Student signs before the session. Student signs before exams

Student signs and superstitions will help improve academic performance, pass exams well, and maintain friendly relations with classmates and teachers. Find out below the tricks of those who studied before you.

Beliefs on September 1

If you get caught in the rain on the first day of school, the year will be successful and end with good grades. Getting your feet wet means getting a top score in your least favorite subject. Staying dry in bad weather will reduce your academic performance. Getting clothes or shoes dirty means bad grades and a damaged reputation.

As September 1st went, so will the entire school year. You need to be positive and avoid quarrels with classmates and teachers. Try to earn a good grade or praise. Don't pay attention to small troubles and they won't haunt you. Excitement and bustle will make the whole year full of stress.

You need to put a nickel in your left shoe to get straight A's all year. Stand near the teacher before the first class begins for good luck. Do not sign notes before the start of training. Signing the notebook on the corresponding pair means avoiding problems with the subject.

On September 1st you need to touch your nose. This will neutralize all the bad omens that you were unlucky enough to fall under. Being scratched or bitten by a cat is a bad omen.

Stumble on the way to university - relationships with classmates and teachers will be difficult. You can neutralize superstition by turning towards the house. If you tear your clothes on the first day of school, your knowledge will be “holey.” Forgetting something at home means problems with remembering material. But if you forget or lose something at school or college, life will become brighter and more eventful.

On the first day of school, a fly haunts you - for a new novel. Take it as a warning: don't forget the purpose of being at university.

On the evening of September 1, the wishes of students who did not skip school come true. Make only one wish related to your studies while looking at the starry sky. Anyone born on the first day of autumn will be a sage.

Superstitions for freshmen

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Rainy weather in the first week of study - the year will be successful for the first year. Teachers will make concessions, and the couples’ schedule will please you. It’s worth stepping out under the drops for at least a couple of seconds to become a lucky student. The first days of school are the time when you can turn to superstitions to become a group leader. Hold the door handle to the dean's office.

Tears in the first seven days of school are a sign evil eye. It must be removed by any available method. An Orthodox Christian can wash himself with holy water, read a well-known prayer, and go to church.

If you fall in the first month of studying at the institute, you will be expelled. But sometimes a fall predicts a change of specialty, transfer to a university in another city, or study abroad.

When leaving home for study for the first time, meeting a drunk on the way means bad company. Parties and get-togethers with friends may take first place. But any sign is primarily a warning. Pay more attention to science and not to temptations, troubles will bypass you.

Signs of final year students

A graduate should not use social networks on the eve of the first and last days of study. Otherwise, he will give away his luck and knowledge to his friends.

A final year student sitting on a windowsill is a sign of difficulties at the beginning of a career. You cannot take things that have been lost by other students. You can use harmless-looking stationery reduce failures and problems. Leave them where you found them. Documents, notes, books can be taken to the department or dean's office. If the owner is known, give it to him.

Success is attracted by the orange color of stationery and clothing. Yellow, brown and gray are the colors of inspiration and good luck. Chinese students prefer red. Threads of this shade are used to make talismans and amulets against expulsion and bad relations with teachers.

Do's and Don'ts before the exam

Signs suggest scolding students before and during an exam. But you can’t call names on your mental abilities, otherwise you won’t get credit. There is no need to call him a fool, but calling him a slob is just right.

An old student saying before an exam advises sticking with the excellent student. But he should not realize that you are stealing his luck and knowledge. Shaking hands or patting someone on the shoulder will not attract attention.

Students' signs for good luck before the session prohibit taking out the trash and washing their hair. In Rus' they did the opposite - they went to the bathhouse before any important task.. appeared much earlier than student ones, but only you can decide which superstitions to trust.

The eternal student from the films of Leonid Gaidai

You need to enter the classroom where the change is taking place on your right foot. It wouldn't hurt to close your left eye and think about the desired grade. On the “X” day, all actions must be performed with the left hand, take tickets, and a sheet with tests too. Relax, you can write with your right hand.

A couple of centuries ago, the following superstition was in vogue - ask your mother to dip your index finger in ink. This should be done the evening before the test or exam. You can put a small coin under your heel for good luck. Try it put clothes on inside out, this is an old belief about good luck.

