Armament of the Russian ground forces. Ground forces of the Russian Federation


In the recent past, military service was a kind of test of maturity for young people. Serving in the army was prestigious, and the fulfillment of this duty was treated very responsibly; they prepared for it in advance.

In the Soviet Union there was a whole system of educating and training defenders of the Motherland. Many books and magazines about the army were published, and films on military topics were shown on television almost every week. Young people themselves became interested in military equipment and weapons; children played war in their yards, imagining themselves as defenders of their country.

Currently, the desire of young people to serve the Motherland has noticeably weakened. Young people know very little about the army. New television films dedicated to the armed forces are appearing, and educational institutions have begun to pay closer attention to the course “Fundamentals of Military Service.” The purpose of this course is to give students an initial understanding of the army. A big problem when teaching an OVS course is the lack of visual aids; as a result, young people cannot distinguish a tank from an armored personnel carrier.

Therefore, we consider it necessary to familiarize students with the types and branches of the Russian armed forces. The main goal of our work is to popularize the Russian armed forces among young people, namely the Russian ground forces.

1. History of the creation of ground forces

The Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces trace their history back to the princely squads of Kievan Rus. In battles with the Khazars and Cumans, Tatar-Mongol, German, Swedish and many other conquerors, the chronicle of the state’s struggle for its independence was written with the blood of Russian warriors.

The most striking page of military history is the defeat of the Livonian Order by the squads of Prince Alexander Nevsky on the ice of Lake Peipsi. This was a great victory for the Russian people and their soldiers who stood up to defend the independence of Rus'.

Russian troops under the command of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy showed examples of military art and military valor in the fight against the Tatar-Mongol conquerors. It reached its apogee in the last quarter of the 14th century. and ended on September 8, 1380 on the Kulikovo field with the complete defeat of the 150,000-strong horde of Mamai. The Russian regiments pursued the enemy, who was fleeing in panic, for 50 miles.

The struggle to overcome feudal fragmentation, the formation of a centralized state and the elimination of foreign oppression led to an increase in the size of the army, and the strengthening of the economic way of life created the conditions for the first military reforms in Rus', which were actively carried out by Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible). As a result, improved artillery, mine-explosive weapons, and handguns appeared, as well as the system of recruitment and military service in the local army was streamlined, and centralized control of the army and its supply was organized. Along with this, a rifle army and a permanent guard service were created, and the artillery “detail” was allocated as an independent branch of the military. These measures to strengthen the army allowed Russian troops to successfully defend the interests of Rus' in the fight against numerous enemies.

Significant transformations in the Russian army were carried out by Peter I. He created a regular army with the same type of organization and weapons, a unified system of military training and education, and centralized military command. During the same period, the position of commander-in-chief was established, under which a field headquarters headed by a quartermaster general was created, military schools for training officers were opened, the service of officers was regulated, and military-judicial reforms were carried out.

Thanks to Peter's reforms, the Russian army won a brilliant victory over Sweden during the Northern War (1700-1721), in which Russia's main goal was the return of the original Russian lands captured by Sweden.

In the general battle between Russian and Swedish troops on June 27, 1709 near Poltava, the Russian army completely defeated the Swedish army, which was considered the best in Europe. Russian soldiers showed courage, perseverance, loyalty to duty, love for the Fatherland, and readiness to defend it from foreign invaders.

The further development of military art and the multiplication of Russia's victories is associated with the activities of the great Russian commander-Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

In the wars against Turkey A.V. Suvorov abandoned the old cumbersome and clumsy battle formations, boldly and decisively using new, more maneuverable and mobile ones. A striking example of the triumph of Russian weapons, an example of the defeat of the enemy “not by numbers, but by skill,” are the victories of Russian troops under the leadership of Suvorov at Rymnik (1789) and the storming of the Izmail fortress (1790).

Brilliant examples of the strategy of decisive action, shock tactics of columns and scattered formations were shown by the Russian army under the command of Suvorov in the Italian and Swiss campaigns (1799). These campaigns revealed many of the characteristic features of Suvorov’s leadership talent, the high moral and combat qualities of Russian warriors - Suvorov’s miracle heroes.

In the historical development of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, the Patriotic War of 1812 occupies a special place. In the battles against the strong French army that conquered all of Europe, Russian troops turned out to be more prepared for a long and intense struggle. The skill, stamina, courage, initiative and determination of the Russian troops were contrasted with the skill of an experienced enemy. At Borodino, the myth of the invincibility of the French was dispelled.

The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the 50th anniversary of the Victory in which our country celebrates this year, became an extremely difficult test for the Ground Forces. All the most important combat missions in the fight against the Nazi invaders - a cruel, experienced and powerful enemy - were solved primarily by the Ground Forces.

During the war, the Ground Forces received significant development. The increase in their fire and strike power, maneuverability and combat effectiveness was based on the introduction of new, more effective weapons systems and military equipment, the growth of combat experience of the troops, the acquisition of skill by command personnel and the improvement of control means and methods. All this led to the fact that during the war years the Ground Forces became first-class in their weapons, unsurpassed in morale and the most advanced in the art of conducting operations and combat.

The victories won at Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Kursk, in Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states led to the final seizure of the strategic initiative and the liberation of Soviet territory from the invaders. As a result of a further rapid offensive, the main groupings of fascist troops on the Vistula, Danube and Oder were defeated, which led to a victorious end to the war in Europe, and subsequently in the Far East.

