The last stronghold: why does Norway need an underground Arctic fortress near the borders of Russia? Fortress after defeat

On October 1 (old style), 1827, Russian troops under the command of I.F. Paskevich, during a seven-day assault, took the capital of the Erivan Khanate - the fortified city of Erivan (Yerevan).

Throughout the 16th–17th centuries, Erivan was the scene of devastating wars waged between the Turks and Persians, and constantly changed hands. Since the 18th century. the Armenians of the Erivan Khanate, subject to the Muslim khans, began liberation struggle against invaders. Not having own strength to gain freedom, the Armenians turned their gaze to Orthodox Russia, which sought to establish control in Transcaucasia. Attempts to seize Erivan were made by the Russians for 23 years. During the First Russian-Persian War, our army unsuccessfully besieged the fortified city twice (in 1804 and 1808). The new Russian-Persian War, which began in 1826 on the initiative of Persia, again raised the question of Erivan before the Russian government.

Based on moral and financial assistance Great Britain, the Persians unexpectedly invaded on July 31, 1826 Russian Empire from the Erivan Khanate in the Karabakh region, occupied Elisavetpol and besieged Shusha. However, already on September 5, Elisavetpol was liberated by the Russians, and on September 13, the Separate Caucasian Corps of General I.F. Paskevich defeated the main forces of the Persians and by the end of October threw them back beyond the Araks. In May 1827, Russian troops launched an offensive and at the end of September besieged Erivan.

The Erivan fortress stood on the rocky bank of the Zangi River and was quite well fortified. The fortress was called the “impregnable stronghold of Persia,” but in reality its position was not particularly favorable for defense - surrounded by a brick fortress wall, Erivan was located in a lowland surrounded by hills. Therefore, it was only necessary to place artillery on the hills so that the city could be clearly visible. In addition, the successes of the Russian troops undermined the morale of the Persians. As military historian General V.A. Potto noted, “Until recently, the best stronghold of the Persian state, this fortress no longer possessed that moral strength, without which all fortifications are useless. As before, she stood on the steep rocky shore of the fast Zanga, as before, her high, proud strongholds, her bastions and towers looked menacingly from behind deep, water-filled ditches, inaccessible to the escalade; but behind the strong walls the warlike spirit had long since disappeared... Paskevich knew about the moral weakness of Erivan, and even from near Sardar-Abad he wrote to the Emperor: “Of course, Erivan will not last more than a few days.”.

The brother of the Persian sardar (military leader) Hassan Khan, who bore the title “Ser-Arslan”, that is, “leader of the lions”, was appointed to govern the city and command the garrison of the fortress. He actively began to strengthen the fortifications built by the Turks back in the 16th century, so that if the Russians appeared, he could repel them. Not particularly relying on the Armenian population of the city, which sympathized with the Russians, the Persians expelled some of the Armenians from the city deep into Persia, and killed those who did not comply with the order to leave the city.

At the end of September, the Russian army approached Erivan, besieging the city on three sides. Diseases that began in the Russian troops due to the unusual climate for them forced Paskevich to rush to the assault. At the military council held on September 24, Paskevich asked M.I. Pushchin, who was in charge of the engineering work, how long the siege could continue, to which he heard a happy answer - “On Intercession Day we will cover the fortress”.

Positioned on the hills, Russian artillery inflicted significant damage on the Persians with well-aimed fire. “The enemy responded energetically, but soon had to succumb to the superiority of Russian artillery; one of its very first shells hit the main mosque and pierced the magnificent dome, made with inimitable art from glazed blue bricks, the other pierced the wall of the Sardar palace and damaged the Shah’s portrait. This circumstance made an extremely bad impression on the superstitious Persians; Hassan Khan himself left the magnificent palace and moved to the cramped closet of the fortress casemate,” noted Potto. Not last role The help of the Armenians also played a role, indicating to Paskevich in which part of the fortress the Persians had settled, and where the artillery fire should be directed. The Persians, due to the lack of good artillerymen, were forced to assign Armenians to the guns, and the latter, out of sympathy for the Russians, did not try to shoot accurately. According to the stories of Armenian old-timers, several Armenian artillerymen were executed by an enraged Persian military commander for treason.

