Show me how to draw an alien. How to draw a monster or alien creature step by step

The topic of its unexplored spaces has been touched upon more than once. Some are sure that there is another life in the black darkness, others not so much. I lean toward the first thought, because it’s even scary to think that such huge territory we are on our own. Today we will imagine what extraterrestrial life might look like and find out how to draw an alien.So many films have been made about how little green men attack the Earth and want to destroy it along with all living things. Human brain can no longer perceive aliens as not a threat, all the time these thoughts are about abductions, mass destruction, takeover of the planet. But there is some logic in this. We are absolutely not protected from the attack of another, more developed race. Scriptwriters and book authors managed to assure us that there is always a way out - either the aliens are afraid of music, or the air, or the group Chai together. What kind of developed race is this, that travels between galaxies and worlds, destroys planets and takes resources, and then suddenly stopped because it is afraid of air?

There are moments in fantasies that alien races are friendly towards people. This development of events is more adequate, since if they wanted to destroy us, this would have been done long ago without noise. This means that we are needed for something, or are simply interesting, or there is an intergalactic code that states that destruction is prohibited intelligent life for no apparent reason.

A few facts about contacts with extraterrestrial civilization:

  • The first idea to communicate with green men came from German mathematician Carl Gauss. The idea was to cut out a neat triangle in the Siberian forest and sow it with wheat. In this way he wanted to let them know that intelligent beings live here. True, it’s hard to argue about reason in such a situation.
  • These are all skeptics now, but in the 19th century. everyone was confident in the existence of civilizations from distant galaxies. Paris Academy Sciences even allocated a fee to the person who would be the first to make contact with aliens.
  • Our Russians always want to be first in everything. The first message into space was also ours, it was simple and unobtrusive, with only three words Peace. Lenin. THE USSR. In this way they wanted to make people aware of the most important things in the world. True, of all of them, only Mir remained, and he didn’t really want to linger.

Now we will draw the image of an already invented alien - the Predator, the creation of John McTiernan. Go.

How to draw an alien with a pencil step by step

Step one. On Blank sheet add a sketch of a sitting predator. The alien has a body similar to a human, we draw the head on top with a polygon, and further down the other parts of the body with figures. Behind his back he has a weapon, which for now will look like a shovel.
Step two. We carefully outline the entire extraterrestrial body, highlighting the contours of the arms and legs. On the head is a mask with quirks. Behind his back is no longer a shovel, but some kind of alien harpoon.
Step three. In the film, the predator moves deftly, but still has some kind of armor. On the legs we draw the shields with a thick line; on the arms, near the beginning of the hand, we draw a compartment with small rockets. The main thing is to sketch the mask well, this is the main point.
Step four. We completely remove all unnecessary lines, except for the shovel behind his back, he will still need it.
Step five. This is where the shovel will turn into a real weapon if you draw it well. In those places where there is no costume, we draw skin with spots, add shadows with light shading to the already drawn elements of clothing and to the body. And until the end of the world came, aliens took over the world,

There are a lot of cartoon aliens. But O, the hero of the cartoon "Home", stands out among them. It is distinguished not only by its original appearance, but also by its character. This cute creature blows away with its good nature.

Those who want to learn how to draw a cute purple alien will easily master the technique with the help of step by step lessons. Simple and clear instructions will allow everyone to create their own masterpiece. Thanks to easy-to-understand explanations of how to draw an O, even less skilled artists will achieve excellent results. As a result, they will get a cheerful and very cute alien. Like any alien, he has an unusual appearance. So, O has six legs and can change color depending on what he feels. Its antenna ears easily fold into rings so as not to interfere with movement. He also has a very sweet smile, for which you can forgive him any prank. In short, this charismatic hero will look great in albums or on postcards.

Aliens are a favorite subject of science fiction drawings. You can draw the alien as desired; no one has seen them. But, nevertheless, people have a certain image of green men. Drawing such an alien is not difficult if you follow certain rules.

You will need

  • Pencils, sheet of paper, eraser.


1. First you need to identify the main details of the character. Draw an even circle. It will serve as a frame for the head. Draw a line where the neck is supposed to be. Draw the body pear-shaped. Left hand our alien will rest against the side. Consequently, the designation of the hand of this hand on at this stage not required. Right hand raised up. Please note that aliens are usually depicted with three fingers. From the body, draw two sticks down. These are the legs. Because the alien will be dressed in a space suit, his feet will be shod with boots. Sketch the character's shoes in the form of flattened circles.

2. Draw the hero's head. As usual, the alien is depicted with a huge head stretched up. Top part its is expanded, and the lower one is narrowed. Draw two huge almond-shaped eyes. Place them a little further from each other, in comparison with the person’s eyes. Add nostrils. Our alien is friendly, so give him a big smile.

3. Considering what aliens are often thought of as a crew spaceship, it is rational to draw an alien in a flight suit. Draw, following the lines of the frame, a jacket with long sleeves. The character's right hand is raised up with the palm facing the viewer. Draw three long fingers. On the 2nd hand, the palm is hidden behind the body, therefore it is virtually invisible.

4. Let's draw bottom part alien. Because we depict him dressed, adding trousers and lace-up boots below.

6. It's time to add color to the pale character. Usually the skin color of aliens is depicted as green, less often gray or blue. The eyes are completely painted over with black and highlights are added, one for the entire eye. The alien costume is two-tone. The jacket is red with a yellow element, the trousers are yellow, the boots are gray. The alien is ready!

