Maple seed for Dushinsky presentation. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, the founder of scientific pedagogy, the presentation was prepared by a student

Lesson on the topic “Spelling in consoles”

The purpose of the lesson: systematize and generalize the rules for spelling words with spelling patterns in prefixes; improve relevant spelling skills.

Org moment.

I am glad to welcome not only you guys, but also guests (my colleagues) to class today. Today is an exciting and responsible lesson for us. In order to tune in to the lesson, we will evaluate the mood with which you start work today.


Your mood with which you start work today

First, let’s remember “Stylistic figures of speech”

Exercise. Find the hidden words (the first letters are highlighted). Write them down in your notebook.

We develop visual memory.

1) grandmaster

2) hieroglyph

3) idyll

4) distilled

5) pastime

6) grapefruit

7) accompaniment

For 1-2 minutes, study the written words, paying special attention to those in which you could make mistakes (find “error-prone” places).

Let's complete the following task. Remember and write down the words in your notebook in the following order:

1) word number 2; (hieroglyph)

2) words containing two letters L; (idyll, distilled)

3) a word that contains the prefix pre; (pastime)

4) a word containing the letter F; (grapefruit)

5) a word containing two letters C; (grandmaster)

6) a word starting with A, with two To in the middle; (accompaniment)

We exchange notebooks and check our neighbor’s work.

Today in the lesson we will repeat spellings that we covered in previous lessons. Because Repetition is the mother of (what?)...(learning).

What do you remember about consoles? What it is? (part of a word, located before the root and used to form words) A prefix is ​​also called a prefix.

PREFIX (French prefix, from Latin praefixus - attached in front) (prefix), part of a word, stands before the root and serves to form new words.

What rules for spelling prefixes do we know?

(remember the rule)

From the given list of words, young men, choose words with a prefix from-, a, d evushki, with attachment O-: selection, taste, harden, turn away, leave, hotel, bite off, ebb, imprint, poisoning, cut, shake off, dull, paternal, fatherland.


Explanation: in words hotel, paternal and fatherland no attachment.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

The peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the logs...

Students independently perform syntactic analysis of the sentence.

After completing the task, a check is carried out and a description of the proposal is given(by the purpose of the statement - narrative; by intonation - non-exclamatory; by the number of stems - simple (one grammatical stem of the sentence); by the presence of main members - two-part; by the presence of secondary members - common; complicated by an isolated circumstance, expressed by a gerund)

Morphological analysis of nouns. Peasant (narrative, soulful, concr., m.r., 2nd class; in im.p., singular. Renews (who?) the peasant.

During dictation, fill out the punched card from left to right. One of two letters fits into each cell of the square (b or b, depending on the decision made).

At the end of the work, connect with a line (Ъ), resulting in a certain pattern. If the resulting drawing coincides with the test drawing - the answer, then the task was completed correctly.

Task 1. Decide what you will write - ь or ъ.

1. Rise, adjutant, bindweed, billiards, view.
2. Pedestal, anniversary, monkey, pavilion, seven.
3. Battalion, edible, flaw, ad, four-tiered.
4. Serious, move out, embossed, piano, move out.
5. Family, object, separate, corrosive, tongueless.

Connect the cells in which b is written. (Should turn out to be b)

Now going to the board _____________

And the rest do exercise 123 in notebooks (textbook by A.I. Vlasenkov and L.M. Rybchenkova “Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles”).

Exercise: Write down the words with the prefix pre-, leave the place of the words with the prefix empty. Number the examples.

1. Pr...glue,

2. pr...darling,

3. pr…reconciliation,

4. pr…saturation,


6. (door),

7. pr...have time,

8. pr...grada,

9. pr...stand up,


Entry in notebooks:

2. cute,

4. satiety,

7. succeed,

8. obstacle,

10. wonderful.