After the successful bombardment of the fortress, Paskevich, sparing the besieged, offered the Persians to capitulate, but the khan, hoping to sit out under the cover of the fortress walls until the arrival of the Shah’s army, delayed the negotiations. Meanwhile, “The Persians, seeing with what courage the Russians, not only at night, repelled by rifle and cannon shots, but also among broad daylight, were approaching the glacis with grapnels... they became inexplicably timid: the garrison and residents asked Hassan Khan to surrender the fortress as soon as possible.”. But Hassan Khan answered them with abuse and curses.

On the morning of October 1, 1827, unrest broke out in Erivan. Armenian population The city decisively demanded that the Persian authorities surrender the fortress to the Russians. The townspeople occupied the fortress walls. As one of the combatants recalled, “On October 1, almost all of our batteries had not yet started shooting, when suddenly there were a lot of people all over the eastern wall, especially on its destroyed parts, and some, waving white scarves, others with hats, all shouted that the fortress was surrendering; but not a single military man was visible between them... This accident surprised everyone and, of course, made them very happy.”.

While the city residents displayed a white scarf on the fortress wall and waved their hats, Russian troops approached the fortress gates and demanded the surrender of the city. The gates were open, and only Hassan Khan and a handful of his supporters continued to fire from the mosque. But the threat of storming the mosque forced the khan to lay down his arms. The sword of the Persian military leader, which previously belonged to Tamerlane according to legend, at the request of Hassan Khan himself, was sent as a gift to Emperor Nicholas I. General A.I. Krasovsky, who captured Hassan Khan, sending this valuable gift to the Sovereign, wrote: "At your feet Imperial Majesty“I throw down the sword of the Great Tamerlane, which I obtained within the walls of Erivan,” Krasovsky wrote to the sovereign. “Who, if not my Sovereign and benefactor, will I bring as a gift this sword, which adorned the treasury of the Shahs of Persia? Once, in the mighty right hand of Tamerlane, he conquered the East and trampled the pride of the Turks, in the person of their Sultan, Bayezid the Lightning; now, in the blessed hands of Your Majesty, may he repeat the bright blow of Tamerlane, crushing the enemies of faith and humanity.”. Hassan Khan himself was ordered to go to St. Petersburg. He received this news with visible pleasure. “I knew,” he said with importance, “that the great Russian Emperor would be pleased to see the old honored warrior, whose name is still pronounced with horror by the Turks... I am not afraid to appear in the face of the great monarch - he is generous and will forgive me that I served faithfully to my sovereign".

“The banner of Your Imperial Majesty flutters on the walls of Erivan,” Paskevich reported to the Emperor. - The keys of this so famous fortress, its entire garrison, taken prisoner, along with all the main commanders, of Hasan Khan himself, who this time could neither escape nor break through, the won trophies: 4 banners, 37 guns, 2 howitzers, 9 mortars, up to 50 falconets, finally, citizenship and gratitude of the inhabitants, liberated by us from their imaginary defenders and ferocious oppressors - I hasten to bring all this to your most merciful view, sir. Your Imperial Majesty’s army was once again crowned with the splendor of victory.”. Russian troops that occupied the city stopped all sorts of unrest in it. Within two hours after the assault, Russian guards were everywhere in the city, and complete calm and security reigned in it. “The time has come not for force, but for law and justice”,” noted Potto.

Paskevich’s order for the troops to capture Erivan said: "Brave comrades! You worked a lot for the royal glory, for the honor of Russian weapons. I was with you day and night, a witness of your vigilant vigor, unshakable courage: victory accompanied you everywhere. In four days you took Sardar-Abad; at six - Erivan, that famous stronghold that was known as the impregnable stronghold of Asia. It had previously been besieged for months, and there was a rumor among the people that years were needed to conquer it. You had to spend several nights without sleep, and you smashed its walls, stood on the edge of the ditch and brought terror to its defenders. Erivan fell before you - and you have no more opponents in general Persian state: wherever you appear, crowds of enemies will disappear before you, the conquerors of Abbas-Abad, Sardar-Abad and Erivan; the cities will open their gates, the inhabitants will appear submissive, and those oppressed by their oppressors will gather under your generous protection. Russia will be grateful to you for supporting its greatness and power.". « Big name Erivan has since become generally known to the people to their deepest layers as one of the synonyms of Russian glory."“- General Potto rightly noted.

