Who is a teacher is a beautiful definition. Who is this profession suitable for?

Teacher - profession and position in primary and secondary education general education, which arose as a result of the separation of the latter into a special social function consisting of teaching students.

A teacher is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. Lies on the teacher big circle responsibility for improvement younger generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word and read books.

Individual teachers (with some exceptions in primary school and in some cases) teach various items. Such as: Russian language (as the state language throughout the territory Russian Federation) and literature, native language, mathematics (in secondary and high schools including algebra and geometry), foreign language(there may be several), computer science, information Technology, history, social studies (civics), economics, the world, geography, biology, ecology, chemistry, physics, material technologies, drawing, art, music, world artistic culture (WHC), basics of life safety (life safety), Physical Culture, local history (in Moscow, for example: Moscow studies) and other various subjects (rhetoric, history of religions, philosophy, choreography, etc.). It is also the teacher's responsibility to maintain discipline and organization among students.

It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well; he must have an excellent understanding of pedagogy and child psychology. Specialists in different areas many, but not everyone can become good teachers.

Speech, which should be expressive, emotional, and persuasive, is very important in the teaching profession. The teacher must be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, and understandably for the children.

Personal qualities

Tendency to work with children;

The ability to inspire interest in your idea and lead;

High degree of personal responsibility;

Self-control and poise;

Tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people;

Interest and respect for the other person;

The desire for self-knowledge, self-development;

Originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




Demandingness towards oneself and others;

Observation (the ability to see trends in a child’s development, in the formation of his skills, abilities, and the emergence of needs and interests).

Responsibilities of the teacher

Education various sciences;

Explaining new material in an accessible way of this age And individual characteristics means;

Control over the assimilation of material;

Carrying out educational work with kids;

Help with disclosure creative potential, abilities and capabilities of students;

Identifying the interests and inclinations of students for an adequate selection of programs and teaching methods;

Studying the individual characteristics of children and providing effective psychological and pedagogical influence on them;

Construction of a training program based on knowledge of general age-related patterns of child development;

Assisting in the formation of the student’s personality;

Promoting the development of students’ desire to master new knowledge;

Organization of extracurricular group activities, conducting discussions, disputes, meetings;

Explanation of current social events and phenomena;

Participation in the development and implementation of educational, curricula;

Drawing up thematic and lesson plans;

Preparation of documentation (magazines, reports).

The teaching profession usually requires teacher education. The teacher must be able to express his thoughts competently, convincingly, expressively, simple and in clear language for their pupils. To the main professional qualities teachers include objectivity, observation, resistance to stress, perseverance, and attentiveness. Every teacher should engage in self-improvement: read specialized literature, take part in various competitions, be prepared for advanced training and professional development.

Teacher's professional success in to a greater extent depends on personal qualities teacher, as well as on his knowledge, skills and abilities. The most important professional trait teacher, without whom it is impossible efficient operation, is the love for children.

Places of work: in general educational institutions primary and secondary education, cultural institutions and additional education. Teacher labor is also used in boarding schools, schools for working youth, vocational schools, technical schools, and preschool institutions.

Level wages teachers, as a rule, are not very high and depend on the place of work, professional experience, and amount of responsibility. The teaching profession has the opportunity career growth to the position of a teacher more high category, senior teacher, teacher, school director.

A teacher is not a profession, but a way of life. I am sure that the main thing in a teacher’s work is the development of the soul, the formation of character, and the education of a real Person. For a modern teacher, it is very important to never stop there, but to move forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for boundless creativity.

Olga Yakovleva, mathematic teacher NOU schools"Steps"

In Islam, the teaching profession is very important, in fact, the mentor-student relationship lasts a lifetime and even longer. After all, it is precisely this profession that is associated with the dissemination of knowledge and the formation of connections between generations.

What should it be like? modern teacher? What requirements does the school and students place on him?

Teacher– one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation and shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word and read books.

Many of us remember school with warmth and delight. However different teachers left a different mark on our soul. I would like to meet some of them and even discuss life plans, you can congratulate someone on their holiday or go see them for a cup of tea, but it also happens that you don’t even want to remember someone, and someone has simply disappeared from memory...

Today the demands placed on teachers are very high. professional requirements: universal education, erudition, awareness, progressiveness, ability to lead interesting lessons, give interesting tasks.

