Autumn call for innovations service life. Conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Currently, the army is staffed on a mixed basis - both from contract servicemen and from conscripts

April 1st in Russia will begin spring call in the Armed Forces (AF). The corresponding decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on March 31, 2016.

Currently, the RF Armed Forces are recruited on a mixed basis - both from contract servicemen and from conscripts. The conscription takes place on the basis of the law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin on March 28, 1998.

According to the document, male citizens aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription. In accordance with the law of July 6, 2006 “On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation due to the reduction in the period of conscription military service,” the service period is 12 months.

Spring and autumn calls

Recruitment into the RF Armed Forces is carried out twice a year - from April 1 to July 15 (spring conscription) and from October 1 to December 31 (autumn conscription). To carry out conscription, a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, is issued each time.

Registration and conscription work in Russia is carried out by military commissariats (military registration and enlistment offices). They register citizens for military service, and during conscription they notify conscripts of the need to appear for a medical examination. Based on its results and taking into account the availability of documents granting the right to a deferment, a meeting of the draft commission is held, which decides whether to send the conscript to the place of service.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On some issues of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2008, from January 1, 2016, the regular number of military personnel is 1 million people.

According to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, in April 2015, the number of contract servicemen in the Russian Armed Forces (about 300 thousand) for the first time exceeded the number of soldiers and sailors undergoing military service (276 thousand). According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in December 2015, the number of contract soldiers was about 352 thousand people, conscripts - about 297 thousand people.

Number of conscripts

In 1994-1999 From 348 thousand to 460 thousand people were drafted into the army annually; in the 2000s. — from 247 thousand to 576 thousand people. In the fall of 2006 it was called least amount recruits since 1994 (123 thousand 310 people), and a year after the transition to a 12-month service period, in the spring of 2009 - the largest (305 thousand 560 people).

Deferment and alternative service

According to the law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the right to a deferment from conscription is enjoyed by citizens of the Russian Federation who are temporarily unfit for service for health reasons; those who are constantly caring for close relatives in the absence of other caregivers; having two or more children (or a child and a wife whose pregnancy is at least 26 weeks old) or a disabled child under three years of age; employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State fire service, FSIN, customs authorities (subject to a number of conditions); deputies different levels or chapters municipalities. In addition, students have the right to a deferment vocational schools and technical schools, full-time students of universities with state accreditation(without a break in studies), students studying full-time graduate students.

It is possible to replace military service with alternative civilian service for a period of 18 to 21 months. It can be applied for by conscripts who believe that military service is contrary to their beliefs or religion, as well as those belonging to indigenous small peoples. Currently, about 300 people from each conscription are sent to alternative service.

Evasion of service

A citizen who evades military or alternative civil service is subject to administrative or criminal liability - evaders face fines of up to 200 thousand rubles, arrest for up to 6 months, or forced labor or imprisonment for up to two years (Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ). According to the head of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, Vasily Tonkoshkurov, the number of conscripts who evaded conscription for military service in the Russian Armed Forces in 2015 amounted to about 4 thousand 766 people.

Calls 2014

In the spring of 2014, 154 thousand people were recruited into the Russian army, 325 people were recruited for alternative service, the total number of draft dodgers was 4 thousand 334 people.

In the fall of 2014, 154 thousand 100 conscripts were sent to the troops, 294 people were sent to alternative service.

Calls 2015

In the spring of 2015, military registration and enlistment offices sent 150 thousand 145 recruits into service. 344 people chose the alternative service. For the first time, new regions of the Russian Federation—the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol—participated in the spring conscription campaign of 2015; from these two subjects of the Russian Federation, about 500 conscripts were sent to serve.

In the fall of 2015, 147 thousand 100 recruits went to the troops (of which more than 38 thousand had higher education), for alternative service - 392 people. As an experiment, 40 recruits from among young engineers and technicians, selected on a competitive basis, were sent to new units - research and production (technical) companies. These specialists perform their military duties in organizations of the military-industrial complex.

