03/15/03 applied mechanics who to work with. applied mechanics

About the specialty:

Description of the specialty applied mechanics, which universities teach applied mechanics, admission, exams, what subjects are studied in the specialty.

Students will have to study a large number of specialized subjects: the theory of stable shells and thin-walled structures, electromechanical structures, aerodynamics, gas dynamics, computational mechanics, elasticity theory, strength of materials, biomechanics and many other subjects. During the learning process, you will have to go through a large number of computational practices and calculate a lot of coursework.

Employment in applied mechanics

Mechanics is a fundamental branch of physics. Most graduates are engaged in research activities. In production, a specialist can be involved in the calculation of power devices, thermal calculations of aircraft, and the creation of durable structures during construction and mining.

Career in Applied Mechanics

Specialists of this profile are in demand both in research institutions and in large companies, from the raw materials sector to high-tech companies in the aviation field. To successfully advance your career, you must obtain a master's degree. The peak of a career can be the patenting of a new material or power apparatus.

Lecture notes

in the course "Applied mechanics"

Section I Theoretical mechanics

Topic 1. Introduction. Basic Concepts

Basic concepts and definitions

Mechanics is a field of science whose purpose is to study the motion and stress state of machine elements, building structures, continuous media, etc. under the influence of applied forces.

In theoretical mechanics, general laws of the objects under study are established without connection with their specific applications. Theoretical mechanics is the science of the most general laws of motion and equilibrium of material bodies. Movement, understood in the broadest sense of the word, covers all phenomena occurring in the world - the movement of bodies in space, thermal and chemical processes, consciousness and thinking. Theoretical mechanics studies the simplest form of motion - mechanical motion. Because the state of equilibrium is a special case of mechanical motion, then the task of theoretical mechanics also includes the study of the equilibrium of material bodies. Theoretical mechanics is the scientific basis of a number of engineering disciplines - strength of materials, theory of mechanisms and machines, statics and dynamics of structures, structural mechanics, machine parts, etc.

Theoretical mechanics consists of 3 sections - statics, kinematics and dynamics.

Statics is the study of forces. Statics examines the general properties of forces and the laws of their addition, as well as the conditions of equilibrium of various systems of forces. 2 main problems of statics: 1) the problem of reducing a system of forces to its simplest form; 2) the problem of equilibrium of a system of forces, i.e. the conditions under which this system will be balanced are determined.

Kinematics is the study of the movement of material bodies from the geometric side, regardless of the physical causes causing the movement.

Dynamics is the study of the movement of material bodies under the influence of applied forces.

In its structure, theoretical mechanics resembles geometry - it is based on definitions, axioms and theorems.

A material point is a body whose dimensions can be neglected under the given conditions of the problem. Such a body is called an absolutely rigid body. In which the distance between any of its points remains constant. In other words, an absolutely rigid body retains its geometric shape unchanged (does not deform). A rigid body is called free if it can be moved from a given position to any other. A rigid body is called non-free if its movement is impeded by other bodies.

Force is the action of one body on another, expressed in the form of pressure, attraction or repulsion. Force is a measure of the mechanical interaction of bodies, determining the intensity of this interaction. Force is a vector quantity. It is characterized by the point of application, the line of action, the direction along the line of action and its magnitude or numerical value (module).

For force we have (Figure 1.1): A– point of application, ab– line of action; direction of force along this line from A To IN(indicated by an arrow), is the magnitude (modulus) of the force.

Forces are represented by letters, etc. with dashes on top. The magnitudes of these forces are depicted in the same letters, but without dashes - F, P, Q etc. Dimension: .

The set of forces applied to a body is called a system of forces. The system of forces can be flat and spatial. A system of forces is convergent if the lines of action of all forces intersect at one point (Figure 1.2).

Two systems of forces are called equivalent if they have the same effect on all points of the body.

If, under the influence of a system of forces, a rigid body remains at rest, then this state of the body is called a state of equilibrium, and the applied system of forces is called balanced. A balanced system of forces is also called statically equivalent to zero.

The force equivalent to a given system of forces is called the resultant force.

Forces acting on a body from other bodies are called external forces. The forces of interaction between particles of a body are called internal forces.

A force applied to a body at any one point is called a concentrated force. Forces acting on all points of a given volume, surface or line are called distributed forces.

A balancing force is a force equal in magnitude to the resultant force, but directed in the opposite direction (Figure 1.3).

1.2. Axioms of statics

Statics is based on several axioms or propositions, confirmed by experience and therefore accepted without proof.

Axiom 1. On the equilibrium of two forces applied to a rigid body.

For the equilibrium of two forces applied to a solid body, it is necessary and sufficient that these forces be opposite and have a common line of action (Figure 1.4)

The action of a balanced system of forces on a rigid body at rest does not change the rest of this body.

Axiom 2. About joining or rejecting a balanced system of forces.

Without changing the action of a given system of forces, you can add to or subtract from this system any balanced system of forces (Figure 1.5).

Axiom 3. Parallelogram law.

The magnitude of the resultant force and its direction are determined accordingly by the cosine theorem, i.e. the resultant of two forces coming from one point comes from the same point and is equal to the diagonal of a parallelogram constructed on these vectors (Figure 1.6)

– analytical solution,

Geometric solution:


Where – scale factor, N/mm.