It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well; he must have an excellent understanding of pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers.

It is not a fact that a great professional or scientist will be able to teach children, especially at school. This requires a special personality type, unique qualities teacher

Personal qualities required for a teacher :

a penchant for working with children;

the ability to interest oneself in one’s idea, to lead;

high degree personal responsibility;

self-control and balance;

tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people;

interest and respect for the other person;

desire for self-knowledge, self-development;

originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




demanding of oneself and others;

observation (the ability to see trends in a child’s development, in the formation of his abilities, skills, and the emergence of needs and interests).

However, this is not always why children love teachers. According to surveys of schoolchildren, a real teacher is determined by the following data:

1. Personal qualities : Kindness. Cheerfulness. Equilibrium. Friendly disposition. The ability to understand and trust. Respect for the individual and human dignity. Tolerance. Tact. Honesty. Sense of humor.

2. Organizational qualities : Democratic. Collegiality and collaboration. Justice. Subsequence. The desire to help. Enthusiasm. Responsibility.

3. Business qualities : Knowledge of your subject. Ability to interest. Ability to explain clearly and interestingly.

4. Appearance : Ability to dress well. A pleasant voice. General attractiveness.

The profession of a teacher requires, as a rule, pedagogical education. Him in currently can be obtained in colleges (usually this is the level of a teacher preschool institutions or teachers primary classes) or pedagogical or general universities (bachelor's degree - 4 years - with the right to teach certain academic disciplines at school, master's degree - 2-3 years - additional right to occupy leadership positions and conduct research work, postgraduate study - 3 years - the right to teach in higher educational institutions).

However, a teacher’s education does not end there – every few years he is required to undergo retraining in special universities(advanced training), since science is constantly moving forward and the teacher must teach children using not only old practices, but also the latest techniques.

In addition, every teacher must constantly engage in self-education: read specialized literature, take part in various competitions, and be prepared for advanced training and professional development. After all, in modern schools It is no longer uncommon for a student to be more informed on some issues (using the Internet, encyclopedias and other sources of information) than his teacher.

And you also need to remember that not only the teacher educates and teaches children, the students also influence him, teaching and educating the teacher in turn. The exchange of knowledge between generations at school is ongoing, as if turning into a single balanced system of circulation. Not all adults can demonstrate a willingness to learn from a child, and without it it is unlikely that it will be possible to become a full-fledged teacher.

A teacher's responsibilities are varied. :

teaching various sciences;

explanation of new material using means accessible to a given age and individual characteristics;

control of material assimilation;

carrying out educational work with children;

assistance in revealing the creative potential, abilities and capabilities of students;

identifying the interests and inclinations of students for an adequate selection of programs and teaching methods;

studying the individual characteristics of children and providing effective psychological and pedagogical influence on them;

building a training program based on knowledge of general age-related patterns of child development;

providing assistance in shaping the student’s personality;

promoting the development of students’ desire to master new knowledge;

organizing extracurricular group activities, conducting discussions, disputes, meetings;

explanation of current social events and phenomena;

participation in the development and implementation of educational and training programs;

drawing up thematic and lesson plans;

preparation of documentation (magazines, reports).

The worst thing about the teaching profession is the lack of a true calling and indifference to children. It's no secret that students pedagogical universities, especially in the outback, these are often children who were unable to enroll somewhere else, and they want to get at least some “crusts” about higher education. There are, of course, genuine enthusiastic teachers, but there are only a few of them.

But you won’t be able to deceive a child. He will respond to the teacher’s indifference with indifference to his subject, to the falsehood in his words - with his deception, to inattention - with restlessness and poor performance... A teacher in any situation must be honest with his students, be able to find relationships with them mutual language, understand children's problems and, where possible, solve them. He must love each of his students equally, without giving preference to anyone...

A modern teacher must be able to identify all the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of every child, to encourage children, not just to teach them a subject, but to prepare them for entering a new, mysterious, independent adult life.

Will there be school years memorable or they will pass by the child indifferently - largely, if not entirely, depends on the teacher.

Of course, the position of a teacher is now low-paid, not prestigious, and not popular. But this is not a reason to educate a degenerate generation in schools. Living in a rapidly degrading society is somehow unattractive.