Doing a crossword puzzle


3. Interference. 4. Object. 5. Trust. 7. Doorman

8. About a soup that doesn’t have enough broth. 10. Staying somewhere for a long time.

11. Teacher. 12. Fictional additions to the story.


1. Involve someone in the story. 2. To act in the highest degree noble.

3. Tame. 4. “Stop it!” 5. Highly intricate.

6. Raise slightly (colloquial form). 7. Obstacle.

9. Overpower. 10. Stop the process.


3. Obstacle. 4. Bicker. 5. Delegate. 7. Gatekeeper. 8. Pregustoy. 10. Stay. 11. Teacher. 12. Embellishments.


1. Confuse. 2. Honorable. 3. Tame. 4. Stop it. 5. Quirky. 6. Raise. 7. Obstacle. 9. Overcome. 10. Stop.

Self-assessment of mood at the end of work:

Your mood with which you finished the lesson.

Grading. Homework.

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Prepared by: Gulnara Sergeevna Esmagulova, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 3, Aksai, Republic of Kazakhstan

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In 1824, on March 2, in Tula, a son was born into the Ushinsky family, who glorified the family name - Konstantin Dmitrievich. She kindly accepted his life. He experienced neither strict punishments, nor domestic squabbles, nor poverty in childhood. Little Ushinsky spent the first eleven years of his childhood especially happily while his mother was alive.

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The fortune of his father, Dmitry Grigorievich, was not great, consisting of a hundred acres of land and 30 serfs; nevertheless, he was the most prominent person among the Novgorod-Seversk nobles both in terms of education and home life. This, by the way, can be judged by the fact that he had a good library, compiled by himself.

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Konstantin Dmitrievich’s mother, Lyubov Stepanovna, herself supervised his initial studies and managed to instill in her son the remarkably strong inclinations of educational training, giving him excellent direction in this regard, awakening in him curiosity and inquisitiveness, a love of reading.

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K. D. Ushinsky studied at the Novgorod-Severskaya gymnasium, where he was an exemplary student, read a lot, often initiated debates on various topics, and could not tolerate sycophancy among students or the injustice of some teachers.

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After graduating from high school, Ushinsky entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Law, which he graduated brilliantly in 1844.

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Teacher at the Yaroslavl Legal Lyceum Minor official at the Ministry of Internal Affairs Teacher and inspector at the Gatchina Orphan Institute Class inspector at the Smolny Institute

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Visited Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and Italy. A moment of sadness An involuntary wanderer among the warm fields, I grieve for my cold homeland: For our deep snows, For our pine forests, The sea is beautiful here and the mountains are wonderful, And the heavenly light here is beautiful, Nature is so good! But the steppe soul groans and aches! Poem written abroad.

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The main work of his life, this is how Ushinsky understood his major work - “Man as a subject of education.” This book has become the best guide for any teacher. A guide in the world of science.

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Raven and Magpie The spotted magpie was jumping on the branches of the tree and chatting incessantly, and the raven sat silently. - Why are you silent, kumanek, or don’t you believe what I’m telling you? - the magpie finally asked. “I don’t believe it well, gossip,” answered the raven, “whoever talks as much as you do probably lies a lot!”

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Goose and crane. A goose swims on the pond and talks loudly to itself: “What an amazing bird I am!” And I walk on the ground, and swim on the water, and fly through the air: there is no other bird like this in the world! I am the king of all birds! The crane overheard the goose and said to him: “You stupid bird, goose!” Well, can you swim like a pike, run like a deer, or fly like an eagle? It’s better to know one thing, but it’s good, than everything, but it’s bad.

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“a necessary condition for the correct development of a person is WORK” “learning is work and serious work” “Industriousness is the basis of human happiness”

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Many peoples have deep respect for the memory of the great Russian teacher. A number of educational institutions were named after Ushinsky, and scholarships were established in his name. For outstanding pedagogical works and services in the field of upbringing and education, the best teachers, scientists and public figures are awarded the USHINSKY MEDAL.

