Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam at the Financial Academy. Moscow Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: address, passing score and reviews

FU is a bureaucratic, faceless machine that will grind your student offspring and spit them out if, God forbid, he does not fulfill some formal requirements. For example, attendance. For 10 pairs of passes, they are reprimanded. The third reprimand is expulsion. We got into this situation last year. Our student studied for three years on a commercial basis, had no debts, passed the sessions, moved from course to course, and at the end of the 3rd year during the session - the dean announced to him - we are expelling you right in the middle of the session - you have a 3rd reprimand for year. In fact, he received his first reprimand in the 1st semester for 10 pairs of absences, the second - for not passing the intermediate assessment in the first semester (rating in the middle of the semester - he did not get points), and by the end of the second semester he had accumulated another 10 pairs of absences. But what are 10 pairs of passes? This is 3 working days. What is a failed mid-semester assessment? These are uncollected rating points that have already been collected a long time ago, because The 1st semester is closed, all tests and exams have been passed. Thus, it turns out that in 3 years we gave almost a million rubles to the financial institution. for training on a commercial basis. And we are not oligarchs, we are all in loans and debts to pay for this education. And our student, who had no debts, steadily moved from course to course, did not drink, did not smoke, did not fight, was expelled for missing 6 days in a YEAR??? Moreover, they did this in the middle of the session; they did not allow him to complete some of the exams purely mechanically, so he did not complete the 3rd year. Well, what is this called??? How can one justify such a disregard for the fate of a person??? And I don’t need to talk about internal rules, absenteeism and responsibility here. I myself am an employee of a higher school, an associate professor at a university, and, frankly, I couldn’t find anything to “unscrew the head” of this unfortunate expulsion for, because I can’t blame him for 6 days of absenteeism in a year. Well, I overslept a couple of times, well, I was sick a couple of times, in Moscow you don’t rush to the clinic, sit in lines there if you feel bad. And, most importantly, to help, to at least think about helping - none of the management even bothered. Dean: “It doesn’t depend on me. Yes, yes, it’s a pity, but I can’t do anything, I’m sending a draft order to the rector, now the rector will decide everything.” Deputy dean: “Of course, expelling, there’s nothing to even talk about this truant.” Rector: “I won’t meet with him. He skipped classes - and so everything is clear with him.” Some supposed Student Council considered this issue in absentia and approved the decision to expel. And now I think - my God, if we knew in advance that this is not a university with a normal human approach, where every student is taken care of, where both the student and his parents are respected, would we have gone to enroll there? For what? We could enroll in absolutely any university, from Moscow State University to Synergy. What kind of rector is this who doesn’t consider it necessary to meet with students when problems arise? What more important things does he have there than to listen and help solve his student’s problems? This means that there was time to take our million from the university, but the rector does not have time to listen and objectively assess the situation and help the student. What kind of Student Council is this that condemns its brothers to expulsion in absentia? And what kind of dean is this who “can’t do anything” except expel a student who has no debt for 6 missed days in a year? Those. There is zero logic in what is happening. And the worst thing is that the only thing that can be done after expulsion is to be reinstated at the same university with a rollback by semester, because no other university in the country can reinstate an expelled student. You can only start studying again from the 1st year. Thus, we were forced to pay them double money again and lose a year of training in order to somehow get this higher education. Think for yourself whether your child should enroll in a university, which, having taken the maximum amount of money from you, will spit you out for nothing and will not choke, and will not torture anyone’s conscience, and will not remember you. They will live on your money and be happy, receive salaries and bonuses, be proud that they are so principled, and the fate of your student will actually be broken.


    8 reasons to enroll in preparatory courses at the Financial University

    1. Teachers

    Classes are taught by teachers who have experience working in the university examination committee, who know the programs and requirements for conducting the OGE, Unified State Exam and Olympiads, and who have extensive experience working with schoolchildren.

    2. Exercise anywhere, in any convenient way

    Can't come to class every time? We took care of it. Now you can study from anywhere thanks to our distance learning courses.

    3. Choose your training program

    Courses of different durations - 8, 6, 4 and 2 months. Individual selection of subjects for preparation. You can choose the required set of subjects, days and hours of classes convenient for you.

    4. Practice

    The main form of classes is practical, where the teacher has the opportunity to conduct individual work with students. The course curriculum emphasizes problem solving with a brief presentation of theory.

    5. Available in branches

    If there is a branch of the Financial University in your city, you can undergo training there - its quality will be just as high.

    6. Knowledge control

    Intermediate and final tests that help us find weaknesses in your preparation and eliminate them.

    7. Cost-effective

    By paying for training courses, you increase your chance of admission to the budget department. When purchasing two or more training courses, we offer an installment plan for two equal payments.

    8. Everything is in your hands!

    By starting your preparation now, you will increase your chances of getting accepted to a budget-funded place.

    Sign up for the course:

    1. Select a course (full-time, distance courses) and register in your personal account on the university website.
    2. Enter into an agreement with the Financial University. To do this, you will need to come to the university (Leningradsky Prospekt, 49, office 100a). Please see the page for the course you are interested in for contract dates. To conclude an agreement, you will need a student’s passport, a customer’s passport and one 3*4 photograph.
    3. Pay for your training. You can pay for the training both at your bank branch and on the Financial University website (in the personal account of the preparatory course student).
    4. Start studying. After completing all the steps indicated here, you will receive a class schedule, a campus card to enter the University premises and can begin preparation.