Of course, the state must provide for teachers and respect their work. They are the key to the future development of the nation; they have always been the conscience of Russia. Perhaps someday our society will need teachers as they are now needed in England, France, Germany, the USA, Canada... In these countries, the position of a teacher is very prestigious, and you can get a place in a school only after numerous exams and checks.

May Allah grant that we remember every person who taught us something, no matter how small, throughout our lives with warmth, love and respect.

A teacher is one of the most in-demand professions. It is necessary regardless of geographical location, type political structure, fashion trends. Once upon a time, when labor was not divided into specific professions, only the oldest and most experienced members of the tribes became teachers. As society developed, representatives of this profession began to practice special skills. Thus, the work of a teacher turned into a craft.

Relevance of the teacher's work

The concept of who a teacher is appeared in Europe already in late XVIII V. In the modern world, this profession is gaining everything higher value in view of scientific and technological progress. Teachers accompany each child almost from infancy. And the rhythm of life modern man so high and intense that you have to study throughout your entire life - not excluding retirement age.

How did the profession originate?

Who a teacher is has been known since the time of Confucius. The philosopher wrote in his writings that teachers should pass on knowledge from generation to generation. A significant breakthrough in the development of this profession was made during the times of Ancient Greece. The first educational institutions appeared here for the first time. These were boarding schools, schools, lyceums. Often the ancient Greek philosophers themselves acted as teachers in their own schools. Since the Middle Ages, education has become compulsory for every clergyman and ruler. Then education gradually began to become widespread. Almost all representatives of the upper strata of the population began to study. Education also became available to women. Special closed institutes were created for them.


Most precise definition This profession was given in Ozhegov’s dictionary: “A teacher is a person who teaches something.” D. N. Ushakov’s dictionary defines representatives of this craft as those who “are engaged in teaching any subject in the lower or high school" According to small academic dictionary In the Russian language, a teacher is someone who teaches a subject within the walls of a school, or someone who instructs and teaches others.

What should a teacher be like?

Anyone who has thought about who a teacher is could discover in practice one important pattern: In addition to a thorough knowledge of the subject being taught, a successful and effective representative of this profession must have excellent communication skills. If he does not know how to communicate with his audience - be it first-graders or students preparing to enter graduate school - the value of his knowledge will tend to zero. After all, he will not be able to convey them - which means that students will not be able to assimilate and apply them in practice.

Besides, good teacher must have great patience and the ability to respect the student’s personality. Who is a teacher if not the one who managed to find individual approach to the student, allowing him to assimilate the required amount of knowledge as effectively as possible? Therefore, a good teacher is not only an author scientific works having all the necessary diplomas. This is also a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey knowledge to a specific student.

You can give various definitions what a teacher means. However, we can say for sure that this profession is creative, and it has both positive and negative sides. In addition to the creative element, the work of a teacher is not without routine. After all, it is he who has to constantly compile educational plans, check homework. To be a successful representative of his profession, he needs to carefully carry out all this routine work. A teacher, in addition to the main element of his work - teaching - has many other responsibilities.

Who does the teacher work with?

A professional teacher must also be a strong-willed, restrained person. After all, he has to work with one of the most difficult age groups- teenagers. For students in this category, not only attention is required, but also the ability to maintain discipline. Educational process should not be disrupted due to students being distracted by gadgets, communication, or games. As for working with older students, as a rule, much more problems arise with them. less problems, because puberty is behind them, and it comes to the fore professional self-determination. However, when working with young men, the teacher must also show attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to organize the educational process in a quality manner.

Who is a teacher: description

What other things, besides teaching, is a teacher busy with? His responsibilities typically include the following:

  • Drawing up a training plan.
  • Preparing for lessons, drawing up lesson plans.
  • Selection of the most effective techniques training.
  • Working on compiling various official documents: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
  • Control of student behavior.
  • Self-education. Each representative of this profession must study throughout his life.

Requirements for teachers

The first thing every good teacher should have is an excellent knowledge of his subject area. A teacher must be able to know a lot, and at the same time constantly develop. Must also have flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure. The teacher must also love children and find a common language not only with students, but also with their parents. Inherent qualities good teacher- This good memory, intelligence, attention to detail.