The soldiers who participated in the assault on the city later composed a song, which, in particular, contained the following lines:

The first one turned up to us
Abbas Mirza himself;
We are Mirze with the Mirzyats
They spat in my eyes.
And spitting in their eyes
Thunderous fire
To the Erivan fortress
Minutes passed by day.
And when they arrived, they began
Seeing the enemy's power,
Shants, batteries
Build day and night.
And having built it, it becomes an infidel
Before you fire,
Cannons, mortars
They began to direct.
And then, guys,
When the time came:
They shouted our way
Russian "hurray!"
They shouted, they hit,
We rushed to battle -
And in a second and a quarter
They took Erivan.
Count Ivan Fedorych -
Our head is
Immediately celebrated in it
Feast of the Intercession.

Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, having received a report of the capture of Erivan, served a thanksgiving prayer service in the church Winter Palace, and ordered the brought keys of the conquered fortress and four banners taken from its walls to be carried in a solemn procession through the streets of the capital. The hero Erivan Paskevich received a generous reward - the Order of St. George 2nd degree and the title of Count of Erivan.

A year later, under the terms of the Turkmanchay Peace, the Erivan Khanate became part of the Russian Empire, and Erivan became the capital of the Armenian region (since 1849 - the Erivan province). At the same time, all subjects of Persia - the Armenians - were allowed to cross the Araks within a year - new border Russian Empire - and become subjects of the Christian Sovereign, which many of them hastened to happily take advantage of.

Prepared Andrey Ivanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences

On this day we also remember feat of the hero of the Battle of Kinburn, grenadier Stepan Novikov, who saved A.V. Suvorov with his decisive actions.

Also today we remember the Russian hero Lieutenant Colonel who fell in the battle with the Japanese on the Shah River Evgeniy Yakovlevich Maksimov (1849–1904).

It is no coincidence that the futuristic outlines of this polar bunker are reminiscent of underground shelters from the game Fallout. The 360 ​​website talks about the World Repository - scientific base V arctic ice, which could become last hope humanity.

Wikipedia/Martyn Smith

In one of the coldest and beautiful places in the world, on the island of Spitsbergen in the middle Arctic Ocean, there is a mysterious structure that resembles the blade of a Scandinavian sword - narrow and straight, it seems to cut the surrounding permafrost in two.

The World Repository was built only 12 years ago, although the need for such a resource bank has been discussed for a long time - in our technological era, almost all devices are equipped with fuses, and our civilization also needs them.

mountain fortress

The Svalbard archipelago is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. This outpost of Norway in the Arctic is considered its most remote and northern edge- the North Pole begins beyond it. The snow-covered expanses of Svalbard seem endless not only because of their enormous size - you rarely see buildings here, not to mention people. In the frozen island capital,

the city of Longyearbyen, lives about two thousand people, in the second largest settlement of the island, no more than 500 inhabitants - this is the Russian Barentsburg, which lies only 55 kilometers from Longyearbyen.

If, contrary to all the arguments of logic and reason, the world opens up nuclear apocalypse- near Spitsbergen great chances survive it without consequences. According to international treaties, its territory is considered a demilitarized zone: there are no important military installations here, and rare settlements are unlikely to be considered a worthy target for a missile strike.

Remoteness from the main centers of civilization is not the only reason why the Norwegians chose the Arctic island to create a fortified underground fortress: earthquakes are extremely rare here, and the climate is ideal for main task project - storing millions of seeds.

The "Doomsday Vault" was built to save the planet's population from starvation in the event of any global catastrophe either disaster, man-made accident or consequences global warming. Created under the auspices

seed bank

The most secure and largest crop warehouse in the world.

a tunnel in the thickness of the rock. It leads inside giant safes that can hold up to 2.5 billion seeds. The temperature in safe rooms does not rise above -18 degrees. It is supported by heavy-duty freezing units, but if they fail, permafrost will “work” like a natural refrigerator. Together with limited oxygen availability, this will allow some seeds to maintain fertility for thousands of years. The builders even foresaw the possibility of a flood - if the worst forecasts and melting come true northern ice will lead to an increase in the level of the world's oceans, it will still not approach the tunnel located high in the mountains for several centuries.

