn't you believe in the transmigration of souls and the law of recarnation? Are you bewitching anyone? Are you telling fortunes by cards, by hand, or something else? Haven't you done yoga? Are you not boasting? Have you thought or wanted to commit suicide?

Aren't you taking anything from the government? Aren't you stealing? Don't you hide, don't you appropriate other people's found things? Did you sin with the postscripts? Are you not living on the labor of others, being lazy? Do you protect and value other people’s work, your own and other people’s time? Didn’t you cheat on someone else’s labor by paying a small salary? Was he engaged in speculation? Didn’t he buy valuable and expensive things for cheap, taking advantage of people’s needs? Did you hurt anyone? Don't you measure, don't weigh, don't you shortchange when trading? Did you sell damaged and unusable goods? Did you engage in extortion and force people to give bribes? Aren't you deceiving people in word and deed? Do you take or give bribes? Did you buy stolen goods? Did he cover up for thieves, criminals, rapists, bandits, drug dealers and murderers? Do you use drugs? Didn't he sell moonshine, vodka and drugs and pornographic magazines, newspapers and videos?

Aren't you spying, aren't you eavesdropping? Were the people helping you paid for their services and labor? Do you take or use things, or wear clothes and shoes without the owner’s permission? Do you pay for travel on the metro, buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric trains, etc.? Don't you listen to rock music? Don't you play cards and others? gambling? Don't you play in casinos and slot machines? Don't you play computer games and don’t you go to gaming computer salons?

Here is a LIST of sins, it lists the majority of sins. They are in the form of questions. You can prepare for Confession using this List.

Take a big one Blank sheet paper and begin to write down the sins you have committed. Then, according to the List of Sins, you read in order all the listed sins and answer these questions about sins, but only those sins that you have committed and write something like this: “I sinned: I was drunk, I drank my money away, I did not take care of the peace of my neighbors. I swore, used foul language, offended my neighbors, lied, deceived people - I repent, etc.” This is roughly how you write your sins. If, of course, there is something serious, then you need to describe your sin in more detail. Those sins that you read in the list and you did not commit - you skip and honestly write only those sins that you did. If you are going to confession for the first time, then tell the priest about it. Tell him that you prepared for confession using a list of sins and confess. You may end up with several sheets of paper with sins written on them - this is normal, just write your sins clearly and clearly so that the priest can read them.

It’s better, of course, to READ your sins out loud to the priest yourself. If you read your sins out loud, then DO NOT READ them indifferently, in a tongue twister, but rather as if you were doing it yourself - REPRESENT the sins in your own words, sometimes looking at the sheet of paper with the sins written down - Blame yourself, Don’t make excuses, worry at this moment about your sins - Be ashamed of them – then God will forgive your sins. Only then will Confession be of any use and the benefit will be great.

The main thing is that after Confession a person SHOULD NOT return to his previous sins and bad habits.

After confession, thank God. Before receiving Communion, when the Holy Gifts are brought out, make three prostrations and then with the prayer “Lord, bless me, unworthy, to receive the Holy Mysteries and preserve Your Gracious Gift” - take Communion.

After receiving Communion, stop, turn to the altar of the church and with all your heart, with a bow from the waist, thank the Lord again, Mother of God and your Guardian Angel, for the fact that they have given you such great mercy and ask God to carefully preserve the gift of Communion. When you come home, be sure to stand and read prayers of thanksgiving after receiving Communion and read Three Chapters from the Gospel.

Communion of the Holy Mysteries - This is great Mystery and the most powerful medicine for the human soul and for healing all kinds of diseases, including serious ones that cannot be treated. Only after an honest and sincere confession does communion of the Body and Blood of Christ revive a person, heal illnesses, give peace and tranquility to a person’s soul, and give an increase physical strength and energy to the body.

Excerpt from Orthodox book"Secrets of family happiness." Cherepanov Vladimir.