UFO exists in a world where there are people. Evidence of aliens visiting our earth

Unusual at all times celestial phenomena captured people's imagination. Many people have seen flying saucers or UFOs and are completely convinced of their existence, but large quantity They believe that flying saucers are just some optical effects, coupled with the heightened imagination of those watching. In history you can find a lot of evidence about the existence of UFOs, for example, the Tullia papyrus (the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III, 15th century BC), the testimony of the Roman historian Plutarch (1st century BC), numerous eyewitness accounts in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Last December, ufologists from 19 countries gathered in Brazil for their first World Forum. The 50th anniversary of ufology, a science that specifically studies UFOs, was celebrated. Moreover, ufologists themselves believe that in all evidence of UFOs, only 1% of 100% deserves attention.

It turns out that only in one single percent “there is something” or “there can be something.” But, for example, American astrophysicist D. Menzel is confident that 20% of the observed cases are “true flying saucers” and require careful analysis.

It is worth noting that counterintelligence different countries deliberately inflated the hype about UFOs in order to mask the visible effects that arose as a result of testing samples of the latest military equipment. It is now known that scientists at Peking University (China) have developed the first unmanned flying saucer, which may take off within the next two years. And, according to Academician Obraztsov, scientific supervisor Institute applied mechanics, Russian specialists Back in the early 70s, they developed a project for a spaceplane capable of transporting passengers and cargo at an altitude of 90 to 200 km at a speed of up to 30 thousand km per hour. However, according to financial reasons this project could not be realized.

Some of the evidence has a scientific explanation. Firstly, our eyes can perceive objects distortedly - this is the so-called dark spot effect. Secondly, there are scientific explanations many unknown phenomena. For example, D. Menzel says that luminous “flying objects” arise as a result of the refraction of light rays in crystals of snow and fog.

Others believe that “flying saucers” have a completely “earthly” origin (ecologist and hydrogeologist I.V. Gubenko). "Flying saucers" appear on thermal air currents like tornadoes or tornadoes. It is impossible to see their origin, since it occurs in the clouds. Figuratively speaking, a “flying saucer” is a vortex hurricane packed in a film of water. The life of a “flying saucer” is short-lived - a day or, at most, two. It disintegrates, having used up all its energy. An explosion occurs, and a cloud appears in place of the plate, preserving its features. These are the pictures that are most often published on the pages of ufological publications. Such a natural plate has a huge electric potential, magnetic field and can lead to the crash of aircraft, sea and river vessels.

Scientists can very well explain the reasons for the formation of “flying saucers,” but how can eyewitness accounts of abductions and contacts with aliens be interpreted? If we assume that there are no “flying saucers,” then where do the conversations about little green men come from?

The article used materials from Skeptik.net, Ufolog.ru, Wonderland.com.ru, 5ballov.ru and Newsru.com.
Ksenia Lukina

That earthly people are not the only ones homo sapiens in the Universe, can be accepted and rejected. There are optimists and skeptics in any business or knowledge. Earthlings want to believe that they are not the only ones far from the Sun, so they believe that life like them also exists somewhere. They long for a meeting with its representatives, although they have little idea of ​​what it could turn out to be for them. If we ourselves, having accumulated nuclear weapons for hundreds of apocalypses with Planet Earth, then why can’t distant “relatives” in some corner of the universe be just as aggressive?!

Earthlings believe in intelligent people made from “plates”

So far no one has undertaken to prove that it is our earthly civilization that is the most ancient in the endless Cosmos. This is not difficult to justify. How many times have we destroyed living things through wars, with the addition of natural disasters. But…

Ancient artifacts exist in the form of cave paintings, particularly in ancient China.

Where the take-off and landing of means that a priori could not be on Earth are depicted. What is it but unidentified flying objects, known by the well-established abbreviation - UFO ( English version- UFO).