Noah's Ark 2.0 Airlock chambers, thick stone walls and permafrost - the Doomsday warehouse is better fortified than many military bases due to dire necessity. There are about 1,700 similar plant banks in the world, and some of them have already been seriously damaged due to human or natural disaster. Thus, during the hostilities in Afghanistan and Iraq, local storage facilities were completely destroyed, and the Philippine seed bank became unusable after the flood.

The Arctic fortress has already passed the first test - 2016 turned out to be one of the warmest years in history North Pole and heavy rains and melting snow were able to “break through” the almost impenetrable protection of the first level, she wrote Guardian newspaper. As a result, part of the tunnel was flooded with water, which turned into ice. After this, the tunnel was strengthened by creating waterproof barriers inside it, drainage channels and special pumps for pumping out water. Members of the Norwegian organization NordGen, which manages the Svardbald repository, promise to monitor it “24 hours a day,” the newspaper notes.

GMO seeds

are not accepted for storage.

The bunker on Spitsbergen is already working as a central “backup” existing systems seed storage. If everything goes as planned, it will be filled until it collects samples of all major plant species and becomes a reliable guarantor that humanity will feed itself even after the most terrible catastrophe.

The once huge empire called Golden Horde broke up into three khanates: Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimean. And, despite the rivalry that existed between them, they still represented real danger for the Russian state. Moscow troops made several attempts to storm the fortified city of Kazan. But each time she steadfastly repelled all attacks. Such a course of affairs could not suit Ivan IV the Terrible. And after numerous campaigns, the time has finally come. significant date. The capture of Kazan took place on October 2, 1552.


In the 1540s, the policy of the Russian state towards the East changed. The era of boyar strife in the struggle for the Moscow throne finally ended. The question arose about what to do with the Kazan Khanate, headed by the government of Safa-Girey.

It must be said that his policy almost itself pushed Moscow to more decisive actions. The fact is that Safa-Girey sought to conclude an alliance with and this was contrary to the peace agreements signed between him and the Russian Tsar. The Kazan princes from time to time made devastating raids on the border territories of the Moscow state, receiving good income from the slave trade. Because of this, endless armed clashes occurred. Constantly ignore the hostile actions of this Volga state, which was influenced by the Crimea, and through it Ottoman Empire, was no longer possible.

Peace enforcement

Khanate of Kazan it was necessary to rein in somehow. Moscow's previous policy, which consisted of supporting officials loyal to it, as well as appointing its proteges to the Kazan throne, led nowhere. They all quickly got used to it and began to pursue a hostile policy towards the Russian state.

At this time on Moscow government Metropolitan Macarius had enormous influence. It was he who initiated most of the campaigns undertaken by Ivan IV the Terrible. Gradually, in circles close to the metropolitan, the idea of ​​a forceful solution to the problem represented by the Kazan Khanate appeared. By the way, at the very beginning of the complete subjugation and conquest of this eastern state was not provided. Only during the military campaigns of 1547-1552 did the old plans change somewhat, which led to the subsequent capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible.

First campaigns

It must be said that the tsar personally led most of the military campaigns concerning this fortress. Therefore, it can be assumed that Ivan Vasilyevich attached great importance these trips. The history of the capture of Kazan will be incomplete without telling at least briefly about all the episodes undertaken by the Moscow Tsar on this issue.

The first campaign took place in 1545. It took the form of a military demonstration, the purpose of which was to strengthen the influence of the Moscow party, which managed to expel B from the city next year his throne was taken by a Moscow protege - Tsarevich Shah-Ali. But he could not stay on the throne for long, since Safa-Girey, having enlisted the support of the Nogais, again regained power.

The next campaign was undertaken in 1547. This time, Ivan the Terrible stayed at home, as he was busy with wedding preparations - he was going to marry Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva. Instead, the campaign was led by governors Semyon Mikulinsky and Alexander Gorbaty. They reached the very mouth of Sviyaga and devastated many enemy lands.

The story of the capture of Kazan could have ended back in November 1547. This campaign was led by the king himself. Since the winter that year turned out to be too warm, the release of the main forces was delayed. Artillery batteries reached Vladimir only on December 6. The main forces arrived in Nizhny Novgorod at the end of January, after which the army moved down the Volga River. But a few days later the thaw came again. Russian troops began to suffer heavy losses in the form of siege artillery, which failed and drowned in the river along with the people. Ivan the Terrible had to camp on Rabotki Island.

Losses in equipment and manpower did not contribute in any way to success in military operation. Therefore, the tsar decided to turn his troops back first to Nizhny Novgorod, and then to Moscow. But part of the army still moved on. These were the Advanced Regiment under the command of Prince Mikulinsky and the cavalry of the Kasimov prince Shah-Ali. A battle took place on the Arsk field, in which the army of Safa-Girey was defeated, and its remnants took refuge behind the Kazan fortress walls. They did not dare to take the city by storm, since without siege artillery it was simply impossible.

The next winter campaign was scheduled for the end of 1549 - beginning of 1550. Its holding was facilitated by the news that main enemy The Russian state Safa-Girey died. Since the Kazan embassy never received a new khan from Crimea, his two-year-old son, Utyamysh-Girey, was declared ruler. But while he was small, his mother, Queen Syuyumbike, began to lead the khanate. The Moscow Tsar decided to take advantage of this and go to Kazan again. He even secured the blessing of Metropolitan Macarius.

On January 23, Russian troops re-entered the Kazan lands. Having reached the fortress, they began to prepare for its assault. However, unfavorable weather again prevented from doing so. As the chronicles say, the winter was too warm with heavy rains, so it was not possible to conduct a siege according to all the rules. In connection with this, the Russian troops again had to retreat.

Organization of the 1552 campaign

They began to prepare for it in early spring. During March and April from Nizhny Novgorod Provisions, ammunition and siege artillery were gradually transported to the Sviyazhsk fortress. By the end of May, from among Muscovites, as well as residents of other Russian cities, it was collected a whole army numbering no less than 145 thousand soldiers. Later, all detachments were dispersed across three cities.

In Kolomna there were three regiments - the Advanced, the Big and the Left, in Kashira - Right hand, and the Ertoul mounted reconnaissance unit was stationed in Murom. Some of them moved towards Tula and repelled the first of the attacks of the Crimean troops under the command of Devlet-Girey, who tried to thwart Moscow's plans. By such actions Crimean Tatars only for a short time managed to delay the Russian army.


The campaign aimed at capturing Kazan began on July 3, 1552. The troops marched, divided into two columns. The path of the Sovereign, the Watchman and the Left Hand Regiment ran through Vladimir and Murom to the Sura River, and then to the mouth of the Alatyr. This army was controlled by Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich himself. He gave the rest of the army under the command of Mikhail Vorotynsky. These two columns united only at Boroncheev Settlement beyond Sura. On August 13, the army reached Sviyazhsk in full force. After 3 days, troops began to cross the Volga. This process dragged on somewhat, but already on August 23 a large army was under the walls of Kazan. The capture of the city began almost immediately.

Enemy readiness

Kazan also made all the necessary preparations for a new war. The city was fortified as much as possible. A double oak wall was built around it. Inside it was covered with crushed stone, and on top with clayey silt. In addition, the fortress had 14 stone loophole towers. The approaches to it were covered by river beds: from the west - Bulaka, from the north - Kazanka. On the side of the Arsk field, where it is very convenient to carry out siege work, a ditch was dug, reaching 15 m in depth and more than 6 m in width. The 11 gates were considered the most poorly defended place, despite the fact that they had towers. The warriors shooting from the city walls were covered by a wooden roof and parapet.

In the city of Kazan itself, in its northwestern side, there was a citadel built on a hill. This was the residence of the Khan. It was surrounded by a thick stone wall and a deep ditch. The defenders of the city were a 40,000-strong garrison, consisting not only of professional warriors. It included all men capable of holding weapons in their hands. In addition, a 5,000-strong detachment of temporarily mobilized merchants was also included here.

Khan understood perfectly well that sooner or later the Russian Tsar would again try to capture Kazan. Therefore, the Tatar military leaders also equipped special squad warriors who were supposed to lead fighting outside the city walls, that is, in the rear of the enemy army. For this purpose, a fort was built in advance about 15 versts from the Kazanka River, the approaches to which were blocked by swamps and fences. A 20,000-strong cavalry army under the leadership of Tsarevich Apancha, the Ar prince Yevush and Shunak-Murza was supposed to be stationed here. According to the developed military strategy they were supposed to unexpectedly attack the Russian army from two flanks and the rear.

Looking ahead, it should be noted that all the actions taken to protect the fortress were not justified. The army of Tsar Ivan the Terrible had too great a superiority not only in manpower, but also in the latest methods conducting battles. What is meant here is underground structures mine galleries.

First encounter

We can say that the capture of Kazan (1552) began at that moment, as soon as the Ertoul regiment crossed the Bulak River. Tatar troops attacked him in very good time. The Russian regiment was just climbing up, overcoming the steep slope of the Arsk field. Still the rest royal troops were still on opposite bank and could not engage in battle.

Meanwhile, from the open Tsarev and Nogai gates, the 10,000th foot and 5,000th horse army of the Kazan Khan came out to meet the Ertoul regiment. But the situation was saved. Streltsy and Cossacks hurried to the aid of the Ertoul regiment. They were on the left flank and managed to open quite a strong fire at the enemy, as a result of which the Tatar cavalry mixed up. Additional reinforcements that approached the Russian troops significantly intensified the shelling. The cavalry became even more upset and soon fled, crushing their infantry in the process. Thus ended the first clash with the Tatars, which brought victory to Russian weapons.

Beginning of the siege

The artillery shelling of the fortress began on August 27. The archers did not allow the city’s defenders to climb the walls, and also successfully repelled the enemy’s increasingly frequent attacks. At the first stage, the siege of Kazan was complicated by the actions of the army of Tsarevich Yapanchi. He and his cavalry attacked Russian troops when a large banner appeared over the fortress. At the same time, they were accompanied by forays from the fortress garrison.

Such actions posed a considerable threat to the Russian army, so the tsar convened a military council, at which they decided to equip a 45,000-strong army against Tsarevich Yapanchi. The Russian detachment was led by governors Pyotr Serebryany and Alexander Gorbaty. On August 30, with their false retreat, they managed to lure the Tatar cavalry into the territory of the Arskoe field and surrounded it. Most of The enemy army was destroyed, and approximately a thousand of the prince's soldiers were captured. They were taken directly to the city walls and immediately executed. Those who were lucky enough to escape took refuge in the prison.

On September 6, governors Serebryany and Gorbaty with their army set off on a campaign to the Kama River, ravaging and burning the Kazan lands along the way. They stormed the fort, which was located on High mountain. The chronicle reports that even military leaders were forced to dismount from their horses and take part in this bloody battle. As a result, the enemy base, from which raids were carried out on Russian troops from the rear, was completely destroyed. After this, the tsarist troops marched deeper into the Khanate another 150 versts, literally exterminating the local population completely. Having reached Kama, they turned around and moved back to the walls of the fortress. Thus, the lands of the Kazan Khanate suffered the same devastation as the Russians when they were attacked by Tatar troops. The result of this campaign were 30 destroyed forts, about 3 thousand prisoners and a large number of stolen livestock.

End of the siege

After the destruction of the troops of Prince Yapanchi, nothing could prevent the further siege of the fortress. The capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible was now only a matter of time. Russian artillery was getting closer and closer to the walls of the city, and the fire became more intense. Not far from the Tsar's Gate they built a huge 13-meter high building. It was higher than the fortress walls. 50 arquebuses and 10 cannons were installed on it, which fired at the city streets, thereby causing significant damage to the defenders of Kazan.

At the same time, the German Rozmysel, who was in the royal service, together with his students, began to dig tunnels near the enemy walls in order to lay mines. The very first charge was planted in the Daur Tower, where the secret water source, which fed the city. When it was blown up, they not only destroyed the entire water supply, but also severely damaged the fortress wall. The next underground explosion destroyed the Muravleva Gate. With great difficulty, the Kazan garrison managed to repel the attack of Russian troops and create a new defensive line.

Underground explosions have shown their effectiveness. The command of the Russian troops decided not to stop shelling and blowing up the city walls. It understood that a premature assault could lead to unjustified losses of manpower. By the end of September, numerous tunnels were made under the walls of Kazan. Explosions in them were supposed to serve as a signal to capture the fortress. In those areas where they were going to storm the city, all the ditches were filled with logs and earth. In other places, wooden walkways were thrown across them.

Storming the fortress

Before moving your army to capture Kazan, Russian command sent Murza Kamaya to the city (in tsarist army many Tatar soldiers served) demanding surrender. But it was categorically rejected. On October 2, early in the morning, the Russians began to carefully prepare for the attack. By 6 o'clock the shelves were already in their predetermined places. All the rear of the army were covered by cavalry detachments: they were on the Arsk field, and the rest of the regiments stood on the Nogai and Galician roads.

At exactly 7 o'clock two explosions occurred. This was triggered by charges placed in the tunnels between the Nameless Tower and the Atalykov Gate, as well as in the gap between the Arsky and Tsar’s Gates. As a result of these actions, the walls of the fortress in the field area collapsed and huge openings were formed. Through them, Russian troops quite easily broke into the city. Thus, the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible came to its final stage.

Fierce fighting took place in the narrow streets of the city. It should be noted that hatred between Russians and Tatars accumulated over several decades. Therefore, the townspeople understood that they would not be spared and fought until their last breath. The greatest centers of resistance were the Khan's citadel and the main mosque, located on the Tezitsa ravine.

At first, all attempts by Russian troops to capture these positions were unsuccessful. Only after fresh reserve troops were brought into the battle was the enemy’s resistance broken. Tsar's army nevertheless, she captured the mosque, and all those who defended it, along with Seyid Kul-Sharif, were killed.

The last battle, which ended the capture of Kazan, took place on the territory of the square in front of the Khan's palace. A Tatar army of about 6 thousand people defended here. None of them were left alive, since no prisoners were taken at all. The only survivor was Khan Yadigar-Muhammad. Subsequently, he was baptized and began to be called Simeon. He was given Zvenigorod as his inheritance. Very few men from among the city’s defenders were saved, and even those were chased, which destroyed almost all of them.


The capture of Kazan by the Russian army led to its annexation to Moscow huge territories The Middle Volga region, where many peoples lived: Bashkirs, Chuvash, Tatars, Udmurts, Mari. Moreover, having conquered this fortress, Russian state acquired the most important economic center, which was Kazan. And after the fall of Astrakhan Moscow kingdom began to control an important water trade artery - the Volga.

In the year of the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, the Crimean-Ottoman army, hostile to Moscow, was destroyed in the Middle Volga region. political union. The eastern borders of the state were no longer threatened by constant raids and local population into slavery.

The year of the capture of Kazan turned out to be negative in terms of the fact that Tatars who professed Islam were prohibited from settling within the city. It must be said that such laws were in force not only in Rus', but in European and Asian countries. This was done in order to avoid uprisings, as well as interethnic and interreligious clashes. Already by end of the XVIII centuries, the Tatar settlements gradually and harmoniously merged with the urban ones.


In 1555, at the behest of Ivan the Terrible, they began to build a cathedral in honor of the capture of Kazan. Its construction lasted only 5 years, unlike European temples, which took centuries to create. It received its current name - St. Basil's Cathedral - in 1588 after the addition of a chapel in honor of this saint, since his relics were located on the site where the church was built.

Initially, the temple was decorated with 25 domes, today there are 10 of them left: one of them is above the bell tower, and the rest are above their altars. Eight churches are dedicated to holidays in honor of the capture of Kazan, which fell on every day when the most important events took place. important battles for this fortress. The central church is the Intercession Mother of God, which is topped with a tent with a small dome.

According to a legend that has survived to this day, after the construction of the cathedral was completed, Ivan the Terrible ordered its architects to be deprived of their sight so that they could no longer repeat such beauty. But in fairness, it should be noted that this fact does not appear in any of the ancient documents.

Another monument to the capture of Kazan was built in the 19th century according to the design of the most talented architect-engraver Nikolai Alferov. This monument was approved by Emperor Alexander I. The initiator of perpetuating the memory of the soldiers who died in the battles for the fortress was the archimandrite of the Zilantov Monastery, Ambrose.