Student signs and superstitions can protect against expulsion and help in communicating with teachers and classmates. They warn of impending troubles; if you pay attention to the signs, you can avoid difficulties. Beliefs about exams were popular several centuries ago. Judging by the reviews, it works.

And who would have thought that modern students are so superstitious and believe in all signs like little children. You know, I used to think so too, until I became a student. But then for me, student signs before the exam became a kind of tradition and norm of life.

In general, this is normal, since the student is ready to believe in any nonsense just to pass the next exam safely. For example, I often remember how my best friends with unwashed hair shook in front of the examination committee.

They, being naive, sincerely believed that washing your hair and clearing your head were about the same thing, so they tried with all their might to retain in their minds at least a small amount of useful, and most importantly, necessary information during the exam.

As a rule, all teachers are clearly confident that The best sign for a student can only be a studied and prepared exam, because it is then that not a single exam task will cause absurd surprise, and for emotionally unstable students - tears in their eyes.

However, students are always looking for easy ways to solve their problems, and instead of cramming notes, they try to find that effective sign that will allow them to get a positive mark in their grade book “for free.”

It has long been clear to everyone that such signs do not work, but this understanding does not diminish students’ faith in their power. And this is understandable: it is much easier to believe in all sorts of nonsense, scientifically unfounded, than to finally engage in intensive preparation for the subject.

But here students are divided into three categories, where the first are sure that superstitions cannot be trusted, the second doubt the effectiveness of superstitions, but are afraid of incurring the “wrath of God,” and the third are convinced that even a perfectly studied subject without signs can be passed with a positive mark, alas, it won't work. In general: almost all students of higher educational institutions believe such predictions, or they really want to believe it.

My signs from student life

I learned about the existence of signs when I was in my first year at university, namely on the eve of the first session. No, of course, I prepared the exam program perfectly, but just in case, I slept the night on a medical reference book, and in the morning, as if by accident, I forgot to wash my hair.

I came for the exam, but I’m eager to become, I can’t stand it. And then to enter the audience: a friend pushes me in the side, saying, “enter with your right foot, otherwise you won’t pass.” I was so nervous that I mixed up my legs and did everything as usual. I slept through the entire exam: no, of course, I created the appearance of presence, but in my heart I was asleep and didn’t even think about waking up. The result is the first “failure”, and the bad omen stamp worked.

From then on, I, like all my classmates, blindly believed in omens, and entered the classroom only with my right foot. By the way, I never stopped appearing in a medical reference book, and not a single teacher saw me with a washed hair at the exam. But what, it’s much better to use several signs at once, so that one will work.

Common signs among students

Well, now it’s clear that you can only enter the exam with the right foot, otherwise passing the exam is simply doomed to failure. However, among other equally effective signs, the following points should be highlighted:

1. If on the way to the university you meet expectant mother, then you should stop her and politely ask any number. The value that she names will correspond to the exam card number. So such a hint helps to prepare in advance for the answer to the specified ticket.

2. Before going to the exam, do not forget to ask your family, friends and acquaintances so that they remember you at a certain time " kindly, quiet word" As you know, if a person is scolded, this means that it will not be difficult for him to pass even the most difficult exam.

3. Before leaving, all students are advised put a nickel under your heel, which, in theory, should bring luck, fortune, clarity of mind and the ability to get out of any situation. Yes, by the way, it is desirable that it does not ring and does not attract unnecessary outside attention.

Perhaps these signs are the most common, although there are plenty of superstitions for modern students. You shouldn’t take other people’s signs, but it’s best to choose your own, which have been tested in practice more than once and really contribute to the successful passing of exams.

Popular folk signs among students

My friend prefers sleep on notes before the important delivery date. Not only she, but also other students are absolutely sure that knowledge will independently enter the brain at night and be deposited in the right places. However, for this sign to work, it is important to remember that the textbook or notes under the pillow should only be open, otherwise access to the brain will be blocked.

To enhance the attack of brain activity, it is advisable to sleep not only with notes, but with a bar of chocolate, which you put at your feet in the evening, and eat entirely after waking up. They say that chocolate can stimulate your brain, which means you have a good chance of passing your exams. So on the day of passing, you can forget about allergies and extra centimeters at the waist, since a favorable grade in the grade book is much more important on this day.

Another sign that does not meet sanitary standards is reluctance students on the eve of the exam get a haircut, wash your hair and take a bath. Indeed, as practice shows, exams are much easier to pass if you are unwashed and unshaven.