2. Russian Ground Forces

Ground forces are a branch of the Armed Forces designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. In most states, the Army is the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces.

The ground forces of the Russian Federation are capable, in cooperation with other types of forces, of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel the enemy’s invasion, its large airborne assault forces, and hold occupied territories, areas and lines. Currently, they play the main role in solving problems of covering the state border, repelling aggressor attacks on land, holding occupied territory, defeating enemy force groups and achieving ultimate goals, both in a nuclear war and in a war using only conventional weapons . In addition, they must be able to protect Russia's national interests within the framework of its international obligations.

The Ground Forces of the Russian Federation are the oldest and largest branch of the Armed Forces in terms of combat strength. For many years, they played a leading role in solving the most important tasks posed to the Russian Armed Forces. During the Great Patriotic War, their combat readiness was tested.

The Patriotic War of 1812 occupies a special place in the historical development of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. In the battles against the French army, which conquered all of Europe, Russian troops turned out to be more prepared and dispelled the myth of Napoleon's invincibility.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, all the most important tasks in the fight against Nazi troops were solved by the Ground Forces.

The ground forces of the Russian Federation include: motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, air defense, army aviation, special troops (intelligence, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, technical support, automotive and rear security); military units and institutions in the rear.

. Types of ground forces

Motorized rifle troops

Motorized rifle troops, the largest branch of the Ground Forces (since 1963). Motorized rifle troops have preserved the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry, which was called the “queen of the fields.” They consist of motorized rifle formations, units and subunits, which include motorized rifle, artillery, tank and other units and subunits.

Motorized rifle troops are equipped with modern weapons to engage ground and air targets - automatic weapons (machine guns, machine guns), artillery, tactical missiles, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3), armored personnel carriers (BTR-70 , BTR-80, BTR-90).

Tank forces

Tank troops, a branch of the ground forces. They consist of tank, motorized rifle (mechanized, motorized infantry), missile, artillery and other units and units.

This is the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are equipped with tanks (T-72, T-80, T-90), self-propelled artillery (Geocint, Msta). Tank troops are characterized by high maneuverability and increased resistance to the effects of nuclear weapons. Modern tank forces are capable of making rapid marches over long distances, breaking through defenses and developing an offensive at a high pace, and overcoming water obstacles on the move. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Soviet tank forces, having the best tanks in the world (T-34, KV, IS), defeated the fascist "tigers" and "paters" and played a huge role in the defeat of the enemy.

Rocket Forces and Artillery

Rocket Forces and Artillery are a branch of the Ground Forces created in the early 60s. In the Armed Forces of the USSR for nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy. Rocket troops and artillery, as a branch of the military, are retained in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, the missile forces and artillery are armed with Grad, Smerch, Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, D-30 artillery guns and other weapons. All types of weapons have been tested and shown to be highly effective during combat operations in Afghanistan and on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Air defense of ground forces

Air defense of the ground forces is a complex of combat operations of various air defense forces and means in service with units and subunits of the ground forces. The air defense of the ground forces is organized with the goal of defeating the enemy's air attack means, repelling attacks from his aircraft and missiles on troops and rear facilities, and also prohibiting the conduct of aerial reconnaissance. Today, the air defense of the ground forces is equipped with effective and mobile anti-aircraft missile systems: “Shilka”, “Stlela-10”, “Kub”, “Tunguska”, man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) “Strela-3”, “Igla” , “Igla-1”, etc.

The air defense of ground forces proved its effectiveness during the Great Patriotic War and in local post-war armed conflicts, including in Egypt, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.

Airborne troops (Airborne Forces), a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. The airborne troops are equipped with air transportable self-propelled artillery, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles (BMD), automatic small arms, communications and control equipment. The existing parachute landing equipment makes it possible to drop troops and cargo in any weather and terrain conditions, day and night, from various heights.

During the Great Patriotic War, all five existing airborne corps participated in fierce battles with invaders on the territory of Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Airborne units took part in battles near Moscow, Rzhev, Stalingrad, etc. The largest airborne operation was the Vyazma airborne operation; in total, about 10 thousand paratroopers were sent behind enemy lines. Landings were also carried out in Harbin, Port Arthur and Southern Sakhalin. During the Great Patriotic War, all airborne units and units of the Airborne Forces received the name “Guards”. Thousands of soldiers, sergeants and officers of the Airborne Forces were awarded orders and medals, and 296 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In the second half of the 20th century, units of the Airborne Forces took part in events in Hungary in 1956, in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and other local conflicts. In Afghanistan, airborne units were the most combat-ready and suffered less than other units. Airborne troops took an active part in all armed conflicts on the territory of the former USSR. Currently, airborne units are used in the territory of the Chechen Republic and in other regions of the North Caucasus.

Army aviation

Army aviation is an integral part of the air forces of a number of states; intended for actions directly in the interests of combined arms formations. Divided into assault, reconnaissance, transport and special purpose; armed mainly with helicopters (Mi-8, Mi-6, Mi-24, Mi-28, Ka-50) and partially with airplanes (Su-25, An-12, Il-76, etc.