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Slide captions:

K. D. Ushinsky is a great teacher and writer. K.D. Ushinsky about children Compiled by: Kochkaeva Larisa Anatolyevna primary school teacher of MKOU "OSH No. 2" p. Odesskoe

The bell rang and stopped. Everyone gathered us for class. They stood up straight, sat down quietly, and everyone looked at me. Don't yawn in class, but work and read. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Game "Ladder" R _ _ R _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ horn, rock lynx, fish fisherman homeland joy

Game “Syllable Lotto” Make up as many words as possible with the syllables RA RO Rainbow, frame, mountain, rams, hole, drum; company, road, gate, feather, roses, bucket. Name the objects in the class whose names contain the sounds [t], [t ′] Table, chair, flower, picture, desk

K. D. Ushinsky devoted a lot of time to compiling books for reading and primary education: “Children’s World” and “Native Word”.

Books by K.D. Ushinsky for children

With the help of Russian folk tales, proverbs, sayings, riddles, and excerpts from the works of Russian writers, K.D. Ushinsky introduced children to the great world of the Russian word. For many generations of Russian children, the joy of discovering the beauty and power of their native language was associated with the textbook “Native Word”.

p.95– Working with a story

Expressive reading by role Work in groups Prepare an expressive reading of the story by role. – What did they ask Grisha? - What did he answer? – What kind of help did you ask Grisha for? - What did he answer?

Physical exercise Quickly all the guys stood up, quickly raised their hands up, and quickly clapped 5 times. And now the blinking of the eyes: Quickly - quickly blinked And... they tapped their feet. They quickly leaned to the left and immediately straightened up! Right - left 10 times - The tired class rested. Like penguins they flew and sat quietly at their desks.

Brother says to sister: “Don’t touch my top!” The sister answers her brother: “Don’t touch my dolls!” The children sat in different corners, but soon they both became bored. K. D. Ushinsky Together it’s crowded, but apart it’s boring

What advice would you give to children? Why did the children sit in different corners? 2. Why did they get bored? 3. Read the title again. Try to explain how you understand it. 4 . REMEMBER: these words have become a proverb, and you can also use it in your speech.

Work in pairs Retell the story in pairs

Four wishes

Morning rays

Creative work. Story Writing – Create your own stories based on real-life situations

Lesson summary What stories did you come across? Who is their author? What lesson did you learn from these stories?

Students are given an individual card, in Lesson I am in the lesson Result 1. interesting 1. worked 1. understood the material 2. bored 2. rested 2. learned more than I knew 3. indifferent 3. helped others 3. did not understand Reflection technique “Evaluate yourself at the lesson"

Thanks for the work!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Development of fine motor skills in children of primary school age during visual arts classes in an orphanage"

The development of fine motor skills in art classes helps to improve the development of school programs....

This presentation presents a model of psychological support for orphans and children without parental care. Acceptable in the work of social teachers and workers....

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Slide captions:

Konstantin Dmitrievich Shinsky biography

Little boy Ostya was born in 1824. Tula city Kostya

Dad was an officer.

Mom died when the boy was 12 years old.

Kostya studied well at school and read a lot. School and teacher Kostya

At the age of 16, Konstantin studied at the university. University and teacher Konstantin

At the age of 22, Konstantin Dmitrievich worked as a teacher. Konstantin D Mitrievich - school teacher

Shinsky had a large family. dad mom family

Shinsky worked a lot. school library

he checked the school. At Shinsky K.D. school

He wrote books. Books for children Books for teachers

He was published in newspapers and magazines. newspapers magazines

Ushinsky died in 1870 and was buried in the city of Ieva. U Shinsky K.D. is buried

In Moscow there is a library named after K.D. Shinsky, there is a monument. library monument

The best teachers receive a medal named after K.D. from Shinsky. University Teacher Medal

Nowadays, children read books by Shinsky.

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