Axiom 4. On the equality of action and reaction forces.

The forces with which two bodies act on each other are equally opposite and have a common line of action (Figure 1.7.)

The forces of action and reaction do not form a balanced system of forces, because they are applied to various bodies.

Applied mechanics consists of four sections.

  • The first of them examines the general features of the theory of mechanisms.
  • The second section is devoted to the basics of strength of materials - dynamics and strength of engineering structures.
  • The third section is devoted to the design of the most common mechanisms (mainly cam, friction, gear).
  • The fourth section is devoted to details

see also



  • http://www.prikladmeh.ru - Electronic training course for full-time and part-time students

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  • Applied mechanics, G. B. Iosilevich, P. A. Lebedev, V. S. Strelyaev. For technical universities in the courses "Strength of Materials", "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", "Machine Parts". Contains a list of concepts, the location and volume of presentation of which have the purpose ...
  • Applied mechanics, G. B. Iosilevich, P. A. Lebedev, V. S. Strelyaev. For technical universities in the courses "Strength of Materials", "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", "Machine Parts". Contains a list of concepts, the location and volume of presentation of which are intended to…

The specialty “applied mechanics” trains qualified engineers for various fields of industry. There are quite a lot of specializations, they depend on which industry is more developed in a particular region. This could be automobile, railway, construction and other areas. During their studies, students learn the structure and operating principles of various mechanisms from a physics point of view. The dynamics and properties of materials are studied in depth. Future specialists learn to carry out calculations and tests of new samples. A large place in the curriculum is given to the development of automated systems and professional programs, for example, AUTOKAD, the basics of computer modeling and design. Students are also introduced to the rules for drawing up technical documentation for finished mechanisms and their components. In addition, future engineers must have organizational skills, since they will often have to lead work groups, assign tasks to subordinates and monitor their implementation.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Applied mechanics is a scientific field that deals with the study of the devices and principles of mechanisms. This direction plays a big role in the development and creation of innovative technology and equipment. Any device is designed based on careful calculations and methods that must meet all accepted standards. The proper operation of equipment and its durability depend on a correctly calculated design, which requires deep technical knowledge. This area is relevant at any time, since progress does not stand still; enterprises are designing new devices and equipment, the creation of which is impossible without clear calculations. That is why today some applicants with a mathematical mindset strive to enroll in the specialty 03/15/03 “Applied Mechanics”: after all, it is quite difficult to find personnel with high-quality knowledge, which creates a high demand for the profession.

Admission conditions

Each educational institution has its own requirements for applicants, so all information should be clarified in advance. Contact the dean's office of the university of your choice and find out exactly what subjects you will need to take for admission.

Nevertheless, the core discipline was and remains core-level mathematics. Among other items you may encounter:

  • Russian language,
  • physics,
  • chemistry,
  • foreign language,
  • computer science and ICT.

Future profession

During their studies, students of the direction study the theory of applied mechanics and master the skills of computational and experimental work. The program involves solving dynamics problems, analyzing and calculating equipment parameters such as strength and stability, reliability and safety. In addition, students learn to apply information technology and acquire knowledge in the field of computer mathematics and computer engineering.

Where to apply

Today, leading universities in Moscow offer applicants to master the specialty “Applied Mechanics”, providing them with all the necessary technical equipment to obtain high-quality knowledge. The most trustworthy educational institutions are:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman;
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI);
  • MATI - Russian State Technological University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky;
  • Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University;
  • National Research University "MPEI".

Training period

The duration of the undergraduate educational program for full-time study is 4 years, for part-time study - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

During the learning process, students master such disciplines as:

Acquired skills

As a result of completing the curriculum course, graduates acquire the following skills:

  1. Collective implementation of calculations in the field of applied mechanics.
  2. Preparation and execution of descriptions, reports and presentations on the calculations performed.
  3. Design of new equipment taking into account methods and calculations that ensure the strength, reliability and durability of the machines.
  4. Development of machine parts and assemblies using special design software.
  5. Preparation of technical documents for developed products.
  6. Conducting experimental work on created products.
  7. Rationalization of technological processes.
  8. Introduction of innovative objects of applied mechanics into the modern economic sector.
  9. Monitoring the safety of manufactured objects.
  10. Drawing up a work plan for departments and developing an effective schedule for individual specialists.

Job prospects by profession

What can you do after graduating from university? Graduates of this direction can occupy a variety of positions, including:

Specialists in this profile are often involved in the construction, automotive, aviation and railway sectors. Depending on experience and merit, as well as on the place of work, they receive on average from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles. Some large world-famous companies are willing to pay large sums, but in order to get a position in them, you need to gain experience and distinguish yourself in your professional activities.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

Some graduates, having received a bachelor's degree, do not stop there and continue their education in a master's degree. Here they have a number of additional opportunities:

  1. Acquiring skills in the study of theoretical and experimental problems associated with the development of modern equipment.
  2. Study of complex computer-aided design systems.
  3. The opportunity to obtain an international degree, which will allow you to work in foreign companies.
  4. Mastering one foreign language.
  5. A chance to take a leading position in a large enterprise.