Special troops

Special troops, units and units designed to perform special tasks to support the combat and daily activities of the armed forces (engineering, radio engineering, chemical, etc.) and having special technical equipment. To successfully and timely solve the assigned tasks, there are units of military intelligence, radio and radio engineering, engineering and other special types of intelligence.

Currently, many special forces have been created to combat illegal armed gangs in the Chechen Republic and Tajikistan. During the Afghan war of 1979-1989. Special forces units proved their effectiveness, they engaged in reconnaissance, destroyed caravans with weapons and gangs of dushmans.

Corps of Engineers

Engineering troops, special troops designed to provide engineering support for combat operations of troops. In the Russian army they consist of engineering-sapper (sapper), road-engineering, pontoon-bridge, ferry-landing and other formations, units and subunits. They are equipped with a variety of high-performance equipment for complex, labor-intensive engineering work, various landing and pontoon-bridge means for crossing water obstacles at high speeds, and means for quickly creating anti-tank, anti-personnel and other obstacles.

Automotive troops

Automotive troops, special troops for transporting supplies, evacuating the wounded, transporting troops. Automotive parts have proven themselves well during the Great Patriotic War, during combat operations in Afghanistan and on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

. Main tasks of the ground forces

In peacetime:

· Maintaining combat potential, improving the combat and mobilization readiness of troops to repel aggression on a local scale;

· Ensuring the readiness of troops to carry out mobilization and operational deployment measures to repel enemy aggression;

· Preparation of command and control bodies and troops for the conduct of military operations in accordance with their purpose;

· Creation of reserves of weapons, military equipment and materiel in volumes that ensure the solution of the tasks facing the Army, and their maintenance in readiness for combat use;

· Participation in peacekeeping (restoration) operations conducted through the UN Security Council or in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation;

· Participation in eliminating the consequences of accidents, disasters and natural disasters;

· Participation in the implementation of activities for the operational equipment of the country's territory.

· increasing the strength and increasing the combat and mobilization readiness of troops;

· strengthening the forces and means of combat duty and reconnaissance of the actions of enemy troops;

· prompt deployment of troop groups in threatened areas, including coalition ones, in accordance with the CIS Collective Security Treaty;

· increasing the volume of military training conducted for citizens in the reserves;

· participation in certain territorial defense activities;

· preparing weapons and military equipment for combat use, building up the logistics base and the capabilities of repair bodies;

· covering the state border of the Russian Federation;

· preparation of the first defensive operations.

In wartime:

· fulfillment of tasks according to the strategic deployment plan of the RF Armed Forces;

· localization (suppression) of possible military conflicts, repelling enemy aggression by combat-ready groups of troops in peacetime, and, if necessary, with the mobilization of formations and military units;

· conducting jointly with other branches and branches of the Russian Armed Forces (with the participation of the armed forces of the CIS member countries that have signed the Collective Security Treaty) defensive and counter-offensive operations to defeat the aggressor;


ground army motorized rifle landing

Ground Forces (ST) are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to cover the State Border, repel attacks of the aggressor, hold occupied territory, defeat troop groups and capture enemy territory.

Nowadays, in any country in the world, this is one of the most numerous types of troops with the longest history. This type includes many types of troops: infantry, motorized rifle troops, tank troops (forces) (armored forces, mobile troops, mechanized troops, armored troops), missile forces and artillery.

In the army of the Russian Federation, the ground forces have a long and glorious history, many military personnel have received the highest military awards. Therefore, our country has introduced Ground Forces Day, a professional holiday for military personnel and civil servants of the Russian Ground Forces. This day is celebrated in Russia every year on October 1st.

Despite the fact that in recent decades new types of troops have been organized, the ground forces are the future.

List of sources used

1. Military Encyclopedic Dictionary (VES), Moscow (M), Military Publishing House (VI), 1984, pp. 141-146

Smirnov, A.T OBZh [text]. - M.: Education, 2003.-160 pp..ISBN 5-09-012255-

Ground Forces [Electronic resource]. - [Access mode] option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=1459

Fundamentals of military service [Electronic resource]. - [Access mode]

), designed to perform strategic and operational-tactical missions in land theaters of military operations. In most countries, North century. form the basis of their military power. According to the combat capabilities of the Northern Army. are capable, independently or in cooperation with other types of armed forces, of repelling an invasion by enemy ground armies, large air and sea landings, delivering simultaneous massive fire strikes to the entire depth of its operational formation, breaking through enemy defenses, carrying out strategic offensives at a high pace, to great depths and secure occupied territory. The main properties of S. century. as a type of armed forces - great firepower and striking force, high maneuverability and complete combat independence. If nuclear weapons are used in war, military units, due to their inherent combat capabilities and properties, are capable of using the results of nuclear strikes to completely defeat enemy groups and capture areas that are vital to them.