Therefore, the students, noticing this pattern, decided to take advantage of it. So, advice to all students: on the day before the test, it is advisable to ignore going to the bathroom so as not to wash away all the knowledge accumulated during the preparation period.

There is an opinion that taking the exam don't wear brand new clothes, since it still does not carry its own semantic energy. That is why it is advisable to dress up in a proven ensemble, which the teacher has seen more than once in his classes, and especially in lectures. However, in your desire to get an excellent grade, you should not reach the point of fanaticism, and flies should not give hints during the exam or die during an unplanned passage.

Gradebook - the path to success

Many students sincerely believe that the key to success in the exam is, of course, the grade book, which at this time has the so-called “ magical power" That is why many student signs associated with the successful passing of the session refer specifically to the student’s record book, which, by the way, should still be present in the exam.

According to the first sign, on the eve of the exam, you should open the grade book to the page where the mark will be written, and then point it out the open window and say loudly: “ Shara come" And so three times. Many students are confident that after such a conspiracy, the exam grade will definitely be no lower than “satisfactory.”

There is another conspiracy with a record book, but to implement it you need to send a record book through the window at midnight on the eve of an important exam and say three times: “Catch, catch, freebie”! It is also allowed at this time to go out onto the balcony with an open grade book and loudly ask for a freebie to help with the exam. If the neighbors do not calm down such an active student on their own, then in the morning there is a chance to pass the exam safely.

There is also a third option, and to implement it you again need to put the open record-book on the floor at midnight, take a broom, turn around its axis five times, and then place more on the record-book with the words: “Get a freebie.” Close the book and go to bed, and open it for the first time during the day only in front of the examiner. The main thing here is that he doesn’t start sneezing from the dust, otherwise he will expose all the students’ witchcraft tricks.

Everyday signs for a student

As practice shows, even the most non-superstitious students are afraid of certain signs, so they avoid them on an intuitive level. For example, it is very difficult to meet a student before an exam who is unexpectedly returning from home. If circumstances oblige, then before re-entry definitely required watch your own reflection in the mirror.

Not a very good omen black cat and grandmother with an empty bucket drinking. In such cases, it is extremely important that neither the first nor the second “conditional pest” can cross your path. If this does happen, then you should definitely let passersby ahead of you.

When you meet a pedestrian on the way to the university, a lot also depends on his gender: a man means luck, and a woman means bad luck. In this case, nothing can be done, and you can resign yourself to fate.

On the way to the exam It is not recommended to trample manhole covers, otherwise unfavorable energy penetrates the body, which can reduce academic performance and the quality of knowledge. But closing an open hatch before passing is a feat, that is, it is possible that in this case the exam will go quite well. So heroism in this situation will certainly not be superfluous.

Conclusion: So now all readers know what the most common student signs are before an exam, and what their subtleties are. However, it is not always worth believing in these superstitions, because a person is an independent creator of his own future and happiness; and it’s simply a sin not to use this simple truth in practice.

Now you know what exist student signs before the exam.

During the exam period, many students try to be fully prepared: they prepare cheat sheets, cram the material and, of course, observe signs and rituals for successfully passing the exam, and stock up on a whole set of talismans. It is about signs, superstitions and lucky talismans for studying that we will talk about.

Is there any benefit to using all these magic tricks before taking an exam? Of course there is! By observing customs and traditions that have developed over centuries, students set themselves up for positive emotions. By enlisting the support of higher powers, they are more confident in themselves. In this case, the chances of success increase. Here are the most common signs of good luck during the session:

Before the exam, you should not wash your hair, cut your hair, cut your nails or shave. Everything learned can be forgotten.

You must appear for exams in the same clothes. For example, if the first exam is passed well, then for the second you need to wear the same clothes, since they are already charged with the energy of success.

Exactly at midnight before the exam, you need to go out onto the balcony or look out the window, wave your record book and shout three times: “freebie, get caught.” After this, the record book must be slammed shut, tied with a red ribbon and not opened until the exam. After completing this ritual, the easiest ticket comes across.

Attracting freebies is achieved in another equally interesting way. In order for the exam to pass easily, you need to sprinkle bread crumbs on the required page of the record book, or smear it with alcohol. Thus, the freebie will smell the bait and look into your record book.