“A smile will make everyone clearer!” - do you recognize this song? A smile gives you fun and excellent well-being, always smile at everyone! A smile can charge you with energy. Giving smile to someone, you get it as a result. Fight boredom and bad mood A simple picture with a smile will help. Looking at her, you will smile, and you are guaranteed to feel great! The baby gave you his first smile or the first two teeth? Smile and draw!

You will need

  • Landscape sheet
  • Colour pencils
  • Fantasy
  • Good mood


1. Best of all, sit on the floor in your favorite position. Psychologists say that such “creative gatherings” have a positive effect on the nervous system and give a calming result. If you have a child, offer to join you. The little one will be very happy to draw with you. Before starting work, place a strong, flat object under the album sheet. Place your pencils to your right. Let's get started.

2. Have you noticed that when a person smiles, the corners of their lips are raised? We put two dots on the album sheet. If you want your smile to be “wide”. The distance from point to point can be increased. It turns out that we connect two points with an arc with a pencil. The smile is ready!

3. You can vary your smile, it depends on what lip shape you like. Imagine! Sponges with a bow, lips with a heart, maybe you want to draw smile with an inquisitive tongue? Draw a funny tongue or mouth for this smile. Start stage 1 again and complete the details. To depict a funny tongue you will need a scarlet pencil. Draw half a circle to the right of the arc, fill it with red and draw a stripe on the tongue with black. Let’s draw the mouth like this. From the same point to another, draw another arc lower than the first smile and fill it in with a dark pencil. Let's laugh!

Video on the topic

If you don’t want to draw a postcard with typical images for Cosmonautics Day, or, then in today’s master class we suggest you get a little creative and learn how to draw a full-length alien. This green creature can look cute if you add some details - long shorts and red summer shoes. This is how we get an unusual alien. 🙂

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • a simple pencil for sketching;
  • landscape sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

Stages of drawing an alien:

  1. Let's determine the general outline of the alien's head. Let's depict it in the form of a slightly asymmetrical oval.

  2. Now let’s draw a thin neck and torso with arms to the head. All elements will be thin and fragile.

  3. We finish drawing the legs, which will be half hidden in the shorts. Also these limbs will be wearing flip-flops.

  4. We draw the outline of the alien guest’s head in the middle of the oval: the top is wide, the chin is narrowed. We define the outlines of the face with lines on the head. Approximately in the middle there will be eyes. Therefore, let's draw a horizontal line. Then add a vertical one from the top point of the head. We will divide the distance from the eye line to the chin into two equal parts and at this place we will make a mark in the form of a short line. This will be the mouth. Let's determine the location of the tip of the nose a little higher.

  5. We draw all the facial features of the alien. Main feature he will become big eyes. Remove the extra lines around the outline of the head. Let's draw the details again.

  6. We draw in detail the thin neck and shoulders. We complement the drawing with small details.

  7. We start coloring the alien with the skin that will have green color. Take a light green pencil as the base color and completely paint over the head, torso, arms and legs.

  8. Using a darker shade of green pencil, we give the alien’s skin a richer and deeper tone.

But how do you draw an alien when you have no idea what it is? It’s very simple - take a pencil, turn on your imagination, add a little humor and go ahead - embody your fantasies on paper! To facilitate your creative search, Pustunchik has prepared inspirational diagrams for you.

Let's draw an alien quickly and easily!

This funny green man looks like he just came from Mars. Look how friendly he waves from the screen! And the flower in your hand expressively hints - a real gentleman. Shall we draw it?

1. At the top of the sheet, draw an oval - the alien’s head. Let it be slightly careless - deliberate vagueness will only add “realism” to the image. Place two bulging eyes in the center of the oval.

2. Next in line are the ears and an oblong mouth.

3. An integral part of alien - funny antennas on his head.

Draw curves on the ears so that they take on the shape of tubes.

4. The alien's body and neck will look like a cone.

5. Draw the limbs in the same primitive and easy way. The Martian will hold a flower in one hand, so the bent fingers should resemble three small ovals.

6. Draw a daisy, mark the neck, sleeves and bottom of the T-shirt.

Great! Color the alien green and the flower and T-shirt yellow. The cheerful alien is ready.

How to draw an alien from the cartoon "Toy Story"?

The famous cartoon “Toy Story” gave fans of science fiction stories cute three-eyed aliens. Today we will draw one of these green beauties.

Carefully look at the step-by-step diagram:

  • blue lines are body parts already drawn in previous stages;
  • red - elements that need to be completed;
  • Gray lines indicate lines that need to be drawn barely noticeable so that they can be erased at the end of the work.

The drawing is ready, all that remains is to color it.

How to draw an alien with a simple pencil?

And this alien is no longer as funny as the previous ones, and even a little scary! But if this is nothing for you, go ahead and draw a mysterious inhabitant of distant worlds. Don't worry if you can't reproduce the diagram exactly. This is an alien. Nobody knows what he should look like.

1. Draw the head of a green man on top of the sheet. It should resemble an upside down chicken egg.

2. Mark the face with perpendicular lines.

Important! Horizontal line, indicating the position of the eyes, should be below the visual center of the head, because the alien’s forehead will be well defined and the chin- very small.

Draw the alien's body using sketchy lines. Proportionally it is much less than.

3. Draw a bulging belly. Using curved cylinders and circles at the joints, depict the limbs. The alien's feet will be two-toed, like those of.

4. Detail the face. Draw big eyes and a mean smile. The alien's mouth resembles an inverted "T", as if she was tired and lay down to rest.

5. Well done! Now erase the extra lines and add a few strokes around the chest, eyes and lips. Clearly draw the contours of the head and body.

6. Shade the places where the shadow falls - the back of the head, neck, armpits, back of the head and legs.