Soviet S. v. equipped with nuclear and missile weapons, conventional weapons and military equipment, communications and transport means. They consist of military branches and special forces. The branches of the military are: Rocket Forces of the Ground Forces, Artillery, Motorized Rifle Troops, Tank Troops, Airborne Forces, Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces. Rocket forces form the basis of the military power of the Northern Army. They are designed to deliver powerful nuclear strikes against any targets located in the tactical and operational depth of the enemy’s defense. Artillery is capable of providing reliable fire support for combined arms formations in all types of combat and operations. Motorized rifle troops, together with tank troops, are the main striking force of the Northern Army. They can march over long distances, break through deeply layered defenses saturated with a large number of anti-tank weapons, maneuver flexibly on the battlefield, develop an offensive at a high pace following nuclear strikes or powerful artillery fire, and successfully fight the enemy using modern means of combat. Airborne troops can capture and hold areas in the enemy’s tactical and operational depths and operate successfully in a large separation from the main military groupings. Northern Air Defense Troops capable of providing cover for formations and units at low, medium and high altitudes. Special troops include: Engineering Troops, Chemical Troops, Radio Engineering Troops, Signal Troops, Automotive Troops, Road Troops , various services , as well as units and institutions of the rear.

Organizationally, Soviet military units. consolidated into divisions, units, formations and associations. In peacetime, the highest military administrative association is the military district. At the head of the S. century. stands as the Commander-in-Chief - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. Subordinate to him are the General Staff of the Military Military, commanders (chiefs) of military branches, heads of special troops, main departments, military educational institutions, and research institutions. Commanders-in-Chief of the Northern Army were: Marshals of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov (March - June 1946), I. S. Konev (July 1946 - March 1950, March 1955 - March 1956), R. Ya. Malinovsky (March 1956 - October 1957), A A. Grechko (November 1957 - April 1960), V. I. Chuikov (April 1960 - June 1964), from November 1967 - Army General I. G. Pavlovsky.

According to the composition of the S. century. The United States (army) is divided into types of troops and services. The branches of the military include the troops directly leading the battle - infantry, armored forces, artillery. The engineering troops, signal troops, army aviation, intelligence and counterintelligence units are considered as branches of the military and as services, since they support the branches of troops in conducting combat operations and at the same time can directly participate in combat operations. The services include: engineering, communications, chemical, artillery and technical, intelligence and counterintelligence, quartermaster, transport, military police, etc. S. v. are headed by the Minister of the Army, appointed from among civilians, and the command of the Army. (headed by the Chief of Staff) in the continental United States. The chief of staff of the army is appointed from among the generals. In organizational terms, S. century. consist of divisions, corps, armies and army groups. They also include separate brigades of various types, armored cavalry regiments, separate divisions of ground and anti-aircraft missiles, radio engineering troops, as well as special troops trained for sabotage and subversive activities behind enemy lines. Divisions are divided into infantry, mechanized, armored, airborne and airmobile. An army corps has a headquarters, corps units and subunits, and 2-4 (or more) divisions. The field army includes: headquarters, army units and several army corps. To strengthen the army, units from the reserve of the main command are assigned. An army group is created for a certain period. It includes several field armies and one tactical air command. S.v. The United States is armed with nuclear missiles and other modern weapons and military equipment.

S.v. - the oldest type of armed forces. In slave states they consisted of infantry (See Infantry) , and cavalry (see Cavalry) or from only one branch of the military. In Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Greece and the armies of other states, organizational units (tens, hundreds, etc.) arose. The greatest development of the S. century organization. received in Ancient Rome, where from the 4th century. BC e. The permanent administrative and combat unit was the Legion , divided into divisions (centuries, cohorts).

During the period of early and developed feudalism in Western Europe (9th-14th centuries), the main family of S. century. there was knightly cavalry, infantry played a supporting role. In Rus', infantry retained its importance along with cavalry. From the 14th century In Western Europe, the infantry was revived as one of the main branches of the military and artillery appeared. With the creation of permanent mercenary armies in Western Europe (15th century), organizational units arose - companies (See Company) , then Regiment (from 8-12 or more companies), and in the 2nd half of the 16th - 1st half of the 17th centuries. - brigades (See Brigade) and Battalion. After the creation of a standing army in Russia (16-17 centuries), it was divided into regiments (or orders), consisting of units (hundreds, companies, fifty, tens, etc.).

In the 17th-18th centuries. S.v. various countries, including Russia (from the 18th century), received a harmonious permanent organization (divisions (See Division), brigades, regiments, battalions, companies and squadrons). At the same time, as part of the S. century. engineering troops appeared. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. division, and from the beginning of the 19th century. and Corps become combined arms formations of a permanent composition, including a certain number of units, according to the states, which changed periodically. The forces of the Northern Army began to be calculated by the number of divisions. states. In the middle of the 19th century. Signal troops appeared in the Russian and other armies. In the 19th century Mass armed forces were created, built on the principles of a cadre army, the basis of which was the military. The divisional and corps organization of troops was firmly established; armies are created (See Army) as operational formations.

During the 1st World War 1914-18 North century. the warring countries made up the bulk of the troops. During the war, armored tanks, automobiles, chemical troops, air defense troops, and others appeared. The quantitative growth of artillery and the use of automatic weapons greatly increased the firepower of the military. Regimental and battalion artillery, anti-tank and anti-aircraft artillery were created, and the number of light and heavy machine guns and bomb launchers (mortars) increased sharply. Motor vehicles began to be used to transport infantry. Cavalry in many countries has lost its role. S.v. The warring parties gained extensive experience in conducting front-line and army operations (see Art of War, Operational Art).

As a result of the victory of the October Revolution of 1917, fundamentally new armed forces were created in the country, the basis of which was the military, which included various types of troops and special troops. The highest tactical formations were rifle and cavalry divisions, and after the Civil War of 1918-20, corps; operational units - the army.