And not only with the opening digital technologies the possibility of computer convincing falsifications has appeared. Remember how everyone was convinced that the Americans did not land on the Moon through one movement of the flag in the hands of the astronauts. How on Earth- from the wind. But there are no winds on Earth’s closest neighbor. A version has emerged that the moon landing was faked.

Is there a real UFO - or is it our imagination?

Why do they not take the arrival of unearthly aliens for anything? Let's try to count. Let's start again with the Moon. Video from Apollo 16, charter to the planet, visible... "saucer". Everyone gasped: and there is UFO! But it turned out that the lens captured part of the spacecraft.

Today on YouTube it's just UFO deposits. 14 years ago they posted a video of aliens participating in the war in the Middle East. It was not a “plate” that arrived, but a “triangle”. It was precisely this form of UFO in low-Earth orbit that cosmonaut Pavel Popovich observed in the 70s of the last century. A clever computer scientist inserted it into the Taliban's battle scheme.

Next are goblins in the form of aliens, whom a family of American farmers in a drunken stupor mistook for. Behind them is a photo of a broken huge wind turbine, which actually collapsed due to a manufacturing defect. A 600-year-old wood engraving that allegedly depicts aliens visiting earth. The artist completed the drawing, which allowed the craft to be sold faster.

Closer to our days, the all-Washington panic in the 60s of the 20th century: a UFO raid. They were mistaken for flashes of light, explained by scientists as an inversion of the surrounding temperature. And layers of cold air in a warm shell, rushing across the sky, confused military radars.

Is there really a UFO - proof in the photo

American Space Agency ( NASA) showed a video from orbit. Bright dot moves over the territory of the earth. Almost instantly moving from country to country, from sea to mountain ranges. Maybe also the above inversion. But suddenly the point leaves the globe of the Earth and rushes vertically into the distance. Only a UFO could break away from Earth's orbit like that.

One night in November 1982, Juan Valerio da Silva was kidnapped in the Brazilian city of Botucatu.

In the morning he was found naked on the ground. He said that some inhuman persons entered the house, touched his face with their palms, and he lost consciousness.

An unidentified flying object remains one of the most misunderstood mysteries for humanity to this day. So are they there or not? We will try to figure this out!

Undoubtedly, there are many others along with our civilization. We do not have concrete evidence, we can only make assumptions that are based on the visions of many people in villages, forests and even at home. Many scientists do not recognize the existence of UFOs, but try to justify the appearance of saucers as atmospheric phenomena or some objects whose existence they can scientifically prove.

There are people who see alien ships and saucers in any celestial object. Many people claim that aliens took them for experiments or simply tried to make contact with them. Most often, these people are recognized as not entirely normal. Doctors assume that they have experienced some kind of stress, or that their head is not all right.

On television we see less and less of those people who allegedly saw aliens; now they are increasingly talking about the end of the world, about the secrets of ancient cities. Newspapers avoid this topic, considering it impossibly outdated and hackneyed.

The media also claim that with today's technology it is possible to present to the world at least every day that UFO objects exist. But every person who, one way or another, has encountered moments that directly indicate that aliens exist will disagree with us.

How can one prove that aliens exist?
Probably, this requires some photographs with attached documents of national importance that really confirm the existence alien creatures. After all, there are also ufologists who can provide you with evidence that can give you reason to think that UFOs exist. These are supposedly fragments of heavenly ships and the bodies of aliens. Some people believe in this, while others still consider these to be old wives’ tales and tales.

At the beginning of July, many countries around the world celebrate a holiday called UFO Day. However, this tradition originated in the United States, when in 1947 a real “flying saucer” crashed near the small town of Roswell (New Mexico).

It should be noted that contacts with UFOs were not uncommon for Americans in the second half of the 40s of the twentieth century. Skeptics explained this by testing new secret aircraft.

Several decades have passed, but neither amateur enthusiasts nor scientists have been able to find out whether a UFO exists. However, “little green men” have firmly established themselves not only on the pages of mystical magazines, but also in some scientific publications.