To master the material, many students place their notes and textbooks under their pillow before going to bed so that all knowledge is transferred in their sleep.

In the morning before the exam, you need to stand on your left foot. On the same foot, you need to leave the house and enter the classroom.

You also need to pull the ticket with your left hand. In order to draw an easy ticket, you can count out a specific number of tickets. The numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9 are considered lucky. Many people count the 13th ticket.

There is a belief that if you rub your hands with something sticky before the exam, for example, honey or jam, then the ticket that you know well will stick to you.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to hold on to an excellent student who has already passed the exam for a couple of seconds.

On the way to the exam, you need to pay attention to the people you meet. If you get a man, it means good luck, if you get a woman, it means failure. A pregnant woman meets halfway - the exam will be passed successfully. If the first person you meet is a policeman or a homeless person, expect trouble from the teacher.

In order for the teacher to lose his vigilance during the exam, you need to put the left shoe on the right foot, and the right shoe on the left.

There are many talismans that attract good luck in the exam. To attract Fortune, you can put a nickel in your left shoe. The essence of this talisman is probably that the metal affects certain points on the foot and, thereby, enhances intuition.

In order not to forget everything you have learned and to use your knowledge correctly during the exam, you need to take with you a talisman in the form of an owl or a snake. Since ancient times, these animals have been considered symbols of wisdom, intelligence and intelligence.

A string or thread tied with nine knots on the left hand attracts good luck in the exam. Since ancient times, knots have been considered a powerful amulet and contributed to the concentration of positive energy.

There are many other signs and rituals for passing exams. When using signs and talismans, do not forget that all this is just a means to increase self-confidence and get rid of fear. If there really is nothing in your head, then any magic will be powerless.

What signs helped you pass exams? We are waiting for your comments! And if you click on , the session will go perfectly!

29.10.2013 16:09

There is a belief that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will find happiness and good luck in everything. Just find him...

Students are people whose lives are unimaginable without signs, because otherwise they would have much less fun living. And it is clear that most often these signs are associated with the most stressful time in a student’s entire life - the session.

There is even something like a joke: if you enter the classroom and they ask you to pull out a ticket, then most likely you are in an exam.

But when you have a student card in your pocket and the session is yet to come, then there is little funny. It comes to the point of real heated debate about which student signs are best to follow in order to pass the upcoming session as bloodlessly as possible, in terms of losses in the record book and in the eyes of the teaching staff.

Clothes, underwear and the smartest person - as a guarantee of good luck

There are, for example, people who are convinced that they should go to the exam exclusively in new clothes, or at least in those that have not been worn for a very long time. And there are those who believe that the exam is such a special time when you only need to dress in what you wore while you were preparing for the session, since this shirt or trousers absorbed knowledge along with you.

There is even a sign that says that you need to wear new underwear for the session, although it is categorically unclear how such a belief is justified.

There are also student signs that are based solely on a competent queuing strategy. For example, in almost any group there is a person who is able to pass the exam with an A, simply because it does not and cannot be otherwise. An object is being prepared for this person. For example, a fenka made of beads. This item is declared the greatest treasure and is treasured like the apple of one's eye.

At the moment of passing the exam, the smartest and most capable person goes into the classroom first, and before entering the room, he is given a lucky talisman so that he, so to speak, will charge it for good luck. When a person leaves the examination room, he passes this amulet to the next one, and that one to the next one, and so on.

Hunting for freebies and other attempts to pass “thank you”

It’s clear that you won’t be satisfied with baubles alone, and besides, it looks and feels far less spectacular than catching, for example, freebies. This ritual was performed, it seems, by our grandparents, because this sign is considered the surest way to get a good grade.

The recipe is known, if not to everyone, then to many. On the day before the exam, you need to open the window (at midnight), lean out of the window, always with an open record book in your hands, and then scream loudly: “Get caught, freebie!!”

Another thing is that you are not the only one so smart, and at midnight a lot of windows will swing open, but there are not so many freebies in the world. And it will end much faster than all those suffering will catch it.

How to lure her specifically to your record book?

Yes, everything is very simple, you need not only to scream, but also to offer the mythical creature something more material. For example, delicious cookies. It is placed in a plastic bag, which, after shouting three times asking for a freebie to appear, is used to catch this animal and quickly tie the bag.