By the beginning of World War II (1939-45), the number of Northern troops was in many countries it increased sharply, especially in the armies of fascist states, the proportion of tank, mechanized and airborne troops, anti-tank and anti-aircraft artillery increased, and the motorization and mechanization of troops continued. Among the capitalist states, the most numerous and best prepared military forces are. Nazi Germany had. Since the beginning of the war, the bulk of the troops of the warring parties were made up of the Northern Army. During the war, as part of the Northern Army. Large operational formations were formed and deployed - fronts (army groups), combined arms and tanks. army (group), new tactical formations appeared: artillery divisions and corps, mortar, anti-tank, airborne units and air defense formations. The Soviet military forces bore the brunt of the war. With the support of the Air Force and Navy, they defeated the main forces of the ground armies of the fascist states and showed complete superiority over them, having perfectly mastered the art of conducting operations in any theater of military operations. Armored forces have become the main striking force and the most important operational means for developing an offensive to great depth and at high speed; artillery became the basis of the firepower of the North. Engineering troops have become an operational means of ensuring strategic maneuvers, breaking through enemy defenses, crossing water obstacles, and creating defensive zones and lines. During the war in North century. Over 80% of the total personnel of the Soviet Armed Forces were present.

After the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 North century. developed on the basis of the gained combat experience and further improvement of weapons and military equipment. They were completely motorized and mechanized. Rifle troops (infantry) received new types of weapons and armored combat vehicles, which increased their mobility and created the opportunity to fight not only on foot, but also directly on combat vehicles. In the Soviet Armed Forces in 1957, rifle and mechanized divisions were transformed into motorized rifle divisions. By this time, cavalry as a branch of the military had lost its importance in all countries and was disbanded.

In the early 60s. S.v. The most developed states received nuclear missile weapons, more advanced conventional weapons and military equipment, and modern control systems. On the basis of new weapons and equipment and in accordance with the new conditions of warfare, the organizational structure of military units, formations, and associations, the methods of their use in combat and operations, as well as training methods have changed. The emergence of nuclear weapons caused changes in the balance of types of armed forces. The Strategic Missile Forces (strategic forces) took first place, but despite this, the Northern Army. continue to be one of the leading and most numerous types of armed forces. Further development of S. century. is taking into account the improvement of their organizational structure, increasing firepower and increasing maneuverability.

I. G. Pavlovsky.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

Ground forces are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to cover the state border, repel attacks of the aggressor, hold occupied territory, defeat troop groups and capture enemy territory.

Ground forces (ground forces), equipped with various types of military equipment and weapons, include military command bodies, motorized rifle, tank troops, missile forces and artillery, air defense troops (air defense), which are branches of the military, as well as special troops (formations and units intelligence, communications, engineering, nuclear technical, technical support, automobile and rear security), military units and logistics institutions, other military units, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Motorized rifle troops designed to conduct combat operations independently and jointly with other branches of the military and special forces. They are capable of operating in conditions of the use of both conventional weapons and nuclear weapons.

Motorized rifle troops can break through the enemy’s prepared defenses, develop an offensive at a high tempo and to great depth, together with other branches of the military, destroy the enemy, consolidate and hold the captured terrain.

Tank forces constitute the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are highly resistant to the damaging effects of nuclear weapons and are used primarily in the main directions of defense and offense.

Tank troops are able to make full use of the results of fire strikes and achieve the final goals of the battle and operation in a short time.

Rocket Forces and Artillery are the main means of nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy in front-line, army (corps) operations and combined arms combat.

The missile forces of the Ground Forces include formations and military units of operational-tactical missiles of front-line and army subordination and tactical missiles of army and divisional subordination.

Artillery includes formations and military units of howitzer, cannon, rocket, anti-tank artillery, mortars, anti-tank guided missiles and artillery reconnaissance.

The Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (Air Defense Forces) are designed to cover groupings of troops, facilities and their rear from enemy air strikes. They are capable, independently and in cooperation with the forces and means of the Air Force, of destroying enemy aircraft and unmanned aerial attack vehicles, combating enemy airborne assault forces along their flight routes and during drops, conducting radar reconnaissance and alerting troops about the threat of an air attack.

Small arms of the Ground Forces

5.45 mm Kalashnikov AK74M assault rifle- designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons. It has a standard attachment point (bar) for night sighting devices.

7.62-mm modernized Kalashnikov PKM machine gun- designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons. The sight is mechanical, open type. The barrels are replaceable.

7.62 mm Dragunov SVD sniper rifle- designed to destroy various emerging, moving, open and camouflaged single targets.

The rifle includes a sniper optical sight; it can additionally be equipped with a night sight, allowing shooting at dusk and at night. For hand-to-hand combat, a bayonet-knife is attached to the Dragunov rifle.

12.7 mm machine gun NSV-12.7- the machine gun is designed to combat group targets, lightly armored vehicles, firing points and low-flying air targets. The trigger mechanism allows only automatic fire in short (4-6 shots), long (10-15 shots) bursts and continuously. The barrel is quick-changeable.

30-mm automatic mounted grenade launcher AGS-17 “Flame”- designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons located outside shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and behind natural folds of the terrain (in hollows, ravines, on reverse slopes of heights).