Profession "teacher": all the pros and cons

The advantages of this profession, as a rule, include:

  • Flexible work schedule. Typically, a teacher’s working day ends by three o’clock in the afternoon, while office workers are forced to endure the arrival of the cherished 18:00.
  • Long holidays, holidays. The teacher, as a rule, goes on vacation with his students.
  • An interesting job that involves different kinds activities: today the teacher is preparing a seminar, tomorrow he holds competitions among students, the day after tomorrow there is a holiday. Many teachers say that their calling is the only thing that keeps them in the profession despite all the difficulties.
  • Respect in society, the importance of the profession. Despite the fact that all professions are important to society, it is still customary to show special respect to teachers.
  • Opportunity to earn extra money through tutoring.

But despite the many advantages of the teaching profession, there are also disadvantages:

  • The need to always conform educational standards and standards, master new programs.
  • Additional workload in the form of working from home - checking homework, preparing for lessons.
  • As a rule, work in a female team.
  • Lack of prospects for career growth.
  • Low salary.

The question of who is a real teacher is very often raised by people modern society, and it can be called more philosophical than substantive. In fact, it is very difficult to give the word “teacher” short definition, because people of this profession occupy one of the most important niches in society.

Essay-reflection "A real teacher"

“The definition of the word “teacher” most often includes the following - this is a person who teaches other people in some way scientific disciplines or skills. But in fact, the task of a real teacher is not simply to convey the experience accumulated by mankind. the main objective any teacher is to instill in each student a desire to learn, develop their talents and strive to achieve success not only within the disciplines they study, but also in life.

Coping with this global task Not every teacher succeeds, since the field of pedagogy is very difficult and requires constant dedication, physical and emotional. It happens that a person may simply not have enough vital energy in order to educate dozens, or even hundreds of people.

From this we can conclude that a real teacher is a person who constantly gives all of himself, his time and energy in order to instill in others the desire to gain knowledge and explore this world."

Teacher: definition and meaning of the profession

"K. Ushinsky wrote that in the process of education, absolutely everything should be based on the personality of the teacher, since the power of education can only flow from a living human, personal source. Based on the words of the Russian founder scientific pedagogy, we can conclude that the teacher must by nature have a large supply internal energy, charisma and the ability to captivate his students to unlock their potential. One more allegorical definition can be given: a teacher is a sculptor who must create a masterpiece from a stubborn material.

Educating people, teaching them something new is extremely difficult, because it requires perseverance and spiritual breadth, which will allow you to see individuality in a person and reveal his talents, which the person himself may not even be aware of. Overall this great profession personifies nobility and humanity. And this is exactly what a teacher should be, since a selfish, cruel and domineering nature can never become a good teacher.

Everyone puts something of their own into the definition of “teacher,” based on past experience, since for some he is a teacher, and for others he is a tyrant and despot. People who take it upon themselves must meet the requirements of this profession, be humane, honest, open and constantly work on internal self-improvement.”

The importance of teachers in the life of every person

"Teachers are people without whom it is impossible to imagine the life of society. From time immemorial, teachers pass on the thousand-year experience of humanity to new people, while opening a frightening curtain of mystery. A person who does not possess a certain set knowledge is a lost personality, overcome by fear. It is teachers who save fragile minds from the fear of new things.

But, in addition to the knowledge that teachers convey, they also teach unformed personalities important things- a sense of responsibility, duty, and the ability to put collective interests at the forefront. The burden of a teacher is very heavy, and only a person with a kind and sincere heart can cope with it.

To summarize, we can say that in every person beats a piece of the heart of the teacher who was able to teach him love, patience and diligence. Therefore teachers are irreplaceable people, thanks to which a person not only becomes smarter, but also develops as a person.”

People Called to Be Teachers

“Everyone chooses their own path, but those people who decide to become teachers are already brave individuals who have taken on the burden of responsibility that they will have to carry through life. This burden lies in the ability not only to teach their students, but to educate them in them honest and decent people for the benefit of the whole society.

It often happens that students cannot appreciate their teachers in time; they resist their instructions and try to prove that they themselves can do everything. But after long years everyone remembers teachers and mentally bows to them, because the contribution they make to education for us and for our sake is incomparable with any material benefits.

Real teachers who have chosen the path to be a guiding light for fragile minds are real heroes, of whom there are many in society. Thanks to teachers, civilized society still exists and develops."