And how can you use your newfound loot later? There is also nothing complicated: when you come to the exam, you need to quietly smuggle the bag with you, and then just as quietly untie it. The freebie will be free and begin to fulfill his immediate duties. Some students so sincerely believe in the effectiveness of this method before the exam that they even manage to graduate from university with honors. What is curious: some, having caught a freebie, forget to release it, and as a result they receive not five or ten points, but less.

A nickel in the shoe and the left side: everything is on the altar of luck

A classic example of a student's sign during a session is a spot in a shoe. We are talking about a coin worth five rubles. Although, for example, in Belarus such a sign will not work, since there are no such coins there, but they can be replaced with fifty, since this is also not very large money.

By the way, a coin under the heel is quite an international sign. It is known that back in the fifties of the last century in America, students had the same superstitions - they put pennies in their shoes before going to “give up.” And naturally, it wouldn’t be America if the story didn’t have a continuation.

Entrepreneurs, having learned about the passion of freebie hunters, even began to produce special... shoes.

They had a pocket in the tongue, and these shoes were called “penny loafers.” By the way, this model has still not lost its relevance, since students love such superstitions before and during the session.

And the left side for students is like a very loyal friend. Many people simply become left-handed on exam day, but they don’t engage in shoeing fleas, but start doing everything the left-handed way. They stand up on their left foot, brush their teeth and comb their hair with their left hand. They close the door, hold the mug... In general, it’s clear.

Naturally, they enter the bus, the classroom, and the university building itself with their left foot. Standing on your left leg, pull the ticket, and naturally with your left hand. True, problems begin when people begin to prepare for an answer - not everyone knows how to write with their left hand. But until this moment, people really do everything according to the rule, and sincerely hope that such behavior will bring them good luck.

There is even a logical explanation for such a strange sign. The fact is that it is on the left side that a person has a heart, and the heart is what feels, not thinks. There are even a number of students who are very strict with themselves on the day of exams; they sign their left hand, and generally put their right hand in their pocket or secure it somehow so as not to accidentally use it. In general, being a student is difficult, but no less interesting.

Is the ban on washing and shaving good luck?

It is unknown who and when, and most importantly - why, came up with a sign that prohibits a student from washing, cutting his hair, or shaving before a session (or at least before an exam). But many are confident that the knowledge they so diligently accumulated can be washed away. Of course, this is rather stupid, because many students do not observe such a sign at all, and wash themselves, dressing in everything new, going to the exam. And they sell it perfectly.

But there is also a clarification that says that students who are going to take the exact hands test cannot wash only the left half of the body.

And accordingly, humanitarians are not allowed to wash the right one, although it is not very clear how one can wash only half of oneself, not to mention cutting or shaving.

Regardless of which particular sign or several at once you decide to use, never tell others about it. Otherwise, you risk reducing the effect of a lucky bauble or freebie in a bag to nothing. Miracles do not like to be told about them ahead of time.

Video: Signs for students

A monument to student omens will appear in the southeast of Moscow, the prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District Vladimir Zotov told RIA Novosti.

During the exams, students observe many rituals and customs, which supposedly should ensure easy passing of exams.

The most common student ritual is “Freebie, get caught!” To catch her, the student must put his open record book out the window and shout at the top of his lungs: “Freebie, freebie, get caught!” Then quickly close the notebook and do not show it to anyone until the end of the session.

On the night before the exam, according to students, it is also useful to hide notes and a textbook under the pillow. In addition, the night before the exam, you must place pieces of paper with ticket numbers under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull out one piece of paper without looking. Whichever ticket number appears on the piece of paper is the one you will get in the exam.

To have good luck in the exam, when leaving home you need to turn all the chairs and stools upside down.

When going to the exam, you need to put a copper coin under the heel of your shoe. It is better to get to the university using a “proven” route; in transport you must pay for a ticket.

No matter how many exams there are, you must come to them in the same clothes; you cannot wash them (if you get a bad mark on the first exam, then this rule is canceled, since, having found out that the clothes are “unlucky,” you are supposed to change them). You cannot come to the exam wearing new clothes or clothes that you have not worn for a long time.

You can’t wash your hair the night before an exam, otherwise you’ll forget everything you knew. You cannot shave, get a haircut, swim, comb wet hair, put on makeup, or make the bed.