The rifled barrel of the grenade launcher is quick-detachable.

The grenade launcher has a trigger mechanism that allows for single and automatic continuous fire.

Firing from the AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher is carried out along a flat or mounted trajectory in short bursts (up to 5 shots) and long bursts (up to 10 shots), as well as continuously.

The grenade launcher is equipped with an optical sight with 2.7x magnification.

For firing, the AGS-17 is mounted on a tripod machine, which has sector mechanisms for horizontal and vertical guidance, a sleeve reflector, and a precision leveling mechanism.

9mm Makarov PM pistol- designed to defeat the enemy at short distances.

Armored weapons and equipment of the Ground Forces

Tank T-90S- designed to recruit tank and motorized rifle units and formations, as well as reconnaissance units and naval units operating in the coastal zone, to successfully break through enemy defenses, develop tactical success in operational and strategic operations, defeat the enemy after the use of nuclear strikes, increase the scope of the operation and achieving goals in a relatively short time, as well as to increase the activity and sustainability of defense on a tactical and operational scale.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-90- designed for transporting motorized rifle units to the battlefield, their fire support when dismounting, transporting weapons and military cargo on the battlefield.

The armored personnel carrier can be used as a base chassis for creating various types of weapons and military equipment for different types of troops.

BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle- intended for transporting unit personnel, defeating and suppressing enemy tank-dangerous manpower, destroying its anti-tank and anti-personnel weapons, repelling attacks by tanks, helicopters and low-flying aircraft.

BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle- designed for combat operations as part of parachute and air assault units in all conditions of their combat use.

Missile and artillery weapons of the Ground Forces

Tactical missile system "Tochka-U"- designed to hit the most important targets in the tactical depth of the enemy troop formation.

120-mm self-propelled gun "Nona-SVK"- designed to destroy manpower located openly or in shelters, fire weapons, command and observation posts, and armored enemy targets.

120-mm automated self-propelled gun "Vena"- intended to destroy manpower located openly or in shelters, fire weapons, command and observation posts of battalions and companies, armored objects.

Radar complex "Zoo-1"- designed for reconnaissance by shot (launch) of firing positions of firing mortars, artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, launch positions of tactical missiles and ensuring firing (launching) of their similar weapons.

152-mm self-propelled howitzer "MSTA-S"- designed to destroy artillery batteries, tanks and armored personnel carriers, destroy defensive structures, suppress command posts, destroy enemy personnel and firepower.


  1. Ground forces are designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land.
  2. In terms of their combat capabilities, the Ground Forces are capable of independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces to conduct an offensive and repel an enemy invasion of the country’s territory.
  3. The Ground Forces include various types of troops, special troops and services.


  1. What are the main types of troops included in the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation?
  2. What combat capabilities of motorized rifle and tank troops can you list?
  3. What main types of small arms are the Ground Forces equipped with?
  4. What examples can you give of the use of Ground Forces in peacekeeping operations?


  1. Prepare a brief report on the main types of weapons and military equipment of the Ground Forces (armored, rocket-artillery, equipment and weapons of air defense forces and engineering troops).
  2. Using special literature and the “Additional Materials” section, prepare a report on the engineering forces of the Ground Forces.
  3. Using historical literature, prepare a report on the topic “Small arms of the Ground Forces during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.”
  4. Write an essay about one of the famous Russian designers of small arms (Dragunov, Kalashnikov, Tokarev, Mosin, etc.).

Immediately after the collapse of the USSR, on the basis of the Committee on Military Reform under the State Council of the USSR, a working group was created under the leadership of Colonel General D. A. Volkogonov to develop basic regulatory documents for reforming the former unified Armed Forces. At the same time, efforts were initially made to maintain a unified military-political leadership of the armed forces by creating, on the basis of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the United Armed Forces of the CIS, the commander of which was appointed by the last Minister of Defense of the USSR E. I. Shaposhnikov. However, in the conditions of the beginning of the process of creating independent armed forces forces, initiated by individual CIS states, by order of the President of Russia No. 158-rp, dated April 4, 1992, the State Commission was created for the creation of the Ministry of Defense, Army and Navy of the Russian Federation, which in a short time prepared 13 volumes with a list of units, units and formations , transferred under the jurisdiction of Russia.

On May 7, 1992, Russian President B.N. Yeltsin signed decree No. 466 on the creation of the Russian Armed Forces.

In such conditions, the structure of the Russian Armed Forces included directorates, associations, formations, military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Armed Forces of the USSR, which at the time of May 1992 were located on the territory of Russia, as well as troops (forces) under Russian jurisdiction ) on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District, Western, Northern and Northwestern Groups of Forces, Black Sea Fleet, Baltic Fleet, Caspian Flotilla, 14th Guards Combined Arms Army, military formations located abroad in Germany, Mongolia, Cuba and some other countries with a total population of 2.88 million people.

At the initial stage of creating its own armed forces in the Russian Federation, the Ground Forces, among other things, faced a number of objective problems. So, firstly, the military districts located within the Russian Federation essentially represented a base for the mobilization deployment of troops, and the units and formations of troops located on their territories were not fully staffed. Secondly, the Ground Forces, as well as the Armed Forces as a whole, faced a general crisis of underfunding during the collapse of the USSR. Thirdly, the country’s leadership at that time did not have a single clear idea of ​​what the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole should be, and the Ground Forces as their component part.