Spring call 2016

On March 31, 2016, the President of the Russian Federation signed the decree “On the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation in April - July 2016 military service and on the dismissal from military service of citizens undergoing military service under conscription.” According to the document, from April 1 to July 15, 2016, 155 thousand people should be called up for military service.

All-Russian Conscript Day

Every year on November 15, the Russian Federation holds All-Russian Conscript Day, during which military registration and enlistment offices organize various events, consultations, and excursions to military units for conscripts and their parents. Also on this day, meetings with veterans and demonstration performances of fighters are held special units and parade reviews of troops.

A military expert shared the intricacies of the 2015 spring conscription.

Next news

On April 1, spring conscription begins in Russia. Military expert and commentator" Komsomolskaya Pravda"retired colonel Victor Baranets told "360 Moscow Region" about the upcoming conscription, draft dodgers, conscripts from Chechnya and alternative service.

How many people will be called

As for the number of conscripts who will enter service on April 1, there are 150 thousand of them. Is it a lot or a little? This is the staffing level - a figure that has been maintained for the fifth or sixth draft.

This figure is curious, because there are approximately 300 thousand people serving in the Russian army on conscription, and the same number of contract soldiers and sergeants. This is a historic milestone, because today the army has already increased its professional core, that is, the number of contract soldiers is equal to the number of conscripts. In the future, the number of conscripts, depending, of course, on the economic capabilities of the state, will decrease.

Conscripts from Chechnya

Another feature is that we began to recruit Chechens. For a long time they served on their territory because we were afraid to call up the Chechens in " greater Russia". Various exclamations were heard in the State Duma about this, including: “Why do we need to call up Chechens to train future fighters?” However, time is beginning to change the image of Chechens in the army. They showed themselves excellently during the war in August 2008 - True, they were called up in small groups. I am glad that the psychology of the Chechens is changing. Now these are guys who are not capricious, who obey the regulations, who respect the commanders.

A couple of years ago to the current Minister of Defense and to the government Chechen Republic a clergyman, one of the elders, asked them to take patronage over their conscripts. The minister wanted this educational process The clergy and the Chechen public became involved. This also had its consequences. Now there will be a call from Chechnya, which has not happened for many years.

Dodgers and how to deal with them

You know that the State Duma constantly initiates laws aimed at reducing the number of draft dodgers. Deviation is a serious disease for Russia. 235 thousand is data for 2013 on evasion from service in state troops. These are guys from 18 to 27 years old who were hiding from the military registration and enlistment office. Some have been hiding from conscription for decades. To combat this, the State Duma introduced amendments to the legislation, according to which a draft dodger is prohibited from working for public service. I think this is correct. If a citizen of the Russian Federation spits on the laws of his country, the state must answer him in kind.

Some deputies decided to “torpedo” this law. They insist not on permanent deprivation of the right to work in the civil service, but [on deprivation] for five years. Personally, I am categorically against such a liberal approach. This is hypocrisy.

Another measure that is being considered is a ban on traveling abroad. As long as the Constitution exists, as long as laws exist, the state must force its citizens to comply with these laws, otherwise it will be a mess.

Fully contract army

Why can't we transfer the entire army to a contract? It is very expensive. Now the military budget is about 80 billion dollars a year. And in order for our army to become completely contract-based, it is necessary to triple the military budget. Immediately after the conclusion of the contract, the soldier is paid 25 thousand rubles. When this soldier starts a family, he needs benefits, he needs kindergarten, needs an apartment, he finds himself in the so-called “social cocoon” when he needs to be provided with a social package. We can't afford it yet. We are gradually increasing the number of contract workers, and by 2020 there should be 500 thousand. With the increase in contract soldiers, conscript service will be reduced to 80-90 thousand.

Territorial distribution of conscripts

The country has an extraterritorial principle of distribution of conscripts. Military units are scattered throughout Russia. As we know, the population in the country is not very evenly distributed. If everyone wanted to serve under their mother’s skirt, under the balcony of their own house, then 90% of the army would be located in the Urals. But beyond the Urals there is also Russian land, and someone must serve there too. The General Staff distributes conscripts as necessary. But the Ministry of Defense may take into account individual characteristics life situation: Some have a single mother who is sick, some have disabled parents, some are the only breadwinner in the family. But often people from the Voronezh outback, having served in Kamchatka, say that this was the only opportunity to look around their homeland.

There are special public commissions that are present during conscription - this is a mandatory element. There are human rights organizations that check the impartiality of the distribution. When a conscript comes to the commission, his mother, father, sister, priest, and anyone close to him are sitting behind him. If a person, due to his religious beliefs, does not want to take up arms, then he is provided with an alternative civilian service.

Alternative military service

For a long time, our human rights activists have been pushing for a law on the ACS - an alternative civil service; the work was especially active in the 90s. In the end, this law was approved. If a conscript soldier serves for 12 months, then in alternative service - 21 months. This service is different. If a person is a turner or a builder, then he is taken by Spetsstroy under the Ministry of Defense, where the person works for the benefit of the army, and his service may be reduced by three months. In total, there were once a thousand professions for the alternative civil service, now there are about 500. In recent years, some professions in the alternative civil service have made me laugh, for example, a museum caretaker, a circus cleaner. I personally saw two soldiers pulling dung from under an elephant in a circus, I even took a photograph of them.

Now about the problems in the alternative civilian service: in order to discourage the desire to serve alternatively, soldiers were sent to hospitals for the elderly. AGS was like a punishment. Now those who dream of becoming doctors themselves ask to go there and this service is credited to them. The champion for ordering alternatives in our country is Russian Post. Apparently the post office wants more free labor.

The first enrollment for the AGS was limited to 40 applicants, then the number rose to 400, but never crossed 1000.

Spring conscription 2015 in numbers:

  • From April 1 to July 15, 150,145 Russians will be called up for service
  • Citizens aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription for military service.
  • The duration of military service remained the same - one year.
  • Each recruit will receive a personal electronic card containing up to 300 parameters of the recruit (including biometric data).
  • Each conscript will receive a bank card to which their allowance will be transferred (private soldiers will receive 2,000 rubles per month), and will be provided with an army travel bag.
  • Conscripts with a higher education will have the right to choose: to serve under conscription (1 year) or serve under a contract (2 years).
  • Administrative fines for failure to appear on a summons to the military registration and enlistment office range from 100 to 500 rubles. If a citizen is recognized as a draft dodger, the latter faces criminal liability - up to and including imprisonment.
  • Since 2015, a new, more detailed military medical examination has been in force according to the new “Schedule of Diseases” (annex to the regulation “On Military Medical Examination”), the presence of which exempts or provides a certain deferment from service. A number of diseases are not grounds for exemption from military conscription.
  • Since 2015, teachers and doctors working in rural areas and urban-type settlements, have the right to a deferment from conscription for the period of work.

Interest in one of the most discussed Lately There have been questions since the end of 2013, when there were discussions regarding increasing the service life in 2014. Somewhere there is information about increasing the service life to 2 years; according to other sources, mothers can separate from their sons for up to 2 years and 8 months.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation answers the question unequivocally, relying on the fact that there is still no special order regarding changing the period of service for conscripts in the ranks of the Russian army, and State Duma deputies similar topic They don't discuss it at all. So, now we can assume that the Russian army 2015 service life which is now 1 year old, will continue to train real men for 12 months.

But the head of state has already recognized the large-scale production military restructuring successful, which affected the country's Armed Forces, and also spoke about revising the conscription service period.