Let's assume that the famous "flying saucers" were designed not by aliens from outer space, but by ordinary scientist-engineers. In this case, UFO eyewitnesses could observe not alien guests, but classified Hi-tech. Why is nothing known about the development of such technology?

The answer is obvious - it is beneficial for its inventors to maintain secrecy. An unregistered aircraft capable of entering an area unnoticed conditional enemy is an important strategic advantage. In the 80s of the last century, the territory Soviet Union literally overrun by UFOs.

In the Urals, a “flying saucer” was noticed on April 26, 1989. Around the same time, numerous unidentified objects appeared over the Yenisei. In December 1989, Krasnoyarsk law enforcement officers, who arrived on call, observed dark aircrafts, illuminated with multi-colored lights.

The objects hovered over power lines supplying electricity to the aluminum smelter. This encounter with a UFO received wide publicity in the press.

To personally find out whether a UFO exists, the aliens were lucky enough to send a signal to passengers on a Boeing flight from Paris to Anchorage in 1986.

The flight proceeded without any incidents until two unidentified objects “hovered” on the left side of the airliner. The “plates” accompanied flight 1628 for half an hour.

It should be noted that suspicious objects came under American radar, and all records and evidence of this incident were confiscated by FBI representatives.

However, it is known for certain that the “flying saucers” were observed by more than 200 people. Not all contacts with UFOs take place in the presence of so many witnesses.

Think twice about whether you really want to find out if a UFO really exists? Your psyche may not be able to withstand this spectacle and play a cruel joke on you. In 1981, Captain Schultz flew over Lake Michigan in a small passenger plane.

Suddenly, a silvery, round-shaped object appeared on the starboard side. Along the circumference of the “plate” there were protrusions resembling portholes. plane and UFO For about five minutes, the alien ship accompanied Captain Schultz's plane. Then he picked up fantastic speed and literally disappeared over the horizon in a split second.

Two years later, Captain Schultz was placed in a psychiatric clinic with nervous disorder. A year later he died. The assistant who accompanied the pilot during the ill-fated flight over Lake Michigan has left aviation. Does a UFO really exist?

Or are there secret developments, optical illusions, and also banal hoaxes taking place? So far, ufologists and skeptics have not been able to reach unanimous opinion on this score. We can only hope that someday the universe will reveal its secrets...

Conspiracy theorists and quite serious men have been trying for decades to find out what a UFO is and what consequences contact with another civilization may have for humanity. So far, everything remains somewhere at the level of fantasy and we analyze the proposed scenarios only in cinemas. But perhaps someday the situation will change dramatically.

What is the probability of meeting aliens?

The universe is infinite. And this frightens all those who, in principle, can imagine the size to which infinity tends.

What else is known about the universe:

  • The age of the space around us is measured in billions of years, and with each new revision the figure only increases;
  • The distance between star systems is too great;
  • The emergence of life does not obey any mathematical laws.

Just think about it:

  1. 2,000 light years away, life began on two different planets;
  2. Besides two thousand light years, these phenomena were separated by 50 million calendar years;
  3. By the time the younger civilization entered space, not even dust remained from the buildings of the “old men”;
  4. Each life form considered itself absolutely unique, the only one endowed with intelligence.

There can be thousands and millions of such examples throughout time. Civilizations could flare and fade like shooting stars on the merciless horizon of eternity. The probability that two simultaneously “flare up” almost nearby and will be able to find each other is negligible.

In this video, Valery Pyatkin will talk about the nature of the occurrence of UFOs, about cases of objects appearing to earthlings:

What is a UFO really?

The concept has only three letters and each of them can be deciphered:

  • N - unidentified;
  • L - flying;
  • O - object.

Theoretically, any object that rises into the air and is not identified by anyone can be called a UFO. Even a piece of ice falling from a transport plane and sparkling during its short flight to the surface can be mistaken for a “flying saucer” that has crashed.