At the initial stage, it was planned, while maintaining the existing branch structure and command system, to create “mobile forces” - a new operational-strategic formation based on airborne troops, marines, light formations of the Ground Forces, units of military transport aviation, helicopters, and other necessary forces and means capable of quickly solving assigned tasks. At the same time, it was planned to significantly reduce the total number of associations and formations and bring their staffing to full strength (with the complete liquidation of units that are not full strength). It was planned to transition from the army and divisional structure of command and control of the Ground Forces to the corps and brigade. However, much of what was planned remained on paper. Instead of the five motorized rifle brigades planned for the “mobile forces”, in 1993 only 3 were created.

Military reform in the Russian Federation (1991-2000)

During this period, the Russian ground forces participated in the restoration of constitutional order in the Chechen Republic, which already at this stage revealed many of the shortcomings of the ongoing military reform. Thus, in the absence of fully equipped combat-ready units in the Ground Forces, the command was forced to form consolidated units, staffing them with formations from different units from all over the country.

In the context of a growing crisis of confidence in the army, on May 16, 1996, the President of the Russian Federation signed decree No. 722 “On the transition to staffing positions of privates and sergeants in the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation on a professional basis,” which planned the transition of the army to a professional basis by 2000.

The transformations that followed the appointment of I. Sergeev as the new Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (reduction in the number of military districts, abolition of the Main Command of the Ground Forces, formation in each division of one regiment according to wartime staff, transfer to wartime staff of individual motorized rifle brigades and a number of combat support units, as well as of all divisions and brigades of the airborne troops, the disbandment of the majority of units and formations of a reduced strength and “cadre” with the conversion of their personnel to increase the number of personnel in units and formations of constant readiness) did not lead to a qualitative leap in increasing the combat effectiveness of the Ground Forces, as showed the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus, during which the problem of making up for losses in permanent readiness units became acute.

However, the numerical and organizational composition of the Russian Ground Forces after the reductions and reorganizations of 1997-1999. stabilized and remained relatively unchanged for almost a decade - until the start of reforms in 2008.

By 1998, 3 new full-fledged divisions were formed in the Ground Forces [ which?], 4 brigades, 21 regiments, which were fully staffed.

In 2003, under the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. B. Ivanov, a new reform plan was proposed, according to which all units and formations of permanent readiness were to be transferred to the contract method of recruitment, while the remaining units and formations, storage bases, as well as military institutions would be recruited conscripted military personnel. But at the same time, the mobilization deployment system remained unchanged. The program for the complete transfer of permanent readiness units to contract was disrupted due to lack of resources.

Thus, by 2008, although certain positive changes had been achieved in reforming the army, not a single reform had been completed.

The armed conflict in South Ossetia that occurred in August 2008 accelerated the adoption by the leadership of the country and the military department of the final decision to abandon the mobilization system that had existed since Soviet times and the need to create units and formations in the Ground Forces capable of deploying and combating in the shortest possible time. moving to the place where the task is to be performed.

In conditions when the program for recruiting contract soldiers, even for existing units of permanent readiness, was not implemented, the Ministry of Defense decided to abandon units and formations fully staffed by contract soldiers. It was decided to dismiss some of the contract soldiers, and distribute some among the troops to sergeant and senior positions. The “new look” brigades were to be staffed by conscripts in enlisted positions, and contract servicemen in non-commissioned positions (sergeant majors). The reorganization of units into new staffs, the reduction of headquarters staff, as well as the disbandment of personnel units and formations led to a sharp reduction in numbers and officers. The transition of the Ground Forces to the “new look” of the brigade structure of the organization was carried out in an extremely short time - already by December 1, 2009.

Authors of the text: Alexander Shaganov, Yuri Gladkevich,

Armed forces of the Russian Federation. It wouldn’t hurt to imagine what their purpose is. This is necessary at least in order not to get into trouble by naming them incorrectly in a conversation.

What division of the armed forces exists?

They were formed depending on where the fighting took place: at sea or on land, in the sky or in space. In this regard, the types of troops of the Russian Federation are distinguished. Their list is as follows: ground and air forces, and navy. Each of them is a complex structure formed from special branches of troops that have different purposes. All these types of troops differ in the type of weapons. The training of military personnel in each of them has its own specifics.

First type: ground forces

It forms the base of the army and is the most numerous. Its purpose is to conduct combat operations on land, hence the name. No other types of Russian troops can compare with this, since it is distinguished by its diverse composition. It is distinguished by the great power of the blow it delivers. Ground forces are those types of troops of the Russian Federation (photo presented in the article) that have excellent maneuverability and independence. In addition, they can act both separately and together with others. Their purpose is to repel an enemy invasion, gain a foothold in positions, and advance on enemy formations.

Today, the following types of ground forces of the Russian Federation are distinguished:

  • mobile motorized rifle, tank and lightning missile forces, artillery and air defense, military command and control;
  • special troops, such as reconnaissance and communications, technical support and engineering units, units for protection against radiation, chemical and biological attacks, and logistics agencies.

What are motorized rifle and tank troops intended for?

These are types of Russian troops that can perform various combat missions. From breaking through enemy defenses and offensive to long-term and strong consolidation on captured lines. A special place in these issues is given to tanks. Since their actions in the main directions of defense and offensive are characterized by maneuverability and speed in achieving the goal.