In the Russian Army, 2015 model Vladimir Putin sees a force updated according to the traditional strategic pattern, which will be based on old generally accepted principles. The essence of the changes will be the emphasis on the army acquiring mobility and the latest equipment, as well as readiness to respond as quickly as possible to any potential dangers. The Russian army of today must ensure peace and order in the country, protecting not only its own interests, but also the interests of the state’s allies.

Program for military reorganization of service in the Russian Army

The military restructuring program is expected to bring the Russian Armed Forces to a new level of their capabilities by 2016. A complete reform military structure It is envisaged to be carried out in a modest 3-5 years.

In this regard, in January the Russian defense plan until 2016 was successfully ratified, which almost completely defines one system strategic planning. The President also instructed the Ministry of Defense to work out this plan to the smallest detail within two years in order to determine a new ideology for organizing Russian defense for the period 2016-2020.

As for the Armed Forces, Vladimir Putin today wants to improve the quality of training for military personnel by changing the existing requirements towards more complexity. Special attention will also be devoted to the implementation of the decision on equipping the Russian army new technology. The approved state weapons programs today are aimed at close cooperation with many military factories and design bureaus of the country. According to the Minister of Defense, the transition to new generation weapons of the entire Russian army should be at least 30% by 2015, and in 5-6 years - from 70 to 100%. According to the developed project, almost all the equipment will be made in Russia.

To ensure improved quality of combat training for conscripts, it will also be created over the next two years innovation system highly promising developments in the field of military technologies and advanced scientific research. The head of Russia called the need to introduce such a system the only measure to maintain these important areas of science and get ahead of other leading countries in the world in them.

Military service 2015

As for the Russian Armed Forces, the head of state noted that over the next two years it is planned to staff the army with privates and sergeants to 100%, and deadlines for repaying debt to the Motherland this moment There are no plans to change.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also spoke about his vision of execution military reform in the country. According to him, today the Ministry of Defense is creating a combat control center, as well as a command and control headquarters daily activities to coordinate the work of 49 departments implementing the State Defense Plan. Today, the mark of 72% of contracts concluded by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state defense order has already been recorded, which was twice as much as last year’s figures. At the same time, the Minister noted the delay in the implementation of the program in the field of improving production military equipment and weapons of soldiers of the Russian army, and also noted the need for a complete inventory of all currently existing military property.

On our website you can find information about the procedure for conscription into the army, read information about serving in the army, and also ask a question to another user in the commentary.

Many adult citizens of the Russian Federation are concerned about the new rules for conscription for military service, which came into force in 2018.

The Russian Ministry of Defense states that the duration of service has not changed, that is, it is 12 months. The conscription period also remains the same: from April 1 to July 15. But citizens who take part in agricultural work have a deferment - for them, prizes will begin on May 1.

Organization and procedure for conscription into military service

We will also consider the procedure for conscription into the army. It includes 3 stages. At the first, a summons is given, and the future soldier undergoes a medical examination. Next, the draft committee meets. According to the new rules, subpoenas will be served. The conscript, after receiving the summons, must report to the military registration and enlistment office within 2 weeks. If he does not do this, he faces imprisonment.

Some diseases that were previously given a deferment have been removed from the list. For example, arthrosis, 2nd degree flatfoot, acute synthesis of small bones without dysfunction, peripheral retinal dystrophy, weight defect and some others.

The new rule for conscription for military service is registration for a future soldier electronic card. It will contain everything necessary information: biography, medical history, specialty. The conscript will also be given a bank card on which the allowance will be credited.

There is one more innovation. A citizen who previously evaded military service will not be able to work in any municipal or government agency. On a positive note for future soldiers is an increase in personal hygiene kits.

The mechanism for confirming their status for disabled people of groups 1 and 2 has been simplified. Now you just need to submit required package documents. The government announces the start of work of the advisory hotline, which activates at the beginning of each call.

Another new rule for conscription into military service is the possibility of a deferment for certain categories of students. If the “contractor” has good scores and high rating academic performance, then such a student will not be called up.

We also note that in 2015 the first conscription of Crimeans into the Russian army begins. Until 2017, Crimean conscripts will be able to serve only on the territory of the peninsula, and Sevastopol conscripts will be able to serve within the city limits, and then throughout Russia. It is planned to conscript about five thousand young men.

Today on the website for recruits we'll talk O autumn conscription into the army in 2018 and its timing

As is already known from previous articles, conscription for conscripts is carried out twice a year. These important events for every man are called autumn and.

Therefore, it is important for every future soldier to understand. First, the conscript is required to undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office at his place of residence, the results of which will determine the outcome of further actions.

After the future soldier will undergo medical examination, at a meeting of the district conscription commission a decision will be made regarding further service or not serving in the army conscript.

So, for example, a young man may be drafted into the army, or released from service during the autumn draft, or invited a second time to undergo medical commission after 6 months due to temporary disability or the presence of other factors that provide a deferment this fall on legal grounds.

All conscription deadlines both in autumn and spring for passing conscript service regulated federal law. To the beginning autumn conscription 2018 will give Supreme Commander country by his decree, which he usually issues on September 27 of each year. By the way, 2017 comes out at the same time.

Deadlines for autumn conscription into the army

The autumn conscription in 2018 will begin on October 1 and end on December 31 inclusive. If the future soldier has not received a summons by December 31 to undergo a medical examination, then he receives the so-called one before conscription, which takes place in the spring.

The beginning of the fall 2018 conscription?

Some citizens who have reached the age of majority, with fear in autumn period. After all, if the conscript did not enter secondary vocational or higher educational institutions upon graduation and did not formally formalize a deferment from conscription service for himself Russian Army for studies, he will definitely receive a summons.

When does conscription begin in the fall of 2018? As in previous years, the start of conscription in the fall remained the same. It will open on October 1st. Every year from the first day until last day the work of the conscription commission, the military registration and enlistment office has the right to carry out a medical examination, thanks to which they will determine the fitness of future soldiers for health reasons, and then send them to military units.

When does the autumn conscription end?

Despite the fact that December 31 in Russia is considered the main holiday of the year, on this date the end of the autumn conscription of young citizens for military service. Many young men are looking forward to it, because if they do not receive a summons for a medical examination on this day, then conscription into the army will be postponed until spring, that is, until April 1.

Postponement for autumn conscription 2018

According to regulations RF are provided innovations in the autumn conscription 2018 For individual categories citizens of the country.
Conscripts aged 18 to 27 years, permanently residing in Far North. The list of territories is indicated in a special, officially created document. For this category of citizens conscription in autumn 2018 will begin on November 1, and will end exactly the same as for everyone else on December 31st.
Young people who permanently live in the territory also fall under some exceptions. rural settlement and those involved in harvesting crops. However, this point must be officially confirmed by a contract or a copy of work book conscript
The list of exceptions of the draft commission includes citizens working as teachers in educational institutions due to the start school year. These young men will have to report to the military registration and enlistment office during the conscription period next spring.

Who is entitled to receive a deferment from the fall conscription in 2018?

The following citizens will be able to receive exemption from conscription in the fall of 2018:
According to the results of a medical examination, the young men are unfit for health reasons.
Doctors and candidates of sciences.
Soldiers who have already served in the ranks of the army on the territory of another country.

The following will be able to receive a temporary deferment of 6-12 months from conscription in the fall of 2018:

Citizens temporarily unfit for health reasons.
Guardians of relatives who are not supported by the state.
Guardians of parents or minor children in the absence of other relatives.
Young people with 2 or more children.
Citizens with a disabled child.

How long to serve in the army in the autumn conscription

According to current legislation, young men called up for military service are required to undergo training and gain practical skills in a military unit within 12 months. Rumors that soldiers would have to serve for 18-20 months were not confirmed. After all, the period of military service in the ranks of the Russian Army is regulated by law, which means that any changes to it will be terms of autumn conscription 2018 must be officially reported.