While eating, close your notes and books so that your knowledge is not eaten away. When organizing a break, it is forbidden to leave notes and textbooks open so that what you have learned does not disappear.

On the day of the exam, get out of bed with your left foot. Enter public transport and lecture halls with your left foot.

Before leaving the house, eat a piece of rye bread, and then do not eat or drink anything until the exam. Before the exam, it is considered necessary to tie a knot on your wrist as a keepsake. And also put a red thread in the record book, which, again, is tied crosswise with a red thread. Before the exam, you need to quietly remove the strings from your record book and go into the classroom.

Other signs say: if on the day of the exam a man is the first to meet on the way, you will be lucky, but if a woman is not. Meeting a pregnant woman or a naval officer is a sign of good luck; a homeless person, a fireman or a policeman is a sign of failure. On the way to the exam, it is not recommended to step on manhole covers.

On the way to the exam, you can ask a stranger for the ticket number that you come across. Just be sure to say: “Thank you!”

Before the exam, you should not take out the trash from the house yourself, and you should not sweep or wash the floors in the apartment.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to hold on to the person who has just passed it with excellent marks.

Before entering the classroom, standing on your left leg, you should think of the desired rating. In front of the table with exam papers, standing again on your left leg, you should grab the table, and if the table is wooden, knock on it three times. You should pull the exam ticket with your left hand, and you can pull not just the ticket you like, but a specific one (lucky numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, some take the thirteenth in a row).

When taking an exam, a student must be scolded by someone. You can also ask a friend to “keep their fingers crossed for you” while you take the exam. Let them just clench their fists at a certain time interval (not necessarily strongly).

While passing the session, you cannot show your record book to anyone - an exception is made only for teachers.

Before the exam, rub something sweet in your hands (prunes, raisins, dried apricots) and pull out the ticket so that “the good one sticks.”

Some students prefer to take a talisman to the exam. A random talisman can be a locker room number with numbers divisible by five, a lucky ticket on the bus, or with the sum of the first three digits divisible by five. In general, everything related to numbers that are multiples of five can be considered a personal talisman on exam day - under one condition: no one should know about it! Otherwise, students assure, it will stop working.

It is also believed that if the teacher opened the window during the exam, it is good. Closed - for worse.

If the record book gets wet (in the rain, etc.) there will be no luck at the session.

Signs of Moscow students

A bronze dog at the Revolution Square metro station brings good luck before the exam. The dog needs to rub its nose or stroke its paw.

Among students of the Moscow Conservatory, there is a tradition of “thanking” the statue of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky standing in front of the “alma mater” for successfully passing exams. According to the ritual, the future musician, apologizing, climbs onto the monument and inserts a festive bouquet into his bent hand. Those who decide to put a bottle instead of a bouquet, according to the sign, can easily lose their hearing.

The students of the Literary Institute have a monument to Herzen as their patron. According to the superstition, a student at the Literary Institute wishing for a Nobel Prize should climb onto the pedestal of the monument from behind and kiss the sculpture just below the waist.

Students of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, the Medical Institute, and the Institute of Asian and African Countries (all of them are located on Mokhovaya Street near Manezhnaya Square) ask for help from the sculptural complex of Zurab Tsereteli, which adorns the Alexander Garden. They especially liked the fountain with impressive horses. The easiest way to ask the horses for help is to walk around the fountain in a circle, touch the hooves of one of them, and then plunge headlong into the water. A little further from the horses there is an old man with a goldfish, from which you can also ask for help by stroking its back three times in a circular motion clockwise.

Signs of St. Petersburg students

In St. Petersburg, before the exam, students try to touch the neckline of the monument to the patroness of all students, Catherine II, installed in the Catherine Garden.

...and other cities

In Samara, students at the local pedagogical university believe that everything will be successful if, before taking the test, they walk with their record book between two huge stone balls standing in front of the entrance.

In Omsk, there is a special patron of students - the cast-iron mechanic Stepanych on Lyublinsky Prospekt, who “crawls out” of a sewer manhole up to his waist. According to the superstition, if you stroke his helmet, you will definitely get the right ticket.

Rostov students also have an exclusive sign for good luck. Not far from the entrance to Gorky Park on Bolshaya Sadovaya there is a sculptural duet of a merchant and a cat. Before the exam, knowledgeable people diligently rub the merchant's cat's nose.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources