Nostradamus quatrains read with decoding. Nostradamus about Russia

Michel Nostradamus is a talented scientist, philosopher and alchemist. But he is better known as a soothsayer. Researchers studying the manuscripts of Nostradamus claim that his book of predictions covers a huge period of time - from 1557 to 3797. However, not all of his prophecies about the future have survived to this day.

To this day, historians are trying to fully decipher his prophecies. In their opinion, the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions is 70-80%. Although, if you find the right key to his coded prophecies, then, most likely, his manuscripts will turn out to be very valuable. What, according to his predictions, awaits us soon?

What did he say about the third world war?

For the most part, the scientist wrote in his works about the future fate European countries. He composed prophecies for the most powerful rulers of Europe and for the Pope himself. His creations represent hundreds of quatrains, which are combined into centuries.

According to modern researchers, most of Nostradamus' quatrains have very vague content. Some of his predictions are not clear in their consistency. When describing future events, the great alchemist almost did not name specific dates, but pointed only to events of an astronomical nature. For example, speaking about the date of an upcoming event, he named only cosmic phenomena that will occur this year.

Many clairvoyants and soothsayers spoke about the beginning of the third world war. According to most prophecies, this war should become the bloodiest and most terrible, and the consequences of military actions will lead to the fact that our planet will become uninhabitable. That is, in the prophecies of all times, this event was equated with the apocalypse.

If we turn to the centuries of Michel Nostradamus, then in his predictions little is clear about what year the third world war will happen and what will serve as its beginning. All his prophecies are encrypted in such a way that it is impossible to understand the essence of their content. Scientists have struggled for a long time to decipher the message about the third world war, and have presented several interpretations to the public.

“War will begin when a camel drinks water from the Rhine and Danube and does not repent of it. And then Rona and Laura will shudder. But the Rooster in the Alps will destroy him.” This quatrain says that the war will begin when the camel drinks water from the Rhine and Danube. According to scientists, the camel in this quatrain symbolizes the Arab countries. According to one interpretation, the Arab coalition will strike Europe.

There is another version according to which camels are Arab migrants living in European countries. They drink water from the Danube and Rhine. If the interpretation is correct, then this prophecy has already come true. Speaking about in his prophecy, Nostradamus had in mind the “Gallic rooster,” that is, France.

According to the third version, the Arab wars will drink the blood of Europeans, or rather Germans, since at first they talk about the Rhine and Danube. The Rhone is a river in France, which means that this state will also suffer. Laura is a mountain in Guinea. It follows from this that the war will affect all continents. Near the Alps, the Rooster will destroy him - this prophecy can be interpreted as the coming of a savior born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern calendar.

According to the manuscripts of the French scientist, the next war that will take over the whole world will be terrible and bloody. As a result, only two powerful countries will remain - the Indian state and China.

There are several other important predictions regarding the war. Nostradamus spoke about the seven: “Seven will come from the east, and they will bring death with their deadly retinue. Hail, rage, evil, plague. The whole West will take flight because of the king of the East.” This prophecy again talks about the confrontation between the West and the East.

“Seven” - perhaps by this word Nostradamus meant seven Arab countries that united to take over Europe. The “deadly retinue,” according to the interpretation of researchers, is nothing more than allies of the invading countries. “Hail, rage, evil, plague” - this is probably how the soothsayer wanted to characterize this difficult time. “The West has taken flight” - a prediction of victory for the Arab countries.

According to historians, Nostradamus encrypted the date of the start of the third world war in the following message: “it will begin in the year in which the day of the crucifixion of Christ coincides with the day of St. George. The day of the Holy Resurrection of the Lord will fall on the feast of St. Mark, and Christmas will be on the day of St. John.”

It should be noted that there have already been such days in history - in 1886 and 1943. The next year, in which all the listed holidays coincide, will be 2038. It is interesting that, despite the difference in calendars, this year coincides for Catholics and Christians.

Predictions for the 21st century

The 21st century in the alchemist’s prophecies is presented as a very complex and unstable time, when the old will collapse and the new will be built. This is the era of Aquarius, a time of change and transformation.

The great scientist predicted global disasters which could lead to the end of the world. Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, fires and hurricanes - all this, according to prophecy, will be one of the problems of the 21st century.

Nostradamus' predictions about the 21st century began to come true back in 2001. Historians claim that the events of September 11, 2001 were described in one of the quatrains.

According to historians and scientists who interpreted the quatrains of Nostradamus, the next global war will begin in 2038. The use of nuclear and other weapons will make life unbearable in many countries. West and East will confront each other.

The year 2017 in the prediction calendar is associated with the rise of power of the four rulers. They are the ones who will influence the politics and economy of all countries. However, their collision will lead to a serious conflict between the countries of Europe and the states of America.

The mid-21st century will be marked by a weakening of the power and economy of many Western countries. The USA and some European countries will be at odds. This confrontation will weaken them completely. The countries of Asia and the East will gain world dominance.

Nostradamus also predicted the emergence of new diseases that could cover the whole world. The search for a cure will take a long time, and millions of lives will be taken by the terrible disease. Incurable diseases will result from the use of bacteriological and chemical weapons. The prophet also wrote about an outbreak of a serious virus that would take over almost the entire planet. The source of the virus will be the countries of the East.

The main essence of Nostradamus’ predictions about the 21st century is this is a change in world dominance and big changes in geopolitics.

List by year

If we study the interpretation of Nostradamus' predictions about the future, we can conclude that the coming decades will be filled with a series of important events, discoveries and changes.

Prophecies for Russia

The future, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, is a staircase leading upward. The state will become economically strong and raise its authority. The most important thing is that Russia will become the dominant country.

  • From 2017 to 2018 Russia will be able to emerge from the crisis and take the first steps towards global influence. The economy will strengthen. Agriculture will begin to develop. These years are also characterized in the prophecy as troubled - many of the influential people will reveal their true colors. There will be either a change of power, or the government will change the state development strategy.
  • 2019- a time of social unrest and discontent. There is a risk of Russians splitting into several groups.
  • In 2020 our state will take on the role of a world arbiter, which will have to resolve most conflicts in Europe, Asia and the East.
  • In 2023 New horizons will open up for Russia, but the ruler of the state will have to make a difficult choice.
  • In 2025 Russia will expand its borders. Relations with the United States and some European countries will deteriorate. This could lead to armed conflict. The President will initiate the creation of a powerful union of several countries. This alliance will include Russia, China, Great Britain and India. Subsequently, a number of other countries will join it. This will be a new step for Russia, which will bring it closer to global influence.
  • From 2029 Russia will begin to fight a new enemy. A person will appear on the political arena whose influence and power will threaten all of humanity.
  • 2035, according to prophecy, will mark the beginning of a golden age for Russian Federation. The state will have a strong economy and developed trade. Russians will be among those who will make new discoveries in science and astronomy.
  • 2039– Russia, despite its rise, will be in crisis due to armed conflicts around the world.
  • 2045– a new danger for Russia is coming. The country will begin to unite states into a strong union to combat new disasters and wars.

According to these prophecies, Russia will become a world power. She is destined to become a world arbiter, to decide interstate conflicts and create new world and new foundations.

What are Nostradamus tables?

The book of predictions by Nostradamus was first published in 1555. On the title page, the soothsayer left an encrypted message - a key, which, if solved, anyone could find out the future from this book. This code remains unsolved to this day.

In the 19th century, scientists Raphael and Tzadkiel tried to decipher the code and got a little closer to solving it. Based on this code, they compiled tables that help to find out the future.

These tables received the name of Nostradamus, despite the fact that he did not invent them. It is not known for certain whether scientists deciphered its code correctly; this will most likely remain a mystery forever. Now, based on the table of Nostradamus, fortune-telling is made for the future.

Whether you believe the predictions of Nostradamus or not is up to you. His prophecies are difficult to understand and unravel. Perhaps because of this, most people believe that his prophecies are unlikely to come true.

Michel de Notredame, better known as Nostradamus, is a fortuneteller, doctor, alchemist, who described future events in a rather vague form...


Books of predictions by Nostradamus are written in the form of so-called centuries (one century has 100 lines) and quatrains. It is widely believed that the predictions cover a period of 2240 years - from 1557 to 3797.

He is also the author of two messages: one was intended for King Henry II of France, the second for his son Caesar. Michel de Notredame was born on December 14, 1503 in the town of Saint-Rémy in Provence into a family of Jews who converted to Catholicism in the 15th century.

According to family legend, his ancestors served as doctors at the courts of Rene the Good and the Duke of Calabria. The father of the future fortuneteller, Jaume de Notredame, was a notary, his grandfather, Pierre de Notredame, and his great-grandfather, Davin de Carcassonne, were engaged in trade in Avignon in the south of France. Michel studied in Avignon and received his Master of Arts degree in 1521.

In the next eight years of his life, he was engaged in self-education: he constantly traveled with the goal of “learning and learning the sources and origin of plants and other simple substances relating to the pinnacle of medical science,” as he himself wrote in his book.

During one of his wanderings, he meets the famous astrologer and scientist Jules Cesar Scaliger. He then continued to study medicine at the medical faculty of the University of Montpellier, from where he was almost expelled for his harsh statements about teachers and his passion for prohibited pharmaceuticals (from then on he began to write his surname in the Latin manner: “Nostradamus”). In 1534, he finally received his doctorate.

After new travels in Italy and Germany, Nostradamus resumed his medical practice in Marseille in 1544, and two years later he fought the plague in the southeast of France and even, according to legend, invented a remedy for the plague, the recipe of which, however, was subsequently lost.

For his dedicated work, doctor Michel Nostradamus was awarded a lifetime pension by the Aix-en-Provence Parliament. There were legends about the miraculous power of the medicines he created, but the recipes preserved from the time of his medical practice do not go beyond the scope of traditional medicine of the 16th century.

In 1547, he married again - to Anna Ponsard, from whose marriage he subsequently had six children. The famous doctor unexpectedly became interested in astrology and prophecies.

In 1555, Nostradamus published his first astrological almanac and at the same time published his first “Centuries”, containing 353 quatrains with a preface to his son Cesar. This turn of events interested the authorities in Paris, who intended to interrogate Nostradamus about what sciences he practices and how he makes predictions. Deciding not to tempt fate, he left for Italy, where he continued his activity as a fortuneteller.

In 1558, he addressed the French king Henry II, calling him master of the world and revealing to him the history of mankind in a vague form for many centuries to come. The following year, the king died at a tournament, and in 1561, Nostradamus himself barely managed to avoid death from Catholic peasants, who accused him of sympathy for the French Protestants - the Huguenots.

A few years later, the fortuneteller became a royal physician and adviser to Catherine de Medici, regent of the French throne.

In 1566, Nostradamus died from complications of gout. On the marble slab above his grave is carved the inscription “Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world.”

According to his will, he was buried standing. What caused such a strange wish is unknown. As a physician, Nostradamus knew for sure that over time the bones would fall and pile up.

In 1791, during the French Revolution, the church in which his burial was located was destroyed. Creative heritage Nostradamus includes 10 centuries (942 quatrains), prefaces to them (letters to his son Cesar and King Henry), a number of quatrains without numbering, annual almanacs since 1555, as well as a number of non-prophetic works, in particular a free translation of the Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo.

The archives preserved the will and personal correspondence of Nostradamus. There are also a number of manuscripts, the authorship of which is not precisely established, but which are attributed to Nostradamus.

The main theme of his predictions is the political future of Europe, up to the beginning of the astrological era of Saturn, which Nostradamus defines as the “Golden Age”. The prediction ends with an almost quotation from the Bible: “The end; the wolf, the lion, the bull and the donkey, the timid doe will be with the dogs.”

Nostradamus describes in detail the three Antichrists: the first of them will appear in the “lands of Attila” and create a new Babylonia, which will exist for 73 years and 7 months; the second will unleash a war in the center of Europe, and the third should lead the union of the countries of the North and the East at the end of time. “The third is worse than the first, more terrible than Nero. Run, brave men, so as not to shed blood. He orders the stove to be put on. The golden age is dead, great sin."

Many works devoted to this topic tried to explain the predictions of Nostradamus. One of the books, written by Jean Charles de Fontbren, volume of 600 pages, was published in Paris in 1980. This book gained particular popularity in 1981, as the assassination attempt on the Pope recalled the coincidence with one of the prophecies of Nostradamus. Fontbren's words that Nostradamus predicted the third world war in 1998 fueled interest in this work.


Nostradamus events that occurred during his lifetime from 1529 - 1969:

1529 - the Turks besieged Vienna;

1536 - Canada discovered;

1546 - The Portuguese reach Japan. After the death of Nostradamus, the following predictions were fulfilled:

1582 - the Gregorian calendar was introduced;

1597 - flintlock guns began to be used;

1618 - The thermometer was invented;

1642 - Australia discovered;

1769 - the steam engine appeared in England;

1776 - The United States declared independence;

1778 - the hot air balloon is invented;

1789 - revolution in France;

1795 - electricity discovered;

1812 - Napoleon is defeated in Russia;

1825 - first Railway in England;

1844 - the telegraph is invented;

1866 - dynamite invented;

1869 - the Suez Canal was dug;

1873 - the electric light bulb appeared;

1876 ​​- the telephone was invented;

1895 - X-ray machine invented

1903 - the first aircraft was built;

1912 - war in the Balkans;

1914 - the Panama Canal was dug;

1914 - the beginning of the First World War;

1917 - October Revolution in Russia;

1925 - the birth of television;

1927 - Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic Ocean;

1927 - the first sound film was made;

1929 - the beginning of the great economic crisis;

1939 - beginning of World War II;

1961 - first man in space;

1969 - first man on the moon.

In addition, Nostradamus predicted many other events: disasters, diseases, earthquakes, famine... In the future, he foresaw the settlement of Europe by the yellow race. He predicts the appearance of an invisible celestial body, which he calls the White Star, eclipses of the Sun and Moon, weather anomalies caused by “trips into space,” floods and new diseases.

He predicted St. Bartholomew's Night in 1572, Thirty Years' War 1618-1648, the reign of Louis XIV, the rise and fall of Napoleon, the Austro-Italian War, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, and the emergence of intelligent beings from outer space. Nostradamus wrote that in a barbarian state, a significant part of the court nobility would be sent to death.

Was this a prediction? October revolution? It is quite possible, especially if you consider that only Tartary - Muscovy - was called a “barbarian state” in Europe at that time. The lines “grand myths will deceive people, and they will commit many misfortunes” fully reflect the vicissitudes of the 20th century. Nostradamus calls Geneva the “garden of the world” and predicts that it will be destroyed and poisoned.

However, the events that await Europe in the 22nd century can be avoided if the continent is united, and the center of power is located in Switzerland. Nostradamus predicts a time in Europe when peace and freedom will reign there. In Palestine for a long time will long war Arabs with Jews until the Jews are defeated. After this, the Arabs will have a desire to conquer Europe.

IN solar system he also foresaw great changes: the Moon and many stars would approach the Earth, which would cause cataclysms and climate change throughout the planet. People and animals will move from one hemisphere to the other. This is all, of course, one of many interpretations famous predictions, written vaguely and allegorically. The prophecies of Nostradamus were criticized both during his life and after his death.

The main argument of critics is that his predictions are too vague and unspecific and each phrase of his quatrains can be interpreted in dozens of different ways, adjusting the interpretation to events that have already happened. Indeed, so far no one has been able to predict a single future event based on the texts of the quatrains.

But this does not stop the interpreters of Nostradamus’s texts, of which there has been no shortage for almost half a millennium - ever since a doctor from France suddenly began writing down obscure lines about future events.


Most modern scientists who have studied the prophecies of Nostradamus believe that there is “something” in these quatrains. They estimate the accuracy of predictions to be approximately 70-85%. Nostradamus was especially successful in his predictions about the future of Great Britain - here their accuracy is close to 100%. The reasons, as they say, are unknown.

Nostradamus himself wrote in a letter to Cesar that the predictions covered Europe, Asia and part of Africa and extended to the period up to 3797. Studies of the text of the prophecies made it possible to establish that the date of 3797 is a crude camouflage covering 2242 - the first year of the 7th millennium "from creation of the world" according to the Old Testament chronology, the year of the onset, according to Nostradamus, of the end of the world.

The Last Judgment will occur even later - in 3242. In addition, modern researchers believe that in his prophecies Nostradamus predicted the future of the USA, Japan, Australia and almost Antarctica. However, of these countries, only America is mentioned by the soothsayer (“America”; “West, free of the British Isles”; “New Earth”).

Prediction for 2010

2010 is just around the corner. According to Chinese astrology, this will be the year of the White Tiger. And of course, I want to know what famous soothsayers and astrologers predict for us this year.

Nostradamus encrypted his prediction for 2010 in the text of the X century, X quatrain. The original reads like this:

Attempted murder, terrible adultery,

Great enemy of the entire human race,

Which will be worse than his ancestors, uncles and parents.

The bloodthirsty and inhuman [will rule] with sword, fire, water.

The essence of prediction according to the known narrow circle interpreters of the great prophet, the method of adding 3 letters of each line will sound like this: “Satanic arc of fury.” "Satanic Arc" - the flight path of a ballistic missile.

There are many versions of what is discussed in the quatrain: about the destroyer of skyscrapers Osama Bin Laden, or about the presidents of Iran - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela - Hugo Chavez, America - Barack Obama, Russia - Dmitry Medvedev. Or about the Leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Il. Choose who likes what.

There are also such versions (M. Dimde, S. V. Korsun, S. A. Khvorostukhina, A. P. Krasnyashchikh, A. I. Denikina):

  • Japan creates the first underwater settlements and aquafarms;
  • Poland joins the union of Slavic peoples;
  • November 2010 - October 2014 the possibility of unleashing a Third World War using chemical and bacteriological weapons (an acute confrontation between Muslim and Euro-Atlantic values);
  • weakening of the Vatican's influence on believers and world politics;
  • conflict between France and Great Britain.
  • hydrogen sulfide disaster in the Black Sea.
  • the threat of armed conflict on the Crimean Peninsula;
  • economic downturn in Europe;
  • confrontation between the USA and countries Western Europe;
  • an attempt at revenge by Islamic fundamentalists.


The following calendar of future events in human history has been prepared on the basis of interpretations of Nostradamus’s quatrains, made at one time by S.V. Korsun (1990), Manfred Dimde (1996), S.A. Khvorostukhina (2002), A.P. Krasnyashchikh (2005) and A.I. Denikina (2006). This “calendar” is a reprint of 2006, which makes the forecast interesting from the point of view of being open-minded to the facts, since at the time of publication no one could have predicted them.

2009-2012 - crisis of the organization system state power and the state structure of Ukraine and the USA.

2010 - Japan creates the first underwater settlements and aqua farms; Poland joins the union of Slavic peoples; November 2010 - October 2014 the possibility of unleashing a Third World War using chemical and bacteriological weapons (an acute confrontation between Muslim and Euro-Atlantic values); weakening of the Vatican's influence on believers and world politics; conflict between France and Great Britain. 2010-2011 - hydrogen sulfide disaster in the Black Sea.

2011-2012 - the threat of armed conflict on the Crimean Peninsula; economic downturn in Europe; confrontation between the USA and Western European countries; an attempt at revenge by Islamic fundamentalists.

2011-2014 - Japan's creation of an invulnerable missile defense system; Start political career four global political leaders.

2011 - the beginning of the strongest economic and political crisis in Europe; a radioactive disaster in the Northern Hemisphere, from which England would suffer the most; the possibility of Islamic fundamentalists using nuclear and chemical weapons as a result of the capture of a nuclear submarine; declassification of data on an attempt by one of the space powers to make a solo manned flight to Mars; a secret Islamic fundamentalist could provoke a world war.

2012 - peak of the global economic crisis; creation by Ukraine of a new generation of rocket engines; receiving an artificial signal from Space containing scientific information that is fundamentally important for humanity.

2013 - damage to cereal crops by an unknown disease; the possibility of a bacteriological attack on London.

2013-2019 - increasing influence of African states on world politics.

2014 - growing cloned organs in laboratories human body; a surge in skin diseases among the population of European countries.

2015 - (in another version, 2029) - a revolution in energy, the discovery of a way to obtain cheap solar energy and its wireless transportation; ending the war in the Middle East with the active participation of Ukraine, which will come up with a number of peace initiatives.

2015-2017 -negotiation process on the annexation of part of the territory of Moldova to Ukraine.

2015-2025 - another escalation of the confrontation between Islam and Christian culture, but in Europe with the active participation of Muslim emigrants, a new world war was prevented thanks to the peacekeeping efforts of China.

2016 - a sharp decline in the birth rate in Europe as a result of environmental pollution; possible release radioactive substances into the atmosphere in one of the European countries (most likely in England).

2017 - political split European Union and its reconstruction on new principles; the abolition of marriage in Germany and the creation of new principles for building a family with full support from the state; the possibility of Britain abandoning the monarchy.

2018 - revolution in construction - the invention of ultra-strong and ultra-light material - metal foam; construction of bridges across all major straits; invention of the “second skin” - an ultra-light suit that protects a person from the effects of adverse thermal factors.

2018-2024 -China's leadership in world politics; turning developing countries into economic blackmailers of the United States and Europe.

2020 - creation of tectonic weapons of colossal power; the beginning of the active work of the Antichrist in information space; the unification of Catholic and Orthodox Christianity into a single church begins from the lands of Ukraine; complete robotization of everyday life and industrial production; transfer of the UN headquarters to Geneva.

2022-2041 - the last period in world history when a global armed conflict could be unleashed.

2023 - the threat of changes in the Earth's orbit under the influence of cosmic factors.

2024 -large technogenic and ecological disasters in the USA and Italy.

2025 -demographic crisis in Europe; creation of a new world economic order, transformation of the territories of Ukraine and Belarus into leading centers of European trade.

2027 - a new dictator appears on the stage of world history, to whom 1/5 of the world's population will obey (probable place of birth: India or China).

2028 - manned flight to Venus; discovery of a way to obtain powerful sound waves performing useful physical work; controlled thermonuclear fusion; overcoming hunger on Earth.

2028-2034 - construction on Earth of heavy-duty power plant pyramidal type.

2029 - a new breakthrough in the technology of wireless transportation of converted solar energy.


Nostradamus himself warned against free interpretation of his texts:

Let the uninitiated and ignorant crowd not touch them.

And let all astrologers, brats, and barbarians stay away from them.

Anyone who does otherwise will be cursed according to the ritual.

(Postscript after the 6th century)

They will be looking at it for more than 500 years,

The one who was the ornament of his time,

Then in an instant greater clarity will be granted,

Which will make them very happy with this century.

(Quatrain 3:94)

Around 1545, Nostradamus, in a free poetic manner, translated from the Greek “Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo.” The manuscript was kept by one of the ministers of Louis XIV, and then came to National Library France, where it was discovered already in the 20th century. According to the author, the text of the manuscript describes ancient Egyptian drawings and gives their interpretation.

This text is of great interest to researchers because many of the images from it are also present in the “Prophecies”. So at the end of the translation an interpretation of the mysterious signs “D. M.”, which denote the underground gods.

The same letters are mentioned in quatrain 66 of the 8th century, but they cannot be found in the original texts of Horapollo. Almost simultaneously with the “Prophecies,” Nostradamus published two works in the field medical sciences: free translation of “Paraphrase of Galen, his exhortations to Menodotus in the study of the fine arts and medicine” (1557) and “Treatise on the preparation of preserves” (1555).

In the first of them, researchers found signs of a cipher. In 1888, a manuscript containing 72 watercolor drawings was found in a library in Rome, the authorship of which is attributed to Nostradamus, although without evidence. It is now known under the code name “The Lost Book of Nostradamus” (“ The Lost Book of Nostradamus").

When discussing coincidences with history, interpreters often rely on free poetic translations that are far from the original. Unfortunately, when checked, it turns out that Nostradamus did not write this. The optimal translation of the prose part of the prophecies can be found in the books of A. Penzensky, candidate of historical sciences. Translations of quatrains must be compared from several sources. Planetary configurations can be calculated using astrological programs.

St. Bartholomew's Night

Two evil [planets] will conjoin in Scorpio,

The Grand Seigneur is killed in the hall,

Plague in the church, thanks to the new king,

Lower and Northern Europe.

Les deux malins de Scorpion conioncts,

Le grand seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle:

Peste a l "eglise par le nouueau roy ioinct,

L"Europe basse & Septentrionale.

(Quatrain 1:52)

Two evil planets - Mars and Saturn - for the first time since the promulgation of the prophecy united in Scorpio in August 1572, which corresponds to the events of St. Bartholomew's Night (August 24, 1572); the apogee of the schism of the church in France. A plot organized by the mother of King Charles IX, Catherine de' Medici, to eliminate the leader of the French Protestants, Admiral Coligny, got out of control.

The admiral was killed at the Hotel de Betisy, but the massacre began to spread like a plague throughout Paris, the surrounding area, and spread to neighboring cities. King Charles IX could only join the Catholics and take responsibility for what happened. After this, the southern Protestant provinces with their capital in the city of La Rochelle declared their political independence.

Scientific revolution

The number of astronomers will increase so much

Persecuted, banished and banned books,

In the year 1607 thanks to the holy cups,

That no one can be saved from the holy gifts.

Croistra le nombre si grand des astronomes

Chassez, bannis & liures censurez,

L"an mil six cents & sept par sacre glomes

Que nul aux sacres ne seront asseurez.

(Quatrain 8:71)

In 1607, Johannes Kepler laid the foundations of modern astronomy in his work “New Astronomy”, which formulated the laws of planetary revolution around the Sun. In 1608, the Dutchman Hans Lippershey invented a telescope based on sharing convex and concave lenses, and in 1609 Galileo Galilei first used it for astronomical observations, which led to a revolution in astronomy, as Galileo's observations confirmed Copernicus' theory of the heliocentric world system.

The Church greeted these discoveries with caution, Copernicus's books were banned, Galileo had to renounce his beliefs and spend the last years of his life under house arrest. However, almost everyone could now make a telescope with two lenses and independently observe the movement of celestial bodies.

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

Mars and the Scepter will conjoin,

Under Cancer there is a disastrous war:

A little later a new king will be anointed,

Which will calm the earth for a long time.

Mars & le sceptre se trouuera conioint,

Dessous Cancer calamiteuse guerre:

Vn peu apres sera nouueau Roy oingt,

Qui par long temps pacifier la terre.

(Quatrain 6:24)

In astrology, the scepter represents Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter conjunct every other year, and in Cancer every 12 years. However, since the event itself takes place under the sign of Cancer, it can be assumed that we're talking about about the July conjunction, that is, the Sun is also in this sign.

In this case, we come to the triple conjunction of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in July 1812, which corresponds to Napoleon's invasion of Russia. This disastrous war ended with the defeat of the French, the abdication of Napoleon I and the restoration of the Bourbons in 1814.

Formation and fall of the USSR

“And in the month of October it will happen that some great movement will occur - such that they will think that the colossus of the Earth has lost its natural direction and plunged into eternal darkness.

Before this, in the springtime, and after this, there will be exceptional changes and changes of power, great earthquakes, with the growth of a new Babylonia, a despicable daughter, grown by the abomination of the first Holocaust, and [it] will last only 73 years and 7 months.” (Letter to Henry)

In 1974, the poet V.K. Zavalishin published in the USA a translation of the prophecies of Nostradamus with comments, where he interpreted this phrase as a prediction about the fall of Soviet power in 1991. Then the astrologer P. Globa ended up in Lefortovo prison for quoting these thoughts. Note that the prediction came true with amazing accuracy.

Legally, the power of the Bolsheviks was established on January 19, 1918 with the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly - the highest representative and legislature. Therefore, 73 years and 7 months expire on August 19, 1991 - this day is known in history as the August Putsch.

The failure of the putsch led to the banning of the Communist Party of the USSR. In the quote from Nostradamus one can trace the February Revolution(beginning on March 8th according to the Gregorian calendar): “Before this, in the springtime, and after this, there will be exceptional changes and shifts of power.” In addition, a “burnt offering” (“holocaust”) is mentioned, after which “Babylonia” increases in size.

The Second World War

The almanac for 1566 provides a chronology according to which 6,000 years from the Creation of the World expire in 1945, which coincides with the end of World War II.

In addition, the events of this period may include a quatrain:

Greater Germany will include

Brabant, Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne

As a result of a false truce.

The Grand Duke of Armenia storms Vienna and Cologne.

Translatera en la grand Germanie,

Brabant & Flandres, Gand, Bruges & Bologne:

La tresue fainte le grand duc d"Armenie

Assaillira Vienne & la Coloigne.

(Quatrain 5:94)

You can believe or disbelieve the predictions of Nostradamus, but interest in them has not waned for several centuries. And there is probably something in them...

Michel de Nostredame, known to all of us as Nostradamus, was born in 1503 in French Provence into a Jewish family. The fame of a scientist and doctor came to Nostradamus when he found effective way free Europe from the plague. The “medicine” contained Fresh air, clean water and vitamin C. The first 24 prophecies of Nostradamus (quatrains) were published in 1550. The popularity of the almanac was so enormous that Nostradamus was forced to publish the same kind of almanacs annually until the end of his days.

Later, Nostradamus' predictions were formalized as "Centuries". They brought the seer worldwide fame. It is generally accepted that in the quatrain of the tenth - last - part of the "Centuries" Nostradamus accurately predicted his death.

Researchers believe that Nostradamus predicted the fate of the USA, Europe, Japan and even the Green Continent and Antarctica. According to Nostradamus, humanity is waiting for the astrological era of Saturn, a kind of “golden age”. But it will be preceded by natural disasters and the political redivision of the world. The astrologer also mentioned the Second Coming; it will come at the “end of 6000 years.”

Some quatrains and their interpretation:

Living fire will be released, hidden death
There are terrible balls inside.
Overnight the fleet will turn the city into dust.
The city is burning, his enemy is rejoicing.

Most likely, “terrible balls” refer to nuclear mushrooms. Then the city that became dust is Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

There is a description of the nuclear bombing in another quatrain:

The sun will fall here into the flames of fires,
The messages are hidden in a wax candle,
Cities and forests are melting with heat,
A cloud of coal hung over the plain.

Nostradamus has quatrains that foreshadow the invention of military aviation:

The motor will develop enormous speed,
The restless century will break through with a ram.
War will take over human thought,
Which will give science a Promethean run.

About gas attacks and bombs says quatrain:

He soars this strange army,
The explosion will be heavenly fire,
The smell from Lausanne was suffocating and persistent,
But people do not know its source.

About armored amphibious landing vehicles it says:

My contemporaries find it hard to believe
In the iron amphibians of land and seas,
But these monsters will come ashore,
A steep wave will boil in the distance.

Predictions of Nostradamus about Russia

During the time when Nostradamus lived, the territory modern Russia more often called the North or the East, so Nostradamus’ predictions about Russia do not contain the words Russia or Rus'. However, researchers are confident that some events Russian history The astrologer and doctor predicted very accurately. For example, he predicted the coming to power of Peter I, the revolution of 1917, described social upheavals, and the Red Terror.

In one prediction of Nostradamus there is a Russian toponym - Borysthenes. Thus, Nostradamus describes the decline of “More’s law.” The decline will supposedly come due to the arrival of another “law.” The first, according to Nostradamus, will be Borysthenes who will turn away from the previous “law” - because of someone’s “gifts” and “more attractive language.” In ancient times the Dnieper was called Borysthenes. Researchers believe that Nostradamus could have meant communism by the former “Mohr’s Law.”

What Nostradamus said about Russia in the twenty-first century can be learned from pessimistic quatrains about the great massacre and numerous disasters. Thus, the astrologer predicted disasters for the Russian state, after which untold wealth would be concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. Great tragedy Russia, according to Nostradamus, should begin around 2011. After the war, in which the Russians will be drawn in, the previously great state of Russia will end and the world will be redivided, after which millions of people will migrate to the territory of Russia and Europe as a whole.

But the difficulty of Nostradamus’s predictions is that it is possible to determine exactly what event to talk about in a quatrain only after it happens. Although there are many researchers who are trying to decipher the message of Michel Nostradamus in order to warn humanity about possible danger. But perhaps everything should be just the way it should be.

Fulfilled quatrains and their interpretation:

Another dynasty will emerge in Russia,
The country will stand up for its freedom,
The people, out of grief, became a single messiah,
Leads his kingdom to dawn and glory.

The researcher believes that this quatrain is about the replacement of the Romanov dynasty by the Rurik dynasty after the Time of Troubles. This prophecy has come true.

There are predictions about certain individuals, for example, Suvorov:

The man of the east will leave his place,
He will cross the Apennine mountains to see Gaul,
He will pierce the sky, snow and waters,
And he will strike everyone with his rod.

The first line of this quatrain talks about Suvorov’s departure from exile, the second – about his campaign in Italy, the third – about crossing the Alps, the fourth points to the marshal’s baton.

He has predictions that describe the events of 1917. They talk about social upheavals:

When the whirlwind overturns the stretcher,
And their faces will be hidden by cloaks,
New people will pester the republic,
Whites and Reds will sue.

There is a quatrain that predicted Stalin’s repressions:

The blood of innocent maidens and widows,
So much evil will be done great red,
The saints will immerse the images in burning wax,
Everyone is terrified, no one moves.

The last prediction of Nostradamus

The famous alchemist predicted many disasters, wars, murders and global changes awaiting the planet for millennia to come. Scientists and followers of Nostradamus puzzled over his ambiguous quatrains, often seeing in them only contradictory and vague forecasts.

Some prophecies, for example, the Second World War and the revolution of 1917, came true, and the most authoritative researchers of the legacy left by the mysterious Nostradamus agree.

Nostradamus's latest prediction about the fate of Russia is interpreted differently. Some believe that the doctor predicted Russia's glory as a great Christian power and world greatness in 2025. Wars will supposedly stop, and the Christian state will become the center of the revival of the world.

Other researchers claim that the apocalypse according to Nostradamus will occur in 2011 or 2012. The famous pharmacist allegedly believed that the world did not have many centuries left to exist. According to another theory, Michel Nostradamus described the future of earthlings up to the fourth and even sixth millennium AD. According to this version, the population of the Earth will mutate, assimilate with alien creatures, reach the peak of its development and find the elixir of immortality.

On November 17, 1558, Queen Elizabeth I Tudor ascended the English throne, dramatically changing the political orientation of the country. Protestantism was restored in England.

Nostradamus predicted the coronation of Elizabeth I in quatrain X, 19:

The day she'll be welcomed like a queen
The day when after the blessing there is prayer.
A considerable count is correct.
She was modest before, but she will never be so proud.

The same theme can be seen in quatrain VI, 74:

The rejected (or expelled) will return to the kingdom.
Her enemies will be exposed as conspirators.
Her time will be a time of triumph more than ever.
Three and seventy to death for sure.

True, Elizabeth I lived not 73, but only 70 years, but this difficulty can be avoided when interpreting the prediction if we assume that the separate number three indicates the date of death - 1603.

Quatrain X, 84 can also be attributed to the same cycle of prophecies of Nostradamus:

An illegitimate daughter so tall
high, not low.
A late return will comfort the offended,
Reconciled not without controversy,
Having used and spent all my time.

Here, as it were, the motive of Elizabeth’s illegitimacy arises. Although her father Henry VIII rejected this version before his death, appointing Elizabeth as his third heir (in the event of the death of the childless Edward IV and then Mary, as actually happened), the popes until the end continued to consider the heretic Elizabeth illegitimate, who had stolen the English throne from the legal heir (Mary Stuart, a distant relative of Henry VIII). The rest of the quatrain can be seen as an expression of the author's hope for civil peace at the end of Elizabeth's reign.

In the predictions of Nostradamus, one quatrain, apparently, is dedicated to the contemporary and rival of Elizabeth I - the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart - VIII, 23:

Letters will be found in the queen's chests
No signature, no author's name.
These promises will be hidden using cunning.
So no one will know who the lover was.

THIS immediately reminds us of the “letters in a casket” case. Mary Stuart had a silver casket, something like a safe, with particularly complex locks, which was given to her first husband, the French king Francis II. And she gave it to her third husband, Earl Bothwell. Bothwell kept Mary's letters in it. After the couple’s unsuccessful battle with their subjects at Carberry Hill, the casket ended up in the possession of the Scottish Parliament. Letters from the chest were read at its meeting on December 15, 1567. It seemed to follow from them that Mary Stuart was Bothwell’s accomplice in the murder of her second husband Henry Darnley. These letters, however, have reached us only in translation into other languages. The originals disappeared in late XVI V. Therefore, a number of researchers consider these letters to be forged. The reader who wants to know this story in detail can turn to Stefan Zweig's book “Mary Stuart”.

The further history of England, i.e., the reign of Mary Stuart’s son, King James I Stuart, refers to quatrain X, 36:

The stump king, when he starts talking about wars,
The united island will be despised.
A few good years of squabbling and looting.
Due to tyranny, prices on the island will change.

James Stuart was the sixth king of this name in Scotland, but he went down in history primarily as James I, the founder of the Stuart dynasty in England, which replaced the Tudor dynasty, the last direct descendant of which was Elizabeth 1. Therefore, the nickname “stump king” is appropriate for him. , i.e. the ancestor, founder of the dynasty, whose descendants are the ascending branches family tree. James I was a coward, did not have any special talents and was not respected. His ineffective reign gradually set the stage for the crisis that erupted under his son Charles I.

Now let us turn to those predictions that are usually attributed to the son of James I, Charles I (1625 - 1649), who laid down his head on the scaffold. Quatrain V, 93 reads:

Under the earth of the round lunar ball,
When Mercury dominates,
The Scottish island will produce a luminary,
Which will bring the British to chaos.

The first two lines, apparently, should give the astrological date. And the second two really fit Charles I, who was born in 1600 at Dunfermline Castle (Scotland) and with his incompetent rule brought matters to a civil war of 1642 - 1649. Quatrain VIII, 37 says:

Fortress near the Thames
Will fall when the king is locked inside her.
He will be seen near the bridge in a shirt
Facing death. Then they will lock you in the fortress.

This description most likely echoes the following events. On December 23, 1648, Charles, captured by the troops of Parliament, was placed in Windsor Castle, facing the Thames. On January 25, 1649, a special tribunal of parliament sentenced Charles I to death for crimes against the nation. On January 30, 1649, Charles I, wearing a white shirt, ascended the eschat and his head was cut off. He was then buried in the chapel Windsor Castle. This funeral, according to many interpreters, was predicted in last sentence- “then they will lock you up in the fortress.”

In quatrain IX, 49, the predictor no longer leaves any doubt about the fate of the English king.

Ghent and Brussels will march on Antwerp.
The London Senate will put its king to death.
Salt and wine will rise against him.
Because of them, there is turmoil in the kingdom.

The first line talks about some kind of military action in the Netherlands. Most commentators see here an allusion to the Spanish-Dutch War, which ended with the signing of a peace treaty on January 30, 1649, i.e. exactly a year later. The combination of two events close in date in different countries generally quite typical of Nostradamus. As for wine and salt, since these two products were the main objects of taxation at that time, they symbolized taxes. Obviously, Nostradamus saw the main reason for the Great English revolution in unaffordable taxes. Everything else is pretty clear.

The prediction about the execution of the king, according to one of the commentators, is the most scandalous publication missed by the censors of the 16th century. Indeed, for 1577 this situation is unprecedented.

Researchers also include quatrain III, 80 in the history of the Great English Revolution:

The worthy one will be expelled from the English kingdom.
The advisor will be put to death because of anger.
His supporters will be so insignificant
That the bastard will be half accepted.

Here we are talking about Charles I. According to this version, the second line refers to the life of Lord Stafford, the chief adviser to Charles I, whom he handed over to Parliament for execution. His head was cut off. The third line alludes to the betrayal of the Scottish army, which in January 1647 sold Charles I to Parliament for 400 thousand pounds sterling. In the bastard, interpreters of the quatrain saw Cromwell, who would be only half accepted by the English people: he would not become king, but would only bear the title of Protector of England.

Another quatrain is also attributed to Cromwell - VIII, 76:

More a butcher than the king of England,
Born in an insignificant place, he will take over the empire by force.
Born without faith, without law, he will stain the earth with blood.
His time is so near that I sigh.

From the point of view of the Catholic and monarchist Nostradamus, such an assessment of Cromwell was quite natural. The last line of the quatrain is very interesting. Apparently, Nostradamus did not consider the period of 100 years of history that separated his time from the era of Cromwell to be too significant in comparison with the seven thousand years of human history that he described in his Centuries.

With the turbulent history of England in the 17th century. researchers also connect quatrain VIII, 56:

A weak unit will occupy the land.
Residents of high places will make terrible screams.
The large horde of the outer corner will become agitated.
They will fall near Dikebro. Messages are open.

In this prediction, the key word is the mysterious toponym Dinebro. Such locality unknown But already in early XVIII V. one commentator on Nostradamus suggested that it was an anagram of Dunbar. In this case, the quatrain takes on some meaning. In 1650, King Charles II, son of the executed Charles I, landed in Scotland and quickly assembled a large army. However, at the Battle of Dunbar it was utterly defeated by Cromwell's smaller army (the "weak detachment"). The convoy then fell into Cromwell's hands royal army and many compromising different persons documentation.

Charles II, the first king of the restored English monarchy (1660 - 1685), also has several very specific predictions. The prediction of X, 40 is very interesting:

The young heir to the British kingdom,
Which his dying father recommends.
Lonol will argue with him
And he will demand the kingdom from his son.

If we accept the version that the dying father is Charles I, then his young heir is Charles II. And the one who will argue with father and son for the kingdom is Cromwell, hiding under the pseudonym Lonol. And the name "LONOLE" is an anagram of the colloquial pronunciation of Cromwell's name "Old Noll".

Quatrain X, 4:

At midnight the leader of the army
He will save himself by suddenly disappearing.
Seven years later, his glory is untarnished.
They will never say yes to his return.

This text is interpreted with a typo in the fourth line, which, according to commentators, should read: “...they will say nothing but yes.” In this case, the first two lines can be attributed to the Battle of Worcester (September 3, 1651). Charles II was completely defeated by Cromwell in this battle and, disguised as a commoner, fled. Only after many adventures, in which he was constantly in danger of being captured, did he reach France. On September 3, 1658, exactly seven years after the defeat at Worcester, Cromwell died. Opened for Charles II real opportunity challenge power in England, but he was invited to the English throne only in 1660.

Two quatrains, thematically related, also date back to the reign of Charles II.

11, 51:
The blood of the righteous will become the sin of London.
Twenty, three, six will be burned by lightning.
The old lady will fall from her high place.
Many from the same sect will die.

I, 53: 3
Great Plague in a Seaside Town
It will not stop until death is avenged.
The righteous blood of the doomed for a price without guilt.
And (offense) to the Great Lady, who was falsely harmed.

The Old Lady (II, 51) and the Great Lady (II, 53) are, without a doubt, the same person. From the point of view of the devout Catholic Nostradamus, this lady, deposed in England from her throne (“high place”), was undoubtedly identified with the Catholic Church. The blood of the righteous, which is mentioned in both quatrains, is also most likely the blood of Catholics who suffered from religious persecution in the 16th - 17th centuries, but perhaps this concept also includes all the victims of the English revolution (Catholics in the civil war, as a rule, acted on the side of the monarchy).

Retribution for the blood of the righteous and the insults of the Old Lady, according to the predictor, will be the Great Plague (II, 53) and the Great Fire of London (II, 51). Indeed, in April 1665 an epidemic began in London, which was called Great Plague, and in 1666 the so-called Great Fire broke out in London, destroying most of the city, including the famous Cathedral St. Pavel. (Some commentators believe that the term "Old Lady" refers to this cathedral.)

Quatrain IV, 89 tells about the misadventures of James II, who succeeded his brother Charles II on the throne.

Thirty in London will form a secret conspiracy
Against your king. Enterprise at sea.
He and his followers will be afraid of death.
A blond king, a native of Frisia, will be elected.

Commentators believe that the events of the so-called “Glorious Revolution” of 1688 - 1689, as a result of which he was overthrown, are quite accurately predicted here. the last king from the Stuart dynasty, James II (1685 - 1688). Attempts by Jacob II to put an end to the gains of the Great English bourgeois revolution of 1643 - 1649. and returning to an absolutist form of government ended badly for him. The two leading parties of the state - the Whigs and Tories - united against him. They decided to overthrow James II and invite in his place the husband of his daughter Mary, Prince William III of Orange, Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic.

Frisia - part of Holland - could mean the whole country.) Wilhelm III, judging by the portraits, wore blond wigs. In June 1688, the leaders of the Tories and Whigs sent William III a letter inviting him to come to England with an army and take the local throne. This letter, according to one commentator, had 29 signatures (almost 30). In November 1688, William III with an army of twelve thousand landed in South-West England (“an enterprise at sea”) and took possession of all of England in 40 days without a fight. Abandoned by almost all of his followers, James II fled to France. In January 1689, the English parliament elected William III, along with his wife Mary II, to the vacant throne.

Then will come from outside countries
German prince on the golden throne.
Slavery and waters will meet. The lady is serving.
Her time is no longer admired.

The history of England during the Second World War includes quatrain II, 100:

There is such a terrible noise on the islands,
But only one conspiracy will be heard well.
So great will be the insult of the robbers,
That everyone will unite into a big league.

Nostradamus also has one long-term prediction about England (X, 100):

England will create a great empire,
Almighty (or all-sea) for more than 300 years.
Great forces on sea and land.
The Lusitanians will not be happy about this.

It can be argued that it has completely come true. The mention of the Lusitanians (Portuguese) is especially apt. We are talking about the struggle that the British and their Dutch allies waged at the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries. against the Portuguese, who seized control of the seas washing Asia and Africa. But here it should be noted that the foundations of England’s naval power were laid already in the era of Nostradamus (although the first sea ​​power Portugal was undoubtedly the world at that time). That's why last prediction in the book of Nostradamus (100th in the X “Century”) gives the impression of a very successful and quite realistic forecast.

Adjacent to this quatrain is an undated, but also flattering for Britain, quatrain X, 42:

The worldly (or humane) kingdom of English origin
He will maintain peace and union in his kingdom.
Will keep the war half within its borders.
It will force them to keep peace for a long time.

However, this prediction can be applied to the USA and to everything Anglo-Saxon world generally.

Despite the great popularity of Nostradamus in America, the number of predictions that enthusiastic researchers have been able to link to this country is very small.

So quatrain I, 50 is interpreted as a brief description of the history of the United States.

From the watery triplicity will be born
The one (or that) who makes Thursday his holiday.
His fame, power and might will increase
There is a storm on land and sea against the easterners.

The creature described in the first line, according to the grammatical meaning, can be either animate or inanimate. Main identification mark It's a holiday here on Thursday. It is on Thursday that Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The water trinity refers to the three seas surrounding the United States (more precisely, two oceans and one gulf). The Easterners are the Japanese in World War II.

After 1963, one more was added to the meager set of predictions about America.

VI, 37:
The ancient work will be finished,
Misfortune will fall on the great one from the rooftop.
An innocent person will be accused of this and killed.
The culprit will take refuge in a grove during a light rain.

The character in the second line, according to many commentators, is John Kennedy. The third line character is Lee Oswald, accused without definitive evidence of murdering the president. He was killed by Jack Ruby in front of all of America, who watched it on television.

The word “America” in the time of Nostradamus is still quite new and appears in the “Centuries” only once, in a quatrain, very difficult to understand, which will be discussed in more detail in the chapter “On the Three Antichrists”.

Some researchers attribute prediction VIII, 74 to America:

The king will enter the new land, very far away,
while his subjects will salute him.
His treachery will have such an effect
What will replace holidays and receptions for citizens?

New land, or New World, is indeed a fairly common designation in America. But in explaining the remaining three lines, interpreters do not have a common opinion and a more or less logical version. The new land is also mentioned in quatrain II, 89:

One day the two great leaders will become friends.
Their great power will increase.
The new earth will reach its peak.
The bloody one will be told the number.

According to E. Leoni, this prediction best corresponds to the Anglo-German alliance in 1941. And the Bloody (i.e., Hitler) will be reported on statistics on the growth of the American military industry. M. Morin believes that the days of “Bloody” will simply be numbered from now on.

History of Germany XVI - XIX centuries. in “Centuries” Nostradamus is not touched upon in too much detail. Of all the historical events, without exaggeration, only one can be identified - the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine from France in 1871. Quatrain X, 51 is dedicated to this:

Some of the lowest places in Lorraine
Will be united with the lower Germans.
Through people from the center (residence)

Picardians, Normans, inhabitants of Maine.
And they will join the cantons.

By “lower”, i.e. northern Germans, one can understand the kingdom of Prussia, which in 1871 united the disparate German states to the German Empire.

Of the predictions about Germany, the greatest interest of commentators of the 20th century. Naturally, they were evoked by those quatrains that could be tied to Hitler, the Second World War, and the “Third Reich.” In three quatrains there is a character named Hyster. As a matter of fact, this name most likely comes from the ancient name of the Danube - Istr and means “inhabitant of the Danube” or “Danubian”. But since the Danube crosses Austria, Hitler’s homeland, such a nickname is quite appropriate for him. The main thing, according to most commentators, is the consonance of the names “Hister” and “Hitler” and the fact that this character is clearly a big scoundrel striving for world domination. Quatrain II, 24 says:

Beasts, ferocious with hunger, will swim across the rivers.
Most of the land will be against Gister.
The great ones order him to be dragged in an iron cage.
When a child of Germany will not obey any laws.

The crossing of numerous water lines really played a big role in the Second World War. The second line is suitable for describing the anti-Hitler coalition. The fourth line can be attributed to the arbitrariness perpetrated by the “third Reich”. As for the third line, what was predicted in it did not come true. As we mentioned above, in fascist Germany knew and studied the prophecies of Nostradamus, and Hitler took them quite seriously. At the end of the war, the Fuhrer was constantly worried about the thought that if he fell into the hands of the Allies, they would put him in a cage and take him around fairs to show him to the people.

In quatrain IV, 68, the word “Hister” is paired with the Rhine River, and the only intelligible explanation for this fact is that we are not talking about a person, but about the river - Istr (Danube).

In a very close place, not far from Venus (Venus),
Two of the greatest of Asia and Africa,
About whom they will say that they are from Reika and Istra.
Screams, tears on Malta and the Ligurian coast.

However, this does not stop the most ardent fans of Nostradamus. Thus, Erica Cheatham writes:

“The word “Venus” is the key to this quatrain. It probably refers to Venice, thus linking Italy to Hitler. The two dictators met near this city at the Brenner Pass to conclude the Tripartite Pact with Asia, i.e. with the Japanese. The last line refers to the blockade of Malta by the Italians, and the "screams and tears" on the Ligurian coast refer to the Allied bombing of Genoa and the shelling of British warships based in Gibraltar."

In addition to the quatrains dedicated to Gister, researchers attribute several more predictions to Hitler and Nazism. Thus, quatrain III, 76 says:

Different sects will be born in Germany,
Which will come very close to happy paganism.
A captive heart and little profit (or result).
They will return to paying true tithes.

The interest of Nazi ideologists in the restoration of ancient German pagan cults is well known. The expression “captive heart” is quite suitable for describing a totalitarian society, and “small profit” or “little result” also fits well with the “profit” that the German people received from the “thousand-year Reich” that fell 12 years after its founding. In the fourth line, "true tithe" refers to the tribute that Catholics paid to their church. In other words, Nostradamus wants to say that after the dominance of pagan ideology in Germany, Catholic Church. This generally coincides with that important role which the Christian Democratic parties play in modern Germany. Sects in Germany are also spoken of in quatrain III, 67:

A new sect of philosophers
Despising death, gold, honors and riches,
It will not be limited to the German mountains.
Those who follow them (these philosophers) will have the support of the crowds.

To Hitler in the 20th century. Quatrain V, 5 began to be attributed:

Under the pretext of abolishing slavery
He himself usurps the people and the city.
He will make things worse by deceiving a young prostitute.
He will go into the field, reading a false poem.

The first line of this interpretation speaks of Treaty of Versailles, against which Hitler campaigned in the 20s. "Young prostitute" from the third line somehow connected with Weimar Republic in Germany (1918 - 1933). The “false poem” is identified with Hitler’s book “ Mein Kampf" Attracted to Hitler and quatrain I, 9:

For nine years the thin one will hold the kingdom in the world.
Then he will fall into terrible bloodthirstiness.
Because of him, a great people will die without faith and law,
Killed by someone who is much kinder.

The reasoning of the interpreters here went this way: “skinny” means a vegetarian, and a vegetarian means Hitler. True, only six years passed from Hitler’s rise to power (1933) to the outbreak of the Second World War (1939). But the matter can be improved if we start counting the years from the elections of 1930, when Nazi Party received a significant number of votes and became the second largest party in Germany. The “good-natured” one who would kill him meant Roosevelt.

After Hitler came to power, Nazi propaganda tried to extract from the “Centuries” all the quatrains that could be interpreted in any flattering light for the Fuhrer. So, for example, in quatrain III, 35 it says:

In the very depths of Western Europe
A boy will be born from poor parents,
Who will seduce a great army (or multitude) with his tongue.
His glory will increase even more in the kingdom of the East.

True, in the 19th century. this quatrain was attributed to Napoleon. Another quatrain III, 58 seems to cover the entire biography of Hitler:

Near the Rhine in the Norik mountains
A great one will be born from among the people,
came too late
The one who will defend Sarmatia and Pannonia.
No one will know what happened to him.

Since the Roman province coincides with Austria, Hitler's homeland, the first line cannot be controversial. The fourth line was popular after the war in Nazi circles, where the legend spread that Hitler was alive and hiding in South America. During the Renaissance, Poland and Hungary were called Sarmatia and Pannonia. Thus, from the Nazi point of view, the military actions in Hungary in 1944 - 1945 could be ranked third.

In quatrain VI, 49, Hitler, according to some commentators, appears as a priest of the god of war:

Pontifex Maximus of the Party of Mars
Subdue the borders of the Danube.
The cross will be persecuted and twisted with iron.
Captives (prisoners), gold, diamonds, over one hundred thousand rubies.

With this interpretation, in the third line, which was very difficult to translate, they saw a swastika (a crooked cross), and the fourth line referred to concentration camp prisoners and the property taken from them.

Certain events in the history of the “Third Reich” are associated with quatrain VIII, add. 6:

Alas, how greedy foreign monarchs are. Be careful that they don't come
to your country. There will be terrible dangers for many countries and even for Vienna.
This very clear quatrain may well apply to the annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938.

IX, 90:
Captain of Greater Germany
Shows up to supposedly help
To the King of Kings, (promising) the support of Panponia,
So his rebellion will cause great shedding of blood.

In this quatrain, the term “Greater Germany” is interesting, atypical for the 16th century. For the role of “Captain of Greater Germany”, who arrived to the King of Kings

with a deception mission, Rudolf Hess is usually predicted. His arrival in England in May 1941 was of precisely this nature. King George VI, who was then in charge British Empire, well deserves the title “king of kings.” And Pannonia (Hungary) was an ally of Germany in 1941.

Erica Cheatham, mentioned above, gives this quatrain a different interpretation: “Hitler invaded Poland under the pretext of providing assistance... Hitler was for some time the king of kings, the lord of everything over which he oversaw. He also captured Hungary and started a war in which about 14 million soldiers were killed on both sides and, according to some estimates, as many civilian population, if not more."

Let's look at another quatrain, V, 94, which in our opinion is quite interesting:

He will include in Greater Germany
Barbant and Flanders, Gate, Bruges and Boulogne.
Fraudulent truce.
The Grand Duke of Armenia attacks Vienna and Cologne.

Here again we encounter something unusual for the 16th century. the term "Greater Germany". In addition, the Holy Roman Empire German people", as Germany was then called, included Barbant, Flanders, Ghent, and Bruges (i.e. modern Belgium), and there was no need to annex them.

If we assume that the events of the Second World War are indicated here, then the second line can be considered a prediction of the occupation of Belgium and Northern France (Boulogne) in 1940. The third line then, therefore, refers to the Soviet-German Pact in August 1939 . (“fraudulent truce”). A certain difficulty is presented here by the “Grand Duke of Armenia,” but this can also be somehow circumvented if we assume that Nostradamus confused Stalin’s nationality and made him an Armenian from a Georgian. Armenia is mentioned five times in "Centuries", but Georgia - not once. Then the latter’s attack on Vienna becomes clear

Prophecies related topics or otherwise with Italy, are second in volume only to predictions on the history of France and constitute 18% of all Nostradamus quatrains. They mention all the main regions, mountains, rivers and cities of Italy, designated by ancient or modern names by the author. But the number of predictions that came true is not so many. Quatrain V, 3 says:

In this quatrain, Nostradamus predicts that the Medici dynasty, relatives of Catherine de Medici, who ruled in Florence, will be suppressed and will be replaced, by right of kinship, by a French prince, obviously the son or grandson of Catherine. This gallant prediction should obviously have pleased Catherine. But the most important thing is that it came true - and not even once, but twice, but only much later than Nostradamus and his patroness probably expected.