The monument stands on the left bank of the Kazanka River, on small hill, very close to the Admiralteyskaya Sloboda. The chronicle preserved from those times says that when the fortress was captured by Ivan the Terrible, he arrived with his army to this place and planted his banner here. And after the capture of Kazan, it was from here that he began his solemn religious procession to the conquered fortress.

Interest Jewish people has been chained to this fortress since ancient times. A thousand men stood against the famous Roman legions for three years. The fortress of Masada in Israel fell, but the people did not give up. The feat of the people was fixed in the minds of mankind for many centuries.

Fortress on the mountain

The fortress is surrounded by steep cliffs, only on one side there is a narrow path called the snake path leading to it. At the top of the 450-meter mountain there is a large plateau measuring approximately 600 by 300 meters. The plateau is surrounded by a double four-meter wall interspersed with 30 towers and 4 gates. It was on this plateau that all the main buildings of the fortress were built.

Herod's three-tiered palace, rock tanks with water, baths and, most interestingly, the synagogue have been partially preserved to this day. The discovery of the synagogue proved that the presence of synagogues among Jews in ancient times did not depend on the presence of the Temple, although previously it was believed that the construction of synagogues was not carried out with the existing Temple.

The great history of the great fortress

The ancient fortress of Masada is located near the coast Dead Sea near the Israeli city of Arad. Even under the Hasmoneans in 37-31 BC, a fortification was built here. A little later, in 25 BC, with the arrival of King Herod I the Great, a refuge for his family was built here, and the existing fortress was completed and strengthened. Weapons and food warehouses are expanding, the fortress is provided with a water supply, and baths are being built.


For an indefinite period, Masada was occupied by a Roman legion. But in 66 AD the fortress was recaptured. In 70, during the Jewish War, Jerusalem bowed under the onslaught of the legions of the Roman Emperor Titus, but Masada still held the line, becoming the last stronghold of the state.

Actually, the fortress is famous not so much for its buildings, location or antiquity, but for the great feat of the Jewish people, who left their lives here. But first things first.

Siege of Masada

There were less than 1000 defenders in the fortress, including women and children. But even this situation allowed her to hold out for three whole years. Almost ten thousand slaves took part in carrying out preparatory work After storming the fortress, ramparts were erected, throwing guns and a ram were built. The 70-meter siege rampart and the remains of Roman camps have survived to this day. As a result of one of the attempts to break the defense, the Romans manage to set fire to the erected wooden inner wall, and the fate of Masada becomes sealed.

Siege rampart. View from the fortress

The following narrative is based on the book “The Jewish War” by the historian Josephus, who retells the story of women who took refuge in a cave with their children. According to him, instead of giving up, Elzar ben Yair calls on people not to bow down into slavery, but to die free people. In order to prevent the invaders from profiting, the men killed their wives and children. Then, among all those remaining, ten were chosen, who were destined to kill all the men. After everyone was voluntarily killed, these ten cast lots to determine the only one who was destined to decide the fate of the fortress - to finish off his brothers, set everything on fire and commit suicide. The Romans who arrived the next morning were left with nothing, but one way or another, the fortress was taken and again received Roman garrisons.

Siege tower base

The dramatic history is confirmed by archaeological research carried out here. So even possible nameplates used for the final draw of ten were found.

Draw boards

Fortress after defeat

In the V-VI centuries, during the reign of Byzantium, a church was erected on the site of the fortress. A small group of monks during this period lives here in caves and stone cells.

Church of the Byzantine period

In 1838, E. Robinson first identified the Masada fortress in the abandoned ruins. In 1851, the first plan of the fortress was created. In the 60s of the 20th century, major research papers. And already in 1971, the top of the fortress was connected to the ground by a cable car. But there is also the possibility of climbing up on foot along that same snake path.

Snake trail

The ancient fortress of Masada near the city of Arad - great symbol heroism for the Jewish people. Annually new line-up armored forces in the fortress he takes an oath - “Masada will not fall again!” With the restoration of the fortress, it became one of the main attractions of Israel and a place of mass tourist visits.

Cable car