Motorized rifle units are distinguished by the fact that they can operate both independently and with the support of other RF Armed Forces. The types of troops that are now being considered are capable of withstanding weapons with any degree of destruction, even nuclear attacks.

But that's not all. The considered types and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are equipped with weapons capable of causing significant damage to the enemy. For example, they have at their disposal automatic guns, artillery and anti-aircraft systems. They have combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers that allow them to move into the thick of battle.

What are missile forces and air defense intended for?

The former exist to carry out nuclear and fire strikes on enemy positions. With the help of missiles and artillery, you can hit the enemy in combined arms combat, as well as cause damage in corps and front-line operations.

An important role in these matters is played by artillery, which is widely represented in units with anti-tank purposes, using mortars, guns and howitzers.

The branches and types of Russian troops associated with air defense bear the main burden in the matter of destroying the enemy in the air. The purpose of these units is to shoot down enemy aircraft and drones. Their structure includes units that use anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery. Not least important are radio engineering units that provide proper communications. Air defense troops perform an important function in covering ground forces from possible enemy air attacks. This is expressed in the fight against enemy troops along the route and at the time of their landing. Before that, they are required to conduct radar reconnaissance in order to promptly notify of a possible attack.

The role of the Airborne Forces and Engineering Troops

A special place is given to They combine all the best that the previously mentioned branches of the RF Armed Forces can give. The branches of the Airborne Forces are equipped with artillery and anti-aircraft missiles. They have airborne combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers at their disposal. Moreover, a special technique has been created that allows using parachutes to drop a variety of cargo in any weather on any terrain. In this case, the time of day and the altitude of the aircraft do not play a role.

The tasks of the Airborne Forces most often are actions behind enemy lines, aimed at disrupting his balance. With their help, the enemy's nuclear weapons are destroyed, strategically important points and objects, as well as control bodies are captured. They carry out tasks to introduce an imbalance into the work of the enemy’s rear.

Engineers are those types and types of troops of the Russian Federation that carry out reconnaissance of the area. Their tasks include erecting barriers and, if necessary, destroying them. They clear areas of mines and prepare the area for maneuvers. They establish crossings to overcome water obstacles. The engineering troops are organizing water supply points.

Second type: Navy

These types and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are intended to conduct combat operations and protect the country's territorial interests on the water surface. also has the ability to launch nuclear strikes against strategically important enemy targets. Its tasks also include the destruction of enemy forces on the high seas and at coastal bases. The Navy is designed to disrupt enemy communications in wartime and protect its own shipping. The fleet is capable of providing serious support to ground forces during joint operations.

The Russian Navy today includes the Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific and Caspian. Each of them includes the following types of troops: submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and infantry, coastal missile and artillery units and service and logistics units.

The purpose of each branch of the Navy

Those located on land are designed to defend the coast and objects located on the coast and of great importance. And without timely and complete maintenance, the Navy bases will not be able to exist for long.

Surface forces are formed from ships and boats, which have different directions from missile and anti-submarine to torpedo and landing. Their purpose is to search for and destroy enemy submarines and their ships. With their help, amphibious landings are carried out, as well as the detection and neutralization of sea mines.

Units with submarines, in addition to detecting enemy submarines, hit enemy ground targets. Moreover, they can act both independently and in conjunction with other Russian troops.

Naval aviation consists of machines that can perform missile-carrying or anti-submarine functions. In addition, aviation performs reconnaissance missions. Aircraft of naval forces serve to destroy the enemy's surface fleet both in the vast ocean and at bases. It is also of considerable importance for covering the Russian fleet during combat operations.

Third type: Air Force

These are the most mobile and maneuverable types and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Their main task is to ensure the security and protection of the country's territorial interests in the air. In addition, they are designed to protect the administrative, industrial and economic centers of Russia. Their purpose is to protect other troops and ensure the success of operations. With their help, aerial reconnaissance, landing and destruction of enemy positions are carried out.

The Air Force is armed with combat and combat training aircraft, helicopters, transport and special equipment. In addition, they have at their disposal anti-aircraft guns and special-purpose military equipment.

The following types of aviation are distinguished: long-range and versatile front-line, transport and army. In addition to them, there are two more types of anti-aircraft forces: anti-aircraft and radio-technical.

What is the purpose of each branch of the Air Force?

The purpose of military transport aviation is to deliver cargo and troops to the landing site. Moreover, food and medicines and military equipment can act as cargo.

Long-range aviation is the main striking force of the Air Force. Because it is capable of hitting any target with great efficiency.

Front-line aviation is divided into bomber and attack, reconnaissance and fighter. The first two provide air support to ground forces during any combat operations - from defense to attack. The third type of aviation carries out reconnaissance that meets the interests of Russia. The latter exists to destroy enemy aircraft in the air.

Fourth type: strategic missile forces

Formed specifically to conduct actions in a nuclear war. They have at their disposal automated missile systems that are highly accurate. And this despite the enormous flight range possible between the two continents. Today, the branches and types of troops of the Russian Federation are very mobile and complementary. And some of them are undergoing changes. For example, the rocket and space forces were formed from the missile forces. They became the basis for a new type of military - space.