In 1737, the Medici dynasty, which ruled in Tuscany, the center of which was Florence, with short interruptions since 1434, finally came to an end, and the French prince, Duke Francis of Lorraine, became the Grand Duke of Tuscany. His descendants ruled in Tuscany until 1801. In 1801, Napoleon I turned Tuscany into the kingdom of Etruria and gave it to Spanish Bourbons, that is, also to French princes. After the fall of Napoleon I, the descendants of Francis of Lorraine returned to the throne of Tuscany and ruled here until 1859.

Quatrain IV, 37 dates back to the era of the Napoleonic wars in Italy:

Gaul will rush through the mountains in leaps and bounds.
He will take over the great land of Insurbia.
His army will penetrate into the wilderness.
Genoa and Monaco will repel the red fleet.

In May 1800, Napoleon with an army of 40,000 quickly crossed the Saint Bernard Pass and broke into Italy. At this time, the Austrians were besieging Genoa, and the fleet of their British allies attacked Monaco on May 23. This attack was repelled with the help of the French. Meanwhile, Napoleon developed his success and on June 2 occupied Milan, the center of Lombardy, which in ancient times was called Insurbia. The British in the XVIII - XIX centuries. wore red uniforms, and therefore calling their fleet “red” is acceptable for this time. Quatrain II, 99 is curious:

Roman land, according to the interpretation of the augur,
Will suffer greatly from the Gallic people.
But the Celtic nation will be seized with fear at that hour,
When the North Wind drives her army too far.

BY augur Nostradamus apparently means himself. Their descendants, the French, were called Gauls, or Celts. The Roman land meant either all of Italy or the Papal States, which actually suffered from the Napoleonic wars. It was liquidated, and two popes - Pius VI and Pius VII - were successively arrested by Napoleon and kept in prison - the first until his death in 1799, the second until the fall of Napoleon in 1814. But the French people will suffer retribution for this sacrilege , when their army in 1812 gets too far into the country of the North Wind, that is, into Russia.

Some commentators who lived in the 19th century attribute a number of quatrains to a key event in the history of Italy - its unification in the middle of the 19th century.

II, 16:
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
New tyrants, lightning, heavenly lights.
Strength from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa.
Great carnage. After the triumph - celebrations.

According to THIS version, the first line mentions the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which until 1859 was ruled by one of the branches of the Bourbon family. And the “new tyrants” are Garibaldi and other revolutionaries who overthrew all the Bourbons, and for this crime, they say, Nostradamus calls “heavenly fire” on their heads. In the third line, London stands for England, Ghent and Brussels for Belgium. With the moral support of these two states, the Kingdom of Savoy (designated by the city of Susa) would unite Italy in 1860 - 1870. Then, naturally, this event will be celebrated with festivities.

From the middle of the 20th century. This quatrain began to be attributed to the events of the Second World War. By “new tyrants” one should now understand the fascists, “heavenly fire” should be interpreted as air bombing, England and its ally Belgium - as military opponents of the “new tyrants”. And the final triumph was Victory Day in May 1945.

In the 20th century whole line quatrains began to be tied to Mussolini and fascist rule in Italy.

III, 63:
The Roman Empire will humiliate itself,
Following in the footsteps of its great neighbor.
Hidden civil hatred and debate
They will prolong the madness of the jesters.

I, 59:
Exiles will be sent to the islands
At the coming of a more cruel monarch
Two will be killed and burned,
Because they were not moderate in their conversations.

III, 48:
700 prisoners, roughly bound.
Half of them were destined to die.
Near hope may soon come to them,
But not before the fifteenth death.

In quatrain III, 63, researchers saw a hint that fascist Italy would trail behind Nazi Germany. I, 59 and III, 48 speak of terror. The quatrains can be applied to both Italy and Germany, but the Italian connection is more plausible, because under Mussolini political prisoners were exiled to the islands (I, 59), where they were liberated by the Allies in 1943.

IN mid-16th century V. the capital of Switzerland, Geneva, was the center of extreme Protestantism in Europe under the leadership of fellow countryman Nostradamus John Calvin (1509-1564). Both Calvin himself and his students had a negative attitude towards astrology. It was from the circle of people close to Calvin that the first pamphlets directed against the famous astrologer came out. It is unclear whether Nostradamus met Calvin before he emigrated from France in 1535, but they probably met during Nostradamus's travels abroad in 1538 - 1544.

Nostradamus's hatred of Calvin perhaps goes beyond what any orthodox but generally indifferent Catholic can feel. It is clearly personal. Therefore, it is not surprising that Nostradamus devoted a fair amount of predictions to Switzerland and Geneva, in particular.

Many of the quatrains reflect Nostradamus' hope that the Genevans would come to their senses and put an end to Calvin. Thus, in quatrain I, 47 it says:

Sermons from Lake Geneva irritate people.
They will drag on for days, then weeks,
Then for months, then for years. Then everything will collapse.
The magistrates will condemn their absurd laws.

And in quatrain I, 61 Nostradamus continues this thought:

Pathetic, unfortunate republic
The new magistrate will ruin.
There are a great number of them (citizens) in bitter exile.
This will force the Swiss to break their great treaty.

As you know, Calvin was invited to Geneva to instruct its citizens in the faith in 1536. But the rules that he introduced there, strict police supervision over any step of citizens not only in public, but also in personal life, soon caused such an outburst of indignation that in the spring of 1538 he was asked to leave.

However, Calvin's supporters in the fall of 1541 achieved a new invitation to Geneva, after which he, until his death in 1546, remained the absolute dictator of this city-state. Many of his opponents had to go into exile, as mentioned in the third line. But Nostradamus did not lose hope that the patience of the Genevans would finally be exhausted, they would break the agreement with Calvin, concluded in 1541, and again expel him from the city.

This way Calvin will not be expelled. He will be buried in Geneva, but by mistake he will be buried alive. Soon after this, the Genevans would come to their senses, renounce Calvinism, condemn the founder of the heresy and dig up his coffin, apparently to burn him posthumously (such things happened in the Middle Ages and later). But then it turns out that the villain has already been punished. Waking up in a coffin, he lived for a long time, eating with his own hands.

At the same time, Nostradamus warned the Genevans that if they hesitate to deal with Calvin, then the entire city will answer for his crimes.

IX, 44:
Run, run away from Geneva, every single one of you.
Saturn will turn from golden to iron.
Rypoz will destroy everyone who is against him.
Before that comes, there will be signs in the sky.

The prediction warns the Genevans, firstly, that the new Golden Age promised by Calvin (the age of Saturn) will turn out to be not Golden at all, but Iron. And, secondly, that a certain mysterious Rypoz will put an end to little Geneva in a treacherous and treacherous manner. Raypoz is an anagram of the name Zopyr. Zopyrus is the faithful servant of Darius. According to the story of Herodotus, he helped this Persian king take possession of impregnable Babylon. He cut off his nose and ears and came to Babylon as a defector. Having gained the confidence of the Babylonians, he found a way to undermine their defenses and surrender the city to the Persians. Thus, the name Zopyrus became a household name during the time of Nostradamus and meant betrayal and treachery. It was used in one of his emblems by King Philip II of Spain, who brutally dealt with the Calvinists.

In the 16th century Spain played one of the leading roles in European political life. Therefore, in terms of frequency of mentions in the “Prophecies” of Nostradamus, it ranks third. The words “Spain” and “Spaniards” appear 28 times in his quatrains and twice in his “Message to Henry II.”

However, real historical events before the 20th century. in quatrains they are almost not visible. As for the 20th century, almost all predictions attributed by commentators relate to the period between the two world wars. For example, quatrain IX, 78 says:

Greek lady of ugly beauty,
Happy from countless fans,
Transferred to the Kingdom of Spain,
She will be captured, imprisoned and die a miserable death.

Some believe that the “Greek lady” with such a unique appearance is democracy that will perish in Spain after the victory of the Nazis.

The fascist dictatorships in Spain and Italy also include quatrain III, 68:

People without a leader in Spain, Italy.
Dead vanquished inside the peninsula.
Their dict. betrayed by irresponsible rage.
Swimming in blood. Blood is everywhere.

"Dictation." in the third line - this is, of course, a dictator. He is opposed to the good leader who will be missed by the people of Italy and Spain.

Some interpreters of Nostradamus’ predictions believe that quatrain VI, 64 fits the history of the Spanish Civil War:

The established peace will not be respected
All signatories will act fraudulently.
In peace and truce. Land and sea are protesting.
Barcelona captured the fleet cunningly.

The history of fascism and the Spanish Civil War also includes quatrains IX, 15 and IX, 16.

IX, 15:
Near Perpignan the Reds
The people of the center are completely ruined, driven far away.
Three were cut into pieces, five received little help.
For the lord and prelate of Burgundy.

There is the following interpretation of this quatrain. At the beginning of 1939, the retreating troops of the Spanish Republic and refugees from Franco crossed the French border just in the Perpignan area. There they were detained by the French authorities and placed in special camps. This version is confirmed by the following quatrain (IX, 16), where you can read the names of General Francisco Franco (1892 - 1975) and General Miguel Primo de Rivera (1870 - 1930) - two Spanish fascist dictators.

An assembly will emerge from the Franco fortress (or from Castelfranco).
A dissatisfied envoy will cause a split.
Ribera's (or Riviera's) men will fight,
And they will prohibit entry into the big bay.

Portugal is mentioned in the Prophecies in only six quatrains. Only one of them relates directly to the history of this country; in the rest it is mentioned in connection with stories about other countries.

In a year when Mercury, Mars, Venus are in clear motion.
The line of the great monarch will not be interrupted.
Chosen by the Portuguese people near Cadiz,
He will reign until he is very old.

The first line here gives the astrological dating. Everything else is quite clear. A situation close to the one described actually took place in Portugal in the 16th century. In 1578, the Portuguese king Sebastian I went to crusade against the Moors. This campaign ended in disaster. At the Battle of Alcazar (in Morocco), the Portuguese army was completely defeated, and the king himself went missing. His uncle, the elderly Cardinal Henry, who ascended the throne after Sebastian I, died two years later.

After this, there were no direct heirs to the Portuguese throne. A dynastic dispute ensued between distant relatives (the Dukes of Parma, the Dukes of Braganza, etc.). The winner was spanish king Philip II. His rights were even more dubious than those of other applicants, but he had big army. In 1580, Philip sent troops to Portugal led by the Duke of Alba. Having occupied the country, Alba declared Philip II the legitimate monarch of Portugal. This is what the whole election came down to. Portugal's independence was restored only 60 years later, in 1640.

“East” and “North” - this is what Russia was called during the time of Nostradamus.

And here is another prediction that commentators of the 20th century. attributed to A.V. Suvorov.

II, 29:
The Eastern (man) will leave his abode,
He will cross the Apennine Mountains to see Gaul.
Pierces the sky, waters and snow,
And he will strike everyone with his rod.

We have already discussed quatrains that can be associated with the Patriotic War of 1812 above, in the section dedicated to Napoleon I. One of them (IV, 82) mentioned Slavonia (or “ Slavic land"), this is how the fortuneteller designated the name of Russia. This toponym is found in Nostradamus in quatrain I, 14 and confirms the correctness of this assumption:

U Slavic people instead of songs, hymns and lamentations.
Captured by princes and lords - in dungeons. (Or - captive princes and lords - in dungeons
Headless idiots in the future
They will accept (this) as a divine revelation.

If we assume that the princes and lords in the second line are not the punishing, but the suffering side (the text allows for both interpretations), then, from the point of view of a convinced monarchist, we get a picture of the October Revolution and the Red Terror. In the last two lines, in this case, the author evaluates the theory of scientific communism in energetic terms.

But such an interpretation became possible only in the 20th century. And in the 17th century. Etienne Jaubert, adhering to a more natural interpretation of the second line (it is not the princes who will be imprisoned, but they themselves who will imprison someone), explained quatrain X, 62 by the events of the 16th century. The Huguenots, with their absurd teaching about the reformation of the church, will suffer deserved punishment from the authorities. In the 19th century A. Lepeletier attributed the same quatrain to the events of the Great French Revolution. His villains imprisoned are no longer Huguenots, but Jacobins.

Some dubious teaching is mentioned in quatrain VI, 72, which some commentators attribute to the Tsarina and Rasputin:

Thanks to the feigned fury of divine revelation,
The great man's wife will be raped.
Judges are willing to condemn such a doctrine.
She will become a victim of an ignorant people.

The revolution of 1917 and its consequences include a whole group of predictions by Nostradamus, which describe all kinds of social upheavals. One of these predictions (I, 3) sounds like this:

When the whirlwind overturns the stretcher
And their faces will be hidden by cloaks,
New people will begin to pester the republic.
Reds and whites will judge differently.

There are several other quatrains that contain the term “red” (“reds”). In this group, the most interesting is quatrain VIII, 19:

To support the shaken great chasuble (or mantle, or cloak),
To purify this, the Reds march.
The family will be almost destroyed by death.
The Red-Reds will destroy the Reds.

After the events of 1937, this quatrain began to be attributed to the history of Russia, to Stalin's repressions(“the super-reds” exterminated simply the “reds”).

VIII, 80:
The blood of innocent widows and maidens
So much evil has been done by Great Red.
The holy images are immersed in burning wax.
Everyone is stricken with horror, no one moves.

In this quatrain, Nostradamus paints a terrible picture of terror, in particular, the persecution of the church. The best candidate for the role of “Great Red,” of course, is J.V. Stalin.

Let us finally consider the only prediction of Nostradamus that contains a Russian toponym.

III, 95:
(People) will see More's law decline
In front of (the face of) another, more seductive.
Boris Fen will be the first to give in.
Through gifts and more engaging language.

Borysthenes - ancient name Dnieper. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to say which state Nostradamus had in mind, since in the 16th century. The Dnieper flowed through the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Nostradamus usually refers to religion as a law, but here it can be interpreted in a broader sense, as a teaching. For the time of Nostradamus, who did not know the word “communism,” “More’s teaching” was a good synonym for it.

Sovietologists, inclined to believe the prophecies of Nostradamus, have long chosen this quatrain as a prediction of the inevitable fall of communism and its replacement by a more attractive (market) system.

The quatrains of Nostradamus are a mysterious part of the legacy of the great soothsayer, alchemist and esotericist. It is believed that the future of all humanity is encrypted in them, but for a long time the quatrains could not be deciphered.

In the article:

Centuries and quatrains of Nostradamus - what are they?

Quatrains Nostradamus are poems in which, as is commonly believed, the future is encrypted, seen by a soothsayer who lived several centuries ago. The Seer believed that such information should not be available to every inhabitant of our planet. That is why the poems of Nostradamus are encrypted.

Quatrains are quatrains; the fortuneteller wrote almost a thousand prophetic verses, it is believed. Overall, it is rich and clearly contains a lot of knowledge. However most of The knowledge accumulated by this esotericist and astrologer has not been deciphered to this day. Most of Nostradamus's notes are incoherent sentences and calculations that are incomprehensible to the uninitiated.

Centuries Nostradamus is books with quatrains. In total he wrote twelve books. Each of them contains approximately one hundred verses. As is known from, he preferred French, therefore his legacy was written in the same language. This makes it even more difficult for Russian translators to decipher them. An example of a century that is not interpreted:

The Young Prince is falsely accused (option: he will accuse in vain),
Will bring confusion and discord into the camp, -
The leader will be killed because of support,
The scepter is pacified: then it will heal the sick.

The books of predictions of Nostradamus are a mystery to this day. Interestingly, they are also encrypted, but a considerable part of them became known to a wide circle of people.

The Nostradamus Code - the keys to deciphering prophecies

It is believed that in quatrain 93 of the third century, the prophet himself described how and when his prophecies would be deciphered. The quatrain is translated as follows:

When will they count down another five hundred years?
The one who was the beauty of his generation,
New light will be shed on their revolution,
Which will lead everyone to admiration for the century.

Now it is customary to interpret it as follows - the quatrain was written in 1550. If you count five hundred years from the time of its writing, you get the date - 2050. It is believed that this year a person will appear who will study the so-called Nostradamus code and will be able to reveal its secrets.

To date, there is no single correct version of Nostradamus’ decoding. What the great soothsayer tried to tell future generations remained a mystery. However, perhaps the decipherers of his quatrains are right, and there are only thirty-four years left to wait for someone who can shed light on the secrets of past centuries.

Until then, you can familiarize yourself with popular versions of the French soothsayer code. Thus, Daniel Ruzo in 1962 put forward a version that the will of Nostradamus is actually a code for deciphering his quatrains. The will is recognized by scientists as too strange to fulfill its direct functions - to convey the will of the deceased to the relatives.

The magician's will consists of two parts, and the second part was written exactly 13 days later than the first. It consists of 13 pages. The will contains a requirement to divide all property into 13 unequal parts and give it to 13 heirs. The property consists of 22 cloth, 22 pewter and 22 other objects. The money is received by 22 heirs - nine relatives and 13 beggars. The total amount of ducats is equal to the total number of quatrains in the first century.

Another version calls typos in Nostradamus’s texts in direct letters, which the author himself said in one of his works:

The sacred order will show you in straight letters the treasures of the East and the West.

If you look at Nostradamus’s typos, you will notice strange coincidences. Thus, straight letters are given in the amount of 11 pieces. Such typos occur on 11 pages. Page 47 will have special significance, since 4+7=11. There are exactly 11 typos on this page. On other pages there are either 22 or 13 typos.

Nostradamus - message to Henry II and son Caesar

As mentioned above, it is not only the centuries and quatrains of the fortuneteller that are of interest. It is believed that there are some clues that can shed light on the secrets of the future of humanity, and they are found in the will, the message to Henry from Nostradamus, as well as the preface to the quatrains addressed to the son of the fortuneteller Caesar.

Thus, in a letter to Henry, Nostradamus wrote that he was able to calculate and calculate the dates and meaning of prophecies about the future, starting from a certain moment. Based on this phrase from the letter, scientists concluded that the quatrains and centuries of Nostradamus are precisely prophecies, and not just poetry.

The prophecies of Nostradamus indicate the dates from the creation of the world according to the Bible and until those times that have not yet come. The soothsayer himself, in a message to Henry II, indicated that they were used to hide the real dating of future events.

Regarding the written address to his son Caesar, scientists were interested in only one phrase. It translates like this:

The world is approaching an anaragonistic revolution. In 177 years, 3 months and 11 days, the population will be so reduced from pestilence, long famine, wars and floods, between this moment and the specified limit.

It is believed that Nostradamus believed in some kind of collapse of the world or the end of the world, which would happen in 2065-2066. It is from here that the general decline of human civilization will begin, which will continue until 2242.

In general, the predictions of Nostradamus, encrypted in quatrains, may seem interesting to almost everyone. However, as the prophet himself believed, the person who was able to decipher his secrets had not yet been born.