In fact, most often instead of “little green men” we see:

  1. Weather balloons;
  2. Tests of the military and their secret developments;
  3. Amateur experiments in rocket science;
  4. Optical illusions;
  5. Abnormal weather events;
  6. Banal garbage or Chinese lanterns.

Commit spaceship So far no one has succeeded. Maybe because any engineer developing a spaceship would provide it with protection and camouflage systems.

Especially if we're talking about about visiting “barbarian” planets. Why scare the natives when you can sneak in and go unnoticed?

What to do if you see a UFO?

If you see strange lights in the sky:

  • Record what happened on video, there will be something to tell;
  • Watch and wait until the UFO disappears from the sky;
  • Make sure the object is not heading towards your home or community;
  • Publish materials on thematic forums and blogs dedicated to ufology;
  • Try to contact civil aviation and find out whether at the specified time there were this place transport aircraft;
  • Check aircraft availability using special websites where you can track international airline routes.

If you want to get another one for your collection funny story, you can stop at the first point. Finding out the truth can only be disappointing; in the end you will not get a video of a UFO, but a recording of the flight of an airplane, a meteorite or a Chinese lantern.

The following can help you clarify the source of the incomprehensible glow:

  1. Ufologists;
  2. Meteorologists;
  3. Dispatchers and civil aviation employees;
  4. Special effects specialists.

The main thing is not to worry, nothing bad is happening. Man has long conquered the sky and there are thousands of man-made objects in it at the same time. It's not surprising that you noticed one of them. Or maybe something else, the truth is somewhere nearby.

What do we know about flying objects?

If we talk specifically about “flying saucers,” all our knowledge is very meager:

  • Humanity has never had contact with aliens, in any case, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary;
  • Many ancient peoples have myths that, in their description, are very similar to communication with aliens;
  • Not a single skeleton of a creature that came to us from distant stars has been discovered on the entire planet;
  • Humanoids have never been caught on television cameras;
  • There are several high-profile “incidents” allegedly related to aliens visiting our planet.

This topic is often played out in science fiction films and books, but so far there has been no real contact. All vague evidence dates back to the pre-Christian era; how much of it is true and how much is the imagination of distant pagan ancestors is difficult to say.

By the way, for most religions the appearance of visitors from deep space would be the beginning of the end.

We gleaned all the existing knowledge only from our own imagination. We don’t know what the aliens and their technology might look like. The universe, apparently, can surprise you with its diversity, so you can expect anything.

UFOs - aliens from outer space?

UFO - unknown flying object. Any object lifted into the air that observers were unable to identify.

The technical definition is not so mystical and does not smack of fantasy, most often it is:

  1. Chinese lanterns;
  2. Meteorites;
  3. Aircraft;
  4. Weather balloons;
  5. Test objects;
  6. Natural phenomena;
  7. Optical illusions.

Determining what exactly was in the air of such and such a month, such and such a date is extremely difficult. In most cases, this becomes an impossible task and ufologists have to be satisfied with an explanation that does not have any evidence base. Yes, it could have been a meteorite. Or there could be aliens from Nibiru. That something else is unprovable.

Romanticizing guests from distant galaxies can lead to... serious problems. In the history of mankind there are examples of contacts more developed civilizations with less fortunate relatives. IN best case scenario, it all ended in plunder and destruction of culture. But it also came to the point of genocide, so it is better to meet “brothers in mind” fully armed.

We can only hope that another civilization has reached a level where there is simply no place for aggression. But such a rosy prospect is difficult to imagine.

Most people do not know what a UFO is and by this concept they only mean “flying saucers.” But the truth is much simpler, even balloon, with an attached flashlight, can be called an unidentified flying object and arouse interest on specialized forums for many months.

Video: what does a UFO look like?

In this video, ufologist Gennady Stulnev will show several objects in the sky classified as UFOs: